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S04.E03: Mercy

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Floki remains a prisoner and Ragnar reveals to him the heavy price that has been paid for his actions; a mysterious visitor counsels mercy to Ragnar; intrigue in the French Court includes Rollo finding an unlikely ally in Count Odo. Also, Bjorn battles a fierce opponent in the wilderness.
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Bjorn bugs me--he was ok when he was just a kid and then a warrior, but now gadding about on "quests" to prove his mettle--totally boring.  Didn't he fight in Paris and others and isn't that enough to prove you are special?

I like the actor, but the character not so much this year. I want to see Vikings, not Survivorman!

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You're quite right.

He's also a father, and yet he doesn't seem interested in that at all. I'm not sure what age Ragnar and Lagertha  were when the series started--they had Gitta and Bjorn then. So, yes...Bjorn has to be older than what I had thought, too. Is he running around looking for the mother (Thorun/Porun? no idea her name) of his baby?

For a man who's been wounded in battle, and has the nickname "Bjorn Ironsides" NOW--why run around in the snow fishing? I'm hoping this is a short interlude and we get on with the show, as I'm starting to get annoyed with it.

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Why is this show trying to make Judith happen?

Get her away from Ecbert before she ruins him the way she did Athelstan!


I'm totally on board for Aethelwulf/Kwenthrith. :) I don't even care about the cheating anymore. If Judith can bed hop as much as she wants, then I'm not gonna condemn Aethelwulf. At least he and Kwenthrith have chemistry.


Lagertha & Kalf just pisses me off. I feel like Lagertha is being marginalized.

Edited by Silverglitter
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This show has gotten so boring and I barely care about any of the characters. Who wanted to spend an hour listening to Bjorn yell? I felt more for the bear than I did for him. Ragnar's wittle ego is offended that his wife stepped out even though he's never been faithful to any of his wives? Is that supposed to be interesting- that he's just another limp dick? Who cares that Ragnar and Ecbert are still in love with the most Mary Sue male character ever conceived? Their shared mystical exprience was the most faux profound thing this show has ever done. Dear writers: Athelstan was boring and didn't have a single entertaining scene past season one.


Am I meant to be rooting for Rollo? Dude, of course she doesn't like you. She had to be dragged down the aisle, have her head forced into a bow, and then dragged screaming and crying into the bedroom. She pulled a knife on you. She did not want to marry you and still doesn't. I mean, I'm sure there's a Harlequin twist coming but watching Rollo make these dumb childish faces because he's so earnest and vulnerable right now was embarrassing.


I sincerely hope Lagertha follows through in her swear to kill Baby Cow (and his wee blonde cohort). "When I unsurped your throne it was because I love you!" Cut his dick off, too, my queen. Then go rule Norway solo.


I doubt I'm tuning in next week, I'll just dvr it and watch Lagertha's scenes.

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I mean, I'm sure there's a Harlequin twist coming but watching Rollo make these dumb childish faces because he's so earnest and vulnerable right now was embarrassing.

It's so out of character for Rollo, which is why his scenes are becoming painful to watch. I guess this newer, sensitive version is supposed to symbolize his transition from savage to nobility, but I need my Rollo grimy, long haired and shirtless.

Bjorn's Scandinavian Walkabout is roughly as interesting as day old bread. I was kinda rooting for the bear tonight.

I'm feeling the Kwenthrith/Athelwulf pairing. Judith is a bore, I don't know why she's all of a sudden a major player in the series. Ecbert telling her to stay or go? I'll take stay for $400, Alex. Linus Roache is yummy.

I'm hoping Kalf is running some kind of con on Erlander. I'm jealous that both men have better hair than I do.

Edited by BitterApple
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Not enough Lagertha!! She was absolutely wasted tonight. Yeah, I want her to kill Kalf and Horick's son, too.

Yeah, Bjorn's spirit quest is boring. I couldn't watch him killing the bear. I can watch the bloody battle scenes and a blood eagle, but not an animal getting killed.

You go, Aethelwulf. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Wouldn't Floki have died of hypothermia?

Linus Roache. Yum! Loved him since L&O.

That Berserker was awesome.

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I was actually moved when Athelstan appeared to both Ragnar and Ecbert...very well done show. "At least he and Kwenthrith have chemistry" I'm down with the pairing, that scene when Aethelwulf appeared in Crazy Queen's bedroom was pretty hot (I never used to like beards, but I am changing my mind.) Linus Roache would not have to ask me twice to hop in bed with him ,LOL. I guess I'm the "romance novel " sucker the show is counting on because I want to see an epic love scene involving Rollo and Frenchie.

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So are Ecbert, Judith, Aethelwulf and Kwentrith all going to live in one big happy and fucked up family? And I do agree that Aethelwulf and Kwentrith have chemistry, I like them together.  


I would prefer Floki to be dead but I can't argue with Ragnar showing mercy for Helga's sake. She has suffered more than enough and she would have probably died in that cave along with Floki from exhaustion and grief.


I think Judith has become important  because Hirst (historical spoiler) is 

making her mama to Alfred the Great.


Also, historical Aethelwulf  - http://www.britannica.com/biography/Aethelwulf

Edited by magdalene
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At least they managed to squeeze in a Lagertha scene this time, even if it was brief and it was just her fooling around with Kalf.  Hopefully, she knows what he is up to and can't be trusted, and is just buying her time.  I want more of Lagertha being badass, please!


I figured Floki would somehow escape death, but I certainly didn't predict that it would be thanks to Ghost Athelstan.  Man, this show really isn't even pretending to hide that he is truly the love of both Ragnar and Ecbert's lives.  Seriously, none of the women they have slept with these past seasons, will hold a candle to him!  I'm pretty sure Ecbert is mainly with Judith because she's carrying Athelstan's child.  Them both seeing Ghost Athelstan was so over-the-top and ridiculous, but I kind of got a kick out of it.


Aethlwulf and Kwentrith are crazy perfection!


Bjorn's plot really does seem to have turned into a cross between Survivorman and The Revenant.  He did seem to handle the bear better then Leo did, although to be fair, he was more prepared.


Poor Rollo.  Nothing a good session with Rosetta Stone wouldn't fix!  Well, except that his wife hates his ass.  That could be a pretty big problem.


Ragnar's story went over my head, but I'm guessing there was a reason Aslaug got so pissed off, and he seemed to totally know what he was doing.  He really doesn't like it when someone insults his late boyfriend.

Edited by thuganomics85
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Ragnar and Aslaug actually act like several horrible married couples I know so that's getting weird.


That kid isn't Ragnar's ...he's only throwing blonde babies.


Just was Lagertha needs another dumbass guy who will only really value her for her ability to produce an heir.  (I remember reading somewhere....that she had children with someone after Ragnar...)

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I think Judith has become important  because Hirst (historical spoiler) is 

making her mama to Alfred the Great.

Yeah, but

making Aethelstan his father?


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I'm dissapointed that I'm not enjoying Rollo's storyline as much as I thought I would.   I don't think the actor's doing anything wrong, maybe it's just that Rollo needs the right dynamics to play off of and we don't know the french court well enough.  I'm not especially engaged or repelled by Count whatever his name is or the scheming courtier.   The Princess, I don't like or dislike.   Just kind of meh for now.  They can still win me over, I'm just hoping it happens soon.


Athelwulf and Queen Kwenthrith, oh boy.  This is not good.  I consider Echbert and Judith to have the upper hand in terms of strategy and guile BUT A & K are crazy and mercurial.   This foursome is going to get very messy, I can tell.  I'm looking forward to it and dreading it at the same time.   I'm also looking forward to seeing Judith develop beyond the wounded bird.   I think she's going to turn into a Mini-female Echbert.


Bjorn, I can't help it.  I like him, even when it's in plotlines I usually wouldn't like.   The fight with the bear was well staged because when it happened, I made a point of looking away.


And the eternal Ragnar-Athelstan-Echbert triangle. lol.   I liked it because it drove home once again, how on paper, Athelstan shouldn't have mattered.  In the currency this world measures by, he had no real family, no lineage that was impressive, his battle prowess was especially unremarkable.   Floki partly killed Athelstan because he seethed with resentment over the influence Athelstan had over Ragnar, but Athelstan had the guile of a newborn baby chick.  I shudder to think what the state of things could be if Athelstan had been as Machiavelli as Floki always said he was.  Anyway one simple fish out of water monk upended the lives of two of the worlds most powerful and cunning men.   And while his effect was more profound on one then the other, I thought it was appropriate.   Athelstan was able to move Ragnar to mercy towards Floki and Helga but NOT forgiveness from the looks of it.  And Echbert's vision seemed more like a "goodbye".   Though we know  Echbert was still capable of profound and cold-blooded treachery, Athelstan still mean't a great deal to him ("loved him") and you could tell his acknowledging that Athelstan is gone, hit hard.   I don't think Athelstan could have ever moved Echbert to mercy as he did Ragnar and that say's a lot.  Hirst writes the dynamic between these three very well.  


Seriously, none of the women they have slept with these past seasons, will hold a candle to him!  I'm pretty sure Ecbert is mainly with Judith because she's carrying Athelstan's child.  Them both seeing Ghost Athelstan was so over-the-top and ridiculous, but I kind of got a kick out of it.


lol.   Seriously, if they were real people, I'd have to sit Lagetha, Aslaug, (maybe Yidu), Judith and pretty much anyone else down and give them the facts, "These two kings of are owned, lock stock and barrel."

Edited by Advance35
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I would prefer Floki to be dead but I can't argue with Ragnar showing mercy for Helga's sake. She has suffered more than enough and she would have probably died in that cave along with Floki from exhaustion and grief.



Helga's presence in the cave continues to echo Loki's punishment. Loki's wife held a bowl over his head to collect the serpent venom, but just like Helga, she had to leave every so often to empty the bowl of its contents. Of course, Loki didn't have a monk advocating mercy, so he stayed there til the end of time.

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This show once again reaffirms the true love story is the love triangle between Ragnar, Athelstan and Ecbert.  I thought the shared vision was an excellent scene and the musical score for it was GREAT.


I think this episode was a lot better after last week's stumble.  The Wessex and Paris stuff was much more manageable and didn't feel like they dragged as much.  Linus Roache continues to nail it as Ecbert.


I have to admit, I'm down with Prince Hodor and Queen Crazypants.


I'm annoyed at the lack of Lagertha this season.  I only hope she's playing a Ragnar-like long con on Earl I Have To Piss.


I really do hope Floki learns that it was a vision of Athlestan that saved his life.


Fimmel was fantastic as always in the scene where he's telling the kids a story but I find it laughable whenever Ragnar whines about his wife being unfaithful to him.  Ragnar is incapable of being faithful to either of his wives (especially if they couldn't produce more children for him) and didn't love them nearly as much as he loved Athelstan.

Edited by benteen
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I cracked up at Rollo gnawing on that meat and cracking bones with his teeth at the dinner table.  Reminded me of one of my uncles.

Edited by Ohwell
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Way too much crammed into one episode, and a lot of it seemed forced.

I thought we'd see more blood when Aethelwulf slept with Kwenthrith because you know he would have had to whip himself both before AND after. What was that? When did Humperdink get the hots for the Crazy Queen? When Ecbert sent him to Mercia last season, she threatened his life and almost scared him to death when she propositioned him. Then he thinks he reconciled with Judith. Last episode, he nearly got his ass handed to him trying to save Kwenthrith and Magnus, and now he's ditching his morals and jumping into bed with her? I think they just pushed this character too far.


Rollo is many things, but clearly not a scholar. He doesn't seem to have the patience for it.

Ragnar saying that Helga had suffered enough had me torn between thinking that her suffering was more of the punishment than the mock crucifixion, or that he finally freed Floki because he couldn't stand the toll it was taking on Helga, as he did seem to be fond of her.

I'm not a historian- did vikings have snap traps like that? If so, you'd think they'd have stumbled upon a crossbow before getting to Paris.

Laegertha, seriously. Kalf wants you to bear his child while he plots to kill your other one? Quit sleeping with him and kick his ass. He's cute, but not worth it.

Is Ragnar mad at Aslaug for her fish shack indiscretion with the Wanderer or because the children nearly died while she did it? I'm thinking the latter, and he's just letting her twist in the wind until she gets cocky enough to try to make a play for the throne. BUT, if you're going to go out and raid and leave someone to rule while you're gone, you can't really be shocked when they don't want to give up the power when you return. Right Laegertha?

Judith, this is not going to end well.

Poor bear.

Edited by nowornever
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This show. I just can't get enough. It is must see TV for me. I even love the plot lines that, for now, don't seem to have a purpose. The sets and costumes are so rich and make me suspend disbelief. I will mourn seasons end and bide time awaiting it's return.

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I loved it all. It's like Game of Thrones, with lots of characters and plot threads meandering all over the place - but they end up crossing each other and tying up at some point. Or maybe not, history is a bitch.

I like that the women have lots of power, in their own way. I like that the heroes are so flawed. I like how the characters' journeys aren't so clearcut and obvious, or necessarily have happy endings. That's life.

Not sure why so many dislike Judith, I enjoy the character and the actress. There are already twice as many male characters as female, do all the women have to be crazy or awesome or evil to be worthy of inclusion? Sometimes a character is just ordinary, yet essential to the story.

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Well, I would say Helga is "ordinary."  And even though Siggy was an Earl''s wife, I'd say she became ordinary before she died.

Edited by Ohwell
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One of my favorite episodes thus far. Only ones better for me are " The Lords Prayer" & " Sacrifice"

I still have chills over the shared vision of Athelstan & am digging the rock star worship of him. Was he worthy of it ? Meh, I don't know nor care. I just enjoy it.

I think the actress that plays Judith is rocking it. ( sorry too lazy to look up her name.)

I'm wondering if Ecbert is getting over analyzed ?(here on PTV)

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar? Maybe he simply loved Athelstan & wants to have sex with him vicariously thru Judith ? I dunno

Bjorn clearly stated to Ragnar the only reason for his journey was to prove himself to Ragnar.

I'm in the minorty that I loved his mad bear killing skills . Although I didn't understand the need to dive into the icy water & how he was going to climb out of there ? Guess we find out next week.

Kalf. You're a moron. Lagertha is on to you. You CLEARLY saw what she did to Einar last week.

When she finds out you're out to kill Bjorn??? Bitch please, I shudder to think what she will do to you.

"Mercy, mercy." :)

ETA: damn!!! When Ecbert offered for Kwenthrith to go have a bath, I thought for sure we'd have one of his fun, crazy bath house parties. Phooey.

Edited by jnymph
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Way too much crammed into one episode, and a lot of it seemed forced.

I thought we'd see more blood when Aethelwulf slept with Kwenthrith because you know he would have had to whip himself both before AND after. What was that? When did Humperdink get the hots for the Crazy Queen? When Ecbert sent him to Mercia last season, she threatened his life and almost scared him to death when she propositioned him. Then he thinks he reconciled with Judith. Last episode, he nearly got his ass handed to him trying to save Kwenthrith and Magnus, and now he's ditching his morals and jumping into bed with her? I think they just pushed this character too far.


I interpreted a lot of that differently . I thought he definitely had the hots of Kwenthrith  he was just smart enough and had enough willpower to not let her gain dominance over him in that way.  Or maybe he just dislikes sex as manipulation..  


And I dont think he reconciled with Judith at all. That parting line to her last week "Now that I trust you parting is less sorrowful"  was loaded with sarcasm.

Edited by The Kings Foot
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That kid isn't Ragnar's ...he's only throwing blonde babies.



Kwenthrith has black hair. Unlike Lagertha and Aslaug.


However I doubt Magnus is Ragnar's son simply becuase Aethelwulf pointed out nobody noticed Kwenthrith was pregnant, which would have been a big deal.

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Damn -- what the hell happened to Travis Fimmel between "Tarzan" (OMG, so bad) and "Vikings" (OMG, so, so, so good)?


I'm delighted that he has become so fantastic because he's in my living room every week now as Ragnar Lothbrok.  But, seriously, he must have made a deal with someone for this talent to emerge.  I wonder if it involved pig's blood, chicken claws, and a full moon?


ANYway, loved seeing Athelstan and that it was the force of Christian Mercy (through the monk) encouraging a powerful King to act in a way that was not normal in his culture.  I think the oeuvre of Christianity and Athelstan in his role as a monk, both, would be satisfied that they are creeping into Viking culture subtly, by inches.  And, favorably.  Christianity has/had its share of atrocious behaviors that seemed condoned by the religion.  At least in this case, it's the nicer one - mercy is a good one to choose.  


He will have (I predict) fucked Floki up much more by punishing and then releasing him than if he had let him (and, probably Helga) die in that cave.  To Helga he said, "You have suffered enough, Helga," -- NOT to Floki.  (Floki, who in my estimation, remains a two dimensional nut job with great abs.  Muscular definition brought to you by:  Starvation and Amazing Stretching Techniques.)

Edited by Captanne
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I think Kwenthrith some how manged to "procure" a male baby so that her bid to take over the throne of Mercia would be easier for the people to accept.  Like, okay here is this crazy woman but she has a SON, a clear heir to the throne and (hopefully) we won't have any more civil wars for a while.  


Ragnar's mercy was for Helga, not Floki.  


I sort of like the Rollo scenes.  He is used to feeling competent and powerful.  His little deal with the devil seemingly as made him practically infantile.  

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Damn -- what the hell happened to Travis Fimmel between "Tarzan" (OMG, so bad) and "Vikings" (OMG, so, so, so good)?


I'm delighted that he has become so fantastic because he's in my living room every week now as Ragnar Lothbrok.  But, seriously, he must have made a deal with someone for this talent to emerge.  I wonder if it involved pig's blood, chicken claws, and a full moon?


ANYway, loved seeing Athelstan and that it was the force of Christian Mercy (through the monk) encouraging a powerful King to act in a way that was not normal in his culture.  I think the oeuvre of Christianity and Athelstan in his role as a monk, both, would be satisfied that they are creeping into Viking culture subtly, by inches.  And, favorably.  Christianity has/had its share of atrocious behaviors that seemed condoned by the religion.  At least in this case, it's the nicer one - mercy is a good one to choose.  


He will have (I predict) fucked Floki up much more by punishing and then releasing him than if he had let him (and, probably Helga) die in that cave.  To Helga he said, "You have suffered enough, Helga," -- NOT to Floki.  (Floki, who in my estimation, remains a two dimensional nut job with great abs.  Muscular definition brought to you by:  Starvation and Amazing Stretching Techniques.)

I am glad I never saw Tarzan, Fimmel is truly great in this--I like that his model beauty is so deeply submerged that all I need to concentrate on is his fine performance. 

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I don't think the Vikings were literate...which makes learning a second language harder.

They weren't. If I remember correctly, they didn't become literate until Christianity had a strong foothold in the region.

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Athelstan!  He was definitely the highlight of the episode.  I miss his voice of reason and ... well "mercy" on the show.  Glad for the cameo in this episode though.


Way to go, Erlunder.  Give the Berserker your late daddy's ring so that Bjorn will know who to wreck vengeance on when he finds it on said future dead Berserker's body.  (No spoilers, just the fact the Berserker isn't in the title credits, hint).


I knew from people here and wiki that Bjorn slaying the bear was a big deal in the sagas.  Glad they got to mark that off of Bjorn's bucket-list this episode.  And interesting they had the foresite to set all this up in season one was it or early season two where Bjorn wanted to test himself in the wilderness but Lagertha's lousy and late husband #2 forbade it.  Bjorn needed to do this testing because while doing well in the big battle with the Saxons and at Paris he always had his father having his back.  He has to earn his spurs for himself to be able to trust himself.


And what a reaction from Ragnar when he "knew".  Pride yet sorrow as in the raven left Kattegat and flew off in Bjorn's direction meaning Ragnar knows Bjorn will start to ascend now which means he will start to wane.  The torch is passed type of moment.  And what the Seer predicted so long ago about the fame of father and son had to come back to him.


In other news Aslaug doesn't want to talk about a certain Wanderer.  Especially in front of the kids.  Since it has been quite awhile and she hasn't become pregnant looks like she got no parting gift from the Wanderer either.  So much for producing a demi-god.


Another good set-up for this season came in last.  Then we saw Athelwulf get more than a little intrigued during his "diplomatic" mission to Crazypants.  Especially when she showed him a whip.  Opposites attract too as in staunch but repressed Christian and happy hedonist "Christian" pagan.   Now if all comes together in that weird, crazy way that is the Dark Ages.


Love seeing Judith doing something women couldn't do back in the day.  So much more fun innocently painting than intriguing and backstabbing and other usual nobility stuff of that ilk.  Ecbert seems to care for her too but he cares for himself number one and young Alfred number two.  I wonder if he thinks Magnus is a number three or failed to find any proof in his looks that either he or Ragnar was his father when he greeted him this episode.


Meanwhile in Paris both Gisla and Rollo throw yet more hissy fits.  Yawn.

Edited by green
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See, I like the Rollo-in-Paris stuff. The big, tough Viking is reduced to a grovelling nobody, just by being an outsider. Obviously that will change, even if you don't know Viking history. But it's interesting to watch his Pygmalion-ish transformation.

I wish this show, and Fimmel especially, were acknowledged during awards season. Emmy voters always seem to have their pet shows for years and years, and it's hard for outsiders to break in, it seems.

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I agree that Fimmel kills it in this show...just watching his silent expressions conveys so much. In season one, I was distracted by how gorgeous he was...now it is hard to remember, as he is Ragnar to me, and bald and tattooed, he expresses so much shrewd intelligence, not mere good looks.

In a moment of whimsy, I sometimes wonder how a player like Ragnar would fare up against Lord Tywin in GOT...both cunning, both utterly ruthless, both patient strategists. I'll never know, but it amuses me to consider who might win...the idea of them joining forces is too terrible to contemplate.

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I'm getting tired of the Wessex storyline. I don't care to see the royal family and their bed hopping; it has nothing to do with Ragnar and his family. And, unpopular opinion, i thought the shared vision of Athelstan (and continued adulation) was cheesy. What annoys me the most is presenting Athelstan as Alfred's father (and thus his grandfather's favorite because he looooves Athelstan). It's all too soap opera for me.

Everything but the Wessex storyline was wonderful.

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Bjorn's battle with the bear was pretty cool as was his victorious roar and Ragnar's reaction.

Nothing ruins the mood more after making love to a man, his declaring his love and then saying 'I gotta go take a piss.' Kalf you so romantic.

Kinda felt for Rollo with the language barrier issues. Still he knows he's gotta make this work after throwing in with the French and slaughtering his kinsmen. There's no going back.

I'm here for Crazy Queen and Athelwulf. No doubt about it that she's using him for security and power against everyone including Ecbert but I think she also kinds digs him. When the crap hit the fan he saved both her and Magnus from the tower and hauled her and her son through freezing temperatures to safety. He could've just made her son the priority but Athelwulf showed concern for her welfare and literally gave them the heavy cloak off his back to warm both her and her son. He was doing his best to bring them both back when he could've easily arranged for an accident where Magnus was left motherless and his fate in the hands of Ecbert. She knows this and also maybe for the first time a man wasn't raping her or manipulating her or bullying her or taking advantage of her sexual offers but trying to take care of her.

For Athelwulf, unlike his wife, Kwenthrith shows she wants him and needs him in the way he wants and needs to be needed. At first it was just sexually and he was offended, but then she needed him as protector and someone to lean on physically and emotionally and he got to be the husband and father he wanted to be with Judith and Alfred, but could never be. Kwen and Athelwulf forged an emotional bond during their journey back so that by the time they got home, he's emotionally closer to her than Judith and when Kwen welcomes him to her bed, she's not playing the naughty sex kitten but just so happy and comforted to see him (before he comes in she's scared and anxious as hell twirling her hair) and he he still waits for her to give the go ahead before he drops the robe and goes to her bed not as a plaything but more as a lover/husband.

Dang it, I want these two crazy kids to be happy and make it. But history aside (haven't spoiled myself) money says Kwen has to make a hard choice and betray Ecbert and Athelwulf will fall on his sword still trying to protect her. I'd rather the two of them run off together with Magnus and have a couple more crazy warrior kids.

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There are too many storylines crammed into single episodes.   It's like speed dating.   Or waiters zipping by with hors d'oeuvres trays.   No time to settle in and really enjoy any one scene (and the scenes I have in mind don't take place in Wessex, Mercia or Paris).


Linus Roche is very charming, but otherwise, so what?  Enough with Judith's delusions of empowerment and King Silver Tongue's seductions.


The Paris scenes are awful.   I keep hoping Black Adder will make a cameo appearance.   Rollo has been effectively emasculated as a character.    Duke Buffoon.


I have no complaints about anything happening in Kattegat or beneath the Aurora Bjornealis.


Here's a thought:  why didn't Helga just turn the bowl upside down and put it on Floki's head for awhile?

Edited by millennium
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Thank God I am not a torture expert.  


My understanding is that the "Chinese Water Torture" is a percussion-based repetitive impact method.  Putting a bowl on your head doesn't change the rhythm or the interminable wait for the next hit.


The bowl above his head kept the water from making impact with his skull in any way.


I read Wiki on this a few days ago and they say that part of the torture is that it came from people watching drips erode rock.  So, the victim would imagine in his mind that the water drops were eroding his skull.  (I hadn't thought of that.  In military survival school(s), they use audio repetition at loud volume with beating rhythm to drive you mad without harming you physically.  That's first hand experience, not anecdotal.) 

Edited by Captanne
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I'm getting tired of the Wessex storyline. I don't care to see the royal family and their bed hopping; it has nothing to do with Ragnar and his family. And, unpopular opinion, i thought the shared vision of Athelstan (and continued adulation) was cheesy. What annoys me the most is presenting Athelstan as Alfred's father (and thus his grandfather's favorite because he looooves Athelstan). It's all too soap opera for me.

Everything but the Wessex storyline was wonderful.

Kings Foot  beat me to the response  

It will involve Ragnar! He invades and ultimately dies in "England".

Edited by Stratego
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