formerlyfreedom April 25, 2016 Share April 25, 2016 Hades turns to the heroes to ask for help with getting Zelena back from Rumpelstiltskin and Peter Pan. In return, he offers to take all their names off their tombstones. However, when Hook is still unable to leave, he and Emma must journey into the depths of the Underworld. Meanwhile, Cruella De Vil is determined to keep the heroes trapped in the Underworld. In flashbacks, Emma searches for answers about her family and makes an unexpected friendship Link to comment
InsertWordHere May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 That parting scene! The hands! I am emotional. 3 Link to comment
Worsel May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 My thoughts on this episode in no particular order: Well, that was the shortest witch-napping ever. And it was no surprise that Hades double-crossed everyone. I found the Quest for Ambrosia uninteresting. It was merely a mechanism to separate Emma from Regina. Was it wrong for me to think about weighing produce in the grocery store when Emma put her heart on the scale? At least we got a tender heartfelt scene between Emma and Hook. Poor Robin had a very bad day, he had to give up his baby to the woman who raped him, then got his heart ripped out by Rumple. I liked seeing the dwarf (named Stealthy?) and am intensely interested in his unfinished business with Bashful. I think we deserve to see a flashback about this. I want to see more about the other supporting characters like in season 1. How delightful to see Cruella again! And thanks to Regina, from now on I will think of her as “Fuzzy”. Fuzzy and the Blind Witch make a good team. I guess it was nice to see an origin story about Emma’s entry into Bail Bonds Person career and her red leather jacket. I feel it was totally in character for Rumple to double-cross Pan. But why did he need to put Belle in Pandora’s box to bring her back to Storybrooke? Belle is so tiny he probably could have carried her himself. 4 Link to comment
Mari May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 (edited) I really liked the flashbacks about Emma's transition to bailbondswoman, and several of the Emma/Hook scenes. But, it's difficult to believe that the Hades/Zelena kiss was true love since apparently he was playing everyone. Also, why doesn't anyone--even Robin's soulmate--allow Robin to not be okay with Zelena? Because, well, he has every right to. "Trust me. Trust Zelena." What? Another good thing: Rumple tricked Pan. Well done, Rumple, even though you are a slippery evil trickster. (Although, the message of Once seems to be "Only the villains get happy endings.") Edited May 2, 2016 by Mari added comment 5 Link to comment
Panopticon May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 Not a perfect episode by any means but there was enough to please me. Pan makes things better just by showing up. And I love that he and Rumple are “the Stiltskins” the way David’s family is “the Charmings.” “Villains don’t get happy endings, Papa.” I stand by my general feeling that Rumple is played out as a character but there’s still nothing like him being a boss. Emma’s reaction to Killian reading the instructions was adorable and I can’t wait to see the million gifs of it that I’m sure are going up on tumblr as I type. Her “seriously?” has never sounded so lovestruck. Matched only by his lovestruck look when she said her armor had been on for such a long time that she forgets she doesn’t need it with him. And then he freaking glows at her when they pass the true love test. An origin story for how Emma’s red leather jacket became her armor? Yes please. The transformation scene where young Emma tells the girl about her birth mother and then puts on the jacket is stunning. And JM looked even more beautiful than usual. I feel weirdly unstressed about Hook apparently moving on. Not sure why. 3 Link to comment
Guest May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 (edited) Not really following how Hades and Zelena can have a TLK with such deceit going on between them; especially since they were implying that Emma's armor was the cause of not saving Hook there at the end. Liked all the scenes between Hook and Emma in the episode. Why did Rumple put Belle in Pandora's box? Is that a reference to something I don't remember? Edited May 2, 2016 by ParadoxLost Link to comment
Popular Post Mockingbird May 2, 2016 Popular Post Share May 2, 2016 Yes, Killian. True love is totally rare and special. Like when Zelena's TLK restarted Hades' heart seven minutes earlier. Or when Red's TLK saved Dorothy after they knew each other for a few hours. 26 Link to comment
Randomosity May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 I'm not spoiled, so I have no idea what may be ahead for Killian, but if he doesn't get brought back to life, I throw things. Then I stop watching. 12 Link to comment
AmandaPanda May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 I loved the flashbacks to Emma's origin into a bailbondsperson. The flashbacks only work when we're actually invested in a character. The Hook/Emma parting scene got me right in the feels. I was a sobbing mess. I'm holding out hope that this isn't the end of Hook. I'm mostly unspoiled for the show, so I have no idea if my hope is fruitless. If it is, at least I have fan fiction to get me through the summer. I can't take the thought that this is really the end of Hook. Robin is totally in the right to not trust Zelena. After what she did to him, no one has any business telling him to change his feelings. 3 Link to comment
KingOfHearts May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 (edited) Well... okay then. My favorite part of this episode was the goodbye scene. I think I was more emotional then than any point in 5A. It was just perfectly done and I could everything that Emma and Hook were. So tragic, but beautifully done. As for the flashbacks, while they explained important parts of Emma's life well, I found them to be mostly disconnected from the rest of the episode. (Aside from the "letting go" part.) They mostly reaffirmed things we already knew from other points in Emma's history. Cleo wasn't that strong of a character, but I did like how Emma showed her daughter who she was. Other points: * Stealthy's unfinished business with Bashful... haha. Why couldn't he appear when Snow was there? * Cruella and the Blind Witch. That was wonderful. * "True Love is the rarest magic of all..." LOL. I think my dog can TLK me at this point. * I'm legitimately disappointed Pan got sent to the River of Lost Souls. Dang it, Rumple! Give us Pan back! * Big surprise - the villain of the arc actually is... the villain of the arc. Not that I was pulling for his redemption, but that was so meh. Just shows you how stupid Regina was for letting Zelena go at him. Quote I'm not spoiled, so I have no idea what may be ahead for Killian, but if he doesn't get brought back to life, I throw things. Then I stop watching. Totally, but how many goodbye scenes does CS need? That's just torture. Quote Also, why doesn't anyone--even Robin's soulmate--allow Robin to not be okay with Zelena? Because, well, he has every right to. "Trust me. Trust Zelena." What? I was like, "Oh my gosh! Robin gets to have a feeling!", then we learn it was just so he could be alone for Rumple to take his heart. (Which I guess didn't need to happen after all?) Edited May 2, 2016 by KingOfHearts 3 Link to comment
InsertWordHere May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 Before the flashbacks in this episode, I had assumed that Emma stopped her stealing ways many years ago. Maybe not immediately after prison, but within five years or so of being released. Placing the flashbacks only two years before the Pilot makes Neal and August's machinations even more heartbreaking and stupid. Again, Emma could have still broken the curse without going to prison. I love the confirmation that Hook is an educated man. Pan and Rumple were perfect. At first I thought it was an error that Pan's smoke wasn't green, but I think they just didn't want to confuse people considering the river water melting effect would have looked similar. 1 Link to comment
AmeliaBedelia May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 I enjoyed this one a lot. I'll get the cons out of the way: Hook': "True love is the rarest form of magic." Me: HAHAHAHAHAsnortchucklecoughnoit'sreallynot Not buying the Zelena/Regina sister bond. Emma's mentor did not have to die. That was a bit much. Pros: The Hook/Emma goodbye. I know a scene is good when I immediately want to watch it again. The Robin Hood heart theft nevermind just kidding story had me fooled. I do love Robbie Kay and wish they would find a way for him to stick around. Hades being a dick. This pleased me because he's supposed to be a dick. The pacing was good. Everything moved. I groaned at Henry wanting to save everyone, but those scenes were brief. I hate that we're just now getting to the good stuff and the finale is coming up. This episode proves that you can have character balance in the present day while still doing a story in flashbacks. 2 Link to comment
tennisgurl May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 I legitimately teared up during the Hook/Emma goodbye scene. I am trying to go without spoilers, so while I do not fully believe this is the end of Hook, I have no idea if that was the last time we are going to see him. I really hope not. I just love Captain Swan so much...this cannot be the end! Before the tears started, I laughed out loud at Hook saying how rare TLK is. You can have Tue Love Powers after exchanging a few flirty emojiis in this universe. I have more thoughts, but I am still feeling a lot of feels. Will give more thoughts later. 2 Link to comment
mjgchick May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 I haven't watched yet but can the writers lay the angst off of Emma? Hasn't she been through enough with the life she's lived? 7 Link to comment
Arnella May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 Ok, that CaptainSwan goodbye scene was very nice as was the first one when he DIED but does anyone really think it IS goodbye. I don't care one way or the other; just stop jerking us around. So Milah and Auntie Em are just left in the river of souls?? I suspected as much because they were just a momentary plot point for the writers. Someone mentioned that they would like to see the stories about secondary characters like in season one. Yes, please but it will never happen because A&E are only interested in the next big bad and how they can be related to Regina. So Robin is told he has to now trust his rapist because she's "good" and we all have to accept her into the family... he's getting a little taste what all of Regina's victims get to feel now that nobody is allowed to bring up how Regina ruined their lives by torturing and murdering various loved ones. 11 Link to comment
Rumsy4 May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 (edited) Surprise surprise! Hades betrayed everyone. The Blind Witch/Cruella dynamic duo was hilarious! I was happy that the BW got in a shot about Regina sending all thsoe kids to her in the first place. Cruella being mad at David for "dissolved Jimmy" was perfect. I felt bad for Robin over Regina suddenly trusting Zelena. First time he's ever been mildly annoyed at her. Spoiler No wonder you know... I really don't think he should have handed Pistachio over to Zelena just becasue Regina asked him to. Hades & Zelena got a TLK. Lol. I'm sure that's not the reaction the writers were going for, but, come on!! I was impressed with Rumple over what he did to Pan!! The flashback happened only 2 years before the Pilot?? So, Emma was still mooching around for 8 years after she left prison?? That makes no sense. I did like that Emma found Cleo's daughter and told her about her mother. And she got her famous Red Jacket. And boy am I GLAD Cleo was not a fairy tale character. One Person. I loved the allusion to Orpheus and Eurydice. Though what ambrosia has anything to do with their myth I donno. Whatever Show... The CS True Love test was sweet, though quite brief. Hook asking Emma to let go and her doing so was basically a retread of the ending of Swan Song. I was crying though. Poor babies. When will they ever be happy?? I feel unsatisfied after this episode. This should have been a two-parter with the next one, which will deal with the fallout. Edited May 2, 2016 by Rumsy4 5 Link to comment
Sarcastica May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 Hook and Emma saying farewell to each at the elevator = me bawling like a baby. Adios Pan. I hope Cruella and the Blind Witch become BFFs. Hades...ya get all my side-eye Rumple....Belle whatever...don't care. 2 Link to comment
Mathius May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 (edited) 5 minutes ago, Arnella said: So Milah and Auntie Em are just left in the river of souls?? I still hope something is done about that in the next episode with Spoiler Zeus' appearance since not only are the souls in the river still an issue, but the heroes just left the rest of the Underworld's population that's not in the river at the mercy of Cruella. WTF? If that's where the Underworld story ends, then it is incredibly depressing. Speaking of Cruella, I loved that she made it crystal clear that her feelings for James were not romantic in the slightest, and that she adored him for being "the best toy in the sandbox". Classic sociopathy on her part. Edited May 2, 2016 by Mathius 10 Link to comment
Worsel May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 (edited) 7 minutes ago, Rumsy4 said: I felt bad for Robin over Regina suddenly trusting Zelena. First time he's ever been mildly annoyed at her. I really don't think he should have handed Pistachio over to Zelena just becasue Regina asked him to. I think it would have been more interesting for the writers to create some conflict between Robin and Regina, by having him refuse to hand over the baby. But I guess they have to wrap things up quickly now the season is almost over. Edited May 2, 2016 by Worsel delete possible spoiler in the quoted portion 2 Link to comment
scenicbyway May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 Ok then. Um. Where to begin, I'm a spoilerholic but I did not see that turning out the way it did. There's got to be something we don't know about "True Love" right? If it's so rare, why has every couple except for Hook and Emma had a TLK at this point? Seriously, Rumple could have picked any couple even Zelena and Hades for his special bottle of love. Huh? Why is this season of Hook and Emma constantly having to sacrifice for the team by giving each other up? The trip to the basement was pointless, I guess we and Hook finally got to hear her say she thought maybe they might me true love, but we all already knew that. How many goodbyes do we have to have in one season. Also, why does Rumple need Hades portal? He can go anywhere anyway. 1 Link to comment
Randomosity May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 Are the previews for next week considered spoilers? I guess I'll be vague to stay safe. But that preview makes me think they're not done with the underworld and that Killian could still be rescued. Killian did have the best line, about Emma only being able to let her feelings be known unless mortal danger threatens. Link to comment
KingOfHearts May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 (edited) Rumpbelle strikes again! Rumple has killed his father twice now. I would get your affairs in order, Moe. (Both for the Overworld and the Underworld...) Edited May 2, 2016 by KingOfHearts 1 Link to comment
Mathius May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 (edited) Quote Also, why does Rumple need Hades portal? He can go anywhere anyway. I don't think he can create portals OUT of the Underworld, all the portals made from his blood have only gone TO it. Edited May 2, 2016 by Mathius Link to comment
shoregirl May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 The Captain Swan goodbye made me cry. The acting was great there. But I would like for them to lay off the angst for like 5 minutes. Just because two actors are good at doesn't mean you have to keep having them do it. I loved the true love test, their faces when Tru loved was confirmed was so sweet. See show they do that well too let them have happy moments if hook gets out of the underworld. The scene where Emma finds the daughter was good. Jennifer Morrison's acting was wonderful when she put on the leather jacket for the first time. She changed from young Emma to current Emma and it was all in the body language. 8 Link to comment
OnceUponAJen May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 Poor Emma and Killian. They've had enough goodbyes between them. Babies made me cry.....again! Them passing the True Love test wasn't needed...I think they've already proved themselves. I also laughed at the line about True Love being rare. I think my actual words were, "Apparently not." I loved that Pan got what was coming to him. Although he's such a great villain, I hope that isn't the end of him. I can't wait to see what happens next week. This hour was over much too quickly. 1 Link to comment
thuganomics85 May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 Like with most things Once Upon A Time, as soon as I saw that Jane Espenson was the writer, I knew I was going to enjoy the episode more then normal. Whatever issues I might have with the overall plots, at least with her, I know the dialogue willy be witty and snappy, and she at least seems to understand how the characters play off with one another. Loved pretty much all the exchanges between Emma/Hook, Rumple/Pan, and especially Regina/Hook. I always get a kick out of it whenever they are snarking on one another. That said, yeah, that was no surprise that Hades was pretty much playing everyone. Even Zelena didn't seem to be in on it. But Hook and Robin were totally right on the money about the entire thing. Of course, since his planned failed anyway and everyone but Hook got the portal, he's going to have some explaining to do. The question is that will Zelena be upset, or will be officially join the darkside and Team Hades. Figured Rumple was double-crossing Pan, but I'm still kind of bummed. I didn't want him to get a happy ending or anything, but I wanted him to play a bigger part in the endgame, and see more of Robbie A. Kay being delightfully evil. Cruella and Blind Witch were campier then ever and I loved every minute of it! Certainly was predicting we'd get an origin story for Emma's jacket and how she became a bails bondswoman. Fun seeing Rya Kihlstedt as Cleo, since she was just with Robbie Kay on Heroes: Reborn. I have to think this isn't the last of Hook. He's somehow going to come back to life, because I don't see the show going there. Nor do I want them to, because Hook is one of my favorite characters on this show. I did like the brief scene of Henry trying to help everyone. Especially the Stealthly cameo! 2 Link to comment
Guest May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 2 minutes ago, scenicbyway said: Ok then. Um. Where to begin, I'm a spoilerholic but I did not see that turning out the way it did. There's got to be something we don't know about "True Love" right? If it's so rare, why has every couple except for Hook and Emma had a TLK at this point? I was expecting a TLK that made the ambrosia grow. I think they are still going for Emma's armor stopping the TLK. But really, the Zelena/Hades TLK kiss made it pointless to do that with CaptainSwan. Its cheapened beyond repair. They need to come up with something else. Link to comment
Mari May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 21 minutes ago, InsertWordHere said: Before the flashbacks in this episode, I had assumed that Emma stopped her stealing ways many years ago. 8 minutes ago, Rumsy4 said: The flashback happened only 2 years before the Pilot?? So, Emma was still mooching around for 8 years after she left prison?? That makes no sense. It doesn't make sense. Didn't Regina have Sidney access Emma's juvenile records? Records as new as only 2-3 years ago wouldn't have been sealed for Emma's protection. Sloppy retcon. 13 minutes ago, XrystalPond said: If Hook gets out of this, can we please have a promise from the writers that there will be no more killing him and no more goodbyes between him and Emma. I mean I want them handcuffed together and leather coats attached. Well, that would be . . . interesting. And awkward. Let's go with awkward. :) 1 Link to comment
Mathius May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 I loved the fake-out with the TL test being a set of scales, which made the characters and audience naturally assume the test would be based upon weighing the heart. Then out of nowhere, horrible chest pains and fire! Whoever designed that test was a major troll. 3 Link to comment
Rumsy4 May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 32 minutes ago, InsertWordHere said: I love the confirmation that Hook is an educated man. Heh. yeah! It was cool. 33 minutes ago, KingOfHearts said: Just shows you how stupid Regina was for letting Zelena go at him. The "heroes" are all idiots. Quote Totally, but how many goodbye scenes does CS need? That's just torture. Agree. Enough is enough! 2 Link to comment
InsertWordHere May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 (edited) 13 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said: Fun seeing Rya Kihlstedt as Cleo, since she was just with Robbie Kay on Heroes: Reborn. Thank you! I could not figure out where I recognized the actress from! 11 minutes ago, Mari said: It doesn't make sense. Didn't Regina have Sidney access Emma's juvenile records? Records as new as only 2-3 years ago wouldn't have been sealed for Emma's protection. Sloppy retcon. She appears to have ran out on bail for a different crime, also committed in Phoenix? I am actually kind of confused. It couldn't have been for the watches, she didn't run on bail and she served her time for that crime. It also didn't appear to be a parole violation after she was released from prison, but instead a new, previously unheard of crime that she might not have ever been convicted of? Edited May 2, 2016 by InsertWordHere 1 Link to comment
KingOfHearts May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 (edited) Quote She appears to have ran out on bail for a different crime, also committed in Phoenix? I am actually kind of confused. It couldn't have been for the watches, she didn't run on bail and she served her time for that crime. It also didn't appear to be a parole violation after she was released from prison, but instead a new, previously unheard of crime. I didn't understand why Emma was in trouble until toward the end, when I thought maybe she broke her probation. Cleo talked about Pheonix like she wasn't going to jail. How did Emma get off clean in such a short time? She seemed to have developed a knack for bailbondsperson work awfully fast within the span of a year or two. Likes others, I thought she had gotten into that business much longer go. Emma was dressed up not too differently from Tallahassee. Without the timestamps, I would have assumed the flashbacks took place maybe around 2004-2005. Edited May 2, 2016 by KingOfHearts 1 Link to comment
Chaos Theory May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 The Red Jacket gets its own origin story. True Loves Kiss works in the underworld and no it doesn't make you a good guy. Just a happy bad one. Oh and something about Hook. 1 Link to comment
Hook75 May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 No, not Pan....Damn you, Rumple- go to hell! I REALLY hope this is not the end of Pan. CS slays me...not again! Link to comment
bmoore4026 May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 So, is Colin O'Donoghue leaving the show? The little touch when Emma and all of them leaving The Underworld was another subtle call back to the Eurydice myth. Orpheus was told to leave the way he came but not to look behind him until after he completely exited and he would have his Eurydice back. For some reason, he looked back just before he exited to see if Hades kept his word and found out too late that he did. Eurydice fell back into The Underworld and Orpheus spent the rest of his life alone singing of his lost love. Emma looked back and found nothing. I also find that this whole half season has been for nothing and the bring back of previous villains and either not using them or them being easily defeated, along with that whole "Dark Swan in Camelot" plot, makes this the worst season of this show ever. If they want their ratings up again, they need to seriously clean house. 4 Link to comment
KingOfHearts May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 (edited) 18 minutes ago, Chaos Theory said: The Red Jacket gets its own origin story. Later we'll find out the origin story of Henry's scarf... Quote You get a TLK, and you get a TLK, and you're an asshole, but you still get a TLK. I was thinking of the exact same thing when Zelena kissed Hades. I was half-tempted to share a picture with the caption. Edited May 2, 2016 by KingOfHearts 8 Link to comment
YaddaYadda May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 I don't even know what to say about the TLK anymore other than how much I really hate it. True love is rare. Me: *snort* I know you're dead, but where in the world have you been? True love is like Oprah giving shit people don't need away. You get a TLK, and you get a TLK, and you're an asshole, but you still get a TLK. TL and TLKs are like portals, be careful where you put your feet, because you might trip over one or the other, maybe even both. The person that deserved to be Soul Rivered has been. I hate that everyone else is just trapped there. When Hook says don't trust someone, maybe everyone should listen to him. Emma and Hook's goodbye scenes did me in pretty good. It's not just that it was sad, but it was those promises about not putting the walls back up and him promising not to wait around for her that killed my heart. But I think the test was that she had to leave without going back for him, and trying to figure out how to get him back. And Hook will follow her. Orpheus had to go first, and Eurydice followed him. So I'm assuming this is the show's take on the myth. Also, Hades, I hope you suffer eternal torment. I don't know what his ass has planned for Storybrooke, but I'm thinking it's not great. 11 Link to comment
bmoore4026 May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 1 minute ago, YaddaYadda said: Me: *snort* I know you're dead, but where in the world have you been? True love is like Oprah giving shit people don't need away. You get a TLK, and you get a TLK, and you're an asshole, but you still get a TLK. I'd give you TKL right now because this is great comment :D 2 Link to comment
scenicbyway May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 1 minute ago, YaddaYadda said: I don't even know what to say about the TLK anymore other than how much I really hate it. True love is rare. Me: *snort* I know you're dead, but where in the world have you been? True love is like Oprah giving shit people don't need away. You get a TLK, and you get a TLK, and you're an asshole, but you still get a TLK. TL and TLKs are like portals, be careful where you put your feet, because you might trip over one or the other, maybe even both. The person that deserved to be Soul Rivered has been. I hate that everyone else is just trapped there. When Hook says don't trust someone, maybe everyone should listen to him. Emma and Hook's goodbye scenes did me in pretty good. It's not just that it was sad, but it was those promises about not putting the walls back up and him promising not to wait around for her that killed my heart. But I think the test was that she had to leave without going back for him, and trying to figure out how to get him back. And Hook will follow her. Orpheus had to go first, and Eurydice followed him. So I'm assuming this is the show's take on the myth. Also, Hades, I hope you suffer eternal torment. I don't know what his ass has planned for Storybrooke, but I'm thinking it's not great. Perhaps Hook knows the mythology, he knew the Greek after all. Maybe he stays down there to look for some freeze dried ambrosia? 1 Link to comment
MaiLuna May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 What a good episode. Everyone got screentime. Everything moved the plot, though a bit rushed, still one of the better episodes of the season. The CS goodbye scene was heartbreaking. When he kissed her hand...damn the feels. It's sweet how Hook and Emma doubt it's true love after Zades gets one even though he's still the baddie. I liked the Rumpel and Pan subplot and Henry's too. I just wish they'd set free the souls in the river. Nice flashbacks but they should've been earlier in the timeline. Didn't Emma spend 2 years in Tallahassee after prison? Then she went back to Phoenix and stole again or was just that a long time ago and Cleo was just then cashing in? Weird how Henry didn't come up in the flashbacks since that's another kid given up. Poor Robin. Barely any screentime, must hand his baby to Hades and his rapist, then gets his heart taken (thankfully he got it back). How could Robin's heart work anyway since Emma's didn't work on Hook? 3 Link to comment
Shanna Marie May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 Dear writers: If you want us to believe that True Love is so rare as to be magical, and if you want to build suspense as to whether a couple in which one member has literally died for the other (more than once) and the other has gone into the Underworld to save the other, maybe you shouldn't let everyone who's had a conversation have a magical True Love's kiss, including in the same episode. The farewell really got me. Watching other people cry tends to make me cry, and watching them with tears streaming down their faces set me off. I guess you can kind of handwave and believe that Hades really thought he was doing Zelena a favor and didn't see himself as betraying her. He may really have wanted a life with her and the baby in Storybrooke. I was going to blame the continuity issues in the flashbacks on those wacky captioners, except there was also dialogue about 26 years ago. Would Emma be able to be licensed as a bail bondsperson (really, from every indication, she's a skip tracer/bounty hunter, not actually a bail bondsperson) with an adult record or a failure to appear warrant? 5 Link to comment
ABitOFluff May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 1 minute ago, YaddaYadda said: But I think the test was that she had to leave without going back for him, and trying to figure out how to get him back. And Hook will follow her. Orpheus had to go first, and Eurydice followed him. So I'm assuming this is the show's take on the myth. That's what I was thinking too. So does anyone else think Hook hitched a ride in Pandora's Box? It would serve Rumple right. I'm glad Hades didn't turn out to be another WoobieVillain. He was giving so much boo boo face this episode, I couldn't help but laugh every time. So yeah, if the pirate says don't trust someone, maybe believe him. Link to comment
Mathius May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 (edited) Quote Orpheus had to go first, and Eurydice followed him. So I'm assuming this is the show's take on the myth. Yes, and while Orpheus failed because he looked back, thus losing Eurydice, Emma resisted that temptation and moved forward, which means she will not lose Hook. It's a version of the myth in which the protagonist actually succeeds. Edited May 2, 2016 by Mathius 1 Link to comment
Rosiejuliemom May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 (edited) Am I a horrible person to hope that Rumple forgets that Belle is in Pandora's Box? You know, you just get back from the Underworld, maybe stop at Granny's for a bite, get distracted by important Dark One stuff, and the box in your pocket just slips your mind for a while. At this point, I don't want TLK for Emma and Hook. Zades ruined it for me. I just want Captain Swan reunited, shacked up in that gorgeous house, having Netflix marathons, all the junk food they can handle, and lots of cuddly naps! Then, when they're properly rested, I want them to go sailing. Pan is such a delightfully evil little shit, but I loved Rumple's switcheroo. Regina needed to STFU in regards to Pistachio. Robin is more than entitled to not trust the woman who raped him and tried to kill him with a baby that she had kidnapped within the last few days. Spoiler Anyone else think the funeral next week is for Hook instead of Robin? Edited May 2, 2016 by Rosiejuliemom 8 Link to comment
YaddaYadda May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 I did love the parallel between 1x01 and tonight's episode with Emma on her date, and then heading out after Ryan. That was a really neat parallel. Even the walk, the actress in Emma's flashbacks looked like she went through that tape, because she got it. 7 Link to comment
bmoore4026 May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 19 minutes ago, Mathius said: Yes, and while Orpheus failed because he looked back, thus losing Eurydice, Emma resisted that temptation and moved forward, which means she will not lose Hook. It's a version of the myth in which the protagonist actually succeeds. But she did look back. Link to comment
Jul 68 May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 17 minutes ago, MaiLuna said: Poor Robin. Barely any screentime, must hand his baby to Hades and his rapist, then gets his heart taken (thankfully he got it back). Yeah. I'm not buying that Rumple gave it back. Rumple is a lying lier who lies. It screams of Chekhov's Gun to me. Link to comment
profdanglais May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 I hardly ever cry at TV or movies, but that goodbye had me misty. It was heartrending. Emma's flashbacks needed to be further in the past. Loved the scene with her and the jacket though. If Hades is still bad and he and Zelena are True Love (really?) then does that mean Zelena is going to go Wicked again? Or will it be a Rumbelle scenario where she keeps insisting he's changed and ignoring anything that contradicts this? Hades' double-crossing skillz are pretty sharp. When did he have time to give that spell to the Blind Witch? Overall, I liked this episode and am now officially Interested in the remainder of the season, particularly in how the heck they're going to get Hook back. 1 Link to comment
Jul 68 May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 I loved all of the CS scenes, but I have only been moved to tears twice in my life over a tv show. Once while watching an Eagles documentary just after Glenn Frey died and also during the last 15 minutes of the BSG finale. I think I'm made of stone. I love the really emotional stuff that Jen and Colin do, but I don't even come close to crying. On a separate note: It seems that Killian has somehow acquired Emma's BS detector because he's been dead on (pun intended ) for a while now while her's seems to be permanently broken. 1 Link to comment
ABitOFluff May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 14 minutes ago, bmoore4026 said: But she did look back. As with most of the Greek myths, they did play pretty fast and loose with the Orpheus myth. I don't remember ambrosia even being a part of it, only that Orpheus had to trust Hades, and that the shadow of Eurydice was following him out of the Underworld. Emma had no reason to believe Killian would be there because Hades already screwed them over. She probably held out hope, but resisted the urge to go back and get him. 1 Link to comment
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