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S06.E13: Spinning A Web

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I agree with this. I noticed from the very beginning that there was little warmth between Yo and Lisa, considering they had known each other prior to the show. I think that it has always bothered Yo that Mo and Lisa are so close. Even though I have never cared much for Yo, I try to look a things from a perspective of how I would feel. Yo was married to Mo and apparently he was unfaithful on more than one occasion. He wasn't loyal to her in a sense, yet he has always been flawlessly loyal to Lisa. Last season (or the one before that) he took to Twitter to defend her against some things that Brandi was saying. His concern and love for her was evident in this defense of her. I wondered at the time how that must make Yo feel. That he was so loyal to Lisa while he hadn't been loyal to Yo (although of course there are major differences here). To work with someone who has such a close relationship with your ex-husband must be strange in a way. You have to know that they know things about you and your relationship that you might not want them to know, as told from Mo's perspective. Even with David, Lisa knew him before Yo did because of Mo. Lisa was in the room when David proposed to Yo, so even here Lisa can lay a certain claim to one of Yo's relationships. Then there is the stuff with Yo's kids. I always thought it interesting the way that Lisa would go on and on about her close relationship with Gigi and the non-Gigi's. She talked in blogs about knowing them since they were babies, about spending holidays with them on occasion and vacationing with them. She spoke of loving them and wanting the best for them. I don't think her intensions were evil, but here she is able to claim a relationship with people that are the closest to Yo, when Yo cannot do the same thing with regard to Lisa's children. It just throws the whole balance of power off between two women who work together, and I think that Yo hates Lisa to an extent because of it. 


If Yolanda had any brain function at all (can she claim lime way back then?), she would have made Lisa one of her closest friends. It is simply self preservation to cuddle up to the inner circle of your significant other. You become "one of them" and force them to include you.


She instead went the easiest route, which was to silently resent the relationship while acting cordial to the Pumps. That silent resentment has simmered into what she's displaying now on RoBH. 


Lisa's careful dealings with her tells me all I need to know about the depth of her friendship with Mo, and her relationship with Yolanda's children. It is in difference to those relationships that she walks away from confrontations with Yolanda before they become heated, and censors her response to the ridiculousness that ensued after she let slip Mo's stance on the non Gigi's health.

  • Love 15

Kyle asked Lisa what Mo said, and Lisa said "No" - in context of that conversation meaning the kids didn't have Lyme. Of course she was discrediting Yo.

How is giving an honest answer to a question "discrediting" someone? According to Mohamed, himself, he DID tell Lisa that the kids were "fine" and backed that up in a tweet he sent to Andy. Funny thing though, he does NOT say anywhere that the kids are in fact sick, he doesn't say 1 way or the other but if they really are sick and as their mother has already told the viewing public there would be no need for him to not back Yolanda up and he did NO such thing. LOL It was Mohamed that discredited Yolanda NOT LisaV IMO. LOL

  • Love 13

Mo has not said the kids don't have Lyme - replying that someone is "fine" means nothing.

As I said, he hasn't said 1 way OR the other and that was/is my point. If he really wanted to back Yolanda up he would have said so because she had already made it known ON camera, yet he did NOT! In fact, his tweet to Andy read more like him supporting LisaV than Yolanda. LOL

  • Love 7

Classic mean girl deliberateness with private conversation is talking about how Yolanda's ugly or whatever and then when she asks what they're talking about you say "nothing" and giggle at each other. It's about making the other person feel isolated and picked on.


Saying it privately to Lisa in the hopes that it will get brought up anyway is annoying, but it's exactly the kind of annoying the show's based on and Yolanda was thrilled to run with it herself. She managed to use her "I don't want it brought up again" speech to bring up all her own grievances again. And she got pissed off when she restated her "I COULD state that Lisar is bipolar but I won't..." and Kyle logically pointed out that this is exactly the thing she accuses Lisar of doing with her "somebody said she had Munchhausen's" stuff. Then she even managed to up the ante again by referring to dark secrets she has about Kyle in her vault--which iirc somehow jumped off of her again using her soapbox to accuse Lisa of telling everyone her kids are lying or Yolanda is lying about her kids being sick.


Whatever nonsense Kyle and Lisa (the two together) started by bringing up Lisar still being annoyed at the bipolar comment, Yolanda heard it as her cue for her own festival of nonsense yet again. She was claiming she didn't want it brought up again, but then deliberately chose not to just say "I don't want to talk about that." She made it as front and center as possible.


That's not bitch eating crackers. That's tracking how we led up to Yolanda's latest speech about all the wrongs done her and how everybody else is a morally inferior. LOL!



THIS!! It was Yolanda who brought up once again how she thinks Lisa was talking trash about her kids, not Kyle. For all her protestations that she just wanted Kyle to "drop it," it was Yolanda who kept that conversation going, bringing up her grievances one by one as you said, then after making each of her points, kept on repeating, "It's over, drop it, Kyle." Cue sly grins. I believe that's why Kyle ultimately said, "Give me a break, Yolanda." IMO, Kyle would gladly have had the end of that conversation be at any point BEFORE Yolanda asked her what they were talking about.


I'm really not an anti-Yolanda person. I have often liked her when others didn't. However, these last couple of episodes she has really been over the top with her repeated accusations against others, and her vault comment was the limit. Well, it was until she decided to say that her vault comment was all about her vault of kindness and respect and things she would never say. Right.

  • Love 9

​She also pronounced it with ease on WWHL. The Lyme Brain seems to be selective.


​There's not much point in refusing dessert several weeks after the main meal.


Didn't Kyle out that Yolanda was talking junk about Lisa while they were on a trip (France?) that season?


Yes, and LVP, stupidly said she believed Yolanda's denial over Kyle assertion and the conversation or a part of it was on tape. 

Yolanda said LVP did not really care about Kim.

Mo has not said the kids don't have Lyme - replying that someone is "fine" means nothing.

I believe the quote from Mohamed via LVP, after the Kyle inquiry about the non-gigi's Lyme Disease was, "no, just Yolanda."   I still don't understand how claiming a child (adult or otherwise) is fine is the end of the world.  Quite honestly I think most people who get Lyme's probably have gotten over it from the time Yolanda told the ladies and the BBQ where it was discussed again.  I would think it would be - the kids have Lyme disease.  A month later how are the kids and their Lyme Disease-the kids are fine.

  • Love 5

Wow, the full context of Yo's letter to Kyle might be the most interesting thing thus far. She seems to be responding to some plea from Kyle to participate more and is defending the fact that she cannot. Her words that they have two new girls that can help make the show successful is extremely interesting. She certainly seems to imply that Kyle has a bigger role in the production of the show, almost as if it is a known fact. Her parting words that they should get together on their own for coffee gives the impression of a real relationship. It is just confusing, and I can see why Bravo wouldn't post her blog.

I'd be annoyed too if my co-worker was getting a pass to skip work assignments because she's playing at being sick. It's like in school when you have a group project and there's always one person who does squat, yet benefits from everyone's hard work. She was so smug, smirking at Kyle and Lisa at that lunch, I wanted to bitch slap her. Did she think we wouldn't notice her condescension or does she think her deluded fans will protect her?

  • Love 13

There have also been reports from viewers that was written about in a few blogs about production "reshooting/re-filming" scenes in both NY and NJ. In addition to that we had Alex (NY) spilling production secrets before she moved to Australia, including that each HW has their own "line producer" and that these people help amp the HW up before filming.

Well if that's the case, I'm not gonna care what I say about them. I try to be somewhat nice about them when I post but if they're just playing fictional characters, forget that!

Well if that's the case, I'm not gonna care what I say about them. I try to be somewhat nice about them when I post but if they're just playing fictional characters, forget that!

They aren't playing "fictional characters" (although for some HWs it would be better if that was true LOL) but the producers do amp them up with gossip and they do reshoot scenes if they didn't get to film something to their liking. Alex explained that the "line producer" had nothing to do with "lines", there is NO written script,  but with "managing" their assigned HW. They make friends with them, listen to them and help the HW develop their own storyline about what is going on in their lives that THEY, the HW, wants to share on camera. Oh, and they share with the other "line producers" what the HWs are saying about each other. LOL

  • Love 6

Kyle asked Lisa what Mo said, and Lisa said "No" - in context of that conversation meaning the kids didn't have Lyme. Of course she was discrediting Yo.

Lisa also said during that same conversation that Mo said the kids were fine, but Kyle and LisaR were talking over her so you have to listen closely to hear it. Lisa only said what Mo confirmed in his tweets and Instagram. Mo never said the kids were sick in his posts after the show. He only said that he said the kids were "fine" and that he supported his kids and their mother. 


The only person discrediting Yo was Mo; and Lisa V was obviously uncomfortable even repeating that little bit of information from him. It was one of the few moments throughout the series where you could actually see Lisa V realizing that she should have kept her mouth shut and one of the reasons I think that she has completely checked out of this show. She keeps trying to engage by asking questions of the others, but even that keeps biting her in the ass. 


I personally think that Lisa has a life that she enjoys and enjoys showing to the audience, but everyone on the show keeps trying to make her enjoyment of her life a weapon against her. And it seems like she is just tired of it to me. I totally get that. If I had her life, I would totally be like "look at the ponies" instead of engaging in some bs conversation that she already apologized for multiple times and thought was water under the bridge.

Edited by MatildaMoody
  • Love 19

Kyle - actually looked cute in her sweats/jeans when LR came over. I don't blame her for being annoyed at Yo because Yo was rude and condescending. So what if LVP left the lunch: she wasn't going to let herself continue to be baited or attacked by Yo. Kyle should have done the same. Not crazy about the self promotion of "Kyle and I are going to donate $5,000" at the fundraiser. Heck, with their money, they could have donated a lot more.

LVP - I thought she actually looked her best on the bike before the spinning started. With her hair up, and probably the lighting, she looked softer. It would be nice if she apologized to Eileen, but she obviously believes she didn't do anything wrong since Eileen was the one who introduced the topic. Loved the animals and the dinner.

Erika - I thought the same thing as she was whipping her hair back and forth at spinning; stealing Kyle's signature. Pot, meet kettle. For someone who professes to be secure and upfront, she's shady and insecure.

LR - Harry's not as cute any more. No one wants him. Your safe. Look up the word class; your pictures not next to it for a reason. I like her but she is an embarrassment with that mouth.

KE - less and less impressed the more she's in. For someone who hasn't been involved before, she certainly has all the answers.

YF - GO AWAY! I find it amazing that someone who can't remember anything due to LD has "things stored in the vault". Who does she think she is? Al Capone? I may just have to fast forward when she's on because she's nauseating.

If I remember...Geraldo opened that vault.. I think Yolanda's will turn out to be the same.... empty.

  • Love 6


Love these recaps, thanks for sharing! I was reading through the comments on it and found this gem:




squirrel  notwithoutmyTV • 4 hours ago

Kyle claims she partnered with SoulCycle to benefit a charity named 'Give Back Homes'. I shit you not, she just Bravo blog-bragged about it with zero irony.

Poor Kim's gonna lose her last chip when that ribbon cutting ceremony airs, and Kyle gives a perfect stranger their Goddam House Back.

  • Love 7

I think Mohammad played Switzerland in his response statement.  I also think that Lisa chose not to further reveal everything that Mo has said regarding the non Gigi's Lyme because of their friendship.  


Bottom line for me is Yo is a manipulative poseur at the very least.   She really needs a psychiatric help and the family tip toes around it.  As much as I really don't like David Foster, I think he was quite joyous to get out of the whole ordeal because there was nothing he could do to make it better.  Yo believes what she believes and damn if anyone goes against her.  She's a sick person.  And I mean that mentally.       

  • Love 14

Perhaps to Lisa's diehard fans it might look that way.

I suppose that IS true but that also applies to any 1 HW that someone like/prefers. The same could also be said if it is a HW that someone dislikes the MOST as well. If someone likes Yolanda, they don't always see things the same way those that dislike her do and visa versa. LOL Which IS what makes this site so wonderful, all of the HWs have defenders AND detractors. LOL

  • Love 11

I suppose that IS true but that also applies to any 1 HW that someone like/prefers. The same could also be said if it is a HW that someone dislikes the MOST as well. If someone likes Yolanda, they don't always see things the same way those that dislike her do and visa versa. LOL Which IS what makes this site so wonderful, all of the HWs have defenders AND detractors. LOL

After reading the blogs, even Yolanda's not suitable for Bravo blog, it is apparent that Yolanda's agenda is to get viewer's to fall out of love with LVP and turn it towards her and her effing Lyme Disease.  She has become resentful for the third time now of Kyle and Lisa's friendship.  At this point Yolanda needs to pull her horns back in and realize Kyle and LVP are reigning supreme by doing what the do. If the worst thing either does is engage in a separate conversation at a meal table or ask a question about previously broadcast information, Yolanda probably won't get her way. 


I was surprised at Kyle she did not give Yolanda a pass or buy her rewriting of the vault statement (threat).  I think what bothered all of these ladies is the condescending tone at lunch and in the e-mail that Yolanda saw fit to address to all the ladies.  It was a fairly simple premise, Yolanda sashayed out of Ericka's low rent carnival earlier, and it was evident Lisar wasn't over the bi-polar comment.  (Lisar still working through Season 5 mid-season stuff.) Best time to talk about is when all or most of the ladies are present.  Probably better if Rinna isn't present.


So I am ready for the second half of the season.  It seems after a long first half we have Erika and Yolanda trying to grab back some credibility and likability.   

  • Love 8

I haven't had time to read through all the posts, so sorry if someone has already pointed this out. I think the reason this season has been such a snooze is that every episode is just product placement for some restaurant (including what everyone is ordering) or beauty treatment facility or gym. They always did this to some degree, but it's become really over-the-top and irritating.

They also do this on VPR, regaling us with every menu item ordered at various restaurants and bars.

I'm sure it works out great for the businesses, but it's a boring drag for the rest of us.

  • Love 3

Could not agree more, while the show was created by Dunlop as an answer to dvr, the commercial integration in the story line is becoming a problem by its quantity and frankly low quality,

One of the poster indicated that the products promoted at this point were not even aspirational at this point.

If I hear one more time about Chanel, I might stop buying that brand, period.


I'm really not an anti-Yolanda person. I have often liked her when others didn't. However, these last couple of episodes she has really been over the top with her repeated accusations against others, and her vault comment was the limit. Well, it was until she decided to say that her vault comment was all about her vault of kindness and respect and things she would never say. Right.

Lol yes that vault statement took a lot of mental gymnastics to reframe, didn't it? It's like saying fuck you to someone then coming back later and saying " in my native country fuck means to make love, so I was actually saying I love you very much". Nope not buying it
  • Love 20

Mo has not said the kids don't have Lyme - replying that someone is "fine" means nothing.

What Lisa said was "no - he said Yolanda is the only one who has it". Mo might not have meant to say this, or Lisa might have gotten it wrong, but she did state that he said that the non-Gigi's don't have Lyme. 


Lisa does not make these kinds of mistakes. She doesn't reveal stuff on the show that she doesn't want to reveal. She is careful in every interaction to put out exactly what she wants to put out. I believe that Mo wanted her to get this little nugget out there. He will defend Yo in the end; he has to because of the kids. I still think that he wanted for the world to know that this is all a sham. I have all kinds of issues with Lisa, but I don't believe she would have said something so serious without knowing that Mo was OK with it. I don't think she would have harmed this friendship. I think Yo is a nutter, but the fact is Lisa said on National TV that the husband of her children to not believe they are actually ill. Her main beef should be with Mo, but my bigger belief is that she knows Lisa was working with him to put the information out there. 

  • Love 11

I haven't had time to read through all the posts, so sorry if someone has already pointed this out. I think the reason this season has been such a snooze is that every episode is just product placement for some restaurant (including what everyone is ordering) or beauty treatment facility or gym. They always did this to some degree, but it's become really over-the-top and irritating.

They also do this on VPR, regaling us with every menu item ordered at various restaurants and bars.

I'm sure it works out great for the businesses, but it's a boring drag for the rest of us.

Kyle and Mauricio are one of the owners of Frida's-that is why all the signage and placement.  http://www.celebrity-gossip.net/paris-hilton/hilton-family-celebrates-kyle-richards-birthday-456147  Old article-happier days.

  • Love 3

I haven't had time to read through all the posts, so sorry if someone has already pointed this out. I think the reason this season has been such a snooze is that every episode is just product placement for some restaurant (including what everyone is ordering) or beauty treatment facility or gym. They always did this to some degree, but it's become really over-the-top and irritating.

They also do this on VPR, regaling us with every menu item ordered at various restaurants and bars.

I'm sure it works out great for the businesses, but it's a boring drag for the rest of us.

They should rename it Douchebags, Diners and Dicks?

One of the poster indicated that the products promoted at this point were not even aspirational at this point.

If I hear one more time about Chanel, I might stop buying that brand, period.

I love the premise of a brand telling people about the individuality/originality of their product and when you see EVERYONE wearing a brand/style/fad? It's time to bail out. I don't want to be like everyone else.

  • Love 2

Yeah, but technically neither of them said the kids didn't have it. Lisa said that Mohamed told her the kids were healthy and Yolanda was the only one with LD. Kyle then pressed about whether Mo and Yo were actually in disagreement over the kids' health. Neither of them have denied the "they're healthy/only Yo has it" exchange. Lisa's repeated several times that she had asked about the kids and he said they were healthy.



What came out of that conversation, and I'm so over them hiding behind specific words that weren't used, was Lisa answering Kyle's oh so sweet and necessary question <sarcasm> that Mohammed said the kids were fine and that she (Yolanda) was the only one that had it.  Therefore, and the end of the day this is what was conveyed:


-Kyle questioning the validity of Bella and Anwars Lyme hence the question "What's going on with Bella and Anwar?" That's a strange way to ask "How are the kids?".  Kyle wasn't asking how were the kids. Kyle was asking for more validation from someone who has the inside track about those kids besides Yolanda and Lisa's friendship with Mohammad was the angle. Let's just call it what it was.


-Lisa although somewhat hesitant decides to share and point blank answers that Mohammed says they are fine and that she is the only one that has it. There! Right there! "SHE'S THE ONLY ONE THAT HAS IT". Then Kyle actually repeats confused and says the words. Something along the lines of "So Mohammed said they don't have it?" <paraphrasing> Wait, I'm not sure if Kyle phrases it in that way after Lisa says "Mohammad says they are fine" so that's when Kyle pushes some more in a way so that we all can understand what she's getting paid for and has a "Let me get this straight approach, what you're saying is that Mohammed says they don't have it".  These words were clearly thrown around that table the there is no doubt that Erika got the message correct when sharing with Yolanda the information, that:


A) Kyle and Lisa were discussing Bella and Anwar

B) Them having Lyme was the topic

C) At some point in the conversation the idea that they didn't have it was put out there and said aloud.


The part about it being them really talking about Mohammad saying is really moot. Because what it boils down to was WHY his thoughts were incorporated to begin with. Why? To address doubt because, again, "What's going on with Bella and Anwar" is not that same as "Wow, I just heard that the kids have it too, how are they?" Which I still find strange because she just spoke about it with Yolanda so I would expect "How are they?" Would have been covered in that conversation. I know that if I have a conversation with my friend and we go over the details I don't then later say with another one of my friends "oh by the way how are your friends kids cause I heard from their mother that they have this disease and I was wondering how they were doing through their fathers perspective cause the conversation I  had with their mother didn't satisfy how concerned I am about their well being". Come on. "What does Mohammed say" That whole conversation had nothing to do with one innocent inquire of "How are the kids?"


I do feel Lisa didn't mean too but at the same time all this attitude thrown at Yolanda like she's supposed to compartmentalize her anger over the conversation being had in the first place. Just like Yolanda I could give a rats ass EXACTLY how the words poured out ver batim. Lisa stepped in it and there's all there is to it. Kyle pushed for the conversation and that shouldn't have happened. All everything else is their bullshit way to pretend to be innocent. I do believe it was an error on Lisa's part and she even acknowledges it so then there's no reason to deny Yolanda's upset feeling over it. And as for Kyle she know where she was going with that as well so to also go on some attack like Yolanda has no reason to want to smack the shit out of her short and stumpy ass is also distasteful.


I hate that Erika gets such a raw deal over this. That kinda gets under my skin cause she wasn't really wrong. I think the main idea was that the conversation did hit all of those points and nitpicking about who said exactly what is ridiculous. That conversation did in fact have Kyle questioning Lisa about the kids, questioning that status of their Lyme disease by way of asking whether or not Mohommed validates that claim and it turned into whether Mohammad has confirmed the children's Lyme to Lisa.  So to me Erika pretty much got it right even if she didn't trascribe the whole damn thing and provide a bibliography of sources and accurate footnotes.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 4

  I still don't understand how claiming a child (adult or otherwise) is fine is the end of the world. 

Because, quite simply, in this context it was about more about discrediting Yolanda than it was about concern for the children. That alone would have me pissed as well. Not one bit surprised that Yolanda received it the way she did.

  • Love 1

Yolanda made the non-Gigis' health part of her storyline when she, of her own volition, lied (or was delusional) on camera about them having Lyme disease. If she didn't want it discussed she (Yolanda) should not have brought it up on camera. I think she did it for attention and sympathy.  Lies should be exposed as lies and if it ends up that she is instead delusional then great since then she may actually get the psychiatric help she obviously needs.

What Lisa said was "no - he said Yolanda is the only one who has it". Mo might not have meant to say this, or Lisa might have gotten it wrong, but she did state that he said that the non-Gigi's don't have Lyme. 


Lisa does not make these kinds of mistakes. She doesn't reveal stuff on the show that she doesn't want to reveal. She is careful in every interaction to put out exactly what she wants to put out. I believe that Mo wanted her to get this little nugget out there. He will defend Yo in the end; he has to because of the kids. I still think that he wanted for the world to know that this is all a sham. I have all kinds of issues with Lisa, but I don't believe she would have said something so serious without knowing that Mo was OK with it. I don't think she would have harmed this friendship. I think Yo is a nutter, but the fact is Lisa said on National TV that the husband of her children to not believe they are actually ill. Her main beef should be with Mo, but my bigger belief is that she knows Lisa was working with him to put the information out there. 


Fascinating and I agree.

  • Love 9

Yolanda made the non-Gigis' health part of her storyline when she, of her own volition, lied (or was delusional) on camera about them having Lyme disease. If she didn't want it discussed she (Yolanda) should not have brought it up on camera. I think she did it for attention and sympathy.  Lies should be exposed as lies and if it ends up that she is instead delusional then great since then she may actually get the psychiatric help she obviously needs.

I thinks she's annoyed about the doubt and the disrespectful way it was discussed. I'm always perplexed about this who "well people shouldn't have mentioned it angle" that seems to absolves all who speak inappropriately out of turn and negatively about a certain subject matter. I already find myself scratching my head with that.


So, I mention my son's impairment and after that I shouldn't be made if I catch wind of a group of women taking that information and questioning the validity of me and my son? I really don't understand that logic. It's always such a go to reaction, that never really addresses the tone, intent and hurtful connotations of what's being said. I just don't get it. Saying that someone CAN'T be mad about ANYTHING EVER because the topic was initially brought up by them even if the topic gets twisted into some negative pile of crap just doesn't jive with me. Maybe I'm misunderstand what mean is.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 3

After viewing this episode and other episodes of the franchise..I had a sense of deji vu...and then I realized the women were shading one another arguing with one another and refusing to let things go..and it hit me...its like a gop debate.



OH MY GOD IT IS. And each of them has their own personal Obama (sometimes rotating Obamas) in that they just hate the shit out of them irrationally and never let go and often make things up to suit their own corrupt narrative. Amsterdam = Benghazi

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 2

I thinks she's annoyed about the doubt and the disrespectful way it was discussed. I'm always perplexed about this who "well people shouldn't have mentioned it angle" that seems to absolves all who speak inappropriately out of turn and negatively about a certain subject matter. I already find myself scratching my head with that.


So, I mention my son's impairment and after that I shouldn't be made if I catch wind of a group of women taking that information and questioning the validity of me and my son? I really don't understand that logic. It's always such a go to reaction, that never really addresses the tone, intent and hurtful connotations of what's being said. I just don't get it. Saying that someone CAN'T be mad about ANYTHING EVER because the topic was initially brought up by them even if the topic gets twisted into some negative pile of crap just doesn't jive with me. Maybe I'm misunderstand what mean is.


Yolanda creates the doubt by the constant lies~there is no doubt that she lies. Any logical person would doubt her claim of the non-Gigis being ill with lyme especially with them partying around the world and all of Yolanda's mixing up of her lies. I don't see any disrespect in saying "what's up with Bella and Anwar". Yolanda was very disrespectful of her children's right to privacy by lying about them on camera and threatening them with suicide (what a burden to be placed on them), disrespectful of her mother who has cancer (that whole will scene when her mom is actually the one who is physically ill....and not visiting or taking care of her mom since she is to busy jetting around the world....look at that link to her 2014 timeline posted here), disrespectful of Kyle and all people who have suffered from depression.....the list is too long to get into all the people Yolanda has disrespected (people with HIV, big Ang, etc...).


I don't see it being malicious or hurtful to expose a lie and out her "kids" as healthy. Who the f*ck wants the world to thing of someone as sick when they aren't. She can keep lying about herself but to drag her own kids into it is next level twisted. No wonder Mo is getting the word out that they are fine without directly engaging Yolanda. I actually don't think Kyle had any hidden agenda and I don't think LVP wanted to do anything that would harm, in any manner, Anwar or Bella. I don't think Bella or Anwar were harmed by Kyle or LVP so I don't get the fuss. Yo has so many lies that she is constantly tripping up on them. Also she constantly contradicts herself...you need to defend me, no don't speak for me....come to me in private to address something...no, let me blast all the HWs with the issue and put it in a blog for the world to read....I wouldn't say you are bipolar as I say you are bipolar on camera.....threatens to reveal stuff from the value but that wasn't a threat but a promise...no, wait,....LYME BRAIN (bullshit)

Edited by Vicky8675309
  • Love 16

Because, quite simply, in this context it was about more about discrediting Yolanda than it was about concern for the children. That alone would have me pissed as well. Not one bit surprised that Yolanda received it the way she did.

So what you are saying is it wasn't about the children at all it was all about Yolanda. 


I look at it this way if Yolanda had said, "Bella and Anwar had severe neck injuries from the car accident they were in."  And we see them behaving pretty normally, courtesy of Yolanda's Instagrams and LVP has dinner with Mo, and asked how the kids necks are, it is not trying to discredit Yolanda.  In the first instance it is acknowledging with the children's father the children were injured/ill and from that comes the second part of the inquiry how are they doing? (As in presently.)


Only Yolanda could make it about her integrity and veracity.  I think the others were expecting to see three beds lined up with Yo and the non-gigis with an IV line in their arms and tubes coming out their butts.  She should be happy her children are well and active.

  • Love 12
What came out of that conversation, and I'm so over them hiding behind specific words that weren't used, was Lisa answering Kyle's oh so sweet and necessary question <sarcasm> that Mohammed said the kids were fine and that she (Yolanda) was the only one that had it.  Therefore, and the end of the day this is what was conveyed:



Yes, I know what was conveyed. But the original post was saying that Kyle and Lisa were denying that a conversation happened and they're not. Lisa has agreed over and over that she was asked how Mo said the kids were and that she relayed that Mo told her the kids were fine. She didn't literally repeat that "He said Yo was the only one who has it" but this is the implication in this case of "they're fine." Nobody has denied that exchange.


When Lisa says she's not telling anybody her kids are not sick and Yo's a liar, she's saying that she's not claiming that she's got medical knowledge that the kids aren't sick. Nor is she saying "In my opinion those kids are fine and Yolanda is just a liar." That's what she means when she claims she never said the kids weren't sick--she's saying she herself has no way of knowing one way or the other. She told Kyle that Mo gave her the impression that the kids did not have Lyme disease--he either said "Yo is the only one who has it" or he simply talked about Yo having Lyme disease without ever suggesting the kids had it too. 


So Lisa and Kyle were not denying some conversation happened. They've admitted to the "And now the kids have Lyme too--what did Mo say about that?" "He's said they're fine--that Yolanda is the only one who has it" conversation. (They haven't repeated Lisa's exact words but Yolanda has taken it to mean that Lisa said Mo said the kids weren't sick so she's correctly understood it.) They're saying that they themselves aren't making a case that the kids aren't sick. Lisa repeated the impression/information she got from Mo.


Yolanda's free to be angry about that too, but there's no denial that the conversation happened with anybody. 


And yeah, I do think that Yolanda considering it underhanded for Kyle to say, "And Yolanda has just told me that children have been suffering from Lyme too and we didn't know it---Has Mohammed said how they're doing?"--even if Kyle is totally bringing it up so that Lisa can tell the world that Mo says it's bullshit--shows how threatening Yolanda finds it to not be in control of any conversation involving the stuff she's saying. 

  • Love 6

Agree.  Especially after the discussion about how much everybody spends just on purses.


I always like to think that people with a lot of money make donations people never hear about, but they organized this stupid thing.  $5,000.  BFD.  And I hate those stupid fundraisers--just give the fucking money.

Bravo just had a scripted show on about an UES out of place woman going to a fundraiser at Soul Cycle. Aviva did one there too, FOR CHILDREN WITHOUT LIMBS! Kyle you are way behind the times!  


I wish Yo would get over her LVP hate and just go after Kyle for bringing up Anwar and Bella. Why ask what Mohammed says if Yo has already told them about the kids if you aren't stirring shit. Yo's good friend Erika is right there - ask her how the kids are. Or Eileen and Rinna just visited Yo, ask them. Why ask Lisa V to reveal information from personal conversations with Mo who isn't even on the show?


Kyle stirs the shit and hides the hand.  At least Rinna rolls in it like pig and enjoys it openly.

  • Love 4

Lisa said "no" to Kyle's producer induced question of "what about Bella and Anwar do they have (Lyme)?" Then she instantly started backpedaling. I think Yolanda is pissed that Kyle doubted that Yolanda was telling the truth about her kids. Yolanda's recall of events may be incredibly shoddy, but I don't think she's lying. She seems to believe her version events. Her children are the most important thing to her.

Edited by Kokapetl
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Lisa said "no" to Kyle's producer induced question of "what about Bella and Anwar do they have (Lyme)?" Then she instantly started backpedaling. I think Yolanda is pissed that Kyle doubted that Yolanda was telling the truth about her kids. Yolanda's recall of events may be incredibly shoddy, but I don't think she's lying. She seems to believe her version events. Her children are the most important thing to her.

Are you saying that she is a pathological liar?

Or is this post meant to be read sarcastically?

Lisa said "no" to Kyle's producer induced question of "what about Bella and Anwar do they have (Lyme)?" Then she instantly started backpedaling. I think Yolanda is pissed that Kyle doubted that Yolanda was telling the truth about her kids. Yolanda's recall of events may be incredibly shoddy, but I don't think she's lying. She seems to believe her version events. Her children are the most important thing to her.

If that's the case she shouldn't have brought them up. Yo is the only one responsible for bringing her kids "illness" into this. Why wouldn't Lisa and Kyle be shocked by this new information. Yo's kids have supposedly been sick for years and yet this is the first time anyone is hearing of this. Yo was just adding another layer of trying to be untouchable by the other ladies.

  • Love 10

Lisa said "no" to Kyle's producer induced question of "what about Bella and Anwar do they have (Lyme)?" Then she instantly started backpedaling. I think Yolanda is pissed that Kyle doubted that Yolanda was telling the truth about her kids. Yolanda's recall of events may be incredibly shoddy, but I don't think she's lying. She seems to believe her version events. Her children are the most important thing to her.


Yolanda is the most important thing to herself. Have you read her letter to Bella? Yolanda is all about Yolanda, after that then she is about her extensions, the mini-Yolanda

  • Love 10
Why ask what Mohammed says if Yo has already told them about the kids if you aren't stirring shit.



In normal life? There's plenty of reason. If someone's wife tells you their kids have Lyme and you're talking to someone who knows their father of course you might say "How are they doing according to their dad with whom you're in frequent contact?"


Even if you totally believe that Kyle is stirring shit in normal life there is nothing automatically shady about that question. Mom gave one vague report about how they were, and someone asked how they were doing (are they responding to treatment? getting treatment? feeling better? etc.) Most people have probably done that at some point!

Edited by sistermagpie
  • Love 11

Yolanda creates the doubt by the constant lies~there is no doubt that she lies. Any logical person would doubt her claim of the non-Gigis being ill with lyme especially with them partying around the world and all of Yolanda's mixing up of her lies. I don't see any disrespect in saying "what's up with Bella and Anwar". Yolanda was very disrespectful of her children's right to privacy by lying about them on camera and threatening them with suicide (what a burden to be placed on them), disrespectful of her mother who has cancer (that whole will scene when her mom is actually the one who is physically ill....and not visiting or taking care of her mom since she is to busy jetting around the world....look at that link to her 2014 timeline posted here), disrespectful of Kyle and all people who have suffered from depression.....the list is too long to get into all the people Yolanda has disrespected (people with HIV, big Ang, etc...).


I don't see it being malicious or hurtful to expose a lie and out her "kids" as healthy. Who the f*ck wants the world to thing of someone as sick when they aren't. She can keep lying about herself but to drag her own kids into it is next level twisted. No wonder Mo is getting the word out that they are fine without directly engaging Yolanda. I actually don't think Kyle had any hidden agenda and I don't think LVP wanted to do anything that would harm, in any manner, Anwar or Bella. I don't think Bella or Anwar were harmed by Kyle or LVP so I don't get the fuss. Yo has so many lies that she is constantly tripping up on them. Also she constantly contradicts herself...you need to defend me, no don't speak for me....come to me in private to address something...no, let me blast all the HWs with the issue and put it in a blog for the world to read....I wouldn't say you are bipolar as I say you are bipolar on camera.....threatens to reveal stuff from the value but that wasn't a threat but a promise...no, wait,....LYME BRAIN (bullshit)

And that's for Kyle to decide? That's the only thing that grates with me. Yolanda's "horrendous offenses" are separate from the slappy hand syndrome I suffer from when it comes to Kyle or Lisa R or the Meghan Edmonds of the franchises that ya know have "JUSTICE" on the brain especially when it's for no other reason than to be mean.  It just rubs me the wrong way and always triggers the "slap a bitch" part of my sensibilities.

  • Love 2

And that's for Kyle to decide? That's the only thing that grates with me. Yolanda's "horrendous offenses" are separate from the slappy hand syndrome I suffer from when it comes to Kyle or Lisa R or the Meghan Edmonds of the franchises that ya know have "JUSTICE" on the brain especially when it's for no other reason than to be mean.  It just rubs me the wrong way and always triggers the "slap a bitch" part of my sensibilities.


I think Kyle's intent was to find out how the "kids" are doing.  I don't see any malice in her intent or her question. I don't think Kyle decided to out the kids as healthy since I think Kyle is fairly gullible and seems to want the best for people (kind hearted....she even helped Brandi, her "enemy", look for her dog). I do think she is finally starting to see inconsistencies in Yo's stories but I don't think there was any ill intent.

Edited by Vicky8675309
  • Love 10

So what you are saying is it wasn't about the children at all it was all about Yolanda. 


I look at it this way if Yolanda had said, "Bella and Anwar had severe neck injuries from the car accident they were in."  And we see them behaving pretty normally, courtesy of Yolanda's Instagrams and LVP has dinner with Mo, and asked how the kids necks are, it is not trying to discredit Yolanda.  In the first instance it is acknowledging with the children's father the children were injured/ill and from that comes the second part of the inquiry how are they doing? (As in presently.)


Only Yolanda could make it about her integrity and veracity.  I think the others were expecting to see three beds lined up with Yo and the non-gigis with an IV line in their arms and tubes coming out their butts.  She should be happy her children are well and active.

LVP asking Mohammad, her friend, directly "how are the kids" in the aftermath of becoming aware that their well being has been compromised is absolutely normal.

 But that's not what happened. As well as if Kyle were at Lisa's and Mohammed was present and she then went to Mohammed HERSELF and asked HIM how the kids were fairing in light of her now learning of the situation. THAT would also make sense even though still somewhat suspect considering she just had a conversation about the children in question with their mother and just covered their well being. Asking Mohammed would still seem, to me, like she's needing a "second opinion" before coming to her own conclusions so I would still be giving her the side eye. So what actually transpired came no where near some generically innocent question about how someone's kids were doing at least not to me. Especially since Kyle didn't actually use the phrase "how are the kids doing" so apples and oranges to me.

I think Kyle's intent was to find out how the "kids" are doing.  I don't see any malice in her intent or her question. I don't think Kyle decided to out the kids as healthy since I think Kyle is fairly gullible and seems to want the best for people (kind hearted....she even helped Brandi, her "enemy", look for her dog). I do think she is finally starting to see inconsistencies in Yo's stories but I don't think there was any ill intent.

And I think the COMPLETE opposite. So it's that whole agree to disagree at this point.

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