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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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Agreed to a certain extent. The problem is that she opens her big fat mouth repeatedly on social media with her asinine and totally uneducated opinions, thereby opening herself wide open to public opinion. She vilifies and condemns those with different beliefs and lifestyles and encourages young impressionable minds to agree with her. She spouts eternal damnation for those "she thinks" deserve it and yet spouts forgiveness for heinous crimes some of the rest of us believe actually DESERVE eternal damnation. True Christians believe there will be only one judge in the end to decide what will happen to our souls.Jesus h.christ who in their right mind would listen to this ill bred illiterate hillbilly spout her platitudes and PAY to do it?

  • Love 16

All the tabloids keep saying that Josh destroyed his family. Josh didn't bring down this family, he was the wedge who left the door open for closer inspection. His activities shone a spotlight on the insane behavior of this cult and let the general public see that this cult has a huge problem with sexual abuse, sex itself, as well as recognizing truth when it hits you upside the head. JB still expect his creator will protect him from all public scrutiny and bring him money so he doesn't have to work.

I will be very happy when JB has to actually find and keep a real job to put food on his table. I'm sad for the littles, they didn't ask to be born to two very bad circus clowns.

  • Love 17

All the tabloids keep saying that Josh destroyed his family. Josh didn't bring down this family, he was the wedge who left the door open for closer inspection. His activities shone a spotlight on the insane behavior of this cult and let the general public see that this cult has a huge problem with sexual abuse, sex itself, as well as recognizing truth when it hits you upside the head. JB still expect his creator will protect him from all public scrutiny and bring him money so he doesn't have to work.

I will be very happy when JB has to actually find and keep a real job to put food on his table. I'm sad for the littles, they didn't ask to be born to two very bad circus clowns.


You really hit the nail on the head here.


It's really unfortunate that media (and readers/viewer/the public, I think) seem addicted to the simple story line that "so and so brought this down" while assiduously ignoring the messed-up system that so-and-so's behavior offered a view of. At least a couple of times before some hot news item has seemed to open the door to public scrutiny of the Gothard cult, for example, but as soon as the immediate scandal died down, nobody seemed to care at all any more about the nasty system/institution from which it sprang.


Guess it's the same thing that happens when there's a shooting or an international incident or market crash or whatever. Even though the event is enmeshed in a large -- and often highly visible -- system or institution of causes and corruptions that's now crying out to be examined and maybe overhauled or even abolished, once immediate interest in the shiny individual shocking story wears off, all scrutiny of the problematic system ceases. And thus it will be this time again, I expect. ...


Of course, on the bright side, we have Josh. Maybe he'll just keep jerking open the door and giving us so many peeps inside that real external -- and, dare I hope, internal -- scrutiny of the Duggar/Gothard fuckedupness will come.

  • Love 8

Are there two covers? The one I got in the mail has the three heroes as the main story/cover pic and the Duggars as a sidebar.

I was in the grocery store check-out behind someone doing price checks and I'll admit to picking up my first People mag to skim in the past decade. Anyway, the grocery store had the J/A cover, not the one of the 3 heroes. I would have preferred that one. 

Carlin Bates posted the pics of Israel, didn't she? I don't see any reason she shouldn't do that. Also, I have to say, sitting up at four months is pretty damn impressive.


I've worked in numerous infant rooms of daycares.  There are quite a few babies at that age that can maintain a sitting position if you put them into it.  It isn't quite the same as sitting up.  Some of these babies still can't roll over- but they can maintain the sitting position. (Early sitting in some cases can be a bit detrimental to rolling; because the parents use it instead of tummy time, since babies often hate tummy time, to prevent flat head- but tummy time is needed to develop the skills for rolling and crawling.)


Not to knock Israel's core strength- but I doubt HE is sitting himself up.


He's a pretty adorable baby. And I don't see anything wrong with Carlin posting photos of him.



Izzy already sitting. What a strong little dude.

What kind of fanatic comment on this instagram account is "Israel is everything." That right there would deter me from letting people post pictures of my baby. Even if the commenter knows the family that comment is just kind of scary to me.

  • Love 7

What kind of fanatic comment on this instagram account is "Israel is everything." That right there would deter me from letting people post pictures of my baby. Even if the commenter knows the family that comment is just kind of scary to me.

I think that's just slang today.  I've seen teens say that a certain brand of ice cream "is everything" or "these jeans are everything".


It just means something that is good or positive.

Edited by Skittl1321
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Don't most folks post family pictures on their instagram accounts?  There are things......and then there are things.


^ Derick's brother Dan originally shared those pics on his instagram. He wrote that he was glad that he still gets to see his nephew while he's overseas (those who've been in the Dillard's thread know what I'm talking about ;-) )

  • Love 2


^ Derick's brother Dan originally shared those pics on his instagram. He wrote that he was glad that he still gets to see his nephew while he's overseas (those who've been in the Dillard's thread know what I'm talking about ;-) )

He's got an impressive jawline https://instagram.com/p/b4po6XnS2y/

Jezebel reviews sex abuse special. Is not thrilled with Duggars.




Interesting statistics about the prevalence of child victims of molestation compared to child victims of car accidents. I wonder if those are too uncommon for it to be worth being fussy about seatbelts?

  • Love 4

Jezebel reviews sex abuse special. Is not thrilled with Duggars.


I visit Gawker daily and I've tried to like Jezebel, but the writers there specialise in being outraged no matter what. It would've been too much Josh or too little Josh, too much Duggars or too little Duggars, too little focus on the assailants or too little focus on the victims. They wouldn't ever fat shame him though. Edited by Kokapetl
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I visit Gawker daily and I've tried to like Jezebel, but the writers there specialise in being outraged no matter what. It would've been too much Josh or too little Josh, too much Duggars or too little Duggars, too little focus on the assailants or too little focus on the victims. They wouldn't ever fat shame him though.

Care to expand on that? Why would they fat shame him? What has that got to do with his problems?

I don't read Jezebel..was it in reference to the magazine?

  • Love 1

Care to expand on that? Why would they fat shame him? What has that got to do with his problems?

I don't read Jezebel..was it in reference to the magazine?


It's a fairly common trope with people who don't agree with the perspective Jezebel brings to the table that their default setting is unjustified complaining. They're also held to have no sense of humor about body image issues.

Edited by Julia
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Zsucifer Anderson is a thoroughly nasty piece of work. Smug bitch likes to say she knew all along the Duggars were freaks yet guess who blew blog smoke up Duggar ass?

Zsuzsanna Anderson, wife of the infamous Pissing Preacher Steve Anderson, chimes in with her thoughts on this latest Duggar scandal.

Zsucifer Anderson is a thoroughly nasty piece of work. Smug bitch likes to say she knew all along the Duggars were freaks yet Guess who blew blog smoke up Duggar ass? Edited by Kokapetl

I can't believe I'm about to defend ZsuZsu Anderson of all people, but... she's not saying that she knew the Duggars were freaks all along, she's saying that she felt/knew the Duggars were a lost cause (i.e. reprobates) once she found out about the molestation. Her most recent post is taking to task all the conservative Christians who flocked to Josh's defense after the first scandal; she uses a graphic with the sentence, "One does not simply molest their siblings and go on to live a moral life." So that's what she's talking about. She's not being hypocritical and lying about having always hated the Duggars.


Disclaimer: I don't necessarily agree with what she's saying about reprobates. She'd probably think a 6-year-old who molested their sibling is a reprobate. 

Edited by galax-arena
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I can't believe I'm about to defend ZsuZsu Anderson of all people, but... she's not saying that she knew the Duggars were freaks all along, she's saying that she felt/knew the Duggars were a lost cause (i.e. reprobates) once she found out about the molestation. Her most recent post is taking to task all the conservative Christians who flocked to Josh's defense after the first scandal; she uses a graphic with the sentence, "One does not simply molest their siblings and go on to live a moral life." So that's what she's talking about. She's not being hypocritical and lying about having always hated the Duggars.

Disclaimer: I don't necessarily agree with what she's saying about reprobates. She'd probably think a 6-year-old who molested their sibling is a reprobate.

Well she wrote this when the molestations were exposed:

We have for years held and publicly stated that the Duggars are liberal and worldly, even as they are known for being "fundamentalists". Maybe their beliefs are, but what they are publicly willing to take a stand for is weak and anemic. Example: Never answering whether or not they spank their children, which they obviously did, while telling the world over and over again about their positive approach of praising good behavior. Deceptive at best.

When her previous mention of them appears to be:

For those of you who haven't heard yet, the Duggars just announced that they are expecting their 19th child. While I don't entirely agree with them on everything, I strongly support their adherence to the Biblical idea that having children is a gift and blessing from God. From what I have seen and read, I think Mrs. Duggar is a great example of a wonderful and godly mother.

If you do not have a television, but would like to watch all the episodes of "18 kids and counting" , you can do so on Amazon via Video on Demand.

Mr. and Mrs. Duggar also wrote a book, which I found very helpful and encouraging.

The lady hates practically everything and everyone.

Disclaimer: I don't necessarily agree with what she's saying about reprobates. She'd probably think a 6-year-old who molested their sibling is a reprobate.

Reprobate is her favourite word.

And guess who's one man ministry is listed by the SPLC above FRC in the anti gay hate category? Mr Anderson's. He also gets a mention for Antisemitism

Edited by Kokapetl

Jessa and Ben have now shared a sermon on preventing adultery. Because, I suppose, their lengthy marriage and deep Biblical studies have given them so much wisdom that that they are just called to share it with the world. /sarcasm

The comments that I read on that article are not, to say the least, kind.

""In three minutes, John Piper explains how God cures our heart’s broken desires for sin," Duggar, 22, posted from Piper's website. "When the Bible calls us to live like Christ, it doesn’t merely give us a set of commands. It presents us with something compelling and captivating that changes our minds, and then our hearts. The gospel convinces us of something irresistibly true, and then transforms our desires for something new. That conviction and passion keeps us out of bed with someone who’s not our spouse and rejects a thousand other temptations."

Duggar also shared a direct link to Piper's message, which comes from 1 Peter 1:13-16. "Ninety-nine percent of what you do is out of the abundance of the heart," the pastor says to his congregation. "The mouth speaks, the arms move, and you live... As obedient children, that's what we want to be, children of God, we should not be formed... conformed... conformed by passions that are rooted in ignorance."

So much Duggar gibberish, what is she trying to say?

  • Love 1
And guess who's one man ministry is listed by the SPLC above FRC in the anti gay hate category? Mr Anderson's. He also gets a mention for Antisemitism

Yes, Steve Anderson's anti-gay preaching is well known. He became infamous last year for his sermon on how we could have an AIDS-free Christmas by killing all gay people. 


Honestly, I find people like Anderson easier to take than the subtler "love the sinner, hate the sin" homophobes. It's easier to brush people like Anderson off as extremist loons. I feel sorry for his kids though. 

Yes, Steve Anderson's anti-gay preaching is well known. He became infamous last year for his sermon on how we could have an AIDS-free Christmas by killing all gay people.

Honestly, I find people like Anderson easier to take than the subtler "love the sinner, hate the sin" homophobes. It's easier to brush people like Anderson off as extremist loons. I feel sorry for his kids though.

As a gay person, I'd choose the sort of moderate Duggars over upfront hardline Andersons any day. The Andersons are not easier to take for me, they literally want me dead. Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 2

Yes, but Anderson isn't going to go anywhere with that. That's a lost cause. It's like the Westboro Baptist Church. They're an extremist fringe that no one takes seriously. I remember you and I disagreed in the past about criticizing Michelle Duggar's transphobic robocall because you said that you thought the LGBT advocates had already won and that no one was paying attention to her. IMO your statement would have been more correctly applied to the likes of Steve Anderson. If there were any question about reinstating the death penalty for gay people, it'd be a different story. It's also why I didn't take the proposed Sodomite Suppression Act in California seriously either, aka the Shoot the Gays Initiative that proposed killing us all with a bullet to the head. Michelle Duggar OTOH did win with her transphobic robocall. So nope, not easier to take for me because attitudes like hers are actually taken seriously by the rest of the population. 


And I hate anti-gay people who insist that they're being loving by telling me how hellbound I am for being gay. A lot of what those people do is similar to gaslighting, IMO. At least Anderson is open about how much he hates me. There's none of this 2+2=5 bullshit. That makes him easier to brush off because I'm not questioning my own mental perceptions of the sort of toxic love (aka hate) that the Duggars are bestowing upon me. 


I actually occasionally hate-watch Anderson's sermons. They're entertaining in a "oh no he didn't" sort of way.


ETA: Obviously it's not all fun and games because Anderson still has a vulnerable/captive audience. Like I said, I feel sorry for his kids. But from a purely personal perspective, I can brush off Anderson's hate much more easily than someone like the Duggars'. Well, I can brush off the Duggars easily too, but for unreleated reasons. I mean I can brush Anderson off much more easily than someone like Rick Warren or Al Mohler or SG, the initials of a guy I was friends with in college who wrote several editorials on what a sin homosexuality was, but oh he didn't hate gay people and in fact he wanted to apologize to gay people for how the church had treated them, but that didn't change the fact that homosexuality is a terrible sin and so he was compelled to speak up all in the name of loving gay people of course.

Edited by galax-arena
  • Love 15

Jessa and Ben have now shared a sermon on preventing adultery. Because, I suppose, their lengthy marriage and deep Biblical studies have given them so much wisdom that that they are just called to share it with the world.  /sarcasm


The comments that I read on that article are not, to say the least, kind.

Maybe this makes me a bitch. I will own that.


I can't tell you how much I hope one or both of them are caught cheating. It's going to happen; Jessa Blessa isn't going to look the same anymore after she gives birth to a nine-pound baby. And Bin's already shown he has no tolerance for anyone who isn't physically perfect.


And I hope they have the full helping of humiliation they've heaped on their sister-in-law, who continues to be RE-VICTIMIZED (remember that, Jessa Blessa? How about you, Jilly Muffin?) every time they make that extra effort to let everyone know how Godly they are (and what sinners everyone else is).

  • Love 14

Yes, but Anderson isn't going to go anywhere with that. That's a lost cause. It's like the Westboro Baptist Church. They're an extremist fringe that no one takes seriously. I remember you and I disagreed in the past about criticizing Michelle Duggar's transphobic robocall because you said that you thought the LGBT advocates had already won and that no one was paying attention to her. IMO your statement would have been more correctly applied to the likes of Steve Anderson. If there were any question about reinstating the death penalty for gay people, it'd be a different story. It's also why I didn't take the proposed Sodomite Suppression Act in California seriously either, aka the Shoot the Gays Initiative that proposed killing us all with a bullet to the head. Michelle Duggar OTOH did win with her transphobic robocall. So nope, not easier to take for me because attitudes like hers are actually taken seriously by the rest of the population.

And I hate anti-gay people who insist that they're being loving by telling me how hellbound I am for being gay. A lot of what those people do is similar to gaslighting, IMO. At least Anderson is open about how much he hates me. There's none of this 2+2=5 bullshit. That makes him easier to brush off because I'm not questioning my own mental perceptions of the sort of toxic love (aka hate) that the Duggars are bestowing upon me.

I actually occasionally hate-watch Anderson's sermons. They're entertaining in a "oh no he didn't" sort of way.

I'm with you totally on this one. I want my assholes,racists and homophobes loud and proud.You wanna spout your bullshit, OWN IT.At least I can see you and avoid you as need be. But the ones like the Duggars with their coy disingenuous ways piss me right off. Whatever side the bread is buttered on for those idiots. They are far more dangerous in my eyes. That includes their idiotic hate spewing daughter and her snotty nosed teenaged groom. One million instagram followers? Scary. Edited by MarysWetBar
  • Love 16

Yes, but Anderson isn't going to go anywhere with that. That's a lost cause. It's like the Westboro Baptist Church. They're an extremist fringe that no one takes seriously. I remember you and I disagreed in the past about criticizing Michelle Duggar's transphobic robocall because you said that you thought the LGBT advocates had already won and that no one was paying attention to her. IMO your statement would have been more correctly applied to the likes of Steve Anderson. If there were any question about reinstating the death penalty for gay people, it'd be a different story. It's also why I didn't take the proposed Sodomite Suppression Act in California seriously either, aka the Shoot the Gays Initiative that proposed killing us all with a bullet to the head. Michelle Duggar OTOH did win with her transphobic robocall. So nope, not easier to take for me because attitudes like hers are actually taken seriously by the rest of the population.

And I hate anti-gay people who insist that they're being loving by telling me how hellbound I am for being gay. A lot of what those people do is similar to gaslighting, IMO. At least Anderson is open about how much he hates me. There's none of this 2+2=5 bullshit. That makes him easier to brush off because I'm not questioning my own mental perceptions of the sort of toxic love (aka hate) that the Duggars are bestowing upon me.

I actually occasionally hate-watch Anderson's sermons. They're entertaining in a "oh no he didn't" sort of way.

ETA: Obviously it's not all fun and games because Anderson still has a vulnerable/captive audience. Like I said, I feel sorry for his kids. But from a purely personal perspective, I can brush off Anderson's hate much more easily than someone like the Duggars'. Well, I can brush off the Duggars easily too, but for unreleated reasons. I mean I can brush Anderson off much more easily than someone like Rick Warren or Al Mohler or SG, the initials of a guy I was friends with in college who wrote several editorials on what a sin homosexuality was, but oh he didn't hate gay people and in fact he wanted to apologize to gay people for how the church had treated them, but that didn't change the fact that homosexuality is a terrible sin and so he was compelled to speak up all in the name of loving gay people of course.

Arkansas's 3rd congressional district, aka Northwest Arkansas is incredibly conservative. Michelle's robocall didn't make a difference, she's a symptom, not a cause. The Duggars ineptness at politics made them essentially benign, Zsucifer certainly and perhaps her husband are intelligent people, and malignant.

The Duggars showed some capacity to be considerate, that there was some humanity in them.

Edited by Kokapetl


And I hate anti-gay people who insist that they're being loving by telling me how hellbound I am for being gay. A lot of what those people do is similar to gaslighting, IMO. At least Anderson is open about how much he hates me. There's none of this 2+2=5 bullshit. That makes him easier to brush off because I'm not questioning my own mental perceptions of the sort of toxic love (aka hate) that the Duggars are bestowing upon me. 

If anything, all that rhetoric makes me even gayer.

  • Love 8

As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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