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S12.E12: My Next Life

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The dialogue on this show is sometimes abysmal. "I not having sex. I know where all my boots are" "You help me be slutty again"

I no prude but how hard up can Maggie and Deluca be while at work? Geez....and who talks about someone being a screamwer at work during surgery? The episode was redeemed with the plot with Meredith and the women with cancer (that was actress Meredith Salenger who was somewhat popular teen actress of the 80's).

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The dialogue on this show is sometimes abysmal. "I not having sex. I know where all my boots are" "You help me be slutty again"

I no prude but how hard up can Maggie and Deluca be while at work? Geez....and who talks about someone being a screamwer at work during surgery? The episode was redeemed with the plot with Meredith and the women with cancer (that was actress Meredith Salenger who was somewhat popular teen actress of the 80's).

She was in Dream a Little Dream with the 2 Coreys!!

Having sex at work and being open about it is gross.

  • Love 3

The episode was kind of meh for me. Meredith's patient was probably the best part.

I just don't care about anything involving Amelia.

So that's the big Riggs/Owen conflict? Boring.

Why do two of my favorites have to know that April's pregnant?

The rest was same old. MaLuca have sex. Jo and Alex still have no storyline, and if the writer's consider the ring staying in the drawer movement, they're dumb. Same with Arizona dating several women offscreen. Those scenes with Richard made me cringe.

Edited by Evie
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There were moments that reminded me of old-school Grey's, and moments that I thought were really stupid. This show is never gonna make me like Penny; she makes my skin crawl every second she's on screen.

Hated the Arizona-Webber sexy talk, still not a fan of Maggie and DeLuca, wish they'd find Owen a different girlfriend.

Enjoyed Meredith and Katie and all the quick flashes back to the pilot. And the Kepner-Karev moment was nice, especially since they rarely interact. And though i could barely see the TV screen through all the anvils, I enjoyed Mer and the cancer patient. I assumed she would die, but it reminded me of the early seasons of Grey's.

  • Love 6

I'm over the standard network, " I just orgasmed now roll over" shot that is in line every network show these days.

I said the same thing. Same with the women jump up leg wrap around the guy. Both so cliche' time to find some new moves or recycle some old more romantic ones

Both Maggie and Amelia annoy me. And Maggie not having sex in days made her admire Amelia? It's days! Not months or years.

Edited by Laurie4H
  • Love 4

I thought I liked this episode until I started writing this.  I'll start with the bad..


Jolex- What even is happening with them???  Are we ever going to find out what happened after the proposal?  Why are they together if she doesn't want to say yes?  What on earth have they been doing for the past 6+ weeks if not talking about the status of their relationship.   I need an explanation, a real one, ASAP


April- again, what even?  Why is she so happy.  Yea, yea , pregnancy hormones, whatever I still don't get and its weird.  Callie was funny with her divorce comment though


Penny- Penny running back and forth between Meredith and Amelia was probably the single worst thing on this show ever.  Go away Penny.  Can't be said enough.


That being said, Amelia herself didn't bother me too much tonight.  Her and Owen are ok to me.  I'm indifferent about their relationship.  I know most people don't care for her but I liked seeing her admit she'd been just clipping aneurysms because she was scared.  


Things I actually liked: Meredith with her cancer patient.  Definitely gave me old school Grey's nostalgia.  I liked Meredith and Riggs (gasp!).  And I liked Katie Bryce back.  


I liked Arizona and Webber to a degree, but I agree some of that dialogue was cringeworthy.  Oh and I like Maluca.  I think they are cute.  It was a definite comic relief moment, but I laughed when DeLuca found out Webber was Maggie's father.  I thought Webber making DeLuca run around doing scut was a throwback to when Bailey found out about Meredith and Derek.  


Lastly, I have a very strong suspicion Owen's sister is alive.  They are being way to ambiguous about the whole thing.   

Edited by Greysaddict

I continue to hate it when the doctors get all excited for a person to have a possibly terminal illness. Goody, Goody hope it's a an aneurysm! What professional doctor talks like that? I didn't mind Meredith's patient until her phone call of impending death-why can't they fool us once in awhile about outcomes.


The Arizona/ Dr. Webber talk was over the top, and once again not professional. Alex has always been my favorite character and I think he deserves someone better than lackluster Jo. If she is not onboard with him, let him go. I call it a bit suspect that he could tell April was pregnant by looking at her. Some parts were Ok and I join the chorus of having an irrational dislike of Penny.

  • Love 3

I still don't understand why Richard just assumed that Maggie is his daughter. As far as I know they've had no DNA testing done so why does he assume she's his?

It's obvious that Ellis was a sneaky bitch who wasn't faithful in her relationships.

I've said it since Maggie first appeared, I think it'll turn out that she isn't his daughter.


I don't think they'll go there.  They spent far too much time investing in why Ellis left Seattle and what happened between Ellis and Richard to be like "jk she's not really your daughter".


I call it a bit suspect that he could tell April was pregnant by looking at her. 

I though Alex was saying he knows the symptoms/side effects of pregnancy from being in Peds, not that he could tell by looking at her.   But Peds is NOT OBGYN.   This is one of my biggest pet peeves of all time on this show.  

  • Love 1

I continue to hate it when the doctors get all excited for a person to have a possibly terminal illness. Goody, Goody hope it's a an aneurysm! What professional doctor talks like that? I didn't mind Meredith's patient until her phone call of impending death-why can't they fool us once in awhile about outcomes.

The Arizona/ Dr. Webber talk was over the top, and once again not professional. Alex has always been my favorite character and I think he deserves someone better than lackluster Jo. If she is not onboard with him, let him go. I call it a bit suspect that he could tell April was pregnant by looking at her. Some parts were Ok and I join the chorus of having an irrational dislike of Penny.

I don't buy that Alex of all people would even notice that April was happy or sweaty or spend any time deducing what that meant.
  • Love 5

Does anyone else blame Meredith for her patient dying?!? Riggs explicitly stated that she she should be moved to the ER when he came in for the consult and Meredith refused. These doctors are flagrantly unprofessional all the time, but her dismissing Riggs' opinion because of his relationship to Owen caused that poor woman to bleed all over the hospital and die. Ugh. 


Weber and Maggie were cute together and I really hope we can get scenes where they are trying to have some kind of relationship. For all the back story of her tracking her birth parent to the hospital, you'd think she'd build some relationship with the one she found alive, especially after the angst of the discovery.


I don't know any men who sit around and whinge on their feelings for the women in their lives. Particularly that grouping of men, It's a hospital, not a barbershop, Shonda. The whole Owen's sister mystery was anticlimactic for sure. Kudos for the Jill Scott song playing at the end though.

  • Love 7

Not a bad episode, but it didn't grab me.  I missed the beginning of Mer's patient, and never quite got into her story. 


I have no idea what Alex and Jo are doing...I guess Jo's answer is "not yet"?  I wish they would spend more time telling that supposed love story and less time on the Chief's unhealthy obsession with Arizona's love life. 

Edited by izabella
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Is Arizona's prosthetic leg supposed to be the exact replica of her real leg, and is it supposed to have natural joint movement? Because in the short skirt she wore at the end both her legs looked identical and natural, so I'm wondering if whoever was directing this episode forgot that she's supposed to have a prosthetic leg.


The writers also gave her a house with stairs that she rushes down, and she has no problems dancing.  I think the writers forgot that Arizona lost her leg after the plane crash.

  • Love 5

The writers also gave her a house with stairs that she rushes down, and she has no problems dancing.  I think the writers forgot that Arizona lost her leg after the plane crash.


There was an episode a while ago where she got a better prosthetic than the metal one she had at first, but I don't remember it being like a real leg in every way. I'm not sure that's even possible.

  • Love 1

If it wasn't for the nostalgia with Katie Bryce and Meredith's patient of the week, this episode would've been a borderline dud for me. 

Maggie talking about sex for the millionth time, the cheap dialog for cheap laughs, and Penny Blake have all overstayed their welcome and need to exit stage left. Especially Penny. How much better would the back-and-forth scene had been if it was Jo or Stephanie running interference? Why the show is insistent on wasting the time they have for 16 characters on this dead-weight of a guest star makes no sense to me. 


April having yet to tell Jackson about the pregnancy is infuriating. 


So Arizona is only an amputee when the plot or dialog suits, then? 


At least Alex and Jo had a conversation in this episode, and both were shown processing. That's a start. And I don't even mind Owen and Amelia, it was a welcome change of pace to see them light and easy. 

Edited by funnygirl
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I really enjoyed this episode.  I thought that bringing back Meredith's first patient was a great idea and turned into a really good story.  I laughed at Meredith's slow, quiet delivery of "It was my first day", when the patient reminded her in front of everyone that she kept getting her lost that day back then.


I thought all of the other stories worked as well.  I like these episodes where there is something for most everyone in the cast.  Episodes with a single focus like last week are fine here and there but 2 of 4 for the first episodes since the break was too much.


If I didn't know Grey's had gotten renewed today, these circle back to the beginning (complete with flashbacks) stories that we've now had a couple of this season would worry me as to the future of the show.  I do have some concern that maybe they are wrapping up Meredith's story, but I just really don't think that would happen now and without some word of 'tune in to see the last xxx episodes of Meredith's journey.  Anyway, what fun would it be if I can't worry about something!:)

  • Love 4

I know that Katie Bryce returning was supposed to make me understand the emotional connection that Meredith and Amelia had to her, but instead it just made me remember how much better this show was in the earlier seasons.


And after all that drama with the punching and yelling and Hunt being a petulant brat, we find out that Riggs was in no way responsible for Hunt's sister's death? Why am I not at all surprised?

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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And after all that drama with the punching and yelling and Hunt being a petulant brat, we find out that Riggs was in no way responsible for Hunt's sister's death? Why am I not at all surprised?


Seriously, I was like, "That's it?" Really, that's why Owen hates Riggs so much, why he blames him? Because Megan got on a helicopter, and it could easily have been either one of them on the helicopter, and he hates Riggs because it could have been him on the helicopter and not Megan? He hates Riggs for being the person who could have died instead of Megan? Is he deranged? The way he's been carrying on, I would expect that Riggs pushed Megan out of a helicopter mid-flight into a river of crocodiles.


And what is this about the helicopter just vanishing without a trace? Fuck me if Megan magically turns up on someone's doorstep on a dark rainy night.

Edited by Chicken Wing
  • Love 7

I liked this episode. The throw back to Arizona being a "love 'em and leave'em" type, which is how she was before Callie, was way better than seeing Penny push Callie up against a wall for a no chemistry kiss.

I enjoyed Mer and Amelia sending Penny back and forth with messages. This wouldn't have worked quite as well with Jo or Stephanie, because Amelia wouldn't have been quite as hostile.

I even felt a little bad for Amelia when she and Mer came out of surgery, and she looked like "I saved Katie, be my friend again" but then noticed Mer's patient died, so she didn't go up to Mer and make it all about her.

Yeah, I totally think Owen's sister will show up, probably the moment after Riggs declares his undying love for Mer, and since she's a doctor, she can join the cast too. Also, it will be a "show up on the doorstep surprise," because the military wouldn't show up to alert a family that their loved one was found ... I write with sarcasm, because only tv show writers would think that's how the military would operate.

Lastly, I liked that Mer reminded the immature interns in her class that the cadavers they are working on are real people who donated their bodies to help them become better doctors, and to treat them and the situation with respect. Not be all laughing and joking around.

Edited by craziness
  • Love 5

Is Arizona's prosthetic leg supposed to be the exact replica of her real leg, and is it supposed to have natural joint movement? Because in the short skirt she wore at the end both her legs looked identical and natural, so I'm wondering if whoever was directing this episode forgot that she's supposed to have a prosthetic leg.

They dedicated an entire episode of S9 to her getting the high heel leg that matched her real one, but it was lost in Callie's whining about not having sex screentime.

Edited by CED9

Is Arizona's prosthetic leg supposed to be the exact replica of her real leg, and is it supposed to have natural joint movement? Because in the short skirt she wore at the end both her legs looked identical and natural, so I'm wondering if whoever was directing this episode forgot that she's supposed to have a prosthetic leg.


Thank you. I found that jarring. Plus I'm thinking about all this sex she's having. Wouldn't an amputee have some ambivalence towards getting naked with random people? Isn't that a level of vulnerability that you might want to save for someone you knew better than to refer to as "hoop earrings" or "artisanal soap?"

  • Love 3

I was looking forward to Katie Bryce, but NOT looking forward to using her as (YET AGAIN) another way for the writers to shove down our throats that Amelia is just as skilled as Derek (she's not. Edwards would be more believable in that capacity), and a prop for Amelia to "show who's the boss."  The first patient from the first episode returns, and Meredith isn't involved? WTF?  It's All. About. Amelia. AGAIN.


The past week, I've been watching Seasons 1 and 2. Oh, the good old days. Banter, humor, actual set lighting.....Derek....Cristina...Addison...George...damn you, Netflix. 


Maybe Owen should go a season without inhaling the face of whatever co-worker is assigned to be his girlfriend?  A simple rest would be nice. He's sluttier than Mark Sloan ever was. 


Wow. You guys are right about Arizona's leg. I actually forgot that she has a prosthesis, because of the way she's been written the past couple of seasons. Thing is, I'm not being PAID to remember it. The writers are. 


I didn't even miss Scandal tonight. Not one little bit.  My eyes did need their weekly "rolling into the back of my head exercise," so I turned on the debate after Grey's.  

  • Love 1

They dedicated an entire episode of S9 to her getting the high heel leg that matched her real one, but it was lost in Callie's whining about not having sex screentime.

Or it had nothing to do with Callie and was a long time ago and people didn't remember. Not everything is Callie's fault.

Now to the ep: it was a bore save for Katie Bryce.

Seriously April. How selfish to keep the pregnancy to herself because she's happy. What about Jackson? Bus he not allowed to be happy?

Penny...just too much and not necessary.

Maggie/DeLuca I guess were cute but I'm not super invested.

I don't mind the fact that Jo is not ready to get married. It happens.

Arizona has learned nothing and is basically going back to old habits. It's not fun. It's not sexy. It's just boring.

  • Love 1

I thought I liked this episode until I started writing this.  I'll start with the bad..



Heh, that's what I was about to say! I liked this episode while I was watching it and enjoyed it quite a bit, but when I started thinking about it, I realized some things really annoyed me. Still, I enjoyed it way more than previous episodes. After a while I cared about the patient storylines and they didn't seem too contrived. It's nice that the show feels like it's finally going somewhere and they found a way to include most of the cast, and it worked pretty well - including Penny who I didn't mind this time. She was used in appropriate doses and I think the actress is finally starting to be more relaxed and confident. 



The show just doesn't know how to do sex talk. It's cringeworthy, especially coming from totally unsuitable characters like Maggie. Cringeworthy. Please make it stop.

Arizona teaming up with Richard used to be funny, now it's super creepy. He would never talk to her like that. Awful writing.

Like it's been said before in this thread, the enthusiasm over someone having a life threatening condition got old a long time ago.

And yes, Arizona's leg must have grown back at some point.

Alex would never pay that much attention to April (who looks very weird for some reason, BTW) as to conclude she's pregnant. It's not realistic in any way.

"I don't won't the ring, but keep it in the drawer just in case" would be a TOTAL dealbreaker for me. The show apparently thinks it's cute and a display of true cosmic love. No.


But all things considered, I think this episode is a definite improvement.

Oh, and the BIG SECRET about Owen's sister is just beyond words awful. Was that the best they could come up with, seriously?! It's not like he put her on the helicopter and forced her to go, it was her patient, most of them would have done the same. 

I guess it shows they really want to make his character work, so they can't let it be something where could legitimately be at fault and what would make him look bad. Yeah, he's definitely hooking up with Meredith.

Edited by Joana
  • Love 1

My favorite thing about this episode was the different characters interacting.  I like seeing the guys interact, I liked April with Alex and Callie and I still like Richard with Arizona.  I guess its kind of creepy, but I love it when Richard is socially awkward.  I think it would have made more sense for Alex to talk to April about the fact that she essentially abandoned Jackson at an emotional time, not unlike Izzie did to him, but I usually enjoy whatever interactions April and Alex have.  One of my biggest wishes for this season is for the writers to give as much thought, attention and screentime to things that happened within the last 15-20 episodes as they do things that happened 5 seasons ago or 11 seasons ago.  Until the writers can successfully and clearly tell the stories that they presently have going on, I don't want to see flashbacks or callbacks to earlier and better seasons.  


To that end, what the hell with Amelia and Owen?  Weren't they just not talking?  Didn't Amelia just tell him off?  How did they wind up in bed together?  I don't pay much attention to their story so its possible I missed something, but I was so confused when they showed them in bed together.  And, of course:


Jolex- What even is happening with them???  Are we ever going to find out what happened after the proposal?  Why are they together if she doesn't want to say yes?  What on earth have they been doing for the past 6+ weeks if not talking about the status of their relationship.   I need an explanation, a real one, ASAP




It ain't gonna happen.  I get why Jo doesn't want to get married now, especially since Alex proposed hours after a big fight and hours after he told her that Meredith was the only one he could count on, but the fact that none of this has been addressed is completely stupid.  It has been MONTHS in show time, months and the Alex/Mer/Jo "storyline" has been going on for a season and half and now it is as if it never happened.  Not to mention the fact that in episode 3, Jo was practically begging Alex to show her where their relationship was going and what she meant to him.  Again, none of this makes sense and it is the worst kind of storytelling, but look - we'll play a song from season 1 and everyone will be lulled into complacency!


I also wondered if Owen's sister is still alive. She probably is, and she'll turn up on the season finale five minutes after Riggs declares his love to someone else (probably Meredith).



She will show up right after Nathan and Meredith have sex and ask if she is the attending who is screwing her husband.  You know it and I know it.

  • Love 3


To that end, what the hell with Amelia and Owen?  Weren't they just not talking?  Didn't Amelia just tell him off?  How did they wind up in bed together?  I don't pay much attention to their story so its possible I missed something, but I was so confused when they showed them in bed together. 



They weren't all that clear about it, but what I got is that she came over to him and things just went their way. 

Of course, how and why she decided to do it is anyone's guess. 

Was there a reason that they kept the liver cancer patient in the exam room? Why not move her to the OR so they could open her up immediately if need be? (I mean, other than for added drama and the visual of blood trailing down the hallway?)


This bugs me as well, but I think Riggs agreed in the end that the surgery is risky anyway and they might as well stick around and see if the condition improves, so I guess I can let it slide. 

Finally rewatched the episode. So I'll start with the things that I liked.
As a MerDer shipper I'm honestly satisfied with the amount of Derek flashbacks we are getting. Some people on Twitter are complaining that they use Patrick to keep the ratings which is ridiculous because the ratings are doing just fine. Anyway, I'm glad they are not forgetting how important his character was to the show (even though they kind of said he was just a minor character lol) and having Patrick on my screen is always a plus. Oh and when they played "Into The Fire" my heart skipped a beat, it was such a nice throwback.
On a shallow note isn't it strange how many Derek flashbacks we keep getting? I mean, if Patrick left in bad terms with Shonda I don't think they'd be using him so much. Izzie, for example, barely gets mentioned. Even Lexie and Mark don't get as many mentions (Lexie doesn't get any tbh), so I think this proves (or maybe I'm delusional) that Patrick left the show without any beefs with Shonda.
I really enjoyed Meredith's patient. It's been a while since I cared about a patient on this show, so it was nice for a change.
I LOVED seeing Katie Bryce again. It was really fun to watch and Amelia saying she was Meredith and Derek's surgical love child made me laugh haha
I'm warming up to Nathan. I like Martin and he has good chemistry with the cast. I'll never stop shipping MerDer but since it's obvious that Nathan and Meredith will get paired up it's better if I just embrace it already. They even did a parallel with Nathan chasing Mer's tail this time (the first time it was Derek).
Arizona was also really fun to watch. I'm glad she finally got some screen time, although it annoys me that she's always used for comedy relief. What I found interesting is that they are showing Arizona as a player but she's finding flaws with all the women, also she doesn't call any women by their names which shows she is not getting attached to anyone. For some odd reason I really want Calzona to get back together in the future (probably because they are the only couple left that I care about) and I like that she's not interested in getting into a relationship, she's just having fun and being slutty (her words, not mine).
Maluca was very enjoyable this time. I think Kelly and Giacomo have good chemistry and they look cute together. I'm not super invested but they are fun. Arizona telling Richard that DeLuca's girlfriend is a screamer made me LOL. In fact I had a good laugh in a lot of scenes.
April not telling Jackson she's pregnant is dumb, but I don't mind it. This is a drama show after all.
Judge me all you want but I actually like Penny. I like her better than I like Jo and Stephanie. I don't know why, I just do. The scene with her going back and forth between Meredith and Amelia was so enjoyable. I don't want her to become a regular, but I'm sure it's happening so I'll embrace it.
Loved the scene with all the guys talking about their issues. It's been a while since we got a scene with the guys. I remember I used to love watching Derek, Mark and Owen together and I'm glad they are putting the guys together again. It's specially good for Jackson who apparently doesn't have any friends besides Ben.

So we finally found out what happened to Owen's sister, huh? Well well well, it's interesting that he blames Nathan for letting Megan get into the helicopter when he actually did the same thing. Plane to Idaho, anyone? Owen is such a hypocrite. I was trying to be on Owen's side but after finding out what happened I just gave up on him entirely. 
This episode really reminded me of fetus Grey's and that's why I liked it so much :)

As for Jolex and Omelia:



  • Love 5

Judge me all you want but I actually like Penny. I like her better than I like Jo and Stephanie. I don't know why, I just do. The scene with her going back and forth between Meredith and Amelia was so enjoyable. I don't want her to become a regular, but I'm sure it's happening so I'll embrace it.


It's so much better when she is shown as more than just a person who killed Derek and must pay for it. She actually had a semblance of personality this time and was lot less stiff and wooden, it was nice to see.

I mean sure, her character is wholly unnecessary, but frankly, the same can be said about like half the cast at this point, so whatever. 

  • Love 3

This was the second time Callie has referred to being bitter and angry about her divorce. Isn't that a bit of a retcon? It was all about her "happy single girl dancing joyfully in her underwear yeah you go girl" rebirth when it happened. Sure, divorce is not pretty even when you want it and initate it, but she sure wasn't shown as being too heartbroken at the time.

Though I guess they needed a line for her in this episode and figured that her usual "I miss sex!" talk would be a bit of an overkill this time around. 

Edited by Joana
  • Love 1

To that end, what the hell with Amelia and Owen?  Weren't they just not talking?  Didn't Amelia just tell him off?  How did they wind up in bed together?  I don't pay much attention to their story so its possible I missed something, but I was so confused when they showed them in bed together.  And, of course:


Well the writers at least acknowledged they totally screwed up the Amelia/Owen relationship by making them start over.  They were basically like well we have no idea whats going on with these two so lets just make it a clean slate for us and them.



It ain't gonna happen.  I get why Jo doesn't want to get married now, especially since Alex proposed hours after a big fight and hours after he told her that Meredith was the only one he could count on, but the fact that none of this has been addressed is completely stupid.  It has been MONTHS in show time, months and the Alex/Mer/Jo "storyline" has been going on for a season and half and now it is as if it never happened.  Not to mention the fact that in episode 3, Jo was practically begging Alex to show her where their relationship was going and what she meant to him.  Again, none of this makes sense and it is the worst kind of storytelling, but look - we'll play a song from season 1 and everyone will be lulled into complacency!


I TOTALLY get why Jo might not want to get married right now.  There are tons are reasons.  For example,  Is Alex proposing because he really wants to get married right now, or just so she doesn't leave.  Does Jo want to finish her residency before getting married?  There are tons are valid reasons.  I just can't for the life of me figure out why we can't see these conversations.  And instead we get some silly coy dialogue about the ring being in his drawer.


The bolded so accurate!  I have to tell myself if I want to keep watching this show it is with the understanding that it will never be what it used to be and to just accept it for what it is now.  


Oh and to build on what I said before about Owen's sister.  Being lost and not having a body is soap speak for showing up with amnesia at just the most inopportune time.  I am so not interested in Owen/Riggs drama (even though I like Riggs) that the fact that their feud was over something this non dramatic didn't even bother me.  Its basically Owen being Owen.  He can leave at any time now.


On a different note, the music gets a thumbs up from me this week.  It was much better engineered to not take away from the dialogue and I hope we have moved past the covers.  

Edited by Greysaddict
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