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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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Personally, I've always felt the lawsuit had some merit.  Sure, they might not have rocked the boat by filing it if things were going well on their end, but, if the allegations are true, they have a valid case (it's just stalling out because ABC has the deep pockets to keep dragging it along).  If the show's websites were supposed to be a part of the deal and the network didn't hand them over, that's an issue.  And if the allegations that the network/GH agreed to the stated terms to borrow OLTL characters (not killing anyone off was one example), then GH violated those terms.  The claims involving the actors are probably a little less solid, since the actors themselves had the right to pursue employment after the reboot initially stalled out, and because they were able to share RH, who filmed both OLTL and GH for a while there.  I guess they could argue that the show pursued those three in bad faith,  but it would be a tough sell.  


At this point, it's pretty obvious those shows aren't coming back.  But, PP has creditors to pay, and I'm sure their creditors and the bankruptcy court would like to see it played out to see if there might be something there to cover some of those debts.  I don't know enough about bankruptcy law to know this, though - would the fact that PP is in bankruptcy affect the fees an attorney working this case can collect?  If the lawsuit is listed as an asset, then the bankruptcy court might have jurisdiction over the attorney fees that can be paid out of it?  

  • Love 4

Michael Easton did a kinda exit interview with fans on Facebook.  It's...a little scary.




2. Although I really liked Silas, I LOVED McBain and was really holding out hope we’d see him again. -- Jennifer


Not to worry. McBain’s out there, somewhere, traveling through the Midwest, doing good deeds and drinking beer. He may also be traveling with a dog-named “Boutros”.


HA!  Even Michael Easton doesn't think John went home to his kid!

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 7

Maybe I'm being naive or overly optimistic, but I would think, knowing what happened to Carlivati, that the new head writers would not try to do as he did, bringing in their favorites and writing for them, instead of, you know, actual General Hospital characters, and try to keep Genie.


But, as they say, we'll see.

  • Love 1

Bryan Craig :

This EHT stuff works damn good , found my trick for long work days


What the heck is EHT? google is not helping me.




It is a supplement that "promotes better brain function."  Our Brydog's got nowhere to go but up in that department, so hopefully it will help.


ETA:  Looks like it's yet another pyramid scheme thing, LOL.




Oh, Brydog.

Edited by magnolia11
  • Love 3

Do we have any lawyers, paralegals, or even "Suits" fans who can explain to me why this lawsuit has been allowed to drag out longer than a Ron Carlivati "plot"?

I was at a firm after law school before I joined the federal government. I got stuck in a complex bankruptcy case one time repping a contractor. There were lien issues and contract valuation issues, and the case dragged on for over three years, with two side trips to state court to determine factual issues for the underlying claims. Lucky for me and the client they didn't have a huge amount of skin in the game, so I was just keeping tabs on things.


Real property law, and IP law (like owning the rights to characters) are very special areas of the law as far as exact wording. They are almost like a magic spell where every phrase variant has a different meaning.

  • Love 2

Does PP still have the rights to OLTL's characters? The question about McBain made me wonder if after this whole mess of lawsuits is over, if ME would be able to return as McBain if they asked him too.

PP still holds the rights to the OLTL characters.

The original contract with ABC had them paying for the rights to those characters for 10 years, renewable upon negotiation. They are currently in arrears on their payments to ABC, but that doesn't matter so long as the lawsuit continues. So, basically the rights are in a holding pattern. If ABC won the lawsuit tomorrow, or it was dropped, then the rights would likely revert to ABC (unless PP could come up with the money quickly, which they couldn't.) But as it stands right now, PP owns the characters.

  • Love 1

Kelly thiebaud is really mad, everyone:


kelly thiebaud ‏@kellythiebaud

Really wish I would hve waited 2 C what kind of person was getting out of the VELVET Rolls Royce I just saw...! #gross #terrible #notajoke


People are starving,living on the streets and you decide it's better to spend your stupid money on making your CAR VELVET!?! Who does that!


Yes, why spend your money on making your car velvet when you can buy a motorcycle??


What will I do if these two ever close up their twitters?!? #notajoke #seriously-I-will-have-to-take-up-knitting

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 9

Harley Erin's performance today may have sucked harder than a dog-eating Muslim living in a country with an active volcano, but it was still Anthony Hopkins-esque compared to the shit RoHo and The Staff subject us to every single day they are on.  


Anyway, as compared as I'm concerned, Kelly T lost any and all rights to judge anyone for anything the second she wilfully associated herself with Bryan 'brain pills' Craig.  

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 3

This may have been on another thread...but in the middle of the news breaking about RC being fired from GH on July 24, John Stamos posted an Instagram photo where he is wearing a T-shirt saying "Win Blackie Win" on it, working out on a speed bag like he's at Rick Webber's sports club over 30 years later.




Coincidence, or perhaps a message was being sent that now that RC is gone, Stamos is willing to possibly make a guest appearance when Fuller House is not in production? :)

  • Love 2

So apparently Y&R has dropped Tristan Rogers down to recurring?  If so, Show needs to lock him down NOW.


Oh please oh please oh please, can I get my wish that the last two or three years was just Robert's nightmare?    And Robin hasn't been a captive this whole time and Anna's still smart and awesome?  Pleeeeease, ABC.   In exchange, I promise to buy tons of Disney products!

Edited by SlovakPrincess
  • Love 5

Bryan Craig :

This EHT stuff works damn good , found my trick for long work days


What the heck is EHT? google is not helping me.


Well, his bar is low.  I guess as long as he's not walking into walls or catching his crotch hairs when he zips up, he feels like a Mensa member.  

Just as long as he's not in a country that EATS DOGS!  Cuz that causes him faster brain freeze than a trip to the Dairy Queen.  (I bet he's a HUGE dilly bar fan).

Edited by boes
  • Love 1

Well, his bar is low.  I guess as long as he's not walking into walls or catching his crotch hairs when he zips up, he feels like a Mensa member.  

Just as long as he's not in a country that EATS DOGS!  Cuz that causes him faster brain freeze than a trip to the Dairy Queen.  (I bet he's a HUGE dilly bar fan).


Hey now, Dilly Bars are awesome, my mom and I love them. I resent the idea that eating Dilly Bars leads one to Brydog Brain. ;) 

  • Love 5

ABC has petitioned the court to dismiss the case more than once, and it hasn't happened yet.

Regardless of what happens with the bankruptcy case, the suit against ABC can go forward if a firm takes the case on contingency. 


Jones Day was going to take it on contingency, but they were demanding $400k upfront for out-of-pocket expenses (court fees, transcript fees, mail, data hosting, etc.).  PP couldn't come up with the $400k, which is how they ended up with no lawyer.   The fact that they can't get a lawyer tells you A LOT about the value of the case.  Law firms are experts at valuing litigation.  The fact that Jones Day wanted $400k upfront BEFORE they'd take it on contingency says to me that a) they think it's going to be an expensive litigation ($400k in upfront costs is quite high), and b) they are doubtful enough about recovery that they are not willing to put their own $400k at risk.  If Jones Day really believed in the litigation, they could have negotiated a contingency contract that said they got out-of-pocket expenses off the top and then a percent of whatever was left.  They didn't.  This says to me that Jones Day has doubts about the ability to recover even $400k.


I could of course be wrong, but my assessment is that if they're this far along and don't have counsel, stick a fork in it.  It's done.  Note that "done" doesn't mean "ready to be dismissed by the court."  It means "has been evaluated by a number of knowledgeable firms, none of whom consider it a good investment."  My guess is that it will limp along to a paltry settlement possibly in the relatively near future (which in lawsuit terms means within, like, the next 6 months).


Personally, I've always felt the lawsuit had some merit.  




I don't know enough about bankruptcy law to know this, though - would the fact that PP is in bankruptcy affect the fees an attorney working this case can collect?  If the lawsuit is listed as an asset, then the bankruptcy court might have jurisdiction over the attorney fees that can be paid out of it?  


I actually have no opinion on whether the lawsuit has any merit, so don't take my comment as a quibble or criticism, but having merit is not necessarily the same thing as being a good investment.  The real question, assuming all facts alleged are true, is how much compensable damage was done.  To provide an absurd and extreme example, if I take your favorite pencil and break it in half in a fit of rage, and you sue me over it, your lawsuit unquestionably has merit.  I'm not allowed to intentionally damage your property, period.  But the fact that your suit has merit doesn't mean you can expect to recover more than $0.50 from me.  I understand PP has some speculative theory of damages that claims the entire endeavor was sunk because of ABC's violations of the contract and that ABC should therefore be liable for literally the entire cost of the failed project to the tune of millions of dollars, but claims like that are a) wildly improbable, b) highly speculative, c) difficult to prove.  Was ABC really the sole and direct cause of the failure of the entire PP venture?  Doubtful.  Actual recovery would likely boil down to more a question of how much damage individual violative actions caused and the value of that damage.  For example, if ABC did actually violate a contract with PP by killing off baby Hope, someone is going to have to put a number to how much damage PP suffered as a result of the loss of baby Hope.  That's a hard thing to do.


And yes, any fees paid to lawyers for the litigation would have to be approved in advance by the bankruptcy court now that PP is in receivership.  

Edited by Rancide
  • Love 4

Rick Springfield is having another impressive career resurgence with True Detective and his supporting role opposite Meryl Streep in Ricki and the Flash. He talks a bit about GH with the A.V. Club:


RB: I went up on a cattle call in 1978 or ’79. They were trying to do this male version of Charlie’s Angels, so I went up on that and I didn’t get it. But the casting guy remembered me and he moved to casting at General Hospital and when a new character came up, he thought of me and gave my agent a call. So that’s kind of how I got in on that. But things definitely lead to other things for sure.


AVC: Then Working Class Dog came out and everything sort of exploded?


RS: Yeah, they didn’t know I was a musician.


AVC: That’s funny.


RS: They didn’t know I was a musician, actually, till I had been on the show for like two months. And the record was released around the same time; it was just one of those things. Gloria Monty—the producer who originally hired me, who was awesome and was responsible for General Hospital’s giant success—sidled up to me a couple of months into the show and said, “I hear you’re also a singer.” So she had all these ideas of me suddenly bursting into song as a doctor and I had to say, “No, I’m not going to do that. I’m already getting enough shit for being on a soap opera. If I become a singing doctor that’ll just alienate everybody.” So I never did.


I went back for the 50th anniversary and actually played, which was really weird, three characters on that show—I played Noah Drake, I played an Australian musician called Eli Love, and I played myself. [Laughs.] You can only do that on a soap opera.


AVC: What’s great about General Hospital is that it has such a long history. For the Drake family, Noah has an adult son who’s now a main character, so you’re always going to be important to that show.


RS: Fans always ask, “Are you going back? Because you call in a lot.” Apparently I call in on the phone and have conversations with my son.


AVC: You’re always there. [springfield laughs.] So Tony Geary [Luke Spencer] is a notoriously intense actor. What was it like working with him?


RS: Oh, he was always really lovely to me right up to the last scene we did. We had the dressing rooms next to each other and he was always a real great guy. I never saw any ego at all other than him wanting to push it and do the best work. If a choice came between what he wanted and what a director wanted, then things could become kind of heated, but that’s the same with any actor that believes what he’s doing. But he was always a doll.


In fact, I had this documentary called Affair Of The Heart, and I supported it when it first came out and went to the Amsterdam Film Festival because it was playing there. Tony lives in Amsterdam, so we all went out and got baked one night at one of the legal marijuana shops there. He led us around Amsterdam and through the red-light district and it was great.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 2

Frank Valentini (on twitter, above a picture of Sonny/MB)


The Man, The Myth. The Legend.  Never disappoints me. Always gives 1000% #artist 


Maurice Benard

thank you Frank for giving me the freedom to do what I love to do there would be no GH without you




Wow. This sort of severe mutual asskissing makes me pity Ron. who do the actors think is responsible for hiring models like Nathan Paevey?

  • Love 5

Frank Valentini (on twitter, above a picture of Sonny/MB)

The Man, The Myth. The Legend. Never disappoints me. Always gives 1000% #artist

Maurice Benard

thank you Frank for giving me the freedom to do what I love to do there would be no GH without you


Wow. This sort of severe mutual asskissing makes me pity Ron. who do the actors think is responsible for hiring models like Nathan Paevey?

I'm a cynical b**ch this morning. Maybe they believe this shit will stop the ratings fall. Look here is MB/Sonny, not Franco or Plywood. You love him. Look at this amazing photo. Sonny is sexy and has dimples, you know. The wimmens will be falling all over themselves to see Sonny. Yeah, I'm a cynical b**ch today.

  • Love 7

I can tolerate some weak actors in a large cast WAY more than I can tolerate the shitty, sloppy, character-decimating writing that infects the whole show.

Also, Frank may have hired some duds, but Ron's style of writing encourages the worst of already hammy actors (Franco and Nina and Fluke and Dr O) and confounds the actors who are green and/or need to have a clear motivation for their characters (Nathan, Patrick). And just because you have some actors in the cast (like FH and JE) who can spin shit into gold does not mean you should force them to do it constantly!!

In short, yeah, Frank bears some (perhaps a lot of) responsibility for the state of the show right now. But there are no excuses for the mess Ron made. None.

  • Love 10

Frank Valentini (on twitter, above a picture of Sonny/MB)


The Man, The Myth. The Legend.  Never disappoints me. Always gives 1000% #artist


Maurice Benard

thank you Frank for giving me the freedom to do what I love to do there would be no GH without you


Wow. This sort of severe mutual asskissing makes me pity Ron. who do the actors think is responsible for hiring models like Nathan Paevey?



And this is why the show will always suck on some level no matter who writes for it.

  • Love 4

FINNNNNNNNN! (and others) at the TCA's - sorry, I just miss her so much.




Wow, Finola Hughes is gorgeous.  I barely recognize Detective Wood with his shirt on.  He's not really face-attractive, is he?


I read the Michael Easton interview.  I usually try to avoid actor interviews (and Twitter, instagram, Facebook, etc.) because I feel like there's a good chance it will not end well (e.g., Steve Monavie Burton, Bry-dog), but he actually came off really well.  Silas sucked a lot, but I wish him well and hope he lands on his feet.

  • Love 4
the TCA's


If the network is paying for actors to be there, GH must be safe for a bit.


Brush your damn hair, Laura!


I'm usually the first one to nag about that, but I like her hair when it's natural. She has a TON of it, and it's got to be tough to wrangle it in the summer.


RS: Fans always ask, “Are you going back? Because you call in a lot.” Apparently I call in on the phone and have conversations with my son.



LOL. He avoided the question, though! I can't see Noah (or Eli or Rick) returning unless it's for a specific story.


Look at this amazing photo.


I remember those. The network spent a fair amount of dough on them. Où sont les promotions d'antan?

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 5

I can't see Noah (or Eli or Rick) returning unless it's for a specific story.


If Ron were still writing, he'd be slotted into the triangle rotation with the veterans.  Oh look, it's Noah Drake, he wants Bobbie back, but she's with Scotty now, oh noes!

I read the Michael Easton interview.  


Just to clarify, this wasn't so much an interview as it was fans of Michael Easton asking adoring questions.  Not that that also doesn't describe most soap journalists these days (as Michael Fairman waves his #1 Sabrina Fan foam hand in the air), but still.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 2
I can't see Noah (or Eli or Rick) returning unless it's for a specific story.

If Ron were still writing, he'd be slotted into the triangle rotation with the veterans.  Oh look, it's Noah Drake, he wants Bobbie back, but she's with Scotty now, oh noes!


We'd see the triangle once every three months, if we're lucky.

  • Love 2

Wait, Frank thinks Mo "always gives 1000%"?  I'm going to have to beg to differ there, Frank. 


And yes, any fees paid to lawyers for the litigation would have to be approved in advance by the bankruptcy court now that PP is in receivership.



I would think this would affect a lot of firms' willingness to take on the case.  They won't make as much off of this case as part of a bankruptcy asset as they would with the case outright. 

Edited by KerleyQ
  • Love 3

Kelly thiebaud is really mad, everyone:


kelly thiebaud ‏@kellythiebaud

Really wish I would hve waited 2 C what kind of person was getting out of the VELVET Rolls Royce I just saw...! #gross #terrible #notajoke


People are starving,living on the streets and you decide it's better to spend your stupid money on making your CAR VELVET!?! Who does that!



Was it Prince? If it was Prince then that's totally allowed. Prince can have anything he wants velvet and it's absolutely fine.


Please tell me it was Prince.

  • Love 9

And this is why the show will always suck on some level no matter who writes for it.


LOL. So true.


I have naturally curly hair too, I still brush it before I go out in public.


I have naturally curly hair and if I brush it it's a hot frizzy mess, so I feel LW if that's the case with her. I love her hair. I wish mine looked like her's!

Edited by peachmangosteen

Frank Valentini (on twitter, above a picture of Sonny/MB)


The Man, The Myth. The Legend.  Never disappoints me. Always gives 1000% #artist 


Maurice Benard

thank you Frank for giving me the freedom to do what I love to do there would be no GH without you




Wow. This sort of severe mutual asskissing makes me pity Ron. who do the actors think is responsible for hiring models like Nathan Paevey?


Dammit! It's Ryan. I keep doing that. Poor Ryan.


People are starving,living on the streets and you decide it's better to spend your stupid money on making your CAR VELVET!?! Who does that!


Kelly might want to look in the mirror and ask herself who goes to Bali and drinks really expensive coffee while people are starving and living on the streets. Pot, meet kettle. I'm afraid Brydog is a bad influence on her. 

  • Love 3

LOL. So true.



I have naturally curly hair and if I brush it it's a hot frizzy mess, so I feel LW if that's the case with her. I love her hair. I wish mine looked like her's!

You're right, I should have said "comb" instead of "brush". Sentiment is the same, though. She looks like she rolled out of bed and headed to the TCAs.

Kelly might want to look in the mirror and ask herself who goes to Bali and drinks really expensive coffee while people are starving and living on the streets. Pot, meet kettle. I'm afraid Brydog is a bad influence on her.

Seriously. If she's so concerned about what others do with their money, maybe she should do more with her own.

  • Love 1

I would think this would affect a lot of firms' willingness to take on the case.  They won't make as much off of this case as part of a bankruptcy asset as they would with the case outright. 


Yes and no.  Yes, in the sense that the ethical rules allow lawyers to file any suit that isn't objectively frivolous and utterly without conceivable merit of any sort.  That's a really low bar to entry.  If a company isn't bankrupt and is paying its own legal bills, it's not that hard to find a firm willing to take your really, really crappy (but not objectively frivolous!) lawsuit because hey, you're paying.  To provide a concrete example of how this works, see the time Donald Trump sued Bill Maher when Maher refused to pay up after joking that he'd donate $5 million to charity if Trump could prove he wasn't the love child of his mother and an orangutan.  Good lawsuit?  No.  Could Trump find a firm willing to take his money pursue it?  Sure.  


No, in the sense that the court can (and already did) approve a contingency fee arrangement for the firm that signs on, so the firm's potential recovery is not really constrained by court.  The agreement in question allowed the firm to keep 1/3 of whatever they recovered but required a $400k upfront investment to cover costs.  A firm could theoretically make FAR MORE off this case than they would under a straight fee arrangement.  PP sued for... $50 million?  1/3 of $50 million is way more than they'd make billing by the hour.  If any firm reasonably thought they could recover that, they'd jump at it, bankruptcy or no.


What the bankruptcy process is really doing here is forcing law firms (rather than plaintiffs) to value the suit.  And it seems like they don't value it very highly.


(Apologies for the long and probably unnecessarily technical posts about the suit.  It just so happens that this is what I do for a living--not just being a lawyer but even this specific kind of litigation, and I so rarely have anything of concrete value to add around here...)

  • Love 9

To me it seems highly likely that PP's efforts to revive the shows would've failed regardless of whether or not ABC lived up to its end of the deal. Wouldn't it be fairly easy to convince a judge of this? If PP were forced to turn over financial records I would think they would show that they were having cash flow problems from the very beginning and were never going to be able to keep the shows running for longer than a couple of months. 

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