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S06.E16: Hearing Is Believing

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Giggi has alopecia and is bald except for his head and paws. I believe the clothing it to prevent sunburn and to keep him warm in the air-conditioned environments. The vet had wanted to put Giggi down but she didn't have him euthanized and he seems to be doing well. She is a dog advocate.


I'm not a fan of dressing dogs up but I don't mind bow ties or similar stuff. Two of our golden retrievers do volunteer work. The nursing home (for ventilator dependent patients) loves Finnegan and since it was Saint Patricks day they wanted him dressed up. My husband bought him a green sparkly bow tie and 3 loops of green shamrocks that light up that he wore around his neck (the dog). Finnegan and the patients loved it. He was not humiliated and seemed more interested in the cupcakes. Bunny does volunteer work at the library where they have the READ program and kids read to her. On Halloween he got her an alligator outfit that went over her back from head to tail and velcro under her. It was a big hit with the kids. She loved the attention and acted all proud. If the dogs seems resistant then we wouldn't do it but they seem to love it. We don't dress them the rest of the time....mainly just holidays if they are volunteering. Nothing that obstructs their vision/smell/hearing...nothing confining (soft so they can easily move)...nothing degrading imo.

Edited by Vicky8675309
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Why in the world would putting outfits on Giggy be called abuse???

If it doesn't bother the dog or harm him or helps keep it warm that's a GOOD thing!

Just because you think it looks stupid doesn't mean it is abuse. By that comment then every single one of us has been abused multiple x a year because we've all worn something that's been judged as idiotic or out of season by some bystander.

When we rescued our Maltese (he was 5 weeks old), he was hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) which cause all his hair to fall out save the hair on his head and tail and we dress him in silly but comfy outfits all the time and he went everywhere with us. I even bought a pet chest carrier like those for infants because he required special feedings every couple of hours for the first 4 months we had him. He recovered, he will be 14 years old in May, and I keep him shaved (he mats horribly otherwise) and right now he is in bed with his green turtleneck sweater on snuggled up to my hubby. LOL  I don't mind Lisa/Ken dressing up Giggy, they do it for a reason, his health.

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Exactly. Many small dogs that get chills easily who are used to it like it. My dog actually gets excited for his sweaters and shirts.

I am a groomer so know a lot about dogs and care about how they are treated. Also having been in the canine industry I'll tell you the main abuse isn't the clothing issue; but inadequate or infrequent grooming. Matts. Nails curled under so they cant walk properly and it can fuck up their hips, or nails grown through their foot pads, coats so tangled and clumped that when shaved out there's sores or even maggots squirming underneath. And sometimes dogs with mean or critical owners that when I bathe them I discover they have sore lumps or a limp that could have been from play ...or something else...

I've also had customers that were rescues from bad situations. Mutilated by demented owners or bait dogs. One recently, a Roti Shephard mix named Reese I saw literally transform in just 2 months!

There are many dogs out there with shitty lives that were abused. I wouldn't say Lisa's are - but YMMV.

Edited by Petunia13
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I watched this episode again and I just have to say between the Great Pyrenees, the puppy Kathryn held, and Bambi, the dogs have really been bringing it this season. Giggy is getting showed up. The poor thing could compete if he did literally anything. I can barely tell he's alive half the time.

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Look I hate that Lisa Vanderpump is always drawing that loathsome animal around with her to every event she attends. He is old and sick with disgusting skin and horrible clothes.

But Ken is her husband so what can you do?

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Erica gave Yo a pass on her party. That's her perogative. But I floved it when she said she did so because Yolanda's brain was swollen that day. lol!! How can she tell?


For sure! LOL. I guess it's like someone said earlier, eyes, ears, face, brain - all the same thing, right?  Haha.

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I stand corrected, I only heard what she said on the show.  Still, I say let it go. They don't like each other.  I would rather not have her around if I were LVP.  Astounding that these are adults.  


ETA:  Again I will say that everyone (except Eileen) wants to be liked by LVP.   They  do what she wants to curry favor and then cry manipulation!  Everyone is a big girl.  Take care of your own boundaries (I hate that word but sometimes it is the only one that works).  

I think is the truth of it all: Eileen and LVP just don't like each other. I've never thought they did. They were more than civil to each other last year and polite, but I never got that they cared much for each other. It was interesting when the conversation about their relationship came up on the plane on the way to NY. Someone asked what the problem between the two of them was and the consensus was that they just didn't "get" each other. Clearly this has been a thing outside of LVP asking Eileen about her "affair". I think the others always realized that they really didn't care for each other for a while. 


I don't think LVP is jealous of Eileen, nor does she have reason to be. She is beautiful, successful, rich, and very happy in her own life. She does, however, seem to have issues warming up to people who would be considered her equals. She generally seems to latch onto people she would be less likely to be judged against - whether on purpose or by accident. People who are younger, have less money, buckets of personal issues, etc. People who are impressed by her. Eileen is so different and has been from the beginning.  She was a true "star" when she joined the show, or at least a "star" in their world. She is beyond beautiful, has meaningful and respected family connections, she has a job, and she is older than LVP and looks 15 years younger. The fact that she looks so much younger and fresher than LVP calls attention to LVP's own age. Brian Moylan had to apologize in his column last year for pointing it out (he thought LVP was in her mid 60's) but it was discussed non-stop on the forum both before and after. I think the thing that must gall LVP the most is that she has always been the Vicki G of the BH show. She is the one who works. The one who constantly reminds everyone that she works. That she has more important things to do because she works. The rest of them might have time to just lounge around or have boozy lunches, because they don't work. It has always exhausted me to hear her constantly remind everyone of this fact, just like it always has when Vicki does it. She can't do that with Eileen, because she is every bit as busy - and as successful - as LVP is. And then there is the fact that Eileen isn't impressed by LVP at all. She probably thinks she is a bit ridiculous, and maybe doesn't do a great job of hiding this fact. I actually find it delicious, because I enjoy it when two people just don't really care for each other, even if it doesn't make sense to others. That is completely real life to me. 

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Good post, mototcity, I agree with everything you said.  LisaVP does look older than her years; different make up and a wardrobe change can easily fix that.  Also, stop putting filler in your bottom lip.   

Edited by wings707
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I think is the truth of it all: Eileen and LVP just don't like each other. I've never thought they did. They were more than civil to each other last year and polite, but I never got that they cared much for each other. It was interesting when the conversation about their relationship came up on the plane on the way to NY. Someone asked what the problem between the two of them was and the consensus was that they just didn't "get" each other. Clearly this has been a thing outside of LVP asking Eileen about her "affair". I think the others always realized that they really didn't care for each other for a while. 


I don't think LVP is jealous of Eileen, nor does she have reason to be. She is beautiful, successful, rich, and very happy in her own life. She does, however, seem to have issues warming up to people who would be considered her equals. She generally seems to latch onto people she would be less likely to be judged against - whether on purpose or by accident. People who are younger, have less money, buckets of personal issues, etc. People who are impressed by her. Eileen is so different and has been from the beginning.  She was a true "star" when she joined the show, or at least a "star" in their world. She is beyond beautiful, has meaningful and respected family connections, she has a job, and she is older than LVP and looks 15 years younger. The fact that she looks so much younger and fresher than LVP calls attention to LVP's own age. Brian Moylan had to apologize in his column last year for pointing it out (he thought LVP was in her mid 60's) but it was discussed non-stop on the forum both before and after. I think the thing that must gall LVP the most is that she has always been the Vicki G of the BH show. She is the one who works. The one who constantly reminds everyone that she works. That she has more important things to do because she works. The rest of them might have time to just lounge around or have boozy lunches, because they don't work. It has always exhausted me to hear her constantly remind everyone of this fact, just like it always has when Vicki does it. She can't do that with Eileen, because she is every bit as busy - and as successful - as LVP is. And then there is the fact that Eileen isn't impressed by LVP at all. She probably thinks she is a bit ridiculous, and maybe doesn't do a great job of hiding this fact. I actually find it delicious, because I enjoy it when two people just don't really care for each other, even if it doesn't make sense to others. That is completely real life to me. 

I never really thought about why LVP wouldn't warm to Eileen.  Great post.

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Two of our golden retrievers do volunteer work.


This is very sweet! Of you too, as I assume that, when your pets do volunteer work, that means so do you (sort of like when a little kid gets a science project, it means that the parents too have one). And now I am picturing my cats volunteering...or trying to picture it, because I know those cute little jerks pretty well, and it's not going to happen, haha!

Look I hate that Lisa Vanderpump is always drawing that loathsome animal around with her to every event she attends. He is old and sick with disgusting skin and horrible clothes.


But Ken is her husband so what can you do?


Oh my goodness, I can't--ahahahhhahhahaaaaaaaaaaa! I may have just snorted kind of loudly! I don't even hate Ken and, for a second, I was like, "who the hell calls a little dog 'loathsome'?" But then, OMG, the punchline!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Look I hate that Lisa Vanderpump is always drawing that loathsome animal around with her to every event she attends. He is old and sick with disgusting skin and horrible clothes.

But Ken is her husband so what can you do?



Well played, well played........

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Its amazing how much younger LisaV looks with less makeup. She is a beautiful woman, but she does look older than her age. With that kind of money she should look much much younger. I loath her eyelashes. If they are extensions she needs to find a new tech, they shouldn't start half way down your eye.  I'm poor compared to her and my lash extensions are on point! Plus her hair is very 80 glam, she needs to condition it or something why does she try to fluff it all the time.

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she is older than LVP and looks 15 years younger. The fact that she looks so much younger and fresher than LVP calls attention to LVP's own age. Brian Moylan had to apologize in his column last year for pointing it out (he thought LVP was in her mid 60's)


Waitwaitwaitwaitwaaaaaaaaait. WHAT?? I absolutely thought LVP was in her mid 60s and Eileen in her late 40s/early 50s. How the hell is Eileen older? That is completely shocking.

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I think is the truth of it all: Eileen and LVP just don't like each other. I've never thought they did. They were more than civil to each other last year and polite, but I never got that they cared much for each other. It was interesting when the conversation about their relationship came up on the plane on the way to NY. Someone asked what the problem between the two of them was and the consensus was that they just didn't "get" each other. Clearly this has been a thing outside of LVP asking Eileen about her "affair". I think the others always realized that they really didn't care for each other for a while. 


I don't think LVP is jealous of Eileen, nor does she have reason to be. She is beautiful, successful, rich, and very happy in her own life. She does, however, seem to have issues warming up to people who would be considered her equals. She generally seems to latch onto people she would be less likely to be judged against - whether on purpose or by accident. People who are younger, have less money, buckets of personal issues, etc. People who are impressed by her. Eileen is so different and has been from the beginning.  She was a true "star" when she joined the show, or at least a "star" in their world. She is beyond beautiful, has meaningful and respected family connections, she has a job, and she is older than LVP and looks 15 years younger. The fact that she looks so much younger and fresher than LVP calls attention to LVP's own age. Brian Moylan had to apologize in his column last year for pointing it out (he thought LVP was in her mid 60's) but it was discussed non-stop on the forum both before and after. I think the thing that must gall LVP the most is that she has always been the Vicki G of the BH show. She is the one who works. The one who constantly reminds everyone that she works. That she has more important things to do because she works. The rest of them might have time to just lounge around or have boozy lunches, because they don't work. It has always exhausted me to hear her constantly remind everyone of this fact, just like it always has when Vicki does it. She can't do that with Eileen, because she is every bit as busy - and as successful - as LVP is. And then there is the fact that Eileen isn't impressed by LVP at all. She probably thinks she is a bit ridiculous, and maybe doesn't do a great job of hiding this fact. I actually find it delicious, because I enjoy it when two people just don't really care for each other, even if it doesn't make sense to others. That is completely real life to me.

Yes, not jealous - more threatened.
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Waitwaitwaitwaitwaaaaaaaaait. WHAT?? I absolutely thought LVP was in her mid 60s and Eileen in her late 40s/early 50s. How the hell is Eileen older? That is completely shocking.

Lisa seems to be stuck in a bygone era style-wise, maybe a time when she felt most beautiful and/or powerful.
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Memory is a funny thing to me. Camille did look nice (plus the blown-up lips), but all the calls for her to return are puzzling to me. Post-S1 everyone thought she was a fake, sanitized version of herself who wisely quit the show after her PR apology tour worked.




I didn't like Camille at all during S1, but it took a few seasons to realize that Kyle is the common denominator in a LOT of the conflict on RHOBH, particularly with newcomers. She got off on the wrong foot with not just Camille, but also Brandi, Carlton, and Yolanda. Not that Camille doesn't have issues, but Kyle doesn't get a free pass.

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Yolanda is the one who gleefully smirks when she hurts/confuses/upsets someone.

Yolanda is the one who manipulates every conversation back to herself and makes herself the center of attention at all events (shows up for a few minutes without make up to generate comments and sympathy then leaves)....the ultimate narcissist

Well, one thing we know for sure is that Bravo has no rule about hiring more than one narcissist for the same show.
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Once again, Erika mentioned how she isn't allowed to do something by Tom. I'm sure Erika loves the perks that come from Tom's money, but I have to wonder how happy can she really be being married to a man who keeps her on such a tight leash.

"When you marry for money, you [work hard to] earn every penny."  Effectively, being Tom's wife is her job, and her boss gets to determine the job duties.

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Eileen needs to stop following scripts written by Charlie Brown's teacher.


"Cute". That's what Yolanda called Camille's house. I can't.


I so want Yo to get blasted.

If only Kyle would bust out a "You're such a fucking liar, Yolanda!" at the reunion.

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Which is exactly how I want her. Pink statin dresses, diamonds, Charlie's Angels hair , high heels and carrying a bald dog.

That look creeps me out - I'd rather see her dressed down in jeans and boots (and without the fake lashes) playing with the dogs in the yard.
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Eileen needs to stop following scripts written by Charlie Brown's teacher.


"Cute". That's what Yolanda called Camille's house. I can't.


If only Kyle would bust out a "You're such a fucking liar, Yolanda!" at the reunion.

Oh yes! on everything you wrote above. Camille, for all her many faults, has in my opinion shows exquisite taste in her homes. Truly beautiful homes. Yolanda is a jealous c---(word on Erika's necklace) to dismiss the home as cute.

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I think the upcoming photos with LVP having her hair up (very Victorian) with a flowing kaftan is a very regal look for LVP.  She looks about five years younger.

A family member of mine met LVP recently, and she looks gorgeous. I saw the pictures.

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I've been thinking about the NYC party.  First, we see yoyo and David coming down the staircase to greet their guests.  Then we hear yoyo telling everyone that they should go up those same steps for the best view ever, or so she's heard, all wide-eyed.  You were just up there, lady! I also want to know how David got to that suite. In his book, he discussed his deep fear of elevators and that he actually has a townhouse in NYC so that he doesn't have to go up in one.  

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Oh yes! on everything you wrote above. Camille, for all her many faults, has in my opinion shows exquisite taste in her homes. Truly beautiful homes. Yolanda is a jealous c---(word on Erika's necklace) to dismiss the home as cute.

Yolanda brought she and Camille's realtor to Camille's function.  It was hours before David and Yolanda's Malibu house closed escrow.  The couple who bought it are Robert Smith, second wealthiest African American behind Oprah and his wife Hope Dworacyxk, reality star,  Playboy playmate.  Apparently, she didn't think  much of Yolanda's decorating style as she tweeted about having to "re-do the new beach house".  zzzt, zzzt, Yolanda.  That takes the Camille insult of a cute house and raises it a couple of notches.

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"When you marry for money, you [work hard to] earn every penny."  Effectively, being Tom's wife is her job, and her boss gets to determine the job duties.

I wonder what fucked up union that is. Time to talk to the shop steward.

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I don't necessarily agree that LVP and Eileen have never liked each other. During Eileen's first season LVP often compared her to Brandi in her blogs and in interviews with press. She repeatedly referred to her as soft-spoken and elegant and stressed what a violation it was for Brandi to have thrown the wine in her face. She praised Eileen's house as tasteful and somewhere there was obviously a lot of love. Eileen was equally positive and supportive about LVP.


It's interesting, IMO, because one or both of them are being, you guessed it, manipulative. Either LVP didn't know and/or didn't like Eileen and used her as a prop to make Brandi look bad worse, or Eileen thought LVP liked her until the Hamptons dinner and then perhaps assumed LVP had been using her, or Eileen knew it was all a ruse from the first day and is competing for the title of HBIC. 


It is of course possible that they thought they liked each other and then it turned out they didn't. I personally see a different, bitchier dynamic, though.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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I've been thinking about the NYC party.  First, we see yoyo and David coming down the staircase to greet their guests.  Then we hear yoyo telling everyone that they should go up those same steps for the best view ever, or so she's heard, all wide-eyed.  You were just up there, lady! I also want to know how David got to that suite. In his book, he discussed his deep fear of elevators and that he actually has a townhouse in NYC so that he doesn't have to go up in one.  



That makes no sense.  There are always stairs in buildings with elevators.   He has a townhouse so he doesn't have to go up in one?  What? 

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I've been thinking about the NYC party.  First, we see yoyo and David coming down the staircase to greet their guests.  Then we hear yoyo telling everyone that they should go up those same steps for the best view ever, or so she's heard, all wide-eyed.  You were just up there, lady!


I'm sure she was just feeling flustered, since that was the first time she'd been up stairs in 2 years. 

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She [LVP] praised Eileen's house as tasteful.



Now see?  That cannot be true, Eileen's house is hideous and certainly no where near LisaV's taste, far from it.  

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LVP answers her detrators (and Yolanda and Eileen) about supporting animal rights.  http://www.realitytea.com/2016/03/17/lisa-vanderpump-friendship-kyle-richards-demise-relationship-eileen-davidson-eileens-blog/

I guess that makes me a 'Dick-tractor'  - I should get a job with Farmer Richard, raising horses, cows, pigs and mini horses?


I love that she alludes to having a 'British Sense of Humor'. I wonder if someone told her she's a bitch and laughed about it, would that play as an 'American Sense of Humor'?

Now see?  That cannot be true, Eileen's house is hideous and certainly no where near LisaV's taste, far from it.  

Beauty is in the eye of the (mortgage) holder?

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Yolanda brought she and Camille's realtor to Camille's function.  It was hours before David and Yolanda's Malibu house closed escrow.  The couple who bought it are Robert Smith, second wealthiest African American behind Oprah and his wife Hope Dworacyxk, reality star,  Playboy playmate.  Apparently, she didn't think  much of Yolanda's decorating style as she tweeted about having to "re-do the new beach house".  zzzt, zzzt, Yolanda.  That takes the Camille insult of a cute house and raises it a couple of notches.


Having been in a few house in the area?  The deco styles range from simple and cozy to really fucked-up, sterile. From walk right in to the decontamination shower is on the right. The homes on the west side of PCH are older - some of the newer construction leans towards the "McMansion" style of homes - multistoried and obscene - compared to the other homes along the beach. The east side of PCH has the homes that are on larger lots, twice as obscene - this is house porn/snuff film stuff. Yoyo's house had it's benefits, but mostly drawbacks.

It was next to PCH, terraced and the side street leading off the main drag was prime for parking for people going to the beach. It was, from what I saw, a nice place, not my taste, but nice....

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Yes, with a purchase that important the seller should have had a vet report ready, but since that didn't happen, Lisa passed on buying the horse. She didn't have to put it on a plane, she could have paid a vet to go and look at the horse - to ensure it wasn't being mistreated and the limping wasn't something that was going to increase and lead to the horse being put down?


She does care about the Chinese festival - protest a thousand miles away and unable to help any of the dogs, Yet she passes on helping an animal she does have a chance to help? She invested time into something she probably couldn't change, then throws out a commercial for her restaurant, yet doesn't care about an animal she might be able to assist?

BBM, do we know she didn't pay a vet to check on this horse? My guess she may very well have done so.

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BBM, do we know she didn't pay a vet to check on this horse? My guess she may very well have done so.

Apparently the horse was looked at before she looked at it and she ran the horse on a graveled road/path during her visit - which, on an unshod horse like that - is comparable to someone without shoes walking on a graveled path.


What people don't understand is the importance of shoeing horses/trimming and cleaning their hooves. A horse hoof is made up of two parts, the hard hoof/nail and the soft under area. They need regular visits from a farrier to keep a horse's feet in good shape.

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Having been in a few house in the area?  The deco styles range from simple and cozy to really fucked-up, sterile. From walk right in to the decontamination shower is on the right. The homes on the west side of PCH are older - some of the newer construction leans towards the "McMansion" style of homes - multistoried and obscene - compared to the other homes along the beach. The east side of PCH has the homes that are on larger lots, twice as obscene - this is house porn/snuff film stuff. Yoyo's house had it's benefits, but mostly drawbacks.

It was next to PCH, terraced and the side street leading off the main drag was prime for parking for people going to the beach. It was, from what I saw, a nice place, not my taste, but nice....

I followed the map when Camille's house was on the market.  It is definitely not a beach house.  It has the stables, the separate house they called the office, and the main house .  Camille's "cute house"  http://www.celebitchy.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/camilleshouse.jpg  aerial  http://www.zillow.com/blog/files/2011/01/Malibu-main-house.png  Camille's house was older when they bought it.  It is a nice house.  Sale of house:  http://www.latimes.com/business/realestate/hot-property/la-fi-hotprop-top-real-estate-sales-20151203-story.html


Note the realtor who represented Camille is the guy Yolanda brought to Camille's house.  Why does a married Yolanda need an escort?

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I followed the map when Camille's house was on the market.  It is definitely not a beach house.  It has the stables, the separate house they called the office, and the main house .  Camille's "cute house"  http://www.celebitchy.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/camilleshouse.jpg  aerial  http://www.zillow.com/blog/files/2011/01/Malibu-main-house.png  Camille's house was older when they bought it.  It is a nice house.  Sale of house:  http://www.latimes.com/business/realestate/hot-property/la-fi-hotprop-top-real-estate-sales-20151203-story.html


Note the realtor who represented Camille is the guy Yolanda brought to Camille's house.  Why does a married Yolanda need an escort?


Camille's house/mansion/estate sold for 12.94 million dollars. How much did Yo's house sell for?

I'm sure Yo had some bitchy motive behind bringing that guy....lol

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BBM, do we know she didn't pay a vet to check on this horse? My guess she may very well have done so.


Whether or not she did, we should be ragging on the horse's owner, not LVP.  The owner knew the horse had issues and she tried to hide them.  It was evident that LVP felt bad about the horse, but I don't think she should be expected to buy and transport a lame horse, or to foot the bill to fix the poor thing. 


If the horse had been injured while LVP was there, or because of something she had done, you can bet she'd make it right.  She was probably tired and pissed off and didn't feel like rewarding that horse's owner for her dishonesty.

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It was interesting when the conversation about their relationship came up on the plane on the way to NY. Someone asked what the problem between the two of them was and the consensus was that they just didn't "get" each other.


I agree they don't get each other.  They're very different kinds of people.  The biggest thing is sense of humor, but there are other differences as well.


LVP has a sense of humor that is her own, and I'm not sure what kind of sense of humor Eileen has, but I don't think I've really seen that she does have one.  Regardless, Eileen for sure doesn't get or enjoy LVP's sense of humor.   Eileen doesn't make jokes or giggle like Kyle does with Lisa.  She doesn't do that with anyone.  She doesn't make clever (or not-so-clever) double entendres, she doesn't do silly things like climbing over balcony walls to spy on people, she isn't  funny herself, nor have I seen her particularly enjoying anything. 


Except, except for one thing:  Erika Jayne.  Eileen loves her some Erika Jayne, admires EJ, and wants her inner EJ to come out.  The raptures and fascination Eileen had with EJ was comical in that it's the first time I've seen Eileen excited or animated by anything.  And, LVP isn't into EJ at all, so there is a sign of another disconnect in their ways of seeing the world and ways of thinking.


Eileen also sucks at communication, so it's not at all surprising to me that those two have no common ground.

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I agree they don't get each other.  They're very different kinds of people.  The biggest thing is sense of humor, but there are other differences as well.


LVP has a sense of humor that is her own, and I'm not sure what kind of sense of humor Eileen has, but I don't think I've really seen that she does have one.  Regardless, Eileen for sure doesn't get or enjoy LVP's sense of humor.   Eileen doesn't make jokes or giggle like Kyle does with Lisa.  She doesn't do that with anyone.  She doesn't make clever (or not-so-clever) double entendres, she doesn't do silly things like climbing over balcony walls to spy on people, she isn't  funny herself, nor have I seen her particularly enjoying anything. 


Except, except for one thing:  Erika Jayne.  Eileen loves her some Erika Jayne, admires EJ, and wants her inner EJ to come out.  The raptures and fascination Eileen had with EJ was comical in that it's the first time I've seen Eileen excited or animated by anything.  And, LVP isn't into EJ at all, so there is a sign of another disconnect in their ways of seeing the world and ways of thinking.


Eileen also sucks at communication, so it's not at all surprising to me that those two have no common ground.


I agree with most of this. But, I do think that LisaV was into Ericka Jane. She has been much more welcoming to Ericka than she has been to any prior newcomer. The two seemed to enjoy each other. I think Lisa wanted to become friends with her and was open to it.  I think even after Kathrine told Lisa what Ericka said, Lisa wasn't really that put out about it. She asked Ericka about and still seemed to enjoy her company afterwards. I think the disconnect between them is coming on the trip to Dubai though. 

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David's brief, subtitled, exchange with Tom, tugged at my heart.  Not because I sensed sadness in his words, I did not.  Just sympathy for what he has gone though for the past 4 years.  Now there is a "journey" for you!  I don't think we will see him marry again.

As over the top as Yolanda can be, I'm sure the years have been no picnic for her either. Having a chronic illness shatters life as you know it. While she bores me on the show, my heart hurts for her that David decides she is no longer a worthy partner, and it's been oh so hard on him....PLEASE! He's an asshole.

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I agree with most of this. But, I do think that LisaV was into Ericka Jane. She has been much more welcoming to Ericka than she has been to any prior newcomer. The two seemed to enjoy each other. I think Lisa wanted to become friends with her and was open to it.  I think even after Kathrine told Lisa what Ericka said, Lisa wasn't really that put out about it. She asked Ericka about and still seemed to enjoy her company afterwards. I think the disconnect between them is coming on the trip to Dubai though. 

I think Lisa was leery of Erika after Kathryn spilled Erika's true feeling about Lisa but Lisa is still able to get past that and have a good time when possible. She even tried with Brandi last season until Brandi slapped her for no reason, that was when Lisa decided she would no longer tolerate Brandi in any way shape or form.  For the most part, Lisa will make an attempt to get along with someone even if she doesn't care for them at all....such as Yolanda.


As over the top as Yolanda can be, I'm sure the years have been no picnic for her either. Having a chronic illness shatters life as you know it. While she bores me on the show, my heart hurts for her that David decides she is no longer a worthy partner, and it's been oh so hard on him....PLEASE! He's an asshole.

I think Yolanda is as big an asshole as David is. Both expect the other to do as they needed them to do and when that didn't happened, the marriage was over. I suspect that David got tired of Yolanda not seeking sound medical help/treatment but instead choosing to seek out every quack across the globe and Yolanda got tired of David calling out her charlatan DR feel goods and their groupies.  

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As over the top as Yolanda can be, I'm sure the years have been no picnic for her either. Having a chronic illness shatters life as you know it. While she bores me on the show, my heart hurts for her that David decides she is no longer a worthy partner, and it's been oh so hard on him....PLEASE! He's an asshole.



There is no such thing as 'chronic' Lyme.  Yes she has been sick with something but for how long is debatable.


There are links in her thread worth reading.  Way too much to get into here.   


ETA: David Foster is not the asshole.  

Edited by wings707
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I followed the map when Camille's house was on the market.  It is definitely not a beach house.  It has the stables, the separate house they called the office, and the main house .  Camille's "cute house"  http://www.celebitchy.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/camilleshouse.jpg  aerial  http://www.zillow.com/blog/files/2011/01/Malibu-main-house.png  Camille's house was older when they bought it.  It is a nice house.  Sale of house:  http://www.latimes.com/business/realestate/hot-property/la-fi-hotprop-top-real-estate-sales-20151203-story.html


Note the realtor who represented Camille is the guy Yolanda brought to Camille's house.  Why does a married Yolanda need an escort?


I know that area well, We used to hunt grunion on the beach at the lagoon near PCH. That house probably had a EmmEffing  HUGE insurance premium - If they didn't have a private fire team contract - I bet when the Santa Ana winds blow, they had a little ball in their throat especially with the drought going hard?

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That makes no sense.  There are always stairs in buildings with elevators.   He has a townhouse so he doesn't have to go up in one?  What? 


Okay, this just made sense.  He is saying he bought a townhouse as opposed to a condo on a high floor to avoid an elevator.  Got it.  This is assuming that no condos were available or desirable on a lower floor. 

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Now see?  That cannot be true, Eileen's house is hideous and certainly no where near LisaV's taste, far from it.  


LisaV said Kathryn's house was nice, not Eileens. 

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