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  1. This is a subject that comes up often with students on campus these days, so I'm going to respond to this guy's video and why his approach might not be the best, even if I know this subject rarely ends well... I could make a pretty good case about Jessie haters having racists misogynistic views and so all people who hate Jessie hate her because they hate white women. Is it a true conclusion? to some, yes. To some, no. The same can be said about this guy's extreme view of the evil white fangirls hating on black women because they are white. Is it a true conclusion? to some, yes. To some, no. What about fangirls hating Denise because she talked to Daryl? I could make a case about those fangirls hating overweight people, and that's why they hated Denise. It was a thin people coalition resulting from their thinness privilege. What if a black fangirl doesn't like Michoone and Rick together? is she a racist? is she not a racist because she's not white and so her opinion is to be evaluated differently? where do you stop judging people based on race and start looking at them as individuals? does her different opinion dismisses that of people supporting the couple or is it just a different opinion? Racism exists but this doesn't mean all different views are racists if you don't agree with them. Having a disagreement doesn't mean one view is dismissed just because someone disagrees. This is the logic behind the stupid "safe places" where no disagreement can ever be expressed and every idea is labeled according to skin color/religion/sex. That guy represents this extreme view which is regressive to liberalism.
  2. I wonder if we'll ever have this kind of epic Shakespearean relationship again on the show. Lori and Shane were complex characters, it's still interesting to talk about them today. I think we care so much for the Atlanta five because they went through those slower earlier seasons where characters talked to each other and formed bonds. Newer characters are never given the chance to do that. The minute they open their mouth or form any connection with the original characters - bang! they're dead.
  3. I think she was testing Rick. Lori kept both options open, Rick and Shane, in order to make sure Carl will always have someone to protect him. It might not have been the most noble thing to do, but it worked - Shane killed Otis in order to save Carl. Rick at that point wouldn't have done that. Rick gave him blood (a blood relative) while Shane killed for him. Carl lived because both options were working to save him. She knew Shane could deliver on the protection side because he got her and Carl to safety during the initial breakout. On the other hand, Rick came back and he was her husband and Carl's dad. Shane stuck by her side, while Rick went away the minute he got back. I think she wanted to be with Rick but she realized he wasn't as strong as Shane at that point. People hate her for being manipulative by using her affection as a tool to play Rick and Shane, but people forget that she kept Carl alive by assigning him a protector. If it was Carl and not Sophia that had gone missing, Shane would have gotten into a rage the minute he was gone and there would have been no situation of leaving Carl alone at the lake the same way Rick did with Sophia. Lori wanted to see that Rick was ready to take Shane's place. There was a competition between them over her and she used it, but she did it in order to protect Carl, and Rick had to change his behavior and become more active in his protecting, even if it included killing his competition.
  4. Tiger? Negan pointed at Daryl and called him a tiger. I have no idea about the comics though, so I don't know if it means anything.
  5. I'm not looking forward to the gore. If they had showed it in the finale they could have gotten away with not actually showing the beating, which I would have preferred. Now they will feel like they have to go overboard with the violence. The best theory I heard is that it is Daryl that is killed, and they were afraid people wouldn't tune in to watch the new season if they did that. So in order to force people to give season 7 a chance, they decided to postponed the reveal to sometime next season. I guess this could apply to Glenn as well. Abraham or Eugenie is going to be anticlimactic. But in that case, the focus of the finale would have gone back to Rick and how is he going to handle things, while having their death happen in season 7 is just going to be eh, whatever. The more I think about this without the suspense and hype we had for the finale, the more I look forward less and less to season 7. Negan was supposed to be the big bad, but apparently the real torture is going to be having to listen to his speeches again and again as we follow a carrot in the woods in the hopes for something to happen. That's not really exciting.
  6. Reedus said he knows who died and I think he is the only one that is being honest with the fans. Of course they know who died, that person knows he won't be filming for long next season. Whoever that is, he/she will have to make plans to hit the iron while it's hot and get other acting gigs. The main cast has a detailed contract with AMC, they have to inform that person if his filming schedule is going to include only one or two episodes. Failing to inform the actor probably has a penalty for breaking the contract, and that is going to cost AMC money. Not a big sum, seeing as the actors don't get pay that much, but it's still money.
  7. I wish they hadn't killed T-Dog, he was one of my favorite characters.
  8. I binge watched season 1 to 5, and I kind of wish I had done the same with this season. Not so much the second half, but 6A would work much better as a long movie. I might be one the only people who actually liked the Soprano's fade to black. I thought it illustrated Tony's life very well. Even if he wasn't shot that time, next time he will, because that's his life. He always exists under the danger of violence and death.
  9. Michoone's flashback of her old life is one of my favorite moments in the series. She has always been a strong female but never in a negative way. She is an independent thinker who, probably, would have never met any of the current group if it weren't for the walkers situation. But I never got the feeling that she was looking down on any of them, which, if any of you ever met people from the art world, is pretty rare. I would love a scene that shows what Micoone likes to do with her free time when she's not killing walkers, though. Reading? painting? I just want to know. There is a slight difference, but yeah, it's very small. Men and women change in their 40s unless they have magic genes, a healthy lifestyle and a good plastic surgeon. Clean light-hair Norman looks much better than Daryl, though I find him sexy either way. Great posts.
  10. I don't mind Rick and Michoone together, it's just that the way it came about didn't work for me. I know there was a time jump between Jessie's death and them getting together, but it was one episode right after the other. I still feel like Michoone loves Rick as I felt her attraction to him for awhile, but Rick came off to me as a serial monogamist. Rick zoomed in on Jessie the second he saw her because she fitted his type. Michoone is a better fit for him, but I never got to see his realization of his feelings towards her because the way that episode was constructed, it already seemed like they were together from the very first scene. I get why Rick and Michoone shippers hate Jessie, because her story caused a gap in Rick and Michoon'es story that was never filled. More than that, it showed Rick has a pattern. I can't help but feel bad for Michoone, because I think in reality, her relationship with Rick would have ended like his marriage with Lori. I'm not convinced he got together with her because he loves her romantically and I think over time he would have started to form en emotional wall between them the way he did with Lori. Shippers, don't hate me - this is just my opinion.
  11. I was going to say the same thing. There were way too many men there for the final scene. It didn't make sense. As for Gimple, he has been really making things worse by giving interviews with his reasons for the cliffhanger. People aren't that stupid. He sounds arrogant to the point it seems he mocks the audience. I don't remember Dallas, so I can't compare the cliffhangers, but to me it sounds like he thinks of himself as being on Joss Whedon's level, and he is not. There was always a payoff for things in Buffy, Buffy's big moment in season 5 happened, there was no cheap cliffhanger and it was much more effective. If Gimple wanted to show the big Negan moment from two different POV, Rick's group and Daryl's group, which is what is going to happen I think next year, then episode 16 should have been 15, then a cliffhanger, and then the finale would have reveled who died. He failed as a showrunner because his job is to pace things correctly. If he thinks there is a large group of viewers that is going to catch up on season 6 and tune in for the premiere next year live with the regular viewers because of the suspense, he is wrong. People will check online and find out who died. I think what annoys me the most is that we are stuck. I was looking forward to the discussions about the next stage, what's going to happen now, how is Rick going to handle things. The next six months should have been fascinating. Instead, disappointment took over everything. Who cares who died, we already discussed this from every possible angle.
  12. The only thing I'm going to say right now is that I am disappointed. I'm not going to spend another six months discussing something we already beat to death. I feel cheated. It feels like the fans are the ones that got Luciled. See how great they managed to string us along for so long and building the hype for them, only in the end to give us the finger.
  13. I'm sure it's going to be a good episode, but a big part of our fear comes from, I think, the fans being so hyped and agitated. We are driving ourselves crazy. I've lived through Dexter, Breaking Bad, Games of Thrones and Buffy season 5. You don't scare me, The Walking Dead! Bring it on!
  14. I'd be cool if there was an insane barber running around in the woods, giving people unwanted haircuts. The Mad cutter, they call him. Quietly and fearfully.
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