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S03.E03: Hold Your Horses

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I think Craig is emulating JD in the way he dresses. I felt sorry for Landon. She seems lost. I think she knows where she wants to be she's just not smart enough to get there. But, smarter than Kathryn.


I don't know how much smarter than Kathryn Landon could be.  At least Kathryn has anchored herself -- for better or worse -- to a rich man and an apparently respected family, for life, and has a clear role/job as a mother, again, for better or worse.  Landon is floating around on the ether with absolutely zero clue what to do with herself, coming up with idea after idea for business ventures, each one more improbable and inoperable than the last.  Both women are clearly intelligent, yet each is really stupid in her own special way.

A friend came over last night, had never seen the show, so I played my recording of this episode.

"WHAT in the HELL is wrong with that girl???" pretty much summed up all of his comments.


Which girl?

How embarassing (for both of them) that Thomas went to Patricia saying that his spoiled brat baby mama "WEPT" when she found out she wasn't invited to her party.  Give me a freaking break.  She doesn't even muster up a bit of concern for how their behavior is bound to affect their children in the future, but she wept because she didn't get an invite from a lady who she despises.   She is a total child.  My 16 year old daughter didn't believe me when I told her how old she is.   If she's this way at 24, I don't see 30 being that much better, but I guess one can hope for a miracle for the sake of the kids. 


She didn't weep; that was Thomas playing it up in hopes of emotionally manipulating Patricia who, of course, has no emotions to manipulate.  You saw Kathryn finding out she wasn't invited to the party, and you heard her talking to Thomas.  She clearly wasn't all that upset on either occasion.

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While I do think Kathryn is very immature (and I have to admit, I was just as immature at her age, so I kind of get her behavior), and will no doubt cringe at her current behavior 10 years from now, I don't agree with the comments suggesting (or just saying) that she's stupid, or uneducated, or after Thomas's money or family connections.  Kathryn comes from a very wealthy and important family, so she really doesn't need either Thomas's money or family connections to lift her social or economic standing.  If anything, her involvement with Thomas brings her down a notch or two.  Here's her Bravo bio, for those who aren't familiar:


Kathryn Calhoun Dennis, 24, is the proud mother of daughter, Kensington Calhoun Ravenel and son, St. Julien Rembert Ravenel. She is the scion of two families that ruled South Carolina and the early United States for decades – she's the granddaughter of long-time State Senator Rembert C. Dennis (known for opening a session of Congress with his uncanny turkey mating call) and a direct descendent of John C. Calhoun, Vice President of the United States under John Adams and Andrew Jackson and possessor of one of the most eccentric haircuts in American history. Born in Charleston, but raised in bucolic Berkeley County on the family plantation, Kathryn is the epitome of the country-sophisticated Southern Belle. She learned to ride a bike on the dirt roads out back and fished on her pond with red cane poles. But her love of the peaceful rural life didn't slow her down. She started modeling at age 14, pledged Delta Delta Delta at the University of South Carolina, and studied political science and woman's studies. From there, she followed her ancestors' footsteps to the state capital, working for two State Senators and the Lieutenant Governor. But politics weren't enough and Kathryn soon moved back to Charleston to expand her career and pursue her dreams. That's where she met Whitney Sudler-Smith, and through him, Thomas Ravenel. Now that she is a young mother, Kathryn is focused on raising her daughter and son with the same values and principles that her family has stood for since before the Civil War.

I feel like something is missing there.  Kathyrn says JD and his wife stopped talking to her when they broke up. JD's wife claims she has tried to contact Kathryn many times but assumes that Kathryn blocked her.  SOMETHING HAPPENED.  or maybe only something happened in Kathryn's head.  That's entirely plausible. But I don't really buy JD and his wife's bewilderment of why Kathryn would not want to be around them.   


I love me some Kathryn but her freak out at the polo match was just BAAAADDDDDDD.  Not a good look for her.  


And she seems to think everyone was a 'friend of the couple'. Uhhh no, Kathryn, they were not.  They were ALL friends of Thomas'.  You weasled your way onto the show because you managed to sleep with 2-3 guys on the show and then got yourself knocked up by one which led to you being a full time cast member.  Bless your 'lucky' stars.  None of these people would be your 'friend' if it weren't for Thomas. So of course they're going to take his side. ESPECIALLY JD!

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But that bio doesn't tell us anything about her parents wealth or lack of it. It's just a fluff piece on her. Just yesterday I saw a similar one online when I was trying to find her exact birthdate and it said she made enough money in modeling a few years ago to support herself currently, as if she had banked a lot of it. I don't believe Kathryn made that much money for modeling. I even doubt she had more than a few gigs that actually paid anything. Now if they mentioned that her current salary on this show was enough to support her, I would believe that.

We've all questioned since the show began what kind of money her parents have. I feel like they are upper-middle-class, but apparently not the type of wealthy parents who would or could just go ahead and establish their daughter and grandchild(ren) in her own place in downtown Charleston, or even in Mount Pleasant or another acceptable suburb.

Someone mentioned that her Grandma Dennis is still living and is the one who owns the vast majority of the plantation property. Maybe she controls the big money and has some moral judgments on Kathryn.

I sure wish we knew what her parents true thoughts are about the whole Thomas situation!

Edited by RedHawk
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She didn't weep; that was Thomas playing it up in hopes of emotionally manipulating Patricia who, of course, has no emotions to manipulate.  You saw Kathryn finding out she wasn't invited to the party, and you heard her talking to Thomas.  She clearly wasn't all that upset on either occasion.

I agree - his exaggeration that she "wept" was part of what I was calling embarassing.  She was definitely upset, though.   Her priorities are just way out of whack, as are his. (They deserve each other, but the kids deserve better.)  

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Age of consent in SC is 16. Given that TRav was not the first person Kathryn slept with, I'd hardly say she was barely legal at 21 nor that she was some naive girl that he took advantage of.


Kathryn knew exactly what she was doing. She just didn't play her cards right, and wasn't able to get Thomas to commit.

She misjudged Thomas' character and feelings for her. Which still doesn't make her naive. Her mistake was wanted a true loving family relationship with him. Instead of from the the get-go deciding to be a baby-mama for the money (perhaps for now and see if he'd come back to her after his cavorting).


I think she could get the money out of Thomas -- IF she knew how to play him. But she's made missteps in how to maneuver him from the very start. IF she weren't pressuring him for a FAMILY and white picket fence, and would act mature about it, he might give her much more (for the kids of course.) But you can't piss the man off, pressure him and expect him to shower you with everything you want. That's true whether it's their relationship or any other. Hasn't she heard the saying (Southern I think) "You get more flies with honey (or sugar), than you do with vinegar." NO ONE you piss off from Thomas, to a store manager to a boss is going to give you want you want -- if you piss them off or pressure them.


2) As for whether Kathryn is gorgeous she's so pale, and so red-headed… and sometimes people with that coloring can look ghostly. It's "striking" but "striking" isn't always good. (You can be striking and ugly as dirt. Striking can be like saying "interesting" when you don't like something).  She's pretty enough, I guess. Personally I wouldn't say she's gorgeous. But what people find attractive is a very individual thing.


3) Even if Kathryn's family may have had more money in the South's past, glory days. I don't think they're broke now. I don't think her family has NO money. I just think that's so overblown and exaggerated. I just don't believe it. Unless her parents are living off their two $600 a month Soc Sec. Disability checks, or choosing between getting their medications or food, I don't want to hear it. I think they've still got plenty of money. Maybe just not as much as TRav. I doubt both her parents are over 60. They'd better be working somewhere!

And if they are working I doubt it's for minimum wage. They could have good state or government jobs, or working for some friend's company. I doubt they're having trouble paying the light bill. I'm actually sick of hearing about how much money they may not have.


Craig's family may not have TRav or Shep money either but other than Shep confronting Craig about him not being able to not work, like Shep doesn't' have to, not much has been made or talked about with it comes to Craig's family "not having money." They ALL DO have money. NO ONE on this show is hurting. Are they all third generation wealthy so they don't have to work? No. So I have no sympathy for any of them. IF your family money can't support the lifestyle you want, then get a frigging job. Shep and Whitney are not exactly the caliber of people I'd want my kids to emulate anyway.

Edited by selhars
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Gawker has an interesting article on Thomas today. A very good read and reinforced my own opinions of him- spoiled and useless.



Thank you for linking to that! I found this interesting:

Ravenel says the pair met before the show officially started filming, when producers invited Dennis to shoot an interview at Ravenel’s home. She was two hours late, and Ravenel was immediately attracted to her. “She was dynamite. She was absolutely dynamite,” he said of her audition. “She did the interview and we thought, ‘Where in the hell do we sign this girl up?’”

Once filming for the season began, Ravenel and Dennis “met” on-camera at an afternoon party and shot scenes together designed to suggest Ravenel had taken her home the same day they met.

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We don't know how much money Katherine's family may have. They could have it and choose not to spend it on the house. There are stories, quite often about, people being found in a house in disrepair….but having millions, or tens-of-thouands in cash in the house or in the bank.


They are being presented on this show as not having as much as TRav, but I certainly have seen nothing to make me believe they don't have any money or are broke to the point where they can't fix the shutters on their house, if they wanted to. 


Can someone dig up what they do for a living? whether they've ever worked? 

Edited by selhars

Thank you for linking to that! I found this interesting:

Ravenel says the pair met before the show officially started filming, when producers invited Dennis to shoot an interview at Ravenel’s home. She was two hours late, and Ravenel was immediately attracted to her. “She was dynamite. She was absolutely dynamite,” he said of her audition. “She did the interview and we thought, ‘Where in the hell do we sign this girl up?’”

Once filming for the season began, Ravenel and Dennis “met” on-camera at an afternoon party and shot scenes together designed to suggest Ravenel had taken her home the same day they met.

This article solidified for me what a self-entitled sociopath Thomas is and how little responsibility he takes for any of his actions.  It also showed that he had obviously been eyeing Kathryn up since she was a teenager.  He mentions they called her "Senate Barbie" when she was a page.  That was June of 2010 so she was like 17 or 18. I just think he is disgusting.  When I think of grown men, old enough to be the father of a teenager, speaking sexually about a teenaged female employee my blood boils.  It is so wrong on so many levels.  


Also, legal age of consent is what it is.  However, just because it is legal for a person 30 years older than a 16-year old to have sex with someone who is 16 does not make it right, nor does it eliminate the power differential inherent in such a relationship.  If I had a 16 or 19 year-old son or daughter who was being pursued by a person 30 years their senior, who was promising to "take care of them" and give them "everything they wanted" if they made a baby with them, I certainly wouldn't think "well, it's legal, so my kid must know what they are doing."  The fucked up part is that Kathryn said her parents encouraged it.  That's why I think she did not have the support system or life skills to really evaluate this and see what it was a crushingly bad choice.  She had been raised to believe this is what she was supposed to do.... kind of like the "South Carolina scion" version of a Duggar girl.  But she does not have the emotional maturity to handle these poor decisions, communicate effectively, or even successfully manipulate Thomas into getting what she wants.  


Also, I do not see how Kathryn's prior sexual history factors in here at all.  So if a 21-year-old has had sex with enough people to be considered "slutty" by some invisible arbitrator of morality, then it's ok for a middle aged man to lie to/emotionally manipulate her into having a child with him based on promises to provide for her and the child? 

Edited by jkitty
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We don't know how much money Katherine's family may have. They could have it and choose not to spend it on the house. There are stories, quite often about, people being found in a house in disrepair….but having millions, or tens-of-thouands in cash in the house or in the bank.


They are being presented on this show as not having as much as TRav, but I certainly have seen nothing to make me believe they don't have any money or are broke to the point where they can't fix the shutters on their house, if they wanted to. 


Can someone dig up what they do for a living? whether they've ever worked? 

Kathryn's mom and dad both work (or worked, not sure if one or both are retired now) for Santee-Cooper, which is the local electric co-op in Berkeley County. Her granddaddy, Senator Dennis, was instrumental in establishing the co-op to bring electricity to remote areas of Berkeley. Granddaddy's father passed away when he was 15-16 and his mom was a teacher.  And just so you know.....I didn't have to look it up and I'm not a crazy stalker....I'm a local and live in the Charleston area :-D



And if y'all want to add more to this star-crossed lovers tale....it was well known that Rembert Dennis and Arthur Ravenel were not particularly fond of each other.

Edited by SweetCaroline
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Kathryn's mom and dad both work (or worked, not sure if one or both are retired now)


Depending on when they had her they could still only be in their 50s.

Unless they're BOTH on disability, they'd better still be working. So they can fix their shutters…..


Besides, Katherine is getting paid for being on the show…I'd imagine at least 250K a season.

Why doesn't she stay at home with the parents fix up the house and they can all live there.

That kind of money goes a long way in Charleston. It's not she's living in NYC or San Fran.

Edited by selhars
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Depending on when they had her they could still only be in their 50s.

Unless they're BOTH on disability, they'd better still be working. So they can fix their shutters…..


Besides, Katherine is getting paid for being on the show…I'd imagine at least 250K a season.

Why doesn't she stay at home with the parents fix up the house and they can all live there.

That kind of money goes a long way in Charleston. It's not she's living in NYC or San Fran.

While she's definitely receiving some good money for appearing on the show, I doubt it's anywhere near a quarter million. According to the Gawker article linked earlier today in this thread, Thomas makes about $60,000 per season. I'd assume that he's the highest paid member of the cast as he had the highest profile. I would think that Kathryn makes less than that from the show.

By contrast, Ravenel reportedly makes about $5,000 an episode, or somewhere north of $60,000 a season from doing the show.

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Depending on when they had her they could still only be in their 50s.

Unless they're BOTH on disability, they'd better still be working.

If that posters comment about them working at the electric company is true. Then they were probably union and union people can retire young because we get pensions after 30 yrs (? It may be even less) of service. Just started a union job this so year - if I switch companies but stay in the union i can get my pension then also my social security on top in my fifties. Not bad.

But you pay weekly dues and is hard to get a union job. Her parents had a family connection.

Edited by Petunia13

Damn that's all they get? I was thinking they get 20-25K per show.


But OK if she gets 50K a year, and her parents make 50K each -- that's still 150K for their household.

If if the three of them make 40K each…120K is still not pocket change. They're adults and ought to know how to make that work. 120K in the Charleston area is nothing to sneeze at.

If that posters comment about them working at the electric company is true. Then they were probably union and union people can retire young because we get pensions after 30 yrs (? It may be even less) of service. Just started a union job this so if I switch companies but stay in the union i can get my pension then also my social security on top in my fifties. Not bad.


Union people also get paid damned well, many times. IF they retired maybe should have kept working. A lot of people can technically retire, but if financially the numbers don't work, They don't retire.


Of course, they could retire from one job, and get another. Military, police and fire personnel do it all the time. ((also depending on how a pension is structured if you have 30 years in but are still below a certain age it could be reduced). Bottom line is if you really can't "afford to retire" you either keep working, or….. retire on a reduced pension and get a second salary…double dip so to speak. I just roll my eyes at all the talk of Katherine's family not having any money. If mom and Dad could use some more money. SHE sure isn't' doing any thing to help them.

Just started a union job this so if I switch companies but stay in the union i can get my pension then also my social security on top in my fifties. Not bad.


Don't know how old you are…but just FYI…. you may very well retire in your 50s.  But you won't be able to get REDUCED Soc Sec until at least 62.  SO you won't be double collecting anything until then. AND if you don't keep working until 62 the lower your Soc. Sec will be because you won't be working to put anything into the system.

Edited by selhars

Kathryn is pretty young, but she obviously has some ties to southern history if Thomas is okay with reproducing with her. I think Kathryn was upset at family day because she has some problems with JJ and his wife, and she probably thought family day would be Thomas's mom, sisters, like, his family. So to just see his friends and no family, she felt duped. I don't know though. I don't think she was upset about the drinking, I think she just said that to say something about her quick exit. She became extremely enraged seeing Kensie playing with Elizabeth so there must be something there with her relationship with her. 

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Kathryn is pretty young, but she obviously has some ties to southern history if Thomas is okay with reproducing with her. I think Kathryn was upset at family day because she has some problems with JJ and his wife, and she probably thought family day would be Thomas's mom, sisters, like, his family. So to just see his friends and no family, she felt duped. I don't know though. I don't think she was upset about the drinking, I think she just said that to say something about her quick exit. She became extremely enraged seeing Kensie playing with Elizabeth so there must be something there with her relationship with her.

Yep she is related to John C. Calhoun who was VP and extremely pro-slavery. In the aftermath of the Charleston church shooting there was much talk about removing his name and statue from things.

Kathryn has been shown on more than one occasion going batshit on people who haven't done anything to her so I don't buy that Elizabeth and JD had to do anything more than not listen to her bitch about their friend of many years Thomas. I mean I question Elizabeth and JD judgement being friends with Thomas but even Jen seemed surprised by Kathryn's reaction to them. Also, let's not forget that the reason that Elizabeth is Kensie's godmother is because at the originally Christening party, Kathryn lost her shit at her bff and Thomas flirting and so "fired" her and demanded a redo with Elizabeth stepping in as godmother, JD was alredy the gramdfather.

Edited by biakbiak
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Yes. Kathryn is nuts. I mean, to have two kids with a man that is making you chase him and his money would make anyone crazy. But she's crazy on top of that. I think that Thomas on one hand sympathizes with her, but on the other hand, he is so used to doing what he wants, that he really can't be there for her. He's great with talk, but he's no action. He also seems extremely easily influenced. He talks to Kathryn, and he is like, "Oh yes, I totally understand." and then he talks to Patricia, and he's like, "Oh yeah, I totally understand." No wonder he does drugs. He's a mess. 

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I agree with the poster (sorry, forget who) that said TRav was pulling a Rhett move with Pat mentioning that he didn't want his child(ren) excluded because of her(their) mother. I'd venture a guess that Kiki actually envisions that she and TRav are Scarlett & Rhett - she can keep pushing Thomas away and make him crazy with desire (it did work, hence the Saint's conception), forgetting that at the end of the movie, Rhett did actually leave. Thomas thought "why not? I'm over 50, time to procreate, she's attractive, she's fiery, she's got a pedigree (but apparently no money), she's young, I can mold her..." Unfortunately, there are now 2 children that are caught in a real life tug of war. I felt most sorry for Elizabeth who seemed as stunned as the viewers; after poor Kenise, who just wanted to romp after a hot lengthy car ride. 

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I think Kathryn was mad that she wasn't the guest of honor at the polo match, and wouldn't get to be the center of attention when Thomas was done playing.  And she got double mad when she saw Elizabeth putting Kensie's shoe back on, because, again, she realized they mostly only cared about Kenzie and this day was NOT about her being there, but about Kenzie being there.

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I think Kathryn was mad that she wasn't the guest of honor at the polo match, and wouldn't get to be the center of attention when Thomas was done playing.  And she got double mad when she saw Elizabeth putting Kensie's shoe back on, because, again, she realized they mostly only cared about Kenzie and this day was NOT about her being there, but about Kenzie being there.

You know what else I thought was interesting? Kathryn was proclaiming to be angry because Elizabeth hadn't been out to see Kensie but in the car on the way to the polo match she says to Jennifer "Oh, you haven't seen her in a while", referring to Kensie, and Jennifer replies "Not since her birthday party at Elizabeth's". So it only matters because it was Elizabeth? Or because Jennifer is Kathryn's yes man?

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I have a feeling that the whole Elizabeth/JD story is made up for production. Kathryn has been going to acting classes and apparently they are friends. I know a lot of storylines are completely morphed into somethings they aren't, but would production go this far to create a storyline that is so off the wall crazy?!?!?


I'm betting yes. :(

Then Kathryn is stupider than I thought, unless she's got tape of the producers telling her what to do. Thomas can use all this against her in court, showing her to be unbalanced and unfit to raise his children.

Can it be used in court? Lawyers would have to prove that the reactions that we have seen were not created by producers, correct? I know that Corey Sims of Teen Mom 2 tries to use footage in his custody case with his ex wife and he wasn't able to because the show is pieces together. The girl was driving high and was falling asleep at the wheel with he kids in the backseat, but he still wasn't able to use it in court because there was no proof that drugs are what caused that incident and they couldn't use it because it was pieces together.

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I completely agree with your comments, Notmuchofacook. I also think it's time Thomas calls that b****'s bluff & submits a financial child support agreement to the courts. Should Kathryn balk it's not enough money....then his attorney presents evidence including employment history (or lack of it)  medical records, witness depositions & clips of her outbursts on SC to claim Ms. Dennis is unstable individual & an unfit mother.

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Finally watched the whole episode. I actually think Cameran's on the right track with trying to get Shep to settle down and do some regular (sort of) work. My impression from some of his comments over the seasons is that he may have ADD or ADHD, which is why he isn't interested in some sort of office job. He had a real estate license before and is going to re-activate it to work with Cam, and they will only work with buyers, not sellers. Shep could be just fine at taking folks around to look at houses, and it would give him a reason to get out of bed and comb his hair. 


T-Rav pouring himself a Knob Creek and soda before talking to Kathryn and then the looks he was giving her during their discussion just hit me all wrong. He's sitting there with the black eye still visible, and acting so skeptical, like he's above reproach. Sure, her reasons for wanting a really nice house sound stupid and suspicious, but T-Rav, that's what you promised her. And if she's so horrible, why did you continue having unprotected sex with her? Sign the damn paperwork and move on. Let your kids have a nice home with their mother, and if she can't keep up the rent, well, you'll have to deal with that. 


As for Kathryn, I don't see why she didn't get her parents to co-sign so she can be independent of Thomas as she said she was going to be, for herself I mean. He must pay support for his children, of course. Sure, she seems to be playing him for financial support. What did he expect? She's young, he's a middle-aged man and didn't protect himself better in the several ways he should have. Getting what he deserves, IMO.

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Kathryn should realize it is her responsibility to take care of the children regardless of Thomas' position.  She is out again talking about having no electricity, Thomas not paying her and of course she isn't letting Thomas see the babies.  I am guessing without Thomas' money she makes between $60-100,000.00 a season.  I am sure she can add to that sum with some appearance fees.  Just doesn't show sound money management to run through that kind of money and not be able to keep the power on.

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That minister he looks up to and J.D. ought to sit Thomas down and tell him that as an adult man he needs to deal with Kathryn's financial situation firmly and legally. Doesn't matter that he might not want to give as much as the court would order, or that he thinks somehow Kathryn would "win". One of those poor children's parents has to grow up and be the adult in the situation and it's won't likely be Kathryn. A man of means nearly 30 years older has no excuses. Otherwise, I'm going to decide most of their drama is kept up for the show and that is disgusting because it involves not just their two moronic asses but innocent kids. 


I try to enjoy this show as light entertainment, and then I see T-Rav's smug visage and get annoyed all over again. Yep, I think Kathryn is a mess, and likely has mental health issues (or possibly just out-of-whack hormones), but somehow OLD T-Rav gets more of my ire.

Edited by RedHawk
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Kathryn should realize it is her responsibility to take care of the children regardless of Thomas' position. She is out again talking about having no electricity, Thomas not paying her and of course she isn't letting Thomas see the babies. I am guessing without Thomas' money she makes between $60-100,000.00 a season. I am sure she can add to that sum with some appearance fees. Just doesn't show sound money management to run through that kind of money and not be able to keep the power on.

I think they make $10-20 g an episode and there's 12 in a season. That plus the $2500 a month she gets from Thomas for the baby and she can't keep the utilities on?

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I think they make $10-20 g an episode and there's 12 in a season. That plus the $2500 a month she gets from Thomas for the baby and she can't keep the utilities on?

Does she think that having her electricity cut off makes her seem sympathetic to us? Rather, it makes her seem stupid and low class. She apparently has no shame, and is determined to "win" over Thomas. Such immaturity!

She has handled this so wrong in so many ways, pretty much right from the start. Her meltdown in Jennifer's car, and the way she stalked and stomped around at the polo field looked so insane. Does she even watch herself?!

Edited by RedHawk
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These people really have no idea what it means to be "broke." When they say they are bleeding money or have no money, I feel like they just mean they don't have enough money to never have to work a day in their lives. We call them "rich people problems." Kathryn's family may not have as much money as Ravenel or Patricia, but they are certainly not destitute. Let's remember what we are watching here.

  • Love 3

Does she think that having her electricity cut off makes her seem sympathetic to us? Rather, it makes her seem stupid and low class. She apparently has no shame, and is determined to "win" over Thomas. Such immaturity!

She has handled this so wrong in so many ways, pretty much right from the start. Her meltdown in Jennifer's car, and the way she stalked and stomped around at the polo field looked so insane. Does she even watch herself?!

I wish I could like this 100 times. She's spending her money and Thomas' money on herself, it sounds like, not in maintaining a home for her children. Recreational items, I suspect.

  • Love 4

I wish I could like this 100 times. She's spending her money and Thomas' money on herself, it sounds like, not in maintaining a home for her children. Recreational items, I suspect.

And based on what I've seen of her appearances on TV/social media, she definitely has a taste for pricy designer purses. Thomas already seems well aware of this based on his asking her at Craig's party, "Is that a new bag?"((followed by her quickly snatching it away from his sight, almost guiltily as she snapped "No!"))

If you can afford purses that are in the $1000 and above price range, you can afford to keep your electricity on. But of course, this princess claims she shops at Target...whatever.

Edited by Sun-Bun
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Her switch from normal to batshit scares me.

You can say it's production nonsense but it was only the nanny and Elizabeth who were running running after Kensie. I dont think Kensie was every going to be in an unsafe space but it was Elisabeth and the nanny who were watching her when Kathryn was being a drama queen.

Thomas is equally a garbage person but she is reacting on camera in a way that is much worse.!

Edited by biakbiak
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I think that it is believed that why Kathryn's family is by no means poor, they aren't wealthy enough to provide her with the luxurious lifestyle she wants. 

I agree. They may have pedigree in terms of southern history but the money is gone. That's why she can't buy her own house and has to have him co-sign. As I recall, the house inside was showing a lot of wear when she brought Thomas home to meet her parents.

I think that it is believed that why Kathryn's family is by no means poor, they aren't wealthy enough to provide her with the luxurious lifestyle she wants. 

I agree. They may have pedigree in terms of southern history but the money is gone. That's why she can't buy her own house and has to have him co-sign. As I recall, the house inside was showing a lot of wear when she brought Thomas home to meet her parents.

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On April 19, 2016 at 3:05 PM, njbchlover said:

Secondly, he reminded me of Rhett Butler, taking little Bonnie Blue out without Scarlett, and sucking up to all the old biddy matriarchs, so that Bonnie would be invited to all the "right" parties, in spite of Scarlett's antics.  (I know, I know - I have watched GWTW waaay too many times!!)    ;-)


Lastly, I love the idea of a flamingo party, and am coming up with ideas in my head for this summer!   

Rhett Butler was exactly my thought as well, down to sucking up to the powerful matriarch!

I've never heard of Southern Charm until I saw Kathryn on WWHL and saw how much of a mess she was on there. I quickly went online to watch as many of the episodes as I could find. I am now on season 3. I must say, Kathryn is the definition of someone who is unstable and really lets her emotions get the best of her. The polo match incident was really uncomfortable to watch but based on how she's reacted on all 3 seasons Thomas is ultimately damned if he does or damn is he doesn't. She's the type that is unappeasable. Even if something good is happening she always finds something, anything to get pissed about and goes bat s*it crazy. I also don't think Thomas is innocent in all of this. He says he sees Kensie 6 days out of 30 but does he really? I mean, I don't completely doubt it - Kathryn is definitely the type to use her kids as a pawn but at the end of the polo match he looked right into the camera, "where's my baby?", looking very distraught. Something about that seemed very phoney. 

In conclusion: some people shouldn't be able to procreate. 

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