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S12.E16: When It Hurts So Bad

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Meredith takes a step forward with Will but quickly regrets it; Maggie senses a disconnection with Andrew; and Amelia reevaluates her relationship with Owen. Meanwhile, Catherine comes into town and really shakes things up with April and Jackson.



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Another really solid episode for me. So, Meredith's wake-up was a bit over-the-top, but I'll write it off as a panic attack. I liked how it was dealt with aside from that scene itself... although what was he thinking just showing up at the house again? I wish they had just called it quits at the end, but it seems that Shonda may have Will pop back in eventually. I'm still really happy that they're not having Meredith be cavalier about moving on - it's realistic and heartbreaking to see her really struggle with it. I loved the scene in front of the fire. The callbacks to Derek are always appreciated, especially because they're using flashbacks a lot more sparsely and effectively than they did last season. 


I liked that the case this week was funny and relatively interesting. It reminded me of the earlier seasons in that sense, although I hated how she just brushed the guy off at the end as 'not needing to climb Mount Everest twice.' The poor guy waited around all day and was so worried about her. 


I'm glad Maggie / DaLuca called it quits because I just haven't been into their pairing at all since we got back from the break. I'm SURE it's not the end of the story, though. Penny, Penny, Penny... when she said 'I love you' and Callie went silent, I really hoped were going to see them crumble tonight (I also laughed out loud.) I also thought when Bailey gave Callie the little speech at the end that it was DEFINITELY over: if only. I didn't even mind Penny tonight, but I see no chemistry between her and Callie at all and Sara Ramirez deserves better. I like that Arizona stood up for herself and told Callie to keep her out of the relationship, but I hate seeing Penny as the Mary Sue who ends up being right in every single situation. I just want a more interesting storyline for Callie, so I really hope Penny leaves at the end of the season and Callie can move on... but, I somehow doubt that. I'm just waiting for the announcement of her becoming a regular. 


I got a good chuckle out of Jo's line during the Penny / Arizona scene - "She was lying.." 


This is two weeks in a row that I - gulp - didn't hate Amelia. I even quite liked her in many of the scenes. I like seeing this softer side of her, because she spent the majority of last year yelling at everyone, which made her absolutely unbearable to me. I know she won't be leaving anytime soon, so I'm glad to be enjoying her character a bit more. The Amelia/Owen merry-go-round is getting old quickly, though. I hope they keep some distance between them now, at least for a while. 


I was thinking how nice it was to see Catharine come in and be level-headed... and then that last scene with Jackson happened. Fraud? What? Does she want to sue April? For what, exactly? I knew they couldn't let her character go too long without getting on my nerves. 


My few nitpicks are the same as they have been for weeks: we NEED to see some Alex / Jo scenes. I just can't understand what the writers are thinking with them. How can I root for them as a couple if they refuse to show them or let them progress at all? I do love Alex and Meredith's friendship, it really is one of my favourite parts of the series and has been for 10 years now. I love seeing him as a great doctor, and his scenes with Arizona are always great, too - but there's a lot more to him. I genuinely hope the writers have something planned for Alex / Jo soon. I also hate seeing Bailey sidelined as nothing more than the wise old doctor who provides support and advice for the other doctors. Overall, I want more (and better) for Alex, Arizona, Callie and Bailey. 


Also - bring back Izzie. That's all....

Edited by BaseOps
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I laughed. and Laughed hard when Catherine was all  soft and spoken, then "We can get. her.." Don't mess with a mama's baby. 


i missed the first few minutes. - what was the case of the week? 

Well Maggie obviously cared about De Luca enough to be real with him - girlfriend had a headwrap. 

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I laughed. and Laughed hard when Catherine was all  soft and spoken, then "We can get. her.." Don't mess with a mama's baby.


I really did not see that coming! I mentioned Jackson taking April to court last week but I did not see Catherine getting in there like that. I think it will be interesting to see how this plays out. Jackson is going to be in the middle because he is not going to want to go after April but Catherine is going to be like a bulldog. I happen to like Catherine's character so I just thought it was really unexpected.



i missed the first few minutes. - what was the case of the week?

A petite woman was having sex with a huge, tall man and she ended up with bilateral hip dislocations. After all the surgery, she decided she did not need to climb Mt. Everest again  That was kind of sad - but understandable.

Edited by SoapDoc
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I figured Catherine had an angle, but dang! I didn't see fraud as the angle. But I'm still not clear as to what it would mean for April. Could she be prosecuted? That just came out of nowhere.

In spite of myself, I liked the Mer/Maggie/Amelia stuff. Can't believe Amelia was tolerable two weeks in a row. I agree that Mer's fears of moving on are realistic, and I imagine many widows/widowers with happy marriages would have lots of mixed emotions about moving on. And Alex is always great; as much as I want to see him have a definitive situation with Jo, I really like his friendship with Meredith. It's like a less dark-and-twisty version of her and Cristina.

But are we never to be rid of our long Penny nightmare? I was REALLY hoping she would misdiagnose Sofia, and Bailey would figure out the mistake and give Sofia the proper treatment. (Don't want anything bad to happen to Sofia; just to Penny). I was so disappointed that Callie ended up, essentially, deciding that Penny is her long-term future. Ugh! There's no chemistry, and the character has no personality, and the actress is a little like a walking, talking bowl of oatmeal.

Otherwise, I really enjoyed the episode.

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I figured Catherine had an angle, but dang! I didn't see fraud as the angle. But I'm still not clear as to what it would mean for April. Could she be prosecuted? That just came out of nowhere.


I have a bad feeling that she's going to sue for full custody or no child support. But I think more likely custody.


Catherine Avery is ruthless. Haha



Godamnit. She's going to take a child from his/her mother. Look unless April is unfit to herself (drugs/alcohol) or to the child you can't just take the child out of petty revenge. I guess she never liked April (she insisted on the post-nup) and tolerated her because of the first pregnancy. And damnit Catherine is going to make me feel sorry for April and root for her to win. Thanks alot Catherine! Thanks alot writers on forcing me to sympathize with April and make Catherine look like the villain in the situation. And you know April is going to jump to conclusion and assume that Jackson was behind it and then we're back to square one or worse an real ugly court battle. I predict since the show loves suffering so much that the stress of the court case is going to make April lose the baby and then no one not Jackson or April will have the baby.


 On the other side. I loved how Alex just burst into the place and his first reaction was he was going to beat up Meredith's date.



What Catherine might be trying to do is get the divorce overturn. I'm not here for that, he wanted the divorce so #KanyeShrug


I guess the plan is to overturn the divorce then put the baby back in the equation of their marriage and then force a custody issue. This will not end pretty. And no offense to Catherine she'll lose her son and future grandchild that way and Webber.

Edited by redfish
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Still having a hard time w/these latest episodes for some reason. I cannot stand Penny/Callie . . . there is absolutely no chemistry, no nothing. I was really hoping when Bailey gave that whole watching your daughter in the soccer match thing and who would you want to be there cheering her on, next to you, that Callie would think Arizona (I know, I know, I'm a sap, what can I say). Just nothing there between Callie and Penny at all.


The thing w/Katherine at the end surprised me. I can only hope she's not really thinking of going after April for custody. In my unicorn/rainbow world, I'm hoping she means that maybe the divorce is null now.


Kind of like where the Amelia/Owen thing went . . . don't know if this means the end of them or what -- maybe opening the door for her & Riggs?


Surprisingly, I don't like how Maggie and DeLuca ended up . . . frankly, it sucks that he got what he wanted and then bails on her.

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I assume Catherine wants to sue. For custody perhaps, or maybe even for the right to force April to have the genetic testing. But it's so macabre, and out there. Catherine has always been a lot to take but I never thought of her as evil. She was so sweet and gentle with April during Samuels diagnosis and death. I would have seen her character be simply excited about the unexpected grandchild.

There was a good episode of How I met Your Mother where three bad couples broke up. I was really hoping we'd get that tonight with Deluca, Hunt and fucking Penny all getting the boot. Ugh, so annoyed. Two out of three ain't bad?

Finally, the body double for Zola is waaaaay too little. Bailey, who is like three or four at the most (who can tell with this shows timeline) was basically the same height as her. I feel like Zola would be about 8 years old now right?

So the littlest baby just slept all day...?

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What a bitch Catherine is. That's pretty god damn messed up and I don't even like April. Seriously. WTF was that?


I did like Meredith needing to clean and Alex showing up right away and then being "don't look at me" re cleaning.


Over Amelia and Owen. Bye!


Eh, I can't get into Callie and Penny Pallie? I..just don't.

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I don't know what Catherine is up to? I believe in the state of Washington if the wife is pregnant during the divorce that a custody agreement has to be a part of the divorce settlement and Jackson would have legal rights as it would be established that she was got pregnant during the marriage. And I believe that there is a part of divorce settlement that ask about children or pregnancy so if she checked no, it is fraud. But I don't know what Catherine is going to do with that. Washington has a 90 day grace period so they could pull back the divorce and have a new one done up that includes Aprils pregnancy. I just can't image Catherine actually trying to take the baby from April.

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Catherine has no standing to take any babies here.  The baby has two parents, April and Jackson.  They are the only ones who have any legal standing here.  If Avery doesn't want to fight with April, his mother can't do a damn thing about it.  EXCEPT, she can get between them and make things so much worse.

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I just can't image Catherine actually trying to take the baby from April.



She seems like the type. You'd have to be ruthless/driven to run/operate the Avery foundation. So yeah, it would be in character for her to force custody. Still Catherine? That's still cold. So thanks show for making women in positions of power a real ruthless bitch.

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I guess the Nanny question is answered - there isn't one. Meredith goes crazy screaming with her kids in the house (and bedrooms on the same floor) followed by Maggie screaming and slapping a strange guy and she doesn't even check on them. Maggie took the two oldest to school. Amelia brings them home and Meredith never budged from in front of the fire with Alex. Its great that she's so concerned about her kids.

So the littlest baby just slept all day...?

Guess so. Hopefully Amelia remembered her and fed her.  Alex ordered pizza so at least the kids will eat.  Meredith did learn where the cleaning supplies were so there's that.


I'm glad Amelia broke it off with Owen recognizing that its not a healthy relationship for her at this point in her life. I hate that she moved back into Meredith's house. I wish she would get her own place, she doesn't need to be around Meredith's screaming drama any more than she needs Owen's. 


I don't care for Penny and see no chemistry between Callie and Penny. I wish they would have found someone for Callie to date where there was some spark. 


I don't care that Maggie/DeLuca broke up. I only hope all these breakups doesn't lead to Alex & the gals resuming their carpool chats about their boy issues.


I thought the scene with Catherine and April was going so well. April seemed relieved to be talking calmly to someone. It was such a bitchy thing to do but I'm not surprised. Its not like Catherine is warm and nice to people.  Jackson looked shocked when Catherine told him. I think it will backfire on her and if anything it will have Jackson siding with April.


I hope Thorpe got his shoes back.

Edited by windsprints
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I thought the scene with Catherine and April was going so well. April seemed relieved to be talking calmly to someone. It was such a bitchy thing to do but I'm not surprised. Its not like Catherine is warm and nice to people.  Jackson looked shocked when Catherine told him. I think it will backfire on her and if anything it will have Jackson siding with April.



Or not. Unless Jackson warns April first before Catherine drops the bombshell she'll assume the worst and will overreact (something she and Jackson have a lot in common) and then he might go along with the court battle because he'll overreact to April's reaction/accusation and it will end in tears, hurt feelings or a dead baby.

Edited by redfish
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I see no way for Catherine to prove any kind of fraud. April hasn't asked Jackson for anything, Jackson initiated the divorce, and April didn't want the divorce. I hope Jackson (and Webber) see Catherine for the awful person she is. I felt like Meredith, Maggie and Amelia all acted like high school girls, not grown women in their thirties and forties. And why would Thorpe come back after Meredith screaming at him like that. On top of that, Maggie is way too pushy, and Amelia of all people should be willing to forgive Owen for a mistake; she has made so very many herself.


Like most of you, I can't stand Penny and have no wish to have her on the show. The actress is so incredibly bland. The case of the week made me laugh; when I got married I was a petite woman and my husband is a huge man who is 6'7. No broken bones here (I know, TMI). He seemed like a nice guy but I guess the theme of the night is all guys are jerks and women are better off with out them. 

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Amelia of all people should be willing to forgive Owen for a mistake; she has made so very many herself.



I think she forgives Owen.  That doesn't mean she feels comfortable enough to be around him, since he has issues and is unpredictable in terms of drama she can't handle.

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I just googled some sites on Washington state divorce law to see if they were one of the states that do not allow divorce while pregnant.  It seems they do allow divorce, but the Revised Code of Washington explicitly states that you must inform the court if you are pregnant, so that may be where the fraud comes in.  Also it seems that both parents rights are given equal weight as far as rights to child residence are concerned, and that they must work out a parenting plan between them, if they can not agree then both parties must present a parenting plan to the court etc.

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A baby born a certain amount of time post-divorce would be the presumptive child of the ex-husband.


I'm not sure exactly what sort of fraud Catherine would be going for. Washington has no-fault divorce. Plus, as mentioned previously, Catherine has no standing in the whole proceeding; she wasn't married to April.

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Uh-oh, this won't be popular, but I thought [the writing for] Meredith was ridiculous.


Of course, feeling overwhelmed by the circumstances is understandable . . .  but straight up losing her shit and screaming the man--whom she'd invited to be her lover--out of the house half-naked, with such hysteria that Maggie assumes there's assault involved and starts pounding on him with her fists?


And, um, nice shoutout to Shakespeare, but Lady Macbeth's "out, damn'd spot" obsession informs the audience she's gone insane and she won't be coming back. 


It all just felt a leeettle over the top.

Edited by candall
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Heh, my favorite moment this week was Meredith trying to steam clean the stain out of the carpet while Alex sat on the side eating out of a box of cereal.


Oh, Deluca. So pretty but so dumb. First he pushed to go public with their relationship. Then when he started getting weirded out, he started avoiding her in the most immature way possible. When she point blank asked him if he wants to be with her, he didn't even have the balls to just say no to her face.


I hate when they do these really obvious storylines of "this character is freaking out about something so they will overreact about something else." Callie freaked out about Penny saying, "I love you," so she got all snippy about how Penny should have let another doctor treat Sofia, as if Penny said, "Hi, I'm your mommy's special friend who sleeps in her bed." Gawd. Sofia knows that both of her moms are doctors and that they work with other doctors, so it's not weird for her to meet her mom's coworker when she's at the hospital.


Same thing with Meredith freaking out about sleeping with Thorp and then cleaning obsessively. Poor Thorp. No one deserves to be yelled at and then thrown out of the house without their shoes for falling asleep. Don't get me wrong - I understand how she was thrown off kilter emotionally and that's totally understandable. But she is an adult who needs to learn how to use her words. Screaming, "GET OUT!" to a guy who did nothing wrong and then refusing to tell her half sister, her sister in law, or her best friend what happened while insisting on cleaning the house is ridiculous. At the very least let the guy leave with his shoes and his dignity.


I had to laugh at Callie's response to Penny saying, "I love you." A friend of mine was really insistent that he didn't want to say "I love you" until he meant it. His girlfriends tried to get him to say it by saying it first, thinking that he would reciprocate but instead he would respond by saying things like, "Thank you" or "I love me too."

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This episode brought back memories of when Sofia rolled over and Mark made Alex run all those tests on Sofia. He would have been with Sofia the whole time she was in the ER. He would have made Karev, Bailey and Jackson check her out before she was discharged. I hope Amelia stays away from Owen.

Edited by choclatechip45
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I think Catherine will get Jackson all riled up and they will sue April to make her get the baby tested and then the pregnancy terminated if it has the same condition of the last baby. In the end, I think this baby will be fine but such damage will be done to Jackson and April's relationship that there will be no turning back and it will be such a contentious raising of a child together.


I used to hate Amelia too and she has been more likable lately. I like her with Hunt but I can't stand all this back and forth crap...either be together or don't. I think Arizona and Callie should be together. And I am glad they don't show much of Alex and Jo as I can't stand Jo (the acting is super bad). Also can't stand the Maggie acting and am glad those 2 broke up but I prefer to see De Luca than that terrible Maggie actor....uuuuggghhh.

Edited by Lamima
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The whole time April was in that room with Catherine I was thinking, "Run girl...do not get into a conversation with this woman." 


I'm interested to see how this affects Catherine's relationship with Webber.  I can't believe this would be something he would support.

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Uh-oh, this won't be popular, but I thought [the writing for] Meredith was ridiculous.


Of course, feeling overwhelmed by the circumstances is understandable . . .  but straight up losing her shit and screaming the man--whom she'd invited to be her lover--out of the house half-naked, with such hysteria that Maggie assumes there's assault involved and starts pounding on him with her fists?


I totally agree. And the explanation that she did it because it felt too good is even more laughable. Of course, it would have been more than understandable if she had been rattled or upset or even a bit depressed, but to completely lose it like that is not something a sane person would do. I really hate it that the show will simply gloss over it like nothing, because hey, it's Meredith. 

The worst is that the guy still came back to her. And said he'd keep calling and coming over. Good God, just give it a rest. It's something I had to learn the hard way - if it takes THAT much effort just to start things off with someone, it's not worth it. 


Sometimes it really feels like the writers are binge-watching Sex and the City. All these characters seem possessed by the spirit of Carrie Bradshaw. She was always yearning for drama in her relationships. I wish they would at least once in a while keep it nice and simple and easy, like it's supposed to be.


So, Callie and Penny have officially crossed the bridge now. It's odd they're trying so hard to make Penny happen. It's going to sound really shallow, but I think she would work so much better if they did something about her hair. Almost everyone on the show has really nice hair and hers is so thin and lifeless, it makes her stand out negatively and probably highlights how dull her character generally is. 


People have done crazy OTT things a bunch of times over the years in GA, but what Catherine did here surely has to rank among the very worst. It was so cold and premeditated, the only thing that lacked was a cartoon villain laugh at the end of her conversation with Jackson. I don't think she'll try to take the baby away from April though, I believe her goal is to make Jackson take part in the decision making process about the testing the baby needs to have. Or at least that's what I hope for. 

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Over the mid-season break, either (1) Caterina Scorsone won a long-standing argument about how she wanted to portray Amelia, or (2) Shonda herself suggested she tone it down on all levels -- volume and speed of speech, antic gestures and over-exposed inflections -- or (3) Shonda/a producer told her she could stop playing someone headed for the bottle of a bottle, and should now play the humbled upside of Amelia's latest arc.


Who knows. But from late 2015 to early 2016, the change and its effect are remarkable. As if she took the aspirin and our headache went away.





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I think Catherine will get Jackson all riled up and they will sue April to make her get the baby tested and then the pregnancy terminated if it has the same condition of the last baby. In the end, I think this baby will be fine but such damage will be done to Jackson and April's relationship that there will be no turning back and it will be such a contentious raising of a child together.



I don't see how they could possibly sue to have a pregnancy terminated; no judge would even entertain a case like that, IMO.



I'm interested to see how this affects Catherine's relationship with Webber.  I can't believe this would be something he would support.


I had that same thought. Catherine is just Machiavellian with this scheme, whatever her end game is. Webber has good, and long-standing, relationships with both April and Jackson, and whatever his faults have been, I've never seen Webber as willfully hateful, at least not on this kind of a scale.

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I think Catherine will get Jackson all riled up and they will sue April to make her get the baby tested and then the pregnancy terminated if it has the same condition of the last baby. In the end, I think this baby will be fine but such damage will be done to Jackson and April's relationship that there will be no turning back and it will be such a contentious raising of a child together.


They cannot force April to do anything to her body that she doesn't want to especially have an abortion, no judge would entertain that. And if they tried??? April could go the press and DRRRRAAAAGGG that good Avery name through the mud. She had religious groups and women's rights group on her side.

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I figured Catherine had an angle, but dang! I didn't see fraud as the angle. But I'm still not clear as to what it would mean for April. Could she be prosecuted? That just came out of nowhere.

In spite of myself, I liked the Mer/Maggie/Amelia stuff. Can't believe Amelia was tolerable two weeks in a row. I agree that Mer's fears of moving on are realistic, and I imagine many widows/widowers with happy marriages would have lots of mixed emotions about moving on. And Alex is always great; as much as I want to see him have a definitive situation with Jo, I really like his friendship with Meredith. It's like a less dark-and-twisty version of her and Cristina.

But are we never to be rid of our long Penny nightmare? I was REALLY hoping she would misdiagnose Sofia, and Bailey would figure out the mistake and give Sofia the proper treatment. (Don't want anything bad to happen to Sofia; just to Penny). I was so disappointed that Callie ended up, essentially, deciding that Penny is her long-term future. Ugh! There's no chemistry, and the character has no personality, and the actress is a little like a walking, talking bowl of oatmeal.



This is as far as I've gotten with the comments, but I came here specifically this morning to say UGH Penny Noooooooo!!!


I cannot believe we're getting Penny and Callie shoved at us when it doesn't seem like anybody (hardly anybody?) is on board with this.  Callie sees Penny as her long-term future, how is that even possible.  Viewers can say what they will about Arizona, but there was definitive chemistry there, and Arizona lit up the room early on.  

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It seems that Greys/Shonda has never really cared about chemistry. Cristina had off the charts chemistry with Jackson, but they never explored it and kept her tied to boring-ass Owen for years and years. And of course Callie's best chemistry ever was with Mark, but they were so insistent on pursuing the Arizona relationship (that was great at first but then turned very sour around their third or fourth breakup) that they demoted Mark to a boring-ass relationship with Lexie, who herself had far more chemistry with Karev. 


And now we're stuck with boring-ass Callie and Penny, sigh.

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 I guess she never liked April (she insisted on the post-nup) and tolerated her because of the first pregnancy.

Catherine actually did like and respect April once - the two of them go back before April and Jackson were even a glimmer of a thing. There was a subplot early on where April and Catherine were online friends (I think April had been her student once and that's how they got to know each other). Jackson didn't like it and insisted that April defriend Catherine (again, this was long before he and April became a thing). And Catherine would be something of a mentor to April when she came by the hospital (I remember a conversation where she was advising April to have sex). Catherine's problem was that April and Jackson eloped and so she didn't get to be at her son's wedding. She was overbearing about the post-nuptial, per usual, but given the Avery money she would have insisted on it with anyone no matter how much she liked her. I do remember her saying to April during that whole discussion that it wasn't about her specifically, and she called her "dear" or some other endearment.


I got nervous when Catherine made a point of spelling out in her conversation with April that April had known about the pregnancy the morning of the day she signed the divorce papers, but I was expecting her to get mad at April then or something and when she didn't, I forgot all about it. Oops. Like others, I don't understand her endgame here, though. April did say something in her last fight with Jackson about how he's the father when there is a baby, but until there's a baby he has no rights, he's not her husband. So maybe Catherine's plan is indeed to overturn the divorce - but she really ought to ask her son about that first, seeing as how he's the one who's married or divorced - but I still don't see how that really changes anything. As long as April is capable of making her own medical decisions she can - her husband can't override them. That would only come into play if she fell into a coma or something. But then this is Grey's, so they'll probably make a total hash out of the legal aspect and have something nutty like forcing April to get genetic testing, etc.


I noticed Catherine said something about knowing now who April told and when, so presumably that means Arizona is going to be dragged into this mess (both as the one April told first and as the doctor who would be involved in any genetic testing), and that could perhaps be the catalyst for fixing her friendship with April.


It's all so Machiavellian on Catherine's part, though, that I can't help but wonder if this is actually her grand scheme for reuniting April and Jackson by giving them a common enemy, her. I mean, Catherine is married to Webber - does the show really want us to hate her?


Penny and Callie are so boring, but I do wonder if maybe this is setup for Sara Ramirez leaving the show - she gets a happy ending with Penny and goes off with her, therefore freeing us of Penny, and opening the door to Arizona having a relationship next year, since apparently only one f/f relationship on the show is allowed at a time.

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As socially inept as Maggie can be at times, by her own admission, I did very much like that she finally said to DeLuca, "I'm a busy person, I don't have time for these games - YES OR NO?" I totally realize that soap operas thrive on miscommunication/lack of communication, but every once in a while, it is imperative that someone just spit it out! Say what you want/need to say!!!


And that was a recurring theme last night. Maggie got right to the point with DeLuca; Meredith was actually able to say out loud, "I lost my husband and you're the first guy I've been with [even though we know they didn't have sex] and I'm not ready"; and Amelia was able to say to Owen, "I'm a recovering addict and I can't be around people who are drinking, even if they swear up, down, and sideways that they won't drink around me or get out of control." Even Jackson was able to say to his own mother, "DO NOT interact with April! [which was of course disregarded, but at least he said it out loud.]"  And even Penny, with her plain face and flat hair, was able to properly articulate to Callie exactly what she (Penny) was upset and hurt about, in a manner that was direct and not hysterical. I appreciated the effort that took for all of these characters, because so often, they can't or won't just SAY what is going on.


Which leads me to Mer's reaction upon finding Thorpe half dressed in her bed next to her - screaming? Really? Agree with everyone who said, yes, it's a panic attack, but for heaven's sake - screaming?? Jeez, you'd think she awoke to find him holding a knife to her throat! I guess a severe panic attack could lead you to react in such a visceral way, but still! Mer is fortunate that her roommates/sisters/whoever were patient with her and played along with her fugue-like state. Hey, at least the house is sparkling clean now.


I, too, felt bad for the "Mt. Everest" guy. The young lady could have been a wee bit more gentle in dismissing him. Maybe something like, "You're a sweetheart, but I need to figure out some stuff...now's not the best time for me to be in a relationship." Even if that's not how she felt - at least don't send the guy away feeling miserable that he's big and tall - things over which he has no control, any more than she can control or change her petite stature.


As for Catherine - oh dear!! Let's see what she thinks she can do - but as others have pointed out, whatever she thinks she can make Jackson do legally will likely blow up in everyone's faces. No good can come of it!

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So Maggie has now assaulted two people onscreen and not in self defense. Awesome.


I can understand why she did it this time, though. Anyone would assume that he had assaulted Meredith, the way it was all played out.


About the Mt.Everest guy - was the issue just that he was too tall or was it implicated that he was also, uhm, too endowed? What Stephanie was saying during the surgery would suggest so. If it is the latter, the writers are binge-watching Sex and the City because there was the exact same situation there and the guy in question (or rather, a specific part of him) was also referred to as Mt.Everest. 

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It's all so Machiavellian on Catherine's part, though, that I can't help but wonder if this is actually her grand scheme for reuniting April and Jackson by giving them a common enemy, her.

Ahhh...I think this is right. 

When I saw the preview with Mer screaming and the new guy in the hallway getting blasted by Maggie...I thought maybe he wrote on Derek's medical drawing on the wall above their bed...like he added or corrected something.  I know, dumb. But then when Mer cam down to the kitchen and asked for, then got out, cleaning supplies I thought I was right. Nope, was much ado 'bout nothin' instead.

Edited by Lamima
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Catherine Avery just doesn't strike me as the type of person selfless enough to willingly give up her son's love and support at least for a while in order to make him happy in the long run. Also, it's very debatable is April is the right person for him and I'm sure she's aware of that.

She's up to no good. 

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Penny and Callie are so boring, but I do wonder if maybe this is setup for Sara Ramirez leaving the show - she gets a happy ending with Penny and goes off with her, therefore freeing us of Penny,


What a sad ending that would be for Callie.


Callie and Penny's relationship has to be the most off the mark thing this show has done in quite awhile. On top of the lack of chemistry or spark between them, who says "I love you" for the first time to someone while their backs are turned? Penny, while clearly not a bad person because everyone and their dog seems to think that she's perfect (she's not though), is the most unnecessary character. She came and served her plot point and I don't understand why she's still in our face all. the. time.

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I just have no idea what Catherine's game is. We know she's cutthroat and even ruthless, but this just seems to be going too far. It was so ... yech. And being all syrupy sweet and understanding with April when all the while she was setting her up to screw her over somehow -- felt like I was watching the serpent in the garden of Eden. And really, what exactly is she after? How exactly does she think they're going to go after her? Because April allegedly committed fraud by not disclosing that she was pregnant (which April hadn't even confirmed yet that day, so have fun getting that point to hold up in court) before the divorce signing? And what if she did, what if that does technically constitute fraud? So? What is she trying to get out of her? To declare the divorce invalid? For what? To sue April? For what? She ain't got no money. To annoy her? Okay, fine.

Edited by Chicken Wing
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Oh, Deluca. So pretty but so dumb. First he pushed to go public with their relationship. Then when he started getting weirded out, he started avoiding her in the most immature way possible. When she point blank asked him if he wants to be with her, he didn't even have the balls to just say no to her face.


I think both were at fault there. He wanted them to stop hiding, which sounds more than reasonable. Then, she takes it to mean, hey, let's publicly announce our relationship to the entire hospital. And have a dinner with my father. I see why a guy would be weirded out. And then he starts ghosting on her, because of course that's what people do in 2016. The only good thing about the whole situation is that she had enough common sense to confront him about it.

They started out as a cute couple but it got old really quickly.


I just have no idea what Catherine's game is. We know she's cutthroat and even ruthless, but this just seems to be going too far. It was so ... yech. And being all syrupy sweet and understanding with April when all the while she was setting her up to screw her over somehow -- felt like I was watching the serpent in the garden of Eden. And really, what exactly is she after?


It was so weird that I actually put it down to bad acting. I just couldn't assume there were some ulterior motives behind it, especially not something this malicious.

The only thing that even remotely makes sense to me is that she wants to prove that April is going against the baby's best interests by refusing to get tested and/or treated (but how does she even know it - Jackson didn't tell her anything?) and she wants to make sure Jackson has a say in it as the baby's father. Of course, I have no idea if it would hold up in court, but everything else seems just too far off. 

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As far as I know, there is nothing Jackson can do to make April do anything with her own body as long as she is recognized to be legally sane and competent to make her own medical decisions. Also as far as I know, this would apply even if they were still married. I can't imagine what Catherine hopes to accomplish where the baby or testing for the baby is concerned by taking April to court over some sort of fraud issue. What does "lying" in the divorce proceedings have to do with anything? They still can't make her get tested. And if Catherine's issue isn't about taking action regarding the baby, well, I have no idea what her issue is. This whole thing seems like a complete waste of time and energy, not unlike their marriage but that's another story.

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On top of the lack of chemistry or spark between them, who says "I love you" for the first time to someone while their backs are turned?


Yeah. I would have also thought they were already past the "I love you" landmark for quite a while, I mean, Callie was already comfortable enough about their relationship to present Penny to all her friends months ago.

It was basically all played out for the dramatics. 

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To annoy her? Okay, fine.


You know, honestly, it might be it. She's just pissed that April lied (or kept quiet about the pregnancy, rather) and wants to get back at her. It makes as much sense as anything else.

Also, poor April! She's been betrayed by someone she trusted twice in matter of days. I can only imagine how she's going to freak out when she finds out about it.

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Did Meredith sleep with Will on that first car date or after that?

Love Alex and Meredith

Love Amelia breaking up with Owen, thank God someone put a fork in that one.

I also hate Penny and Callie together. I saw a small spark with Penny and Arizona at the ill fated dinner party or at least more of a spark than I see with Callie and Arizona.

Honestly I am team Catherine. I don't trust April. She didn't tell Jackson about the baby, she delayed testing...and quite frankly from her behavior now...I would be concerned about custody later on.

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