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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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She campaigned for them. I guess she's trying to give her liberal bona fides, but the damage was done by that point.


She's actually one of the few really outspoken Democratic soap stars that I know of (I actually retweeted something she said about the GOP debate just a week ago, weirdly enough). There might be others who have said things on Twitter or somewhere else like that, but she's the only one I know for sure. On the other side, JJ is one of the more prominent soap GOPers I've heard of--he apparently campaigned actively for Bush in 2000 as a way to get the youth vote. 

Edited by UYI
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Ratings are out, GH is down overall but up in the demos. I hate that the Scummy show is being rewarded in any way, shape, or form.


Also, the clip shenanigans on the GH website where the internal notes some poor, glorious (for us) employee (who is most likely sadly unemployed now) forgot to remove before posting is being dragged on the Twitter as undeniable proof of the ridiculous shipper baiting Uncle Frank has been trolling us with. And everyone is tryna figure out what the fuck is going on behind the scenes with this fakakta show. I'm not sure there's ever been such a cluster fuck of bone headed faux pas one on soap before. Does anyone know? And to add to it all, Uncle Frank's Twitter intern posted that the Jiz wedding talk on JaSam's anniversary was 'eerie'. Once again, using words that don't mean what he thinks they mean.

This is truly becoming like the movie with Sally Field. Next we'll find out MSt's new baby is actually being birthed by TeCa as the surrogate and ME is the sperms donor.

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Also, the clip shenanigans on the GH website where the internal notes some poor, glorious (for us) employee (who is most likely sadly unemployed now) forgot to remove before posting is being dragged on the Twitter as undeniable proof of the ridiculous shipper baiting Uncle Frank has been trolling us with. And everyone is tryna figure out what the fuck is going on behind the scenes with this fakakta show. I'm not sure there's ever been such a cluster fuck of bone headed faux pas one on soap before.


What happened?

Ya gotta explain this to me like I drive a Corvette and hate dog-eating Muslims, mmm'kay?

In the spoiler thread, there is a link to abc.com with a preview clip for Monday. An intern fucked up the caption, but HeatLifer copied and posted it here before the intern corrected the error. All can be found in the spoiler thread.

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kristabell: Word to your 9/24 post. NLG has every right to express her opinions anywhere she wants, but she's learned the hard way that sometimes her opinions in general and her tweets in particular, can get her in serious trouble, which they did, to put it mildly. If it wasn't for spoiled, entitled ignorance like hers (among other things) then not only would BlackLivesMatter not exist in the first place, racism in general and in Hollywood in particular, wouldn't still be the epidemic it is now. Re RP, I think that he meant well and was trying to make NLG feel better, but she's dug a hole for herself that's so deep it could ruin what's left of her career, so where this topic is concerned, RP should just keep his very pretty mouth shut, lest he gets dragged down with her.


While Viola Davis has every right to tear NLG a new one, her refusal to do so proves once again just how classy she is. If it makes NLG feel even worse, than that's even better. I'm thrilled that Ms. Davis won the Emmy because I believe that she was the right actress in the right role. I think that VD's such a badass that I believe that she could play at least half the clones on Orphan Black if she wanted. Ms. Davis' career not only speaks for itself, it's on fire. She's a two-time Oscar nominee, she's a Tony winner & a brand-new, groundbreaking Emmy winner on a hit TV show. Chances are, a spoken-word Grammy won't be far behind, so somebody had better ask her to do a book on tape ASAP. On top of all that, she's playing Amanda Waller in the big-screen adaptation of Suicide Squad, the DC comic about super-villains who are hired by the U.S. government to be a team of spies/assassins, which comes out next summer and could be one of the biggest hits of the year. Ms. Davis has nothing to prove to anyone anymore, career-wise. Meanwhile, NLG is stuck on a sinking ship-or rather, a sinking dingy.  NLG's comments hurt herself, the show and the network, maybe not permanently, but if it was long-term damage, I wouldn't be surprised.

Edited by DollEyes
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I doubt that Viola Davis much cares that some actress on a dying show talked smack about her on twitter. I am sure that she and her publicity team know it isn't worth a second of their time to address NLG. And proving that no publicity is bad publicity, this is the most press GH has gotten in decades, and that includes Tony Geary leaving GH, so even if GH publicly admonishes her, I bet they are privately glad that GH is receiving any main stream attention. 

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But it reminded people that GH is still on the air, which I bet people didn't know. I don't understand the big deal. She didn't kill anyone, or did anything to sabotage Viola Davis. She just made her feelings a little too public.NLG had a bad night and hopefully knows to stay off twitter when she is frustrated.

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It might have been decent publicity if GH weren't such a shit show right now. If curiosity had driven people to watch and they'd been drawn in by good storytelling, that would be one thing but RC's garbage-time Soup bait? I mean, nobody who checks out NLG and Julian's last year of scenes on youtube is going to be drawn in to watching GH. RC turned it into a bad parody of a soap opera 

Edited by Oracle42
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I ignore anything that isn't #AllLivesMatter at this point because I consider #BlueLivesMatter and #BlackLivesMatter to be contributing to the problem.

It should not be anyone versus anyone here and this NLG debacle only proves it further. Here is a woman who has gone to the point of making an idiot of herself in the name of the DNC and liberalism and look at what's happened to her because her brand of liberalism all of a sudden doesn't mesh with the most tolerant group who ever grouped.

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It might have been decent publicity if GH weren't such a shit show right now. If curiosity had driven people to watch and they'd been drawn in by good storytelling, that would be one thing but RC's garbage-time Soup bait? I mean, nobody who checks out NLG and Julian's last year of scenes on youtube is going to be drawn in to watching GH. RC turned it into a bad parody of a soap opera 

If this was a decent show and without the shit writing, I don't think NLG would have had her twitter rant. Like I said,, I wouldn't be surprised if NLG's twitter rant was just her larger frustration with the show. While I hope this is just one of RC holdovers, it seems that the show traded in one failing formula, inundated with newbies, with the last failing formula, Guza's love letter to Sonny and Jason. They didn't do the only thing that mildly worked, return of vets  (despite how badly they are written for).  

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NLG's Tweet-roversy may have reminded people that GH still existed but not in a good way. Compare that with John Oliver doing a bit on Last Week Tonight where he got the actors who played EJ and Sami on Days to have a reunion scene all for the sake of a wheelchair-bound teenaged Syrian refugee who learned to speak English while watching Days of Our Lives and just talked about EJ/Sami like... any teenaged girl who loves something does.


That reminds people that Days still exists in an extremely positive way.


It's the same thing with GH clips in The Soup. They're a joke. They're meant to be a joke. They are calling GH out for putting forth a shitty product on the regular. That's really not good publicity when it comes down to it. John Oliver did a bit of a recap of Sami/EJ which was a quick highlight of all the ridiculous crap that soaps have on them 'he blackmailed her into marrying him, impregnated her, then went to work for her arch-rival... impregnated her, too, then kidnapped Sami's baby and made her think it was dead so Sami shot him in the head... but that's just things couples do!' It was meant to be funny and poke fun at the exaggerated stories we get on soaps but it was also all done as a gift to a girl who has gone through hell, survived it and remains cheerful and optimistic... a girl who just loves those characters and that show even as she's going through a harrowing ordeal to find a better life.


There's very definitely good publicity and bad... and right now, GH does not have the good publicity.

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This might be one of the most delusional promos I've ever seen about "love."

Dante/Lulu: Dante slept with another woman

Carly/Sonny: Sonny is a murderer

Jake/Liz: Liz is lying about Jakeson's identity and keeping him from his family

Sam/Patrick: Sam can't stop talking about her dead husband, Patrick is a pod person

Nik/Hayden: Nik tried to have Hayden killed

  • Love 6

This might be one of the most delusional promos I've ever seen about "love."

Dante/Lulu: Dante slept with another woman

Carly/Sonny: Sonny is a murderer

Jake/Liz: Liz is lying about Jakeson's identity and keeping him from his family

Sam/Patrick: Sam can't stop talking about her dead husband, Patrick is a pod person

Nik/Hayden: Nik tried to have Hayden killed

Dante/Lulu, Sam/Patrick and Liz/Jason: are about to implode. Sam trick and Jiz aren't even real relationships, IMO.

Nik/Greenlee: might be ready to implode once Greenlee remembers the truth. They also seem to want us to forget that she was part of Ric's scheme and a black mailer. They never should gave signed, RB until they cleaned up the rest of the messes on this show.

There's so much with mobster multi-murdering Sonny and shrieking hypocrite Carly for me to even touch.

Aren't all of those clips old?

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This might be one of the most delusional promos I've ever seen about "love."

Dante/Lulu: Dante slept with another woman

Carly/Sonny: Sonny is a murderer

Jake/Liz: Liz is lying about Jakeson's identity and keeping him from his family

Sam/Patrick: Sam can't stop talking about her dead husband, Patrick is a pod person

Nik/Hayden: Nik tried to have Hayden killed

There is some serious self-delusion going on behind the scenes.


We screamed that Ron couldn't do romance and that romance was missing, and this is GH's response. Where's a smack yourself on the head emoji when you need one?

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To be fair, if they aren't going to do a substantial retcon or reset of any of the horror wrought by Ron's team, this is kind of what they are left with - a bunch of ruined characters in icky relationships. Sadly, this really is the best they can do.

True but why couldn't they spend some time building families outside of the Corinthii and friendships instead.

Why even use that crap as a promo? Hell, maybe they believe they can attract new viewers that don't know the above couples shitastic history.

Sadly, this really is the best they can do.

No, it's really not, lol.

Look, I'm not a JaSam fan, and yes, I want Patrick to fall down an elevator shaft, but I'll say this as unbiasedly as possible.

They should be promoting JASAM'S love. The promo should be "How long can Liz keep them apart?" "Will Jason finally remember his wife?" "Can their love survive his amnesia/her thinking he's dead?" THAT IS THE LOVE STORY. This is Soap 101.

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DP, but HOW did they not use that Taylor Swift song for a JaSam promo!? How!?

This love is good, this love is bad

This love is alive back from the dead

These hands had to let it go free

And this love came back to me

Tossing, turning, struggled through the night with someone new

And I could go on and on, on and on

Lantern burning, flickered in my mind for only you

But you're still gone, gone, gone

DP, but HOW did they not use that Taylor Swift song for a JaSam promo!? How!?



After she took all her music off Spotify for not getting enough money? There's no way GH is getting that song (and it has nothing to do with GH being a soap, either--Grey's Anatomy is all but a soap and she loves that show so much she named one of her cats after Meredith Grey, for God's sake!).

Edited by UYI
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