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S06.E16: Last Day on Earth - Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat

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I'm just finding it a little hard to believe that Negan's men are everywhere -- even in the off-roads section of the greater Northern Virginia area (I suppose they probably tortured that info out of Eugene), but this is just a little ridiculous.  How did they even know that they were going to the Hilltop in the first place ?  Let alone to cover every road possible, apparently with heavy construction equipment in one case.

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NR's hair looked clean.


In the ZA last shower is like the last supper.


Finally JDM  shows up.  Yes we are getting good and close in the last 10 minutes.  FINALLY

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I'm barely 30 minutes in and I'm here to find out who died before I have to watch it. My nerves are so bad right now, I don't even care about being spoiled. I have to prepare myself.

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Nooooo Nooo Nooo not Glenn! Not Glenn! I'm so scared! This is the audio I heard and I was hoping it wasn't real!!!!! Nooooooooooooo I'm scared

Nooooo Nooo Nooo not Glenn! Not Glenn! I'm so scared! This is the audio I heard and I was hoping it wasn't real!!!!! Nooooooooooooo I'm scared

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People wore those leather jackets with parachute pants in the 80's


And the scarf, seems like it would be worn by a guy named Blaine in a John Hughes movie.


Probably  not the reaction they were going for..

Edited by ParadoxLost
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