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House Hunters International - General Discussion

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Mr. Ritalin Smoothie was wondering whether his white undershirt was his Mormon underwear.

I think that when you see a guy in the tropics wearing a "white" t-shirt beneath a polo or other t-shirt, especially if he's from Utah or Idaho, those are his Jesus Jammies. I put "white" in quotes 'cause when I lived in SLC, I saw many a dingy undershirt. Also, in the tropics, you won't see the wife wearing a sleeveless top.

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From occasionally working with them on business deals, I've noticed that LDS men are extremely soft-spoken with certain phraseology, etc.  In fact, I can typically guess their religion using only their speech patterns. 


Someone asked what the wife's problem with the kitchen was, above.  I'd say her main problem was that the decoy home had an updated kitchen so the producers selected that item as the episode's red herring.


Oh, incidentally, LDS members do missions when they're very young and single.  Someone told me it's b/c they prioritize family and career, in that order, during their mid-20's until retirement.  In retirement, some of them serve local  missions, from what I've heard.  So, if an LDS family appears on HHI, they're not missionaries, in general.


Hope their landlord doesn't mind them scoring a few AirBnb $$$ during school vacations.

Edited by aguabella
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 Hope their landlord doesn't mind them scoring a few AirBnb $$$ during school vacations.


I'm not sure if it was the same place they rented on HHI.  Maybe they bought a place since the episode aired?  Otherwise, if I were the landlord I wouldn't be happy with that arrangement unless I got my cut. 

Edited by Ohwell
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I'm not sure if it was the same place they rented on HHI.  Maybe they bought a place since the episode aired?  Otherwise, if I were the landlord I wouldn't be happy with that arrangement unless I got my cut. 


That's quite possible, Ohwell.  Given the 6 month minimum episode editing period, if the teaching position's going well and they found a good deal, they may have bought a place but be using AirBnb until their apartment lease expires.  And that's just one possible scenario.


Yep, that's a true can of worms currently for landlords everywhere!

Edited by aguabella
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I've got to add Hannah from last night's Rhine Country episode to my list of the most annoying voices (and personalities) EVER! And her insistence on finding an AMERICAN style house for her "Fourth of July" parties! It seemed the only German thing she was interested in was the wine! 

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ugh that American wife in Germany was irksome. "I don't care if you work 80 hours per week, and I never see you and your daughter never sees you, as long as I get my air conditioning and open floor plan! I refuse to sweat!"

As far as working in the US, the German doctor would have to do a minimum of a three years in residency here -- not insurmountable, but maybe they just thought they'd have a better quality of life for their family in Germany.

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Why wouldn't a German doctor be able to get a job in the US? I thought there were a lot of foreign doctors here.


There are a lot of foreign doctors here who have completed US education and training, not ones educated in other countries. Almost no one doctor (along with many other professions requiring advanced education) can just come here and work with their foreign education.  They have MUCH different standards for what it takes to become a doctor in other countries, it's several years short of what the US considers sufficient training. It's clear this husband did all of his schooling in Germany. He'd have to apply and be accepted into a US residency program to supplement his German education and training before working here as a doctor.

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Yes that wife in the Rhine episode was annoying.  I thought that was the worst house they picked.  The first floor was fine - and did like nice after they moved in - but those bedrooms were terrible.  But worst of all was the setting - it looked like something right out of an American subdivision with basically no yard and right next to houses on all sides.  I thought in the 3 months later (or whatever it was) they didn't show the yard.

But I will give her credit that she could speak German.

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I'm not sure if it was the same place they rented on HHI.  Maybe they bought a place since the episode aired?  Otherwise, if I were the landlord I wouldn't be happy with that arrangement unless I got my cut. 



That's quite possible, Ohwell.  Given the 6 month minimum episode editing period, if the teaching position's going well and they found a good deal, they may have bought a place but be using AirBnb until their apartment lease expires.  And that's just one possible scenario.


Yep, that's a true can of worms currently for landlords everywhere!

Recently, some students have been listing their dorm rooms on Airbnb, which breaks all kinds of university rules.

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Recently, some students have been listing their dorm rooms on Airbnb, which breaks all kinds of university rules.

Wow.  That takes some nerve.  Although wouldn't the resident advisors know if someone else was in the dorm rooms? 

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Wow. That takes some nerve. Although wouldn't the resident advisors know if someone else was in the dorm rooms?

I believe it was during breaks, when the dorms were mostly empty, and only those students who didn't go home were still in residence.
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Just caught the last 2 houses on the Scotland episode.  Woman accepted at the University and moves to Aberdeen with her family.  OMG I hated her freaking husband.  What a freaking bully!!!!  What the hell does he record that he kept whining about??  God forbid he made it easier for his wife to get to the University. Noooooo he had to have the GIANT  backyard for the dogs...  The other yard was a nice size.  I'm so aggravated now and I can't go to sleep.  I have to watch Property Brothers to put me to sleep.  Thanks a lot HH husband asshole.

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I think they mentioned that he does audiobooks. I wasn't really paying close attention to the episode. My brain tends to go a'wandering as soon as the HH's start worrying about spaces for their dogs, because I'm that tired of that "worry".

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Yes, from what he said, his job was recording audiobooks and other voiceover material -- i.e. this wasn't just about him having fun or being picky, but about providing the appropriate space for his work, which is most likely their major source of income. Noises from a city street or upstairs neighbors were a genuine concern.Those other two city houses were way too small for them anyway. Their daughters would have had to share a tiny bedroom in both cases, if I remember correctly, in addition to his having no recording space. 

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Yeah I thought it was all false drama because she actually agreed that both of the in town yards were too small for the dogs and that the neighbors might not enjoy them having to share the garden with the dogs. She seemed just as if not more picky them him.

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The Aberdeen wife irritated the daylights outta me. Whining about that huge house being all of $100 over budget. It didn't have an open floor plan, the kitchen wasn't open to the lounge. Every other requirement was met and beyond! She wanted a house. She wanted a yard for the dogs. She wanted multiple baths. She wanted each girl to have her own bedroom.

The husband needed a quiet space so that he could do his recordings, most likely their sole source of income, since she's pursuing her PhD.

But, no. Instead, she wanted to take the underbudget city space, with no furniture, that needed work and had no space for him to record because it was under the budget. Also, she wanted to 'put her own stamp on it.' it's a rental, for pity's sake. So glad the husband called her out on that shizz.

Maybe if she cut her food budget, they could easily afford the extra $100/month for the house.

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I've noticed HHI is doing some new camera work -- aerial shots of the neighborhoods and outdoor of the properties. I guess they are probably using drones. It's nice to add some new touches -- I do wish they would get rid of the standard spiel that every real estate agent has to say: "the market here is hot/buoyant/rising and if they find something they like, they need to act quickly/put in a bid right away/move immediately or someone else will get it."

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Just saw an ep from several months ago where the agent said the budget was good for the market.

It was in Belgium, la Barbant or near Leuven. Husband traveled all the time and taking this job allowed him to stay with wife and 3 young daughters.

He wanted to be near city, she wanted to be out in country with a lot of land for the girls.

One was in city with limited yard. Another was near city with yard but neighbors nearby who could look into spacious backyard. Third was out in country with acres of grounds, only one way over budget. Plus it would require more for grounds keeping.

She held out so he blew the budget, got longer commute. Girls didn't need acres to themselves. She probably wasn't interested in interacting with locals.

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Let's be honest here, the Aberdeen wife didn't like the spacious over-budget house because she would have to walk 4 minutes the bus stop.....just sayin'.....


I appreciate others kindness towards the husband's needs for his "job".  I'd like to know exactly how often he's being actually paid for his work.  Seemed more like an annoying hobby that he had to mention every frickin' second he was on camera.  And he frosted the cake when he made the favorite statement, "this would really work for me".....with no acknowledgement of how it would work for his wife or daughters!  


Frankly, I didn't care where they ended up because I just found them to be whiney, annoying people in general.  Too bad for those girls!  

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Let's be honest here, the Aberdeen wife didn't like the spacious over-budget house because she would have to walk 4 minutes the bus stop.....just sayin'.....


I appreciate others kindness towards the husband's needs for his "job".  I'd like to know exactly how often he's being actually paid for his work.  Seemed more like an annoying hobby that he had to mention every frickin' second he was on camera.  And he frosted the cake when he made the favorite statement, "this would really work for me".....with no acknowledgement of how it would work for his wife or daughters!  


Frankly, I didn't care where they ended up because I just found them to be whiney, annoying people in general.  Too bad for those girls!  



This!!  I knew I wasn't the only one that hated the husband.  However I was a little biased having missed the beginning with all of the facts.  They were such a dour couple. 

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I think they mentioned that he does audiobooks. I wasn't really paying close attention to the episode. My brain tends to go a'wandering as soon as the HH's start worrying about spaces for their dogs, because I'm that tired of that "worry".

Still waiting for the episode where the homeowner admits, "Rover hated this place. He peed all over the place every day for a weeks before he ran away."


Maybe if she cut her food budget, they could easily afford the extra $100/month for the house.

If only I could say that this very thought hadn't crossed my mind. So much for New Year's Resolution #7.

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Saw one where a young couple from Brooklynn relocated to Bermuda.  Could they have tried any harder to manufacture the standard HHI drah-ma.  They kept stressing how much the wife was sacrificing because she gave up her job to move to Bermuda - and if they said it once they said it a 100 times.  Yet in the set up for the episode the couple talked about how both of them had wanted an adventure and had decided mutually to look for work outside the US so they could have a new experience.  It's not like he got the job and then surprised her with it.  So annoying.  And then of course they had to make sure they found a place their dog would love.  Honestly is there a template the producers use and then force the participants to fit into it?

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Eric the 40 year old American teacher moving to Lyon France, without having a job waiting for him:

Must haves: 1 bedroom, French charm, in the city, gas stove for all the entertaining he plans to do, a bathtub, a yard for a future dog - all for $1000/mo.

Chooses the most generic looking apt in a relatively modern tall apt complex, with the gas oven, tub, and yard. Then he gets this little rat-sized dog that he could have carried in a pocket and taken to any greenspace. Kudos to him for taking the leap and fulfilling a dream of living in France, but he was an odd duck, IMO. Said he would be adding the missing French charm decor himself, but from the look of what he's done so far, he's missing the decorator gene big time.

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At first I disliked Eric of Lyon, but, for some reason at the very end I was happy for him.

I'm thinking the stylish first flat belonged to the agent.

His little Chihuahua, was cute.

So tired of European HH's whining about small spaces. We all know it's a ruse. They know how it is for real.

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Oh my goodness what was that shirt he was wearing at the end?  He looked like an extra from a Tintin book.  


At first I disliked Eric of Lyon, but, for some reason at the very end I was happy for him.
I'm thinking the stylish first flat belonged to the agent.

That's a good suggestion, because the place was gorgeous and I couldn't for the life of me understand why else he wouldn't want it.  I was thinking maybe he had some personal backstory they left out that would have explained things.  His need for a bathtub and a dog, for example, suggested perhaps some kind of chronic medical condition which a comfort animal might help.  Likewise his focus on the stove -- as his friend noted, you're in France and there are cafes and restaurants everywhere.  You don't move to France, to central Lyon of all places, and then stay home and cook big meals for yourself using food taken out of your giant refrigerator.  

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I would have snatched up that first place in a heartbeat! He didn't like it because it had an induction stove? Excuse me, but don't you get even more precise heating control with induction, compared to gas or electric? I would think that someone who is serious about cooking would jump at the chance of that - and I say that as someone who has always preferred cooking with gas.

That shirt Eric was wearing at the end did look like it belonged on Tintin. I can just imagine the neighbors above him looking down on him, rolling around on the grass with his rat-dog, with bemusement.

Edited by DownTheShore
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That shirt Eric was wearing at the end did look like it belonged on Tintin. I can just imagine the neighbors above him looking down on him, rolling around on the grass with his rat-dog, with bemusement.

Neighbor 1 (looking down from the balcony above):  "Should we tell him we all took a leak on that grass last night?"


Neighbor 2 (standing next to Neighbor 1): "No, not yet, I'm enjoying this too much."  

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I never want to hear the word "foodie" again. It's basically a snotty, self-satisfied way to say "I like the food that I like." And guess what, that doesn't make you special, that's a pretty universal human trait.

Eric did come across a bit odd. For me it was the pedal-pushers. He does seem happy and like he's integrating well into his new society and generally being a decent human being, so I can't dislike him.

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Eric is a diva.



Yes, I got that too, after his insistence on a bathtub & grass (that really feels like grass mind you).  And thought it was funny when the camera flashed to his face when his friend said "You'll have to get a rich husband," after being so surprised at how expensive the small fabric was at the textile store.  


And of course, supposedly heading to a foreign country without a job, then unsurprisingly we find him teaching at the International School...hmmm


I did like the realtor.

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I honestly thought the Lyon guy was an SNL-crossover bit starring Martin Short. His insistence on particulars for (what seems to be) a bargain price was annoying, and his "French style" of rumpled bedsheet and bare walls was just woeful, but the bonding with his micro dog kinda made up for it. Genuine affection for a furry thing always warms my heart.

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I just found it ironic he wanted the grass area for a dog then wound up getting a dog so tiny its poop would be the size of rabbit pellets. He could easily have made do with that concrete courtyard that came with the first apartment with a dog that size. It would be one thing if he'd gotten a large or even medium-sized dog, but a tiny toy dog like that does not need a huge grassy area. And that first apartment was stunning in every way, especially compared to that boring second apartment.


For the life of me I'll never understand people's obsession with gas stoves versus electric. I've had both. The good thing about gas stoves is you can use them when the electricity goes out. The bad thing is they can be dangerous. You can get used to cooking on either and I'd wager 90% of the house hunters who insist on gas use the microwave far more than they use the range.

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I would have snatched up that first place in a heartbeat! He didn't like it because it had an induction stove? Excuse me, but don't you get even more precise heating control with induction, compared to gas or electric? I would think that someone who is serious about cooking would jump at the chance of that - and I say that as someone who has always preferred cooking with gas.

That shirt Eric was wearing at the end did look like it belonged on Tintin. I can just imagine the neighbors above him looking down on him, rolling around on the grass with his rat-dog, with bemusement.


That first place was EVERYTHING. I would have snatched that place up in a heartbeat!


And oh my gosh. How cute was his dog at the end though?! Can I have the dog?

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induction though, you have to have special pots and pans for that so I can understand not wanting it.

micro-dog was adorable.

The pans just have to be magnetic. I have known several people who have switched and nearly all their pots and pans worked.

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Ha ha!  Last night was the couple in Wales where the woman was from Texas.  A couple of people (including me) tweeted something about her accent and then saw she had already posted a pre-emptive comment about it (on Twitter)!  Little did I know this was a re-run and that the topic had already been discussed here (thanks search function) *and* she had already been all defensive about her accent online.  Oh wellz.  Otherwise it was a good episode, I thought--someplace different for HHI and despite being hipster millennial types they were not too horrible.   

Edited by zivadanielle
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Zivadanielle, for some reason my DVR is recording reruns now, even though I have it set for first run shows only.  My TV Guide indicated it was a new episode.  I realized it was a rerun immediately, but thought her accent sounded like she had been there for a while.  Is that what she said on Twitter?  I do not have a Twitter account. 

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I just caught up on several episodes that had been sitting on my DVR:


New Zealand couple, where she's the doctor and he's going to be the househusband. What a dick he was. He complained about everything, but the pool complaints were especially annoying. I've had a pool. They're really not that difficult to maintain.


Aberdeen, Scotland, PhD student and audio book actor. I found her annoying, mostly because of her breathy, little girl voice. I think the comments about her weight were a little off-base, because the husband was fat too, so if he wanted to go over budget, he could also cut down on a few meals. While the house they picked was beautiful, I wonder who maintains it all -- are they responsible for the lawn maintenance? How long is the bus ride into town? He made such a big deal about have a "studio" for recording, but then he set himself up in a closet with blankets all around. I would have thought voiceover artists and talking book narrators went to professional studios to do their recording.


Lyons, France. I really wanted to like Erich. I identify with his desire to not be an old man and regret not having taking a chance when he was younger. That he was 40 and already "mature" was another factor that should have had me rooting for him. But, alas, I couldn't, because he was so freaking annoying and a diva to boot. I was confused about the apartment he ended up taking. Was that outdoor space his entirely? In that entire apartment complex?


And the rat-dog he ended up getting? He could have put up a box, filled it with dirt and sod, and the little rat-dog could have had plenty of room to run around. It wasn't just that he was so demanding, it was that he was a bitch about what he wanted, even after the realtor and friend "tried" to tone him down.


Do you think he already had the job at the International School before he moved but that development didn't support the narrative? Even if he did, it would have made a strong story -- leaving a job you loved to take another in a city you love. That hair looked like it was a toupee. 


Melbourne, Australia, where the boyfriend/husband (can't remember if they were married) was moving for a job. I'm glad they took the one bedroom with the great view. Let's face it, as much as they think their family and friends would come to visit, how often would they really? Maybe once during their secondment? As much as I might want to, a flight costing a few thousand dollars is a once-in-a-lifetime thing for me. I wondered how long the couple had already lived there, because they pronounced "Melbourne" as I've heard Australians pronounce it. 


Trieste, Italy, the girl moving for work. The two apartments that were 30-minutes away by foot were ridiculous choices. Couldn't the producers find any other apartments that were within 15 minutes or so? Why would we believe that anyone would consider a walk that far every day? (Unless there's public transportation, but since they never mentioned it, I wonder.) She had some kind of lisp that was distracting.



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Zivadanielle, for some reason my DVR is recording reruns now, even though I have it set for first run shows only.  My TV Guide indicated it was a new episode.  I realized it was a rerun immediately, but thought her accent sounded like she had been there for a while.  Is that what she said on Twitter?  I do not have a Twitter account.

Hi! This is what she said:

"If anyone watches #househuntersinternational tonight and comments on my 'fake' accent.. I've lived in the UK for 2 years

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