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S04.E04: From Instinct to Rational Control

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12 minutes ago, slf said:

We finally found out about the murder of clones at Helsinki and Ferdinand was almost set on fire and blown up, but easily the most horrifying thing this episode is what we learned about Alison and Donnie's sex life. Merda.

I did not need to hear that.

And I will add I did not need to see Donnie jerking off either. I mean it wasn't a big deal, but I could have done without it thank you very much.  And when I read the ep description about Felix and Donnie going into the fertility clinic, my thoughts right away was they'd be posing as a couple. 

Bye Helena... yet again! At least you didn't get kidnapped while you left.



 Helena buries her cryo-cylinder full of defunct eggs in Alison's garden and walks out into the world with nothing but the clothes she's wearing, the twins in her belly, and Reese Witherspoon's backpack from Wild on her shoulders


HA! That's the same thing I was thinking when I saw her put on that very full and heavy backpack!

MK/Vera-  get down with your bad self, swiping all of Ferdinand's money. I love that shot of Rachel's picture when it was on her back and also her reflection in Ferdinand's glasses.


 It looks like she was the one who flushed Sarah out of hiding in Iceland, in hopes of using Sarah to flush out Ferdinand.

I surely didn't see that as end game as to what MK's deal was, very interesting and great scene with her and Ferdinand and Sarah.

I'm guessing somehow Felix and Sarah will get back to be closer than there are now, because ouch.

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I was glad that Allison/Donnie/Felix were not just comic relief, although I guess the phone sex was intended to be humorous. I really could have done without that.    I never thought I would feel sorry for Rachel, but I do, and hope that she, Ferdinand and Charlotte can go off somewhere and be a family.

I'm not really happy about Helena going off on her own - I really hope she is integrated into the main plot sooner rather than later (which I assume is the whole point of her pregnancy).

I love Sarah. Not initially, it took me a while to warm up to her, but now I love her. But as much as I love her she needs to learn how to handle stress better. "Carry your weight for once!" Like wtf, Sarah. Alison has financed almost the entire operation, has supplied drugs, guns, urine, has risked exposure and imprisonment to get an implant, has gone undercover, taught Sarah how to shoot, etc. God forbid she also try to keep her life together in the meantime. Sarah's been doing the same to Felix: drop whatever you're doing and do this thing because I say so. And with the snottiest attitude, as well. 

I get it, she's afraid and exhausted. She's been running since this started. But she's not the only one. Helena, Cosima, Alison, and MK were all doing this long before she showed up. Alison has kids to worry about, too. Cosima and MK have lost people. Helena was impregnated against her will, ffs. Everyone's stressed and dealing with that the best way they know how. And almost everyone is doing that without shitting on the others, except Sarah. The preview for next week shows Felix laying into her and as rough as that's going to be I think she needs to hear it.

MK's associate, is he Irish? What is his purpose? I've read a few theories and some are suggesting he might be a new love interest for Sarah. Do not want.

  • Love 16

Awww, Helena. It's weird how people either treat her like she's dangerous or like she's a simpleton but she's a lot more perceptive and sensitive than people think. Once Donnie brought up Alison, she immediately understood that she was jealous and angry. Then she left so that Alison wouldn't feel so bad.

Ferdinand is a great villain because he's creepy, scary, and still hilarious. I loved how excited he was about the kitchen and how he started cooking immediately. When S told Benjamin to take Ferdinand in the other room to eat alone, I cracked up at Ferdinand offering to share his frittata with Benjamin.

I'm not sure how I feel about Veera/MK. I get her paranoia and her need to avenge the six sisters and thirty two friends/loved ones who were killed in Helsinki. And I also get that she barely knows Sarah so her need for revenge is stronger than her loyalty to Sarah and Sarah's agenda. And let's be honest - it was nice to see Ferdinand the one being threatened for once.

Strangely, I don't feel the same way about Rachel. I mean, I'm glad that she's no longer the ice bitch manipulating her sisters, but I haven't gone so far as to enjoy her being held hostage in an undisclosed location with only Susan, Ira, and Charlotte. Sure, it's a much more comfortable prison than Helena had, but to be physically incapacitated and at the mercy of the mother who pretended she was dead? That's got to suck. Last week I liked seeing that Charlotte and Rachel were allies when we saw them communicating about the message Rachel had Charlotte send. But now that Susan knows, I guess they won't be allowed to play together anymore.

As much as I love the sestras' relationships with each other, I also really enjoy seeing the other relationships that have developed. When Sarah snapped at Alison, Felix immediately offered to help Alison, which I thought was mostly because he knew that Sarah was being harsh and Alison was upset. I also enjoyed the awkward Felix and Donnie partnership at the clinic. I was actually a little surprised when Felix asked if he had any gay friends and Donnie said no. I thought that Donnie would say, "Just one - you." But I'm going to pretend that the reason Donnie said no is because he considers Felix to be family.

I'm okay with Dizzy sticking around. Having a hacker around is always useful and now that MK isn't on the sestra team, he can add that skill to the clone club. I was really surprised that Sarah was honest with him about being a clone.

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Co-sign Electric Boogaloo's entire post but I'm still wary about Dizzy. I like the character and all he's done to help Sarah but this show has ruined me when it comes to one character quickly welcoming another into the Clone Club world like Sarah did with Dizzy, Felix with his bio-sister, etc. And I feel torn about MK's true motives. Revenge of course is understandable but to leave the sestras like that was just cold (to me). Alison and Donnie are the freakiest on this show and I LOVE it. Two spicy meatballs, indeed. LOL

I'm always amazed at how the writers manage to have so many different emotional notes within one episode (and, of course, how Tatiana Maslany manages to play them). There's always fear and suspense, but the broad humor of "Air Italia" and Alison's Broadway stylings in the coffee shop (although the show has trained me to be still suspicious of her friend), the straightforward dignity of Felix' schooling Donnie on making assumptions about how gays behave; the been-there-done-that-and-over-it loving exasperation of Mrs. S. bringing Sarah and Felix in line, and the utter heartbreak of Helena's gentle funeral for her "science babies" are amazing ingredients to add to the stew.

Who is currently the most "orphan" among the clones? Sarah has the Clone Club, but she's constrained to act as director rather than having any time to get the emotional benefit. Cosima has a purpose and a coworker, but she's still in dodgy physical shape and has a Delphine-shaped hole in her life. Alison is still dancing as fast as she can to mask pain with supercompetence, Rachel has been forcibly distanced from her mother and is likely to be forcibly distanced from her mini-clone with so far only the icy Ira for companionship and the remote hope of help from a wild card. MK has schooled herself too well in isolation to get the benefits of "sestra"-integration. Ironically, Helena, for all her feral upbringing and homicidal impulses, seems to have made the most progress opening up emotionally, and I fervently hope that the feeling of family she's developed gives her comfort and strength in whatever adventures she pitches herself into solo (and that she doesn't have to solo too long!). Felix is still a literal orphan and is feeling orphaned from his established family.

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Watching Ferdinand's interactions w/ everyone is awesome. James Frain always has so much fun playing these parts. And S's telling him that she was cutting one of the wires, then she's going to leave the building before he's allowed to stand up - excellent.

So, Scott's pissed off that Leekie never gave him a raise. We learned last episode that the entire timeline from Sarah seeing Beth commit suicide to now is six months. Scott didn't begin working for Dyad until sometime later. Which means he felt he was owed a raise after what, 4 months, at most? Damn, Scotty. Either you have a tremendously over-inflated ego, or a complete lack of understanding of how corporate life works.

Sarah has been a bigger bitch to Felix and now Alison this season than ever before. Admittedly she hasn't slept and has a worm!bot in her cheek, but she's got to start toning it down.

5 hours ago, molshoop said:

I'm drawing a complete blank on the Helsinki Massacre. When and why did it happen ?

I believe it happened before the series began. It almost certainly occurred before we first met Ferdinand. Apparently Helena wasn't the only one killing clones at that time.

  • Love 2
16 hours ago, slf said:

We finally found out about the murder of clones at Helsinki and Ferdinand was almost set on fire and blown up, but easily the most horrifying thing this episode is what we learned about Alison and Donnie's sex life. Merda.

I did not need to hear that.

I did, It had me rolling on the floor. I have been running around the house telling my dog she is Muy Grande and asking her if she needs help with her seat belt. She just waits for a cookie and otherwise does not react,. Time to go out and harass my friends with quotes. corn cob. 

6 months this all happened in 6 months?  that is a lot of traveling around the world, I missed when that was defined and I have watched it twice already. Heck Helena did a lot before getting pregnant and she looks like she is going to pop soon. I wonder why Beth's apartment is still there and still free with no one watching everyone coming and going in it? 

As far as Felix helping Allysson, I think there is something of them being more of a kinship relationship than with any other of the sisters.

Edited by holly4755
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Earlier on this season when Art & Sarah first went back to Beth's apt Art said that the rent was paid up until the end of the year (or was that month?) and apparently her "family" has not come to take away of the boxes/clutter, etc.

About MK sort of baiting Sarah to return from Iceland. It might have been a ploy to get things moving again (so eventually MK could seek her revenge), but we saw that there was actually someone or someones coming after them by the lights they saw coming over the hill when they looked out the window. So who was that?

4 hours ago, Loandbehold said:

I believe it happened before the series began. It almost certainly occurred before we first met Ferdinand. Apparently Helena wasn't the only one killing clones at that time.

Helsinki was mentioned in the S3 opener, IIRC. Unless I'm mistaken, basically the clones became self aware and Dyad decided to kill them because they were getting out of control, and in other to pass off their deaths as accidents they killed a bunch of their families, too. It's what Ferdinand was gonna do to Alison, Cosima and etc, too, per Rachel's orders, but Sarah and Delphine stopped him.

I didn't get the impression that MK got Sarah out hiding just to carry out her revenge. I thought she really did want to help her, then stumbled upon Ferdinand when Sarah gave her the Rachel info, and he was the one she was looking for all along. If MK really did get Sarah out of Iceland on purpose and etc, then the writing was really clunky. I thought it was clunky too that the big tip that led them to the fertility clinic was that what's her name just oh so happened to run into Alison and told her everything. I wasn't a big fan of the Rachel/Susan subplot, and I don't even know what they're doing with Helena.

I wasn't a big fan of this one, honestly.

And please, OB, never, ever show another visual metaphor for semen. Please.


Helsinki was mentioned in the S3 opener, IIRC. Unless I'm mistaken, basically the clones became self aware and Dyad decided to kill them because they were getting out of control, and in other to pass off their deaths as accidents they killed a bunch of their families, too. 

But we know that MK was already helping Beth before the latter committed suicide. I think she must have already escaped from Helsinki, albeit with her face burned, before Sarah hit the screen.

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58 minutes ago, Loandbehold said:

But we know that MK was already helping Beth before the latter committed suicide. I think she must have already escaped from Helsinki, albeit with her face burned, before Sarah hit the screen.

Yes, Helsinki happened before the show started. What I meant is that in the S3 premier they mentioned it, in the context that Rachel and Ferdinand were gonna pull a Helsinki and kill Alison, Cosima, etc and their families.  They were basically saying that the situation was repeating itself and they had to do the same thing again.

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They are making SUCH better use of James Frain this season.

And I needed a palate cleanser after they made him do that American accent in True Detective S2. (Why do you hire James Frain and then make him do an American accent? Because you're True Detective S2, that's why.)

So much improvement overall this year. It's good when a show can (I assume) learn from feedback.

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23 hours ago, slf said:

We finally found out about the murder of clones at Helsinki and Ferdinand was almost set on fire and blown up, but easily the most horrifying thing this episode is what we learned about Alison and Donnie's sex life. Merda.

I did not need to hear that.

I found their phone sex exchange both funny and utterly terrifying at the same time. I do really love how they have shown over the series how straight laced they may look they are actually freaky in the boudoir!

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How come all the allies they make outside the family are men? The only female ally they had was Delphine, and she's been shot and disappeared. Women are trustworthy, too, so let's make some balance happen. Maybe Helena will make a friend while she's on the road.

As soon as Donnie told Helena about Allison's feelings, I knew Helena would leave. It makes me sad. I loved her being part of that family. I hope Allison misses her and they get her back quickly.

Sarah was shitty to Felix and now has been shitty to Allison. I was absolutely shocked that she suggested Allison hadn't been pulling her weight, and also that Allison accepted it.

I find it strange that no one seems to know Beth is dead.

  • Love 5
17 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Awww, Helena. It's weird how people either treat her like she's dangerous or like she's a simpleton but she's a lot more perceptive and sensitive than people think. Once Donnie brought up Alison, she immediately understood that she was jealous and angry. Then she left so that Alison wouldn't feel so bad.

Agreed, to your whole post but especially this. Helena has come to really care about the Hendrix family and she doesn't want to be a source of pain for Alison. Such a great moment for the character.

14 hours ago, Cyranetta said:

I'm always amazed at how the writers manage to have so many different emotional notes within one episode (and, of course, how Tatiana Maslany manages to play them). There's always fear and suspense, but the broad humor of "Air Italia" and Alison's Broadway stylings in the coffee shop (although the show has trained me to be still suspicious of her friend), the straightforward dignity of Felix' schooling Donnie on making assumptions about how gays behave; the been-there-done-that-and-over-it loving exasperation of Mrs. S. bringing Sarah and Felix in line, and the utter heartbreak of Helena's gentle funeral for her "science babies" are amazing ingredients to add to the stew.

Alison's friend! I was so happy to see her again; she seems to genuinely care about Alison and supports her. Them singing in the coffee shop was so cute. I'd love to see her more. And Helena's funeral was both sad but also humorous ("Little science babies, forgive me; I did not know to feed you liquid nitrogens.").

Special shout-out to Cosima's "Alison and Donnie are total psychos, but this is a goldmine."

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Felix and Donnie going undercover as a couple to a fertility clinic was the greatest.  I hope they plan on keeping the act going in future "missions." Especially if Alison continues to be their handler.  Although, next time, they can leave out finding anything more about Alison and Donnie's sex life, even if I was cracking up over the entire thing.  But I guess it also served a possible test for a future French clone Tatiana Maslany could play.

Sarah and her rudeness seems to be getting worse by the episode.  She was already getting bad with Felix, but bitching about Alison needing to "pull her weight" was a horrible thing to say, especially since Alison has stepped up several times, even if she complains about it.  She really is going to have isolated everyone by the end of the season, at the rate she's been going.

Glad to get more of M.K.  So, she was close with another clone, who was murdered at the hands of none other then Ferdinand himself.  This entire time, she was trying to find him, rob him blind, and then blow him sky high as an added bonus.  At least she got his money, but Mrs. S managed to prevent the whole dead thing, which I appreciate.  He might be an evil bastard, but he is such a blast to watch.  And I love that his feelings for Rachel seem to be real (and vice versa.)  But I love all of his interactions; especially with Mrs. S., since it reminded me that both Marie Doyle Kennedy and James Frain were in The Tudors years ago.

Noticed that Josh Vokey got upgraded to the main credits this time.  Yay, Scott!  Who needs a raise from that stupid Dr. Leekie, when you get your name in the opening credits?!

Susan knew Rachel was communicating with Ferdinand this entire time, and was just using them to get to Sarah.  Uh oh!

Don't go, Helena!  I loved her with the Hendrixs and was hoping we might get some more Helena/Alison scenes.  I hope this isn't it for them.

Hey, that Evie character who was hanging with Leekie way back in the premiere makes a return in that video.  Figured she was going to end up playing a part in all of this.

Continuing to enjoy this season a lot more compared to last year.

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next time, they can leave out finding anything more about Alison and Donnie's sex life, even if I was cracking up over the entire thing.  But I guess it also served a possible test for a future French clone Tatiana Maslany could play.


I have been running around the house telling my dog she is Muy Grande

It was actually Italian (Donnie requested "a little Air Italia") and she told him that he was "grande" and "molto duro" ("muy" is Spanish). Sorry to nitpick but it's rare in my daily life that I get to apply the very little Italian I remember from college! I would totally be down for Tatiana playing a French or Italian clone too. I found it hilarious that even though she was in her car alone and with the windows up, she still had to say "masturbate" like the kids were listening, but she was totally fine with the Italian flight attendant dirty talk.

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Does Sarah know that Allison took it upon herself to risk being discovered as a murderer by digging up the dead body in her garage simply because it might just have a worm in it that is still viable enough to be researched for Sarah? If so, then her "pulling your weight" comment makes her terrible! I'm hoping she doesn't yet realize what Allison did because Allison is going above and beyond and seriously, if anyone is not pulling their weight it's Sarah at this point who is all about Sarah. I'm hoping that is because the worm is already working it's magic and altering her whatever it's supposed to be altering to make her a new person.


I kind of love knowing that uptight Allison and bumbling Donnie have a freaky sex life. Though I could have done without the cut from Donnie ejaculating to Leekie's cheek tumor. EEEEEEEWWWWWW

Overall I am so happy the show has gone back to focusing on the Neolutionists. It makes the show feel more focused and tighter. Plus, I am just more interested in exploring self guided evolution over breeding clones for war.

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Does Sarah know that Allison took it upon herself to risk being discovered as a murderer by digging up the dead body in her garage simply because it might just have a worm in it that is still viable enough to be researched for Sarah?

I could be wrong, but I think that right now only Cosima (and Scott) know about that.

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Thank you ElectricBooglaoo, that's what I thought, but I don't trust my memory. lol I would hate to think Sarah knew about that and still thought Allison wasn't pulling her weight. What I love about the Sestras is that they all pull their weight in their own way. Cosima does the science, Sarah does the in your face stuff and getting into trouble, Helena does the killing, Allison does the behind the scene's stuff. They each have something to offer to the team as a whole that I don't think they others could or would want to do.

Oh, and one of my favorite little moments this ep was when Allison was giving Donnie and Felix their IDs and Donnie looked so proud of his wife when he was all "did you use the new laminator". I would seriously watch Allison's Angels. Donnie and Felix  doing undercover missions with Allison as their handler. Best crime show ever!

  • Love 7

 We really need to learn more about Helsinki... were all the clones there self-aware ? Or where they all regrouped in the same spot by Dyad operators and the girls had no knowledge of each other ? Was it, just like Montréal seems to be, a place where a small groupe of LEDA clones were living their life, monitored ? ... 

I really hope we'll get answers to these questions some day ! 

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I could be wrong, but I think that right now only Cosima (and Scott) know about that.

I thought that when Alison phones Sarah and she's at the kitchen safehouse with Felix and Mrs. S, Felix mentions something to Sarah about the whole Leekie situation as if they've already been told this. Also, doesn't Alison say at the start of the phone conversation that she doesn't want to talk about Leekie right there and then? I might be remembering wrong.

Edited by Not Beth
I can't spell Leekie.
6 hours ago, holly4755 said:

is it possible that Scott was working for Dyad in another function,different lab? He could have just been promoted or transferred to the lab to work with Cosmina? 

I only ask that because I bow to the powerful memories here, my memories for TV shows basically stink. 

Scott was a student at the university in Minnesota with Cosima when we first met him. He was later hired to work for Dyad on the recommendation of Cosima and Delphine.

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Donnie is really the male MVP of this show. His flaming was hilarious, and he is such a good husband when he tried to explain Alison's pain to Helena, and he expressed how hard it was for him too. Shame Helena has taken it as her cue to leave. Please come back, Helena!

I thought the Air Italia sequence was very funny indeed. 

And Ferdinand is a Yorkshireman! Although I've not known many people from Sheffield as posh as him .


Oh, and as much as I love Donnie/Helena/Alison scenes, I also adore any time Cosima and Scott do gross science stuff. Their complete oblivion to just how horrible the things they do are is always funny to me. 

Edited by Gulftastic
  • Love 4
4 hours ago, Gulftastic said:

Oh, and as much as I love Donnie/Helena/Alison scenes, I also adore any time Cosima and Scott do gross science stuff. Their complete oblivion to just how horrible the things they do are is always funny to me. 

Agree !

Cosima and Scott are an awesome dynamic ! I really wish we'd see more of them, but the day that happens will probably mean trouble has caught up to them, so I enjoy the time of (relative) peace and tranquility they have at the moment ! 

And speaking of dynamics, I really love Rachel's arc so far ! Her relationship with Charlotte fascinates me, and I'm also damn interested to see how she and Ira will evolve in times to come ! 

And since I'm talking about the Castor Boys, I really wish we'd meet one or two other this season ! I'm probably in the minority here, but I really like them. I love what Ari Millen can convey with his face and wish there were more of them raised outside of the Military to see more facets of his acting (though I wouldnt say no to a new Military one, but it will be hard to pass after Rudy who was definitly a blast to watch, at least to my eyes !)... and looking forward to see what Mark and Gracie are up to, cause I doubt they've disapeared of the story that simply.

Oh, and, about "gone" characters... do we know what happened to Marion Bowles (Charlotte's previous careholder from Topside). Was she killed or just disgraced ? Or, as I think it is, we have no information on the matter ?

And following my train of thoughts, I'm now wondering about Virginia Coady... last we heard she was still alive, so who knows what she could be up to... trying to revive projet Castor with the military or simply out of the tale ? ... 

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Several posters above were grossed out by the phone sex scene, but it didn't bother me, perhaps because I was watching a tiny iPad Mini screen and didn't see something? Anyway, I wonder if Donnie and Allison pefected their phone sex technique during several years of IVF attempts. 

Of course, that begs the question of whether or not Donnie knew Allison was infertile because he had been her monitor. Or are monitors in the dark for the most part?

Edited by shapeshifter

I would have expected a police officer stepping in front of a train would be in the newspapers. But then I just realized there was no identification of who it was, and that, when it happened, even the police didn't know Beth was dead, because of Sarah stealing her identity on the scene. So it makes more sense to me now, that people don't know.

  • Love 3
17 minutes ago, possibilities said:

I would have expected a police officer stepping in front of a train would be in the newspapers. But then I just realized there was no identification of who it was, and that, when it happened, even the police didn't know Beth was dead, because of Sarah stealing her identity on the scene. So it makes more sense to me now, that people don't know.

Leading on from this, now that I think about it: How did Art and his team not find out that Beth was dead? Surely police would have been called to the original incident at the train station. And we saw that the body was still recognisable when she was in the morgue. So did the police not get to see the body before it was taken away to the morgue? Not even the forensics team, who would know what Beth looks like.

On 7 May 2016 at 7:17 AM, possibilities said:

How come all the allies they make outside the family are men? The only female ally they had was Delphine, and she's been shot and disappeared. Women are trustworthy, too, so let's make some balance happen. Maybe Helena will make a friend while she's on the road.

I think they tend to go for male confidantes because of the plethora of female main characters on the show - I mean - Sarah, Allison, Cosima, Mrs. S, Kira, Rachel, Helena, Susan Duncan, MK, Beth, Charlotte, Kendall... So to balance them there's Felix, Donnie, Scott, Art, Dizzie (sp?), Ira, Ferdinand etc. 

4 hours ago, Triskan said:

And since I'm talking about the Castor Boys, I really wish we'd meet one or two other this season ! I'm probably in the minority here, but I really like them.

I don't know if you are in the minority or not, but I hope you are because i was tired of the Castor storyline in Season 2, wasn't that impressed with Ari's performance compared to Maslany's one onscreen and Enver's in my head, and basically the reappearance of Ira made me hit my desk with my head. So I really hope the Castor storyline is done. 

  • Love 2

So I really hope the Castor storyline is done. 

Ditto. I don't care for them at all.


I find it strange that no one seems to know Beth is dead.

I find it stranger that Sarah and Alison are only just running into people who think they are Beth - given their proximity to each other I'd have though it would have happened before. I just hope one of them runs into someone who knows Beth is dead. I'd love a scene with Sarah trying to explain to Beth's parents what's going on.

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I'm sad MK's gone - she could have been a major asset. At least she stripped Ferdinand off his money, good for her. Sarah needs to get a grip and stop being such an a** to everybody. Cheekbot or not. Helena was once again fantastic.

I loved Scott and Cosima marvelling at the "insulated and fashionable" bag Alison used to store Leekie's head in. And speaking of Alison: how impressive was her prep for the whole Brightborn Operation? Personnel files, floor plans, etc. and all color coordinated and new IDs for Felix and Donnie - safe-proved for background checks. I loved Donnie getting all excited that she used the new laminator! If Sarah continues sliding down the rabbit hole, pissing off everyone and making rash decisions on the way she might have to deal with insubordination among the ranks. Right now Alison looks like a more competent leader for Clone Club.

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NotBeth, I'm thinking that the story, for the most part, takes place in a large city. I don't know how it works in Canadian cities, but in New York city different areas are broken down into precincts. The train accident with Beth would have been handled by the transit authority who would then call in their local precinct which may not have been the one Art & Beth work in.  Since those cops wouldn't know Beth was a cop information about the accident would probably not go any futher than their precinct.

Edited by kat165
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