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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Did anyone notice Katy Tur looking at Harold Ford like he had just farted the whole time he was talking? She looked like she smelled something rank.

Well, I can understand why someone would be dismissive of him. Nothing interesting to say, came by his Congressional seat by inheriting it from his father. Why he's on this show I'll never understand.

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4 hours ago, teddysmom said:

Where has Heileman been?  Is he not on WADR any more either?  I saw him on CBS This Morning a couple weeks ago interviewing someone and wondered if he had jumped ship.

How he's put up with Halperin all this time I have no idea. 

Heileman must be working for CBS now because he filled in as host at least one morning recently. I was surprised too.

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I bet Scarborough insists on it being cold.  In several of those business strategy type books it says to control your meeting environment to offset your adversary.  Since studios are often cold anyway to combat the heat of the equipment and lights, I could see ole Squinty Tale Talls insisting it be as cold as possible.  He comes prepared in fleece or sweater and, especially either coming during hot or even temperate weather or even just from a much warmer heated building during the winter, he scores a point just by having any guest he will scream overly like the last seconds of a goose before it gets sucked into a jet's engine be a bit uncomfortable climate wise right off the bat.  It is all about winning for him. 

Which is why the turn with drumpf.  I think the minute Drumpf surges or Clinton falters significantly, we will be back to the same snide crowing jeering asshole that hand waves everything Drumpf has done.  Remember when he sneered at Romney for a little while and then crowed about Romney 'winning' the first debate (even though I think real polls among swing voters had them already in the bag for President Obama and the results in that November hammered it home).   You know Scarborough won't admit it but he is watching Nate Silver's results like a hawk and he will twist in the wind with those results just so he can claim he was right all along and said so when no one else did.  It is all about 'winning' with him.


My dad who is about the same age turned to me and said had he ever acted like a douche like Scarborough is doing.    I told him in general of course 'no' but as he is just as progressive as I am he would have to elaborate to make his question clearer.  And he pointed out that when Scarborough first became a pundit he tried to be the guy who loosened his tie while sitting back on the Adirondack after the commute from the city to the generational family summer home.  He wanted to be either old money southern gentility or NYC WASP establishment and could never make up his mind.  But now he said it seems like he dresses as if he is still in his frat.  That he seems to be regressing and it is either a passive aggressive bullshit move to simply show his guests he is simply sparing them a moment or he is feeling his age as his older kids marry and become estasblished as adults.  I ask him if maybe it was because he was known to be boinking Mika who I see Scarborough as viewing as the hired help in a way.  My dad laughed until he realized it was now common knowledge and not just speculation.  His response was 'he didn't just shit where he eats, he did on the family silver and is trying to pass it off as the main course."

  • Love 5

Joe changed his mind again. He told Donnie that the election is not over& Donnie is wrong. Joe asked Donnie if stupid Donnie or smart Donnie would show up today. Joe is wearing a light blue sweater.

Mika should lay out his clothes for the week before she goes on vacation

Donnie told Joe to stop treating trump like a 2 year old that gets complimented if he doesn't have a temper tantrum.

Koe said Obama lied about the ransom payment for the Iranian hostages

  • Love 3
26 minutes ago, oakville said:

Joe changed his mind again. He told Donnie that the election is not over& Donnie is wrong. Joe asked Donnie if stupid Donnie or smart Donnie would show up today. Joe is wearing a light blue sweater.

Mika should lay out his clothes for the week before she goes on vacation

Donnie told Joe to stop treating trump like a 2 year old that gets complimented if he doesn't have a temper tantrum.

Koe said Obama lied about the ransom payment for the Iranian hostages

Bold mine.

And I loved that Eugene brought up that at the time of those negotiations the MJ crew was upset that the hostages weren't part of the deal!

Sounds like they're getting ready to crawl right back up Trump's rear end.

I thought Trump had memorized that speech 'cuz he didn't seem to look down and around but I guess it was a teleprompter? And some of it sounded like those non-apologies, "I'm sorry if you were hurt, offended, fill-in-the-blank." But they all seemed pleased by the performance.

These people...

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It is remarkable that any of the panel continues to go on the show. Donnie had something interesting to say about the Trump he's known vs. the Trump we have now but Joe was such a jerk about it. 

I tuned in to hear an actual analysis of Trumps speech but no they can't do that. This is the turn! He's back!  Whaaaat? He said literally nothing in that speech. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, NewDigs said:

And I loved that Eugene brought up that at the time of those negotiations the MJ crew was upset that the hostages weren't part of the deal!

You beat me to it!  I remember vividly how Joe would lace into President Obama about Iranian hostages.  I remember he would work himself into a self righteous lather about it. All the while, Obama is cool as a cucumber, just taking care of business.
Their producers should have a cat and mouse relationship with Joe and Mika and call them out every time they are hypocritical or play both sides of an argument.  It would be fun for Joe to explain why he's now furious about Obama doing exactly what Joe wanted Obama to do, and in so doing, killed two birds with one stone.  If the White House hadn't paid Iran, the debt and fees and penalties on the money owed would have ballooned out of all proportion... but they played hardball and got the hostages AND paid off the debt on the cheap.
Suck it, Scarborough.

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Today's show made me think I'd never watch this show again.  Yes Joe is back up Trump's butt.  It was like one long commercial for Trump playing his speech over and over and over again and not once commenting on what he was saying but rather how he was saying it and how great this new team is and if he sticks with the teleprompter etc etc etc.  As someone above posted why no analysis of what he said?  No it's more important how he said it.   Joe "Hillary lies, Bill Clinton lies ..." well Joe what about the lies Trump says???????

Joe once again talked about the Trump that has been on "stage" is not the Trump he and Mika have know for 15 years.  I loved Donnie D's response here because he agreed that Trump is different in person but that is what scares him and that no way could he vote for Trump.  Donnie brought up the point of how could you say all the mean and racist things if you don't believe it? Joe of course says Donnie is missing the point.  No Joe YOU"RE missing the point.

Joe also harped on how voters want change but by this point by head is exploding.  You know Joe voters wanted change when they elected Obama and what happened = YOUR party decided while he was being sworn in that they would do everything in their power to thwart him.  We're never going to get change in this country until the likes of McConnell are voted out or have the grace of Harry Reid and retire.

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, Eliot said:

The other thing Donnie said that I really liked was that he can never look at or feel about Trump the same way again. The horrible, racist, bigoted things he says are now part and parcel of who he is. It doesn't matter how Donnie knew him in the past--he's simply not the person Donnie thought he was.

That was a really good point. I wish he'd asked born again Trump supporter Joe Scarborough how a man can "pivot" after 430 days of showing us who he really is.

I can't understand all the praise for Trump's speech. (Exactly right, like "praising a two year old for not having a tantrum". Could the bar be set any lower for a President of the United States?)

Yesterday's speech was robotically delivered and read like a list of clichéd politician-speak. His expression of "regret" is getting so much praise and I don't get it.  Yes, he worded it carefully. He "regrets" saying (some unspecified) things that lost him votes (and, yes, some of them hurt some people who will NEVER support him)

"Regret" is a very unsatisfying word to me. I can't understand the rave reviews for it on MSNBC and CNN (who's played that clip over and over, followed by comments about the "new Trump". It's ridiculous. He said nothing.)

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If I were a producer on Morning Joe, I'd ask to have Trump on.  Then I'd have Joe ask him what specifically he's apologizing for.  And REALLY press him about apologizing, "what kind of a man apologizes for doing nothing wrong?"  And "do blue collar guys really want to hear from a lily livered, flimsy candidate who doesn't say what he means and lets the muslims and mexicans off the hook?  Are you going to stand by with your little hands and get attacked and not fight back?  Rural Pennsylvania doesn't want to vote for that guy." 

And lean back.  Grab yer popcorn, and enjoy.
I think the apology opens him up to attacks.  He becomes super super vulnerable.  I'm surprised Joe would prefer to hop back on the bandwagon, and not twist the knife.  For ratings, you know.
Trump's supporters want to support the outsider not being led by the nose by a Beltway pro who's a WOMAN of all things. 

Love how Donnie said, "People aren't stupid, y'know."  And Joe got bent out of shape and angry.  Barely containing it.  Donnie, who is in ascendancy there at the network, should've said, "You mad, bro?"  And challenged Joe.  Donnie's feeling it.  Woulda been great TV.

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Don't worry. Trump chose his word "regret" carefully so as not to convey weakness unless people want to read more into it than he said.

I think his only "regret" is that he's been finally seeing his poll numbers drop from the insulting things he's said. It's like the regret you feel when you have chocolate ice cream with dinner and realize it was a mistake that gave you a number on the scale that you didn't want0. "Regret" is not the same as an apology, and I'm disgusted by MJ (except for Donnie on this one) for gushing over this latest eentsy-weensy verbal modification in a scripted Trump speech.  Imagine if Hillary had expressed "regret" then promised, "I will never lie to you!" They'd still be mocking her over it today. Trump lies again and again and it's all, "He's pivoting at last! Let's move on!"

Here's a good op/ed from a woman at Huffpo who is also getting tired of hate-watching MJ and is frustrated with how they buy into the "Hillary's a liar" theme again and again, but give Trump--with his many, many lies--a pass. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/susan-bordo-/whats-the-difference-betw_12_b_11612674.html

Edited by Padma
  • Love 8

Catching up with this week's shows, I couldn't stop laughing during the segment when Donnie asked Joe about his past campaigns. Joe was in his full glory saying how he campaigned like he was 20 points behind & got up early. Joe said he brought all the coalitions together to support him. Groups like the Chamber of Commerce that opposed him, came around at the end of the campaign to support Joe!. I love full blowhard Joe!. I wish there was a documentary on Joe's campaigns!.

I am pretty sure that Joe won his seat in Congress during a a landslide for the GOP in 1994.

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Continuing my catch up, I found Joe to be hilarious on Wednesday with the new asterisk & bell ringing when Joe mentions that Trump is pivoting. Joe said they used this bell when Joe talked about his days in Congress. I wish Mika & Joe would make fun of themselves more often.


I also like when Eugene Robinson wanted to know why white college educated voters were turning on Trump. Joe said Eugene should ask him!. Joe said whites are outraged by Trump's Muslim ban & insulting comments.

It's hilarious how Joe pretends to be the voice of all Republicans, Southerners, Guitar playing Hipsters who play in NYC bars on Thursday nights . Joe is the spokesperson for everyone.

It's bizarre how Joe proclaims himself to be the leader of every group.

Joe dresses like a New England Frat boy who spends his weekends in Martha's Vineyard.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, oakville said:

Continuing my catch up, I found Joe to be hilarious on Wednesday with the new asterisk & bell ringing when Joe mentions that Trump is pivoting. Joe said they used this bell when Joe talked about his days in Congress. I wish Mika & Joe would make fun of themselves more often.


I also like when Eugene Robinson wanted to know why white college educated voters were turning on Trump. Joe said Eugene should ask him!. Joe said whites are outraged by Trump's Muslim ban & insulting comments.

It's hilarious how Joe pretends to be the voice of all Republicans, Southerners, Guitar playing Hipsters who play in NYC bars on Thursday nights . Joe is the spokesperson for everyone.

It's bizarre how Joe proclaims himself to be the leader of every group.

Joe dresses like a New England Frat boy who spends his weekends in Martha's Vineyard.

Bold mine.

Is that what that was? I saw the asterisk and heard the word "pivot" but at the time all I could think about was howthehell Joey could say that the same Trump speech that started with him calling for a US "regime change" could possibly exhibit a pivot. And Joey didn't mention the, what I considered to be, repugnant language. Regime change. Not one word. Hopefully I missed it.

Like I missed his response to Eugene. And he's the moderator? Gah!

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, NewDigs said:

Bold mine.

Is that what that was? I saw the asterisk and heard the word "pivot" but at the time all I could think about was howthehell Joey could say that the same Trump speech that started with him calling for a US "regime change" could possibly exhibit a pivot. And Joey didn't mention the, what I considered to be, repugnant language. Regime change. Not one word. Hopefully I missed it.

Like I missed his response to Eugene. And he's the moderator? Gah!

Joe was trying to be funny about Trump's "pivots". It's true that Joe ignored the words "regime change". That term is used to describe dictatorships.

The show is fascinating to watch when Joe is the only host. He frequently starts off on a rant about some random topic & the rest of the guests just smile at him & go along with him. Katty Kay was smirking at him last week. Mika & Willie challenge him more often.

I found the Jeffrey Sachs interview to be intriguing. He said that the CIA was plotting to bring down Assad since 2011.& caused the civil war in Syria. Joe tried to calm him down.

It's matching sweater day on Morning Joe!. Mika is back with a navy blue sweater. Cackles is wearing a sleeveless dress. Perhaps she borrowed it from Mika. Cackles defended Bush's campaign  outreach to Hispanics & African Americans.

Mika wants the GOP to give up on the election  & start over. Joe asked Eugene Robinson for an action plan.

Barnicle wants Trump to walk 65 blocks north of Manhattan to Harlem to meet real African Americans.

Joe is happy with Trump's new talking points. It makes white GOP feel better if Trump denounces David Duke.

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Joe is in an insanely bad mood.  Eugene Robinson was brought on to represent his opinions, and Joe IS NOT HAVING IT.   Gene won't give an inch to Trump and Joe is angry.   It's all about Joe, folks.  All of this.  The election.  Both candidates.  All media coverage.  Every talking point.  It all has to do with Joe.  It pivots around Joe.  Just ask him.

Well I'll be...  Barnicle makes a good point about how Trump could begin to appeal to minorities.

Edited by Landsnark
  • Love 7
1 minute ago, cased said:

Oh.My.God.   Is tRump running for the presidency of the US or junior high home room secretary.  If any repub can support him after these immature, mean-girl rants, then I just give up.  And this is coming from someone who is driven crazy by Joe and Mika sometimes. But the level of murk into which The Donald has descended with these tweets is unbelievable.  He is not worthy to scrub the White House toilets, let alone occupy the Oval Office.


3 minutes ago, cased said:
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He's baiting Joe. And trying to blackmail him by saying "when things calm down...". 

If I had to guess - I wonder if they've had a phone call, and Joe said he'd do a little pivot and be more favorable. Hence the ridiculous badgering of Gene (that poor man is so good-natured). When Joe didn't suck up enough as promised, Trump tossed in a little threat about someday exposing all. 

At least this is gettin' kinda fun..

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The best point of the morning was made by one of the show's guests - I wish I could remember his name - who pointed out the remarks that Trump made about minorities getting shafted by the Dems was NOT designed to court minorities. Rather they were directed to moderate Republicans or independents to put in a facade that Trump isn't such a bad guy who cares about minorities.

That's why this show needs outside guests. These clowns get so wrapped up in their groupthink and the same crap they parrot every morning. Someone outside the bubble can bring some insight.

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12 hours ago, oakville said:

I found the Jeffrey Sachs interview to be intriguing. He said that the CIA was plotting to bring down Assad since 2011.& caused the civil war in Syria. Joe tried to calm him down.

It's no surprise, just google CIA Syria and Pipeline - you'll be able to connect the dots.

I was just coming to post that it's on like Donkey Kong about tRump's tweets, but y'all beat me to it!

Joe was heinous to long time friend of the show Eugene Robinson this morning; Robinson should boycott Morning Joe.

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It's been picked up by People. Yeah, that's more mainstream than Page Six gossip. Of course People is only going with the Twitter rant and not outing the happy unhappy couple. Joe tried to bait Trump by going to his phone and pretending to want to announce something. Some viewer named George had a grandchild? Stupid fake out. 

On the clear thinking front - John Harwood is tweeting about how this is the way the presidential nominee starts his Monday morning. 

Joe so wants to vote for Trump.  I always feel like it's 20 minutes of Joe bashing Trump and then turning around and trying to make out Trump is better than Hillary.    So now that Trump's tweeted again about Joe I wonder if this will change Joe again?

His tweets about MorningJoe show Trump is totally not fit to be president.  What juvenile behavior, I expect more from my President. 

They certainly showed a lot of clips of Trump talking but once again no real analysis of what he is saying - except for Eugene Robinson.  What about Trump's claim that Hillary wants to close down all farms?  What has she said in that context?  What does she expect people to eat?  It just makes me think about last week's show and they had the clip that Trump will never lie but that's all Hilllary does - how about some analysis of that big lie!

I'm surprised Joe was never Governor or Senator or even President.  He was always able to bring together all those different groups and get elected.  And his advice is still so sought after - but I guess not by trump.

So sick of talking about Trump is really a Democrat or that he's just doing this for his next business venture running a TV station.  I would think after this campaign his brand is not worth so much (even more so if he loses).  I wonder how his businesses are really doing?  Which brings me to the issue of the Clinton Foundation.  I have to admit I fast forwarded thru that conversation but I wonder if Trump wins isn't there an issue about his business empire which, unlike the CLinton Foundation which was done some good, totally lines his pockets?? 

5 hours ago, EmeraldGirl said:

If I had to guess - I wonder if they've had a phone call, and Joe said he'd do a little pivot and be more favorable. Hence the ridiculous badgering of Gene (that poor man is so good-natured). When Joe didn't suck up enough as promised, Trump tossed in a little threat about someday exposing all. 

I completely think there's been a phone call or two.  Trump does that all the time, behind the scenes, and it bugs me that the press (both on tv and in print) don't have to disclose it, so that we can put their comments in context.

Gene is too nice and too smart for this show. I appreciate that he comes back, but I don't understand it.

As for Trump and his tweets--I couldn't believe this mornings!  A low, but not a new one.  Yes, Joe! Just what we want! A president who watches cable tv all day and vindictively tweets at the hosts who disagree with him!  I think the MJ crew should talk about this tomorrow. It goes to the heart (such as it is) of who Donald Trump is, his work ethic, what interests him (news about himself), and the same old issue.... temperament. I don't understand how these people keep vacillating about it!  Donny called it last week--what more do we need to see/ As Maya Angelou said, "When someone shows you who he is, believe him."  I hope they won't be intimidated or "charmed" (or motivated by their ongoing Hillary-hate) into equivocation ever again. 

DT on Twitter today: "Some day, when things calm down, I'll tell the real story of @JoeNBC and his very insecure long-time girlfriend, @morningmika. Two clowns!" and "Tried watching low-rated @Morning_Joe this morning, unwatchable! @morningmika is off the wall, a neurotic and not very bright mess!"

Joe defended Mika (sort of), responding to the last one: "Neurotic and not very bright?  Look in the mirror!"  

Yesterday DT hit Donny, too, for "what he heard about" MJ on Friday:  "I heard that @Morning_Joe was very nice on Friday but that little Donny D, a big failure in TV (& someone I helped), was nasty. Irrelevant!

The funny thing is that this twitter exchange now has reached the MSM and therefore is news that should be reported on MSNBC.  Awkward!!!!

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Joe defended Mika (sort of), responding to the last one: "Neurotic and not very bright?  Look in the mirror!"  

Lol. If my boyfriend "defended" me like that, I'd kill him! 


 I hope they won't be intimidated or "charmed" (or motivated by their ongoing Hillary-hate) into equivocation ever again. 

Mika has admitted on air that she plans to vote for Clinton.

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I'm not defending him but I think Joe is wandering through the swamp of Trump trying to.....be on board with the Republican nominee, have the ear of, or a job with, the President if he wins, not seem stupid enough to agree with lies and insane statements, maintain some level of human empathy, not alienate his Republican friends, not lose all credibility with his audience, get ratings while still securing his job prospects in the political sphere, maintain his girlfriend and in her proper place, continue his self-declared reputation of always being correct about everything and talk about himself as much as possible because that's his favorite thing. All on the same show.  If Paul Ryan or Mitch McConnell or any Republucan big wig had to talk for 3 hours a day about the Presidential race they all probably would be wound into the same knot. 

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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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