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House Hunters International - General Discussion

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Ugh! This one with the couple moving to Dublin drove me nuts! That spacious place in the "burbs" was ideally suited to them. So much more space, a walled-in garden perfect for the dog, right on budget. BUT - it was the first one they crossed off the list because it was just too "far away." Far away?! The realtor said it was seven miles from the city. Seven! Where in the hell did they live before that they think seven stinking miles is just too damn long of a commute!?! I'm so sick of these millennials who have to live smack dab in the city even if it means they have to cram themselves into a closet-sized apartment over their budget because, gosh darn it, they just have to be close to shops and cafes! Especially when they make a huge deal out of prioritizing a dog-friendly space and then promptly discard the most dog-friendly of the spaces shown to them and choose the least! Arrrgghhh! 


Now I will grant you, commute would be my big priority too, especially if I didn't have a car. But we're talking about seven stinking miles here. Even if he has to take a train and bus how long is his commute going to be? 20 minutes? 


I know this show is totally fake and they never really had the option of that second house/apartment but sheesh. Try to mask the fakery a bit by showing us something a little less ideal for these people if they're going to reject it for no apparent reason.

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It was only 7 miles??!  And I'm sure there was adequate public transport from where they lived to the heart of Dublin.  I realize that it probably wasn't a real option for them but still, I bet if it was one, they would have turned it down because it was too far.


This is what drives me crazy. A generation that will demand a gym in their building or nearby so that they can stay in shape, but ask them to walk 10 minutes to a bus stop or train station as part of their commute and it's all too much for them to do.


Out of curiosity, I went online and measured the distance from my home to my high school, to which I walked to and from daily.  1.3 miles one way, so 2.6 miles a day I walked.  Middle school was a mile each way.


Lazy so-and-so's.


Get off my lawn.


;- >

  • Love 7
Then we saw pictures of all the trips they've since taken around Europe and I wondered what they did with the dog while they were travelling.


I doubt this job in Dublin was going to be long term, perhaps just a year or two to give them time to do some traveling in Europe.  So why didn't they leave the dog with her mother so they would be unencumbered with the dog when they were traveling?  I doubt they could take the dog into museums and all the beautiful churches.  

  • Love 1

Real estate agent Richard Blanco + the lovely Surrey landscape? YES PLEASE! I can hardly recall anything about the house hunters because I was in Heaven! Oh, ok. The wife took a job at some private school, yada, yada, whatever. Who cares. Forget that scripted crap. Just show me more Richard and gorgeous English countryside.

  • Love 3

Thank you so much for telling me about this! What a great series. I watched Cornwall today. Oh how beautiful. Just wish Richard was the host!!

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The young couple moving to Lund, Sweden. He was fine. She was annoying. Her voice, for one. She essentially wanted a California home in Sweden. She wanted a shower, dishwasher, washer, dryer, etc and "American amenities like they were used to". Of course, they got the home she wanted even though it was over budget.

  • Love 6
I've seen that one before but this was the first time I heard that she was a chiropractor.  I always thought she was a masseuse!!


She dressed like a streetwalker.


I just saw the newly married couple who moved to Lund, Sweden.  Love the cute cottage they chose.  I found her voice very annoying, but she was so pretty that I imagine her hubby didn't mind.


Pickles, you beat me to it. 

Edited by Diane M
  • Love 1

The young couple moving to Lund, Sweden. He was fine. She was annoying. Her voice, for one. She essentially wanted a California home in Sweden. She wanted a shower, dishwasher, washer, dryer, etc and "American amenities like they were used to". Of course, they got the home she wanted even though it was over budget.

I think they should've gotten the second place, because it actually seemed to have the most space.  I can picture the husband hitting his head every morning when he got out of bed.  And the wife's voice - dear god, she was so whiny!  Even in the place they got, which she loved and was saying great things about, all I could hear was "whine, whine, whine".


I'll confess, though, that I would've chosen house 3 just for the shower stall.  I hate the wet room style showers.  How do you keep your towel dry while you shower?

My ears are bleeding from the vocal fry from tonight's bride in Lund. So annoying!

Is that what vocal fry is?  I've never noticed it with anyone else who's ever been described by commenters as have vocal fry, but that woman, oy.

Edited by proserpina65
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I guess I just don't notice it 99% of the time.  I wouldn't say that's what bothered me about Lund woman's voice - it was the nasal perma-whininess, which didn't actually sound to me like what was in this video.

Edited by proserpina65

Lund woman had both vocal fry and up-talk where her voice gets higher at the end of the sentence like she's asking a question.  I did not catch what career she gave up in San Francisco - did anyone hear what that was?


I liked the second place better, too.  The rooms were large, and he wouldn't have to hit his head in the bedroom.  But I can see how he would want a separate space to study and be able to shut the door.

  • Love 1

I hated the Maryland to Costa Rica family last night.  He was okay other than his dismissal of outdoor areas bigger than my entire lot as too small, but the wife was a nightmare, complaining about the perfectly huge kitchens in two of the houses wouldn't be big enough for their family, I guess because they didn't have a double oven.  And the adult sons who were already planning to install themselves in the house for extended periods of time because Mama couldn't bear to not see them all the time?  Cut the freaking cord already!

  • Love 3

I hated the Maryland to Costa Rica family last night.  He was okay other than his dismissal of outdoor areas bigger than my entire lot as too small, but the wife was a nightmare, complaining about the perfectly huge kitchens in two of the houses wouldn't be big enough for their family, I guess because they didn't have a double oven.  And the adult sons who were already planning to install themselves in the house for extended periods of time because Mama couldn't bear to not see them all the time?  Cut the freaking cord already!

On the other hand, the views from those homes were amazing.  And their broker?  Hot damn.  

  • Love 1

Concerning the environmentally conscious couple in Athens, I kept wondering if it wouldn't it be more environmentally friendly to convert a non-green apartment than to take an already partially converted one off the market. They did add some more green features, but there didn't seem to be a real gain there, if you know what I mean.

  • Love 1

Thank you, DownTheShore. I watch these HH shows every morning with my mom, and I am constantly reminding her that these people have already chosen their house before they even start filming, and none of the others we see were ever a consideration. Of course that couple converted the house themselves, and good for them. But sure enough, I got suckered into the drama on that one. I guess it happens to the best of us, and the worst of us too.

BTW, I would have picked the same house as you. How can these people be so stupid, always choosing the wrong house like that, when there are much better ones they could have picked? :-D

Edited by scootypuffjr
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I saw the last half of an episode last night that really had me puzzled.  It was called "Platonic in Puglia" and was about two people who met on a dating site but decided they were better as friends who after 6 months of this friendship upped stakes and moved to Italy.  I know HHI places fast and loose with the backstories but this one really stretched credulity.  Does anyone know if the story was actually true and people who barely knew each other really moved to Italy (jobless at the onset of course) and stayed there?

HHI in the Faroe Islands:

How many of you think that the apartment the girl's mom suddenly suggested - after the girl had phoned all the family and friends and couldn't find anyone who knew of a place to rent - was actually in the basement of the family home?


Now that you say that I bet it's true.  I watched again last night because I loved the scenery.  This time I noticed that there was a set of stairs in the new apartment going to the second floor and I thought it was strange.


The mother mentioning the apartment after they looked at 2 already was so hokey and even more so while watching the second time.  Also, they mentioned once I think that they need to be paying utilities.  If so that's ridiculous because the first apartment was less money with the utilities and it was very close by.

  • Love 3

I called BS on the Faroe island backstory when the couple was shown in the same room as the mother and only after Brynhild had gotten off the phone (supposedly calling everyone she knew looking for an available apartment) Mom pipes up with "Oh, I JUST remembered..." I'm getting pretty tired of HHs treating the viewers like we're idiots. 

  • Love 7
They were moving from Denver, where my sister lives--the traffic *is* horrible and has gotten worse.



I think that's relative. I live in Denver and lots of people move here because they like how there is less traffic than where they came from. There are fewer people here than, say, back East.No lines at the drive thru at 2:30 p.m. 

That's like when I used to hear how much traffic there was up in Vermont during "leaf peeper" season. I've been up there a number of times during that time and it's like, "where's all that traffic that's supposed to be here?" I hit more traffic when coming home at 12:30AM on the Garden State Parkway here in NJ than I did in the daylight there. I think the most traffic we hit was in Stowe, when we had to sit through about three red lights - and that was the anomaly.

  • Love 2

Wow, the couple moving to Granada was reasonable and realistic in their expectations!  How the hell did they get on this show?


All 3 houses were nice, but I was a little surprised they didn't choose house #3 since it seemed like the best fit for their needs.  Obviously they made house #1 work for them, so good for them.  That's the house I would've chosen, for both its style and its view of the Alhambra.  (I once stayed in a hotel which was 500 metres from the Alhambra, with my room facing it, and the view was magnificent.)

  • Love 2

I really liked the London to South Africa couple. They weren't obnoxious the way Americans are, with their annoying and frequently ridiculous demands. Plus, Ian the husband was a cute chunky bear.

The apartment was nice, with great amenities. I wonder if it was a gated community. I thought South Africa had a huge crime problem.


Yes, remembering the Faroe Islands episode from its original airing, had the same thought about the mother's basement.  Also, didn't her "agent" (haha) have the same last name as Brynhild's middle name?  I assumed that was her mother's maiden name and the "agent" was her cousin.


Brynhild's names, middle and last, appear to be common family names around that area.  She must be well-connected.  If that guy thinks they're returning to the U.S. in the future, he might want to think again!


Not surprising that they conspicuously neglected to mention the annual whale hunt.  (I've heard they kill other species, too, including thousands of dolphins.)  Didn't have time to post earlier but noticed that it was mentioned upthread. 


I understand they've attempted to encourage the islanders to find another source of protein b/c the whale meat is loaded with mercury and multiple other contaminants.  Even though they've studied the health risks, verifying connections to Parkinson's and other serious conditions and warned them, people continue to eat it.


Promoting tourism must be an attempt to diversify their economy and reduce their dependence on the hunt.  Brynhild's on the staff at the local visitor's bureau (see below) so perhaps she suggested HHI to her employer after returning from the U.S.  And, hey, at least she probably received her regular salary, besides the HHI stipend, for giving up 40 hours of her time to film!




It's a beautiful place and previously undiscovered.  If they desire "progress" (whatever that is, lol), let's hope they can move on from the past and save any threatened species in the process.

Edited by aguabella
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Everyone notice the scenes filmed at the Washington Redskins' stadium during the Maryland family's episode? Cracked me up!

They must have invited their close family and friends to the box and made them hang out for hours while HHI filmed them from every angle. Nobody had food or drink but they were sending up fake cheers ("Woo Hoo") on cue! (Can't eat or drink - it'd ruin the scene.)

And the game? At least once or twice they turned the camera around to show the empty, completely closed up stadium. What a fun time!

Incidentally, apparently their core business is janitorial so smart to highlight their most glamorous, fun client! Beats cleaning toilets, huh? And the Redskins got a shout-out so it's all good!

P.S. The island episodes have a certain sameness to them but not that one. That particular Costa Rica area was drop dead gorgeous. And those vacation homes? Somebody had to stretch it to create a weak, ridiculous conflict about double ovens!

Well, given their enterprising family, am guessing the home's available for rent, at an exorbitant rate, if anyone checks VRBO.

Edited by aguabella
  • Love 1

I liked last night's Paris episode. Alex the realtor was cute, and yes, I am just that shallow.

It was the typical American couple on one salary wanting a two-bedroom in ths center of Paris for $1600/mo so that the non-working spouse could spend her time in the shops, cafés, and museums, while working spouse would have to commute for an hour to get to his job. She wanted Parisian character and outside space, he wanted to stick to the budget.

They of course chose the one bedroom outside of the city that was "sterile", closer to his job, and still overbudget.

But at least we got to see some new Parisian apartments. That studio was spacious and the one with the loft looked bright and had access to what looked like two patios. Of course, regarding the one with the loft, the big stumbling block was "privacy" when people come over to visit. Is it impossible for some of these couple to even imagine not doing the horizontal bop while they've got company?

  • Love 7

I liked last night's Paris episode. Alex the realtor was cute, and yes, I am just that shallow.

It was the typical American couple on one salary wanting a two-bedroom in ths center of Paris for $1600/mo so that the non-working spouse could spend her time in the shops, cafés, and museums, while working spouse would have to commute for an hour to get to his job. She wanted Parisian character and outside space, he wanted to stick to the budget.

They of course chose the one bedroom outside of the city that was "sterile", closer to his job, and still overbudget.

But at least we got to see some new Parisian apartments. That studio was spacious and the one with the loft looked bright and had access to what looked like two patios. Of course, regarding the one with the loft, the big stumbling block was "privacy" when people come over to visit. Is it impossible for some of these couple to even imagine not doing the horizontal bop while they've got company?


        And, don't forget what they expected to get in central Paris for their budget. That "storyline" might ring a little more true if they weren't already moving from a high rent area. 


   "Only one bedroom? And where will our guests stay?"

    Um, they can stay on an air mattress in the living room. Or a hotel. No need to show off for your friends. You may be living in Paris, but you're doing so on one income, with the other person in school. You get what you can with the money you have.


   Also, I've noticed that the writers have cut out the fake "choice, hug and kiss" scene at the end. Now they go from, "So which should we choose?" to just showing us their home. I think I like that better. One less fake thing to deal with, only another hundred to go.

Edited by TVForever
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