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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Mika was terrible with the breaking news about the plane this morning. She wouldn't make it at a small market local station reading the news with her halting, obvious reading and that confused tone. At one point someone on the panel was telling that Agency France Presse  was reporting two swerves, 90 degrees and 360 degreesthat the plane took. He mentioned this wasn't verified but that AFP was a well respected news organization. She follows up with a question. Not what might those two swerves tell us about what happened to the plane but asks who would have told whom about that information.  I changed to CNN where they were actually discussing the swerves  

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Friday Recap. Joe is back in a navy blue blazer. The panel was sad that Morley Safer died. Mika said she talked to him when she worked at 60 Minutes. There was discussion about the explosion of the Egypt Air plane. Joe was crowing that the polls show Hillary losing ground to Trump. Her unfavorable are almost as high as Trump's. Mika said Bernie is popular with young people. OK, but Mika bragged to Hillary that her daughter loved HIllary.Willie said the Sanders supporters were very upset with with Hillary. They won't rollover for Hillary. Joe said the GOP is more united than the Democrats. Trump will be on the show!. Joe discussed his days in Congress. Joe said he was a powerful member of Congress who said No to fellow members. They showed clips of Trump using Bernie's attack lines. Cackles said that Hillary is being hit from both sides. Trump is boycotting Oreos & told Christie to do it as well.

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The most amusing thing about that shitshow just now with Trump was the point they took most umbrage at was when he called out (correctly) Robert Gates as an opportunistic hack. They sure got miffed at that. Say what you will about Mexicans and Muslims, sir, but when you go after the Beltway foreign policy bloviating industry you have crossed a line!

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Guys, a few posts have been hidden.  Please remember this is NOT a political discussion thread, nor is PTV in general the place for that sort of thing.  I do understand that the discussion can and will veer in that direction but keep it related to content from the show.  If you want to talk about the DNC or Debbie Wasserman Schultz go to CNN.com or some place similar.


I will give credit to MIka for her interview with Ari Fleischer. She pointed out all the things he disagrees with Trump on (muslim ban, anti-trade etc.) and then asks how he can still support him. Of course the only answer he could sputter was "but he's not Hillary". I want Mika to then ask if there is anything too outrageous or insane that Trump could say that would make them hold their nose and vote for Hillary.

I was surprised they didn't ask General Odierno his thoughts on Trump. Odierno seems like a reasonable guy and I wanted to hear his thoughts.

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Gee, I'm so glad they managed to pressure Trump to call in so they could coo over him, er, I mean ask the tough foreign policy questions!

And Joe, when he denies saying he'd ever go to North Korea, howzabout finding a quote rather than saying that maybe he could meet up w/ KJU at Trump's Scottish resort? Huh? What? 

Joe, can you say "gratuitous"?

Even Mika at least pretended to not agree with his every word uttered.

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24 minutes ago, ShuFace88 said:

I was surprised they didn't ask General Odierno his thoughts on Trump. Odierno seems like a reasonable guy and I wanted to hear his thoughts.

I thought they teased that they were going to.

I overslept and woke up to tRump's morning screed.  Horrifying.  And did they sort of end things with him and then come back with him back on the line after a commercial break or were they just replaying parts of his screed and responding to him?

That Anan dude's hair is something else.  I wonder how much product that takes?

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On 5/17/2016 at 2:03 PM, Landsnark said:

You nailed it, MulletorHater.  The simple answer is that if MSNBC or any network-sized news outlet were to cover those topics, then their ratings would drop.  Today's audience wants to be angered by Trump or Hillary.  They need topics simple and gossip-based.  To wildly oversimplify... the sudden evaporation of television journalism is the result of ubiquitous reality-shows, immediate gratification, a proudly stupid and divided populace, and Fox News.  It's audience-driven, not topic-driven, and is overseen by the business side of the company, not the news side.  These factors have shaped the journalism industry, on cable television and the internet, anyway.
Imagine for a moment if Donald Trump was not asked about racism or McCain's patriotism or genitals or menstruation or how great he is... but about any of the topics above daily and was hammered about his inconsistencies and lack of familiarity with any of the topics?  Immediately - IMMEDIATELY - he'd appear unPresidential and a joke.  His campaign would have folded last autumn.  But that doesn't make good TV.  This isn't about who is a capable Presidential candidate, this is about ratings and selling advertising. 
Hillary can speak expertly on all those topics.  She's Presidential.  She's not an ideologue or an insane celebrity whore.  She's a professional politician.  This is how two wildly un-serious candidates are still in the running and have huge #s of support.  News-byte ideology where immediate emotion is far more important than boring seriousness. "Banks are bad!"  "I'm mad!"  Those childish emotions shouldn't be pointed to by people like Joe Scarborough as legitimate election triggers.  His job should be to inform, not inflame.
Morning Joe and its producers have a lot to answer for.  They give horse shit politics credence without examination because it sells.  This is corporate news journalism as profit center playing out before our eyes.

Landsnark, I had your posting in mind when I heard the sad news about Morley Safer dying.  He and journalists of his ilk are a dying breed [no pun intended] in the age of insta-clicks, fame whoredom and "there's no such thing as bad press."  I remember when 60 Minutes was must-see TV in our house on Sundays.  The prestige of the show went steadily downhill in my estimation when they started hiring "journalists" and correspondents, who had their own political axes to grind and foisted off highly questionable and grossly inaccurate stories to push their own agendas.

Another alarming development in recent years is the spectacle of journalists making themselves a part of the story instead of simply reporting it.  I'm looking at you, Brian Williams!  Joe and Meek-a are notorious for this.  They make provocative statements, knowing they will generate interest and clicks.  Imagine my horror when I learned that Meek-a's opinion about the disastrous Debbie Wasserman Schultz is trending this week.  They are both notorious also for Tweeting their every thought about the subjects they are covering.  Gone are the days when journalists were supposed to be impartial and were supposed to read stories that answered 5 basic questions:  who, when, where, what happened and why.  That's it!   Yet, Joe has to remind us ad nauseam about his time in Congress and how powerful he supposedly was.  Their dislike of Hillary and adoration of Herr Trump are palpable.  Heck, Joe can't even bother to dress professionally everyday.  He couldn't even hide his bitterness that Megyn Kelly got to do a sit down with Trump and acted like a jilted suitor.  We saw the love fest with Jersey bully, Chris Christie play out in living color.  We saw Joe and Meek-a having to constantly defend themselves for their worship of both Trump and Christie.  Interestingly, when Rachel Maddow and Steve Kornacki ran with the Bridgegate story using some good old-fashioned investigative journalism, Christie's fortunes took a nosedive and all talk of him being a potential presidential nominee slowed to a crawl.  In spite of Joe and Meek-a's attempts to rehabilitate Christie, people saw that the emperor had no clothes.  Rachel was also the one who shed light on the tragedy in Flint, Michigan (including a town hall meeting) and the shenanigans in Alabama.  This is what happens when the Fourth Estate actually does its job.  They perform a service for the country.  As a former congressman (I know!  I know!), Joe should have automatically had the gravitas for a show like this.  I used to actually enjoy it.  Now it's devolved into an exercise in foolery and watching the two co-hosts work through their dysfunction.  And, how pathetic is it that these two are practically salivating at the mouth like rabid dogs at the prospect of Trump putting the Clintons' business in the street.  Yet, watch what happens when someone says two words:  "dead" and "intern."  Just sayin'...

When this horrible election cycle is finally over, the mainstream media will have a lot to answer for.

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17 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

Landsnark, I had your posting in mind when I heard the sad news about Morley Safer dying.  He and journalists of his ilk are a dying breed [no pun intended] in the age of insta-clicks, fame whoredom and "there's no such thing as bad press."  I remember when 60 Minutes was must-see TV in our house on Sundays.  The prestige of the show went steadily downhill in my estimation when they started hiring "journalists" and correspondents, who had their own political axes to grind and foisted off highly questionable and grossly inaccurate stories to push their own agendas.

Another alarming development in recent years is the spectacle of journalists making themselves a part of the story instead of simply reporting it.  I'm looking at you, Brian Williams!  Joe and Meek-a are notorious for this.  They make provocative statements, knowing they will generate interest and clicks.  Imagine my horror when I learned that Meek-a's opinion about the disastrous Debbie Wasserman Schultz is trending this week.  They are both notorious also for Tweeting their every thought about the subjects they are covering.  Gone are the days when journalists were supposed to be impartial and were supposed to read stories that answered 5 basic questions:  who, when, where, what happened and why.  That's it!   Yet, Joe has to remind us ad nauseam about his time in Congress and how powerful he supposedly was.  Their dislike of Hillary and adoration of Herr Trump are palpable.  Heck, Joe can't even bother to dress professionally everyday.  He couldn't even hide his bitterness that Megyn Kelly got to do a sit down with Trump and acted like a jilted suitor.  We saw the love fest with Jersey bully, Chris Christie play out in living color.  We saw Joe and Meek-a having to constantly defend themselves for their worship of both Trump and Christie.  Interestingly, when Rachel Maddow and Steve Kornacki ran with the Bridgegate story using some good old-fashioned investigative journalism, Christie's fortunes took a nosedive and all talk of him being a potential presidential nominee slowed to a crawl.  In spite of Joe and Meek-a's attempts to rehabilitate Christie, people saw that the emperor had no clothes.  Rachel was also the one who shed light on the tragedy in Flint, Michigan (including a town hall meeting) and the shenanigans in Alabama.  This is what happens when the Fourth Estate actually does its job.  They perform a service for the country.  As a former congressman (I know!  I know!), Joe should have automatically had the gravitas for a show like this.  I used to actually enjoy it.  Now it's devolved into an exercise in foolery and watching the two co-hosts work through their dysfunction.  And, how pathetic is it that these two are practically salivating at the mouth like rabid dogs at the prospect of Trump putting the Clintons' business in the street.  Yet, watch what happens when someone says two words:  "dead" and "intern."  Just sayin'...

When this horrible election cycle is finally over, the mainstream media will have a lot to answer for.

The interview between Trump & Mika & Joe was hilarious. Joe made wisecracks about Trump meeting Kim at his Scottish resort. Mika asked Trump if he liked her dad. He never responded. Joe was shouting over Trump. Trump did say he wanted to make Germany, Japan & South Korea pay more American military defense. Mika tried to set up a meeting between Trump & Gates. Trump said he didn't know Gates & blamed him for the war in Iraq & Libya. Trump said he wouldn't go into Libya to get rid of Ghadafi. Trump said Isis has control of Libya & took the oil. However, I believe that other news agencies reported that at the time, Trump did want to have the USA get rid of Gadafi. I think Joe is furious that Trump is no longer his BFF. A few months ago, Joe told a news reporter that if Trump asked him to be his VP, Joe wouldn't say no.


Trump came across to me as very irritable yesterday. He sounded like Archie Bunker.

Morning Joe is going off the rails, but it is entertaining.

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16 hours ago, suomi said:

Every day, the posters here teach me something or inspire me to research something or re-think something.

(But, hey, wait up ... Dad was in Congress? How do you know that?)

If "Dad" is Joe here's his Wiki page. Can't always trust Wiki but it looks accurate at first glance.

When I googled "joe scarborough congress" most hits were in articles referring to the dead intern and/or the pittance his ex was getting in alimony. Oh, and a huge argument he had with Mika.

On ‎5‎/‎20‎/‎2016 at 8:58 AM, ShuFace88 said:

I will give credit to MIka for her interview with Ari Fleischer. She pointed out all the things he disagrees with Trump on (muslim ban, anti-trade etc.) and then asks how he can still support him. Of course the only answer he could sputter was "but he's not Hillary". I want Mika to then ask if there is anything too outrageous or insane that Trump could say that would make them hold their nose and vote for Hillary.

I was surprised they didn't ask General Odierno his thoughts on Trump. Odierno seems like a reasonable guy and I wanted to hear his thoughts.

Mika was great when she interviewed Ari. Ari was upset that Jeb broke his pledge to support Trump if he became the nominee. Mika was mad at Ari for trying to justify voting for Trump despite not supporting his positions.

Mika told Ari that she "knows his type" She dismissed him.

Chuck Todd said his polling is showing that people want "neither" as a candidate. Chuck believes that most Sanders supports will come around and vote for Hillary.

Chuck said that Gary Johnson & William Weld of the Libertarian party may do better than expected. They are both former republicans who could attract people upset with Trump.

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4 minutes ago, oakville said:

Chuck said that Gary Johnson & William Weld of the Libertarian party may do better than expected. They are both former republicans who could attract people upset with Trump.

Rachel Maddow said basically the same thing on her show last night.  I had never heard of Gary Johnson, but I do remember William Weld as a very popular Republican governor in Democratic Massachusetts.  I wonder if Sanders supporters would be attracted to them. 

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I wonder if Sanders supporters would be attracted to them. 

More likely to attract Republican voters than Sanders'.  Libertarians believe in small government and deregulation. Johnson's view on drug decriminalization may be attracted, but you'll never see free post-secondary education or single payer health care on a Libertarian platform.

1 hour ago, Mumbles said:

More likely to attract Republican voters than Sanders'.  Libertarians believe in small government and deregulation. Johnson's view on drug decriminalization may be attracted, but you'll never see free post-secondary education or single payer health care on a Libertarian platform.

True, he is more likely to attract Republican voters, but I saw Gary Johnson on MSNBC this morning and he was asked about trying to get Sanders supporters.  He basically said that, except for "economic issues" (he didn't specify exactly what that meant), he and Sanders were pretty much on the same page on some other issues such as the marijuana thingy.  I'm paraphrasing, of course, but the gist of it was that Sanders and Sanders' supporters have more in common with Libertarians than they don't.  It was a definite ploy to bring in Sanders supporters but I don't know how well that's going to work.  

It's amazing that this show can discuss the "donor class" but not mention the most important members of that class, their new best friends, the Koch Brothers.

I strongly urge everyone interested in politics to read Jane Mayer's excellent book, "Dark Money." Warning: it will make you furious about the softball PR stunt this show let itself be complicit to with that disgusting Koch Brothers interview a few months ago. 

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11 hours ago, suomi said:

With a snide and pompous tone, during the first few minutes of this morning's show Joey corrects those with the misapprehension that he and Trump are/were feuding. 

That was hilarious!. I also spit out my coffee when I saw Joe blasting CNN for over covering Trump & giving him too much access to the network. Does Joe not realize that his own show became morning Trump since last June?

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6 hours ago, Mumbles said:

It's amazing that this show can discuss the "donor class" but not mention the most important members of that class, their new best friends, the Koch Brothers.

I strongly urge everyone interested in politics to read Jane Mayer's excellent book, "Dark Money." Warning: it will make you furious about the softball PR stunt this show let itself be complicit to with that disgusting Koch Brothers interview a few months ago. 

I remember that softball interview that Mika & Joe did with the Koch Bros last fall. They were guests of theirs for an entire weekend. Mika bragged how nice they were & they were so charitable etc..

In Canada, we have strict spending limits on elections. Fundraising is generally tightly controlled. You can't give more than about $1,000 per election.

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The book is a real eye-opener. The Kochs had been at this for years.  Once you read it you will feel compelled to Google any conservative group or academic or expert quoted in a news article. Odds are you can find a connection to the Kochs or the Bradleys or the Scaifes. And their donations to the arts and museums that impressed Mika and Joe so much are just a pittance of their multibillion fortune - a small PR price to pay for the attempts to dismantle the regulatory state.

Mayer should have been on the show instead of the Kochs. Interestingly they were on MJ a few months before the book came out, after years of being media-shy. I can't imagine the timing of the "charm offensive" was coincidental. We're just two fun guys, pay no mind to that mean lady reporter with her dumb book coming out. 

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Mini Recap Monday. Joe was wearing a light blue sweater. Mika was wearing a sleeveless black cocktail dress with a white scarf around her the neck. Mika changed into a grey dress for the8:30 segment.The panelists were snarky Halperin, Harold Ford & Jon Meacham.  Joe thanked Jon for reminding him that this year's political situation reminded him of "Shade's Rebellion". This was the 1787 rebellion that threated the USA Federal Govt. Joe wrote an op ed for the Washington Post. Mika said it was great. The polls showed Trump ahead of Hillary or slightly behind. The panel was surprised how quickly Trump had gained ground on Hillary. Joe doesn't like Trump attacking CNN on Saturday afternoon. Joe said he should stop doing that. Halperin said that Trump should be Trump. He benefits from going after the Press.

Joe was shocked that the Post covered his feud with Trump. Joe denied the feud. SMH! as the kids say.

Joe was impressed that Bernie raised 180M.

The polls show voters hate Trump & Hillary.

Joe said Trump & Bernie's campaign themes are better than Hillary's. The slogans are easier to understand than Hillary.

Mika is still mad at DWS & said the DNC shouldn't have done a coronation for Hillary.

Someone said that the DNC thought it would be Jeb Bush vs Hillary in 2016.

Halperin doubts that Trump will pick Newt Gingrich for VP.

Joe said a 3rd party candidate can't get on the ballott easily.

Joe said CNN is kissing Trump's ass. Joe started impersonating Trump. Joe forgot that he has been doing the same thing since June 2015.

Someone said that Trump could win more than Romney's 59% of the white vote. The top was Reagan in 1984 with 66%.

Meacham said the campaign will be negative.

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I forgot to add that I enjoy the new snarky Halperin. He went after Joe with his let "Trump be Trump" statement. The final segment of the show had Mini Joe, Jacob Sukeroff with a report on Pennsylvania. Joe pre empted the report by telling Mika that Republicans never win Pennsylvania & it is fool's gold. They usually pull out by October 15. Mini Joe said that Pennsylvania is trending GOP outside of Philly. Joe disagreed & said that the Democrats have a 400K vote lead in Philly. For the record, Obama won Penn by 310K in 2012 & 620K in 2008. They interviewed a former steel worker who said he might vote for Trump. Mini Joe might be right about Penn being competitive. Joe was very skeptical about Penn going for Trump. Snarky Halperin told Joe , how did Pat Toomey win in 2010?  Joe didn't have an answer.

Jane Mayer interview on Fresh Air



Mayer should have been on the show instead of the Kochs. Interestingly they were on MJ a few months before the book came out, after years of being media-shy. I can't imagine the timing of the "charm offensive" was coincidental. We're just two fun guys, pay no mind to that mean lady reporter with her dumb book coming out. 

I've put a link up to an interview Jane Mayer did on Fresh Air back in January, if anyone's interested.  Probably a little more informative than the ass kissing they got from MJ. 

Can anyone explain why Joe Scarborough is a guest on his own show?  

I loved Heileman telling everyone to basically CALM THE FUCK DOWN about polls in May regarding the general election. And their outrage that he calls them out on their bullshit.  "But how can we get the idiots in America to tune in if we don't terrify them with ridiculous polls that signify absolutely nothing?"

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Tuesday Recap. Joe is in an undisclosed hair salon, probably Martha's Vineyard. He's wearing a suit, so he might have a meeting with one his influential friends. Willie,Cackcles,Snarky Halperin, & Katty Kay were on the panel. First topic was Trump's attacks on the Clinton.


Joe was outraged that Trump went after the Clinton's for Vince foster's death. Joe said the lowest thing you can do in politics is accusing a politician of murdering their political aides. I think Joe is sensitive about what happened to his aide in Florida in 2001.

The panel was very upset about Trump attacking the Clintons because of their scandals. They said it won't help his ratings.

Joe said Trump should get serious about policy. OK, Joe, but he has been bragging about how Trump took out Bill with an Instagram post in December. Joe complained yesterday that Jeb focused on policies & lost. Joe's new hair dye must be affecting his memory.

Katty Kay said that Hillary's popularity went up in the 90's after impeachment..

Joe said Trump should stop focusing on the GOP base & go after swing voters.

halperin said Trump is aspirational as opposed to Romney.

Cackles was upset that Bernie was hurting Hillary's numbers.

Heileman told the panel to calm down, since in 2008, Obama was down 6 points after battling Hillary but they worked out a deal , & Obama won the election.

Cackles said the best Hillary can hope for is that Bernie's supporters won't actively work against her at the convention.

Joe said Bernie won't run for President in 2020, so he doesn't care about being nice to Hillary.

Cackles said people yell at her at the dog park because she makes fun of Bernie Sanders chances of beating Hillary.

Halperin said pundits have to stop behaving like theatre critics when it comes to Trump.Haley Barbour told Joe that Trump was responding to the reporters questions about Vince Foster, so it was OK to answer it.

Halperin said Trump wants to beat Hillary on his own terrain & keep throwing wrenches into her plans.

Trump dominates all the news cycles.

Katty Kay didn't like Bill's piccadilloes.

Willie said Hannity interviewed Clinton's alleged rape victims on his radio show yesterday  . One thanked Trump for reminding people how Bill behaved & how Hillary thanked the victim for helping Bill. 

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True, he is more likely to attract Republican voters, but I saw Gary Johnson on MSNBC this morning and he was asked about trying to get Sanders supporters.  He basically said that, except for "economic issues" (he didn't specify exactly what that meant), he and Sanders were pretty much on the same page on some other issues such as the marijuana thingy.

Which is utterly ridiculous, since for the most part, Sanders' whole campaign is about economic issues. LOL!

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22 hours ago, oakville said:

Joe doesn't like Elizabeth warren. He brought up the story about Elizabeth Warren buying foreclosed homes & selling them for a profit. Mika want Warren to be VP but the panel said that won't happen. Joe said Trump made sense to buy real estate when the price was low.

Nobody's questioning the idea of buying real estate when the price is low. What Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren (and dozens of other Democratic surrogates) were doing is calling out Trump for hoping the bubble would burst so he could enrich himself while not caring about the people who were losing their homes. Of course, that involves nuance so I wouldn't expect Joe to understand it.

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Joe is being super critical of Trump. 

A new poll shows that Trump trails Hillary in the rust belt because of his insulting rhetoric and blustery persona.  Joe said Trump is geared only to perform in front of 2000 partisan maniacs, and is not willing to speak to individuals’ issues with nuance.   Joe… you have a head injury?  Or… no, you just need to produce Trump content so in this part of the first half hour, you’re gonna be critical.  Later, you’ll be supportive.  Who cares what you say?  It’s just meaningless content to connect commercials.
So recurring moron Donnie Deutsch responds with this ponderous non sequitur, “If Donald Trump is elected, there will be a cultural shift, forget political, a cultural shift in what is acceptable behavior in schoolyards, in schools… and [Mika mumbles to interrupt and he looks at her irritatedly but keeps going] … and I think a lot of people are afraid of that… [staff moron Mika’s pea brain now has formulated a thought and she interrupts Donnie]   “You mean like Bill Clinton did in the 90s.”
And chief moron Joe interrupts Donnie fully and derails him and says, “Just like Bill Clinton did in the 90s in a negative way.”
O_O  O_o
I mean… what THE FUCK?  Those idiots just invented a false equivalence where Donald Trump’s unprecedented lying, racism, bluster, arrogance, Mussolini-esque rhetoric, hate-filled screeds, misogyny, etc…  that are supported and condoned by his rabid base as a fresh way to dialogue is now the same as Clinton’s charismatic, inclusive tone?  And Clinton’s charisma set a negative cultural shift in our schoolyards?  Seriously, what the holy fuck?  I cannot even fathom what that might mean.  School kids were talking their secretaries into one-time bjs?  (“awww, c’mon, baby.”) That was a thing?  This show is just ponderous sometimes.  All the time, really.

I used to call on Deutsch, the name of his digital ad agency, in the 90s.  And it was staffed by hard working underpaid brainiacs.  And when I’d go on sales calls to their office in midtown, the sole thing I’d notice and take away from the experience, and my female mentor is the one who broached the topic and confirmed my observation before I gave it voice, is that the women who worked for him were scorching hot.  It was a very, very sexy office.  There are tons of attractive 20 somethings toiling in marketing at ad agencies all over Manhattan.  But that office had a tone or a vibe or something that was very very different.  It wasn’t off putting or unpleasant or an affectation, it was who they were.  It’s like he was a producer who casted a drama about a sexy ad agency.  I had no idea who he was back then or that the agency was his name.

Edited by Landsnark
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2 minutes ago, Landsnark said:

Joe is being super critical of Trump. 

A new poll shows that Trump trails Hillary in the rust belt because of his insulting rhetoric and blustery persona.  Joe said Trump is geared only to perform in front of 2000 partisan maniacs, and is not willing to speak to individuals’ issues with nuance.   Joe… you have a head injury?  Or… no, you just need to produce Trump content so in this part of the first half hour, you’re gonna be critical.  Later, you’ll be supportive.  Who cares what you say?  It’s just meaningless content to connect commercials.
So recurring moron Donnie Deutsch responds with this ponderous non sequitur, “If Donald Trump is elected, there will be a cultural shift, forget political, a cultural shift in what is acceptable behavior in schoolyards, in schools… and [Mika mumbles to interrupt and he looks at her irritatedly but keeps going] … and I think a lot of people are afraid of that… [staff moron Mika’s pea brain now has formulated a thought and she interrupts Donnie]   “You mean like Bill Clinton did in the 90s.”
And chief moron Joe interrupts Donnie fully and derails him and says, “Just like Bill Clinton did in the 90s in a negative way.”
O_O  O_o
I mean… what THE FUCK?  Those idiots just invented a false equivalence where Donald Trump’s unprecedented lying, racism, bluster, arrogance, Mussolini-esque rhetoric, hate-filled screeds, misogyny, etc…  that are supported and condoned by his rabid base as a fresh way to dialogue is now the same as Clinton’s charismatic, inclusive tone?  And Clinton’s charisma set a negative cultural shift in our schoolyards?  Seriously, what the holy fuck?  I cannot even fathom what that might mean.  School kids were talking their secretaries into one-time bjs?  (“awww, c’mon, baby.”) That was a thing?  This show is just ponderous sometimes.  All the time, really.

I used to call on Deutsch, the name of his digital ad agency, in the 90s.  And it was staffed by hard working underpaid brainiacs.  And when I’d go on sales calls to their office in midtown, the sole thing I’d notice and take away from the experience, and my female mentor is the one who broached the topic and confirmed my observation before I gave it voice, is that the women who worked for him were scorching hot.  It was a very, very sexy office.  There are tons of attractive 20 somethings toiling in marketing at ad agencies all over Manhattan.  But that office had a tone or a vibe or something that was very very different.  It wasn’t off putting or unpleasant or an affectation, it was who they were.  It’s like he was a producer who casted a drama about a sexy ad agency.  I had no idea who he was back then or that the agency was his name.

Let me preface by saying I loathe tRump, Joe and their ilk.  Unfortunately what I assumed Mika (and then Joe) were referring to was all the discussion of sexual behavior that ensued from Bill Clinton's "relationship" with Monica.  And it pains me to even say that, because those Clinton years (minus Monica) were very good to us in this household, and to the country in general, considering the crapfest that followed under Cheney.  Oh--I mean GWB *wink*.    Unless i misread your post and you were referring to that also. 

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2 hours ago, Ladyrain said:

Let me preface by saying I loathe tRump, Joe and their ilk.  Unfortunately what I assumed Mika (and then Joe) were referring to was all the discussion of sexual behavior that ensued from Bill Clinton's "relationship" with Monica. 

That's what I interpreted the comment to mean as well. He was impeached for cry-eye. A woman went on "60 Minutes" and claimed the president assaulted her. Say what you will about Bush or Obama, both have their detractors and haters, but noone has accused them of having an intern service them in the Oval Office. I'm with Mika and Joe on this one.

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18 minutes ago, Mumbles said:

That's what I interpreted the comment to mean as well. He was impeached for cry-eye. A woman went on "60 Minutes" and claimed the president assaulted her. Say what you will about Bush or Obama, both have their detractors and haters, but noone has accused them of having an intern service them in the Oval Office. I'm with Mika and Joe on this one.

I think Donny makes an interesting point. If Trump is elected, will young kids start getting spray tans, & start shouting at teachers & having combovers ?. If Hillary is elected, will teenage women start wearing pant suits & using private email servers? Can a President be a good role model? I think that Obama has been an excellent dad & husband for the past 8 years.

Has this had a positive affect on African American families?

I think Donnie comes across as a womanizer.

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well, we're gonna have to disagree.  As a professional journalist, perhaps Mika may be aware of the long, documented history of Presidential extra-marital affairs.  Nah, inconvenient.  Starts with Clinton.  Sex is Clinton's fault and if we talk about sex, it's aalll Clinton.   Perhaps Clinton is to blame for Trump's serial cheating?  Perhaps he's to blame for any grab-ass Trump got to enjoy during the decades he funded beauty contests.

Clinton did nothing to alter the culture.  For fuck's sake.  He's the ONLY President who was caught and exposed by the 24/7 news/gossip media and a brand of vindictive hyper-partisanship that's virtually unprecedented in the history of high-level American politics.  The culture altered his legacy, not the other way around.  Let's not re-write history or misrepresent what is occurring.   Clinton was caught and paid for lying about sex.  Sex.  With an eagerly willing participant who was no victim.  She was an adult who sought it out.  If Trump is going to be elected it will be BECAUSE OF his disgusting beliefs, not in spite of.  Clinton's faults were personal and don't affect any one of us.  Trump's faults will become policy.
The scale breaks when you weigh Clinton's peccadilloes with Trump's faults.
It's totally nonsense to say that Trump's racism, hate, fear mongering and misogyny will affect school children and reshape the parameters of accepted speech and aggression the same way that Clinton's affair did.  School kids will be empowered by Trump, because the culture thinks it's ok for the President to be a racist pig.  Clinton was caught and punished.

It's in-equivalent.

  • Love 14

Never bought the "the Clinton scandal was all about sex" excuse. When you keep a head of state waiting in another room or take a phone call with another one while a 24-year-old intern finishes you off, that goes beyond sex. The is venturing into some serious psychological problems - an addiction to thrill or risk, an excessive narcissism, whatever. And that doesn't even count the lying under oath - what got him disbarred in Arkansas. And I'm not even going to touch the idea of the gross imbalance of power between the most powerful man in the world and a 24-year-old.  So no, the Clinton administration wasn't all charisma. A lot of people were disgusted by the president. And it wasn't  just Republicans or his political foes. Ask Donna Shalala or Joe Lieberman.

A person can simultaneously hold the opinion that the last few years of the Clinton administration were gross, and that a Trump administration would cast a despairing pall on the culture. The two aren't mutually exclusive. 

  • Love 1


Clinton did nothing to alter the culture.  For fuck's sake.  He's the ONLY President who was caught and exposed by the 24/7 news/gossip media and a brand of vindictive hyper-partisanship that's virtually unprecedented in the history of high-level American politics.  The culture altered his legacy, not the other way around.  Let's not re-write history or misrepresent what is occurring.   Clinton was caught and paid for lying about sex.  Sex.  With an eagerly willing participant who was no victim.  She was an adult who sought it out.  If Trump is going to be elected it will be BECAUSE OF his disgusting beliefs, not in spite of.  Clinton's faults were personal and don't affect any one of us.  Trump's faults will become policy.
The scale breaks when you weigh Clinton's peccadilloes with Trump's faults.
It's totally nonsense to say that Trump's racism, hate, fear mongering and misogyny will affect school children and reshape the parameters of accepted speech and aggression the same way that Clinton's affair did.  School kids will be empowered by Trump, because the culture thinks it's ok for the President to be a racist pig.  Clinton was caught and punished.

It's in-equivalent


Thank you!!!! 

It's nice to see Ken Starr getting his come uppance now at Baylor.  Hypocrite there much Kenny? 

  • Love 5

Friday recap. Mika was excited that she won her bet with Barnicle over the Truck if Trump won the nomination. Mika's kids will get to drive the truck. Barnicle was smirking throughout Mika's crowing. Barnicle admitted it was a horrible bet & that he underestimated Trump. Joe blasted all the media that didn't think Trump could win. He mocked Nate Silver for not seeing the data. Joe made fun of Obama for saying that Trump rattled our allies. Joe said Obama rattling the Europeans by not being tough on Russia. Joe said Obama rattled Israel by supporting Iran. The Gulf states are rattled by Obama's support for the Iran nuclear deal . Joe said Obama rattled everyone over not following through in Syria with his red line.

Mika was excited about Joe's band that performed in New York last night. Joe's daughter, Kate Scarborough is the lead vocalist. She is 12. Mika was amazed at how good she was. Joe crowed that Mayor De Blasio showed up at his concert.

Joe said Hillary's statements on the email report are mind boggling. She is lying to according to Joe. Jim WanderHei showed up on the panel.

Michael Steele doesn't think that Trump will debate Bernie before California.Mika is dismayed about Hillary's responses to the email scandal. It would be better if she admitted that she screwed up.

The Washington Post editorial is very upset at Hillary.

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2 hours ago, Landsnark said:

Was there any comment made of Trump calling Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" and she's got "a big mouth?"

I didn't see any, but if Trump is going to use that slur he should at least get it right. In Massachusetts they were calling her "Faux-cahontas" because she had checked a box signifying she had some Native American ancestry on some college application.

I am weary of Joe constantly misrepresenting what Hillary has said about her email server. She NEVER said that it had been "approved by the State Department," as he claims. What she said was, "it was allowed." I take that to mean, "it was an allowed practice followed by every other secretary of state who preceded me." He constantly conflates those two things to try to make her look like she was claiming a formal approval that she never sought.

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Most of Mika's "comments" sound like pillow talk with Joe to me (since he usually says the same thing sooner or later anyway). I don't actually think she has any critical on-the-spot insights of her own, just parrots things others on the show (or her father OC) have said.

As for her comments re: Clinton. Well, he was impeached about denying having relations with Monica, nothing at all about the others (and even Ken Starr found Wiley and Broaddrick inconsistent and un-credible). Monica didn't accuse him of anything. She went to Washington hoping to meet him, flashed her panties and he, inappropriately, went on to have a consensual relationship. Was it dignified? No. Would it have entered the public consciousness if not for Starr & fellow Republican smear-meisters (like Trump's BFF Gingrich who was having an affair of his own at the time)? No. Clinton didn't say disgraceful, disgusting, disrespectful things and verbally attack people like Trump does. If he was like several other presidents, just had a private relationship, we'd have never known what we do.

Personally, I admire how he--and Hillary--kept on going, doing their jobs and doing them well, while the whole tawdry investigation played out daily around the world. But I guess it's too much to expect Mika to take up for Hillary as, for many, she was very relatable in those days, whether deciding to keep the marriage together or leave. And the decision seems to have worked for them--and for Chelsea--so there's that.  That Mika fancies herself some kind of role model for women--when she doesn't have half the brains or imo character of HRC--is just irritating. If Zbig wasn't her father, she'd be lucky to be a news reader in some small local station.(I don't even think she reads well--always sounds like it's a cold read, halting and monotonous and I don't like her voice. I guess, yes, 'm not a fan.)  

  • Love 11
Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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