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S06.E15: East

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I know right?  All I could do was shake my head trying to dodge all the anvils.  But I can't get to mad at Rick in that moment.  He was feeling a moment of real contentment.  He was cuddling with bae, probably had a night of great sex, probably had the first full meal he's had in ages, was feeling confident in all of their preparations.  So I get it.  Ditto Abraham.  Same deal... he got the girl he wanted and is feeling optimistic about letting someone close.  His "I'm ready to rip the world a new asshole" sounded very much like Rick's "the world is ours".  Sigh.  Those poor suckers.


And Rosita won't be lonely too long, not with that sweet ass......

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All I can think now every time Dwight sneaks up on someone is the gopher from Caddyshack. It's comical at this point how this guy has become some super stealth ninja and just keeps popping up whenever the plot calls for it. How do my CDB people go from, two episodes ago, a band of people who can pull off a mission of military precision to people just running after one another out in the open and not being aware of anything. The Glenn/Michionne "heads up there's danger behind you" motions were only missing a carton bubble over their heads with the words spelled out.

It also occurred to me last night that our group only got involved in this Hilltop mess to get food because they've gotten so soft within Alexandria that they want easy access to their food. They've been scavenging for months (years?) but now all of a sudden they have to resort to murder to barter a trade so they can have apples. Morgan isn't right about much but he was right when he told Rick that Rick basically brought this problem on himself for large part. Alexandria has electricity, water and walls - they can't figure out how to feed themselves now?

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I don't have time to go back and pull up the episodes on Netflix to look so maybe someone can help me out.  Am I hallucinating or in our first introductions to Aaron and then to Deanna's dickish kid who later got himself impaled, didn't they tell us that they'd cleared or scavenged about 50-55 miles out?  And didn't Aaron mention that he'd been following CBD for quite a while?  I don't have the mental energy to try to figure out what distance that's supposed to imply, but it seems curious that they never saw a soul of any of these people (Hilltoppers, Wolves, Saviors) even that far out until CBD showed up.  Either Aaron or Deanna even makes a point of mentioning that they hadn't seen anything living or dead in weeks.  


No, actually I get it.  Alexandria is kind of like the local community theater playhouse stage where almost nothing moves or interacts until CBD stumbles in and yells action before creating untold havoc and death.

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I really liked that although Glenn was vigorously shaking his head to warn Daryl - Michonne not that much - Her attitude to him was jack ass.


Rick continues to be a bad cop - ignoring the pack of cigarettes lying right by one of the dead saviors- like someone went through his pocket and found what she was looking for.   Maybe a clue Rick that Carol is in better shape than you think.  


I did like that right before Carol went on her last 2 killing sprees - she was trying to give people the option of turn the other cheek by clearly showing her rosary beads.  However while in one hand she may have a crucifix - the other will always be holding a gun.

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Morgan isn't wise, and whatever "wisdom" he has is the result of a past full of fuckups; I think he acknowledges that. His stance has always been not "Do what I say because I'm wiser and better than you" but "Do what I say so that you don't suffer the way I suffered, because I've been there and it sucks." Also, I like that he isn't Rick's meek lackey, and that he has his own philosophy and agenda that he stubbornly maintains. It saves him from being a Magical Black Negro stereotype who exists only to enlighten and serve the white hero.

Thank you for this, especially the bolded part.


I hope Gabriel will now pull himself out of Rick's ass.

Edited by GodsBeloved
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I did like that right before Carol went on her last 2 killing sprees - she was trying to give people the option of turn the other cheek by clearly showing her rosary beads.  However while in one hand she may have a crucifix - the other will always be holding a gun.

'Cause I got one hand in my pocket and the other one is a deadly ma'cine gun!

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Rick shut the hell up. What if Glenn had been the first to get sick, would it have been okay for Carol to kill. Both Sasha and Glenn are alive and didn't get kill by Carol because they were lucky enough not get sick first. So shut the hell up about Carol's action being right. It wasn't.


Good point. And what if Judith got sick? Would it have been right to kill her too?

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They are helping the Hilltop people, because they are worth saving. Negan's group and the Wolves not worth it. 

I don't think they are helping Hilltop because they deem them worthy or for Hilltop's sake but for their own. They needed Hilltop's food, plus Negan and co are a potential threat to them as well.

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He also left out that he knocked out Carol when she tried to kill the Wolf, while said Wolf was openly threatening to kill Rick's children. 

He also left out that she was coming at him with a knife. Whether Rick would have thought Carol was right in coming at Morgan with a knife, Rick can have several seats if he thinks Morgan should have stood there and let Carol stab him.

Rick's previous half measure with Carol saved Rick and everyone else at Terminus, something Morgan astutely pointed out. Had it not been for Rick taking a Morgan-style approach at that time, as opposed to Carol's full measure to terminate Lizzie when she showed herself to be a threat to Judith, Rick, Carl, and everyone else captured at Terminus would be dead. Morgan quietly emphasized Rick's hypocrisy by pointing out that Rick's lack of willingness to take Carol's life resulted in her saving everyone down the line.


I can't be the only one who noticed Rick swaggering and preening this episode about what a badass he was for killing without conscience: confidently asserting he was unaffected by everything he'd done and was not in danger of being affected by it, boasting to Michonne that there was nothing they couldn't handle, retroactively praising Carol for murdering two members of the community (the very acts for which he exiled her). The only problem is, it's all a lie. Even at his worst, Rick has never been as brutal as Carol or has done what she has felt compelled to do, so he has no idea what she's going through. Rick has never sunk as low as Morgan, randomly murdering innocent people out of fear, so he has no idea what Morgan's been through. Rick is full of shit, and his idiocy in strutting around like he's got it all figured out, smugly informing Morgan that he, Rick, has been untouched by his actions (and therefore better than Morgan and Carol for it, he seems to be suggesting), is proof enough of that.


Moreover, Morgan knows that Rick is full of shit, and he gently pointed it out this episode. Rick seems to know it, too, on some level, thus his lack of rancour towards Morgan despite the revelation that Morgan had secretly harboured the Wolf. Morgan had him dead to rights, and he knew it.

I was flabbergasted to hear Rick say this.

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He also left out that she was coming at him with a knife. Whether Rick would have thought Carol was right in coming at Morgan with a knife, Rick can have several seats if he thinks Morgan should have stood there and let Carol stab him.


Agreed. "We fought" was a pretty generous description, all things considered.

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I just wanted to say that Morgan posits valid questions whether you agree with him or not. His viewpoint is needed in this world (as I argued that this world needed a Tyrese and a Hershel). The problem with Morgan is that he is the victim of bad writing. I am not saying if his character was written well that many would like him. (I like the character but don't always agree with him.) I am saying that his valid points don't make sense because the writers are not as deep as they think they are.  



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I do also find it funny that Daryl the hunter is the hunted down by Dwight like 3x now. Especially out in open woods now, Daryl should know better. If either Rosita, Michonne, or Glenn die while around him then it just shows that Daryl is just a bad luck charm. He'll probably be keeping a journal next on all those that he cared about dying or running away Merle, Carol, Beth, and Denise.


I think it's a combination of the group feeling over confident and the characters allowing themselves to feel again since they are not under extreme survival mood anymore. They all misjudged Negan and his group. They all allowed some carelessness to enter their life since they were feeling optimistic. While some charterers found time for love, some characters like Carol and Daryl got emotionally worse since they were not stable to begin with.


I never understood the old criticism about the show saying that Daryl was portrayed as a perfect superman or even as iconic as Michonne. A consistent through the show has been that he is not the best when it comes to hand combat. He can be an asshole and irrational. I think the blind spot for the group right now, is that Rick is not there to balance him.

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At this point it makes me sad that Morgan is the lone voice of non violence at Alexandria. 


However, my mother always said "the meek may inherit the earth but no one will step forth and claim it"

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I see what they were trying to achieve with Morgan, but for me his backstory didn't work. I mostly skipped through his special episode.


He does have a valid point, but it only sounds like that now because Rick is his exact opposite. While Morgan was the extreme when the others seemed rational, he sounded stupid. I still think he needed to see what the wolfs have done in order to move away from his extreme approach not to hurt anyone no matter what they are doing. He sounds more rational now than Rick because with Morgan it at least seems he is wiling to find balance again.

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I'm in the minority on one thing. I have no problem whatsoever with everybody wandering off to have one last zany adventure before the final battle with Negan. I mean, they know the finale is going to be ninety minutes long, and at least twenty minutes of that is going to be Negan making a big speech in front of the gates of ASZ. So, especially if you bear in mind that they can travel between scenes and during commercial breaks, there should be plenty of time to finish up with all the the Carol, Daryl, and Dwight drama, go back, and shoot Negan from behind just when he's finally getting ready to make a big example by killing... please let it be FPP. And please let them be just a little tiny bit late. Enid can watch Judith. Do babies like turtles?

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Regarding the apple and the symbol of it, my take is quite simple: An apple a day keeps the doctor away and especially now since they don't have a darn doctor in ASZ, you gotta eat as many of them as possible.  So besides cleansing the palette, making sure your breath is nice and fresh for your morning something something, the apple is really keeping you healthy.


So Rick and Michonne had the right idea, LOL!!!

Edited by catcory
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I don't have the mental energy to try to figure out what distance that's supposed to imply, but it seems curious that they never saw a soul of any of these people (Hilltoppers, Wolves, Saviors) even that far out until CBD showed up.


Considering we were supposed to believe that Rick - a cop - had no idea there was a large, thriving prison seemingly within walking distance from his home, not much else really bothers me.


I mean, they know the finale is going to be ninety minutes long, and at least twenty minutes of that is going to be Negan making a big speech in front of the gates of ASZ


Well, with commercials we should at least get sixty minutes for once. Maybe. Please no on the speechifying. These guys are worse than the most long-winded politicians.


The writers need to watch some eps of "The Sopranos". Not once did anyone get a speech  before he got blown away. I think the longest one we heard was, "Hi Jack. Bye Jack."

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Regarding the apple and the symbol of it, my take is quite simple: An apple a day keeps the doctor away and especially now since they don't have a darn doctor in ASZ, you gotta eat as many of them as possible.  So besides cleansing the palette, making sure your breath is nice and fresh for your morning something something, the apple is really keeping you healthy.


So Rick and Michonne had the right idea, LOL!!!

So if they hadn't found that apple, Denise would still be alive?

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Did Dwight miss Daryl's head on purpose?

I guess so, he said "you'll be alright", so he was not trying to kill him but just wound him for we don't know what reason yet...

Edited by piequinn35
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No, actually I get it.  Alexandria is kind of like the local community theater playhouse stage where almost nothing moves or interacts until CBD stumbles in and yells action before creating untold havoc and death.


Oh my God; Alexandria is the Truman Show; everyone in their morning places until Rick wakes up to start the days show.  Maybe at the very end we'll pull back to find it's a fake earth set with Kang and Kodo from The Simpsons watching on their space TV until they look at each other and say wanna see what else is on.


As an episode I feel like this is Prison and Governor part 2: Shelter in danger-check, Carol sent/went away-check, part of your crew captured by bad guys-check.  I know we're paralleling the comics in some ways but not others and it's all a set up for the big finale but it's not the first time that CDB has gone from ninja to moron to accomplish the set up.  Or maybe I just hate the Neegan story anyway and want to get it over with.

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I guess so, he said "you'll be alright", so he was not trying to kill him but just wound him for we don't know what reason yet...


They need Daryl as a hostage...and I think Dwight wanted to torture him too

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90 minutes season finale:

45 minutes commercial ads

20 minutes Negan's speech

25 minutes other scenes LOL

Does that leave enough time for the inevitable extended Fear the Walking Dead preview?


They are helping the Hilltop people, because they are worth saving. Negan's group and the Wolves not worth it.


Are they worth saving?


Something is not clicking for me in this whole scenario, which is why I don't really think about it much.  The Hilltop people seemed nice enough, but maybe there was a reason Negan wanted the head of their leader, why he took one of their people.  And Negan's group's limited violence- they aren't slaughtering everyone, yet- makes me think that they aren't really that bad, they have a survival strategy based on strategic violence which kind of...feudal, I guess, but not inherently evil, imho.  


Point is, I haven't seen the good.  I haven't seen the bad.  I'm kind of operating on assumptions to go with the story.  The Hilltop might have a dark underbelly like literally every other group we've seen to date.

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At this point it makes me sad that Morgan is the lone voice of non violence at Alexandria. 


However, my mother always said "the meek may inherit the earth but no one will step forth and claim it"


The Wolf story is what makes it stupid.  Without that part, it would be a much better debate about preemptive striking, etc., and Morgan offering the Herschel style moral compass.  But it's just ridiculous to have him making his case on a raving psychotic he stashed in their midst.  He still thinks he did the right thing.  The overall story would be much, much better without it.

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The Wolf story is what makes it stupid.  Without that part, it would be a much better debate about preemptive striking, etc., and Morgan offering the Herschel style moral compass.  But it's just ridiculous to have him making his case on a raving psychotic he stashed in their midst.  He still thinks he did the right thing.  The overall story would be much, much better without it.

This is where the WRITERS messed up. I don't see how they can bring Morgan back from that but I will keep watching


I can't find the quote but I see a lot of people calling Rick stupid for not going to the prison earlier? I don't see the logic. At what point before Season 3 was he supposed to have a light bulb moment that maybe a prison would be the best place to hide? Based on what intel?  He went from a camp, to the CDC, to the relative safety of the farm. I would not have left the farm looking for a prison. They were on the road all winter sure but him stumbling upon the overrun prison was much more realistic to me than him having a EUREKA moment and going straight there. The light bulb moment made more sense after he realized it was overrun. 

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Right now? One thing I'm really sick of seeing is CDB with gags in their mouths. At this point, they should all carry their own kerchiefs so when they get ambushed, captured, held hostage, bent over killing troughs, etc. at least they'll have the comfort of knowing that the gags are clean.

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So, I was thinking about Carol's departure.

She was fully prepared to go and she made travel packs for food, but that wasn't really enough food to last all that long. I mean to me it looked like it was only for a few days maybe a week or two  at most if she eats very little. So was she just going to not eat? Or was she possibly on a suicide mission to kill all the Saviors or she thought she could take them out and then come back to ASZ?


Well, two things. 1. She's leaving the group, so I don't think she'd feel right about taking a bunch of their stuff. 2. Any food she took she'd be carrying upon her back. So you can't take that much. I think she was probably just giving herself enough to get by until she could find the next place to forage. 

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It also occurred to me last night that our group only got involved in this Hilltop mess to get food because they've gotten so soft within Alexandria that they want easy access to their food. They've been scavenging for months (years?) but now all of a sudden they have to resort to murder to barter a trade so they can have apples. Morgan isn't right about much but he was right when he told Rick that Rick basically brought this problem on himself for large part. Alexandria has electricity, water and walls - they can't figure out how to feed themselves now?


The problem is, scavenging is only going to be a viable option for a certain period of time. Then everything will have been scavenged. We're several years in now, so I can see a lot of stuff being cleared out. The other problem is, ASZ apparently didn't have much going on in the way of sustainability. (Although, what about Aaron's promises of apple trees and homemade applesauce?) It looks like they're going to start growing NOW, but they'll have to wait for the crops to come in. 

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Daryl leaves, and Glenn, Michonne, and Rosita go after him.


Carol leaves, Morgan decides to go after her.  Rick, "No one else leaves."  Except me.



So who exactly is left?  I just started watching this show this season (yeah, I'm slow) and I wonder how these people have stayed alive thru the ZA based on some things they have done in the last few epis. 


I am about as unprepared for the ZA as they come but even I know that if you've screwed over a bunch of people, you'd better fortify your home base and get ready for some ass kicking.  


Then they leave their cars



I was worried that Rick had once again left the keys in the car and the car would be boosted.


I would watch a whole show centred around Carol wandering around and effortlessly killing assholes while wringing her hands and crying the whole time about the waste of it all.


Right?  The only thing better than Carol and her Arm of Destruction was the Talking Dead's naming the group the Truck Dicks.  Seriously.


I refuse to believe that Daryl got killed but such a little shit head as Dwight. If Daryl dies, it would be a much better death than getting shot in the back by some loser with bad teeth.


I understand how the attack happened last week with Denise but two weeks in a row?  Really?


and my man Johnny Cash boosting the soundtrack to excellence.


That was seriously a great song for the scenes.


And guys, you need another doctor not a hair stylist.



Yes, THIS.  Is no one concerned there is no doctor?  And did anyone care - - besides Daryl -- that Denise was killed?  Or are they all so inured to death they just don't react anymore?

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And did anyone care - - besides Daryl -- that Denise was killed?


Seems no one did, although you'd think that just on the basis of her being the only person with medical knowledge someone might have mentioned her demise. Since Daryl and Denise's interactions were the only ones I've enjoyed this season, I care!

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Did Dwight miss Daryl's head on purpose?



I guess so, he said "you'll be alright", so he was not trying to kill him but just wound him for we don't know what reason yet...

Are we really sure he missed? Maybe his comment was meant to be funny/ironical/cruel....? 


Maybe you guys know something I don't know?

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Seems no one did, although you'd think that just on the basis of her being the only person with medical knowledge someone might have mentioned her demise. Since Daryl and Denise's interactions were the only ones I've enjoyed this season, I care!


Carol said something to Tobin about it, about feeling bad for Tara once she finds out.  So not exactly about Denise herself but recognizing that her death would have an impact.


I think the community does make an effort to memorialize the lost.  I noticed the names again on the wall in this most recent episode and they bury those who are killed when they can.  They had to have gone back to get Denise's body to be able to do that.


Speaking of people with medical knowledge, I think Carol's one of the few people left who's got a little bit of that.  Which will come in handy for everybody with her gone.  

Edited by Dodginblue
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All I can think now every time Dwight sneaks up on someone is the gopher from Caddyshack. It's comical at this point how this guy has become some super stealth ninja and just keeps popping up whenever the plot calls for it.

The only way it's even a little bit plausible is if Dwight is one third of a trio of identical triplets sneaking around.  They can have a big reveal in the finale, when they introduce all three of them together.  Dwight can say, "Hi, I'm Dwight.  And this is my brother Dwight, and this is my other brother Dwight."


Edited by SnarkyTart
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Dwight can say, "Hi, I'm Dwight.  And this is my brother Dwight, and this is my other brother Dwight."


Thanks a lot! I just spit cereal bar crumbs all over my keyboard. But you're right - about Dwight. He's triplets!

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This is where the WRITERS messed up. I don't see how they can bring Morgan back from that but I will keep watching


Absolutely.  It's not well done.  They're trying to do this point/counterpoint thing with Morgan and Rick, except Rick responds in various ways to different situations, and Morgan wants to have one extreme standard apply to every situation.  To make it equivalent, Rick would have to want to shoot a young kid dead on sight just for walking down the road.  And they keep beating a dead Wolf with the speeches.  This show has gotten terrible at all this obvious setting up for The Main Point or Big Comeuppance or whatever in finales. 

Yes, THIS.  Is no one concerned there is no doctor?  And did anyone care - - besides Daryl -- that Denise was killed?  Or are they all so inured to death they just don't react anymore?


This show sucks at continuity.  They also never seem to show me the reactions of characters I would be interested in.  But, Tobin did say some nice things about Denise, when he was talking to Carol about how sad it was to go the infirmary now, and how he knew Denise since the beginning, etc.  Carol was so distracted by her inner plans, she stopped listening.  Or maybe not distracted, but she's so PTSD or whatever right now, she's not very good at listening to small talk.

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Or maybe not distracted, but she's so PTSD or whatever right now


I'm no doctor, but to me she seems, and has seemed for awhile, to be mentally ill/severely depressed - the kind of depression that requires hospitalization. I think Rick is disturbed too, just not to the same degree.

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I don't have time to go back and pull up the episodes on Netflix to look so maybe someone can help me out.  Am I hallucinating or in our first introductions to Aaron and then to Deanna's dickish kid who later got himself impaled, didn't they tell us that they'd cleared or scavenged about 50-55 miles out?  And didn't Aaron mention that he'd been following CBD for quite a while?  I don't have the mental energy to try to figure out what distance that's supposed to imply, but it seems curious that they never saw a soul of any of these people (Hilltoppers, Wolves, Saviors) even that far out until CBD showed up.  Either Aaron or Deanna even makes a point of mentioning that they hadn't seen anything living or dead in weeks.

Aiden (Sir Dickish) may have said something along those lines - but I don't think we heard a truth come out of his mouth until the last 2 minutes of his life, so I'd be inclined to take anything he said with a grain of salt.  If Aiden said they went out 50 miles, I'd be more inclined to think they drove out 5 miles, cooped in the van napping or reading comic books or such, then came back saying "we searched high and low, and couldn't find shit... so, what's for supper?"


If somebody had gotten out 50-55 miles:

  1. I'd suspect Aiden was using the imperial "we", and the only foraging group to do so may have been Heath's.  Or maybe he was referring to Aaron's recruiting trips, which were focused more toward the southeast - Wolf country, and the direction from which CDB approached DC/Alexandria.
  2. 50-55 miles toward the west would put an ASZ foraging party within sniffing distance of Hilltop - but I got the impression that aside from Jesus's excursions and deliveries to the Saviors, the Hilltoppers didn't do a lot of traveling outside their own walls.  This would cut down on the opportunities for contact.  Personally, I think Old Greg would frown on any production downtime, or make any intrepid explorers work OT to cover their absences for the privilege of exploring - which would probably reduce the inclination to range far and wide. 
  3. We DO know for certain no ASZ crew ever ran across the Saviors previously, else Alexandria would've been renamed "Saviorville South" long before CDB ever stepped across the threshold.  The pre-CDB bunch of ASZHats couldn't have defended themselves against a parking citation.


No, actually I get it.  Alexandria is kind of like the local community theater playhouse stage where almost nothing moves or interacts until CBD stumbles in and yells action before creating untold havoc and death.


Alexandria is the Basil Exposition of the ZA.


ETA: Correcting compass contradictions.

Edited by Nashville
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Here's a question. We know that when someone dies, they turn...but what if someone lives long enough with it, they start to go insane? Like the virus was kind of expecting a person to die but if it doesn't it starts to do other things to a person.


I mean at this point they have all lived with it for like 3 years now? Maybe they are all going slightly nuts?  I remember Shane was losing his mind but was that just Shane or did the virus make him that way?


Or maybe when someone is severely injured but doesn't die, the virus does other things to them?

Edited by catrox14
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The only way it's even a little bit plausible is if Dwight is one third of a trio of identical triplets sneaking around.  They can have a big reveal in the finale, when they introduce all three of them together.  Dwight can say, "Hi, I'm Dwight.  And this is my brother Dwight, and this is my other brother Dwight."




I'm so glad I wasn't drinking something when I saw this. 

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Here's a question. We know that when someone dies, they turn...but what if someone lives long enough with it, they start to go insane? Like the virus was kind of expecting a person to die but if it doesn't it starts to do other things to a person.


I mean at this point they have all lived with it for like 3 years now? Maybe they are all going slightly nuts?  I remember Shane was losing his mind but was that just Shane or did the virus make him that way?


Or maybe when someone is severely injured but doesn't die, the virus does other things to them?


If you're referring to the "zombie awakening" images which were flickering around between Shane's death and his re-animation:

  1. I've always had the extremely strong impression that before he left, Darabont was setting up the show to explore the possibility of the zombies incorporating some sort of hive-mind intelligence - as greater numbers of them bunched together, the whole herd could collectively become more intelligent.  (Did FD ever confirm this?)
  2. I think the show may have still been running off the last of Frank Darabont's notes to finish out Season 2 - so they may have added in some FD-noted "zombie awakening" elements without really focusing on their significance, other than some cool not-quite-subliminal imagery.
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I do also find it funny that Daryl the hunter is the hunted down by Dwight like 3x now. Especially out in open woods now, Daryl should know better. If either Rosita, Michonne, or Glenn die while around him then it just shows that Daryl is just a bad luck charm. He'll probably be keeping a journal next on all those that he cared about dying or running away Merle, Carol, Beth, and Denise.


Two or three thoughts on that:

  1. The "Denise meeting" (for lack of a better term): prior to that, I doubt Daryl thought Dwight was alive.  When Primo the Savior made his escape attempt on Daryl's bike, I wouldn't be surprised if Daryl jumped to the conclusion the Saviors had killed Dwayne and taken the bike; the same thought flashed through my mind for a second as well.  So I don't fault Daryl at that time not being on the lookout for a dead man - er, well, other than the usual types of dead men wandering around these days....
  2. The Glenn/Michonne meeting: yeah, Daryl screwed up on that'un.  I'm thinking Daryl was more than a little blinded by his Dwight hate - that, and the fact that it's been so long since Daryl went up against any kind of organized opposition he might be getting a little sloppy in his technique.
  3. I do have to make one observation, however: about the only times Daryl leaves himself so vulnerable is when he has other CDB/Alexandria people around distracting him.  The only time Daryl ever got tagged solo (apart from Andrea shooting him) was with the Claimers, and that wasn't Daryl hunting - that was Daryl running flat-out down the road in pursuit of the Grady RapeMobile which had just taken Beth.
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Imo, Dwight wanted to incapacitate Daryl and then bring all 4 as hostages to Negan...


That's probably true. Someone on youtube made a good case to why Dwight had no other choice but to shoot him. I don't remember all of it (it was late...) but he mentioned how Daryl was so angry at that point that he was going to hurt Dwight no matter what the consequences. Daryl is just as suicidal as Carol at this point. In their initial meeting it was Daryl's kindness that got Dwight out alive out of the situation and Daryl already told him on the trucks he regretted that kindness. He knew Daryl was going to either turn around and stab him or somehow manage to break free again and then kill him. Daryl is dangerous because he doesn't care about himself getting shot or killed by Dwight's people, he just wants him dead.


I think I want it to turn out Dwight missed on purpose and didn't want to kill Daryl, because I am enjoying the Daryl-Dwight interaction. I want to know Dwight's backstory and how he got the scar on his face, what happened to his girlfriend, why is he working with Negan again.


I also like the fact Dwight is a talented team leader. We keep talking about the mistakes made by Rick's group, when it's also true that Negan's people are quite capable themselves and obviously better organized. Rick group is good, but so far they were a big fish in a small pond, in the real world there is always someone as good as you if not better.

Edited by LeeMoon
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