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S07.E18: The Party

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Manny and Luke babysit Lily so the adults in the family can have some fun, which includes Phil and Mitchell seeing a movie, Claire and Gloria going to a spa, and Jay and Cameron hitting a sports bar to watch a big fight, but Claire suspects the boys are going to throw a party.
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So, Haley wants to put "Old Haley" behind and in her one and only scene, she's drunk? Way to go "New Haley"!

Who's watching Joe? (I'm guessing Andy, but I missed if they even mentioned the youngest Pritchett at all.)

Poor Mitch and Phil missed their movie. :( This was one of the rare few (or only?) times Mitch and Phil hang out together for fun. They should do it more often.

I think Claire needs to get Phil to install some "security" web cams throughout the house since they can't leave the house for longer than a half hour apparently.

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Claire was really annoying.


I enjoyed Lily being in the party too. Mitch and Phil going to see the movie and being high together.  Cam and Jay hanging out drinking at a bar together. The change in pairings. 


Alex was actually at school.


No Andy, always a plus.

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Didn't Cam and Jay used to bond over watching football together? I remember an episode where Cam even had Illini Orange and Blue face paint and they talked about "Butkus" and Mitchell made some comment. So, given that, when did Cam suddenly get uncomfortable....and the scenes with them were uncomfortable. Plus, how could Cam not know how to trash talk better than he did.

Claire was beyond annoying and Manny and Luke have not evolved well.

The only funny part was watching Lily.

Overall, no laughs.

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The Mitch and Phil stuff was good, they played well off one another and the "acting high" stuff worked for them. I also liked Claire taking pride in the closets at the Spa. And the hidden party, and Manny and Luke's cover up, was a good sight gag.


Everything else fell hollow to me.


With both Manny and Luke, the show can't decide whether it wants them to be complete losers in High School, or at least somewhat capable with a social circle beyond themselves and Ruben. They've also previously covered that Cam and Jay have a good bond right from season 1. They hung out well together bonding over the more "traditionally manly" things Cam has in his personality, the football, the hands on blue collar work, and of course teasing Mitch. Heck recently, Jay felt comfortable leaving Stella with Cam when they were testing Joe's allergies.  This, "we don't know how to hang out" business felt very off. But I guess their stronger relationship was back when Cam was written as a more well rounded character that occasionally went against gay cliches. Claire's annoying mother routine was particularly grating this go around.


Overall I liked this season more than the past few, but there are some definite clunkers here and there.

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Yes, Jay and Cam even seemed to move past the "moon landing" at the gym without being uncomfortable with each other, but now, YEARS later, they don't know how to hang out. (Although they had their bowling outing just last year--or was that the season before?)

Claire didn't bother me...but then that's because I knew the boys were trying to pull a fast one on the 'rents.

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If I got a job as a sitcom writer, I'd actually watch the show I was writing for so I would understand the characters. Gawd. Or at least read ep synopses online. Although if I created a sitcom, I'd keep records of characters' likes and dislikes, personality quirks, backstories, etc.

Who has a house party when the parents are only out for the evening? I mean, a movie is only a couple hours, even if Phil and Mitchell went for drinks after, they'd be home in four hours. Luke and Manny want to have a party, and kick everyone out and clean up within that timeframe? Lame. They're not 12.

And doesn't anyone hire sitters anymore? It seems like Mitch and Cam can only leave Lily with relatives. Also lame.

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I'm torn on this one because I didn't really like it overall, and I really don't care for any plot that revolves around older Luke and Manny, but I found myself laughing out loud at the stoner plot.  Everything Jesse and Ty did for the entire episode cracked me up.  That part I loved.  Plus I'll agree that it was nice to see Mitch and Phil together, which we don't get very often.  I enjoyed Lily as well.  I will probably watch it again just because I was so entertained by Jesse and Ty.  The rest?  Whatever.

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I gotta say, I could have watched an hour or two of just Phil & Mitchell being high!

Me too, my favorite part of this episode. And I loved Jay pointing it out at the end!

Edited by Texasmom1970
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The Phil and Mitchell episodes are rare but they're great. I love the one where they both thought Claire and Cam's plan of buying, restoring and flipping a house was a terrible idea, but wanted the other to be the bad guy to stop them.

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Funny episode. Jay's talking head where he's cracking up at Cam saying he banged the guys sister is one of the funniest things I've seen in awhile. That whole segment was hilarious.

And Mitchell and Phil had so much potential but they just didn't get enough time.

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Claire is just a wretch to be around -- wanting to see Gloria without makeup, not enjoying the spa, reveling in being right. And I agree about Hailey being drunk -- really? I know it happens, but it's not so funny. The Jay and Cam thing did feel off  -- why couldn't they just write something funny about them hanging out at the bar, their guy wins early and they kill time by hustling guys at foosball or whatever? Everything requires such gymnastics to set up a situation. Phil and Mitchell were great -- I loved them both struggling to shout "Nothing" up the stairs. I loved Lily too, but I really can't stand anything to do with Luke and Manny. They've become very unappealing characters and they're both terrible actors.

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 I loved Lily too, but I really can't stand anything to do with Luke and Manny. They've become very unappealing characters and they're both terrible actors.

I don't mind Manny when he's interacting with other people. I can't stand him with Luke. I just can't stand Luke period.


Lily was the highlight of this episode.

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I forgot to add I usually hate the big-party-when-the-parents-are-away setup, but the guy falling on the ping pong table was spectacular!

Not to mention his line too: "Sorry Lewis. I have another party to go to." Then the pan up to show everyone in Luke's room and then Phil saying: "Theirs a party in Luke's room." Was hilarious, but sadly also irks me because really? Luke and Manny couldn't think for one second that their moms would be gone for probably at the worst an hour, when Claire still pokes fun and hates everything that Gloria does to this day. Plus the movie at the best would have kept Mitch and Phil out at the most 3 hours. They know the smoke alarms have smart notifications, but hey they bring their iPhone stuck on porn to the Apple Store instead of just reseting it by holding the power and lock buttons. The writers just have to make them stupider when the plot calls for it. 

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Mitchell and Phil being high was probably one of the funniest things this show has done in I don't even know how many episodes. They didn't overplay it and their desperate attempts to play it cool were just hilarious. Also loved Mitchell randomly calling him "Phillip".

But holy hell I hate episodes that have Claire being a demented helicopter parent. Like the one where she freaked out about leaving 14-year-old Luke home alone for a few hours. Or the recent one where she frantically had to pack her kids' lunches. Or this one. Jesus Chris it's disturbing parents like this exist in real life. Loose the reins, you hovering psycho.

"I was so drunk I thought they were stoned."

Not sure why Phil and Mitchell arrived 45 minutes early to a movie they had assigned seats for. Or why Luke and Manny threw a party when their parents would have been out of the house for 2-3 hours tops.

It'd be nice if the writers stopped selling the idea that Luke and Manny are some kind of genius-level comedic duo. It's just two terrible actors struggling with the material.

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Am I the only one who hates Lily? She (the actress) is so wooden and her lines are delivered in the same stilted way every week. IMHO she's even worse than Luke and Manny, who I can't stand.

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Mitchell and Phil being high was probably one of the funniest things this show has done in I don't even know how many episodes. They didn't overplay it and their desperate attempts to play it cool were just hilarious. Also loved Mitchell randomly calling him "Phillip".

But holy hell I hate episodes that have Claire being a demented helicopter parent. Like the one where she freaked out about leaving 14-year-old Luke home alone for a few hours. Or the recent one where she frantically had to pack her kids' lunches. Or this one. Jesus Chris it's disturbing parents like this exist in real life. Loose the reins, you hovering psycho.

"I was so drunk I thought they were stoned."

Not sure why Phil and Mitchell arrived 45 minutes early to a movie they had assigned seats for. Or why Luke and Manny threw a party when their parents would have been out of the house for 2-3 hours tops.

It'd be nice if the writers stopped selling the idea that Luke and Manny are some kind of genius-level comedic duo. It's just two terrible actors struggling with the material.

Gloria is just as guilty of being a helicopter parents when Manny doesn't get things others don't. Like the decorating locker situation, or bad dating: "I'll make sure Manny gets things, my precious baby!" Claire just does it times two and at this point, I have to agree, get some cameras for the house if she is that worried about Luke being a walking disaster. She almost never checks in on Alex, but needs to make her lunch and Alex can't get her own allergy medican and Haley needs her dry cleaning picked up by her. Her kids are way too dependent on their kids and that's because Claire is helicoptering and Phil wants to be the cool dad most of the time and only comes down when he has too. Outside they both should be telling Haley to go get her own damn apartment and tell Luke either get it together now or when he graduates from HS in two years, he can go get a job and his own life. Luke keeps coming up with these stupid ideas and Manny keeps going along with him. That isn't a comedy duo. That's the blind leading the blind. Like with Manny saying he was making cookies and Luke saying the oven hadn't been working for almost a week. They couldn't have come up with a script on what to say? Or even a: "Hey, Manny the oven is broken, so don't use it as our excuse." Also, I like how they had Lily in on this plan and that Mitch and Cam are so leaving Lily on her own mechanics, but don't try to teach her between right and wrong. You have extreme parenting like Claire and then you have BFF parenting with Mitch and Cam. It doesn't work. Then you have "protect my little baby" and "I can't tell my spouse things" with Gloria and Jay and disaster happens, not comedy. No one learns how much things keep backfiring on them.

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I've been vehemently defending this show for a while now, but when you have to pull out the tired "uptight adults do drugs with hi-lar-ious results" trope, you've run out of ideas.


I did enjoy Manny and Luke's cover falling apart based on the fact that the oven was broken. That was clever.

Edited by Eolivet
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This seemed like a story with a lot of potential that they just couldn't quite pull off. Good ideas, but execution lacked something

Had it's moments and some good lines. Like Jay just saying he stayed because he wanted his sandwhich. ANd I did think it was funny them opening the door to the huge party and just closing it, not saying a word.

So, Haley wants to put "Old Haley" behind and in her one and only scene, she's drunk? Way to go "New Haley"!

Who's watching Joe? (I'm guessing Andy, but I missed if they even mentioned the youngest Pritchett at all.)

Poor Mitch and Phil missed their movie. :( This was one of the rare few (or only?) times Mitch and Phil hang out together for fun. They should do it more often.

I think Claire needs to get Phil to install some "security" web cams throughout the house since they can't leave the house for longer than a half hour apparently.

In defense of Haley, simply drinking at her age is much different than living a wild party lifestyle. She may have just had some drinks with friends.

Andy never seems to be on the show. Ever since he and Haley ended up together over Christmas he has been on like one or two episodes. Not that I care, I don't think he and Haley really work as a couple.

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Ty Burrell and Jesse Tyler Ferguson do paranoid stoned to perfection. I couldn't stop laughing, those two need more scenes together. I thought this was a pretty hilarious episode all around. One minor nitpick, when Claire said something like "At least we have one good kid" to Jay/Gloria and Cam/Mitch, it's like she forgot about Joe.

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I loved stoner Phil/Mitch, all of it.  No one has mentioned Phil's "Hello, Cupcake <wait, do I call her Cupcake?>" and Mitch's "<Don't worry, I got you covered> Hey, Cupcake!", plus a random, "Cupcake" hiccup for extra credit. 

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Stoned Mitch & Phil were my favorite part of the episode. Mostly because I imagine that I would be very much like stoned Mitch if I ever tried a pot gummy bear...slightly paranoid, and also paranoid about being paranoid, all while trying to pretend I wasn't paranoid.  


I also enjoyed Lily's role in the party, and later her hopped up on all the soda

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