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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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Now they can't fire Stafford unless she quits.


Please quit.

Being pregnant doesn't mean you can't be fired.  You just can't be fired for being pregnant. You still can be fired for sucking at your job. Or, in this case, because the character you play is a blight on the show.  And we have plenty of people who would attest to that.  


Plus, expecting a child isn't a protected class. Men can expect a child being born by a surrogate. Women can expect a child being born by a surrogate. 


That shouldn't be a roadblock at all.

  • Love 4

this is the supposed list


Maurice Benard

Jason Thompson

Tyler Christopher

Finola Hughes

Nancy Lee Grahn

Bryan Craig

Rebecca Herbst

Billy Miller

Jane Elliot

Kelly Monaco...just to name a few of those who are happy for the new change in writers.


Every name on this list makes sense to me.  


I've always hated Sonny and thought he was scum, but I can see how Mo was finally feel the popularity loss when Sonny murdered AJ.  That was a bridge too far.  


JT - no explanation needed.  The poor man.  It doesn't help for the dialogue to be all "Patrick is awesome and deserves to be happy!"  when the character has been reduced to a boring, careless dullard too stupid and selfish to connect the dots on what's happened to Robin.


TC - I think he would have enjoyed playing Dark Nik if there were sufficient explanation and motivation for it, and if any of this were more interesting.  Nik lying about Jason for a more interesting reason than friggin' ELQ shares.  And not ordering a hit on someone, from which it's impossible for the character to recover.  And some build up to explain why Nik was so bitter and angry.  

And maybe he hates Spencer, too, LOL.


FH - the last year has been Anna sucking at her job, various characters telling her she sucks (including fucking Faison, for fuck's sake),  and her being written as clueless, inattentive to her beloved daughter, unable to bring justice to the people who tormented her family, and finally killing a man and sleeping with someone repulsive a week after the love of her life gets murdered (again).  Oh, and her buddy Ian got canned.   So ... yeah.  She got some good dramatic scenes to play, but they made a lot less sense if you actually put them in context with character history, and a character she's played for years is an unrecognizable mess.


NLG - she's practically there to prop the Julian character now, and fret about Julian's choices, and if Julian's in the mob, and zzzzzz.  Except for representing Sonny in the custody battle (for which she was very obviously on the wrong side).


BC - Morgan is a dipshit.  Oh, and BC's fiancé got canned.


RH - She might have been excited about potential new relationships for Liz with Ewen and then AJ.  And you can see how that turned out.  And now Liz is pathetic and evil at the same time.   (To be fair, the writing for Liz has sucked for years now, so this isn't all on Ron).


BM - Oh boy.  This guy signs a contract and thinks he's going to be playing "cool" Jason.  And he's been languishing as an idiot amnesiac for a year now, in a story that gets more asinine with each passing week.


JE - Guza didn't give a shit about Tracy, either, as far as I can tell.  But maybe it's just the across the board stupidity of the show that got to her, too. She seems like a person who doesn't like to be embarrassed.


KM - again, it doesn't help for other characters to be all "yay, Sam! you deserve to be happy!" when that propping doesn't make your scripts more interesting.   Sam's story has been all over the place and bland all at the same time since Jason died.  Danny being sick and Silas, Rafe, Patrick glomming onto her ... none of it is exactly memorable or interesting.

  • Love 6

So should I expect a significant lessoning of pace with the new headwriters? I've never watched CBS soaps, but I always understood that they moved at a significantly slower pace than GH did. Honestly, I think GH might benefit from that for a bit with all of the slapdash plots we've had.


Given that the main complaint I saw around here for numerous episodes was that they were "boring", a significant lessening of the pace could be the death blow to this show.  Hopefully the writers can find a way to be able to lay out all the proper plot beats while still keeping the show moving at a brisk pace.


Listening to the DC podcast put a chill down my spine.  Listening to Jamey Giddens lay out all the things that dragged down the show that Ron wasn't responsible for - the shitty looking sets, the network mandates, and most especially the crazed quest for Y&R "gets" - plus his contention that none of those things will go away with the new writers (and could very well get worse) made me realize just what a huge mountain it is they have to climb.  Then there was Giddens' comment about how "the gloves are off" and everybody's nodding agreement.  I just get the feeling that the new writers are going to be cut no slack* as far as the soap press goes for anything.



* - "I may have given Ron Carlivati chance after chance after chance after chance after chance after chance after chance after endless chance, but you new bitches better turn this show around in the blink of an eye or I'll tear you apart!"

  • Love 2





Just no. We need to be done with that bastard. That character ship has sailed. I saw it float by from my lounge chair on the barge.


How can anyone miss him if he doesn't fucking leave?!


He' such a lying deflated sack of high school musical talent.  Imagine the high he must have had, all these months of being invited to talk about himself, asked for his deep thoughts and considered opinions, given a forum for him to put forth his bloated biases and imagined grievances.  Hell,  nobody has paid this much attention to him in 30 years.  With the remaining soap rags and soap web sites straining for enough stories from the 4 remaining shows, his leaving, and his willingness - hell, his eagerness to talk talk TALK, he has labored under the delusion that his "retirement" and his take on how his talent was criminally wasted actually deserved the time and attention it got.

If he had left 10 years ago, even, when so many soaps were still on, he'd have been a big story, but nowhere NEAR the attention he's gotten now that the small pond has shrunken to the size of a puddle.


And now the attention is fading and he's suddenly realized how much he LOVES the attention, and chances are, the next time anybody seeks him out will be for one of the "Where are they now" stories SOD will run in their final print issue.


What a bloated pufferfish he is.

Edited by boes
  • Love 6


the shitty looking sets, the network mandates, and most especially the crazed quest for Y&R "gets" - plus his contention that none of those things will go away with the new writers (and could very well get worse) made me realize just what a huge mountain it is they have to climb


But you know what? Good writing and good storytelling don't actually require amazing sets or what not. Plus, the Y&R gets could have worked if the characters and storyline were any good at all. Furthermore, we fans are more than aware of the budget limitations. I can get past that stuff if good story is being told.


All RC did was write stories that either moved way too fast or way too slowly. He wrote a beginning (of sorts), an endless middle and then no end to every single 'story' he had going on. And none of these alleged storylines made a bit of sense. I'll take a slower pace if there is an actual storyline going on.


Also? Shut up TG!

  • Love 6





FH - the last year has been Anna sucking at her job, various characters telling her she sucks (including fucking Faison, for fuck's sake),  and her being written as clueless, inattentive to her beloved daughter, unable to bring justice to the people who tormented her family, and finally killing a man and sleeping with someone repulsive a week after the love of her life gets murdered

I read this quickly and thought, "No, Anna slept with Luke after Robin "died" - not Robert! Then I realized who and what circumstances you're talking about, LOL.

  • Love 2

I read this quickly and thought, "No, Anna slept with Luke after Robin "died" - not Robert! Then I realized who and what circumstances you're talking about, LOL.


Hee hee.   I actually think of Robert as the love of Anna's life, too, but I guess Show wants us to think Duke was (as do many, many fans, of course - I just happen to hold an opposing viewpoint, LOL).  


Which of course is why Ron turned Duke into an asshole nincompoop and then murdered him off (again).  Grrrrr.

  • Love 3

He tweeted asking if he has any fans in Korea and got a bunch of responses like "I'm a fan and I live in Detroit" and various other places that are decidedly not in Korea.  So now I'm picturing him sitting around telling himself "I have fans in Detroit, Korea!" 


Seems like he's just feeling nostalgic for taekwondo tonight, because he put up a picture of the South Korean flag on instagram and wrote:


Reminds me of when I use to do taekwondo




~~mystery~~ going on here. You've hooked me, sir!

  • Love 3

Ugh, I hate all versions of Kristina. Well between Lexi and the last one something Morgan. 


Lindsey Morgan. And I honestly liked her more than a lot of people here, and her with Trey. I don't even give a fuck anymore. ;)


That said, I like what I've seen of Lexi (I wasn't watching regularly when she was first on), and she DOES look like HP's real life sister, to a scary degree. But I also thought LM was gorgeous, and showed the ethnic mix being Sonny's daughter gave her. *shrug* 

  • Love 4

Me either not sure that sonny is written any differntly than he always was.I mean hes still the bestestest hero this show has ever had according to the show.I remeber him a few months ago complaining on twitter about airtime thouugh.

Yeah, they eventually whitewashed his murder of AJ like they did his murder attempt against Jax, Dante, and nearly blowing Kristina up in a car bomb. This is the same guy who considered killing Maxie because he thought she would waiver on her testimony during the murder trial (about killing Claudia). I'm not seeing anything OOC here.

In taking a quick look, it's some skin care company pyramid scheme thing.  It looks like it's him Kelly, Freddie Smith, and Molly Burnett, and he is urging his fans to PM him to get involved.

Of course Brydog is involved in a toxic face-cream pyramid scheme. At least MonaVie was just really expensive, flavored water. This Nerium stuff is actually dangerous.

  • Love 5

Hmmm. My feelings are mixed.

If she's coming in to oust Kiki as the female lead in that age group...YAH!

If she's coming in as part of a swing in focus to Sonny...BOO!

If Lexi is returning, I hope they don't turn her into a mob apologist; she was one of the few who was willing to point out that her father wasn't a saint, and shouldn't be enabled. Given how she was thrown under the bus and marginalized in her own abuse storyline, I'd rather see Lexi handle a storyline that doesn't tragically become about the men around her.

Sonny has enough enablers and cheerleaders. Kristina should have her own story, be part of the Davis narrative, and stay far away from the horrid, monstrous mess that is Sonny and his Gummy Bear Mafia.

  • Love 3

I'm glad Lexi Ainsworth is returning.

Now if only they could/would lure SK back to end this S&C bs to give a real story. I hope that Michael isn't turned back into a Sonny apologist. Maybe Kristina can join her not brother Michael in Sonny hating? I'd imagine if she got crap for Mafia Dad, she's getting more for having a dad who murdered a prominent business man.

  • Love 2

I'm glad Lexi Ainsworth is returning.

Now if only they could/would lure SK back to end this S&C bs to give a real story. I hope that Michael isn't turned back into a Sonny apologist. Maybe Kristina can join her not brother Michael in Sonny hating? I'd imagine if she got crap for Mafia Dad, she's getting more for having a dad who murdered a prominent business man.

LA's Kristina told Michael that Sonny was wrong to try and kill Jax (when he was whitewashing Jax's death because Michael was a really terrible person at the time), so she should feel the same way about Sonny murdering Michael's father. This show needs more balance; we have enough mob sycophants as it is. SK returning as AJ would also help with that.

I also hope, with RC gone, Michael returns to his anti-Sonny animosity, and away from reconciliation. Is there any news about what direction the new HWs will take things?

  • Love 2

Of course Brydog is involved in a toxic face-cream pyramid scheme. At least MonaVie was just really expensive, flavored water. This Nerium stuff is actually dangerous.

Do they really use the fans to sell their toxic products..That is sick...They are taking advantage of the soap fans to line their pockets...I thought Bryan disliked Freddie, because of his Emmy win. I guess common interest to make money is more important.

  • Love 2

I think BryDog is engaging in his very own MonaVie type side business.  He's tweeting to get fans interested in signing up with him.


The more I read about this fool, the more convinced I am that he is exactly the same in real life as he is on the show -- stupid, always up for a fight, always ready to throw down, no sense of humor, no self-awareness and did I already say stupid? 

  • Love 6

The more I read about this fool, the more convinced I am that he is exactly the same in real life as he is on the show -- stupid, always up for a fight, always ready to throw down, no sense of humor, no self-awareness and did I already say stupid? 


Oh, I don't think he's that bad. I just think he's a twit. I do think he has a sense of humor and I don't think he's always ready for a fight. I don't even think he's necessarily as dumb as he comes across, just very self-absorbed. Very, very self-absorbed.

  • Love 2

I'm glad Lexi Ainsworth is returning.

Now if only they could/would lure SK back to end this S&C bs to give a real story. I hope that Michael isn't turned back into a Sonny apologist. Maybe Kristina can join her not brother Michael in Sonny hating? I'd imagine if she got crap for Mafia Dad, she's getting more for having a dad who murdered a prominent business man.


I've heard she's just coming back for the S&C wedding.

No clue, but eh.  I can only hope.

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