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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

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“Well out of 19 kids, as far as we know, 18 turned out pretty darn well,” said Huckabee. “That’s a pretty good percentage.”




"Turned out pretty darn well?"  You mean, they've all moved out and have jobs now? Geez, pal - even the sons-in-law don't have jobs here. Huckabee is clueless, and living in the 19th century too. What he needs is a nice pole to vault him right into the 21st century because he's clearly missed the 20th. 

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You just know he'd be super critical of any non-super religious family that had adults living at home, unemployed and doing nothing all day. But as long as they share his faith, they're a great family.

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Though I think the actual show title would have to be something like "Duggars Courting."

Because the icky and tricky thing about any "19 Kids . . ." title, is that the oldest "kid" is --- Josh. Could they figure out an opening bit that didn't run through the list of kids, so as to avoid the child-molesting adulterer porn-hound elephant in the middle of the room? I mean, I thought the whole significance of the 19 Kids is that Michelle delivered every one.

OTOH, keeping "19 Kids" in the title would be fabulous, incredibly rich joke fodder.

It would be hilarious if by some miracle/ lapse of judgement they did get the "19 kids and blahblahblah" but they recast Josh, lile they used to do in sitcoms sometimes, they leave the character but it's a different actor. Or if the pulled a "Judy Winslow" (from family matters) where she simply just disappeared never to be seen again.

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“Well out of 19 kids, as far as we know, 18 turned out pretty darn well,” said Huckabee. “That’s a pretty good percentage.”


The jury's still out on how most of those kids "turned out."

Although ... 1 out of Huckabee's 3 kids tortured and killed a dog. So maybe he just means that the Duggars' batting average is good *in comparison.*

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Or if the pulled a "Judy Winslow" (from family matters) where she simply just disappeared never to be seen again.

Judy Winslow became a porn star named Krave. (Really) I expect nothing less from Josh.

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I'm sorry, I just choked on my Starbucks. Did Huckabee really say 18 of the Duggar children turned out well?!

They barely have GED's, Jill's fake midwifery certificate is a joke, none of their adult children have ever held a real job, one son was 12 and didn't know times tables, another was 8 and could barely read, two daughters are married to losers, another is a 26 year-old virgin meekly waiting for Prince Charming, a fourth daughter is starving herself into oblivion and their premature child behaves likes she was raised by wolves in the Ukraine. But yes, they're killing it in the game of life.

Well, at least none of them have killed a dog !




Seriously, BitterApple, your description of the Duggarlings is SPOT-ON !!! The cumulative lack of accomplishments, drive, ambition, intellectual curiosity, and on and on is just staggering ! The little ones are just...weird, out of control, and bordering on feral. The older ones are essentially blank slates that only Gothard, JB or Michelle are allowed to write on. Getting older/married/whatever seems to make no difference at all - they still live, firmly and fully, under the umbrella of authority that they will, apparently, NEVER escape. 


I just don't get it !!! Aren't you supposed to want more for your kids ? Teach them to do more and be more ? I though that was the whole POINT - you raise them as a reflection of yourself and hopefully to be a better version. Hell, JB and Michelle both have HS diplomas - so why the push backward for their kids ? 


None of my grandparents or great-grandparents finished high school. My parents finished high school, and my dad started but never finished college. I finished college, grad school, and am going back for a second Master's. My stepchildren and my siblings' children are all on a path to top anything any of us have achieved, and I expect their children to cure cancer or be the people to colonize Mars !


I think that's killing it in the game of life. Mike Huckabee is as delusional as the Duggars themselves. 

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Judy Winslow became a porn star named Krave. (Really) I expect nothing less from Josh.

Bahahaha I didn't know that... It's a better fitting comparison than I even knew. I wonder what Josh's porn star name would be... Butterballs?

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Didn't his son kill a dog. Some parenting


Well, he has a bit of a history of not taking sex-related crimes against women seriously. Google "Wayne Dumond" (or don't, because it's really bad).

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I don't know what's dumber about Huckabee's statement, the percentage bit or the "turned out pretty well". I know a lot of small one or two child families where all of the kids ended up educated, stable and financially independent, so are they beating the Duggars or do percentages not count when you don't have more than a dozen kids. As for the turned out pretty well part... yeah...no.... at the most optimistic we can say that we don't know yet about 13-15 of the kids (and frankly, given the weird "no social media pre-engagement' rule, I feel like we only "know" anything about Jessa, Jill and Joshly (and most of it's annoying, judgemental and sketchy). 


I guess what really bugs me about comments like this (for families I know in real life too) is that when Christian, heterosexual, married, white, middle-ish class families decide to have so many children that they need donations and "help" to feed and clothe their umpteen blessings they are Godly People. If anyone outside of that group choses to do the same thing they are... um...not. I have a former close friend who I call my own private Duggar, although she is über Catholic not ATI, who has spent the past two Christmases on Facebook thanking the good samaritans in their lives for making sure their 5 kids had something under the tree and bragging about how they are like the ... um... some order of monk... who would wander the roads relying on the charity of others (I almost pointed out that said monks didn't have five children, but figured it wouldn't end well). I few months ago I ran into her... guess who has blessing number 6 well underway (at that point her husband had been unemployed for several months). Sigh.

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I guess what really bugs me about comments like this (for families I know in real life too) is that when Christian, heterosexual, married, white, middle-ish class families decide to have so many children that they need donations and "help" to feed and clothe their umpteen blessings they are Godly People. If anyone outside of that group choses to do the same thing they are... um...not. I have a former close friend who I call my own private Duggar, although she is über Catholic not ATI, who has spent the past two Christmases on Facebook thanking the good samaritans in their lives for making sure their 5 kids had something under the tree and bragging about how they are like the ... um... some order of monk... who would wander the roads relying on the charity of others (I almost pointed out that said monks didn't have five children, but figured it wouldn't end well). I few months ago I ran into her... guess who has blessing number 6 well underway (at that point her husband had been unemployed for several months). Sigh.

THIS is awesome, saturnrose ! So well and succinctly said !


Families like the Duggars and that of your former friend are corrupting the viewpoint of Stella Dubois in Streetcar Named Desire - they aren't "relying on the kindness of strangers", they're DEPENDING on it...


It's like setting your own house on fire because you "know" that people will bring water to it. Because: The Lord. 

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If TLC had never come along, the live of the oldest children would have been very different. The daughters over 18 would have aggressively sought out husbands the moment they became adults in order to escape the canned veg, casserole and 15+ kids in a 2 bedroom ranch house existence they would be living, and at least one adult son would be estranged á la Daniel Keller.

Edited by Kokapetl
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I don't know what's dumber about Huckabee's statement, the percentage bit or the "turned out pretty well". I know a lot of small one or two child families where all of the kids ended up educated, stable and financially independent, so are they beating the Duggars or do percentages not count when you don't have more than a dozen kids. As for the turned out pretty well part... yeah...no.... at the most optimistic we can say that we don't know yet about 13-15 of the kids (and frankly, given the weird "no social media pre-engagement' rule, I feel like we only "know" anything about Jessa, Jill and Joshly (and most of it's annoying, judgemental and sketchy).

I guess what really bugs me about comments like this (for families I know in real life too) is that when Christian, heterosexual, married, white, middle-ish class families decide to have so many children that they need donations and "help" to feed and clothe their umpteen blessings they are Godly People. If anyone outside of that group choses to do the same thing they are... um...not. I have a former close friend who I call my own private Duggar, although she is über Catholic not ATI, who has spent the past two Christmases on Facebook thanking the good samaritans in their lives for making sure their 5 kids had something under the tree and bragging about how they are like the ... um... some order of monk... who would wander the roads relying on the charity of others (I almost pointed out that said monks didn't have five children, but figured it wouldn't end well). I few months ago I ran into her... guess who has blessing number 6 well underway (at that point her husband had been unemployed for several months). Sigh.

I also mentioned this. Duggar white Christian family can claim donations for not keeping it in their pants but that welfare mom of two gets put down even if she has a job. White Christian privileg

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They just announced the new show; Jill & Jessa Counting On.


That's a truly terrible title. Ug. What lame focus group thought that up?!

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They just opened up so much snark potential with that title. LOL!


Question for the mods: Since the show title has changed, will Jill and Jessa: Counting On get its own board or will we discuss it here on the 19 KAC board?

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And i see three episodes were announced. Was it always three?

I was already eating blood pressure meds like tic tacs watching sister Wives and then bang. .Jessas smug little kisser on my tv. Oh my...my heart.

Edited by MarysWetBar
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Using the molestation as marketing. They would probably be off the air by now without Josh. They were dragging things out too long in each episode, reviewing Michelle's births and wedding as fillers. They should thank Josh for the adversity that brought them the attention.

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That's a truly terrible title. Ug. What lame focus group thought that up?!


Wow, no kidding. The two SAHMs with unemployed husbands and no job skills of their own are, um, counting on their TV specials, which they earned by... having parents who have sex a lot? Well, yes, I'm sure they are. 

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Jill and Jessa: Counting Our Blessings


^ What the title should have been. Srsly, TLC. Get your shit together. 


Plus, the double meaning of "blessings" would've been so much fun for us to snark on, because the show is essentially going to be about them pimping out their own kids now. Ah, the circle of life continues. 

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That's a truly terrible title. Ug. What lame focus group thought that up?!


It sounds lame because TLC didn't go with FULL title the group came up with: Jill & Jessa Counting On ...  TLC to Keep Them in Pregnancy Tests, Tater Tots and MacBooks.

Edited by Wellfleet
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Yeah, IDK what would be a good title for their specials but that's not it. It's too close to 19K&C and makes it seem Jill and Jessa's only worth is in their ability to procreate.


TLC did say there would be two or three specials. I guest the first one will be on the aftermath of Joshgate I. I didn't think they'd address it. Jill did seem fragile and Jessa seemed defiant. 

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How do they address the molestation? So, my my mom and my dad and my brother were the ones who behaved badly, not us, and then TLC revictimized us by canceling our show? 

Edited by Julia
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Gee Golly won the prize!


And I'll be darned if I don't feel a little bad for Jill. She seems very... fragile.

Jill's sense of entitlement in having a TV show amazes me! Why should she be on TV? Just because of the last 10 years? Her mom didn't believe in Family planning?

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Gee Golly won the prize!


And I'll be darned if I don't feel a little bad for Jill. She seems very... fragile


I have no doubts that the events of the past couple days are influencing my response here, but I really have my doubts about Jill and her fragility. I was skeptical about Jill even before this but now I really do believe she's one of those girls who can turn on the tears to get what she needs or wants. Her tears, like Me-chelle's, always start suddenly and end quickly. I think that worked with Boob 20 years ago and I'm sure it works with Derick now. And let's face it, she hasn't got much else in her arsenal with which to fight. Plus it's odd that the fragility, if legitimate, wouldn't be apparent at other times too. Instead of only in interviews, which is the only place they've shown it up to now.

Edited by Wellfleet
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Jill and Jessa: Counting on TLC to support our families, because we have no marketable skills, we're lazy grifters.and have no education. We're counting on milking this for all it's worth. Jessa needs to buy cheap makeup and Jill needs more chalkboards.

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Boy, I don't know. Honestly. Boob must really know where the bodies are buried, because for a million bucks I couldn't tell you any other reason why TLC clings to this family - as Jerry Seinfeld says, like grim death! LOL. Seriously though, it defies logic. It denies good taste and good sense. 

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If TLC was THAT desperate, they would have bumped something and put Counting On Big Ratings So We Can Get a Weekly Show on the air during SWEEPS. That they're waiting until December is actually telling. 


What the Duggars believe they're getting vs. what TLC is offering is interesting. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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but I really have my doubts about Jill and her fragility.

What, you mean someone who told her husband to quit, became a Scamissionary, and jaunted off to Central American on vacation. Real frail taking selfies on those beaches.


I do think the trailer shows Jill and Jessa never got competent help.


The core audience really wants to see the bumbling adventures of a flock of drones, not two victims, a husband with a face for radio, a derpy husband, and two kids. That's no enough. One season max.



That they're waiting until December is actually telling.

I noticed that too.



100% negative comments.

Edited by JoanArc
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If TLC was THAT desperate, they would have bumped something and put Counting On Big Ratings So We Can Get a Weekly Show on the air during SWEEPS. That they're waiting until December is actually telling. 


What the Duggars believe they're getting vs. what TLC is offering is interesting. 

Is TLC doing a low-key runoff then? I'm surprised they aren't doing a Jessa birth special in mid-November. We'll know what it is and its name by then. Unless, TLC makes Jessa go into lockdown. That would be something. There is always the People spread though.  

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Jill's sense of entitlement in having a TV show amazes me! Why should she be on TV? Just because of the last 10 years? Her mom didn't believe in Family planning?

I don't see any sense of entitlement in Jill.

Jessa & Ben on the other hand...

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“Well out of 19 kids, as far as we know, 18 turned out pretty darn well,” said Huckabee. “That’s a pretty good percentage.”




Yeesh, first of all at least we keep our snark private... and second of all, that statement is very premature considering 16 still live at home, and 4 or 5 are under 10.

Exactly. And when the first and only child you let out in the world away from your control (move to D.C./working for FRC) is a major screw-up morally, that doesn't make anyone hopeful about the 18 still in the Duggar realm of control/home.

I'm grossed out by the title of this show. "Jill & Jessa" as the title would have been fine .

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