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S04.E18: Eleven-Fifty-Nine

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I mean, it was kind of a boring episode. And Darhk just shanking Laurel was quite a bit of a letdown. I sort of wanted Laurel to, at least, have more agency in her death than being forced to stand frozen like a statue while the baddie did his thing.


I completely agree. I wasn't a fan of the character, but that was a terrible way to send her out, and I was disappointed. In an episode where they had several showdowns between characters slated and the reveal of Andy's betrayal, they easily could (and should) have had her go out saving another member of the team. It would have just been better writing and a better story, and it would have given Diggle even more story to work with going forward, if she died saving someone else who would have been killed as a result of Andy working for Dahrk. 


Speaking of which...that was also bad. There's wanting to believe and trust your sibling, and then there's stupidity. Especially since Diggle knows very well now that Andy already pulled the wool over his eyes once in the past. I hate it when they cause the characters to act in unnaturally stupid ways for the sake of plot. 


Laurel's big pre-death speech was pretty cliched. Oliver should NOT be the love of her life, given the way he treated her. I would have liked an acknowledgement of Tommy.  And the context for the picture obviously lacked common sense. Excellent acting, though. 


I wish they had made this slightly more interesting by having the REAL cause of death be something Dahrk slipped her as ADA to cause those seizures after a delay, and the arrow was just for show. At least that would have been a more interesting twist. 

Edited by Jillibean
  • Love 15
I guess Laurel dying from something as mundane as a blood clot (Ray REALLY should have got on that nano tech sooner) was the twist (and I had a friend break his ankle and go home only to die of just that) but it's such a let down for all the build up. 

When did they say it was a blood clot? Not that it matters but if it was supposed to be a blood clot, that is not how it would go down or how you would treat it. Accuracy is not their thing. But I really couldn't figure out what they wanted us to think the cause of death was. I was thinking a broken heart or heart failure related to blood loss.  My guess is they are going to find out that DD had done something to the arrow or has people on the inside of the hospital that poisoned her.


Honestly, that was the worse medical acting I've seen in awhile. KC sucked at her seizure. And no wonder the code failed, you don't put the stickers on top of the hospital gown. Just crappy medical acting & writing.

  • Love 3

I wonder when Sara will find out. That is going to be ridiculously sad. 


Now that some time has passed (like 20 minutes) I admit I am starting to tear up a bit. Poor Laurel. What a way to go. [Edited by mod: Fans.]


Great acting. I think thats what getting me upset, much more than the writing. 

Edited by MuuMuuChainsmoker
  • Love 4

Wow. That episode was a mess. I knew who was in the grave going in, but if I hadn't I would have figured it out five minutes in. They really wanted to wrap everything up with Laurel. What a way to go though, being stabbed in a helpless position, seemingly surviving said stabbing, giving an endorsement to Olicity, and then biting it. Yeesh. [Edited by mod: Fans.]


I was impressed by everyone's performances at the end. PB did manage to bring a tear to my eye.


DR was quite good in this as well, even though I did not like the way he was so quick to dismiss Oliver's concerns about Andy.  It would have helped if we had actually seen Diggle and Andy have a healthy and positive relationship since they let him out of captivity, but because we didn't it felt out of character for Diggle to trust Andy so completely.

Edited by Coop33
  • Love 2

I've never had the hatred for Laurel that others seem to, but neither was she someone I particularly cared for. Her death didn't affect me, but the reactions of the rest of the cast sure did. Felicity's sob and that hallway scene got me good.


John was an idiot this episode. I understand wanting to believe in his brother, but that was a blind spot the size of a Buick. Ridiculous. 


Also love how the whole plot set up was essentially "protect the idol" and then...everyone proceeded to do everything but keep their eyes on it.

  • Love 7







This, particularly the last shot has the power to move me to tears. 


Well...that happened. I was sadly spoiled, so I knew it was coming, but I still feel bad. She has been a part of this show since day one, and while my feelings towards her and gone from cold to temperate to cold to mildly warm, I still feel like she deserved better. 


The whole point of Poppy and her ambiguous accent was to send the gang to Russia for some reason? There had to be an easier, less time wasting way to get our gang to take a trip to Russia. Again. 


Lol, so she's supposed to have a Russian accent.  Good to know. 


Diggle to Oliver - I know what the Kevlar won't protect.

Everyone with eyes - So do we, it's the exposed arms and head.  Seems like a stupid design, actually.


Speaking of armor, maybe they should invest in some sort of combination of bullet proof AND stab proof armor.  In a world where a surprising number of people are fond of arrows it could be useful.


So that means that BC and perhaps Thea DON'T have Kevlar costumes?  Let's get on that show. 


So unlike the board I was sad and I cried and my boyfriend came home and asked why I was sad. I've had a lot of death in my life so characters dying still hits me. Hard.

And the actors pulled this out of the park. Good acting makes tv death worse.

Mostly I'm really mad that they didn't start writing Laurel correctly until they decided to kill her.

For once I watched live and honestly, all those commercials gave me too much time to get into my own head and start snarking.  Until Felicity showed up I wasn't feeling a thing.  Apart from relief that this was NOT the way the show normally was written and structured. 

  • Love 4

I knew you guys would be bored because Felicity was barely it. I liked the episode. I kept shaking my head for Diggle. He fully forgave Andy because that is who Diggle is but it cost him a friend and it's going to shade his heart :'( The stupid of not hiding more than one piece of the idol though did leave me shaking my head at everybody. I guess they felt the infinity stone was the power source and would be enough. But it never is people >.<


I think Laurel got a fitting death for her character. It was sad and pathetic but true to Laurel. Laurel had to be the Black Canary for no reason and it got her killed doing nothing . Except she got one of Oliver's arrows through her. If she could have moved on from Oliver she might have been a happy person. But she couldn't when he cheated, when he died, when he came back and she was bitter with him but still couldn't stay away, when Tommy was in love with her, when Oliver dated Sara and when Oliver fell in love with Felicity. OH God Laurel. It's sad but this is the death she deserved. Kind of a hero's death but actually just sad and empty.


Sara got murdered by a friend and thrown into the trash. That wasn't true to her character. Her losing in a battle to death with Merlin is what she deserved. Sara was a fighter. Laurel always made the wrong decisions when she could have been a true hero and not just one hiding in the dark :(

Edited by tarotx
  • Love 9

I've never been more happy to barely see Felicity in an episode.


Anyway, I mostly liked this episode. Diggle was amazing even though trusting Andy was dumb. It reminded me of Oliver's bullheadedness when it came to Moira in S01. I loved the hospital scene with the team and I liked the solo scene with Oliver until that stupid picture made yet another appearance. 

  • Love 7

... I think that Laurel's choice to don the mask one last time to help contain Darhk and free the hostages qualifies her death as heroic. As Oliver will point out next week, it was her choice, and I think her motivation was clearly heroic.

I think Laurel went out fighting. Team Arrow just lost the fight. I yelled an expletive when she seized and died. I never particularly cared for her character, but I was moved by that death. I didn't expect it. I liked her conversation with Oliver. It's the kind of epiphany I'd see someone who nearly died would have, especially coming out of anesthesia and being on the good drugs.


I found her death sad. I found it especially sad that Quentin wasn't able to get there in time to say goodbye.

  • Love 2

I have to admit I cried for Laurel. Not because she died tonight but because she was dead all along. She died when she started dating Ollie and when the Gambit took Ollie and Sara. Oh god it's so sad for her. I will never be able to rewatch the early seasons without feeling sorry that she could never move on :'( I ache for Tommy because he never had a chance :'(

  • Love 10

I am absolutely baffled by every choice they made regarding Laurel in this ep. First, she was awfully quick to agree with Oliver that she should hang up the buckles; only to (correctly) change her mind. Why not bring that up earlier in the season?


But most importantly, they utterly botched her death and deathbed scenes. She was killed (effectively) while she was immobilized, de-powered. Yes, she was there to bravely fight Damien, but they still didn't let her actually fight him to the death. That sucks.


Her deathbed scene should not have been with or about Oliver. At all. In any way. That benefits no one, not even O/L shippers. It makes Laurel look a little pathetic for never having moved on from the guy who was such a d-bag to her, especially when Tommy died for her, but OKAY. The O/L relationship was not a dangling thread that the show needed to address to allow O/F to go on. That whole maudlin embarrassing scene was just...unnecessary.


Anyway, it should have been Quentin at her bedside. That's the only relationship she ever had on the show that had any meaning (other than with Sara, arguably). That's the person she should have been thinking about as she died.


Agree, 100%. I don't understand how this was written by a huge Laurel fan. The choices were bizarre.


And the O/L thing was definitely not a dangling thread. And Laurel keeping an old picture of herself that Oliver clearly gave back to her ages ago was...yikes. Let her at least have some dignity? 


The hospital scene definitely should have been with Quentin. He never seems to get to say goodbye to his daughters. That's really sad. I think the whole death would have been sadder if it had been Laurel/Quentin. 

Edited by Guest

I stopped watching Arrow after it's mid season finale, which I actually enjoyed, because I figured the person in that grave was Laurel, though I still read spoilers and have kept up with some of what has happened since. I liked Laurel a lot, especially in her first season, and never stopped rooting for her.  Part of that might have been a reaction to the negativity and general anger thrown at that character, which I never understood.  She felt like someone I had to defend, and I kept hoping the show would treat her with care, and they never did.  And I realized before the end of last year that they never would.  


I read Katie Cassidy's interview at TV Line, hoping to learn that maybe this was her choice, that she wanted to leave the show or something.  Just to make sense of killing Laurel off, and it looks like she learned about it last minute.  She was hired to be Black Canary.  The show delays that for seasons, seeming to give that role to someone else, she finally gets to be this role in the most graceless way possible, and then she's killed off.  Maybe that's how things are in Hollywood, but I can't get over how shitty that is. [Edited by mod: Fans.] The only thing that impresses me is how classy Cassidy has handled herself despite this.


I expected to be angry that Laurel was killed off, but at the end of the day, it makes sense.  I can't even be mad or bitter.  Arrow began to decrease in quality after Shado's death, and I loved Shado.  Her murder was a sign of what was to come.  So many great female characters have ended up being dispensable since then.  Shado, Moira, Isabella, Amanda Waller (how did that happen??? ), and Laurel.  Hell, even Thea and Sara "died." Others have just disappeared off the canvas.  So, there's really nothing shocking about this latest death.  Another woman slain by a man.  [Edited by mod.]  The only woman to consistently get decent writing might be Felicity, and I'm not even sure if they're doing her justice either.  It's sad.


I can decide if I regret ever watching Arrow or not, but I am relieved to finally be able to move on from it and the frustration and toxicity that came with it.   Goodbye, good riddance, [Edited by mod.].  I would hope that's true, or else it's just another crappy, sad storyline from this show, and another character who deserved better.  

Edited by MuuMuuChainsmoker
  • Love 4

Poppy said she was Romanian.  Did her family move to Russia?


I hope Katie Cassidy goes on to a show that know better what to do with her.

Laurel definitely got the you're going to die episode. That stupid picture was mentioned more time in this episode than it has in 3 years. Why is Laurel carrying around a picture of herself? Shouldn't she have the Oliver half? Or I guess self involved until the end.

There never was an Oliver half.  Laurel gave Oliver a picture of herself as he got on the Queen's Gambit so that he wouldn't be lovely.  Little did she know that he had arranged for Sara to go too just for that purpose.


Laurel just came out of surgery, maybe she was still high on happy juice and thus not really thinking clearly???

It never fails to amaze me how TV shows write people recovering from anaesthetic so quickly.  But I guess that without it, there would have been no deathbed scene.


I can't believe that every one of Team Arrow told Laurel "I love you" except Oliver.


Remember when Oliver could have gotten on that ship bound for Russia but then they inexplicably changed the name to Coast City or somesuch? Yeah, I regret the decisions the writers have chosen.

I wonder if the plan at the end of s3 was to do the Russia flashbacks this season and then it got changed over the summer.


3. I wonder if they'll actually use the footage of Felicity and Oliver in the limo that we saw in the flash forward. That tone seems really off for their recent interactions, including tonight's hug.
5. I think that Laurel's choice to don the mask one last time to help contain Darhk and free the hostages qualifies her death as heroic. As Oliver will point out next week, it was her choice, and I think her motivation was clearly heroic.

I think one thing they got right is that it was Laurel's decision to put the mask on one more time. Oliver tried to get her to end her BC career so it isn't his fault but yes, his responsibility.  I still don't think it was a heroic death though.


It's too bad they can't prosecute DD for this when they catch him because the only people who saw him to it were Team Arrow and they can't testify without outing themselves.


The coldness in the limo scene really does feel out of place given Felicity comforting Oliver here.

  • Love 3
1. So Oliver can only stay in the hospital room if the patient isn't Felicity?


I honestly think in Felicity's case, he was shown not to hang out at the hospital long after they knew she was going to live.  He was there when she was in the ER and I have no reason to think he wasn't there until she woke up the first time AND I'd hope he'd have also learned to not stay away just from that experience so it didn't bother me that he was sticking around.  So was the whole team. 

3. I wonder if they'll actually use the footage of Felicity and Oliver in the limo that we saw in the flash forward. That tone seems really off for their recent interactions, including tonight's hug.



This is why actors need to know what is happening and not just go in blind.  The Limo vibe doesn't fit at all.  The only way I can spin it is Felicity has rejected any comforting because she'll just totally break down crying so they are keeping their distance. 


When did they say it was a blood clot? Not that it matters but if it was supposed to be a blood clot, that is not how it would go down or how you would treat it. Accuracy is not their thing. But I really couldn't figure out what they wanted us to think the cause of death was. I was thinking a broken heart or heart failure related to blood loss.  My guess is they are going to find out that DD had done something to the arrow or has people on the inside of the hospital that poisoned her.


Honestly, that was the worse medical acting I've seen in awhile. KC sucked at her seizure. And no wonder the code failed, you don't put the stickers on top of the hospital gown. Just crappy medical acting & writing.

I think they may have actually said an embolism but that is usually a clot obstructing a blood vessel. The confusing part is not all blood clots will hurt you.  It all depends where they are.  If they slip to the heart or the brain death can be instantaneous.  Or they can be lucky and spend a week in bed rest on blood thinners and the body naturally absorb them like bruises leaving no damage.  (Hi mom!)  I have no idea if they'd trigger a seizure like that or not.  A stroke is basically a blot clot in the brain, does that trigger such a reaction? 



Wow. That episode was a mess. I knew who was in the grave going in, but if I hadn't I would have figured it out five minutes in. They really wanted to wrap everything up with Laurel. [Edited by mod: Fans.]


I was impressed by everyone's performances at the end. PB did manage to bring a tear to my eye.


DR was quite good in this as well, even though I did not like the way he was so quick to dismiss Oliver's concerns about Andy.  It would have helped if we had actually seen Diggle and Andy have a healthy and positive relationship since they let him out of captivity, but because we didn't it felt out of character for Diggle to trust Andy so completely.

I was shocked that this episode seem to confirm that not only was Andy living with Lyla and John but coming and going freely.  He even had access to weapons.  That's scary. 

Edited by BkWurm1
  • Love 3

Laurel definitely got the you're going to die episode. That stupid picture was mentioned more time in this episode than it has in 3 years. Why is Laurel carrying around a picture of herself? Shouldn't she have the Oliver half? Or I guess self involved until the end. 


Laurel died as she lived, pretending she was someone else. 

There was no Oliver half. It was always a picture of just her. Maybe I'm weird, but I have ONE pic of just me, at the Rachel Nevada alien diner, and I can't imagine giving it to a dude to remember me.

  • Love 1

Another plot twist... Laurel was in love with Oliver the whole time I guess???


They're just doing that because they KNOW the show never did justice to the iconic GA/BC pair.


Actually, this entire show probably should count as maybe the worst adaptation of the GA comics ever, considering how many essential things they've completely tossed about GA mythology.


I can't tell you how happy I am that MG has absolutely nothing to do with The Flash.

  • Love 5

Another plot twist... Laurel was in love with Oliver the whole time I guess???

And IDK if this is legit... But these are the last things I'd expect to see trend in this episode. Yikes



Dammit, @wonderwall! When I just read your post, Felicity's "the quiet dreams you keep to myself" popped unbidden into my brain, but about Laurel's feelings for Oliver. Why do you do this to me, WHY?? ;-)

You know who I feel bad for right now? Our beloved mod, @MuuMuuChainsmoker, for all the work she's putting in (and will continue to have to put in) editing posts because of this episode. All your hard work is certainly appreciated for keeping this place so much less vitriolic about fandom wank than most places!


I think the show should, maybe, think about changing its name from "Arrow" to "Anvils!" Also, was that the Arrow writers throwing subtle shade at Trump with the villain making speeches about "making the city great again"? Niicccee.


Oh, Team GA (minus Felicity). Y'all are dumbasses for reassembling that mask totem. Then enclosing it in a glass case as though it's some prized possession. At least, install some security measures like infrared or pressure-sensitive booby traps that'll trap anyone who tries to get it. Good on ya, Diggle, for trying to keep one piece out, though. But super terrible that you told Andy.


Merlyn's "magician" tricks are getting super old. Eh. I did enjoy his little tete-a-tete with Darhk. I'm still really enjoying NM as Darhk. Dude's such a good villain.

  • Love 21

That was a boring episode.But I liked the Diggle parts and his conflict with Oliver.But yeah I wouldn't be watching this show without Felicity for sure.This like 4.10 was an ugly look at a show without her, hopefully we don't get more of those.

I was one of the people who thought Laurel was such a failure she didn't really deserve some epic death, I wouldn't have minded it but I didn't need it to happen. This death was pretty lame.I mean did they seriously have her say Oliver is the love of her life though she knows she's not the love of his and have her carry a picture of herself around lol.I think that was done because KC wanted it, no proof of course but I think they were going with something she wanted because it's the end.It would have been much better to have her father there and the actor who she has some chemistry with instead of Oliver who she has a toxic past with and such bad chemistry it cost her her lead role tbh.But as long as she's finally gone, I don't really care. This should have happened season 1 anyway.

Edited by tangerine95
  • Love 13

There was no Oliver half. It was always a picture of just her. Maybe I'm weird, but I have ONE pic of just me, at the Rachel Nevada alien diner, and I can't imagine giving it to a dude to remember me.


I thought she ripped off her half of the picture of the two of them? That must've been another show. So she carries around a bunch of pictures of herself? One she gave to Oliver and one she kept in her wallet all these years? The fuck? Who does that? A reminder of me and you together is a picture of me. 

Edited by Sakura12
  • Love 2

Well, I didn't get to watch live after all (best laid plans and all that), but it sounds like I didn't miss much. I don't know why I'm surprised. There has never been a Laurel story yet that lived up to my expections. I suppose I shouldn't have expected her death to be any different. *sigh*

TBH I expect the fallout to be muuuuuuuuuch more interesting than the death. I feel sort of happy that I never looked forward to the death itself but for everything that comes afterwards.

As an Olicity fan, I really hate that Laurel told Oliver that Felicity and he should be together but he is the love of her life.  If Olicity is good (and I think it is), then it's good enough to stand on its own (and I think it is), it doesn't need to be propped by Laurel's dying words.


I guess MG got tired of the fandom fighting.



I thought she ripped off her half of the picture of the two of them? That must've been another show. So she carries around a bunch of pictures of herself? One she gave to Oliver and one she kept in her wallet all these years? The fuck? Who does that? A reminder of me and you together is a picture of me. 

It was a reminder of when she was so important to him that he kept himself alive thinking of her.


I think it's unfair to make her so pathetic.

  • Love 12

At least Laurel will get a proper burial and funeral, while Sara got stuffed in a pine box still in the clothes she died in and buried in her old grave in the dead of night. In the end Laurel did get a better death than Sara. 


Still makes you wonder what they were thinking with Sara's death. They really wanted to drive home how dead she was to make Laurel happen. Laurel didn't really happen so they brought Sara back and killed Laurel in a pretty lame way but will give her a heroes funeral. It makes no sense! 


The only part of Laurel that was the Black Canary was her name. Otherwise I don't feel like they did anything to ruin comic Black Canary. She's still awesome and thankfully nothing like Laurel from Arrow. 

Edited by Sakura12
  • Love 9



Diggle to Oliver - I know what the Kevlar won't protect.

Everyone with eyes - So do we, it's the exposed arms and head.  Seems like a stupid design, actually.

I was so distracted throughout the episode by Oliver's puffy coat vest... sorry, I mean, Green Arrow costume. Seriously, it puffs out at times and looks ridiculous. 



The coldness in the limo scene really does feel out of place given Felicity comforting Oliver here.


I remember reading an interview with EBR a while back that said that when she filmed that scene, she didn't know who was in the grave, so perhaps looking at it as setting the tone for the loss is the reason why that seems off.


Overall, the episode was... meh? Like the rest of the second half of this season, it seems. It's odd that I was sad by Laurel's death only because she seems the least irrational person on the team currently, which is saying a LOT. Between Digg's fervent belief in Andy (without the back up of the progression of that relationship ALL season... way to drop it, show, and just be all "He saved Lyla! Everything's FINE!"), Thea's on/off attitude towards Malcolm, and my overwhelming distaste for Oliver currently... Laurel actually was seeming rational and competent, which is in short supply. 


ALSO, whose stupid idea was it to glue the idol back together? Is there a reasoning in that versus say, burning or pulverizing the pieces and scattering them around the world? (If it was Laurel's, I take back my compliment on her seeming the most competent.)


Overall, the death was just kind of terrible. And her reminiscing about how great their love was continues to under-serve the character that Laurel should have been. (And I kept seeing Katie Cassidy try to freeze in the close up of her death, and quivering a bit... poor KC.)

  • Love 1

I've never been more happy to barely see Felicity in an episode.


Anyway, I mostly liked this episode. Diggle was amazing even though trusting Andy was dumb. It reminded me of Oliver's bullheadedness when it came to Moira in S01. I loved the hospital scene with the team and I liked the solo scene with Oliver until that stupid picture made yet another appearance. 

She was barely in it and yet she was dragged into it at the WORST possible moment, not her actual presence, that was very welcome and without her sob, I wouldn't have cried at all, but they were SOOOOOO close to the end.  Why did they have to put Oliver and Felicity's relationship as a talking point in Laurel's death bed confession? 


I like the point about Andy being like Oliver's reaction to Moira. 

  • Love 10

I think Arrow did do a great job with Green Arrow and Black Canary - it was just with Oliver and Sara.  I'm sorry.  I wanted to like Laurel, but they ruined that iconic pairing from the start.  Frankly, I think they have damn near ruined the iconic pairing or Iris and Barry over on Flash, but they at least have room to come back from it someday.  I would have never, ever believed Oliver and Laurel as a couple after he slept with Sara.  I hated them hooking up in season one.  And I can't believe Laurel didn't love Tommy more than Oliver.  It almost makes me hate her.  I'm sorry - but you can give me all the "heart wants what the heart wants" lines ever - and Oliver will still have been a d-bag to Laurel.


Then again, maybe the writers think the iconic pairing of GA and BC were horrible?  He did cheat on her in the comics and most people seem to think BC was better when she was away from him.  I don't know - but I don't like what this show did with Laurel, from start to finish.  So at least they are consistent!

  • Love 9

So, that happened. And it was boring. Everything, every single "twist" was predictable. And I'm not counting Laurel's death here because we were spoiled. I seriously felt nothing except boredom until the end with Quentin. Agree with the posters who said that last scene with Oliver should have been with Quentin (although they might not have done that because they want Quentin to go into a spiral or something). But that last bit about Oliver being the love of her life is just sad. But works with the actress' head canon so, shrug.

  • Love 5

When you wish upon a staaaaaaaaar . . .


Actually, I'm happier with next week having a repeat, because I can go out and only worry about DVRing Survivor. I mean . . . Laurel seems to be okay. She has what appears to be a meaningful/poignant talk with Oliver. We cut to outside the window as they talk. And then . . . Laurel dies? Seriously?!? Yes, I had a smile on my face that the show didn't swerve into a less annoying character, but I reckon that the cutaway might indicate that Laurel isn't dead-dead, and that we're being trolled. Total speculation on my part . . . I am not privy to spoilers.


Oh, and Dark's powerful again. I know he's witty and all, but it's a drag for him to be in God Mode again. Thanks, Andy! Just for that, John isn't naming his nextborn after you.


Still hoping/wishing there is a point to the flashbacks. At least they'll stop by 2017. Yes, I expect the show to last that long. Remember, it's the same network (more or less) that aired Smallville for ten years.


ETA: Anybody else expect Chris Hardwick to pop up at the end? "It's 11:59 and 59 seconds. This just happened tonight  in Star City . . . BLACK CANARY DIED! Okay, it was actually Laurel Lance, but I never saw them in a room at the same time."

  • Love 2

That episode was one big *shrug* for me. And it isn't leaving me excited or interested in anything coming up either.

I didn't like LL and had no emotional investment in either her character or her relationships with other characters on the show so, using her death as motivation for the rest of the team doesn't do anything for me.

I think the Oliver / Laurel stuff at the end was maybe a bone for the comic stans but it misfired really badly.

  • Love 9

Actually I think this thread has been surprisingly respectful. *shrugs*

In other news, I have to say I'm a little surprised that they're revisiting the whole Oliver/Diggle tension again so soon after the whole Lyla debacle. Furthermore, I'm having a hard time reconciling Diggle choosing Andy in light of what just happened.

  • Love 14

Wow. I really wanted to feel something during the episode. I think they did a poor job, though. I'm not a KC fan at all, and haven't been a Laurel fan, but this was not a good send off, not at all. It was just an episode filled with cliches (oh look, Laurel was going to quit BC....but she was also going to have one last mission...but wait, she probably wasn't going to actually quit....oh look, she gets to help Oliver get back to Felicity....she has the picture....oh, now she's not dead....and she's dead). I just didn't like how they handled Laurel's death at all. They should not have gone with the five minute fakeout. They should have had Laurel have her last scene with Quentin, if this was the case. 


Oh, and the him is, in fact, Darhk. Well, partially Malcolm, but mostly Darhk. Honestly, it would have been better if Quentin had been more involved in the episode. The fact that he wasn't, even despite that really powerful last scene, just annoys me. Laurel's best relationship has always been with her father. I get that Oliver needed to have that one important goodbye, but Quentin deserved it too. Plus, SA didn't quite sell it for me. It's clear that Oliver's over Laurel, and he was shocked by her death, but I think he could have sold it better; maybe a few more tears or something. I kind of wanted Oliver to comfort Quentin. 


So yeah, the episode didn't work for me, not at all. So many other ways they could have handled her death and they chose whatever this was. Part of it felt like fridging, because she was killed because of Quentin, and she spent her last moments propping up Oliver (and Olicity). 


Now with other things in the episode. Oh look, Thea couldn't kill Malcolm. Diggle trusted Andy and he betrayed them all. Surprise, surprise. For a send off episode for Laurel, they didn't do it justice. You can't just throw in a Laurel-centric episode, the first one in over a year, and then kill her off that same episode. I know that she's been getting better moments this last half season, but having her get actual job offers and having her spout all these cliched lines and then kill her off? Also, bringing up the picture and all of this stuff was way too forced. 


Overall, I am disappointed in the way that she went out. Even as a non-Laurel fan, I'm not pleased at all. 

  • Love 11

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