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Here Comes Honey Boo Boo - General Discussion

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SB had pancreatitis?  Damn, that's not something to sneeze at.  Years ago the wife of someone my husband worked with developed it, and it got so bad she was in a coma.  The surgeon had wanted to wait until her health improved enough to have surgery, but eventually it was decided to do the surgery anyway because she'd surely die without it.  Her husband was terrified, thinking that she'd die on the table, because the surgeons warned him it was more likely that would happen than not.


Happily, she survived.  Her health has never been good since, but she's still around and got to see her kids grow up and start families.  The last I heard she was on disability. 


Now I wonder if SB is eligible for disability.  It could be why he's not working, and it takes a long time to get a disability claim approved, so that might possibly be why he's broke now.  Might also be why he's trying to get back with June rather than try to get custody. 


Still, I think that June's idea of 'cooking' for her family didn't help SB, and we can all see that it's not good for her children.  With all the stuff we see on camera, I'm surprised June is able to retain custody.  Maybe she'll be put on an action plan and have to start to prove she's making better choices for her family.

I've seen June's kind of arrogance before...once a certain type of person has successfully scammed the world, they never get over it. I can't imagine her fighting all that hard for custody, anyway, because it's a lot easier to snuggle up with your new guy if there aren't a bunch of kids around (and Alana is going to go from Handful to Nuclear when she hits her teen years) and even if she was put on a "plan" by a judge, she'd just ignore it and try to lie her way out of it.

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Anna apparently appeared on Dr. Phil yesterday. I didn't see it, but Gawker has a write up. Anna says she believes McDaniels is Pumpkin's father (which I have thought since this shitstorm broke) and that's why she's sticking up for that slob June and fighting with Anna.


It's my thought that June knew the whole time who Pumpkin's father was -- it's not like she has a line out the door of willing men ready to put a baby in her uterus (at least at the same time). She "conveniently" said she didn't know because she didn't want anyone to do any digging into McDaniels while this show was on the air.


June is a terrible, terrible person.

Someone who knows the timeline more than I do would have to do the math.  How old is the daughter in question?  How long were the pedophile and June together?  And the girl who was three at the time, has she still not said anything about any of this?  I wonder why.  Could she remember seeing the abuse but feels she doesn't have anywhere else to go so she stays quiet, refusing to acknowledge anyone's story?  Has she actually been seen with pedo and June since this broke out?

It's my thought that June knew the whole time who Pumpkin's father was -- it's not like she has a line out the door of willing men ready to put a baby in her uterus (at least at the same time). She "conveniently" said she didn't know because she didn't want anyone to do any digging into McDaniels while this show was on the air.

June knew McDaniels was the father since conception. She kept him off the birth certificate to commit welfare fraud and to protect him from having to pay child support and for the kid's health insurance. She is a professional scam artist.

  • Love 11

Awww! That's Chet! I love that picture and have used it as an avatar in a few places. :)  It is sad that nothing can be done at this point seeing as he has served his full time and is completely free. It's going to take him re-offending. Alana is a sassy bitch, I would hope she would tell someone that would help her if something happened. I read way too many crime stories and my mind can't help but go to a very VERY dark place when it comes to June and things I can see her doing to please her man. 

Mama June reveals Pumpkin's real father is NOT convicted molester boyfriend Mark McDaniel but ANOTHER sex offender who is the father of her daughter Jessica:



Sugar Bear's ex-wife says Mama June tried to kill herself while pregnant with youngest child and claims she and Sugar Bear were still married when he and June hooked up:





Can this shit get any worse?? Grandma Please Take YOUR grandkids. They're better off with you. What is it with June and child molesters? Does she think it's funny to date one? Does she have low self esteem? Sugar bear was the best thing for her than the jerk she's dated or has dated. June needs serious therapy and a wake up call

June is pure scum. In this video, she says she never read the court documents, yet believes "something happened" to Anna. She also says she is speaking out to let the truth be known and that she "has nothing to lose" (!!!!).  She also says she told Anna not to bring up the past because it would be hard for HER! WTF? Hard for June? When asked why she would let the molester back in her life, she says "it's not like I am seeing him every day".  She is absolutely despicable.


Whaaaat? I can't even. Starfire, thanks for taking one for the team and relaying that video. I think I might punch my computer monitor if I watched it myself. Don't bring up the past because it would be hard for her? YOU brought up the past when you started hanging out with her molester??? Damn. She is just vile. 

  • Love 3

June claims she only met with McDaniel twice, once she said was a coincidental meeting and the other time with 12 people around. But what about the pictures of them looking at a house and her buying him a car? Not to mention Uncle Poodle (if he is to be believed) said the family stayed in a hotel room with McDaniel and June later bragged about having sex with Chester Molester.


June thinks we are as gullible as Sugar Bear and she can talk her way out of this.

  • Love 2

Yo! Yo! Yo! Hold the bus, lady. So, she's saying, according to this article that:




"I was sitting right there with twelve other people," June told ET of the meeting between Pumpkin and McDaniel. "It was a conversation that she wanted her answers: what happened, why did he leave, you know, if he was her real father. He admitted to her, no. I had already told her that but, you know, she wanted to hear from both sides of the story."

Oh, shit, NO. If some OTHER pedophile were Pumpkin's dad, WHY NOT TELL HER YOURSELF?! Who cares WHY this so-called stranger left? You KNOW WHY HE LEFT! He raped your other daughter! What OTHER side of the story is there?!


The dude IS her father and June, as always, is a lying sack of shit. But still savvy enough to have some brain-dead ET person interview  her so they wouldn't ask any intelligent follow-up questions to snag her in her lies.



Sugar Bear's ex-wife says Mama June tried to kill herself while pregnant with youngest child

Maybe she should try again.

Edited by Guest

I can't get over that June says she never read the court documents. Was June not even part of the court proceedings? What parent would not want to know what their child went through? From the video I posted earlier today, she acted clueless as to what happened to Anna and what was reported to the court, but she may just be playing dumb yet again. Then again, since Anna went to live with her grandmother over this situation, it seems pretty clear that June didn't care then....and she doesn't care now.

  • Love 4

Apparently she's going to be on Dr. Phil next week?  I believe this is her sole way of making money right now.  Certainly, she's being paid for these appearances.  She'd best get 'em while she can. 

I really hope that Dr. Phil (or SOMEONE) asks about the alleged trust funds and her previous statements that ALL the TV money was being put away for the girls' future.  I call bullshit on that, she probably hasn't made all that much.

I can't get over that June says she never read the court documents. Was June not even part of the court proceedings?

Assuming what she said is true, which is a massive assumption, she didn't read them because it was too hard to hear what happened to Anna, she didn't read them because she didn't want to know what awful things her boyfriend did in order to keep banging him with a clear conscience.

I am NOT a Dr. Phil fan by any stretch but he's death on child molesters and even harder on people who don't protect their children, so he may actually rip her a new one. I hope so.

Okay, the case didn't go to trial because Chester pled to the lesser charge, but June just decided on her own that Anna was making it all up, without bothering to read how incredibly specific Anna's interview was with the police? Or was it just Pumpkin who was claiming that Anna made it up? And why would Pumpkin say that if June hadn't said that to her?

Edited by Oldernowiser

Geez June's right, her side of the story is coming and .........its worse. "Hey, he's not Pumpkin's father, so other paedophile is, I've let this happen to me and my girls twice and am showing absolutely no remorse whatsoever!" And that's just the guys with evidence against them strong enough to get long prison sentences, how much do you want to bet that there are more of them in June's history that didn't get caught?


Pumpkin doesn't need closure on a Daddy figure she hasn't seen since she was 6 (who at least abused her by proxy since she watched her sister get raped). All you need to tell her is that he did something very bad and had to go to prison and Mommy is very angry at him (well she isn't but non terrible mothers would be).


She's so clearly lying that they only met up twice. That or they started lying around on beds and letting him touch Alana on the shoulders instantly after being in prison and not seeing him for 10 years.

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Thankfully for her she only has to answer to the mouth-breathing cretins who inhabit the entertainment "press" who are never going to call her out on her bullshit.


She keeps running her mouth, she may be answering some very uncomfortable questions, that she has no choice about answering.   Child Protective Services folks don't like people who are evasive or downright lie.   And you know who hates that stuff even more?   Judges.

Did anyone see her ET interview tonight? http://www.etonline.com/news/153842_exclusive_mama_june_sits_down_with_et/

She first had sex at age 12 and, I get the impression there is really something wrong with her skewed way of thinking. http://www.etonline.com/news/153918_mama_june_lost_virginity_at_12_dated_men_their_20s_and_30s_as_a_teen/

So June came from a broken home and was raped. The cycle continues through her daughters. This is just a shit case

  • Love 2

I saw the ET interview and at first I was mad they were giving her airtime. And SB was right there with the girls when the cameras were on. But then, the more June talked, the more she hung herself. I cannot imagine her agreeing to be on with Dr. Phil. He will tear her apart, and I will applaud when he does.

  • Love 1

I would like to know a little bit more about her background. Why was she having sex at 12??? I'm not trying to blame her mama; sometimes good people just get a bad seed. Sometimes. But often when GIRLS are having sex, at such a young age, there is a reason. 


Of course, at the end of the day, it's no excuse. If something happened to her as a child, that might be an explanation - but not an excuse. I was molested by a family member, for years, as a little girl. I have never once molested anyone else, or put MY children in danger. I did not have sex until I was 19 and engaged. I made a choice to rise above my past and live a good life, because I deserve to.The person who molested me was molested as well, but I was NOT going to let the cycle continue with me. It's horrible when bad things happen to people, but you cannot let it define you. At the end of the day you make the choice to let the bad thing consume you, or to move on from it. It's certainly not easy, but you can do it. 


Again, that's IF anything happened to June. We may never know. 

  • Love 10

June is so wrapped up in herself that she lets Alana look like a slob. Look at Alana in the picture with Dr. Phil. Her hair is messy and her shirt doesn't even match her shorts. I know I shouldn't laugh but I did when some poster over on TMZ said she looks like the kid in the movie 'Bad Santa'.



Apparently she's going to be on Dr. Phil next week?  I believe this is her sole way of making money right now.  Certainly, she's being paid for these appearances.  She'd best get 'em while she can.


She can't go back to committing welfare fraud and small time grifting, she's too well known now.


She didn't say she was raped. In fact she said that she wasn't physically abused.


She said she was having sex with men in their 20s and 30s, that's rape, even if the person convinces themselves everything was consensual.  A 12, 13 or 14 year old can't consent to have sex with a grown-ass man.

  • Love 9

Alana looks terrible, at least in that shot. Tired, wired, and terribly overweight. How does June not see what's happening there?

Why was she even there? Oh, that's right: the lead moneymaker. Until "Mama" blew it.

More likely to encourage Dr. Phil to avoid the hard questions. Surely he wouldn't do something inappropriate in front of a child.

No, she has her mother for that.


  • Love 3

Shouldn't Alana be in school? You know damn well they aren't going to pay for a tutor so isn't she missing a lot of school?


Alana is in for a world of hurt, she has been the center of attention and made to feel like she is a star. I'll be honest that I found her unlikeable towards the end of the show in that she had gotten more bratty and entitled acting.


I think once she is no longer a breadwinner that June will have no use for her. I hate to see what happens to her down the road, but my morbid curiosity wants to see an update on this family in 10  years.

Edited by Armchair Critic
  • Love 4

Of course Alanna looks wired, tired and overweight and her mother doesn't notice.   Have you looked at her mother lately?


Yes, a 12 year old having sex with guys in their 20/30s is statutory rape because the girl can't legally consent.   However, all 12 years girls believe they are more mature than they are, and these older men totally see that maturity.   The girl may be willing to have sex even though she doesn't really understand the consequences.   The problem here is the guys who take advantage of the girls.   But this does show a pattern of inappropriate relationships where she is convincned the guy loves her and is just using her.   It has continued into her adult life and she doesn't try to change it.  

  • Love 2

She said she was having sex with men in their 20s and 30s, that's rape, even if the person convinces themselves everything was consensual. A 12, 13 or 14 year old can't consent to have sex with a grown-ass man.

Right . If you're 12 and having sex with another 12 year old, that's being promiscuous. If you're 12 and having sex with an adult, you're a victim of rape, whether you know it or not.

Those whole story is sad.

I remember talking to other women, at work, at the gym, about this show. I was one of the few who didn't think they were just poor, uneducated souls who might not know very much , but really love each other and do the best they can. I always considered them to be, excuse the expression, dumb white trash, scamming the system , not valuing work or education, and perpetuating the stereotype of the poor, lazy, obese family. June is a bad mother. She's evil, and doesn't care about her kids enough to do the basics - help them be healthy, safe, and have something to contribute to society.

TMZ had a story today that when Anna was taken away from June, June was ordered to pay child support - I think it was like $100 a month. She was charged with contempt for not paying.

Edited by backformore
  • Love 6

I once worked for the county Child Support Division.  Although the majority of the cases were against men who refused to pay even when they had the means, I was shocked at the number of women who only had to pay small amounts (like $25/mo) and were in arrears.  Believe me, we didn't get involved unless a large amount of time had passed or a large amount of money was owed.  I was even more shocked when the teenaged daughters would move out and have not only an enforcement against their own long gone baby daddy, but they thought that since they were still under the age of 18, they wanted the support money from their own father sent to them instead of their mom.

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Yes that is statutory rape, you are correct - I didn't consider that as she seemed to say it in a "not a big deal" manner.

however she did state that the guy she had sex with at 12 was a classmate - which would put him around the same age...I think she might have been BSing about the 20's and 30's guys other than McDaniel.  There's no proof really, and I have a hard time believing ANYTHING she says at this point.


According to this 2012 article, both of June's babydaddies (other than SB) are around June's age, give or take a year or so.




(incidentally, reading this article from TWO YEARS AGO, it's shocking in retrospect that even with this public info, people apparently just shrugged and said "but they're such a loving family!".

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