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S06.E22: Reunion Part 2

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2 minutes ago, Lura said:

As everyone knows, I have supported Eileen until I'm blue in the face (and other posters are probably equally as blue).  Even though I liked her tremendously, I could see the truth in the contention that she was now beating a dead horse about the apology. 

Maybe the Dead Horse will be in part 3 and explain how they're really the true victim in this whole travesty.

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3 hours ago, jinjer said:


Sorry, I'm NOT trying to quote you Jinger but this damn new platform wont give me a blank space to post. Tried several things and now trying to see if I can get rid of it this way.

Glitch, Glitch, Glitch...makes me want to log off for a week or more till they get this crap figured out.

Edited by Giselle
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3 hours ago, jinjer said:

For the last few reunions, LVP just won't acknowledge that her actions hurt other women, and her apologies have to be dragged out of her.  She'd do much better by just saying something short and sweet along the lines of, "upon reflection or upon watching, I can see now why it was hurtful and I truly am sorry."  

LVP rarely sounds sincere to me with her apologies, but I would imagine she is sincere with some of them at least. I do not think she gave Eileen a sincere apology, but I also think Eileen should have just let it go after the second go around. 

3 hours ago, butterly17 said:

I believe that LVP, Kyle and Lisa R all talked about Yo and Munchhausen behind the scenes and kinda planned who would bring it up.  The thing is.  I JUST DON'T CARE!!   

I believed they all talked about Yo/Lyme and the possibility of her exaggerating or her having some sort of illness in addition to Lyme. I wish they stuck to their questioning of Yo and stopped with their infighting. I was all for Rinna saying that Yo was the most manipulative person of them all, because I concur. I was fine with the bits that Kyle and LVP said when questioning Yo's treatment or her having something in addition to Lyme, because I had questions (still do). It was like everyone backed off of Yo, when I thought there was legitimate questions about her and her illness. None of them wanted to go after the sick person, even though I would have been cheering if they did. Instead they all fought with each other.

3 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

The way Yolanda makes it sound is once an alcoholic starts drinking again they should be entitled to unlimited compassion.  Yolanda needs to stop creating sub categories for all these invisible diseases.  Kim's relapse was anything but invisible.

This. Kim wasn't (perhaps still not) a nice person, but apparently she should get a free pass because she is an alcoholic. No matter how many times they trot Kim out I just cannot buy what she is selling. Has Kim ever admitted to having a problem with pills or other drugs? I still do not believe her issue is just with alcohol. I do not care if Rinna and Eileen went in on her last season. It seemed like at the time everyone was overlooking Kim's behavior. That said I do think Rinna and Eileen can not like Kim, but wish her well (probably away from them though). I just think you can not like a person, but wish them well with some of the crap they are dealing with.

I was rolling my eyes at pretty much everything that was spilling out of Yo's mouth. I really think Kim and Yo are the master manipulators of the bunch.

I have the unpopular opinion of still liking Kyle, LVP, Rinna, and Eileen. Kathryn does not bother me either. I wish Erika would go, but more than anything I want Yo gone.

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47 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

. LisaV took a lot of heat in these two reunion shows and for the first time since RHoBH began that LisaV was exposed as being the "spider that spins a web and pulls everyone into it".


LOLOLOL, LisaV is the Lord Varys of Beverly Hills.

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20 minutes ago, Neeners said:

Sorry about the double post. I have no idea why it wouldn't let me actually write text after the quote. I even tried logging in and out. ANYWAY, the sentence I quoted is surprising to me. I saw on TMZ or something like that recently where Mo said they were still friends. Maybe he changed his mind (again)?

All I have to do is watch that TMZ video and know that, nope, he hasn't forgiven her.  Then if still in doubt, I'd just look at his social media pages, see that LVP is nowhere to be seen and confirm that, nope, he hasn't forgiven her.  Video of the two of them sitting down at the same table, breaking bread together will be necessary before I'd believe they're friends again.

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18 minutes ago, wings707 said:

I would love to have been on the car ride home with LVP and Kyle so I could hear them talk about the people living in vans outside the Lyme clinics to get help for their children.  Where was she, Ethiopia? 

No, the San Fernando Valley........

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4 minutes ago, ryebread said:

All I have to do is watch that TMZ video and know that, nope, he hasn't forgiven her.  Then if still in doubt, I'd just look at his social media pages, see that LVP is nowhere to be seen and confirm that, nope, he hasn't forgiven her.  Video of the two of them sitting down at the same table, breaking bread together will be necessary before I'd believe they're friends again.

I was hoping for a photobombed shot of lisa riding one of her ponies in Griffith Park and Mo showing up in the background?

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29 minutes ago, nc socialworker said:

Glad to see I'm not the only one struggling with glitches.

yes Mohammad made a public statement that he and Lisa were fine. Are they? Probably not ,but he most definetly did not make a public statement that LVP is dead to him, as much as Yolanda might wish he had.

I didn't believe it because of the phrasing. If he'd said something like 'we're no longer in communication' I would have had an easier time believing it. I wouldn't be surprised if Brandi and/or Yolanda are the sources for the 'dead to me' quote that's been blown out of proportion by people who are happy to see LVP take a hit. 

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15 minutes ago, nc socialworker said:

I'm pretty certain Yo was talking about Klinghardt clinic. It really made me mad ( dare I say enraged?) because when I was looking at his info when she first mentioned his name I saw of one family who sold their house to move across the country to be near him. They spend tens of thousands of dollars on his supplements and devices  with no results. There was another girl ( I think around 20 yrs of age) who had a go fund me site begging people for money so she could get "this life saving treatment" that the rest of the doctors were too stupid to know about. I pmd that to a few folks , I'll see if I can find it and post it. Anyway those are the people I have compassion for and why I get so mad at Yolanda. She can afford to jet set around the world trying various remedies , these other folks can't. I wish she would stop spreading these lies about alternative treatments, CLD and lyme literate doctors. Save that for your Hollywood friends. 

Ahhhhh, so she was telling the truth.  Wow  

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10 minutes ago, ryebread said:

All I have to do is watch that TMZ video and know that, nope, he hasn't forgiven her.  Then if still in doubt, I'd just look at his social media pages, see that LVP is nowhere to be seen and confirm that, nope, he hasn't forgiven her.  Video of the two of them sitting down at the same table, breaking bread together will be necessary before I'd believe they're friends again.

I'd settle for a quote from Mohammed and he's already given us one saying more than once that he and Lisa are still friends. A terse 'no comment' would have been a lot more persuasive to the idea that he's very angry with her but instead he's contradicting Yolanda's claim that the friendship is over. 

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4 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Eileen admitting she knew about Munchausen earlier tells me that Rinna was also talking to her about it when she was talking to Kyle about, before LisaV was told by Kyle. So why didn't Eileen stop Rinna right there and then, why did she act so "surprised" when it was brought up at LisaV's meet the pony's lunch and why is she blaming LisaV for something she, herself, didn't stop before the cameras started rolling? I am beginning to think Eileen and Rinna set this all up between them before the cameras arrived and I have to ask why, did they think they would take over the show by doing this?

Good questions!  If Eileen did know all about this before hand, and she was being Yolanda's "champion" throughout all of this, she should have been able to "manipulate" Lisa Rinna to not mention Munchausen's on camera, just as Rinna and Eileen claim that LVP "manipulated" Rinna to say it.  

I like your speculation about Eileen and Rinna, as well - wouldn't surprise me, either.  

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7 minutes ago, Avaleigh said:

I'd settle for a quote from Mohammed and he's already given us one saying more than once that he and Lisa are still friends. A terse 'no comment' would have been a lot more persuasive to the idea that he's very angry with her but instead he's contradicting Yolanda's claim that the friendship is over. 

I got the impression LVP wants to take Mohamed out of the equation for filming, the issue was just a flame up and things would go back to normal.  It has to be difficult with Yolanda demanding to be the center of everyone's universe.

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21 minutes ago, nc socialworker said:

I'm pretty certain Yo was talking about Klinghardt clinic. It really made me mad ( dare I say enraged?) because when I was looking at his info when she first mentioned his name I saw of one family who sold their house to move across the country to be near him. They spend tens of thousands of dollars on his supplements and devices  with no results. There was another girl ( I think around 20 yrs of age) who had a go fund me site begging people for money so she could get "this life saving treatment" that the rest of the doctors were too stupid to know about. I pmd that to a few folks , I'll see if I can find it and post it. Anyway those are the people I have compassion for and why I get so mad at Yolanda. She can afford to jet set around the world trying various remedies , these other folks can't. I wish she would stop spreading these lies about alternative treatments, CLD and lyme literate doctors. Save that for your Hollywood friends. 

So the poor people who are truly on board with these alternative treatments are to be sympathized with and their blind optimism is understandable and tolerable but Yolanda's confidence in the same sort of treatments is frowned upon because......? She has money? Why isn't her strong feelings about alternative treatments as understandable as the average person? She's not trying to con anyone out of their money. She's just sharing her treatment plans and that's her right. It's not like she BELIEVES they don't work or that the direction is completely pointless yet encourages others to give it a try. No, she truly believes that there are benefits that come along with alternative treatments so her sharing that opinion isn't her spreading lies. She really believes in this stuff and that's her right to do so. 

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right if Elieen knew wouldn't she say "Lisa that is a bad idea" or this being Elieen perhaps "how dare you!" And doesn't that fact that Elieen said Lisar called her right after point to the fact they all call each other to discuss filming and story lines. And lastly this shows that Eileen's "I'm shocked" to Lisar on the beach was all bullshit.

4 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

So the poor people who are truly on board with these alternative treatments are to be sympathized with and their blind optimism is understandable and tolerable but Yolanda's confidence in the same sort of treatments is frowned upon because......? She has money? Why isn't her strong feelings about alternative treatments as understandable as the average person? She's not trying to con anyone out of their money. She's just sharing her treatment plans and that's her right. It's not like she BELIEVES they don't work or that the direction is completely pointless yet encourages others to give it a try. No, she truly believes that there are benefits that come along with alternative treatments so her sharing that opinion isn't her spreading lies. She really believes in this stuff and that's her right to do so. 

I beleive she is co signing a fraud. Yes it's her right but it doesn't make it right.

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1 hour ago, jaync said:

I will be really fucking good if the word "manipulate" and all its variations are never uttered again on this show. TIRED.

Words and phrases that I would like to see retired:

'Own it'.  (People like Brandi and Rinna think this is some kind of get out of jail free card that they can play over and over again. I'm not even sure they entirely understand what owning it means.)

The word 'journey' if it's used by Yolanda.

'...behind my back'. (This is so rarely the real issue with these women.)

'I'm done.' (They're never fucking done, lol.)

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Just awful and boring.  First of all, I need a button that only mutes Yolanda and her sanctimonious, condescending, self serving comments. For someone who wants respect and wants to be allowed to "finish", she certainly has no problems interrupting anyone else.

I thought Kim looked good.  But I'm over the Kim Richards/Lisa Rinna drama.   Yes, Rinna said some awful things about Kim, but Kim gave as good as she got, and it's not like Rinna outed Kim's problems to the world.  So, Kim needs to get over herself....still. (as does Rinna).

Kathyrn is coming out on top.   Kyle is doing fine except she really isn't contributing anything.  Rinna and Eileen are making fools of themselves beating the same dead horses over and over and over again. LVP is just being LVP.  But I think she's pretty much reached her limit - I say this after reading her last two blogs. She's over it. 

As for Erika - Andy should have pressed her on her response as to why she didn't own the fact that she tattled to Yolanda.  "I was tired after my show?" doesn't cut it.  But once again, it's obvious Andy has checked out.

I guess he's dreaming about the possibility of "Kelly and Andy" now!

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17 hours ago, ingenting said:



"but I swear that's a real bathroom behind us!"

That top pic -- follow Erika's eyeline to the Yo and LVP hand holding.  The look on Erika's face takes me back to middle school drama about who is now friends with whom.

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21 hours ago, glowlights said:


The thing with hurt feelings, imo, is it depends on intent and context. If I were to, I don't know, mock someone for their limp and ape the way they walk in order to put them down, it would be total bullshit to turn around later and say, "It's not my fault how you choose to feel about it." But comments that are not directly aimed with intent, or the person speaking didn't know all the facts? Yeah, sometimes people have to own how they choose to process it just as others have to own what comes out of their mouths.  Two way street. On the other hand, "At least I own it!" is not a get out of jail free card. That's some Ramona Singer level logic.

I walk with a limp and if that happened I would not be hurt but I would think you were an asshole. Others may be hurt but I would be grateful that I could still walk and wasn't an asshole. ;-)

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Dear Kim,

Glad that you doing well. Your calling out of Eileen and her antics was spot on. Now please get off my TV screen and focus on your new grandbaby and continuing recovery.



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I don't think Kim was asking for an endless free pass. It's just that Lisa R has been so aggressively maligning her for such a long time that even Andy (not that Satan Andy is any sort of moral compass) has had to acknowledge her level of anger is inappropriate for the situation. And it's weird that this is the one thing she doesn't own, or only half-owns. Like, she'll apologize for the language she used because it hurts Kyle and say that she wishes Kim well--and then half a breath later says she's only human and can't be held accountable. That was then and this is now. 

Even though it was said through the lens of Yo's Lyme Warrior/Invisible Disease angle....I was glad she shut Eileen down by saying "A human being was suffering. That's the behavior. That's what was going on. But you've never had the anger." I am neutral on Eileen but I do think she pulls this shocked, SHOCKED and appalled routine in every situation, not just affair-gate. "There was behavior....Behavior!" And then my favorite. "You exaggerate." "WHAT?! *I* EXAGGERATE?" *eyes wide with shock and mouth gaping, aghast*

I was with her when Brandi threw wine in her face. That was weird and icky. I understand the feeling of violation. But come on, she knows Kim was high af at her house. The whole game of "Is she ok? What's happening? This is weird. We just wanted to know what was going on because we're so concerned" is such bullshit and DOES seem soap opera-ish considering Kim's addiction is life threatening.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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6 minutes ago, The Mighty Peanut said:

I don't think Kim was asking for an endless free pass. It's just that Lisa R has been so aggressively maligning her for such a long time that even Andy (not that Satan Andy is any sort of moral compass) have noticed her level of anger is inappropriate for the situation. And it's weird that this is the one thing she doesn't own, or only half-owns. Like, she'll apologize for the language she used because it hurts Kyle and say that she wishes Kim well--and then half a breath later said that she can't be held accountable.

Even though it was said through the lens of Yo's Lyme Warrior/Invisible Disease angle....I was glad she shut Eileen down by saying "A human being was suffering. That's the behavior. That's what was going on. But you've never had the anger." I am neutral on Eileen but I do think she pulls this shocked, SHOCKED and appalled routine in every situation, not just affair get. "There was behavior....Behavior!" And then my favorite. "You exaggerate." "WHAT?! *I* EXAGGERATE?" *eyes wide with shock and mouth gaping, aghast*

Eileen's own blog post demonstrates she does exaggerate and is overdramatic: "What, Kim? I’m overdramatic???!!!"  

That much punctuation is not for lightweights.

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4 minutes ago, The Mighty Peanut said:

I don't think Kim was asking for an endless free pass. It's just that Lisa R has been so aggressively maligning her for such a long time that even Andy (not that Satan Andy is any sort of moral compass) have noticed her level of anger is inappropriate for the situation. And it's weird that this is the one thing she doesn't own, or only half-owns. Like, she'll apologize for the language she used because it hurts Kyle and say that she wishes Kim well--and then half a breath later said that she can't be held accountable.

Even though it was said through the lens of Yo's Lyme Warrior/Invisible Disease angle....I was glad she shut Eileen down by saying "A human being was suffering. That's the behavior. That's what was going on. But you've never had the anger." I am neutral on Eileen but I do think she pulls this shocked, SHOCKED and appalled routine in every situation, not just affair get. "There was behavior....Behavior!" And then my favorite. "You exaggerate." "WHAT?! *I* EXAGGERATE?" *eyes wide with shock and mouth gaping, aghast*

Lisa R  reminds me of "Holier than Thou" religious types that sin all week long and confess to be forgiven on Sunday then are right back at it after they pull out of the church parking lot.

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I was responding to a post up-line re LVP & Mo and it crashed.

I think Mo may or may not be done with LVP but a brief look at his Instagram shows everything Real Housewives is gone so perhaps smart guy that he is, he's realized that the franchise is bad for his biz and family. Just another way to look at it.

Re Kim wanting an endless free pass from Lisar or anyone for that matter, I've noticed Kim will tolerate anyone with a broom and a rug. Denial and all that river stuff... 

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20 hours ago, HumblePi said:

I don't like any of these women, I only dislike LisaV to a greater degree than the others. Both Lisa and Ken have been close friends with Mohamed Hadid for more than 20 years. If there was anyone's ass that Lisa's head was up, it was Mohamed's. Apparently, this was not the only time Lisa V. doubted Anwar and Bella's illness. And when Mohamed found out that Lisa V. questioned their Lyme disease on-camera, he felt that was the last straw. Their relationship began with business and I assume was financially beneficial for Lisa and Ken It seemed it was their purpose in life, to keep Mohamed close and at the very core of their intimate circle.

Mohamed had said publicly 'Lisa Vanderpump is dead to me' and has written her out of his life. LisaV had doubted that Anwar and Bella had Lyme Disease on camera, and this was not the only time Lisa V. doubted their illness. When Mohamed found out that Lisa V. questioned their Lyme disease on camera, that was the end of the friendship as far as Mohamed was concerned. LisaV took a lot of heat in these two reunion shows and for the first time since RHoBH began that LisaV was exposed as being the "spider that spins a web and pulls everyone into it". Even though Erika never used those words, (Kathryn changed what she said to those words), she was dead-on correct. But Lisa Vanderpump has only had other rich Beverly Hills wives to manipulate, no challenge for her. Going heads-on with a rich Jordanian businessman that has come up against Donald Trump in business and had defeated him, is a force that's just too powerful for even Lisa V to be able to manipulate.

When did Mohamed say this publicly? I have never seen/read/heard him say it himself, just some "unnamed" source, which could have been anyone.....like say, Yolanda or Brandi but never Mohamed. The last time he was filmed, by TMZ I think, He said they were still friends and that was just last week. Do you have another source that I missed showing him saying Lisa is "dead" to him? .

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There is more to the Mohammed story but I don't believe he would ever say 'she is dead to me.'   The person who said that has been watching too much Shark Tank! 

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3 minutes ago, Vicky8675309 said:

Erika is a liar who thinks the other HWs and viewers are too stupid to remember what she said on the show. Why wasn't video evidence shown? Because Andy loves her and thinks she is the best thing since sliced bread.

To what are you referring?  I need a memory jog. 

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19 hours ago, nc socialworker said:

right if Elieen knew wouldn't she say "Lisa that is a bad idea" or this being Elieen perhaps "how dare you!" And doesn't that fact that Elieen said Lisar called her right after point to the fact they all call each other to discuss filming and story lines. And lastly this shows that Eileen's "I'm shocked" to Lisar on the beach was all bullshit.

I beleive she is co signing a fraud. Yes it's her right but it doesn't make it right.

While I do not believe Yo is intentionally perpetrating a fraud, she clearly lacks some BS detectors (great example you pointed out in another post about how all the other docs are willfully ignoring the only TRUE cure for Lyme, etc), and her public platform, intentional or not, is bringing some attention. 

I don't know anywhere near enough about her, or Lyme disease, (or any of it really) to get behind one position or not, but my BS detectors also sound when there's just this one guy who has found a cure for a disease that for some reason mainstream medicine willfully ignores. It implies a conspiracy on behalf of down in the trenches doctors, most of whom would like nothing more than to cure their patients of whatever ails them ("Big Pharma" notwithstanding). 

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15 minutes ago, Almost 3000 said:

I was responding to a post up-line re LVP & Mo and it crashed.

I think Mo may or may not be done with LVP but a brief look at his Instagram shows everything Real Housewives is gone so perhaps smart guy that he is, he's realized that the franchise is bad for his biz and family. Just another way to look at it.

Re Kim wanting an endless free pass from Lisar or anyone for that matter, I've noticed Kim will tolerate anyone with a broom and a rug. Denial and all that river stuff... 

what does broom and a broom and a rug mean? I must be too old or too young to know what this refers to. Lol

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2 minutes ago, nc socialworker said:

what does broom and a broom and a rug mean? I must be too old or too young to know what this refers to. Lol

I think they are referring to sweeping stuff under the rug (not dealing with a topic)

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34 minutes ago, Jel said:

Eileen's own blog post demonstrates she does exaggerate and is overdramatic: "What, Kim? I’m overdramatic???!!!"  

That much punctuation is not for lightweights.

I think that was the point of her using that many question marks and exclamation points. She was being facetious.

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19 hours ago, nc socialworker said:

right if Elieen knew wouldn't she say "Lisa that is a bad idea" or this being Elieen perhaps "how dare you!" And doesn't that fact that Elieen said Lisar called her right after point to the fact they all call each other to discuss filming and story lines. And lastly this shows that Eileen's "I'm shocked" to Lisar on the beach was all bullshit.

I beleive she is co signing a fraud. Yes it's her right but it doesn't make it right.

But some alternative measures are beneficial and it's truly up to individuals to decide whether they want to test it out. Yolanda believes in it so I don't see how she's doing something malicious. I mean it is what it is but to assign criminal activity to her choices of treatment and her confidence in it seems a wee bit unfair. <shrug>

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8 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

But some alternative measures are beneficial and it's truly up to individuals to decide whether they want to test it out. Yolanda believes in it so I don't see how she's doing something malicious. I mean it is what it is but to assign criminal activity to her choices of treatment and her confidence in it seems a wee bit unfair. <shrug>

That is Jenny McCarthy's defense.

Jenny McCarthy Anti-Vaccine Death Count was over 9000 in July of 2015. It's probably higher now.


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On 4/27/2016 at 10:53 AM, Neeners said:

The main thing sticking with me after watching that drama is Lisa Rinna talking about how next year the BBQ would be at her house. Does that mean she already knows she's coming back? I saw LVP give Andy a look...

ETA: I just saw this on Andy's Twitter:

I think the no way is the idea of getting rid of all four, but I think a couple of them could be in the mix to be gone.  If I were to guess, I'd say Erika is a lock for next year, because some of his favorite WWHL guests have extolled her extensively (Rebecca Romijn, Jerry O'Connell.) Yo is also likely a lock, just because of Gigi and the Nons.  If they wind up on a rocket ship to A list, he'll want to be clinging to the fuselage. Rinna is a crap shoot.  I think it would depend on if he thought her drama creating ability (ie Kenya) outweighs her liabilities.  He loves a good catfight.  Eileen is the only one I doubt he'd miss in some capacity.  She's boring, her contract is expensive, and she is not really making fanbase strides if you look at Twitter followers

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3 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

But some alternative measures are beneficial and it's truly up to individuals to decide whether they want to test it out. Yolanda believes in it so I don't see how she's doing something malicious. I mean it is what it is but to assign criminal activity to her choices of treatment and her confidence in it seems a wee bit unfair. <shrug>

I actually wish I hadn't posted that. Not that I don't beleive it, I do. The season is almost over and I am sick to death of the whole lyme discussion. I'm kicking myself for reigniting it. at this point there is nothing anyone can say that will convince those that beleive Yolanda has chronic Lyme disease that she doesn't and vice versa. I'm sick of posting about it and I'm sure others are sick of it too. Honestly my point really was I hope that people that can least afford it don't get taken advantage of. That's it. I don't think Yolanda is a criminal and I don't know what's in her heart. Can we all just agree to disagree ? 

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56 minutes ago, Giselle said:

Lisa R  reminds me of "Holier than Thou" religious types that sin all week long and confess to be forgiven on Sunday then are right back at it after they pull out of the church parking lot.

My wife and I have had that convo about 'hitting the reset' that us religious types use all the time. ( I don't ask for forgiveness, nor permission) She thinks that sin should accumulate, I say the soul has limited space and cleaned out every so often?

6 minutes ago, Giselle said:

That is Jenny McCarthy's defense.

Jenny McCarthy Anti-Vaccine Death Count was over 9000 in July of 2015. It's probably higher now.


Well, she DID cure autism, didn't she?

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On 4/27/2016 at 8:30 AM, ElDosEquis said:

Right after the topic of yo's divorce came up, LVP HAD to be the first to jump in and ask about being 'blindsided'. I dunno if she does it subconsciously or has an agenda, but it seems like anything remotely having to do with marriage, LVP jumps on?

What I loved about it even more was how LVP jumped in about Yolanda's emotions at the Andrea Bocelli dinner and Yolanda was all, "No, I wasn't upset about the divorce - I was upset about you talking about my kids on camera," and LVP scurried away from that shit faster than a cockroach seeking cover when the lights get turned on! LVP didn't miss a beat, completely not acknowledging what Yolanda said, and continued badgering her, "Yes, but did you know?" I almost begrudgingly respect how 1) LVP shamelessly sidestepped what Yolanda was saying, and 2) then kept going with prying into details of the divorce! The woman just shows her true colors over and over and over...

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19 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

No, she truly believes that there are benefits that come along with alternative treatments so her sharing that opinion isn't her spreading lies. She really believes in this stuff and that's her right to do so. 

I agree.  She isn't any more ridiculous or dangerous, to me, than the people who believe that prayer will cure them.  Or those who send their money to televangelicals that can cure their cancer/heart trouble/hair loss over the airwaves.  They really believe it and that's their right.  I certainly don't hate them for it. 


At least with alternative treatments, there's a good possibility of getting something right.

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Wait now-----I've had bronchitis for 3 weeks and apparently I did it all wrong.......I didn't take any sick selfies so people could see me blowing my nose or hacking away.....I didn't write a blog about my journey.......I didn't file for divorce (well I'm not married but you get the idea) because I wasn't getting enough support.......I didn't claim my kids also have bronchitis........I didn't get mad at my friends who didn't drop everything to come hold my hand.......and most important.....I didn't refuse the antibiotics, sell my home, and go live by the river because antibiotics don't work ya'll!!!

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1 minute ago, eurekagirl mOo said:

Wait now-----I've had bronchitis for 3 weeks and apparently I did it all wrong.......I didn't take any sick selfies so people could see me blowing my nose or hacking away.....I didn't write a blog about my journey.......I didn't file for divorce (well I'm not married but you get the idea) because I wasn't getting enough support.......I didn't claim my kids also have bronchitis........I didn't get mad at my friends who didn't drop everything to come hold my hand.......and most important.....I didn't refuse the antibiotics, sell my home, and go live by the river because antibiotics don't work ya'll!!!

You COULD have put a little effort into getting married when you first became ill? ; )

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OH! I envisioned the "people in vans" comment as a sort of hippie commune with everyone living out of VW camper buses, and very much wanted to know where such a hilarious clinic might be. But yeah, the people who sell their houses and live out of their cars to pay for their kids to be "cured" by Dr. Klingon...  I'll bet most of those kids have the "indigo child" diagnosis, too. Just sayin'.

I am so sick of hearing Kim wanting brownie points for her alleged sobriety while steadfastly refusing to admit any problem other than alcohol. Was Yolanda always this sympathetic to Kim, or is it part of her new "invisible diseases" crusade? Does Kim have a health advocate, too?

Kyle looked great in that clip of her and Kim discussing their relationship. What a shame to go with green glitter eyeshadow, skid mark eyebrows and pop-up boobs for the reunion when she already has a look that works so well for her.

Ericka Jayne had some surprising flashes of no nonsense attitude. I don't doubt for a second that she had a hard time integrating into her husband's social/professional circle. Whatever works.

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5 minutes ago, JenFromCincy said:

I think the no way is the idea of getting rid of all four, but I think a couple of them could be in the mix to be gone.  If I were to guess, I'd say Erika is a lock for next year, because some of his favorite WWHL guests have extolled her extensively (Rebecca Romijn, Jerry O'Connell.) Yo is also likely a lock, just because of Gigi and the Nons.  If they wind up on a rocket ship to A list, he'll want to be clinging to the fuselage. Rinna is a crap shoot.  I think it would depend on if he thought her drama creating ability (ie Kenya) outweighs her liabilities.  He loves a good catfight.  Eileen is the only one I doubt he'd miss in some capacity.  She's boring, her contract is expensive, and she is not really making fanbase strides if you look at Twitter followers

Agree. But Lisa R's shtick is already 2 years old. Do we really need to see the 3.0 version. This season for Rinna was a repeat of what she did to Kim. She inserted herself into something to a degree that wasn't any of her business, got called out on bad behavior and at the end said " I'm human".   Who is she gonna go after next year Kyle or Katherine? Let me guess, next season some slight is done and LisaR inserts herself and exaggerates the situation. She mouths off. She owns it. She won't let go until she gets called on her continuously escalating shit. Then cries crocodile tears and says "I'm human."

Why bother watching. I'd rather watch Katherine get new hearing aids, Kyle stuffing herself into a goal size bra and Ken chase the ponies.

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