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S05.E13: Labor Of Love

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In the Underworld, an escapee from Hades’ prison informs the heroes that Hook is being held captive. But before the heroes can rescue Hook, they must face a terrifying beast that guards the prison. Mary Margaret searches for an old childhood friend who knows how to defeat the monster. However, once reunited, she discovers that her friend is no longer the hero he once was. Meanwhile, in an Enchanted Forest flashback, a young Snow White struggles to preserve peace in her kingdom and must learn how to be a true hero if she wants to one day become queen.



“It’s officially a cold day in hell when I move in with the Charmings.”   This show has no self-awareness at all, does it?  This is a character who hasn’t been seen in her own house in, what, 1 3/4ths seasons?


Okay, it was nice to have some young Snow scenes--and the scene with Snow and Regina in the throne room was interesting.  Even though quite a bit younger than when her father died, Snow was clearly seen as the person in charge with her father out of town.  How did Regina end up in power when Leopold died? 


Um . . . Doesn’t the White kingdom have any soldiers?  Why doesn’t Snow send a few after the raiders?  Were they seriously expecting her to prance out in her brocade dress and take them on herself?  With one bow, while multiple bad guys are running around with daggers and swords?  Huh?  This subplot was absolutely ridiculous.  More ridiculous than some of the other subplots we’ve gotten.


Reality check:  Emma didn’t “murder” Cruella. 


Can we please keep Snow, and let Mary Margaret stay in Underbrooke?  Please?  Pretty please?  Pretty, pretty please, with little tiny star candies on top?  I’ll try to pretend to believe Regina’s an amazing, repentant, joyous character and hero the rest of the season if we can.  (It probably won’t be convincing, and will likely have an obnoxiously sarcastic edge, but I’ll try.  Really.)

  • Love 10

The ep thread seems to be locked due to daylight savings time, so starting this one.


Better late than never, I guess? Hopefully we'll never hear the words "Mary Margaret" ever again, but she didn't have a problem being Snow White in the first half of season two. I still don't get why they ever had her look back after that, but it seems that our long national nightmare is finally at an end.

  • Love 6

"I don't want to be Mary Margaret anymore. I want to be Snow White." "Well, it's about time." I cheered. Please let this actually happen and not just be something the show tells us is going to happen.


Baby Snow dressed like a bandit hanging out with Hercules was the cutest thing ever.


I think Snow likes spinny hugs. Charming picked her up and spun her for their first hug too.

  • Love 6

So far I am really enjoying Bizaro Storybrooke storyline. Is it perfect? No. But it is still better the the 2nd half of Dark One Emma which I still resent and always will that Dark Emma did next to nothing Dark Oney. The worst thing she did was turn Hook into a Dark One for the sole purpose of having him do all the really bad things.

So far the 2nd half of the fifth season is getting back to adventure storylines which this show excels at. Plus I like the idea that Mary Margarette has discovered the Snow White within.

  • Love 4

I hate this so much. What were the writers thinking? Could the show get anymore depressing?

Rumple is where?

David was missing for half of the episode!

Robin protects Henry by sending him into a locked office alone! Great protector Robin!

The pen has unfinished business!

Cruella, who we last saw trying to kill Henry, manipulates him in about 10 seconds in to helping her!

Emma wanders around Neverland (I mean the Northwoods) for most of the episode!

Regina restores Mary Margarets confidence by telling her she should go back to being "Snow."

Snow restores Herc's confidence by fighting along side him

All the while....

Hook is being inexplicably tortured by Hades and his pets? Why is he being tortured? Why do he and Emma have to go through this? It's far worse than any other fairytale. And really, who's going to let a kid watch this?

What has happened to my favorite show?

PS Herc must've been freezing in those outdoor scenes.

  • Love 3

Can we please keep Snow, and let Mary Margaret stay in Underbrooke?

Well, that's what Snow said she was going to do from now on.

I think the complaints about Snow FINALLY reached the writers and they surprisingly listened to criticism for once and addressed it in this episode. Let's just hope it sticks (and yes, MM reverting back to being Snow in 2A is now officially a plot hole, but whatever.)

Edited by Mathius
  • Love 4

Soooo disappointed in this incarnation of Megara.  OuaT turned a sassy and fun character into a bland damsel in distress.  MEH.


I wouldn't have minded Herc sticking around, but oh well.  Actually, on a random superficial note, I think the actor could've been good either as a 20-something Baelfire/Neal (would've made his initial meeting with teenage Emma slightly less creepy) or even an aged up Henry (... not that i want an aged up Henry or can think of any reason for one).


Speaking of Henry, if that twit really helps Cruella so his mom will stop being a "murderer," so help me ...


Is this the first hint we've gotten of how Snow turned into bandit Snow?  I could swear it came up before in a previous season, but I can't remember a thing.  Anyway, hell yeah to Snow instead of Mary Margaret.

Edited by Senna
  • Love 2

Bailee tweeted that was her first kiss. She did a great job and so did the Hercules actor despite me not finding him attractive. They did have chemistry and he managed to have chemistry with Megera as well.

At first I thought Meg was playing Hook but she was genuinely a scared child. I love that Emma's always so caring to others. She didn't force Meg on anything and watched out for her. That my friend is why she's my favorite.

I'm going to ignore that whole Regina speech and be happy that we actually got Snow to talk about how she lost her kingdom and yrs without her daughter because of Regina. And no becoming Regina's friend does not make Snow won the war.

Poor Killian. I hope he tells Emma what Hades offered him because you can see the writings on the wall. Did you guys notice the fake guts on his jacket? So gross.

For the last time Adam and Edward, Emma did not commit murder. She saved her sons life not knowing Cruella can't kill. Also did you guys notice Emma's magic is still black and white instead of just white?

Edited by mjgchick
  • Love 8

This episode was EVERYTHING.

I LOVED IT, and I don't care who knows it.

This character development (or redevelopment I guess???) better stick.

A&E finally answered one of our prayers.

I ship Young Snow and Herc. Sorry, can't help it. They were adorable. And that was Snow's first kiss, right?

I liked the story. Stuff actually seems to be progressing so far (based on next week's preview, too).

Meg is a little iffy for me. I love her in the Disney movie. Here she's a little "meh." At least she showed more spunk bear the end of the episode.

I thought the EQ was much more tolerable in these flashbacks than last week's episode. Maybe it's because she had limited screen time? She didn't seem as over the top.

Also; Not cool Hades. That's especially cruel making Hook choose who's trapped in the underworld. Someone's manipulating him, again.

Looks like next week has the pool of souls! I'm excited about that! I wonder if we're going to get a certain parallel...

Nice to see Cruella again! And Henry is still dumb. Do you not remember what happened with Pan??? How did that go? Maybe you should stop listening to the villains for once.

And also: lol @ Robin apparently just standing around and waiting for Henry for who knows how long. You couldn't hear Henry talking to someone through the vent?

It wasn't quite a perfect episode, but I enjoyed it MUCH more than last week's episode.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
  • Love 11

I went back and forth on the episode. On the one hand, it was looking an awful lot like "White Out, Round Two," with Snow learning how to have courage and be a hero from a guest star, and being trained in one day to be able to take on the bad guys that surely the kingdom would have had soldiers or guards or something to deal with. Then I was relieved when the one day of training wasn't enough. And then it turned out that two days of training were enough, and apparently a teenager with a bow was enough to scare off the bandits so they didn't do anything else. I mean, why bother doing anything like arresting them and locking them up? That world really doesn't have a legal system, does it? Maybe Regina was the reason the guards or soldiers didn't act. She was setting the whole thing up to begin with, so if she was trying to make Snow look bad, she might have kept them from acting, somehow.


How did Regina end up in power when Leopold died?

She sent Graham to kill Snow and Snow ended up exiled when he faked her death.


If they're going to keep going on the Regina and Snow are friends thing and still keep showing Snow vs. Regina in the past and adding up the zillions of awful things Regina has done to Snow, would it kill them to let Regina admit to Snow she was wrong and apologize? Why can't they do that much? We've seen Snow grovel to Regina so many times, apologizing for every little thing, and here's Regina who has a list a mile long of things she's done to Snow, going back to gaslighting her/setting her up to fail as princess, putting her horse to sleep, killing her father, trying to kill her, etc., etc., and Regina, even in a heartfelt conversation, can't say "I'm sorry about that." I would be liking Regina otherwise in this arc, but that lack of any apology is holding me back.


Henry, if you actually buy that Emma "murdered" Cruella, you deserve to be Hook's first pick to stay in the Underworld (though I know he'd be the last pick, possible even after Emma).

  • Love 9

Reality check:  Emma didn’t “murder” Cruella. 


Henry annoys me.  Does he say this?  Of course not.  Instead he decides to work with Cruella to set her loose on the real world so Emma isn't a murderer. 


Its too bad Henry doesn't have another personality so he can declare something similar to Mary Margaret's'  'Being Mary Margret is annoying the shit out of me.  I'm going back to being Snow White."


I wonder if that is how Hook gets around the 'souls' must stay thing.  He writes the most annoying version of the people with two personalities on the headstone and the annoying aspect of their personalities have to stay in the Underworld.

This episdoe should have been the half-season opener. It had great energy, decent character development, sass, and best of all, MARY MARGARET IS NO MORE!!! Halleluyah!!


I liked the glimpse of Regina scheming behind the scenes to bring down young Snow long before she officially lost the plot. Snow learnt archery awfully fast. Just like David learned sword-fighting in a day. :-p The Herc-Meg romance was underwhelming, but Snowcules FTW!! It was all so very cute.


Had to roll my eyes at Cruella's manipulation of Henry. He is dumb enough to fall for it. How convenient the pen "died" and went to Underbrooke! lol


I LOVED all the scenes with Hook. And the ending!! I really like Hades, even if he is nothing like either the mythological version or the Disney version. 

Edited by Rumsy4
  • Love 3

Hades isn't working for me. I feel like the writers really wanted James Spader via The Blacklist, but since James Spader wasn't available (because of The Blacklist), they got Greg Germann to do what can only be described, to me, as a bargain basement Spader imitation. Hades is clearly dressed as a showy character -- an M.C. of the Underworld, and I just don't feel Germann has...the presence, for lack of a better descriptor, to pull that off. It's like the role called for scenery chewing, but they got an actor who's kind of a picky eater.


However, it will all be worth it if some random denizen of the Underworld points at Henry and shouts accusingly "Pen murderer!" But seriously, where is the pen's "better place?" Are we going to see beautiful sheets of fresh white paper appear across the fiery pit? Can we look forward to other inanimate objects show up in the Underworld? Give me a break here, show.

  • Love 6

I went back and forth on the episode. On the one hand, it was looking an awful lot like "White Out, Round Two,"

I think this episode was better. Even if it was a bit recycled. But that's just my opinion :P

I just think it worked better somehow. I think it was because we actually saw some character growth (or whatever you want to call it) from Snow in present day, compared to the kinda nothing we got from Charmz in present day during White Out. His flashbacks were more of a plot device (remembering about the bo peep staff) than flashbacks that appear to be more character driven in this case (hopefully).

Edited by HoodlumSheep

However, it will all be worth it if some random denizen of the Underworld points at Henry and shouts accusingly "Pen murderer!" But seriously, where is the pen's "better place?" Are we going to see beautiful sheets of fresh white paper appear across the fiery pit? Can we look forward to other inanimate objects show up in the Underworld? Give me a break here, show.


And if pen has been writing stories all its life then how does it finish its unfinished business?  Is there a particular story it must complete?  Must it run out of ink?  Must it be made obsolete by type writer?  Or did pen's life blood (ink) soak type writer ribbon and therefore live on?  Was type writer murdered by computer? Are pencil and eraser engaged in a war in some unknown quarter of the underworld?  And whose side would pen take?  I think that pencil and pen might team up against eraser and white out.  But if they win, they will definitely turn on each other. 

Edited by ParadoxLost
I just think it worked better somehow. I think it was because we actually saw some character growth (or whatever you want to call it) from Snow in present day, compared to the kinda nothing we got from Charmz in present day during White Out.

That's why I went back and forth. I was going "ugh, White Out again," and then they surprised me by it not being quite so easy, and then it actually mattered in the present. Also, it's not so bad with Snow being a teen having to learn how to fight from a demigod hero, compared to adult David having to learn how to fight from a princess.


Meanwhile, we had Hook being truly heroic in helping Meg escape and remaining defiant while battered and bloody.

  • Love 4

Its too bad Henry doesn't have another personality so he can declare something similar to Mary Margaret's'  'Being Mary Margret is annoying the shit out of me.  I'm going back to being Snow White."

He could go back to being New York Henry.  New York Henry was amazingly silent and relatively unannoying.  


Well, that's what Snow said she was going to do from now on.

I think the complaints about Snow FINALLY reached the writers and they surprisingly listened to criticism for once and addressed it in this episode. Let's just hope it sticks (and yes, MM reverting back to being Snow in 2A is now officially a plot hole, but whatever.)

Well, hopefully, but the show's played tricksies on stuff before.  I'm afraid I am a little bit not-trusting.  

  • Love 2

I liked this episode much better than last week. Sassy Cruella's one liners were back, and her return made me audibly gasp. I liked the Herc-Snow flashback was good. Captain Floor returned! Hook knows Emma is there for him -- and I really loved that they cut that part out of the preview to keep it a surprise. And Hades was just so awesomely sassy and evil. Oh, and Mary Margaret is officially Snow again!

We're there plot holes and problems? Of course. This is Once after all, but I liked this episode slot and I hope this bodes well for the rest of the season.

  • Love 4

Things I liked:

Snow White is back!

Hook handing it right back to Hades.

Hero Hook facing Cerberus.

Hook knows that Emma is coming to find him.

Young Snow and Hercules.

The heroes didn't get sidetracked too badly and finished their job...getting rid of Cerberus, at least for the moment.

Snow bringing up the fact that Regina's curse caused her to lose her daughter for 28 years.

David and MM are determined to help Emma.

Didn't like:

No Captain Swan...but that's my own personal bias.

Overall, I thought the story moved along well without feeling too rushed or crowded. I'm looking forward to next week!

  • Love 6

I went to see Zootopia this afternoon and the character voiced by Ginnifer Goodwin (Judy Hopps) reminded me of bandit Snow in season one. Much to my delight, tonight's episode had Snow declaring that Mary Margaret is no more. That line should have been uttered in the 100th episode.


I really enjoyed the actor who played Hercules. Unlike Merida, I wouldn't mind if he stuck around.


Meg had me convinced that she was truly terrified of Cerberus. The CGI of the dog was wonky though.


It was nice to see young Snow. Her scenes with Herc were sweet if a bit far-fetched (what is with this show and being able to master training/wielding a weapon in a day).


My poor Hook. The one eye shut thing grosses me out. I love that he was snarky with Hades. Hope he gets a shower soon.


The one really sour note in the ep was the Cruella/Henry subplot. This is why Henry should have stayed home.

  • Love 2

I liked this episode much better than last week. Sassy Cruella's one liners were back, and her return made me audibly gasp. I liked the Herc-Snow flashback was good. Captain Floor returned! Hook knows Emma is there for him -- and I really loved that they cut that part out of the preview to keep it a surprise. And Hades was just so awesomely sassy and evil. Oh, and Mary Margaret is officially Snow again!

We're there plot holes and problems? Of course. This is Once after all, but I liked this episode slot and I hope this bodes well for the rest of the season.

I hope this bodes well for the rest of the season. So far, despite a weaker premiere opener, I feel like this season is reminiscent of 3a (as in more character-focused than plot-driven).

But then again, we're only on episode 2. Hopefully it can keep up the relatively good work past episode 4 and into the middle of the arc at least. Maybe this will be the half season to break the arc-killing-middle-of-the-pack-episodes-5-and-6 dark curse.

Edited by HoodlumSheep

Hades isn't working for me. I feel like the writers really wanted James Spader via The Blacklist, but since James Spader wasn't available (because of The Blacklist), they got Greg Germann to do what can only be described, to me, as a bargain basement Spader imitation. Hades is clearly dressed as a showy character -- an M.C. of the Underworld, and I just don't feel Germann has...the presence, for lack of a better descriptor, to pull that off. It's like the role called for scenery chewing, but they got an actor who's kind of a picky eater.

However, it will all be worth it if some random denizen of the Underworld points at Henry and shouts accusingly "Pen murderer!" But seriously, where is the pen's "better place?" Are we going to see beautiful sheets of fresh white paper appear across the fiery pit? Can we look forward to other inanimate objects show up in the Underworld? Give me a break here, show.

I think Hades is still playing it close to the vest, I expect once the heroes make it to his lair (bat cave?) he'll get more showy.

As for the pen, I knew that stupid pen would show up eventually. Henry can'tbe the "writer" without it, they have to be reunited. As far as the "better place" for the pen, I can't see it crossing the fire to fresh paper, because wouldn't melt or the paper catch fire? The pen has to end up with Henry...

I would agree with whoever mentioned it unthread that Henry's would be the last name Hook would put on a stone. But seriously, how's he even supposed to know who's there?

  • Love 1
is there a Troll Bridge in Storybooke?

Sort of. There's a bridge that had a "toll bridge" sign on it, and someone had graffitied an "r" into it. It was paralleled with the bridge where Charming and Snow fought the trolls, and that was where Mary Margaret found David when he wandered off from the hospital.


I was really impressed with how well young Snow mirrored adult Snow's mannerisms. She had the facial expressions, vocal cadence and even the head tilt nailed perfectly, to the point there were moments when I was suspecting them of having somehow traveled back in time to really have the same person as a teenager. It was almost eerie.

  • Love 12

I think the reference is to Anna (Frozen) teaching David to stand up to Bo Peep.

Yes, that's what I meant. The show had Anna, who was not from the Snow Queen fairy tale that Frozen is loosely inspired by and was literally created for that 2013 film, be the person who essentially made Prince Charming of the age-old Snow White fairy tale who he is.

Edited by Mathius

Meh. I didn't care for this episode.



* Snow saying she doesn't want to be called Mary Margaret any more was easily the best part.

* "You're right. Mary Margaret can't help us here. We don't need her any more - we need Snow White." Wow, Regina. Thanks for acting building people up instead of bringing them down.
* Hercules. He reminded me of Christopher Reeve's Superman.

* I'm glad the Author pen is still a thing. I'm curious what its main purpose unfulfilled is.

* Cruella is back!
* I'll give Hades this - he's very intimidating. He means business.



* Cerberus CGI was bad, bad, bad.

* Didn't like the repeat of 4x02/4x14. I found the episode's story boring.

* Why couldn't Snow send out knights to stop the bandits? Isn't it her job to delegate?

* Megara was a piece of dried damsel toast.

* How long are we going to have to watch bloody Hook? That's just painful.


I'm probably in the minority but... this episode was mostly passable. It was more boring than last week.

Edited by KingOfHearts

Soooo disappointed in this incarnation of Megara.  OuaT turned a sassy and fun character into a bland damsel in distress.  MEH.

I so agree. I love the Disney movie, but I liked that they hewed Hercules' story more closely to the myth. Megara on the other hand deserved to be more like her Disney counterpart. What a waste. Why did they even have her on the show at all?


This episode was surprisingly dark, at least by implication. I mean, Megara and Hercules were both torn to shreds by Cerberus and have been trapped in Underbrooke since Snow was a little girl.


I didn't like Hades as much as I did last episode. Hopefully he improves.

Sort of. There's a bridge that had a "toll bridge" sign on it, and someone had graffitied an "r" into it. It was paralleled with the bridge where Charming and Snow fought the trolls, and that was where Mary Margaret found David when he wandered off from the hospital.

I was really impressed with how well young Snow mirrored adult Snow's mannerisms. She had the facial expressions, vocal cadence and even the head tilt nailed perfectly, to the point there were moments when I was suspecting them of having somehow traveled back in time to really have the same person as a teenager. It was almost eerie.

I noticed that! It was as if Bailee watched a few episodes to see how Ginny spoke. I was very impressed.

  • Love 2

Overall a vert strong épisode probable the best for Snow in a long time.

Il tough the acting was Good by aller actors this weeks sont much betteraves than Last weeks.

Il loved hating Hades in aller histoire scene ans thé acter as a Good presence.

Not like part;

which for more Swan ans Snow and less Regina motivating her friend that she just betray in fb.

For once I Just wish the focus was betweem Emma ans her Mother instead of again Regina.

IF really Snow is back for Good maybe the relation Emma and Snow will came back too! Someday...

Notre liking this version of Meg.

I am beginning to really really wonder if it is too dark for a family show!

Now, I Just waiting for the Hook is responsable for anything bad happening to team heros.

  • Love 2

Henry annoys me.  Does he say this?  Of course not.  Instead he decides to work with Cruella to set her loose on the real world so Emma isn't a murderer. 


Its too bad Henry doesn't have another personality so he can declare something similar to Mary Margaret's'  'Being Mary Margret is annoying the shit out of me.  I'm going back to being Snow White."


I wonder if that is how Hook gets around the 'souls' must stay thing.  He writes the most annoying version of the people with two personalities on the headstone and the annoying aspect of their personalities have to stay in the Underworld.


So Mary Margaret, David Nolan, and Rumplestiltskin can stay in Underbrooke and Snow, Charming, and Mr. Gold can return? I can dig that.


Hades isn't working for me. I feel like the writers really wanted James Spader via The Blacklist, but since James Spader wasn't available (because of The Blacklist), they got Greg Germann to do what can only be described, to me, as a bargain basement Spader imitation. Hades is clearly dressed as a showy character -- an M.C. of the Underworld, and I just don't feel Germann has...the presence, for lack of a better descriptor, to pull that off. It's like the role called for scenery chewing, but they got an actor who's kind of a picky eater.


However, it will all be worth it if some random denizen of the Underworld points at Henry and shouts accusingly "Pen murderer!" But seriously, where is the pen's "better place?" Are we going to see beautiful sheets of fresh white paper appear across the fiery pit?


Seriously, that fucking pen is in the Underworld instead of Graham (apparently) or even Neal who both would logically have unfinished business? I hope Cruella is lying, even though I would love for her to return with the Nevengers and become a gin-soaked nuisance around town.


Cruella and her love of gin is my everything. 


Mine, too.


I'm trying to get with Hades, but I'm forever comparing Once!Hades to Disney!Hades and Germann just can't compete with my love of James Woods.


I liked Herc and Meg.


Regina was surprisingly palatable this episode, although I'm irrationally angry that she called Herc "Wonderboy" and not Meg.

  • Love 1

I went to see Zootopia this afternoon and the character voiced by Ginnifer Goodwin (Judy Hopps) reminded me of bandit Snow in season one. Much to my delight, tonight's episode had Snow declaring that Mary Margaret is no more. That line should have been uttered in the 100th episode.




I saw Zootopia today too. Loved it. Josh Dallas did the voice of a random character. I wonder if he was just hanging around so they gave him something to do. 

I liked Bandit Snow's origin story. If only the one baddy hadn't said "yesterday" the timeline wouldn't have been as wonky. As for why Princess Snow couldn't have sent soldiers, I got the feeling they had already tried that but the bandit hadn't been caught. Of course, that is Regina's doing and poor Snow was really feeling the weight of that crown. 

I rather liked watching random prisoner become Meg. She was just too good at being terrified of Cerberus to be a toss away character. Uh oh, I hope Zelena never comes across her!

  • Love 1

I really enjoyed this episode. We need more Snow in this show. Ginny's billed second after all! 

I ship Young Snow and Hercules more than Snowing. Oops. Bailee was so good, the second time she confronted the bandits and we just heard her voice, she legit sounded just like Ginnifer. 

Regina's being better, but please apologize. Are they saving that for the series finale or something? 

So disappointed in Meg except for when she introduced herself. And I know love at first sight is a thing in this show, but is she really going to Olympus with Herc after two meetings of 30 seconds tops each? 


Loved Hook and that last scene - even if I know it won't stick, I like it. Bring in the drama. 

  • Love 3

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