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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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I think Kasie's references to Mika and KYV and the mentorship thing kind of explains why she left the network...she followed Mika's "advice" and held out for more money and when she didn't get it, she left. She actually KYV'ed the right way, without (presumably) first taking her boss's bonus money, and second, without having her boss, or lover, do her bidding. I imagine she did it the legit way by having her manager help her. I just hope she doesn't do a full-Mika in the future and end up leaving her family for Wolf Blitzer.

I think MSNBC realized their mistake in playing along with JoMika's scheme and didn't want to end up with more overpriced "talent".

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3 hours ago, plumbago blues said:

I think Kasie's references to Mika and KYV and the mentorship thing kind of explains why she left the network...she followed Mika's "advice" and held out for more money and when she didn't get it, she left. She actually KYV'ed the right way, without (presumably) first taking her boss's bonus money, and second, without having her boss, or lover, do her bidding. I imagine she did it the legit way by having her manager help her. I just hope she doesn't do a full-Mika in the future and end up leaving her family for Wolf Blitzer.

I think MSNBC realized their mistake in playing along with JoMika's scheme and didn't want to end up with more overpriced "talent".

Hee!  This is golden.  And this is why we come here.

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She was REALLY bad today, just flailing and stumbling all over the place. Maybe there is a problem with the MSNBC teleprompters, because I caught Andrea Mitchell at noon and she could barely sputter out her own report.

Seriously, though, I think Mika's problem is that she can't decide whether she wants to read the news or comment on it so she constantly trips herself up.

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I read Mediaite's transcript of Mika's "cult" rant. Jeebus. Off the rails nuts. She made no mention of freedom of speech nor free will of the people. If anyone is in a cult she is: this constant focus on Trump is just so tiresome. She and all her Trump hating friends need to move on. If people choose not get vaccinated, so be it. I really wonder what good all her blathering does. I am sick of her. She can take this shit to Peacock, stat.

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i'm laughing because he basically did another one of those articles where the (actually interesting) subject matter isn't at all what the article is actually about, it's just one half-hearted sentence at the end of the article rather than the actual thesis running through it. The actual text reads that journalism isn't dead because Phil griffin gave Joe a chance, like *20 years ago*, and Rashida still gives Joe a chance, and things were happy clappy when Rachel and Tucker used to yell at each other in person. those aren't reasons for normal humans to be optimistic, those are anecdotes for why joe is blessed.

and also current msnbc viewers are patient with him, a small government conservative, and our patience is a sign of hope. 

Dude, we are not patient, we are not optimistic, we are exhausted, and scared AF and also could basically repeat everything he says verbatim. Again with the assuming everyone watches because of Joe, and not Mika or Willie, or the guests, and again with the "my household" stuff. And taking the day off and...only retweeting his own article, and not Mika's, even though she also wrote one, and hilariously, his tweet promoting his own article, rather than quoting something substantial from it, quotes an entire paragraph that's basically all about himself...

ok, pater familias, you do you 🥴

ETA: last lines: "I came to MSNBC optimistic, and remain so today. The future may seem uncertain, and even frightening at times. Yet I know that this new reality requires each of us to do our part to speak truth to power, report the news fairly, and listen to Americans from all walks of life as we collectively bring our country together. That project may take another 25 years or so, but it will be well worth the effort."

apparently, give it 25 years, and it will all magically work itself out 🌈

Edited by neona
broke politics rule a bit
  • Love 6
3 minutes ago, neona said:

Dude, we are not patient, we are not optimistic, we are exhausted, and scared AF and also could basically repeat everything he says verbatim. Again with the assuming everyone watches because of Joe, and not Mika or Willie, or the guests, and again with the "my household" stuff. And taking the day off and...only retweeting his own article, and not Mika's, even though she also wrote one, and hilariously, his tweet promoting his own article, rather than quoting something substantial from it, quotes an entire paragraph that's basically all about himself...

ok, pater familias, you do you 🥴

Actually, this is probably true; people do tune in to see what Joe is going on about.  Not Meeka, not Willy.  The only guest I would tune in for, regardless of who is hosting, is maybe Heilemann.  Just my opinion...

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that may be true, i guess my objection was more that he always assumes they tune in *only* for him, rather than for the team, bc it really did use to be a team before the boxes and apotheosis of joe stuff

also regardless of how popular he may be, the whole pater familias my house my show blah blah, shows a total lack of graciousness to his colleagues, his wife and his staff, ugh

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, plumbago blues said:

I read Mediaite's transcript of Mika's "cult" rant. Jeebus. Off the rails nuts. She made no mention of freedom of speech nor free will of the people. If anyone is in a cult she is: this constant focus on Trump is just so tiresome. She and all her Trump hating friends need to move on. If people choose not get vaccinated, so be it. I really wonder what good all her blathering does. I am sick of her. She can take this shit to Peacock, stat.

Mika's rant was criticized by a conservative website. They usually complain about Joe.


  • LOL 2
2 hours ago, Kemper said:

Actually, this is probably true; people do tune in to see what Joe is going on about.  Not Meeka, not Willy.  The only guest I would tune in for, regardless of who is hosting, is maybe Heilemann.  Just my opinion...

I like Willie's Sunday Today show. He is much more relaxed on that show & does long interviews with celebrities.

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1 hour ago, meowmommy said:

Actually, the funniest part of that tweet is where he claims to be on the air three hours a day.  When was the last time he was present and participating during the entire show?

I think it was probably after the election, when he was so desperate to make the Presidential call that he actually worked a weekend.

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3 hours ago, neona said:

i'm laughing because he basically did another one of those articles where the (actually interesting) subject matter isn't at all what the article is actually about, it's just one half-hearted sentence at the end of the article rather than the actual thesis running through it. The actual text reads that journalism isn't dead because Phil griffin gave Joe a chance, like *20 years ago*, and Rashida still gives Joe a chance, and things were happy clappy when Rachel and Tucker used to yell at each other in person. those aren't reasons for normal humans to be optimistic, those are anecdotes for why joe is blessed.

and also current msnbc viewers are patient with him, a small government conservative, and our patience is a sign of hope. 

Dude, we are not patient, we are not optimistic, we are exhausted, and scared AF and also could basically repeat everything he says verbatim. Again with the assuming everyone watches because of Joe, and not Mika or Willie, or the guests, and again with the "my household" stuff. And taking the day off and...only retweeting his own article, and not Mika's, even though she also wrote one, and hilariously, his tweet promoting his own article, rather than quoting something substantial from it, quotes an entire paragraph that's basically all about himself...

ok, pater familias, you do you 🥴

ETA: last lines: "I came to MSNBC optimistic, and remain so today. The future may seem uncertain, and even frightening at times. Yet I know that this new reality requires each of us to do our part to speak truth to power, report the news fairly, and listen to Americans from all walks of life as we collectively bring our country together. That project may take another 25 years or so, but it will be well worth the effort."

apparently, we have 25 years, and it will all magically work itself out 🌈

dude. we have 6 - 12 months to get some fucking safeguards in place to protect voting rights, a further erosion of democracy and a goddamn irreversible slide into autocratic rule.

leaving the swearing in this time bc genuinely worried by the lack of urgency 😭

Very well said Neona. Mika & Joe underestimated how chaotic Trump's Presidency would be.

I suspect many viewers tuned in to watch Joe's rants against Trump  & anyone that supported him.


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OK, second day in a row with Joe absent, regardless of what excuse they give I wonder if there is trouble in paradise? She is really addled today. Two different pronunciations of Dr. Gupta's name and just now, regardless of all the hype that the oldest person to go on the Bezos rocket is a woman who goes by the name of Wally, Meeka said that four men would go up in space this morning. AAARGH. Correcting her numerous gaffs is a full time job in the control room.

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I am just grateful that Joe was "off today" so he could not have shoehorned his way into that interview; he would have made it all about him. I enjoyed hearing the non-hysterical replies that Phil R and Carol H gave to  the questions.  Meeka has a hard time not saying "uh" when she is trying to make a point.  And that is maybe one of the nicest things I have ever said about her.

11 hours ago, oakville said:

I like Willie's Sunday Today show. He is much more relaxed on that show & does long interviews with celebrities.

When he is not having to "bat cleanup".... Willy is an excellent interviewer.

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1 hour ago, Me from ME said:

and just now, regardless of all the hype that the oldest person to go on the Bezos rocket is a woman who goes by the name of Wally, Meeka said that four men would go up in space this morning.

This just infuriates me. It is so obvious that her KYV bullshit is just smoke and mirrors; superficial pablum, ego driven and somehow promoted as a thing by higher ups. If Mika has no connection to the saintly women of value she decides to feature, other women don't count. She lives in her bubble of shallowness and is just detached from the real world. Some "journalist". I didn't hear her comment above, but I did hear her say to "stay tuned as we cover the space launch"...I laughed and clicked away. Kind of shocked that Joe didn't show up today. Not often is there a newsy event (almost) during his show...he could talk right through it.

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Mika is wearing a black cardigan today. She is in a bad mood. Joe continues to be absent from the show. I think he is still mad at Jeff Bezos for not inviting him on his spaceship.

Joe is highly respected columnist for the Wahington Post.

The show started with one of the rioters being sentenced.

The next segment is a repeat of last night's NBC News on the Delta variant.

It's a good strategy for Morning Joe to use many clips from the network news  to reduce the amount of time that Mika spends mispronouncing basic words on the TelePrompter.

Mika botched pronouncing Dr Vin Gupta's name at 6:08 am. She called him Dr Guppa.

It's rude because he has been on the show many times over the past 2 years.

Mika supports wearing masks at school.

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On 7/16/2021 at 5:09 PM, neona said:

yeh but her outrage is so damn wholesome tho. I feel like Claire is basically the Oracle in the Matrix. Not sure if she can bend spoons with her mind, but pretty sure she could do it with her bare-ass hands 😂

I am so so so so disappointed about the Kasie situation, I can't even. WTF is MSNBC even thinking??? 

It's like in the past 6-8 weeks we 1...Lost Highlemann as a regular...2...Lost Katty!! to some streaming place 3....Lost Shawna, for unexplained reasons.... 4....lost Elise Jordan, ok but she had a baby and that's a sensible reason, but omg I still miss her..... and now 5...we've apparently permanently lost Kasie, WTF even!!!

Adding all this to the shitty box format everyone hates...soo what even is the MSNBC long term strategy here??

And yeah, it also particularly sucks that 4 out of 5 of these were women, ugh.

Sooooo is the MJ guest list from now on gonna be Lemire, Lemire, and Lemire? I'm still kinda mad that we never get to see Nicolle Wallace on MJ anymore, even tho she's obviously deserving of her own show.

Idk I just wish they'd do a... *headcount* after all this re the male-female ratio, and think it through a lil....siiiigh.

Re: Kasie I also don't understand the salary thing? They said 1.5 million was too much but isn't Mika paid like 2 million? But Kasie unlike Mika did her own show and her own in-depth reporting and stuff, so why wouldn't Kasie's work be more expensive? idk how this stuff works and how much things costs but it seems totally ridiculous to me 

I miss Heidi Pryzbela, too!


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38 minutes ago, KayVeeTeeVee said:

I miss Heidi Pryzbela, too!

Wow. I'd totally forgotten about her! What's her story? Haven't seen her in months. Have all the good panelists jumped ship? (Or proven to be smarter than JoMika and kicked off?) As mentioned elsewhere, Eugene R. and Jonathan L. pretty much carry the show these days. Is everyone on summer vacation or have the old guests had enough of being talked over and ignored? Even old reliable Dr. Dave the neighbor/spinal surgeon/Covid expert has been AWOL (at least when I watch.)

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Joe has been off since last Wednesday (so it's almost a week).  They don't even bother to say he's off or on vacation,  And most of the time he takes at least one day off a week.  What a sweet gig.  Even when he comes to work, half the time he's not even participating in the discussions.  He could have gone across the street or somewhere to do shopping for all we know.   I was happy Willie was in today because quite honestly, Mika cannot handle the show all by herself.  She's just a disaster. Shrieking about everything, not being able to read the teleprompter and mispronouncing words off the cuff.  Yeah, that's what I want in a commentator.  Someone who has no business being there.

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Does anyone think that giving Mika a show on Peacock is a way of easing her off Morning Joe? I can't imagine that she would or could do both. Since Kasie just got a huge pay raise to go to CNN's new streaming service maybe Mika wouldn't see it as a demotion regardless of whether she got a pay raise herself.


I hadn't realized Joe had been off for so long since I don't watch every day. Perhaps it is contract renewal time, he is protesting, or, he and Mika are having issues with each other.

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Cult! Drink!

Mika's oddly placed and sometimes inappropriate inflections are driving me battier than usual without Joe to interrupt her. He must be on some kind of long-term leave bc Mika has now taken over in the role of reminding us Joe was in politics. It's bad enough on MJ but apparently around the breakfast table Joe makes stories of dead strangers about him.

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I was wondering about Joe's absence, also.  He wrote the fawning article about MSNBC (still mostly about himself); is he on a staycation? Could he have  "unused" vacation leave that he must use before the end of his current contract?  I kid.  I cannot imagine anyone tuning in just to watch Meeka who is, sadly, hard to take in anything over five minutes or so.

Lemire must be exhausted; and here is Barnicle to add gravitas.  Face it, Joe IS this show. And this is most likely the way he wants it; which is probably normal for any tv host.  The reports on the vaccine variant are terrifying. But using one's Hysterical/Shrill/Schoolmarm voice does not help.  

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Again with the black sweater and crossed arms. She seems to really hate her job, her audience, guests, and maybe her husband. Funny that she posted Instagram pictures this very morning featuring flowers and remarks how they bring her joy. Such a difference in MJ Mika vs Vacay in Maine Mika.

Maybe MSNBC is testing her pre-Peacock; to see if she really can host a show on her own...we all know she can't. She is awful. I think that's why they are relying on bits from the nightly news broadcasts and this extended ad for the Epstein book...all filler IMO. (I am really not interested in the salacious story of Jeffrey and Ghislaine...especially at 6 am...on a national "news" channel...this crap belongs on Peacock-level outlets.) Is Joe's absence any way related to this lecherous tale? Too squirmy for him? One can only wonder. Was his essay about viewers and MSNBC being patient with him some kind of code for "I need a break" or something?

Did Mika apologize for her gaffe re: Wally Funk? Seeing Wally's spirit yesterday was so inspiring...I'd think she'd be all over it. Apparently her chainsaw wielding mother is the only octagenarian female that matters to KYV.

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Towards the end of MJ yesterday, while we were waiting for The Launch, Stephanie Ruhle popped in to join Meeka and maybe Willie; all the regulars sometimes blur.  It was a breath of fresh air.  Stephanie was bright, bushytailed and enthused.  Her voice was perfect.  Meeka seemed to grudgingly engage for a minute or two.  Granted, Stephanie R can talk the Bezos money, criticism of his charitable contributions, his tax issues, etc. right off the top of her head.  Finance is her world.  But she does it with seemingly little effort and seemingly good humor.  

I will never forget Katy Tur and Stephanie at the wedding of Harry and Megan; they were fabulous.  Were having a great time, tried to chat with everyone, seemed thrilled to be there and it showed.  It drew viewers in.  A lot of the conversation was in the moment - not a lot of reading from teleprompters.  If there was, they made it look natural and effortless.  That is something that Meeka will never be able to grasp; to be fair, neither would Joe.

Meeka needs to get off the daily grind of early morning tv.  Whoever upthread that suggested maybe the network was easing her out of the 6-9 am slot could be right.

Edited by Kemper
Added the last paragraph.
  • Love 7
13 hours ago, Kemper said:

I was wondering about Joe's absence, also.  He wrote the fawning article about MSNBC (still mostly about himself); is he on a staycation? Could he have  "unused" vacation leave that he must use before the end of his current contract?  I kid.  I cannot imagine anyone tuning in just to watch Meeka who is, sadly, hard to take in anything over five minutes or so.

It seems that Joe is in Maine with Mika, because yesterday he posted a photo of her in her flower garden on Instagram. I’m not sure why he is taking time off, but I recall him doing the same thing last summer (when Mika said “Joe is taking time off because I told him to”). Maybe the time off is related to his tinnitus, or maybe Mika Is practicing for Morning Mika. 

Edited by cased
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Willie & Lemire discussed Giannis ordering 50 pieces of chicken nuggets from Chick Fillet.

Willie likes Giannis & customer service from Chick Fillet.

Mika said Chick Fillet was misogynous for using the term "Chick". Mika said the food is too salty & has high calories.

Willie recommends ordering the number 1 Chicken sandwich with lemonade.

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Mika said Chick Fillet was misogynous for using the term "Chick". Mika said the food is too salty & has high calories.

I guess I never realized how negative and unpleasant she can be. Oh sure, she feels the need to shut down the sports talk, and she loves to be a crabby school marm but she doesn't seem to get much joy out of life.

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7 hours ago, oakville said:

Willie & Lemire discussed Giannis ordering 50 pieces of chicken nuggets from Chick Fillet.

Willie likes Giannis & customer service from Chick Fillet.

Mika said Chick Fillet was misogynous for using the term "Chick". Mika said the food is too salty & has high calories.

Willie recommends ordering the number 1 Chicken sandwich with lemonade.

I had never heard of Giannis until the NBA finals.  Last night I "group-FaceTimed" with my brother, son and a Grand.  Giannis was all they talked about; it is a great story; and a break from the usual politics-news story.  

I personally do not patronize Chic-Fil-A.  But I can appreciate a positive, fun story.  Geez, she is just a smug, pretentious scold.  Does she enjoy anything other than her KYV Grift and possibly gardening.  For once, Joe was not interjecting himself into a story; Willie and Lemire were having fun talking about something that was not political.  So we can't have that. She is getting worse, worst, and worster.

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22 minutes ago, Kemper said:

I personally do not patronize Chic-Fil-A.  But I can appreciate a positive, fun story.  Geez, she is just a smug, pretentious scold.  Does she enjoy anything other than her KYV Grift and possibly gardening.

Chic Fil A is meh.  The pickles are good.  Their politics are vile. 
Giannis is a great guy.  What a nice segment in the show, and Mika ruins it.  She's her mother's daughter.   For 14 years or so I've been saying she needs serious therapy.

She doesn't garden.  Buying plants at Lowes and putting them in a pot and then going back to Florida isn't gardening.  It's like buying doughnuts makes you a baker.  All the flora there in their Maine compound is cared for by others while she's in FL.  She's in Maine for.. what, 2 weeks? 3 weeks a year?


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However, this time around, it doesn't look like the network or others have confirmed what's going on, which has viewers worried. One of the broadcasts this week noted (via The Focus) that the long-time TV personality had the morning off, which frustrated certain fans.

Joe has fans?  Viewers are worried?  Easy now.

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I was kinda happy that we were gonna have a Joe-less week haha....

buuuut honestly I ended up not actually being able to watch it bc at this point I just can't, I can't with the darkness and sadness and yelling anymore. Again I really actually like Mika, but I can't right now, it's been such a shitty year

tuned in a lil today and even the fun and creative Donnie is now doing the unexplained darkness trolling thingy, and I just can't.

so, yeah, no. going back on break, wishing all of your snarky hilarious selves a beautiful crazy sunlit summer 🥰

eta: also I'm still upset about Kasie. wtf msnbc, just....wtf

Edited by neona
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I'm going to add mty two cents in about Joe's absence. Several thoughts: Might he have COVID? He did rant incessantly in April and part of May about about wanting the mask mandates to end and moaned and groaned about having to wear them and that the "country" needed to get back to pre pandemic life. He gloated when the mask mandates were dropped for vaccinated people and was seen all over the place without one on. Theory #2...maybe one of his kids is ill? Theory#3...he is pissed about Mika leaving to do her own morning show and is pouting at home. It's just weird and extremely odd for the host to be out for almost two weeks and so soon after a week off for the July 4th break and nothing said about why.

I will say, I haven't missed him and his obsession with talking about the Red Sox with his drinking buddies Jonathan Lemire and Mike Barnicle. Nothing could be more obnoxious than having to spend the first ten or more minutes of the show listening to these middle age fanboys relive the game the night before and throw in some jabs about the Yankees. Ugh...if I wanted to hear about baseball I would watch Sports Center. I did love the way Willie shut Mika down today when she opened the show with a sarcastic snarky remark about the Yankees. BTW...speaking of Mike Barnicle...what the hell does he contribute to the show anyway? He spent his his career as journalist plaigerizing other people's work! Again...Joe keeping his drinking buddies on the payroll. Jonathan Lemire is just awful...I really hope they don't give him the Way Too Early slot. It will be interesting to see if and when he returns if Joe gives an explanation as to why he was out...also, will there be big changes in the works for this show with Mika's departure? I'm assuming she will not be able to do two morning shows in one day. Stay tuned.

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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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