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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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For the life of me, I do not understand why the older kids being paraded in front of the camera talking about their feelings about the "stuff" Josh did. They whine and complain about the mean evil liberal media and the heathens turning against them because of the "stuff" aka scandals, but they go on national television stating how terrible it is trying to adjust to their brother cheating and looking at porn, but no mention of him improperly touching five young girls. Maybe the two new meds the doctor put me on makes me loopy in trying to understand the reasoning behind all of this.

Wow, Jinger had zero fucks to give in that thrift shop scene. I love how she didn't try to hide it.

That white armchair is going to get dirty and dingy very fast. IMO, white or ivory furniture is for those "good" rooms that are just for show which your mother never let you set foot in as a child. The oils from your hands and skin alone will muddy the fabric in no time.

I laugh at the white chair comment because it's true, i painted my bathroom "Tiffany blue" and I I have white towels that hang in my bathroom as decor, I get so mad if anyone uses them (to be clear it's not a bathroom guests use, so I'm not yelling at everyone who comes over or anything) they were never intended for use, I'm not sure I even took the tags off...lol.

Ok, so I really thought I would have formed an opinion on "counting on" by now, but I am still not sure if I will watch or not. I probably will just because this is kinda a off time of television for me, most of the shows I watched have had their finales, and the new ones don't come until January, so I probably will watch by default, but idk.

I have formed an opinion that I cannot wait for it to come on tomorrow simply because I am SO tired of the commercial "teaser" of Jill and her "fire".

The Ashley did a story about John David and Joseph commenting, I'll edit with the link when I'm done, I'm afraid if I do it now I'll lose my post. http://theashleysrealityroundup.com/2015/12/11/john-david-joseph-duggar-insist-they-dont-want-to-be-like-their-brother-josh/

Tbh, I really wish they would call a spade a spade, 19 kids is back, they changed the name, and Jim bob, Michelle and josh are not featured, but the last 2 seasons were more about Jessa and Jill anyway. I don't necessarily want the show back on, but I kinda wish instead of whitewashing this as a "new" show TLC would just own it and say they are bringing the show back.

Part of me feels like if the girls want to talk, then let them talk... But then on the other hand why now? They blamed the media seemingly for what happened with the molestation drama, going as far as to say they were "revictimized" but yet they are now parading everyone, including Anna out, for the purpose of their own show.

I don't know necessarily what should have happened, I don't know that everyone should have lost the show because of Josh's actions, but I also think the show had gone on long enough regardless so I wasn't too upset that it had been cancelled. But I guess my whole point is if it was all the "evil media" when they didn't want to talk, when the scandal involved the family more as a whole... I think it's kinda low that, now that the scandal has kinda moved more specifically to Josh and his family that it's totally ok to talk and get everyone's opinions on camera and in a sense "shame" him. (To be clear, what Josh did was bad, I don't care whether or not he is being shamed, I just think it's dumb that molestation was a forgivable offense, but an affair is what did him in). I wonder really to what degree Anna had a choice in her participation.

Edited by leighroda
  • Love 6

For the life of me, I do not understand why the older kids being paraded in front of the camera talking about their feelings about the "stuff" Josh did. They whine and complain about the mean evil liberal media and the heathens turning against them because of the "stuff" aka scandals, but they go on national television stating how terrible it is trying to adjust to their brother cheating and looking at porn, but no mention of him improperly touching five young girls. Maybe the two new meds the doctor put me on makes me loopy in trying to understand the reasoning behind all of this.

The molestations may have been a shock to you and me, but not to the family, they knew firsthand back in 2002 when they were molested. When InTouch published the documents that certainly would've upset and shocked the victims, but not the original transgressions. The cheating with pornstars was a surprise to everyone but Josh, plus the cheating revelation may have upended the mental balancing act that some may have been using to cope, if Josh wasn't the reformed and repentant person they thought he was, they're probably going to feel like they've been abused by him yet again. Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 7


Jinger's breakdown clip. Again, the AM scandal was the most important thing. No comment on the molestation, other than the evil media. The footage of her with Jessa (at a consignment store?) is coma inducing. Once they run out of scandal material no one is going to watch.

"ERMAGERD!!! Josh FUCKED a heathen!! How could he??!!!111?"

So if the molestations didn't clue these people in as to what kind of asshole he was, then I guess fucking a Non-Gothardite did. Josh likes titties that aren't his wife's...like a lot of men who cheat on their spouses. They all knew he was a scumbag molester who fancies himself as this stud when he actually looks like a busted Pillsbury Dough Boy. Why is this shocking to them??

  • Love 7

The molestations may have been a shock to you and me, but not to the family, they knew firsthand back in 2002 when they were molested. When InTouch published the documents that certainly would've upset and shocked the victims, but not the original transgressions. The cheating with pornstars was a surprise to everyone but Josh, plus the cheating revelation may have upended the mental balancing act that some may have been using to cope, if Josh wasn't the reformed and repentant person they thought he was, they're probably going to feel like they've been abused by him yet again.

That's true, it's easy to forget that this all happened quite a long time ago which for sure may be some of the reason they seemed so blasé about the molestation but outraged over cheating. The kids were taught from day 1 to supress the story so it's not so shocking in that sense how they minimize it.

  • Love 3



"ERMAGERD!!! Josh FUCKED a heathen!! How could he??!!!111?"

So if the molestations didn't clue these people in as to what kind of asshole he was, then I guess fucking a Non-Gothardite did. Josh likes titties that aren't his wife's...like a lot of men who cheat on their spouses. They all knew he was a scumbag molester who fancies himself as this stud when he actually looks like a busted Pillsbury Dough Boy. Why is this shocking to them??


Just goes to show that the name of their show should really be:  "Idiots in Denial." 

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 3

also why does it seem like Jinger does not care at all what chair Jessa picks??

Jinger looks like she is wearing the same outfit during the talking head, the only difference is that her hair is in a ponytail for one. I imagine if she already filmed the talking head or was anticipating it, a chair for a nursery is no effing big deal in comparison.


And Jessa is in a consignment store for her blessing, yet insisted on new stuff for her home. Hmmm, worried about money? Or following in mom's footsteps?

  • Love 3

For the life of me, I do not understand why the older kids being paraded in front of the camera talking about their feelings about the "stuff" Josh did. They whine and complain about the mean evil liberal media and the heathens turning against them because of the "stuff" aka scandals, but they go on national television stating how terrible it is trying to adjust to their brother cheating and looking at porn, but no mention of him improperly touching five young girls. Maybe the two new meds the doctor put me on makes me loopy in trying to understand the reasoning behind all of this.

Reasons = $$$$ and the TLC contract. TLC and Jimbob know there are still tons of fans who defend the Duggars, so if they can squeeze another dime out of this, while positioning the family as shocked and victimized, distancing themselves from Josh, but showing enough grace to forgive him, then the parade begins. This will test the waters to see if there's enough interest in continuing on with Jill and Jessa - if viewers will watch, and if advertisers will come back on board. It also shows the innocence of the rest of the Duggars (excluding Josh) to keep them relevant on the church speaking circuit and courtship market.

Jinger looks like she is wearing the same outfit during the talking head, the only difference is that her hair is in a ponytail for one. I imagine if she already filmed the talking head or was anticipating it, a chair for a nursery is no effing big deal in comparison.


And Jessa is in a consignment store for her blessing, yet insisted on new stuff for her home. Hmmm, worried about money? Or following in mom's footsteps?

Can't believe I'm defending her, but you can't really register at Goodwill, and registering at national chain stores makes it easy to shop online and ship. Plus, registries aren't mandatory, nor are gifts from fans. If anyone wants to buy them something, even strangers (which I find totally weird), it's their personal choice.

Reasons = $$$$ and the TLC contract. TLC and Jimbob know there are still tons of fans who defend the Duggars, so if they can squeeze another dime out of this, while positioning the family as shocked and victimized, distancing themselves from Josh, but showing enough grace to forgive him, then the parade begins. This will test the waters to see if there's enough interest in continuing on with Jill and Jessa - if viewers will watch, and if advertisers will come back on board. It also shows the innocence of the rest of the Duggars (excluding Josh) to keep them relevant on the church speaking circuit and courtship market.

Can't believe I'm defending her, but you can't really register at Goodwill, and registering at national chain stores makes it easy to shop online and ship. Plus, registries aren't mandatory, nor are gifts from fans. If anyone wants to buy them something, even strangers (which I find totally weird), it's their personal choice.

I was more referring to the fact that Jessa insisted on not buying used and saving the difference for herself when they were furnishing her house, yet she is for the baby. Treating herself better than her child, much like Michelle has always done.

  • Love 5

I personally know many people - not really fundies, either, just mainstream Baptists, Methodists, charismatics, etc., who still think the Duggars are amazingly wonderful and were framed. Michelle is the most amazing mother ever, all the courting kids are wonderful godly examples of purity, Josie is a miracle and anti-abortion advocate, etc. They could speak for years, especially the (adult) kids, excluding Josh. 

  • Love 2

OK just watched that preview. JD doesn't come off as super bright, but glad he's distancing himself from Josh's behavior. Joe, however, I'm glad he's getting to go to college. He actually seems more articulate and intelligent than I anticipated. I don't recall seeing very much about him, but I think he also seems very sincere in being shocked at the Ashley Madison affair, and how upsetting it was to the family. Joe may be The Prize (so far) out of all of these boys.

  • Love 2

I can't begin to tell you how happy it makes me to hear that.

If the unprecedented rush to air these new shows in Australia is an indication of anything, it may be that they're now more of a draw than before. They'll be a welcome break from Say Yes to the Dress, apparently ancient Man vs Food episodes, and Tattoo Nightmares. The "new" Sister Wives airing on TLC this week is the anthropology students episode.

OK just watched that preview. JD doesn't come off as super bright, but glad he's distancing himself from Josh's behavior. Joe, however, I'm glad he's getting to go to college. He actually seems more articulate and intelligent than I anticipated. I don't recall seeing very much about him, but I think he also seems very sincere in being shocked at the Ashley Madison affair, and how upsetting it was to the family. Joe may be The Prize (so far) out of all of these boys.

I think Joseph is the most attractive Duggar man, he's got the pouty lips like Jessa, real actual muscles, and his hairline is relatively intact compared to Josh, John-David and Josiah.
  • Love 1

I thought JD came off pretty well, and fairly intelligent. As if he's made peace with the fact that the entire world knows his father is an idiot and his brother is a pervert, so it's up to him not look like a total moron to his younger siblings. 


As long as Josh was there as the gold standard example, JD didn't have to do anything other than not make waves.  Now he's screwed.


I've always kind of liked his disdain for display & his discomfort with being considered a Duggar show pony.  He's allowed the cameras to catch some decent snark, sarcasm and eyerolls from him over the years.  I think he's one of the more self-aware ones. 

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 7

I've always kind of liked JD.  He isn't the best looking, but that's not important and not his fault.  He doesn't deliberately look like a slob.  He is one of the less Jesus ones, less preachy, more into jobs (paid or not) that take him somewhat out of the Dugger sphere of control.  He does at least some firefighting activities and constable work.  His interest in aviation paid off for him.  Daddy paid or at least did not object too much when JD paid, and now he flys the family around, but no more than 3 at a time.  No stink bus for him.  I'm just somehow sure he lays his head someplace else other than the Duggar dorm, and thus has time for TV.  He seems to be less all Gothard,all the time.  I hope I'm right.

  • Love 12

also why does it seem like Jinger does not care at all what chair Jessa picks??

I was actually shocked by this clip. I don't think Jinger is doing well at all. And she pretty much said at the end that she couldn't even muster up a fake smile for a picture. I wish she could get professional counseling and find something to do with her life that would give her purpose and fulfillment.


I doth my cap to anyone who can watch Kate Gosselin and the Duggars back to back without wanting to jump off a cliff.

Not me. I dislike the Duggars but still enjoy watching them, to a point. Not only does Kate annoy me, but I never could get interested in their family and they bore me to tears.


the cheating revelation may have upended the mental balancing act that some may have been using to cope, if Josh wasn't the reformed and repentant person they thought he was, they're probably going to feel like they've been abused by him yet again.

THIS. You eloquently stated what I was thinking. I really think it must have rocked them to the core when they realized what most of us already suspected: Josh's "repentance" meant nothing beyond the obvious that if he didn't want to end up behind bars, for his own sake he'd have to stop molesting little girls. Saving his own skin in no way meant he truly changed.

  • Love 7

"ERMAGERD!!! Josh FUCKED a heathen!! How could he??!!!111?"

So if the molestations didn't clue these people in as to what kind of asshole he was, then I guess fucking a Non-Gothardite did. Josh likes titties that aren't his wife's...like a lot of men who cheat on their spouses. They all knew he was a scumbag molester who fancies himself as this stud when he actually looks like a busted Pillsbury Dough Boy. Why is this shocking to them??

But he was CURED! Or so they told themselves. No reason to expect any further bad behavior. Denial is more than a river in Egypt.

  • Love 3

Yahoo had a piece on John David,(http://news.yahoo.com/josh-duggars-younger-brother-speaks-210400305.html ) but the saddest, and scariest, part of the article for me, was this paragraph:

“Anna is planning on getting back together with Josh, that’s just how it goes,” the source said. “The family was taught to have a new level of forgiveness towards Josh.”

So, I guess he gets a bye again. And somehow, Anna, or the other females, are the ones to carry the burden

  • Love 3

Oh, gosh, let's hope that if it is true, Josh has atoned SOMEHOW, and that things aren't as one-sided and misogynist as they sound. Ugh.

On a related note, I wonder if Ma and Horndog have modified their dry-humping behaviors and hey-hey-hey and (let us pray) retired the Mama's Menses chart in the wake of the trouble caused by Josh's hyper sexuality. Especially with Anna there. My brainhurts when I think of all the mixed -on so many levels - messages about sex in the cult.

  • Love 5

Okay, so who's going to run the betting pool on how fast Josh cheats again?

I've got three months for the actual cheating and six for when the story hits the media. Because whar consequences have there been? He's spending six months away from any of those icky responsibilities like parenting, working, or household chores and just focusing on Josh. That's spa time for this creep.

Edited by Oldernowiser
  • Love 10

The Duggars define 'slow learners'.


I think it's actually worse than that, too. Seems to me it's "The Duggars define 'slow learners because their massive arrogance prevents them from ever imagining they could be wrong.'" If they were just clueless, it wouldn't bother me so much.

Okay, so who's going to run the betting pool on how fast Josh cheats again?

I've got three months for the actual cheating and six for when the story hits the media. Because whar consequences have there been? He's spending six months away from any of those icky responsibilities like parenting, working, or household chores and just focusing on Josh. That's spa time for this creep.


Of course, it may take him a bit longer, since he probably won't have much cash to buy a partner. He'll have to find someone who's far enough out of her mind to do it willingly. ... Or at least semi-willingly.

  • Love 2

... Seems to me it's "The Duggars define 'slow learners' because their massive arrogance prevents them from ever imagining they could be wrong."


Anyone remember Auntie Tig from the old TWOP site?  Her brother was Quiverfull, and then after birthing a bunch of kids his wife died at home during a botched delivery of twins.  The remaining kids lived at home with their father for about a year, then he died or left.  Suddenly the extended family had to divide up the remaining kids.  Some kids went to live with older siblings that were already married, a couple of the late teenaged boys just sort of started 'couch surfing', and the youngest ones ended up with aunts and uncles that weren't in the Quiverfull movement.


Tig got three boys between the ages of 8 and 11 (I think).  She posted now and again on the Duggar thread about what the kids were like.  Before coming to live with her, the boys had substandard health care.  They didn't want to eat fresh fruits or vegetables because those were unfamiliar.  They weren't used to a set schedule of eating and sleeping, and they were surprised at daily showers and fresh clothes.  They objected to cleaning up after themselves because that was for women.  When she had them tested for school, the boys were barely literate, and I think she had to have tutors for them at first.  They also had problems talking to people, because they mostly spent time with just their family or other people in the cult.  They didn't know how to introduce themselves, or carry on a conversation that didn't revolve around their family or religion.  But through it all, for the first couple of years those boys were arrogant and smug, and entirely convinced that they were the bestest people ever, because that's what they'd been taught all their lives.


I was sad that Tig didn't sign up here, because it seemed like after three years, the boys were finally settling in and letting go of the worst of their previous teachings.


The point I was trying to make is that this 'movement' breeds gender roles, intolerance, entitlement, and arrogance.  To be a good Gothard follower, you have to believe that you're the bestest, most special snowflake in God's eye EVER.  And ignore anything that tells you differently, because anything different is obviously of the devil.  Hell of a life.

  • Love 20

I think it's actually worse than that, too. Seems to me it's "The Duggars define 'slow learners because their massive arrogance prevents them from ever imagining they could be wrong.'" If they were just clueless, it wouldn't bother me so much.


Of course, it may take him a bit longer, since he probably won't have much cash to buy a partner. He'll have to find someone who's far enough out of her mind to do it willingly. ... Or at least semi-willingly.

We should probably be monitoring his local craigslist personal ads.

Or he might be dumb enough to use his local paper.

I think both can be relatively cheap venues.

I give him 4 months to cheat. And 4 months and 2 days to get caught.

  • Love 1

Zahdii, that does ring a bell. I came in late to the TWOP Dugar threads, so didn't know the whole story, but I seem to recall someone who acquired three challenging nephews. It is chilling to read your summary of the roadblocks these legalistic parents set up for their children. The smugness and arrogance must make Jesus especially proud. How do these dolts fall for the charlatans that SO twist the Word of God (as they claim to believe the Bible is)?

Edited by Tabbygirl521
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Jinger looks like she is wearing the same outfit during the talking head, the only difference is that her hair is in a ponytail for one. I imagine if she already filmed the talking head or was anticipating it, a chair for a nursery is no effing big deal in comparison.


And Jessa is in a consignment store for her blessing, yet insisted on new stuff for her home. Hmmm, worried about money? Or following in mom's footsteps?

Spurgeon is dressed in darling clothes that can be found in all the nice consignment stores in NWA. Contrary to what some believe, you can find darling items for babies and kids in thrift stores.

  • Love 2

Spurgeon is dressed in darling clothes that can be found in all the nice consignment stores in NWA. Contrary to what some believe, you can find darling items for babies and kids in thrift stores.

To me this makes sense, too, since kids outgrow stuff so fast. And I can understand Jessa wanting nice new things that will last, for adult use. Just because her dad claims to buy used doesn't mean she has to. In fact, I applaud every time she goes her own way, like not letting her first married kiss be on camera.

Spurgeon (eeyick) looks fine to me - just had a goofy expression in this pic. I have toddler grandsons, and some of my favorite pictures are of them with funny expressions. You wish they could read their minds when this happens.

Oops, I am off topic again, thinking this was the Benessa thread. Or do baby pics online count as In The Media? LOL. I need more coffee.

Edited by Tabbygirl521
  • Love 3

It's Sunday and I'm feeling heathenistic, so I am watching Digging In With the Duggars on Youtube which is, from what I understand, the last Duggarfest that aired before Joshgate 1. Boy, this is dark. For one thing, they spend an incredibly awkward and tense amount of time discussing how "hey hey" is a greeting and "hey hey hey" is Jim Bob code for fucking. I'M NOT KIDDING. They discuss this as a family. With all the kids sitting around. And oh my god, it goes on FOREVER. Jessa, Anna, Josh, Jim Bob and Michelle are all hardeeharhar-ing it up like 'look at us being close-knit!" but it is insanely inappropriate it comes off as downright disturbing. And that's without bearing in mind what was about to come to light.


Also, Michelle is at her medicated peak. She is absolutely dazed, her speech is slow and slurred. Just WOW.

Edited by Aja
  • Love 12

I feel like I'm gearing up for the snark tonight (SO EXCITED! I DON'T HAVE CABLE SO THOSE WHO WATCH, PLEASE COME STRAIGHT HERE!) Digging In with the Duggars is mind-blowing. Josh just said (of Jessa and Bin's wedding)…AND I QUOTE….

"I think it was a really unique ceremony. From the reception…and the fact that…there wasn't really a first kiss…and so…I mean I think it was amazing, I think it was special, and then you guys had a little hey-hey-hey there at the end." Raucous laughter ensues. 

I have no words.

  • Love 8

Better start drinking now.

It comes on at 8 with a second showing at 11:04.

I'm figuring that must be Eastern time.

Ok, thanks, so that's five Pacific time. I have Direct TV so we get the first run airing. I'll be flipping back and forth between my Patriots and this trainwreck. I'm going to get my wine and snacks right now....

Ok, thanks, so that's five Pacific time. I have Direct TV so we get the first run airing. I'll be flipping back and forth between my Patriots and this trainwreck. I'm going to get my wine and snacks right now....

And we are especially blessed tonight with a 90 minute show!


(Think of Fat Albert, Think of Fat Albert...)

  • Love 3

I will not watch but will come here for the details.


I know Joanofarc mentioned watching on torrent something?  Anyone want to instruct on how to do that?


Also, will someone make a list of the sponsors so those of us who want to boycott will know who they are?


Thanks !

That site and all the rest are not legal sites and don't pay for the right to air the shows that they do so its probably not good to ask for info on a legit site like Previously. (maybe someone will PM you :)

Here's a sponsor list that's kept up at FJ:


Edited by Almost 3000
  • Love 3

It's Sunday and I'm feeling heathenistic, so I am watching Digging In With the Duggars on Youtube which is, from what I understand, the last Duggarfest that aired before Joshgate 1. Boy, this is dark. For one thing, they spend an incredibly awkward and tense amount of time discussing how "hey hey" is a greeting and "hey hey hey" is Jim Bob code for fucking. I'M NOT KIDDING. They discuss this as a family. With all the kids sitting around. And oh my god, it goes on FOREVER. Jessa, Anna, Josh, Jim Bob and Michelle are all hardeeharhar-ing it up like 'look at us being close-knit!" but it is insanely inappropriate it comes off as downright disturbing. And that's without bearing in mind what was about to come to light.


Also, Michelle is at her medicated peak. She is absolutely dazed, her speech is slow and slurred. Just WOW.

OH MY GOOD GOD I KNOW !!! They're all sitting around talking about sex in the most thinly-veiled, unambiguous way possible, and all of the Littles are there ! 


Now, there's absolutely nothing wrong with kids seeing their parents be affectionate and demonstrating love, kindness, and closeness, but this went from zero to bow-chicka-wow-wow in about 15 seconds flat. It's so freaking squicky I feel the need to take ten showers. Like Silkwood showers.


No one - NO ONE - ever, ever, wants to hear their parents talk about sex. Ever. EVER !!! Especially the creepily grinning, nod-nod, nudge-nudge, wink-wink, know-what-I mean business. Yuck to the Power of Ten. 


For all the fun die conservatism they're really just like a sex cult with bad food. 


As for Xanax Stare, if I knew how to make a GIF I'd be on it in a heartbeat - there's a part of the Digging In episode that I just re-watched on YouTube (Thanks, Aja !) where she CLEARLY does what I call the "medicated eye dip". Her head goes down slightly, she starts to blink, and then has trouble bringing her lids back up to attention. If I could make the GIF the background music would be "Go Ask Alice", I swear. 

Edited by SomePity1066
  • Love 10


As for Xanax Stare, if I knew how to make a GIF I'd be on it in a heartbeat - there's a part of the Digging In episode that I just re-watched on YouTube (Thanks, Aja !) where she CLEARLY does what I call the "medicated eye dip". Her head goes down slightly, she starts to blink, and then has trouble bringing her lids back up to attention. If I could make the GIF the background music would be "Go Ask Alice", I swear.

Please someone make that. Here's one from The Kelly Interview. Michelle is truly out of it.



  • Love 9

That site and all the rest are not legal sites and don't pay for the right to air the shows that they do so its probably not good to ask for info on a legit site like Previously. (maybe someone will PM you :)

Here's a sponsor list that's kept up at FJ:


Thanks for answering, I had no idea about it being not legit.

The Digging In With the Duggars crapfest is worth watching just for that. Michelle is SO out of it. You guys have mentioned that before, and I'd always chuckle at the funny "exaggeration." Wow. Y'all were NOT exaggerating at all! There were several instances where it was difficult to even understand what she was saying because she was slurring so badly. It's pretty clear that the 'lovely family' scene in which Jim Bob and Michelle read a book to their grandchildren was completely staged. Both grandparents looked completely stiff and awkward. Michelle was holding the book like she was just reading it to herself, breathing out the words in her baby voice and apparently not noticing that the kids were paying absolutely no attention to her at all. Then the TH about how it reminded her of when she and Jim Bob had 'little ones.' Um, what? You, ah, realize you still do have little ones, right? 

Edited by Aja
  • Love 6

This is a good article in Cosmopolitan magazine reviewing last night's "show."  The writer states:


"I'm all for television programming that exposes us to a variety of viewpoints, but not when those harmful, hateful viewpoints are presented to us as just good, old-fashioned fun, family values. Nope." 



Edited by Maizie131
  • Love 16

Another review - "TLC's New Duggar Special Will Not Redeem the Duggars or Entertain You", and that's just the title!





“It’s really cool being a dad,” Derick says, “because it’s just like a regular person but in small form.”

  • Love 7

Another review - "TLC's New Duggar Special Will Not Redeem the Duggars or Entertain You", and that's just the title!


I am loving the comments. "The one guy has a straight-up hair hat," followed by speculation on why that is. I am cracking up.

  • Love 5

As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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