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S02.E15: Right of the Boom

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For many, many episodes now, TPTB has struggled to make Henry the star of this show.  Tonight, he is the hero of the hour, and leader of the New Gestapo.  Next week, they're going to make him Liz's boss.  And then the the devaluation of Madam Secretary will be complete.

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For many, many episodes now, TPTB has struggled to make Henry the star of this show.  Tonight, he is the hero of the hour, and leader of the New Gestapo.  Next week, they're going to make him Liz's boss.  And then the the devaluation of Madam Secretary will be complete.

To me he's still just Dr. Armcandy Spy Daddy who makes Bess look better. I was a little miffed that he wasn't losing hair in handfuls from the radiation (like I currently am from chemo), but I forgive it because the character needs to continue to look good.

I loved the not-Mexican standoff when Bess made it clear to the Saudi guy that she willing to commit an act of war by breaching the embassy if they didn't hand over the terrorist.

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Agreed, Netfoot. The show apparently is no longer about Madame Secretary, so maybe they should change the title to The McCords: Mom's the Secretary of State, but Father Knows Best.

Seriously, IMHO, if they want a show about the CIA or anti-terrorism, create that show, but don't change the focus of the existing show. Elisabeth, as SOS, should be the focus, with stories about how her husband supports her mission. I don't want a Marvel comics version of the NSA, with a cabinet level wife supporting her now more important hubby.

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I wonder if an American terrorist took refuge in a U.S. embassy, if he would at least be secured and not given the run of the embassy while his fate was being debated. In this case, it no doubt served the Saudis' interest to allow or encourage the terrorist to kill himself.

I expected the head of the CIA to be canned, for trusting but not verifying. That may yet happen. Another bureaucrat more than willing to sacrifice other people's lives. But, hey, they're just numbers in a report, not "real" people.

"Hi ya, Conrad! C'mon in, park it anywhere!" Is that permitted?

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This episode had really weird structure. It seemed like they ran out of plot about halfway through, and everything else was a awkward padding.


The Henry being in danger subplot ended around halfway mark. Not that anyone would believe they'd kill him off anyway but they tried to build the tension. For about ten minutes. The McCords as a family were adorable, as usual, no doubt about, though. That was the best part of the episode, easy.


And then they crammed all of those staff meetings and War Room meetings and terrorist suicides and Elizabeth being badass with the Saudi ambassador and POTUS being his one-note self in like, five minutes or so. And they even rid of the CIA director (or whoever the another Annoying New Guy was) off-screen!


All because we just needed the storyline of Henry being The Most Important Super Spy Ever (even though he failed at everything spy-wise before). And him blaming Elizabeth for interfering with his grand career plans (WTF). And then the POTUS and Russel waxing poetics how Henry is So Awesome We Can't Stand It. I'd wish they could bring the Pope in that room. Because that praise was not enough, clearly.


Oh, and that great B plot of Matt being a jerk and staying on Nadine's couch? Sorry, show, IDGAF about Matt and his issues.

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I considered this episode skim-worthy.


I didn't care for sniffly Elizabeth calling all her family members "baby," but she was badass agreeing that an act of war was on the table.


"You think I'm a cat lady?"  LOL  (A pet doesn't really mean you're pathetic, Nadine.)

Edited by candall
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they should change the title to The McCords: Mom's the Secretary of State, but Father Knows Best..

Hee. While I don't share your level of irritation about the show's character shennanigans, I would love to had this be a sub-title to this board.

And then the POTUS and Russel waxing poetics how Henry is So Awesome We Can't Stand It. I'd wish they could bring the Pope in that room. Because that praise was not enough, clearly.

Oh, Show, such a missed opportunity!


Oh, and that great B plot of Matt being a jerk and staying on Nadine's couch? Sorry, show, IDGAF about Matt and his issues.

I suppose the writers had a mandate to show some characters reacting to the attack by not wanting to go home to ground zero to mimick 9/11. But, yeah, it seemed filler-ish--although anything about Nadine seems worth seeing. Girl's got taste and history. And money. And maybe they're trying to rehabilitate the character of Matt into the awkward nerd he should have been from the beginning instead of Daisy's frickin' boy toy.

Nitpik: Early in the episode a first responder referred to "Nine one one" instead of "Nine eleven" in reference to the infamous event.

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A pet doesn't really mean you're pathetic, Nadine.


Well... not if the pet is a dog...


And maybe they're trying to rehabilitate the character of Matt into the awkward nerd he should have been from the beginning instead of Daisy's frickin' boy toy.


Let's hope he isn't going to become Nadine's boy toy, because... Ugh!


Nitpik: Early in the episode a first responder referred to "Nine one one" instead of "Nine eleven" in reference to the infamous event.


Because as most people know, the correct phrase would be "Eleven nine!"

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I never have cared for Tim D. in anything I've ever seen him in and now that he is moving more front and center on this show for some mysterious unfortunate reason - it is off my DVR.  If I read the radiation poisoning did catch up to the character and he dropped dead, I'll be back.


And, now a super duper secret committee?  Ugh


It is called "Madam Secretary" after all; what the hell happened?  TD demand more substance, more screen time?  My guess: yeah.  



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My nit pick with this episode was that if you are going to go to all the effort of creating a plot to show a terrorist cell detonate a dirty bomb on American soil, shouldn't you make a it really big deal? Not like I want thousands of casulties, but having this just be a little bit of radiation and aparatenly everyone but the bomber survived seems like a cop out. I'd like to see what would happen if this was a more serious attack.


I like Henry and Elizabeth's relationship as a husband/wife. Not sure how I feel about them working together.  

I didn't hate any of the kids this episode, so there's that.

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Oh, and that great B plot of Matt being a jerk and staying on Nadine's couch? Sorry, show, IDGAF about Matt and his issues.

I admit that when he made her breakfast I cringed as I expected him to all of sudden make a move on her. THANK GOD. He can't stay with his girlfriend?? WTF?? So you agree to stay with your boss instead of being uncomfortable overnight at your gf???? (two seasons in and I STILL cannot remember his name. In my head he is just Christina Hendrick's furry husband.)


Did we see Stevie be a competent member of the family again? Will wonders never cease.


I'd have to watch it again, but I thought the doctor was a little short with Eliz when Blake first got her on the phone. (National emergency - mass casualty -- got it.) Even if she wasn't talking to the Secretary of State but any loved one - "Well we're waiting on tests and if he is exposed we'll just have to make him as comfortable as possible <until he dies>. " Is that how you all understood that convo? Or was she saying - until we get the tests back we'll keep him as comfortable as possible.


"Hi ya, Conrad! C'mon in, park it anywhere!" Is that permitted?

This caught me off guard, too. I don't care how long you've known him - he still deserves the respect of Mr. President. Even Russell and Bess use it very sparingly and only in private. (Altho I busted right out at KC's derision at the dirty sock. His face was priceless! And Bess in her sneaks and skirt running off to hide it. Hee)


Hey - McCord parents - your son doesn't want to stay home tonight not because the house might be a target, but because he just had the scariest experience of his short life and his father almost died. Hello.  Cue macho teen swagger.


I heart Nadine. I heart Blake. That cannot be said enough. "You forget to hydrate when you're stressed." I WANT A BLAKE.

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I admit that when he made her breakfast I cringed as I expected him to all of sudden make a move on her. THANK GOD. He can't stay with his girlfriend?? WTF?? So you agree to stay with your boss instead of being uncomfortable overnight at your gf???? (two seasons in and I STILL cannot remember his name. In my head he is just Christina Hendrick's furry husband.)


I had the same terrifying thought of him and Nadine randomly hooking up! And just nope.


Matt and Daisy broke up and possibly also stopped being friends, I guess? Daisy was trying to date that CIA hacker guy at the beginning of the season? Those characters are like white noise for me. I'd rather see Blake's significant other than spend time watching Matt doing things.

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  I loved the not-Mexican standoff when Bess made it clear to the Saudi guy that she willing to commit an act of war by breaching the embassy if they didn't hand over the terrorist.


I thought she should have motioned to the laptop movie after the ambassador made the claim of an act of war and replied, "Just as this was.  Your diplomatic staff just set off a "dirty bomb" in our capitol city."


Matt, isn't that a bit of infringement of privacy to go through your host's refrigerator looking for breakfast material?  You two aren't that close. 

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For many, many episodes now, TPTB has struggled to make Henry the star of this show.  Tonight, he is the hero of the hour, and leader of the New Gestapo.  Next week, they're going to make him Liz's boss.  And then the the devaluation of Madam Secretary will be complete.

Nobody is going to convince me he was the only person around who could triage those people. I'm interpreting it as arrogance. I kind of shifted to actually kind of hoping he'd pay for it. 


And this episode also showed his selfishness/egotism with his instant turn around on going back to the Spy Bullshit. Henry clearly turns on a dime based on his wah-wah feelings of the moment and rarely seems to consider anything at depth.

If I read the radiation poisoning did catch up to the character and he dropped dead, I'll be back.

I'm right on the borderline of that. They'd better have some good episodes coming up to keep me.  As for Capt. Dr. Superhero Arm Candy McGeniusSpyHandler? If they MUST contrive a plot for him, keep it out of the realm of international affairs. There are plenty of things they COULD have had him do that would have been more about being a political spouse, that might have real story impact, rather than this ridiculous silly shit we're getting. Oops, too late. Now we're going to have to add lines to his nickname. "Faux-Osama-Catcher"? "Terror-Bane"?  I'm sure there are creative ways to express this garbage. I'm not sure my stomach can take it (and typing his shifting nickname is going to get to be a longer and longer process).


The only truly good part of this episode were the reveals about Nadine's fabulousness, and that was ruined by far too much Matt (who like Henry seems to ruin episodes whenever they spend too much time on him). 

Edited by Kromm
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I have no problem with Tim Daly as an actor.  I enjoy the family scenes and find Bess and Henry's marriage to be one of the more realistic and refreshing ones on TV.  I would be fine with 60-70% the show being about SOS stuff and the rest being about family stuff - as long as Henry is only part of the family stuff.  I would even be fine with the show being 50% SOS stuff and the rest being family stuff and whatever Henry does outside of the family, as long as Henry is not involved in government stuff like spies and international affairs.


I would be fine watching Henry run of a non-profit or teach at a university or work at a dairy farm or serve the perfect double mocha espresso macchiato at a fake Starbucks (and I don't even like coffee) - whatever sort of thing they would have the wife of the secretary of state do on a TV show, because if Henry was the SOS I am pretty sure Bess wouldn't be running a secret agency or going on spy missions or running into buildings and saving people.  


Why couldn't Henry's recent brush with death lead him to decide he wants to be a doctor and future episodes could have the family adjusting to Dad being in med school? (rhetorical question)


And this episode also showed his selfishness/egotism with his instant turn around on going back to the Spy Bullshit. Henry clearly turns on a dime based on his wah-wah feelings of the moment and rarely seems to consider anything at depth.


Apparently that is just the attitude POTUS was looking for to lead the new Super Secret Agency, or SSA, which is just ass backwards (get it?).  

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The push to expand Tim Daly's role on the show might be coming from the network. TD knew he was signing up for a supporting role when he took the job. Networks do market research and keep close tabs on which characters and story lines are popular with viewers and which are not so they can make adjustments as the season progresses. TD has a decent Q score and fan base. If viewers like him and his chemistry with TL want to see more of that it makes sense to expand his role to include him in the A plots.

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I watch the show for Madam Secretary and TL.  Her natural acting, sense of humor, and intelligence shine through.

I do not watch the show for TD and Dr. Reverend Fighter Pilot Super Spy Professor McCord.


If you have to incorporate the family into the story lines, bring me back to the first season with issues of Stevie.  I can't believe I am saying this but I liked her issues more than I like his.

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Count me as another person who is rapidly getting sick of Henry's elevation to Super Husband, Spy (lets forget about poor Dimitry), Hero, and whatever.    It's like it isn't enough that Liz is a great SOS - we have to make her husband Super Guy as well, because in 2016 America you can't have an entertaining show about a  powerful woman with a happy family life and an "average" husband who works a real job and comes home every night without some bullshit drama.  


I had really enjoyed this show when it first started but the Super Husband schtick is wearing thin and it's getting to the point I'm only watching it because there isn't much else to watch on Sunday night.  

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The push to expand Tim Daly's role on the show might be coming from the network. TD knew he was signing up for a supporting role when he took the job. Networks do market research and keep close tabs on which characters and story lines are popular with viewers and which are not so they can make adjustments as the season progresses. TD has a decent Q score and fan base. If viewers like him and his chemistry with TL want to see more of that it makes sense to expand his role to include him in the A plots.

I think putting Henry on a task force allows the writers to avoid any possible ongoing conflict in the marriage which was a subtle message put forth during the Russian conflict arc. IMO. Henry working outside of the govt bureaucracy provides a better chance for them to work together away from home. People don't tune in this show each week to see angst between them. I think the audience has been getting this subtext from the writing since the series beginning, but the show runner just needed time to enhance his support role. A married couple keeping secrets and lying to each other because of 'need to know' security issues hurts any relationship. Henry can be an asset with his religious background dealing with terrorists. They work well together as parents, but he can be helpful working with Bess on her work problems (e.g. airplane crash investigation). It will be interesting to see who else is on the task force with him.

Edited by VinceW
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I think putting Henry on a task force allows the writers to avoid any possible ongoing conflict in the marriage which was a subtle message put forth during the Russian conflict arc. IMO. Henry working outside of the govt bureaucracy provides a better chance for them to work together away from home. People don't tune in this show each week to see angst between them. I think the audience has been getting this subtext from the writing since the series beginning, but the show runner just needed time to enhance his support role. A married couple keeping secrets and lying to each other because of 'need to know' security issues hurts any relationship. Henry can be an asset with his religious background dealing with terrorists. They work well together as parents, but he can be helpful working with Bess on her work problems (e.g. airplane crash investigation). It will be interesting to see who else is on the task force with him.

I wonder if they might take another irritating character, Matt, and have him be a part-timer on that task force when he's not hanging around the Dept. of State office acting like a little baby about something random.

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Henry can be an asset with his religious background dealing with terrorists. They work well together as parents, but he can be helpful working with Bess on her work problems (e.g. airplane crash investigation).


And it will fix the broken premise.   Because any show about a woman in power needs to clearly indicate to all viewers that what ever her position, she is still subordinate to her husband (as well as her male co-workers).  


She is already a background-only character when ever the President and his Pet Leprechaun get together with the boys.  She raises her hand and asks for permission to squeak out a few words of wisdom, and if those words are heeded, it's with an "Of course, we were about to think of that ourselves" attitude.  But her husband can't be a regular house-mouse of a spouse like in any other show about a male Secretary of State.  No.  He has to be meeting with world leaders, defusing bombs, spy-mastering the best asset the intelligence services have ever had (on his second day), and now being put in charge of the task force that is directed to "Think Outside the Box" (a.k.a. "Throw Due Process Out the Window").  Qualifications?  He got the best asset the intelligence services have ever had killed in very quick time, and of course, was stupid enough to run back into the hot-zone of a dirty bomb because without his inspiration, the EMTs obviously wouldn't have been able to do their job!


Meanwhile,  Beth will continue to take shit from Russell Jackhole once or twice an episode, and I'm struggling to recall why I started watching a show called Madam Secretary in the first place!  Maybe it was so I could watch the Secretary of State's husband constantly demonstrating how little of real importance she actually does, in comparison to his male magnificence!  Yeh, maybe that was it!   Or.....

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...because in 2016 America you can't have an entertaining show about a  powerful woman with a happy family life and an "average" husband who works a real job and comes home every night without some bullshit drama.


...and I'm struggling to recall why I started watching a show called Madam Secretary in the first place!


Maybe they should change the name to My Damn Secretary.

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She is already a background-only character when ever the President and his Pet Leprechaun get together with the boys.  She raises her hand and asks for permission to squeak out a few words of wisdom, and if those words are heeded, it's with an "Of course, we were about to think of that ourselves" attitude.  But her husband can't be a regular house-mouse of a spouse like in any other show about a male Secretary of State.  No.  He has to be meeting with world leaders, defusing bombs, spy-mastering the best asset the intelligence services have ever had (on his second day), and now being put in charge of the task force that is directed to "Think Outside the Box" (a.k.a. "Throw Due Process Out the Window").  Qualifications?  He got the best asset the intelligence services have ever had killed in very quick time, and of course, was stupid enough to run back into the hot-zone of a dirty bomb because without his inspiration, the EMTs obviously wouldn't have been able to do their job!


Him meeting with world leaders at least makes a bit of sense - her husband is a religious scholar and is the husband of the SoS - he could be useful as a diplomatic asset

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And it will fix the broken premise.   Because any show about a woman in power needs to clearly indicate to all viewers that what ever her position, she is still subordinate to her husband (as well as her male co-workers).


I'm also on the WTF happened to our feminist show, train. It's so meta: Bess has spent most of her career as SOS walking faster to catch up with the men, being given short shrift by the guys in suits, having to press harder and shout louder to be listened to. Now the network (and I do think it's the network) is shifting the focus to what everyone has noticed: that the Secretary of State, as a woman, has to have a husband of equal or greater power.


I don't think the creators of the show started with this in mind, and like y'all, I am much less interested in a show where the Sec's husband has dangerous spy adventures and is part of the President's inner circle just for being a construct of the smartest, toughest, most cool guy.

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I agree. You guys are all saying it better then I can my big problem with the show. Elizabeth was the star of

the show and she's the reason I started watching. I wanted to see her as SOS doing her job. I didn't want to

see Henry doing all of the unlikely stuff he did in season one and hated even more as he somehow became

the best spy in the world and handler. And now he's got an even bigger role. There was a small moment

at the end after Dalton and Russell were in her living room with Henry and she left for a moment I actually

wonder why she bothered to come back. Its no longer her show. She's no longer the star or even important.

And it sucks.


And Henry is such an asshole. He throws a tantrum because he can't waltz back into DIA

and blames his wife for blocking him. He nearly died, well it was his own fault. He was the one who went

back in instead of letting people who are actually trained in that sort of thing to deal with the victims. He

was the worse spy and the crappiest handler. I wish it was still the show with Bess the lead.  

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I'm also on the WTF happened to our feminist show, train. It's so meta: Bess has spent most of her career as SOS walking faster to catch up with the men, being given short shrift by the guys in suits, having to press harder and shout louder to be listened to. Now the network (and I do think it's the network) is shifting the focus to what everyone has noticed: that the Secretary of State, as a woman, has to have a husband of equal or greater power.


The only thing they haven't done, and it will probably happen before the season is over, is have Henry tell the President and Russel that they need to treat his little wifey with a little more respect.  

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The only thing they haven't done, and it will probably happen before the season is over, is have Henry tell the President and Russel that they need to treat his little wifey with a little more respect.

I can almost see it. Played as a "fuck yeah!" moment, but in actually a way for the writers to take away even more of Elizabeth's power.
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I may be the only one not bothered by Henry's latest exploit because it seems to me in keeping with his character from the beginning. He has always been Professor Armcandy, and with each succeeding skill reveal (fighter pilot, medic, superspy) I see him as being a sophisticated comic relief. I don't take it too seriously. Well, having his student die was serious; but Henry's various hats are really just a running joke to me, that I choose to enjoy.

And as far as the show losing its feminist perspective: Not so much for me. A big part of feminism for me (I'm old) is gaining respect while in the shadow of strong men. It makes it that much more sweet. Like: Hah. Didn't know I had it in me, did ya? I see that in Bess each week--like when she was quietly and calmly counting down to "declaring war" on the Saudis, while pushing the phone toward the ambassador.


ETA: On the Internet where the typist could be a dog (or more likely a cat) I enjoy posting things that might make one assume I'm a man and then surprise in the next post a mention of, say, an experience as a mother.

Edited by shapeshifter
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I'm not all that upset by Henry's elevation, though I don't see it's being necessary to the show or the various plotlines. I'm content to wait and see what they do with it.


I'm more interested in what reasons Tea Leoni, as executive producer, would have to sign off on it. For all we know it may have been her idea. Okay, I realize that the title of EP is often a sop to an actor to stroke their ego and up their paycheck but I don't pretend to assume that it's the case here. I also don't assume that Tim Daly is demanding a larger role or he'll walk or somesuch; he signed on as a supporting character and has a contract specifying his job (or he's an idiot if he doesn't). Is this a plot against women? Frankly I doubt it, though, again, may be wrong since I suspect were that the case we'd have heard rumblings...Leoni and Nuewirth and the other women on board don't impress me as wimps and all have, I'm sure, agents and managers who have their backs bigtime. None of these women are newbies to a tough and often sexist business and have some clout behind them.


Like the above poster I'm not unfamiliar with sexism in the workplace and my workplace for over 30 years was professional theater; hardly a bastion of women's rights any more than film is (at least when I was working). Been there, done that. A conspiracy by the writers? Maybe but, again, I doubt it. My own brother is a member of the writer's guild and his priority is always simply a good, well plotted, well written story with solid character development.


So what's behind this brouhaha? You got me and yes, I agree that it doesn't seem to help the show. At least not that we've seen yet. I'm willing to see where this storyline goes.

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I wouldn't have a problem with Henry's power(s) if this was a show called "The Secretary's Spouse" (well, i would probably have a problem with that title because it is dumb) about the Husband of the SOS who has an exciting life outside of being in her shadow.  However, I think a show like that would be more interesting if it was about the wife of the SOS having the exciting espionage-filled life.  


I don't think that going this direction was what they originally planned to do when they started this show.***  But it isn't a ratings success, nor is it a failure - it is just there in the middle. I suspect the network honchos are pushing the idea of Henry playing a bigger part.  Perhaps, it isn't because he is a man, but because they wanted more excitement and, in the real world, the Secret Service would never let the SOS (male or female) do the things that Henry does or will do.  


***  I do think they made him a Theology Profession so that his profession can come in handy from time to time.  They could have also had him be a lawyer or perhaps a doctor and still brought him into some story lines.  In other words, while I don't think they originally meant for Henry to have this much power, they also didn't intend for him to only be part of the family story lines.

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ETA: On the Internet where the typist could be a dog (or more likely a cat)...


But unlike dogs, cats rarely have anything interesting to say...


I wouldn't have a problem with Henry's power(s) if this was a show called "The Secretary's Spouse" [...] about the Husband of the SOS who has an exciting life outside of being in her shadow.


Or "The Marvelous McCords Take Over Washington".  But IMDB says this show is called "Madam Secretary" and is about "A look at the personal and professional life of a Secretary of State as she tries to balance her work and family life."  Emphasis mine.  


I think a show like that would be more interesting if it was about the wife of the SOS having the exciting espionage-filled life.


Excellent idea!  They should make Henry the Secretary of State (because that job really belongs to a man) and let the wife run around with a cloak and a dagger.  (But jokes aside, I'd watch that show too, especially if Téa used a whole lot of Kung Fu.)

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Ok well, I think I would have preferred Henry being killed off to this bullshit. Henry is more qualified to run this task force than any other military or CIA or NSA employee, really? Where the fuck is the feminist show I fell in love with?

Mildly spoilery set photo here that just makes me more mad. Is Henry the new Elizabeth

In the last scene, President Dalton asked Henry to join a working group that will be tasked to track the terrorists behind the conference bombing. Dalton did not say that Henry would be the head of the task force, but rather his expertise in religious theology would be a big asset. The whole premise of the episode was that the bombing happened because of miscommunication between the intelligence agencies. Dalton was frustrated with the agencies and he was looking for answers. The President later acted on Elizabeth's suggestion to think outside the box to solve the problem by creating an outside work group. The group will share information with State which allows Henry and Bess to discuss his govt activity and avoid keeping secrets from each other which Bess thinks could be harmful to the marriage. I don't see how this new arc changes the show direction or has anything to do with feminism unless you only watch the show to follow the life of Elizabeth 'Mary Sue' McCord.

Edited by VinceW
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I think the relationship between the two McCords is the bread and butter for this show, more so than her job or his. I think this is an excellent way to get him more involved and was likely planned from the start. She has the intelligence background, she has the high-profile job, he is there because of her. Not the other way around for a nice feminist change. Just my two cents.

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I think the relationship between the two McCords is the bread and butter for this show, more so than her job or his. I think this is an excellent way to get him more involved and was likely planned from the start. She has the intelligence background, she has the high-profile job, he is there because of her. Not the other way around for a nice feminist change. Just my two cents.

Agree 100%. The show creator stated as much during a Paley event last year. Viewers don't watch each week to see angst between them. The 'keeping secrets' issue was highlighted during the whole conflict with Russian leadership. The idea of Henry working as a spy has been problematic for Bess since her trip last season to India.  

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I think the relationship between the two McCords is the bread and butter for this show, more so than her job or his. I think this is an excellent way to get him more involved and was likely planned from the start. She has the intelligence background, she has the high-profile job, he is there because of her. Not the other way around for a nice feminist change. Just my two cents.


That's why we were enjoying those Russian spy subplots the entire season and Henry the Handler being a total angsty failure in them and Elizabeth not knowing anything about that, and Henry saving the day at the last moment because he's Awesome Spy of the Ages. I guess?

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That's why we were enjoying those Russian spy subplots the entire season and Henry the Handler being a total angsty failure in them and Elizabeth not knowing anything about that, and Henry saving the day at the last moment because he's Awesome Spy of the Ages. I guess?

Not sure what you mean. Henry sucked and yes I enjoyed it, right up until Dimitri died. How did Henry save the day?

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That's why we were enjoying those Russian spy subplots the entire season and Henry the Handler being a total angsty failure in them and Elizabeth not knowing anything about that, and Henry saving the day at the last moment because he's Awesome Spy of the Ages. I guess?

Henry was recruited by the head of the War College to teach military ethics. He was not looking for a new job. Since he took the job with the Defense department, he was required to work with DIA, but he did not want to be a spy or handler. He helped to profile a perfect candidate for the intrusion, but he was conflicted over the assignment from the beginning. Dalton is the one who blinked and caused the death of Dimitri.  So much Henry bashing makes no sense.

Edited by VinceW
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I'm more interested in what reasons Tea Leoni, as executive producer, would have to sign off on it.

I hadn't noticed she was. Now this explains (or at least theorizes) a lot. Leoni and Daly are still in the honeymoon phase of their relationship, which was not existent when the show began. I'm guessing more ArmCandy on screen is simply a way for the real life love birds to have more quality time together.
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In the last scene, President Dalton asked Henry to join a working group that will be tasked to track the terrorists behind the conference bombing. Dalton did not say that Henry would be the head of the task force, but rather his expertise in religious theology would be a big asset.

Yeah, on rewatch I guess they didn't say who would be leading the group. (Russell said he'd check in ocassionally but the group would be autonomous.) So perhaps all the members will be equal. But that doesn't make the President driving to Henry's house to wax lyrical about how a white Anglo professor is the best qualified person to deal with extremist religious groups in the Middle East, any less ridiculous to me.

Henry flies fighter jets, writes bestselling biographies, was the only person in Washington who could be Dmitri's handler and avert World War III, and now is somehow specially qualified to catch terrorists despite never having done it before. But somehow that makes *Bess* the Mary Sue? Okay.

Henry is going to continue to steal screen time from the Secretary's office and the title character with his unlikely exploits. And yeah, I did originally start watching a show about ladies being awesome for 42 minutes. Not however few minutes are left over after Henry and Conrad hang out in the oval office saving the world from terrorists. I do watch shows about men being awesome too, but don't particularly see why this show needed to turn into one of them. Boring.

Don't see why the problem of Bess and Henry talking about work needed to be "solved", either. Henry had a different job from her and it was fine. Perfectly common on tv shows and irl. She can't talk to her kids about everything and that's just an interesting fact of the plot, no hand wringing or need to rescue them from being left out of the important action.

I don't think the writers conspired to write the most sexist idea they could come up with. But I do think it's worth questioning why they think this is the best idea, when Elizabeth is losing plot and screen time to male characters. Why Henry, couldn't be given more typical political spouse plots. No, instead he needed to be elevated to confidant of the State and Presidential offices, the best person to help save the world from this special and unique terrorist. Even Henry questioned his own qualifications for the job in the last scene - the writers are imo well aware they're trying to pull a fast one. Conrad gave Henry a near mirror of his pitch to Bess in the pilot: trust, unique point of view, yada. And just like the pilot I think it's a setup for specific types of stories to be told. Different types of stories from the ones we've been getting, and ones I'm not particularly interested in.

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I hadn't noticed she was. Now this explains (or at least theorizes) a lot. Leoni and Daly are still in the honeymoon phase of their relationship, which was not existent when the show began. I'm guessing more ArmCandy on screen is simply a way for the real life love birds to have more quality time together.

Or, she doesn't want to upset him by vetoing something that he wants and has expressed interest in.

(I don't know if he has or hasn't, but if he did, I think her not wanting to upset him would play more of a role than just spending more time together)

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Yeah, on rewatch I guess they didn't say who would be leading the group. (Russell said he'd check in ocassionally but the group would be autonomous.) So perhaps all the members will be equal. But that doesn't make the President driving to Henry's house to wax lyrical about how a white Anglo professor is the best qualified person to deal with extremist religious groups in the Middle East, any less ridiculous to me.

Henry flies fighter jets, writes bestselling biographies, was the only person in Washington who could be Dmitri's handler and avert World War III, and now is somehow specially qualified to catch terrorists despite never having done it before. But somehow that makes *Bess* the Mary Sue? Okay.

Henry is going to continue to steal screen time from the Secretary's office and the title character with his unlikely exploits. And yeah, I did originally start watching a show about ladies being awesome for 42 minutes. Not however few minutes are left over after Henry and Conrad hang out in the oval office saving the world from terrorists. I do watch shows about men being awesome too, but don't particularly see why this show needed to turn into one of them. Boring.

Don't see why the problem of Bess and Henry talking about work needed to be "solved", either. Henry had a different job from her and it was fine. Perfectly common on tv shows and irl. She can't talk to her kids about everything and that's just an interesting fact of the plot, no hand wringing or need to rescue them from being left out of the important action.

I don't think the writers conspired to write the most sexist idea they could come up with. But I do think it's worth questioning why they think this is the best idea, when Elizabeth is losing plot and screen time to male characters. Why Henry, couldn't be given more typical political spouse plots. No, instead he needed to be elevated to confidant of the State and Presidential offices, the best person to help save the world from this special and unique terrorist. Even Henry questioned his own qualifications for the job in the last scene - the writers are imo well aware they're trying to pull a fast one. Conrad gave Henry a near mirror of his pitch to Bess in the pilot: trust, unique point of view, yada. And just like the pilot I think it's a setup for specific types of stories to be told. Different types of stories from the ones we've been getting, and ones I'm not particularly interested in.

The president coming to the McCord house was overdone, but Bess worked for Dalton in the CIA for twenty years which could explain somewhat the casual visitation. At this point, viewers don't know who is on the task force or how much time the terrorist search will take up as the A plot. I expect that there will be at least one female (Jane Fellows) on the task force as well so, I don't think that much screen time will be lost to male characters.

Edited by VinceW
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Not sure what you mean. Henry sucked and yes I enjoyed it, right up until Dimitri died. How did Henry save the day?


Did you not remember that information of the great importance Henry took from Dmitri about Russian plans re: Ukraine, but he was stonewalled by his own government and he couldn't share this vital info (his asset he mishandled manage to bring through anyway) with Elizabeth (cue marital angst), and that was the reason WWIII always happened?


Henry was recruited by the head of the War College to teach military ethics. He was not looking for a new job. Since he took the job with the Defense department, he was required to work with DIA, but he did not want to be a spy or handler. He helped to profile a perfect candidate for the intrusion, but he was conflicted over the assignment from the beginning. Dalton is the one who blinked and caused the death of Dimitri.  So much Henry bashing makes no sense.

This man wanted to be a spy since season 1 when CIA/NSA/whatever removed him from ineptly spying on one of his colleagues. He actually wanted to come back then. Good thing his terrorists sympathizer of a colleague confessed everything on his own because his friends the terrorists was threatening his son (and he said how he would only confess to Henry, for... reasons).


They were not forcing his hand this time either. He was able to bully his way through the Company and even tried to change a Russian asset, who fortunately for the plot committed suicide. Then he screwed up another young boy, who ended up equally dead. And then he's somehow the Most Amazing Spy Handler Specialist Ever, wanting to be a spy again and throwing tantrums all over the place.


So much for that Air Force Religious Ethics Candy.

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Or, she doesn't want to upset him by vetoing something that he wants and has expressed interest in.

(I don't know if he has or hasn't, but if he did, I think her not wanting to upset him would play more of a role than just spending more time together)

Or maybe that is something she supports because he is interested in a bigger role and she is secure enough in her job and herself to share the limelight. Or the idea of a Nick and Nora story appeals to them.

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Did you not remember that information of the great importance Henry took from Dmitri about Russian plans re: Ukraine, but he was stonewalled by his own government and he couldn't share this vital info (his asset he mishandled manage to bring through anyway) with Elizabeth (cue marital angst), and that was the reason WWIII always happened?


This man wanted to be a spy since season 1 when CIA/NSA/whatever removed him from ineptly spying on one of his colleagues. He actually wanted to come back then. Good thing his terrorists sympathizer of a colleague confessed everything on his own because his friends the terrorists was threatening his son (and he said how he would only confess to Henry, for... reasons).


They were not forcing his hand this time either. He was able to bully his way through the Company and even tried to change a Russian asset, who fortunately for the plot committed suicide. Then he screwed up another young boy, who ended up equally dead. And then he's somehow the Most Amazing Spy Handler Specialist Ever, wanting to be a spy again and throwing tantrums all over the place.


So much for that Air Force Religious Ethics Candy.

Henry was selected for the NSA work because he was the only viable candidate who could meet with the rogue professor in an academic setting in order to get an invitation to his home and plant a bug. The NSA found out the professor was laundering money for a dangerous man who had access to sarin gas. Henry did not bully his way through the company. The original candidate the DIA selected was chosen because of his sexual orientation and not for the right reason which Henry was totally against from the start. The story about the two Russian soldiers was used to show the dark side of intelligence work which consequences Henry was not prepared to handle. Henry was not responsible for the two deaths. 

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