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S28.E07: Mad Treasure Hunt

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Agree... Tasha and Spencer were great in that!! 

On one hand I was glad that no one in Tony's alliance got the idol (except LJ, I would prefer him to have found it)... but I'm rooting against Spencer on principle, so that was a bummer. His hissy fit when Woo pulled his ninja skills and took that clue was juvenile. 

And Woo's talking heads were brilliant! He was loving talking to the camera and telling his story. I love players like him - just enjoying being in the game. 

Kass can go to hell. Her play last week was flat out stupid. Just arrogant.This week she cemented that. Her snotty remark to Spencer coupled with her "allegedly I betrayed them" was over the top. If your going to flip - OWN IT. She couldn't take responsibility for what she did... but when her goat ass is in the F3 she is going be more than happy to say she made all these big plays. I hate how players who are the worst find their way to the end of the game. It kinda ruins the enjoyment of the game. 


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Kind of a boring episode. That immunity challenge looked painful.

The previews for next week were much more interesting. If Tony takes out Woo, it gives Kass another shot to join the brains + Jeremiah + idol to make a solid four.

Too bad that Boobs McGee is gone. Her bitchiness was a breath of fresh air.

I will say that Kass cannot beat many people at Final Tribal, but Morgan might've been one she could. I don't get her strategy at all.

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You don't screw around with other people's stuff.  There is almost ZERO privacy or personal space in this game, I think THAT should be respected.

Woo annoyed the crap out of me.  I haven't been a fan, but he just acted stupid & juvenile with that ninja nonsense. 

I'm glad Spencer won immunity & found the actual idol.  He's not my fave, but I don't think anybody deserves to have their belongings messed with.

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Five minutes in, and I was already sick of Kass' mouth.  She just grates on my nerves.  And I thought it was rich for her to lecture Spencer about karma.

Thankfully Spencer found the idol.  I know it was a legit game move for Woo to steal the clue, but it still lowers my opinion of him, especially tossing Spencer's pants in the river.  That was just low in my view.

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I can't complain about Morgan being gone, she was freaking annoying. Young, entitled, pretty is awfully ugly.

Spenser is playing well. He recovered from his night time melt down and clue losing screw up pretty well. I love that he found the idol with Kass right there. That was great.

I hope that Tony implodes next week because I really like Spenser would love to see him win. Tasha was much stronger in that challenge then I thought she would be. Jeremiah is blending into the background right now. Jefra sounded kind of stupid. LJ is doing a fine job of being quiet.

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I'm enjoying Jefra's delight in the game, but don't think she's playing strategically at all. I like either Tasha or LJ for the win. Everyone else has ticked me off with their mouth. Granted, Tasha ticked me off when she was arrogant to Spencer early on, but she seems to have settled down and is playing solidly now.

Correction - Jeremiah hasn't ticked me off, but I forget he's here.

Edited by riley702
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Aside of tossing Spencer's pants in the water (which I agree was a really crappy move, not fun to watch and made me like him a little less), I didn't see Woo do anything terribly wrong. He picked up Spencer's pants and told him that he left them. The clue fell out, he grabbed it... *then* he tossed Spencer's pants in the water and ran. Of all of that, it was tossing the pants that was wrong. But the clue fell out and he grabbed it. Seems fair to me. 

I am curious though, if he hasn't tossed his pants or ran... so what? Would Spencer have demanded the clue back? Would he have grappled with him? 

I'll do my wall of text rankings later, but for a season in which I wasn't rooting for or against anyone in particular...

Spencer: Dead to me before the opening credits.  "The estrogen talking," really?  Too bad you have a winner's edit and the Yul/Terry idol.
Morgan: Dead to me before the opening credits.  I want to be there when your 40 year old self watches this and cringes.

And lest you think I'm a Kass fan - I may not be rooting against her, but if she were to somehow (despite all of the editing,) win this season, I would be disappointed.

And while Woo isn't dead to me, he should have given the clue back to Spencer once Spencer said (generic paraphrase,) "Hey, give that back."  (Mind you, I'd have been cool with him reading it first, but taking it was bogus.)

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I think any of them would have to be worried about depending on Kass for her vote at this point - she's really unpredictable, which is about the worst thing you want in a voting partner. 

It sounded like the idol Spencer found was a regular use idol that gets played after the votes are cast but before they are read, yes?  If so, does that mean the super special secret powers idol is still out there?

At tribal council, it sure looked like both of members of the jury like Tasha, and she really rocked that challenge today. 

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It was the re-hidden normal idol.  I don't think there have been any clues to the super special idol.

Why didn't Morgan and Jeremiah try to reunite with Jefra and LJ at that disgusting lunch?  The beauties had the most numbers out of the original tribes, so by pulling in a few from their new alliances, they could have controlled the game and been a solid final 4. 

Ooh, good point Rescue Mom! I wondered what the "special powers" were that the idol supposedly had, but didn't think about the possibility of there being a regular idol and a Super Special Idol in play at the same time. Makes sense, though, since LJ and Tony both used theirs. I wonder, if there are 2 idols in play, if they will get another clue (to the SSI), or if Jeff's verbal clue is all they will get?

I was glad to see Morgan go, but surprised nobody wanted to take her as a goat to the end. Maybe that is Kass' s assigned spot. Or, maybe they were afraid Morgan would charm her way from goat into a million bucks.

Tony is going into full-on meltdown next week. I am a little nervous that someone who is always so amped is trusted with a firearm. I kid. Sort of. I enjoy watching him enjoying himself out there. Hope he lasts at least a little longer.

Woo made me chuckle when he was talking about getting all Sonic the Hedgehog. I don't think he should have run off with the clue, but I think reading it and then giving it back would have been fair game. I think he is on borrowed time. He is too much of a threat to keep in the game.

Wish Tash could have held out in the challenge a little longer. Same for LJ.

I don't have anything else to say about Kass that hasn't already been said.

Anyone else wonder how long before the stomach cramps hit after that "reward?" I know they are hungry... but man, I would think twice about stuffing myself full of that heavy, greasy food and alcohol after so long with just rice and beans.

Well, time to get use to being a poster on a new forum with TWOP's days being numbered. So hello Previously TV.

Sadly it looks like the deal is sealed and we are lurching towards the inevitiable endgame with a the ultra boring LJ and mute side kick Jefra lurching towards being around to the bitter end...maybe even Tony too. Was hoping Kass would redeem herself from last weeks nightmare and send Tony packing. I really, really hate the idea  of a non entity like Jefra getting far in the game by flying under the radar...it's not a strategy..she's just there.

I was very concerned that Tasha's best showing ever in a challenge would make her a marked woman...and it did seem to briefly bring attention on her froom the team of Goons lead by LJ and Tony (sorry to include youin that Woo...I like you but you let me down with the clue stealing). Glad Spence got the idol because it would have been just too much to have LJ or Tony once again in possession of it.

Now I really hate when SURVIVOR doesn't show you what you want to see. Previously I belived Kass to be Tasha's closest allie so I  wanted to see some sort of discussion between them concerning Kass's betrayal on her belief that Tasha dumped her to be BFF with Sarah.

I couldn't stop laughing derisively when Kass said something to the effect of Morgan believes she's the center of the universe.  After that I think Kass also said Morgan was a big black kettle while Kass was waving pots in the air...

Kass may be making the votes interesting and she's certainly voting out who she wants to go out, but she doesn't seem to have any endgame strategy.  Her voting is all based on emotion and honestly I kinda expected more out of her than that...

Edited by Izzyboy

Yeah the "estrogen" comment and his blow-up after he came back from Tribal have dropped Spencer quite the few rungs on my popularity ladder.

First Woo was just picking up his pants to hand them back and then the clue fluttered to the ground. Fair game, it's not like he knew it was there and decided to go through his pockets and steal it. The only reason Spencer had it was it fell out of his napkin. Napkin, pants, some watery bink hurling you a scimitar, all equally valid I say. The pants in the water are an obvious foul (as Woo slides a few notches for that one...) but the clue was "found" twice in the same manner.

Kass' client base continues to shrink back home. 'Ambush Law' doesn't sound like something I want to put my legal rights in the hands of! I kinda hope she does win because she may also need a new profession.

The only way that I'd have respected any "smarts" in the game from Kass would have been for her to like said above to take ownership of it. And the best way would have been to "re-flip" vote Tony out and exclaim to everyone "HAH! I flipped and now I've done it again, maybe I'l re-re-flip next time, deal with it!" But now it stand as almost more because she's gotten exactly nothing but lack of trust out of her "big move". Oh and voting out of spite/jealousy never gains you much except said person going out before you.

Favorite addition to a vote was the stickfigure Morgan sleeping... I didn't see it long enough to see if the stick figure had big boobs because that would have been perfect.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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I heard Kass say that, riley702, and I cringed.  What a ridiculous thing for Kass to say.  It indicates that what we're seeing on the show isn't just some sort of strategy or due to the pressures of the game, but rather that this is who Kass really is.  Which is a shame, IMO.  A professional such as her should not be so emotional, childish, and resort to tricks/ambushes to get ahead in life.  It made me dislike both Kass the TV character as well as Kass the real-life practicing attorney. 

I'm no Morgan fan, but the vote this week was boring and disappointing to me because it makes another true power shift in the game really hard to imagine, numbers-wise.  Tony and co. is 5 votes strong now... they have all the power even if #chaosKass decides to re-flip or whatever.  Even if used in the most effectual way possible, Spencer's shiny new idol can only take out one of those 5, which still won't give his side the numbers going forward.  And as far as the previews that suggested a coming fracturing of the big group, well, I'll believe that when I see it.  This wouldn't be the first time the previews are almost ALWAYS exaggerated and/or downright misleading.

While I'm on the subject of Spencer's idol, I am puzzled that it was a regular idol rather than a super-mega-powers idol that Jeff mentioned last week.  If I were Spencer, I would have considered showing the idol to Kass and come up with some lie about what the special power is.  It probably wouldn't have worked, but who knows?  Maybe that would have swayed her back to his alliance.

Edited by me5671
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I was really hoping to see LJ eat a steak (I know it sounds weird), but instead was treated to Spencer shoveling the largest fork-load of salad ever into his gullet. Meh.

I chuckled when Kass said she was playing to get to the final three. No way. Has she ever seen this game? When do flippers ever get to the final three? She went from being in the middle on one side to the bottom on another side. She thinks she's cool and strategic, but she is playing a very loose, emotional game, not a winning game.

Edited by 90PercentGravity
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Is there anyone left to root for? It's like everybody is either flawed or non-existent to me. I didn't even know Morgan until she started acting up.

Speaking of Morgan . . . shouldn't Spencer have tried to save her in order to boot Tony? I think he's the most insufferable, and watching him getting blindsided would've been epic. But Spencer had to keep his idol, and Morgan bitchfaced onto the jury. And I think the edit monkeys are jerking us around with the promise of a majority shake-up.

One thing that struck me was how physically strong everyone left in the game is.  I thought that reward challenge would really separate people out and it didn't.  Everyone pretty much hung in there - even the "oldies."  :)  

And poor Morgan.  Not only is she hateful and insipid, when she's 40, she won't have any skills to do anything for herself.  Very sad.  :(

Edited by hannah8976
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I thought Tony's description of Morgan was brilliant: is she a pillow or a person?  Haha.

-- both!

Unless Kass is really stupid, she's probably thinking that all she needs to do is to get in front of the jury and her mad lawyer skills will win the game for her.  As she goes along putting people on the jury who are upset with her she will look more and more like a goat, especially with Spencer loudly arguing that she can't win the game now.   My feeling is that she's a supercilious bitch who browbeats people into doing what she wants.  Me?  I'm praying she gets to the end so we can see the jury roast her alive.

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Morgan certainly has a 98th percentile body, but if you look at her face closely, she's not real pretty, and will not age very well.  And she's been socialized to value and count on her looks to get favor(s) and breaks in life.  I've known a few like her- flashy looks and no redeeming intelligence or compassion/teamwork.  Unless they con someone into supporting them they have a real surprise in for themselves as they age.

To be fair, i've known more stunning women than Morgan who are real, hard workers, and caring of others.

Her best strategy is to cash in pretty soon (next 5-7 years) and secure her future ....with servants to do her bidding.

Kass does not care about winning the game.  she cares about having (mildly diabolical) fun - which for her is 'mixing-it-up!'

Edited by Kazootie

Dear Boobs McGee, I wanted to root for you, but you had to go all embracing the stereotype "beauty" on me. P.s. You're not that hot.

I guess Tasha will have to make final 3 now, otherwise who will the camera people have for their obligatory jiggle shots?

Kass lost whatever shreds of hope I had for her with the whole, "I like to ambush people" thing.

Tasha, who I didn't like early on, has been growing on me. Spencer recovered some points by apologizing for being a baby, but lost them again with the estrogen comment. He just kind of seems like an arrogant jackass.

Woo.....I'm undecided on. Not sure if the ninja stuff is endearingly dorky or annoying. No issues with snatching the clue after it fell out of the pants. If you leave your pants laying about while you are sneaking around looking for an idol, they're fair game in my book. Plus, it's not like he rifled through the pockets. Throwing them in the river was bad form, but I think he was just tossing them in Spencer's general direction before scampering away rather than deliberately tossing them in the river.....though if he did that as strategy to delay Spencer, rather than just to be a dick, I could respect that too.

I guess if the alliance of 6 decides to eat it's own the next week or two that leaves some room for the minority group to find the super idol, go on an immunity run, try to get someone to flip etc to mix things up. Kass seems like the top goat candidate at this point, so it will be interesting to see if they drag her to the end.

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I'm sorry to see Morgan go, and I'm really surprised that I feel that way!  I thought I wouldn't like her, but she grew on me.  And considering that everyone in camp seemed to dislike her, she would have been a great goat.  

I think Kass could have become a power player by flipping back and voting out Tony.  Instead, she cemented herself in the solid last position of whatever alliance she eventually decides to be a part of.  If she had voted Tony, Tash and Spencer would have taken her back in to the fold quickly, knowing that she probably won't get Sarah's or Tony's jury vote, but could be useful in eliminating other players on the way to the final 2 or 3.  Instead, she is at the bottom of the non-Tony, et al. group, and will likely be gone in the next 2 votes.  

I find Woo so annoying.  I can't articulate why, but when he was doing that side-face, eyebrow-arch to the camera during his confessional tonight, I wanted to crawl through my tv and punch him right in the throat.  

Oddly, it is entirely possible that I am rooting for Spencer.  I don't understand it, but there it is.

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Woo was just picking up his pants to hand them back and then the clue fluttered to the ground.

Woo was not "just picking up" Spencer's pants.  Woo suspected Spencer had an HII clue, and had been sneakily following Spencer for a while.  He saw Spencer's pants, and already thought the situation was fishy, and then shook the pants out.  Lo and behold, here's a clue.  All fair game, I guess, but it's not like Woo was just being a good guy and the clue fell in his lap. Woo was suspicious of Spencer, and was looking for a clue.  He found it, so good on him, but he wasn't being a nice guy by picking up Spencer's pants.

Why do all these fools tell the whole tribe about HII clues or the HII itself?  LF and Tony (groan) did it right - you just hold the idol, and keep it quiet, until you think it will serve you well.  Spencer had the right idea - no one else knows.  There is no point, in my mind, of finding an HII in front of the whole group - it's a liability if everyone knows you have it.  A tribe may just target a person with an HII, even if it's splitting the vote, just to get the idol out of the game.  I do not understand why a person would ever share idol possession or knowledge with anyone else.  Only exception would be when the numbers are getting low, and you think the vote might go against you, and you tell folks you have the idol and will play it, and that swings them around.  But only when you're down to 7 or fewer people.  

**Sorry for the back to back posts - haven't totally figured this format out yet.

Edited by Turtle
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Kass seems to be copping a lot of (to my mind, anyway) unnecessary crap from people. I think she genuinely felt she was at the bottom of that alliance (and exit interviews from Sarah have stated very clearly that Sarah and Spencer were absolutely going to cut Kass off early). Kass made a call to further herself, believing, maybe erroneously, but possibly wisely, that her alliance was going to turn on her. My read is that she's swung to the other side to protect herself, and then once a few enemies have gone, may take the bottom of the Tony/Trish alliance and swing back to the remainder of the Brains group. I still wouldn't be surprised if she, Tasha and Spencer are the final 3. If she is, she might have a decent narrative to sell at the jury: although it's also absolutely possible that she will have pissed off every single player by not standing firm the whole time. I don't have a problem with the move: I do have concerns whether she's misreading the jury's capacity to get over it. People like Morgan don't forget in a hurry, and both Morgan and Sarah are setting the (potentially bitter) tone at Ponderosa, which may be an element of the game Kass simply hasn't considered.

Edited by Shock Corridor
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Spenser's estrogen comment was stupid but I can give him room for some stupdity. He was blind sided at Tribal and has been dealing with Kass's intentionally created chaos since day one. He also apologized and in a manner that made it feel sincere. It wasn't a "I'm sorry" it was "I'm sorry with a lame explination that really doesn't justify what I said." Which is about 1,000 times better then most people playing this game do when they say something incredibly stupid or acting like an idiot.

I don't know that Woo's actions were really allowable but I guess they were since no one said he had to give the clue back. Essentially, Woo picked up Spenser's pants, shoke them, and picked up the clue. So could Woo pick up Spenser's bag at camp, shake it, have the idol fall out and take the idol? I am sorry but that entire scene just felt wrong to me. I don't blame Woo for what he did, he was playing the game, but I don't think it should have been allowed. This wasn't Lisa I am doing the laundry for everyone because that is who I am and I found this thing here, this was Woo I know that SPenser has a clue I am going to follow him and shake his pants to see if anything falls out. Spenser should have put the clue in his show with some stuff over it for better safe keeping but he should not have to worry about someone rifling through his clothes.

I don't think Kass is playing for the end game, I think Kass is playing to get back on the show. I think she knows that he game got blown up early on and she has decided that chaos and blindsides will get her back on the game in a new season and a better chance at winning.

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Dear Boobs McGee, I wanted to root for you, but you had to go all embracing the stereotype "beauty" on me. P.s. You're not that hot.

You're obviously just old and jealous.  And clearly neither pretty nor cute. 

I normally try not to use emoticons in my posts, but don't want to take the risk of anyone actually taking that seriously and thinking I'm as shallow and rude as Morgan, so I'm going to end this post with a smiley face to hopefully clearly communicate that it was tongue-in-cheek :)

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Unless Kass is really stupid, she's probably thinking that all she needs to do is to get in front of the jury and her mad lawyer skills will win the game for her.  As she goes along putting people on the jury who are upset with her she will look more and more like a goat, especially with Spencer loudly arguing that she can't win the game now.   My feeling is that she's a supercilious bitch who browbeats people into doing what she wants.  Me?  I'm praying she gets to the end so we can see the jury roast her alive.

Bingo.  I agree she's counting on her ability to communicate to get her the win.  What she's forgetting though is that this won't be an impartial jury; it will be full of people who are pissed off at her and not open to whatever defense she lays out for herself.  They will get over it?  As evidenced by Spencer's so very sincere "apology?"  She's living in as big a fantasy world as Morgan.

Edited by Haleth
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It's okay for you to joke, RescueMom, we all know you're funny and not bitchy!  

Morgan seems to have missed the real point: Now she'll never get a boyfriend!  Just wait until she discovers what gravity does to a body over time.  She'll be playing hackysack with her boobs in 20 years.


You don't screw around with other people's stuff.  There is almost ZERO privacy or personal space in this game, I think THAT should be respected.

Yes and no.  I'm on the fence about that in this particular instance.  Maybe it's just because I really, really enjoyed Woo's ninja stalking.  That was just plain adorable.  The clue wasn't in Spencer's personal space or in his duffel, so I think it was fair game -- maybe it was on the line, but I don't think it crossed the line.  At least Woo shared it with the other players and levelled the playing field rather than keeping it for himself, which redeemed it, in my opinion. YMMV.

Am I the only one who heard that this idol has the power to be played after the votes are read?  I thought that was what it said in the note that was in with the idol.

Responding to a question upthread:  No, I don't find Tony to be at all charming.  If I had to choose 100 adjectives to describe him, "charming" would never show up on that list.  I think he's kind of a toad.  A hard-ass toad.

Edited by FineWashables
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Greetings! Came over from TWoP, (already on TWD forum)

Questions: Am I the only one who thinks Jeff deliberately egged Morgan on to dig her own grave with her mouth? So much focus on using her looks in real-life; the topic didn't have much to do with the game but her answers sure did and she went right for the bait. That then provoked Kass to offer (uninvited) her own "real-life strategy for success" which Jeff knew she couldn't resist throwing in there. I loved how Tribal started with Jeff mentioning what had all blown up and Kass had to cut him off to announce that she was the catalyst.

I know Spencer should have kept the clue with him, not just folded in his pants... but after he found the idol he spends 5 seconds pretending to look more and then runs back to camp. Why didn't anyone wonder why he wasn't still looking with the rest of them?

The ninja stuff is not cute, it's cringe-inducing.

Edited by kikismom


One thing that struck me was how physically strong everyone left in the game is.  I thought that reward challenge would really separate people out and it didn't.  Everyone pretty much hung in there - even the "oldies."  :)

Totally agree.  They were all tearing up that rope-climb part of the challenge.  Really impressive.


The clue wasn't in Spencer's personal space or in his duffel, so I think it was fair game -- maybe it was on the line, but I don't think it crossed the line.

It was with his PERSONAL belongings.  He wasn't leaving the area.  He wasn't going back to camp.  He didn't "Forget" his pants.  He was a few feet away in the water, so there was no reason for Woo to touch his things. Woo just wanted to search Spencer's stuff.  In the pocket or folded up in the pants, it was wrong.

Just like going to the beach and leaving your belongings on your blanket while you go in the water.  I don't care if it's a game, but if somebody comes by and takes something of yours, it's not OK. 

I was REALLY hoping K-ASS would get voted out so she'd have to spend 3 days at Ponderosa, alone with Sarah.  :)


I don't think Kass is playing for the end game, I think Kass is playing to get back on the show. I think she knows that he game got blown up early on and she has decided that chaos and blindsides will get her back on the game in a new season and a better chance at winning.

I'm kinda thinking the same thing.  I think she may know at this point that she's got a pretty small chance of winning even if she does get to the final 3.  But she also knows that if she becomes the biggest character of this season she's got a really good chance of coming back in a future season.

I liked Woo until this episode...   all of his ninja stuff was just too over-the-top for me.

Sarah bragged about being in the middle/being the swing vote and look where it got her.  I'm not sure why Kass would be thrilled to be in the same position.  The "no-one-is-on-the-bottom-we're-all-equal-links-in-a-chain" theory put forth by Jefra (spelling?) was patently ridiculous.  If, on the slim chance, it's actually true, all it tells me is that no one in that "chain" is thinking ahead in the game.

I guess I'm still rooting for Spencer.  Unless the tide turns and he's in the majority again and L.J.'s in the minority -- then I'll root for L.J. 

[shallow/]  You could really see L.J.'s receding hairline in one shot -- no wonder he's always wearing a cap.  [/End Shallow]

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I don't know what the big deal is about Woo throwing Spencer's pants in the water.  He had just been running through torrential rain.  They were already wet.  Big deal.

I don't know how to feel about Tony.  When I thought he might be voted off, I felt bad because he adds alot of entertainment value to my watching the show.  And he plays really hard.  But he's also pretty sleazy.  And I would hate being out there with him.

They did a good job of keeping us suspense about who would find that idol on the "mad treasure hunt".  I was actually relieved it was Spencer despite the estrogen comment.

I could look at LJ all day long though.  Yum.

Hello!  My name is Gummo and I'm a TWOP refugee. Thanks for letting me into your home!

Kass is a stupid, emotional person who thinks she's smart and logical.  Not to mention arrogant and insecure.  I am not a lawyer, but I've worked in law firms for many years and you do not want to have anything to do with her type of lawyer -- she strikes me as petty, vindictive and convinced that she's never wrong.

And boasting that this kind of childish maneuver is how she works professionally?  I hope all her clients take note.

I admit it, I like both Woo and Spencer, though Spencer's "estrogen" line did make me wince.  I did like how immediately afterwards the editors showed Kass saying she plays "from her gut", practically confirming Spencer's sexist remark.  (I know, I know, "estrogen" and "gut" aren't the same, but I think that was the intent.)

And I had no problem with Wood picking up Spencer's pants and finding the clue, but grabbing it and running back to camp with it?  DUMB!  Read it, memorize it and put it back!  Then look for it on your own.  I saw that more as a strange kind of panic move than anything else.  And I was relieved when Spencer found it anyway, especially with Clueless Kass supposedly looking on.

I'm from NYC so I understand how Tony's goofy yet pushy yet funny Jersey persona could either grate OR charm.  He gives the impression of being a pretty damn sleazy cop but as a Survivor player, I enjoy watching him - as someone on that "other board" said, he loves the gameplay but there's no Hantz-style rank sadism in him, so that takes the sting off.  And if he melts down next week, that should make for fun viewing.

I don't think Jefra is just there, I think she's playing an excellent social game, and that her "chain" line at tribal was a part of that.  Pretty transparent, but the best she could at the moment.  Kass has shown she's very touchy and has to handled gingerly and her ego stroked constantly. Jefra was just trying to accomplish that.

Really hoping that Tasha and Spencer somehow make it far -- they've been dealt a bad hand almost since the beginning but have fought every step of the way.  I like'em both.

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