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S06.E22: Reunion Part 2

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8 hours ago, Avaleigh said:

I think it's mainly because she came across as boring and petty. I cut her some slack because I do suspect that the producers encouraged her to earn her paycheck but that goodwill only extends so far when she's showing herself to be a hypocrite when it comes to art of manipulation. 

Agreed with the comments of others that quoting since the upgrade has been a bitch. 

I think that Kim is definitely asking for a free pass because she always thinks that her bad behavior should be swept under the rug because she suffers from addiction.

Instead of seeming contrite or even sad, she's smirking as it's mentioned that she kicked a police officer. There isn't anything in her behavior that makes me think that she was wrong over the incident. Instead, she's behaving as though she's a woman who is being talked about unfairly, is completely misunderstood, and her real friends would understand that it wasn't her fault that she assaulted a police officer. Again, it's incredible how much goodwill Kim receives when I think of the way she constantly treats people.

It's unfortunate and obnoxious the way that Rinna handles Kim, but does she have the right to be angry with this woman after everything that was done? IMO absolutely. Rinna will acutally go overboard with an apology to the point where she makes herself look completely ridiculous but not only will Kim not apologize but she'll be as insulting as possible and then 'innocently' wonder later why people have a problem with her. It's like she conveniently forgets her role in why people have certain feelings about her and her behavior. Furthermore, when Yolanda calls Rinna out for being insensitive, Rinna's response is that she's human and this is met by smirks from Yolanda and Kim---two women who are constantly claiming that they should be given a break because they're human beings who are struggling.

Kim can claim all day long that Rinna doesn't know for a fact that Kim's life has been complicated but I think that even a young child like Portia would be able to recognize that saying that Kim's life is complicated is actually a nice and charitable way of putting it. 

When Eileen talked about Kim's behavior, Kim made it seem as though it was wrong and inappropriate for Eileen to bring it up even though Eileen had every right. The reunion is where they talk about their issues so Kim can't argue that Eileen wasn't speaking out at the right time and place. Eileen gets lectured for not being sensitive enough to Kim when Kim is treating Eileen and Vinny in a rude way that is completely over the top. 

Eileen tells Kim that they were only reacting to Kim's behavior. It wasn't as though they were out to get Kim. When Eileen tells Kim this Kim immediately contradicts Eileen and claims that there was malicious intent with the women having legitimate responses to seeing Kim incredibly fucked up and out of it. Kim was also incorrect in saying that Eileen would go out of her way this season to back Rinna when we saw that Rinna and Eileen were on two different pages when it came to the drama with Yolanda. 

Kim says that she wants to be private about her recovery now while claiming that she was open about it before. She then brings up being held accountable and makes it crystal clear that she doesn't want to be held accountable. She doesn't want to say things about her recovery any more because she has no interest in being sober and if she starts making claims about being sober the way that she did in the past, she knows that she's contradicted herself and hasn't been fooling the majority of people at the end of the day. Certainly not the people who are working with her. Even her BFF Brandi openly talks about the fact that Kim is constantly self medicating. (At the bare minnimum.)

When Kim says that it's hard to love her, I feel like it couldn't be more clear that Kim is trying to guilt trip Kyle in addition to getting viewers to feel sympathy for her. 

I think where I lost any sympathy for Rinna/Eileen over the Kim debate was when they wouldn't drop it this season despite the fact it made Kyle so uncomfortable. Eileen demands an apology from LisaV for bring up the affair 1 time, yet never apologized to Kyle for her talking about Kim during the first half of the season even though Kyle was clear in that she did not want to discuss her sister and that it hurt her when they did it. I get them wanting to talk about Kim when she was in the press but when Kyle told them she wanted no part of the discussion they kept at it anyway.  It took Kyle leaving the table and Kathryn sharing her addiction experience to stop them and neither apologized to Kyle that I remember.


As for the exchange between Kim and Rinna/Eileen at the reunion, it was ridiculous, all 3 acted like idiots with the Queen Idiot (Yolanda) presiding over them.

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2 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Of course it is about who Ihad issues with. The way you can tell is to substitute one name for another to see if it would have changed minds. Let's just pretend that her issues were with Yo. That she used the exact same words but said them to Yo. I think people would throw her a parade. It would be National Eileen Davidson Day.  Even Lisar, who is universally disliked, would find herself in the same situation. If she had just stuck to questioning Yo, and never mentioned LVP, she could continue to be the Nutter that she is and be liked by many more people than she currently is. I still think that her behavior towards Kim was much more offensive than anything she said to or about LVP. She just looked unhinged to me in all of that. And mean - she looked mean in going after Kim when she said herself it was hurtful to Kyle, a person she said is her close friend. She was defended over and over again because Kim had done something to her, so it was all fair game. Well, she thinks that LVP did something to her as well. Yet it is wrong for her to bring that into the light of day, but fine to do the same to Kim. Eileen and Lisar have learned a powerful lesson in all of this. It's not what you say, it's who you say it to or about that matters. You can get away with any matter of questionable behavior as long as you never cross LVP. 

Your point is correct because it happened last season with Kim. Eileen was the same boring, dramatic, and manipulative person she is this year down to scolding LisaR for making up so quick with Kim after that dinner while Eileen stuck her neck out and joined in because Eileen had her own under the radar bone to pick with Kim because of her behavior at ther house. Sound familiar? But Kim was the target so Lisa R and Eileen were the best.

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Eileen had zero storyline this season.  Her entire storyline was to manipulate Rinna into going after LVP and to go after LVP for a million apologies for asking about her affair that broke up two marriages because Eileen gets embarrassed that she and Vince were homewreckers.

I think we saw Eileen at work once this season.  Did she do anything else?  Oh, right, she spilled her sister's ashes onto a walking path or road in Italy.

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1 hour ago, CaughtOnTape said:

I think that's making a far more complicated issue way less complicated by suggesting it's because she crossed Lisa and marginalizing those of us who dislike what she's pulled as just being apologists for Lisa.  

Personally, I think she's a whiny bitch who can't let anything go and thinks she's better than everyone else.  That has squat to do with Lisa Vanderpump.

She tangled herself with Rinna who has made serious missteps this season with her behavior. 

I think it's a fair question, and I can ask myself if I'd still feel ED was a weirdo if the subject of her vendetta was someone else. The answer = a resounding yes!  She's received multiple apologies, none of which were good enough for her. Instead of saying, hmm, what an insincere person LVP is, she has chosen to engage in a kind of character assassination of Lisa V. That's weird to me, no matter how you slice it. And it would still be weird to me if she did that to my least favorite HW of all time. Weird is weird.

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Of course it has something to do with who ED went up against but to dismiss that as the only reason is not quite fair. My allegiance does change with the behavior of the ladies, on this show, is that wrong somehow? I don't think so but whatevs.

I wasn't interested in what Kim had to say and I didn't cheer for her going against Lisar and ED just because they are currently on my shit list. Kim is still delusional.

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Recently have been watching the early seasons on Hulu, and its unbelievable how much more riveting they were. I think it was a combination of the novelty of the show and the dynamics between the women.  Everything is so manufactured now, and it shows.  I mean, that's what the drama this season essentially was about- LVP staging/manipulating storylines for the show.  Don't they realize that simply living their lives is far more interesting to viewers than spending an entire season debating Munchausen's?

I would rather watch LVP manage her restaurants/business ventures, Kyle with her store, development of her new TV show, and MUCH more of her family (both immediate and extended), Rinna's QVC business and family life, Eileen's 30 year acting career and what working on a soap entails, Erika's family/friends life (not so much her singing career- sorry), and I have zero interest in Yolanda or Katherine, TBH.  On a shallow note, I would LOVE if they covered more of the women's beauty/fitness regimens.  They all look fantastic and clearly take great care of themselves- what exactly goes into that?  Also, the vacations are far more exciting than catfights.  Why not more of Kyle's Italy trip, etc?

After the redundancy of this season, I'm not looking forward to the next one very much.  And if the rumors are true that Kyle's out next season, I'll most likely be done.  And if LVP is as well, its over for me.  I don't believe the show can survive without them.  Can't put my finger on what the difference is between NYC/BH, but whatever NYC is doing is working.  Follow suit, BH.

Edited by lizlemon
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I think part of Kim's problem is that she believes her personal struggle is not for others to judge. When your struggles are affecting people in what you say to them and how you behave around them (and when you're sharing that struggle on national television), you need to have the good sense to know that these people are entitled to have some sort of feelings about it because by extension you have involved them. LR wasn't wrong for being blatant about Kim's problems because it was something that no one was willing to say to Kim. It still didn't make any difference to Kim though because she kept doing what she was doing until police assault and theft landed her an arrest and mugshot.

Kim makes a point and then defeats another when she speaks. LR had no business to become THAT involved in her behaviour. Eileen became too involved by proxy of always feeling the need to speak up on behalf of LR.  LR brought up the topic with Kim which incited heated discourse and behaviour between the two and the group in general. LR went too far and Kim has too much pride to realize that just because she feels wronged by someone doesn't mean that they don't deserve an apology owed to them. Feeling Eileen was out of place with her involvement and defense of all of LR's actions doesn't diminish the fact that Kim behaved inappropriately in Eileen's home as her guest and she needs to apologize for that. Being under the influence may explain her behaviour, it doesn't justify it.

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I agree, RHJunkie, it doesn't excuse her behavior. But ED could also just get over it. What's an apology going to do now anyway -- we've seen how well Eileen takes them. Kim would never get the wording right and we'd all be stuck with another year of ED and her quest for vindication. The older I get, the more I realize sometimes it's better to just let things go.

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16 minutes ago, lizlemon said:

After the redundancy of this season, I'm not looking forward to the next one very much.  And if the rumors are true that Kyle's out next season, I'll most likely be done.  And if LVP is as well, its over for me.  I don't believe the show can survive without them.  Can't put my finger on what the difference is between NYC/BH, but whatever NYC is doing is working.  Follow suit, BH.

The women of NY know how to 'argue', they don't hide and cower behind a hand over their mouths.

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38 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

The women of NY know how to 'argue', they don't hide and cower behind a hand over their mouths.

That is all they do and with Bethenny leading the charge insult each other.  It seems the new hobby on RHONY is "labelling" the new girl with an eating disorder.  Time for someone to come up with new storylines for these women.  Maybe they should think outside the mental health disorders box as way of insulting one another.

Edited by zoeysmom
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13 minutes ago, Jel said:

I agree, RHJunkie, it doesn't excuse her behavior. But ED could also just get over it. What's an apology going to do now anyway -- we've seen how well Eileen takes them. Kim would never get the wording right and we'd all be stuck with another year of ED and her quest for vindication. The older I get, the more I realize sometimes it's better to just let things go.

To clarify, I think Eileen should get over it but I don't disagree with her speaking to it. All of this just shows that despite being grown women, they all have a level of immaturity to them that seems kind of baffling. We're humans, we don't always deal with conflict and confrontation well but you know what makes you mature and respectful? When in the process of pointing out the wrong someone has done or said, you have the self-awareness to put your hands up and say 'look, I know that I could have probably handled this better and I understand how my own words and actions contributed to the problem'. These problems are not any one person's fault but they sure try very hard to make it seem that way.

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2 hours ago, WireWrap said:

I think where I lost any sympathy for Rinna/Eileen over the Kim debate was when they wouldn't drop it this season despite the fact it made Kyle so uncomfortable. Eileen demands an apology from LisaV for bring up the affair 1 time, yet never apologized to Kyle for her talking about Kim during the first half of the season even though Kyle was clear in that she did not want to discuss her sister and that it hurt her when they did it. I get them wanting to talk about Kim when she was in the press but when Kyle told them she wanted no part of the discussion they kept at it anyway.  It took Kyle leaving the table and Kathryn sharing her addiction experience to stop them and neither apologized to Kyle that I remember.

And even then what little remorse they had was given reluctantly. I think I officially lost all empathy for Lisa R at that moment when she was visibly annoyed about being asked not to talk badly about Kim on TV in her absence, in front of her sister, and in light of Kathryn becoming emotional about her father's suicide. As though it were a personal affront to her freedom of speech and it's normal to initiate a negative conversation about someone's relative and expect an inside scoop in return. Didn't they keep talking about it after Kyle left, or was that a different party? I am really starting to put stock in the theory that Lisa R has serious misplaced rage about her sister's death that she's putting on Kim, or that she is so hustle-obsessed that she actually does become infuriated that she can't use somebody's pain for a story line. I understand Eileen a little bit more. I don't agree with where she's coming from but I can sense a conflict within her in that she knows Kim was not well but she also still feels some kind of way about Kim ruining her party and accusing her of having stupid hair or whatever she said. I think she is a grudge holder--with Kim, with LVP, with Vince. I hearby absolve myself of bad behavior by "owning" my beating of this dead horse, but somewhere along the line it stopped being about Kim and started to be about a level of contempt from Lisa that is just not ok. 

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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5 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Of course it is about who Ihad issues with. The way you can tell is to substitute one name for another to see if it would have changed minds. Let's just pretend that her issues were with Yo. That she used the exact same words but said them to Yo. I think people would throw her a parade. It would be National Eileen Davidson Day.  Even Lisar, who is universally disliked, would find herself in the same situation. If she had just stuck to questioning Yo, and never mentioned LVP, she could continue to be the Nutter that she is and be liked by many more people than she currently is. I still think that her behavior towards Kim was much more offensive than anything she said to or about LVP. She just looked unhinged to me in all of that. And mean - she looked mean in going after Kim when she said herself it was hurtful to Kyle, a person she said is her close friend. She was defended over and over again because Kim had done something to her, so it was all fair game. Well, she thinks that LVP did something to her as well. Yet it is wrong for her to bring that into the light of day, but fine to do the same to Kim. Eileen and Lisar have learned a powerful lesson in all of this. It's not what you say, it's who you say it to or about that matters. You can get away with any matter of questionable behavior as long as you never cross LVP. 

To me it sounds as though you think Rinna is equating LVP's supposed manipulations with Kim's drugged out behavior and to me they aren't even close to being comparable. Consider how reserved Rinna was with Kim initially and how she repeatedly held back even when Kim was cranked up to 100 on the obnoxious scale. Kim's behavior is all on camera. Every vile name that she called Rinna and all of the yelling happened *way* before Rinna finally lost it with her. Kim didn't keep her comments exclusively to Rinna. Instead, she had to go in on Rinna's husband who had done nothing to Kim. This is a very brief overview for why Rinna had legitimate issues with Kim last season but obviously there was even more to it.

Contrast all of this with Rinna's issues with LVP. LVP's supposed manipulation of Rinna wasn't on screen. There were two alleged comments. One was sort of backed up by Kyle and it became a semantics issue. The other quote wasn't back up at all and even if those comments are true, Rinna is the one who looks like the idiotic fool for repeating something that she makes it seem like she knew perfectly well was inappropriate all along. Rinna wants to make it seem like attributing all of her behavior and choices down to LVP will make people see her as less of an asshole but to me, all it does is make her look like a foolish simpleton. 

Rinna went after Kim because Kim was loaded and out of control when they were around each other. Kim was on one when she came to Rinna's home, when they traveled in the car, she yelled at her repeatedly at the party at Eileen's, she made digs about Rinna's husband and their relationship, and she had shit to talk about her until everything finally came to a head in Amsterdam. Rinna went after LVP because LVP used her powers to make her utter the satanic word Munchausen. Rinna also went after LVP because LVP allegedly said 'There goes our fucking storyline.' Rinna goes after LVP for 'not owning it'. 

It isn't even the slightest bit mysterious to me how people think that Rinna (and Eileen) are both being petty about LVP. 

I said it before but the problem is, for the people who are desperate to bring LVP down--they so rarely have anything good. Kyle is the only one who has a leg to stand on and she and LVP are fine. 

Taylor - Giggy was tweeting things that were inappropriate!

Marisa - Lisa didn't say hi to me at a party and is a standoffish woman! She's only nice to the people she knows!

Camille - You don't own SUR!!!!

Adrienne - She called my dog Jackpot 'Crackpot'!

Brandi - She tried to mother me and she pulled away from me after Tampongate. She encouraged me to bring tabloid magazines on a trip! 

I don't think the lesson here is about who not to go after. The lesson comes down to whether or not there is a worthwhile reason to go after someone. Rinna running around saying that LVP is to blame for Munchausen being brought into the conversation or saying 'There goes our fucking storyline' doesn't seem nearly worth the drama and came across as eye roll worthy at times. 

Edited by Avaleigh
Treating and Tweeting aren't the same thing.
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Again, I wish these shows had a moderator who would ask the tough questions. Instead, Andy wants to kiss up to Yo because of not wanting to burn that Hadid bridge. Gah. 

I loathe and despise Bethanny as a housewife, but she would be a great reunion host. Her obsessive need to be outrageous and confrontational is exactly what Andy doesn't have. She'd probably play some favorites, but not to the degree that Andy does.

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7 minutes ago, VioletMarx said:

I loathe and despise Bethanny as a housewife, but she would be a great reunion host. Her obsessive need to be outrageous and confrontational is exactly what Andy doesn't have. She'd probably play some favorites, but not to the degree that Andy does.

She pretty much hosted the RHNY reunion last year.

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9 hours ago, Satchels of gold said:

Well I certainly picked a fine time to announce I wouldn't be discussing Lyme anymore!  But I guess no time would have been good this season, it's been all lyme, all the time. It's been so tedious. I'm ready for the end but I will miss the boards and seeing all the " regulars". The other RH boards just don't have the same vibe as this one. 

I agree.  I will miss this group, too.  I think I might go back and watch the early seasons on Hulu as someone else is doing. I can't remember when I started watching this but I know it wasn't the first season.  

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34 minutes ago, The Mighty Peanut said:

And even then what little remorse they had was given reluctantly. I think I officially lost all empathy for Lisa R at that moment when she was visibly annoyed about being asked not to talk badly about Kim on TV in her absence, in front of her sister, and in light of Kathryn becoming emotional about her father's suicide. As though it were a personal affront to her freedom of speech and it's normal to initiate a negative conversation about someone's relative and expect an inside scoop in return. Didn't they keep talking about it after Kyle left, or was that a different party? I am really starting to put stock in the theory that Lisa R has serious misplaced rage about her sister's death that she's putting on Kim, or that she is so hustle-obsessed that she actually does become infuriated that she can't use somebody's pain for a story line. I understand Eileen a little bit more. I don't agree with where she's coming from but I can sense a conflict within her in that she knows Kim was not well but she also still feels some kind of way about Kim ruining her party and accusing her of having stupid hair or whatever she said. I think she is a grudge holder--with Kim, with LVP, with Vince. I hearby absolve myself of bad behavior by "owning" my beating of this dead horse, but somewhere along the line it stopped being about Kim and started to be about a level of contempt from Lisa that is just not ok. 

Yes, they kept talking about Kim after Kyle left, LisaV followed her inside because doing what was best for her friend was more important to her. Although LisaV didn't apologize to Kyle for bringing up Kim earlier, as soon as Kyle asked all of them to stop talking about Kim in front of her, she did......which is what a friend does. They don't keep repeating the same hurtful behavior like Rinna/Eileen did but in their minds, Kyle is wrong to be friends with LisaV.

As for Rinna's sister, she died when Rinna was 6 or 7 years old, so I am not sure Rinna isn't just using her death as an excuse for her own continuning bad behavior towards Kim, especially in light that she only brought up HH brothers initially.

Without a doubt, Kim was awful last season and I understand why Rinna/Eileen initially reacted like they did but she really shouldn't have been this big a deal for them this season beyond the first few episodes (because Kim was in the press at the time). And there was no reason for Eileen to practically snarl at Kim on the reunion like she did, Yes, Eileen is a giant grudge holder, the worst of them all IMO. LOL  

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38 minutes ago, VioletMarx said:

I loathe and despise Bethanny as a housewife, but she would be a great reunion host. Her obsessive need to be outrageous and confrontational is exactly what Andy doesn't have. She'd probably play some favorites, but not to the degree that Andy does.

The only problem with Bethenny as the moderator is that she wouldn't allow anyone to talk or to answer anything, she would do it all for them because she "knows everything about everything" . LOL

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Maybe this was already hashed out during the conversation about Part 1, but I still don't understand the whole "There goes our fucking story line" comment that Rinna insists LVP said.  Wouldn't saying "There goes our story line" imply that you HAD a story line that you now DON'T have?  So what WAS the story line that they can't use anymore?  And how is it related to the M word???  So confused....

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48 minutes ago, Avaleigh said:

Kyle is the only one who has a leg to stand on and she and LVP are fine. 

For now.  I can't stand Kyle but I see personal growth in her this season.  I think it's probably because she's had therapy to deal with family issues and also because her standing in the community has grown due to her and Maurice's successes.  Her confidence is better, which for me is partly illustrated by cutting her hair which I believe was a shield for her.  Like a child's security blanket.  She felt it was time to let it go and she did.

She's taken so much crap from Kim, LVP and Rinna - all of whom are either family or friends and she happily accepts their crap behaviors.  But she knows what those 3 'ladies' really are.  Hopefully through therapy and/or plain ol' maturity, she decides that she doesn't want to hide behind them anymore. And like her hair will cut them off.

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10 hours ago, WaltersHair said:

Here's the thing with the Yolanda 'witch hunt'. There isn't one. It's all media and opinion. As far as I can see, her life hasn't changed a bit since she started her public journey (unless you count the fridge The fridge is a sad loss).

No one has tied her to a stake and burned her. She is still tweeting, instagraming and talking about her quack treatments and posting her journey to anyone who will listen. She has stuck her fingers into her social media ears and has said "I can't hear you."

Now, where it would be interesting is if her physician went down for this. Yolanda has made him a star and if he is pitching all this as curative he can go down in flames. I hope he does.

Except that Yolanda has some pretty nasty commenters on her Instagram posts from people who just don't believe she is sick. They question everything she does on the show, accuse her of lying and even question why she she "lied" on the show/WWHL that she never had short hair before when she posted a #TBT photo of herself with her hair in a bun on Insta.  People are always trying to capture her on her so called lies.  I am sure the women doubting her on the show only reinforce some of the comments she gets on Insta/Twitter.  And Yolanda reads the comments and replies to some.

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53 minutes ago, Avaleigh said:

To me it sounds as though you think Rinna is equating LVP's supposed manipulations with Kim's drugged out behavior and to me they aren't even close to being comparable. Consider how reserved Rinna was with Kim initially and how she repeatedly held back even when Kim was cranked up to 100 on the obnoxious scale. Kim's behavior is all on camera. Every vile name that she called Rinna and all of the yelling happened *way* before Rinna finally lost it with her. Kim didn't keep her comments exclusively to Rinna. Instead, she had to go in on Rinna's husband who had done nothing to Kim. This is a very brief overview for why Rinna had legitimate issues with Kim last season but obviously there was even more to it.

Contrast all of this with Rinna's issues with LVP. LVP's supposed manipulation of Rinna wasn't on screen. There were two alleged comments. One was sort of backed up by Kyle and it became a semantics issue. The other quote wasn't back up at all and even if those comments are true, Rinna is the one who looks like the idiotic fool for repeating something that she makes it seem like she knew perfectly well was inappropriate all along. Rinna wants to make it seem like attributing all of her behavior and choices down to LVP will make people see her as less of an asshole but to me, all it does is make her look like a foolish simpleton. 

Rinna went after Kim because Kim was loaded and out of control when they were around each other. Kim was on one when she came to Rinna's home, when they traveled in the car, she yelled at her repeatedly at the party at Eileen's, she made digs about Rinna's husband and their relationship, and she had shit to talk about her until everything finally came to a head in Amsterdam. Rinna went after LVP because LVP used her powers to make her utter the satanic word Munchausen. Rinna also went after LVP because LVP allegedly said 'There goes our fucking storyline.' Rinna goes after LVP for 'not owning it'. 

It isn't even the slightest bit mysterious to me how people think that Rinna (and Eileen) are both being petty about LVP. 

I said it before but the problem is, for the people who are desperate to bring LVP down--they so rarely have anything good. Kyle is the only one who has a leg to stand on and she and LVP are fine. 

Taylor - Giggy was tweeting things that were inappropriate!

Marisa - Lisa didn't say hi to me at a party and is a standoffish woman! She's only nice to the people she knows!

Camille - You don't own SUR!!!!

Adrienne - She called my dog Jackpot 'Crackpot'!

Brandi - She tried to mother me and she pulled away from me after Tampongate. She encouraged me to bring tabloid magazines on a trip! 

I don't think the lesson here is about who not to go after. The lesson comes down to whether or not there is a worthwhile reason to go after someone. Rinna running around saying that LVP is to blame for Munchausen being brought into the conversation or saying 'There goes our fucking storyline' doesn't seem nearly worth the drama and came across as eye roll worthy at times. 

To me the big difference is Rinna never stops talking.  What might have been believable if Rinna had approached Kyle about her concerns with LVP manipulating her on camera?  Kyle has known LVP the longest, (I doubt LVP and Rinna had anything more than a cursory relationship the 26 years they have "known" each other) is the closest to her and has had the most experience with her filming.  There has to be a reason Rinna, who never shuts up, by-passed Kyle or didn't bother to weigh in with her opinion until dinner in Malibu.  I suspect it was because Kyle wasn't buying what Rinna is selling.  I believe this is further evidenced by Kyle's latest blog wherein she stated she called Rinna after the Munchausen conversation.  If Rinna is so bloody honest why didn't she reveal that she had already had the "bridge" conversation with Kyle?  Instead she made it out to be a big newsflash, when it wasn't.  If anyone was a manipulator I believe it was Rinna with screen time. 

I will say where LVP went with Adrienne was a little deeper than the dog comment.  It went after her businesses as well.

2 minutes ago, Adira said:

Maybe this was already hashed out during the conversation about Part 1, but I still don't understand the whole "There goes our fucking story line" comment that Rinna insists LVP said.  Wouldn't saying "There goes our story line" imply that you HAD a story line that you now DON'T have?  So what WAS the story line that they can't use anymore?  And how is it related to the M word???  So confused....

If it happened I envision it went something like this:  Yolanda shows up underdressed and not made up and somewhat of a surprise, with a guest,  her new friend in tow.  Ken makes the comment about how she looks terrible.  The line if true, in my mind was more like, "there's our fucking storyline!".  Or  upon Yolanda's early exit, "there goes our fucking storyline."  In any event it was more of an observation, not a directive or even worthy of mentioning, if it did happen.  I took it to mean that Yolanda kind of trumped the party by showing up in her sick gear and all comments being about her not looking well, while at the same time, Ken throwing out the "you look good," comment to her face.  If it happened this way, it was more of here is what we have to look forward to during filming-sick Yolanda.

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8 minutes ago, jinjer said:

Except that Yolanda has some pretty nasty commenters on her Instagram posts from people who just don't believe she is sick. They question everything she does on the show, accuse her of lying and even question why she she "lied" on the show/WWHL that she never had short hair before when she posted a #TBT photo of herself with her hair in a bun on Insta.  People are always trying to capture her on her so called lies.  I am sure the women doubting her on the show only reinforce some of the comments she gets on Insta/Twitter.  And Yolanda reads the comments and replies to some.

I don't think this qualifies as a witch hunt since there isn't a single housewife in any franchise that doesn't have to deal with blowback from fans who think that a certain wife needs to be called out for one reason or another. Yolanda isn't being treated differently or unfairly and nobody is trying to burn her at the stake. 

If she's too fragile to handle the tweets or comments on IG then she needs to reconsider whether or not she should be on this show. 

Edited by Avaleigh
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49 minutes ago, VioletMarx said:

I loathe and despise Bethanny as a housewife, but she would be a great reunion host.

I agree with the first part of your sentence, disagree with the second.  Her talk show was a hot mess (and that's being kind) because she would not shut up.  She talked over everyone and the conversation almost always came around to her.  Her compulsive need to be the center of attention and to always be right was annoying. And that voice!...nails on a chalkboard.

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I will say where LVP went with Adrienne was a little deeper than the dog comment.  It went after her businesses as well.

Fair enough but when asked, her unhappiness about the Crackpot comment was the first thing to come out of Adrienne's mouth. Adrienne also overreacted to Maloof Hoof IMO. Then she had to go and lose all credibility by accusing Lisa of selling stories for the random figure of $20,000 and then looked all shifty and nervous when she realized that she screwed up and couldn't back up the claims she was making. I thought Adrienne also made herself look ridiculous by pouting over Pandora's party not being held at The Palms. Adrienne didn't play the game well at all. 

Regarding Bethenny as a host--I'd be reasonably entertained because I do think that she'd ask the tough questions but agree that it ultimately wouldn't be the right fit. I have similar feelings about Wendy Williams. She'd probably ask some good questions but there's no way that she wouldn't be able to hide her favoritism. 

In a way I almost feel like Bravo/production that ultimately doesn't want the women to be asked the tough questions. 

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7 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

She said that he had calmed down a bit, and she thought that it was time to "get things back on track". 

Do you think when Pinky goes to Mohamed to apologize it will go something like this:

"I'm sorry if you thought I was talking negatively about your children but I didn't really mean it that way. Har har har."

I'll bet dollars to donuts when she grovels at the Feet of Hadid there will be no laughing. But if there is, Mo surely won't accept a half assed apology like that, any more than Eileen should've been expected to.

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56 minutes ago, Adira said:

Maybe this was already hashed out during the conversation about Part 1, but I still don't understand the whole "There goes our fucking story line" comment that Rinna insists LVP said.  Wouldn't saying "There goes our story line" imply that you HAD a story line that you now DON'T have?  So what WAS the story line that they can't use anymore?  And how is it related to the M word???  So confused....


I think production floated the storyline and that's why Taylor brought up the sick selfies at the hat party, where Lisa R at that time said the topic made her uncomfortable and she refused to entertain it. LVP said something to the effect of being offended Taylor brought it up at all.

This pearl clutching, naturally, was bullshit. They all later admitted to texting back and forth about Yo's instagram, even using Taylor's "happy selfie, sick selfie" terminology. In any case, the one responsible for introducing the storyline onscreen was 100% Taylor. 

Shortly after the hat party, Rinna changed tunes from being offended by Taylor to having had a very honest conversation wherein she was turned on to the existence of the M word. This goes over like a ton of bricks so Lisa R flip-flops for the second time and said not only did she never believe it in the first place, but she was ripped apart inside by the horrific act of engaging, and was going to tell Yo. 

Two interesting events occur. The first has been discussed to death--LVP, according to whichever version you choose to believe, in some way, shape, or form makes the suggestion that Lisa R should explore the topic further, perhaps implicating Kyle, but definitely not implicating LVP.

The second is that Yo, thinking she had showed up to film a conversation about Taylor, is informed by Eileen that Lisa Rinna doubted Yo. Whatever your opinions on Yo, she seemed genuinely hurt by this, and that hurt was exacerbated when she confused the meaning of munchies versus munchies by proxy and concludes Rinna was accusing her of child abuse.

It becomes apparent that no one is going to pursue the M word story and that the new story is that Lisa R is going to become the designated season mean girl, so she flip flops again and says she may have been the first person to coin the term, but questioning Yo's illness was always part of the plan. LVP probably (IMO) at the very least made a "joke" about bringing Kyle in or said that it was a storyline. Eileen, however, definitely was the one who let the cat out of the bag TO Yolanda. And Lisa R is aligned with Eileen, and Eileen suddenly had reason to dislike LVP after affairgate.

Add to this the significant factor that really nothing happened this season and they just ran with these stories. My opinion is production conceived it, Taylor instigated it, Lisa R went with the plan, Kyle and LVP made sure they had an out, and Eileen Davidson was trying to earn her check. Basically everyone just enabled how crazy and mean everyone else is in their own way.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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3 minutes ago, ryebread said:

Do you think when Pinky goes to Mohamed to apologize it will go something like this:

"I'm sorry if you thought I was talking negatively about your children but I didn't really mean it that way. Har har har."

I'll bet dollars to donuts when she grovels at the Feet of Hadid there will be no laughing. But if there is, Mo surely won't accept a half assed apology like that, any more than Eileen should've been expected to.

Nothing about what she said was negative about his children. What she said was a negative implication toward the mother of his children. And LVP already put her hands up and said to Yolanda 'clearly I misunderstood what he meant'.

But in any case, I'm sure if it did transpire like that, Mo would at least have half the sense to realize that a half-assed apology is a warning to keep someone at arm's length, not constantly confronting them for an apology that suits his fancy. And I would think he also would have the sense to realize that at that point, an apology doesn't even matter anymore because you've already built a mistrust for this person that you are likely to be weary of any additional apologies and an apology probably wouldn't make any difference in his existing mistrust of them.

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To me the big difference is Rinna never stops talking.

This sentence, zoeysmom, was the problem with the entire reunion so far and might be the problem of the entire season, in my view.  Andy covered his usual list of viewers' grievances, but when he finally got around to LVP, you could almost see the foxes licking their chops, especially Rinna.  NOW, they finally had something to talk about (in Rinna's case,  something to march around the set about). Even Eileen played the Lady and the Tramp act.  She started out last season as the quick quipping lady of the group, and by this reunion, she'd become the nose-in-the-air old maid schoolteacher determined to put LVP in her place.  If Rinna could close her mouth and leave it closed -- including the coaching of Eileen -- the entire mood of the group would change.  I'm convinced of it.  Rinna is the new Brandi, and Andy has said publicly on Twitter that he won't get rid of her or her sidekick.  

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6 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

Nothing about what she said was negative about his children. What she said was a negative implication toward the mother of his children.

I agree.  She said at the reunion though, that Mo thought she was talking negatively about his children.  So if the apology went in that direction but she added the ha ha ha, it wouldn't end well.  I also agree with this:


But in any case, I'm sure if it did transpire like that, Mo would at least have half the sense to realize that a half-assed apology is a warning to keep someone at arm's length, not constantly confronting them for an apology that suits his fancy. And I would think he also would have the sense to realize that at that point, an apology doesn't even matter anymore because you've already built a mistrust for this person that you are likely to be weary of any additional apologies and an apology probably wouldn't make any difference in his existing mistrust of them.

The mistrust in her had probably started before this incident.  I think they're both shady characters, to some degree, and he knows she's always got an agenda.

I still believe that Eileen really wasn't after a "real" apology after the first half assed apology was offered.  Rather, she wants LVP called out, once and for all on her shady B.S. that she always slithers away from.  Unfortunately she's no where near as smart as Mohamed or LVP.

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Not sure who I'm disliking the most. Can not stand Yo and her "illness". Lisar is a mess and an attention hog. Eileen needs to sit down and shut up. I do love LVP and Kyle. Kathryn who?

Isn't every housewife supposed to have an event every year? As an excuse to gather, gossip, and make tv? So we saw Kyle and LVP have dinners and parties. Where was Eileens? Or Rinnas? Or Kathyrn? And we know Yo was excused (cough cough). So looks to me like Kyle and LVP are the only ones "working". Soapy and Sappy,and Sicky sure don't put any energy into it, all they do is show up, cause problems, and demand people apologize to them. Blech

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3 minutes ago, ryebread said:

I agree.  She said at the reunion though, that Mo thought she was talking negatively about his children.  So if the apology went in that direction but she added the ha ha ha, it wouldn't end well.  I also agree with this:

The mistrust in her had probably started before this incident.  I think they're both shady characters, to some degree, and he knows she's always got an agenda.

I still believe that Eileen really wasn't after a "real" apology after the first half assed apology was offered.  Rather, she wants LVP called out, once and for all on her shady B.S. that she always slithers away from.  Unfortunately she's no where near as smart as Mohamed or LVP.

She wanted LVP called out because she was offended by LVP's reaction to their conversation and the lame apology she received thereafter. She had no leg to stand on with her gripe. Her one incident with LVP was not manipulation by LVP. Someone not showing remorse for how they made you feel is not manipulation. Believing someone had intent to make you feel uncomfortable is not manipulation. Eileen didn't even give LVP a chance to manipulate her into a discussion she was uncomfortable with. Eileen stupidly and willingly chose to continue to engage. Now if Eileen had tried to put a stop to it and LVP was trying to round her way back to questioning her about her affair, THEN I see what the bigger fuss would be about. It wasn't until the incident that we see Eileen in LR's ear. Eileen was not trying to be honest, she was being ruthless by projecting her own feelings with LR's confessions and there goes a whole season of repetitive stupidity. Her calling out LVP's BS also fails on many accounts when her source is Lisa "let me give you my version" Rinna. Rinna is not a fair and reliable source for truth.

I still stick with my theory that these women help LVP get away with things because they're a bunch of idiots that behave like spoiled children who still think that the best way to be heard and believed is to talk the most, yell the loudest and act the most angered or hurt. Except it doesn't work like that. I've seen a lot of people cop to LVP's more subtle and strategic actions yet they don't even care because they're more offended by how foolish the other women behave in an effort to throw the stone elsewhere. You can't own what you do and cry manipulation. Claiming manipulation is not owning any blame, it's another way of trying to absolve yourself of blame.

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1 hour ago, jinjer said:

Except that Yolanda has some pretty nasty commenters on her Instagram posts from people who just don't believe she is sick. They question everything she does on the show, accuse her of lying and even question why she she "lied" on the show/WWHL that she never had short hair before when she posted a #TBT photo of herself with her hair in a bun on Insta.  People are always trying to capture her on her so called lies.  I am sure the women doubting her on the show only reinforce some of the comments she gets on Insta/Twitter.  And Yolanda reads the comments and replies to some.

I just don't get what justifies such viciousness. I personally think Yolanda's journey is nothing more than eyeroll worthy for those who aren't buying it. Anything more aggressive than that is just deplorable. I mean to seek her out and complain about her life? Problem is we live in a society that feels that opinions are a right and not just something that has a time and place. You know what they say about opinions and assholes right..? Sad that people take it to a level where they are harassing her in her front yard. Very, very sad.

1 hour ago, jinjer said:

Except that Yolanda has some pretty nasty commenters on her Instagram posts from people who just don't believe she is sick. They question everything she does on the show, accuse her of lying and even question why she she "lied" on the show/WWHL that she never had short hair before when she posted a #TBT photo of herself with her hair in a bun on Insta.  People are always trying to capture her on her so called lies.  I am sure the women doubting her on the show only reinforce some of the comments she gets on Insta/Twitter.  And Yolanda reads the comments and replies to some.

I just don't get what justifies such viciousness. I personally think Yolanda's journey is nothing more than eyeroll worthy for those who aren't buying it. Anything more aggressive than that is just deplorable. I mean to seek her out and complain about her life? Problem is we live in a society that feels that opinions are a right and not just something that has a time and place. You know what they say about opinions and assholes right..? Sad that people take it to a level where they are harassing her in her front yard. Very, very sad.

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18 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

She wanted LVP called out because she was offended by LVP's reaction to their conversation and the lame apology she received thereafter. She had no leg to stand on with her gripe. Her one incident with LVP was not manipulation by LVP. Someone not showing remorse for how they made you feel is not manipulation. Believing someone had intent to make you feel uncomfortable is not manipulation. Eileen didn't even give LVP a chance to manipulate her into a discussion she was uncomfortable with.

No argument there.  No manipulation in the 'affair' scene with Eileen.  Just shadiness on LVPs part.  I don't believe she was innocently asking those questions at all.

It reminded me of when, in the Hamptons, LVP kept asking Kyle the questions about Kim on the air. She didn't already know the answers? She and Kyle are such good buds.  But she 'innocently' kept asking Kyle and making her uncomfortable.  Until Kyle told her to knock it off.  But of course, LVP really didn't mean anything by it.....

Now that I think of it,  it's been mentioned that LVP did that to Eileen to pay her back for leaving the Sand Rat Motel.  Maybe that's why LVP was dogging Kyle, too, because Kyle was the one to get the house. 

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Kim wants to keep her recovery private except it is public record about her AA Meetings.  Kim's case was adjudicated. . . her saying it was ongoing was a foreshadowing of her deciding not to comply with probation.  Kim, much like her niece Paris, doesn't get it you have to go to meetings, classes and do community service.  Maybe Kim will take jail time like she did rehab and call it a much needed rest.

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I'm a bit confused about who said what to whom. I tend to believe Rinna, while understanding LVP wanting it to go away because of her friendship with Mohamed. I understand Mohamed wanting to, at least, give the impression that he supports the mother of his children. I also understand LVP and Rinna both wanting to expose Yolanda. Munchhausen's or not, Yolanda has been the one to beat them over the head with her "illness." Why should Rinna, LVP, or any of the women just take that? I don't agree with the secretive way they handled it. I wish they would have just been up front, but I can see why Mohamed and the kids made that tricky, at least, for LVP. I wish all the muddled mess between Rinna and LVP hadn't distracted them from the truth that they were originally headed toward.

Yolanda's defensiveness does nothing but confirm to me that she is lying. Sometimes I wish they'd all just shut up and let her hoist herself on her own petard and/or stop responding to her bad behavior. Even negative reactions can be a reward to people like Yolanda.

Edited by homeperm
pronouns matter
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Come to think of it, all of the conversations the women are having regarding Yolanda are feeding Yolanda's victim identity. I wish they'd all just ignore her and let her story shrivel up and go away. I think it was completely fair to bring up Munchhausen's and question her, but Yolanda turned it around on them and used it to her benefit.

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2 hours ago, eurekagirl mOo said:

Not sure who I'm disliking the most. Can not stand Yo and her "illness". Lisar is a mess and an attention hog. Eileen needs to sit down and shut up. I do love LVP and Kyle. Kathryn who?

Isn't every housewife supposed to have an event every year? As an excuse to gather, gossip, and make tv? So we saw Kyle and LVP have dinners and parties. Where was Eileens? Or Rinnas? Or Kathyrn? And we know Yo was excused (cough cough). So looks to me like Kyle and LVP are the only ones "working". Soapy and Sappy,and Sicky sure don't put any energy into it, all they do is show up, cause problems, and demand people apologize to them. Blech

Kathryn did have the all the women, except Yolanda, at her house in San Diego, it was after Erika's "show".

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31 minutes ago, homeperm said:

I'm a bit confused about who said what to whom. I tend to believe Rinna, while understanding LVP wanting it to go away because of her friendship with Mohamed. I understand Mohamed wanting to, at least, give the impression that he supports the mother of his children. I also understand LVP and Rinna both wanting to expose Yolanda. Munchhausen's or not, Yolanda has been the one to beat them over the head with her "illness." Why should Rinna, LVP, or any of the women just take that? I don't agree with the secretive way they handled it. I wish they would have just been up front, but I can see why Mohamed and the kids made that tricky, at least, for LVP. I wish all the muddled mess between Rinna and LVP hadn't distracted them from the truth that they were originally headed toward.

Yolanda's defensiveness does nothing but confirm to me that she is lying. Sometimes I wish they'd all just shut up and let her hoist herself on her own petard and/or stop responding to her bad behavior. Even negative reactions can be a reward to people like Yolanda.

LisaV did ask Yolanda questions about what she tweeted/posted and how they contradict what they saw/heard with their own eyes/ears twice and Yolanda shut her down. Rinna, on the other hand, didn't ask Yolanda 1 single question, she just begged for forgiveness and then talked smack about her behind her back. LisaV was upfront, Rinna was sneaky.

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3 hours ago, Satchels of gold said:

Further proof that Kim is completely wrong when she says that she can't fall any further than she did last year. It's a ticking time bomb and she'll never take it seriously because she thinks that she's a special snowflake who will always have somebody around to clean up after her. No doubt one of her many supportive and trod upon family members is going to send in the cavalry to rescue her entitled ass.

Rinna was absolutely correct when she made the statement that Kim is flat out dangerous. And yes, Kim is a thousand percent more dangerous than the trash talking, wineglass breaker.

Edited by Avaleigh
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On April 27, 2016 at 11:10 AM, eurekagirl mOo said:

2nd post--hopefully it won't get eaten like my first one....First off-Thank GOOOOOODDDDDD the site is back up. I felt like my right arm was gone yesterday. I wanted to talk Southern Charm and Reunion! I went straight from TWOP to here so yesterday was traumatic ya'll traumatic I say!

Uh-hum.........Eileen-Your a crap actress. You're faces and voice at the reunion were just cringe worthy. And STFU. NOBODY cares...You can't MAKE somebody apologize when they don't think they need to. Drop it. You just look crazy and mean.

LisaR-What is wrong with her????? Sitting there shrieking like a parrot on Adderall I did it I did it I did it. WTF?

Could Erika look more bored?

Yes let's all kneel if front of the Goddess of Suffering....Oh dear God....I almost threw up.That is actually what Yo has wanted since Day 1---For everyone to kneel in front of her and tell her how sorry they were. She was eating that up! And seriously? I want to meet the people who live in a van by the river because they have lyme disease. What a bunch of hooey.

."Shrieking like a parrot on Adderall" is so perfect! I can see a parrot wearing a pair of those Halloween wax lips flying all over the set, shrieking and flinging shit everywhere.

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5 hours ago, jinjer said:

Except that Yolanda has some pretty nasty commenters on her Instagram posts from people who just don't believe she is sick. They question everything she does on the show, accuse her of lying and even question why she she "lied" on the show/WWHL that she never had short hair before when she posted a #TBT photo of herself with her hair in a bun on Insta.  People are always trying to capture her on her so called lies.  I am sure the women doubting her on the show only reinforce some of the comments she gets on Insta/Twitter.  And Yolanda reads the comments and replies to some.

I personally, question why she lied about never having short hair before when her hair was short before she cut it.

I said earlier she has a weird relationship with words. Normal people would say, "This is the shortest my hair's ever been". Not "Oh I've never had short hair" when their hair was above their shoulders before that.

It is a lie. Is it an insidious one? No. But it's a dumb one. And it's annoying, because my eyes work.

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10 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

Oh how I love thee!

The closest thing I can agree to is that the woman was milking her illness somewhat. Although I don't really believe that but I can concede that that's an acceptable assessment. But from THAT we are now on a Brooke's level of scandalous behavior. It's astonishing how things escalate. I have to say. I never thought it would get this far in Yolanda's case cause there wasn't really any reason to question it like in the case of Brooks but nope here we are again. Just goes to show people really like to go after someone who doesn't present themselves in exactly the sick manner outside perceptions EXPECT. This right here is exactly the point Yolanda has been trying to prove. That unless people with invisible illness present shit a certain way and go through the motions of a sickness a certain way then doubts start to fly and compassion dwindles and it's on the sick person to keep having to PROVE that the illness exists to keep from being criticize for not meeting life's basic expectations and responsibilities. Not only that, and this is the part that truly sickens me, they become a TARGET. It's all so backwards to me. Let's say there is something fishy? Then leave it alone. Distance yourself. Yes, even if you're a coworker. Leave that particular topic alone. Don't feed it, let it burn itself out, ANYTHING but give it life so that it turns into this kind of witch hunt. I was already traumatized after the OC did it. I don't get what is so perversely pleasurable about engaging in such a sad, low class, shameless exchange that lasts a whole season.

Also I'm starting to think that Yolanda was exaggerating in order to prove a point. I think some of her inconsistencies came from wanting to get the point across that she is in fact battling but knowing how people need proof she needed to present her struggles in the most fluorescent way in order for her message to impact them the way she wanted it to come across. I do think some of her selfies and elaborate descriptions were in order for it to hit home and she felt that was the best way to get it through to them. I'm starting to see her "exaggerations" as her way to try to get them to get IT. She is trying to be an advocate so I think in her mind she wanted her experience be as powerful of a story as possible so she explained how being limited equated to being debilitated for someone like her. Who was so active and involved in many different daily activities. I think her recounts aren't exactly meant just to garner sympathy.  I think she expresses them from a person who yes is physically capable to still do XYZ but still feels paralyzed because a big part of her life has been taken away. Control.

That's the portion that I think she's trying to put front and center. Oh yeah, sure I can get on a jet and engage in this event. But then I have to sleep for 10 hours whereas before I would be able to jet here then back and make it to a dinner party then call it a night. Wake up after 6 hours of sleep do yoga and carry on with my day. Now she can participate one maybe two activities. Plans are never guaranteed because she doesn't know how she's going to be feeling from this day to the next. It's not all about the physical part of it so people being so observant of her physical activities and hurrumpping about how she's perfectly fine just because they see that she got dressed and went to the park. It doesn't work that way.

Being pregnant kicked my ass. I hated it because I couldn't do half of the things I normally did. I couldn't take care of certain things that needed to be taken care of and I had to count of someone else for a lot of things and it was grueling. I couldn't wait to get back to my old independent self so in Yolanda's case. She will always be subjected to uncertainty. Can't count on anything cause plans can change in a heartbeat and that's hard to come to terms with. We see it from a place of be grateful that you still have the use of your legs or that you're not terminal but she does have things to grieve. When my mom had her stroke I saw that happen to her. She recovered about 75% and she made the best of it but you know what? It is something to sympathize. Making the best of one's health is a sad thing. Especially when it's ongoing and there is no chance getting back to your old self 100%. Making the best of something means there's something that was lost and to ignore that detail, expect it fade away after time, or not treated as something that should be held on to when dealing with someone else's loss is pretty callous.

I know right. ;-)

And don't forget compassionate.

Sorry for being late! 

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