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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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8 minutes ago, Landsnark said:

As does Low Energy Mika.  She has said this four times for the last four guests:
"Ok [title, name] Thank you VERY MUCH [kicks to commercial]"  I had to laugh out loud the last two times she did it.
Yes, it's minor, but it shows how totally unengaged she is with the conversation and the show's content.  She can't add, she isn't listening.

Exactly, it has become so clear her function in this very dysfunctional  group is hall monitor-school marm.  She takes her ques from the EP and then angrily shuffles her papers/scribbles her notes while others are doing the heavy lifting.  This is one of the disadvantages to being in a real studio where they have wide shots as when Joe was speaking with Tom Friedman she was vigorously rooting through her stacks of papers and clearly doing absolutely zero.

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14 minutes ago, WhineandCheez said:

Chloesmom, did you install a hidden video camera in my office? Sounds like me when the boss is around.

HEE!  No I get the and have done myself the "I am very busy with all of these papers what do you want?" shuffle.  This is more like "Nobody is paying attention to me and Joe gets to do all the fun stuff doesn't anybody Know My Value by now?" shuffle.

And the answer is sadly, no.

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4 minutes ago, Chloesmom said:

Nobody is paying attention to me and Joe gets to do all the fun stuff doesn't anybody Know My Value by now?" shuffle.

You'd think someone who professes to be so comfortable in her own skin (or what's left of it after being stretched back behind her ears) she wouldn't need to pretend. Why is she taking notes? Is she the recording secretary? 

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Joe is happy that abortions,& teenage pregnancies are at record lows. Joe is happy that poverty is at record lows around the world.

Joe said that his cable tv ratings were at record levels which is good for business.

Joe wonders why so many people were upset & voted for Trump.

Friedman said people are upset at gender neutral bathrooms & self checkout registers.

Friedman said that the border wall was a good metaphor for stopping the changes that were happening in America.

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26 minutes ago, oakville said:

Joe is happy that poverty is at record lows around the world.

I am glad that Joe is happy with this (as we all are if the statistic is true) but frankly it's the next level that is taking it in the shorts.  Too rich for assistance programs, too poor for even a remotely livable  life as they are too busy working 2-3 jobs just to tread water.  This is what is wrong with the news these days as they cannot fathom what is happening to a growing segment of society.  Sigh.

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31 minutes ago, oakville said:

Friedman said people are upset at gender neutral bathrooms & self checkout registers.

 I have it on good authority (a woman who works check out at local grocery store) that the only people who don't like self check out are elderly.  Self check out lines are popular and faster, Tom.  

Most commercial buildings, retail etc still have male/female designated facilities, and some have family restrooms.  I have yet to have any issues in restaurants, stores, office buildings, and have heard of no one being bothered in the restroom. 

 I've been in a restroom in a mall when a trans woman who works at Sephora was there as well.  Again, we're all still here. The world didn't end.


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I guess "knowing the bible" means that Joe skipped the adultery and coveting they neighbor's wife/whatever parts.  I am tired of the MJ guests lecturing us about what is wrong with the country and why voters are angry.  Stick a sock down your throats ... and wear a Unitarian scarf while you are doing it.  I am in no mood today. 

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Not a big Friedman fan, but I think he hit it on the nose i.e. Trump gains thru voter resentment....this concept however is nothing new....look at Palin a decade ago, Willie Horton in '88, Nixon's Silent Majority and on and on...

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3 hours ago, Chloesmom said:

as we all are if the statistic is true

It's true. Over the last twenty years, hundreds of millions of people have been lifted out of extreme poverty (which is now defined as about two dollars a day) in Asia, South Asia and Sub Saharan Africa. 

3 hours ago, teddysmom said:

I have it on good authority (a woman who works check out at local grocery store) that the only people who don't like self check out are elderly.

And people who buy lots of loose produce. Wait! Is the code listed under "sweet potatoes" or "potatoes, sweet" or "yams"?


4 hours ago, oakville said:

Joe wonders why so many people were upset & voted for Trump.

So now we know that Joe has selective amnesia and totally "forgot" about their coverage the last election.


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10 hours ago, teddysmom said:

I have it on good authority (a woman who works check out at local grocery store) that the only people who don't like self check out are elderly.  Self check out lines are popular and faster, Tom.  

I live across the street from the grocery store, which recently eliminated most of their cashier lanes in favor of a bunch of additional self-checkout lanes.  Yes, I live in a retirement community, although I don't consider myself elderly.  I don't mind having self-checkout, but not being forced into it, to the point where I now primarily shop at their competitor.

6 hours ago, xaxat said:

And people who buy lots of loose produce. Wait! Is the code listed under "sweet potatoes" or "potatoes, sweet" or "yams"?

And if you have paper coupons.  The line monitor has to scan them in for you, at least at this store.

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11 hours ago, oakville said:

Friedman said people are upset at gender neutral bathrooms & self checkout registers.

The burgeoning availability of self checkout is the prelude to the large scale elimination of cashiers. 

I will go with the flow if and when I see lower prices reflecting the fact that I am doing the job of employees who were given the old heave-ho. Until then, not without a court order - which puts me in Friedman's "upset" pile.

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1 hour ago, suomi said:

The burgeoning availability of self checkout is the prelude to the large scale elimination of cashiers. 

I will go with the flow if and when I see lower prices reflecting the fact that I am doing the job of employees who were given the old heave-ho. Until then, not without a court order - which puts me in Friedman's "upset" pile.

I don't like self checkout . I prefer dealing with the friendly cashier at the grocery store who makes sure to properly wrap the groceries & engage with a little chit chat about the weather & the current sales at the store. I guess I am old fashioned:)

My daughter worked at the same grocery store last summer so I don't support her losing her job to a machine.

There are no discounts in Canada for using a self checkout.


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The top story is the impeachment of the president.  Mika started with a dramatic news  reading about reality stars and checks and balances.  She can barely read a teleprompter.

Willie held up the newspapers that have headlines about impeachment.  He said Congress found that the president's actions are "not okay."  

Meacham said that Pelosi is a master in the style of Sam Rayburn and Tip O'Neal.

Joe referred to the president as "Donald," as if they were best friends once.  Why does he insist on portraying some sort of personal familiarity with the president?  He is so weird.  I think he is still pissed about the insults over Mika's facelift.

Edited by nittanycougar
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Well this is a banner day for Joe, so many hats to wear at once.  I've only watched maybe five minutes and I've seen Fiscal Responsible Joe, I Ran Newt Gingrich Out of Congress Joe, Religious Scholar Joe and of course Impeachment Master of the Universe Joe.  Insufferable.

And wowsers, that was a shock about Mark Meadows not seeking re-election.  Next year is really going to be lit if he's bailing on it.

eta:  Didn't realize when I first posted this that Meadows will probably be going to work for the Trump campaign so never mind.  I guess all the on air slots are filled at Fox News.

Edited by Chloesmom
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Mika is excited that women in Congress stepped up to impeach Trump.

Joe was nice to let Mika read the scripted rant at the beginning of the show.

Mika & Joe were broadcasting from the historic Jupiter Florida breakfast nook for this special occasion.

Mika wore a black top as a symbol of her mourning for the country.

The big scandal was that Mika & Joe had to travel on a COMMERCIAL flight home yesterday.

Mika was photographed in an airport lounge surrounded by lower income people.

The NBC private jets were already being used by others.

Barnicle worked as an elevator operator & had Democrats & Republicans use the elevator together. It was a bi partisan elevator.




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1 hour ago, nittanycougar said:

Joe referred to the president as "Donald," as if they were best friends once.  Why does he insist on portraying some sort of personal familiarity with the president?  He is so weird.  I think he is still pissed about the insults over Mika's facelift.


Joe used to stay at Trump's Mar A Largo for free with his kids as a guest of  Donald Trump prior to Trump running for President. Mika & Joe appeared on Trump's tv show the Apprentice.

Trump's son mocked Joe  for complaining about the Doral resort having bed bugs since he was eager to accept a complimentary stay at Mar a Largo including meals.


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Joe was upset that the Cook Report analyst said that the support for impeachment is only 40% in Wisconsin.

The two key states are Arizona & Wisconsin.

Joe was excited about Bloomberg gaining strength. He might get into double digits.

Wasserman called Bloomberg's run a vanity project. Joe gloated that  Trump did the same thing and won.

Joe said that Democrats will be in trouble if they allow Medicare for All to proceed.


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Joe's rant at 6:35am or so was a nice try on his part.  He followed up on Tom Nichols mourning the death of conservatism, and Joe wasn't to be outdone.  He ranted and ranted and ranted and ranted. 
There must be a Big Gulp of iced coffee under their breakfast nook's table.  Next to another one.

My wife's random comment on Mika, "I don't know why she wears those dumpy shirts."

Meachem was good today.

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Regarding self checkout lanes: I don’t use them. Maybe if I get an employee discount I would. 

Back to the show- I don’t know what it is but whatever they say today I.e., “we’ll be right back with more of our coverage of this historic moment” sounds like it’s all about them. I don’t know why. 

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4 minutes ago, novhappy said:


Back to the show- I don’t know what it is but whatever they say today I.e., “we’ll be right back with more of our coverage of this historic moment” sounds like it’s all about them. I don’t know why. 

It's hard to take Mika & Joe seriously when they are broadcasting from a breakfast nook.

I would love to see Religious Scholar Joe do a town hall with Evangelicals. It could be a battle of the Bible verses.



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Elise Jordan is always outraged at Trump's behavior. She only gets a few lines per show.

What will she do if Trump loses re election ?

She worked for Senator Rand Paul's presidential campaign. Will she call him out for voting against impeachment ?

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38 minutes ago, Landsnark said:

He followed up on Tom Nichols mourning the death of conservatism, and Joe wasn't to be outdone.  He ranted and ranted and ranted and ranted. 

I also stumbled into Meek's try at her rant about how Democratic woman voted for impeachment but once again her trials and tribulations with the prompter ruined most of her screed.

Well, that and that shirt.  Yikes.

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At least when Joe rants he rolls. She stumbled through that TelePrompTer so unrehearsed. However whoever wrote that was indeed feeling the girl power and drove home a great point. Damaged by the delivery. 

Mikas lips look a little overinflated today. 

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Stephanie Ruhle was excited about interviewing Michael Bloomberg. She used to work for Bloomberg media.

Ruhle wants Bloomberg to get a movement so people will vote in the rain for him.

Al Sharpton was opposed to Bloomberg's stop & frisk policy.


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Sharpton is upset at Trump asking women about dishwashers. He called it misogynistic.

Ruhle was upset about wealthy NY residents not wanting to vote for Elizabeth Warren if she i the Democratic nominee because she will raise taxes on the wealthy.

What's with Mika reading the names of every woman that voted to impeach Trump ?

Are the men that voted to impeach Trump less worthy ?

The audio feed started malfunctioning & I could barely hear the names.

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Funny how I thought the coverage of this historic moment was last night, when the actual historic moment was happening. 

Maybe if Joe & Mika weren't the pariahs of MSNBC, they would have been asked to join the panel last night.   Shows how little they're thought of, other hosts do double duty for big events, while they barely show up for their own show. 

I guess the good news is the next two weeks they'll be off, I can't imagine Mika working thru the holidays. 

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2 hours ago, Landsnark said:

My wife's random comment on Mika, "I don't know why she wears those dumpy shirts."

Your wife has a keen eye. I imagine Joe is wondering the same thing. Far cry from the hot cougar stilettos and tight sleeveless numbers from the courting days.

I had to hit the remote when Mika started stumbling her way through the rant. First because of her awful reading skills and second because of the hypocritical nature of the content: a vote is a vote, Meeks. Again, the "Women's Movement" didn't start with your pet project.

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2 hours ago, plumbago blues said:

Your wife has a keen eye. I imagine Joe is wondering the same thing. Far cry from the hot cougar stilettos and tight sleeveless numbers from the courting days.


I doubt Mika feels like dressing up for Joe if they are doing the show from the breakfast nook.

I find it funny that Joe has to wear a jacket & tie now to try & look professional when he dressed like a slob with milk stained fleece tops and jeans when he was broadcasting from the NBC studio in NY.

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6 hours ago, teddysmom said:

Funny how I thought the coverage of this historic moment was last night, when the actual historic moment was happening. 

Maybe if Joe & Mika weren't the pariahs of MSNBC, they would have been asked to join the panel last night.   Shows how little they're thought of, other hosts do double duty for big events, while they barely show up for their own show. 

I guess the good news is the next two weeks they'll be off, I can't imagine Mika working thru the holidays. 

I've always wondered why the ex congressman wasn't on MSNBC primetime. 

49 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

I loved how when Mike Barnicle smugly asked Sen. Tim Kaine some Biblical question (I forget what it was), he gave Barnicle a Sunday school lesson about Job.  

This was the only part of the show I caught today. I like Tim Kaine. 

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Joe is wearing an atrocious blue and rust plaid jacket.

Mika made fun of Jonathan Lemire's festive looking tie.  He seemed pissed.  It was obviously special for the holidays. Look at your husband's jacket, lady.

The top story is the Democratic debate.  Joe said Biden did well.  They showed Elizabeth Warren talking about a Buttigieg fundraiser in a wine cave.  Buttigieg said Elizabeth Warren is worth 100 times more than him.  Honestly the "wine cave" they showed looks like a standard place for parties and receptions.  

Jonathan Lemire said Mayor Pete is near the top now.

Joe thinks Klobuchar had a great night. I think Joe is on the Klobuchar bandwagon now.

Mika said she gets Buttigieg because she  has experience being attacked.  Mika has suffered, people.

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Garrett Haake said that further action on impeachment will be delayed due to the holiday recess.  Mika asked Garrett what will happen if they wait to send it to the Senate.  Haake said it could look like the case is incomplete. Haake said more bad stuff could come out for Repubs.  Joe says there is no reason to rush. 

Joe said that, based on his knowlege of Donald Trump, every day of impeachment causes rage.  Joe is once again claiming to know Trump intimately.  Why does he need to have this image of closeness? It is weird shit.

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It doesn't look like Joe watched the debate. He is relying on his numerous advisors to give him their opinions.

Joe is happy that Mayor Pete attacked Senator Warren over his WineCave fundraiser.

Mika shouldn't complain about Lemire's tie given how she dresses now.

Biden avoided major gaffes according to Lemire.


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45 minutes ago, oakville said:

Mika said it is an honor to be attacked. It's a sign that you are a force to be reckoned with.

Mika said her & Joe are attacked regularly.


Wait.  I didn't see much of the show today; but is she really making all of this about her?  I know I am damning with faint praise ... but whoever would have thought that Joe would be the most likable of The Twins?  Meeka just needs pale makeup (she can leave the kohl eyes) and she could pass for full-on Goth.  Funeral dress everyday - unless we have a photo op in a tight dress that shows off the gams in their stilettos.  


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Brokaw appeared to discuss social media affecting the impeachment. They aren't watching tv news as much & reading random opinions on the internet.

He discussed the telegrams during the Nixon era.

He wants people to buy his book on Nixon.

He is upset that McConnell is helping Trump.

Joe admitted to taking a commercial flight this week. He was upset that people on the plane weren't all watching the impeachment debate.

Brokaw is excited about Bloomberg running for President. He has his own plane & campaign buttons. Brokaw said Bloomberg will spend  whatever it takes to win.

Bloomberg will be visiting the Midwest states.

Brokaw said Bloomberg will reach out to African Americans.

He is wearing new glasses that make him look like the late Chicago Cub broadcaster Harry  Carrey.

Mika's praise for Klobuchar seems to be fake.


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