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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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My first snap thought was a Patrick recast or replacement, given the rumors, though I think he's older than 32-27.


I don't suppose we'll be lucky enough to have a Morgan recast.


Oh, I meant more that the Patrick/Sam side of the triangle is already limping along and trying to sell it with a recast would be even harder.


At least a recast actor would theoretically at least try to sell the scenes, rather than tank them over and over whilst constantly whining to fan groups about how ill-used he is.

At least a recast actor would theoretically at least try to sell the scenes, rather than tank them over and over whilst constantly whining to fan groups about how ill-used he is.

If the script stays the same, I don't think even a recast could make it work unless he somehow has smoking hot sexual chemistry with KeMo.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 1

NLG is back on Facebook.

Dear friends,

If you've been looking for me on milk cartons, under rocks, or hiding out with Waldo, you wouldn't have found me. I may have been absent here, but I’ve been fully present, and alert in my life. With the internet off, I’ve been reflecting, reading, writing, having enlightening discourse, and extraordinary meetings with people I never thought I’d have the honor to meet, let alone converse with. My silence in the media was self imposed and correct. I can't tweet and listen at the same time. Being quiet and listening has allowed me to absorb meaningful lessons and gain insights that continue to have immeasurable value to me.

To be sure, what you believe you know about me has remained to be so. In fact, my commitment to equal rights, fairness, and justice for the disenfranchised has grown even stronger.

My intention now is to continue to stay tapped in, tuned in, and turned on to learning more. As these lessons unfold with greater clarity, I will humbly and happily share them with you, as I allow myself and my experiences to be used for greater understanding and greater good. I'm excited about what's to come.

In the meantime, while I’m quite serious about my purpose right now, my sense of humor is alive and well. I will continue to find the funny in funny things, celebrate my beloved General Hospital, and rant about policy and issues that dehumanize others, as well a media that does the same. My goal, and it is a lofty one, is to try not to be snarky, mean spirited, or pile on any individual. Not even reality stars, bureaucrats, or politicians. They are all, after all, human beings.

As a work in progress, who hopes to continually change for the better, I want to thank my supporters and my critics, as evolving is impossible without both.

Now let's go have some fun this week. Stay tuned.





Back at the chapel, NuJoss comes in, leading Kristina, Lulu, Sabrina, Bobbie, and Lucas. Carly reacts to seeing her youngest child for the first time in a month after secretly flying solo across the world with the vaguely pleased surprise of a person discovering five dollars in an old jacket.



  • Love 7

If you've been looking for me on milk cartons, under rocks, or hiding out with Waldo, you wouldn't have found me.


If one is trying to pass off an I'M BAAACK! post in the guise of a humble apology, having the first sentence be all about ME -- HAVE YOU MISSED ME -- I'M HERE NOW! is not the best way to start. I know she's trying to seem like she's easing into her oh so heavy message with some levity, but again it reeks of ME, ME, ME, ME, ME.  Any doubt.  Look how she signed it at the end.


I may have been absent here, but I’ve been fully present, and alert in my life. With the internet off, I’ve been reflecting, reading, writing, having enlightening discourse, and extraordinary meetings with people I never thought I’d have the honor to meet, let alone converse with.

Care to share any of your new enlightenments in your six paragraph dissertation or are you going to hide behind platitudes and generalities? The latter? Ok, got it.



My silence in the media was self imposed and correct.

Self-congratulation much?  "I was so right and so smart and so perfect and so correct in self-imposing this on myself. I mean, I'm so lucky that I'm so great to know that's what was best for me." And, I'll echo everyone else who guffawed at the idea that an exact 30-day ban was self-imposed. Uh huh.



I can't tweet and listen at the same time. Being quiet and listening has allowed me to absorb meaningful lessons and gain insights that continue to have immeasurable value to me.

Again, care to name one?  Just one?  Aww, c'mon ....



To be sure, what you believe you know about me has remained to be so.

That you're self-centered and whiny, only half as intelligent, articulate, and enlightened as you expect people to believe of you, and that you wear the social justice warrior armor only when it aligns with your own self-interests? Roger that.  My beliefs, in fact, remain.


In fact, my commitment to equal rights, fairness, and justice for the disenfranchised has grown even stronger.

You know the thrashing you got on twitter was because you dissed a disenfranchised individual and then had the audacity to state, affirmatively and as if you've been with her every step of the way like you're Clarence the Angel to her Jimmy Stewart, that she had never been disenfranchised a day in her life, right? So, if by "stronger" you mean you've developed empathy and awareness at all for interests beyond your own self-interests, congrats.



"I will continue to find the funny in funny things,"


God, why am reminded of a Ron Carlivati scripted speech right now?  We love the ones we love. We hate the ones we hate, we live lives full of life .... my soul dies a little when I read things as stupid as that.


"celebrate my beloved General Hospital,"

.... as long as I have a storyline and a love interest and a job and a house and a family, otherwise to hell with it.


"and rant about policy and issues that dehumanize others,"

Unless I'm the one de-humanizing ...




My goal, and it is a lofty sober one, is to try not to be snarky, mean spirited, or pile on any individual.

Fixed that for ya.


Not even reality stars, bureaucrats, or politicians. Or racial minorities. They are all, after all, human beings.

Fixed that for ya too.


"Now let's go have some fun this week. Stay tuned."

Lots and LOTS of Julexis. Did I say Julexis yet? Julexis.



Signed, Me

Me. Edited by Francie
  • Love 22

Francie, after that post, I want to ask you to marry me. The problem is by GH standards I can't because I haven't kidnapped you, shot you in the chest or head, put a hit out on you or called you misogynistic names repeatedly.

Ssooo, you want to watch Star Wars with me?

HeatLifer, yep, we should have had a ratings report come out last Thursdays or Friday. A friend was telling me they weren't out yet. I'm curious to see the numbers. Are they still dropping?

Edited by BestestAuntEver
  • Love 6

Yeah, I don't get that approach at all, but her fans probably do.  She probably spent days crafting that message.  Unlike the tweets of that fateful night.


And that, to me, is the crux of the problem. I have no issue with her snark or even self-righteousness. It's her timeline, she can be, do or say whatever the hell she wants. But stop and think before writing anything. Especially when it's about someone else.


ETA: Most of the responses to her FB post were gushes about how much she was missed, etc. One woman had the 'audacity' to say that as a black woman, she forgives Nancy, which of course touched off a whole new firestorm from NLG's defenders lol!

Edited by Sake614



Interview with MB


Daytime Confidential: Sonny finds himself facing a foe he's never contended with before — paralysis. How did you react when you learned the most recent mob shoot out would leave the character unable to walk?


Maurice Benard: Well, first I was shocked, but then immediately excited. I had just told a few people that I’d done everything you can possibly do and have done it 20 times over and now this was something that I’ve never done.


So basically even MB admits Sonny is played out as hell. Hurray for that I guess.


DC: Since Michael (Chad Duell) and Morgan (Bryan Craig) were children, Sonny has always sworn to Carly he'd keep them out of the mob. Now Michael is acting as interim head of the Corinthos crime family and Morgan has inherited Sonny's bipolar disorder. I see a lot of fans on social media saying Sonny never pays for his crimes. Do you think the sins of the father are being visited on the sons?


MB: Well, I think the Sonny haters feel like he’s never paid for his crimes, but the truth is I’ve played his pain for 22 years. If he goes to prison for 10 years then that means I’ve left the show. We have to remember it is a soap opera. I can only play and live with the pain of the character and hope that I can convey the torture he’s been through.


I'm too lazy to find an appropriate gif, and really, a facial expression of my own pain is the only thing appropriate here.


DC: Much of Sonny and Carly's more memorable romantic storylines happened before Laura Wright assumed the role. During her equally popular tenure, Sonny and Carly have kept up their push/pull but you were both largely with other screen partners until Carly cheated on Franco (Roger Howarth) with Sonny. What has it been like reestablishing that relationship this time around?


MB: I had worked with different actresses playing Carly, but it was still Carly, for a long time. I thought that it was time to move on and wanted to play with different characters. Some were successful, some weren’t.


By some, does he mean "one" aka Megan Ward's Kate?

  • Love 2

MB: Well, I think the Sonny haters feel like he’s never paid for his crimes, but the truth is I’ve played his pain for 22 years. If he goes to prison for 10 years then that means I’ve left the show. We have to remember it is a soap opera. I can only play and live with the pain of the character and hope that I can convey the torture he’s been through.


  • Love 7



Interview with MB


Daytime Confidential: Sonny finds himself facing a foe he's never contended with before — paralysis. How did you react when you learned the most recent mob shoot out would leave the character unable to walk?


Maurice Benard: Well, first I was shocked, but then immediately excited. I had just told a few people that I’d done everything you can possibly do and have done it 20 times over and now this was something that I’ve never done.


So basically even MB admits Sonny is played out as hell. Hurray for that I guess.


DC: Since Michael (Chad Duell) and Morgan (Bryan Craig) were children, Sonny has always sworn to Carly he'd keep them out of the mob. Now Michael is acting as interim head of the Corinthos crime family and Morgan has inherited Sonny's bipolar disorder. I see a lot of fans on social media saying Sonny never pays for his crimes. Do you think the sins of the father are being visited on the sons?


MB: Well, I think the Sonny haters feel like he’s never paid for his crimes, but the truth is I’ve played his pain for 22 years. If he goes to prison for 10 years then that means I’ve left the show. We have to remember it is a soap opera. I can only play and live with the pain of the character and hope that I can convey the torture he’s been through.


I'm too lazy to find an appropriate gif, and really, a facial expression of my own pain is the only thing appropriate here.


DC: Much of Sonny and Carly's more memorable romantic storylines happened before Laura Wright assumed the role. During her equally popular tenure, Sonny and Carly have kept up their push/pull but you were both largely with other screen partners until Carly cheated on Franco (Roger Howarth) with Sonny. What has it been like reestablishing that relationship this time around?


MB: I had worked with different actresses playing Carly, but it was still Carly, for a long time. I thought that it was time to move on and wanted to play with different characters. Some were successful, some weren’t.


By some, does he mean "one" aka Megan Ward's Kate?


Couldn't he also mean KSu's Kate? Unless he liked her and there's gossip about him and MW's Kate that I'm not aware of.

MB: Well, I think the Sonny haters feel like he’s never paid for his crimes, but the truth is I’ve played his pain for 22 years. If he goes to prison for 10 years then that means I’ve left the show. We have to remember it is a soap opera. I can only play and live with the pain of the character and hope that I can convey the torture he’s been through.

dubbel zout black out rage!!

Yes, because the pain one feels oneself for murdering people is punishment enough. He really buys into that crap where they play something awful that Sonny has done as a terrible experience ... for Sonny to go through.

He's one step away from "You made me do it" territory.

I have nothing against Ron. You’re right there were a few storylines that I enjoyed playing. He did great when he first came on, with the Nurses Ball and balancing the show, and the dialogue was great. At the end, I think he was going down a different road. There wasn’t much that I was doing and ultimately the audience speaks.

Maurice, I'm positively fine with breaking this to you -- the ratings didn't go down because your mug wasn't on screen 4 days a week. Seriously. Get over yourself. Edited by Francie
  • Love 20

I have nothing against Ron. You’re right there were a few storylines that I enjoyed playing. He did great when he first came on, with the Nurses Ball and balancing the show, and the dialogue was great. At the end, I think he was going down a different road. There wasn’t much that I was doing and ultimately the audience speaks.


Yes, they've really returned in droves since it's been "Generally Sonny" again.


Oh wait...

  • Love 15

Maurice, I'm positively fine with breaking this to you -- the ratings didn't go down because your mug wasn't on screen 4 days a week. Seriously. Get over yourself.


I'm disappointed that he took back all his shade. Come on Mo. Stand your ground! Absolutely no one will give a shit if you continue to diss Ron's writing.

The delusion in that interview was unreal.


I don't necessarily think that he was deluded. I mean what he JUST said before he replied "I've played the torture blah blee bloo" was "I was just saying I've played everything 20 times over". I think he knows it's bullshit but he's never gonna admit Sonny passed the bad boy with a golden heart line in the sand 16 years ago. I think the only time he'll ever admit it, if he ever does, is when the show is off the air.

  • Love 4

but he's never gonna admit Sonny passed the bad boy with a golden heart line in the sand 16 years ago. I think the only time he'll ever admit it, if he ever does, is when the show is off the air.

I don't have any expectations for him to admit it. But when he says stuff like this...I just can't. I've watched the show for way too long.

MB: I don’t mind being the patriarch, as long as I can play wisdom it’s great to play.

  • Love 1

And really, Sonny has never been (temporarily) paralyzed before?  I could have sworn he had.


No, he hasn't, believe it or not. I'm surprised they never went to that well before, but hey, since we're shamelessly piling on Maurice right now anyway, I would not be surprised if that scenario was proposed but either MB or Guza didn't want him looking "weak".

  • Love 3

No, he hasn't, believe it or not. I'm surprised they never went to that well before, but hey, since we're shamelessly piling on Maurice right now anyway, I would not be surprised if that scenario was proposed but either MB or Guza didn't want him looking "weak".

I haven't been watching mainly because i ;loathe the mob and every story is boring me.Has carly mentioned her past as an pyschical therapist?

MB: Well, I think the Sonny haters feel like he’s never paid for his crimes, but the truth is I’ve played his pain for 22 years. If he goes to prison for 10 years then that means I’ve left the show. We have to remember it is a soap opera. I can only play and live with the pain of the character and hope that I can convey the torture he’s been through.



So many issues.  First - I hate when actors reduce negative fan reaction to their characters actions to "haters."  Second, being in pain does not equal adequate punishment for being responsible for the deaths and injuries of countless people.  And, no, none of us legitimately expected Sonny's slimy ass to wither away in prison for 10 years (although hope springs eternal!), but, not only is Sonny out and clear, legally, but he's suffered no consequences personally.  Michael has forgiven him, he's married Carly again, all of his kids showed up for the wedding to fawn all over him, and he had the Governor (and his spoiled daughter) making a public spectacle of thanking him for taking on the last two steps of Michael's heroic act at the Haunted Star.  He even had Michael hand Avery back over on a silver platter.  And do any of us really think that Sonny is truly suffering any pain or regret over killing AJ?  His only regret was that Michael discovered he did it and held it against him for about 2 weeks.  He isn't in any spiritual pain from taking the life of an unarmed man.  


In other words, shut up, Mo.  You're talking out of your ass to justify Sonny always coming out on top.  Yeah, yeah, Sonny's paralyzed now, but it probably won't be long before he's up, walking, and "better than ever!"  Maybe he'll even get some bionic legs or something, and he'll become a superhero...you know, the kind who kills people, whisperbarks, and throws bar ware.  

  • Love 21

There was Angel, a story he actively and admittedly tanked; Reese; and that lawyer who went to Alaska to escape Sonny. Sonny has had a lot of relationships that haven't worked.


oops; I should clarify, I was saying does the "some" that were successful mean MW's Kate. Because otherwise, all of Sonny's non-Brenda/Carly relationships were pretty much lukewarm to outright flops.

  • Love 4

You're all forgetting Emily, their Hail Mary pass which bombed. And Sam. And Claudia. (And Olivia.)


Nope! That was the point of my original post; Mo said some worked, when pretty much, none of them were successful except for maybe Kate 1.0


also, like UYI said, we wanted to forget damn it. We wanted to forget.


And yes, Paula did come up with it. And Steve B. was actually like, "dude, I don't know if this is such a good idea" but Maurice put up a compilation tape and Steve claims he changed his mind after that.

  • Love 2

Apparently the newest issue of Soaps in Depth confirms Jason Thompson is leaving the show. 


We all knew this was coming though which is why I am not surprised at all. Just happy that his suffering seems to be over. 


If true, I congratulate JT for getting out of Dodge. He's no DeNiro (no one on this show is), but he is a very capable actor who basically got shit since KMc left. Sabrina doesn't count either since it seemed, like Sam, to be all her POV.


So good luck with his music or other acting opportunities!


And again, if it is true he is leaving, I wonder: A. If the casting side is for the Patrick character or a new doc/not doc and B. If the Patrick character is also gone, will these hacks see fit to resolve the Robin angle somehow...


I know, I made a funny with Option B.

  • Love 6

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