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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Monday Recap. The day after Joe's birthday. Mika gave him fresh eggs from her chickens. Joe wasn't overjoyed. Mika kept asking him about how he spent his birthday with his family. Mika said the eggs were laid yesterday & have different colors for each chicken.

Haas discussed Syria. No CW for Syria. Build a Sunni Syria opposition. Regime change i a long way away.

Joe went on a tirade against Steve Bannon. Joe said Bannon was nowhere before August 2016. Joe said Bannon will lose to Jared & Ivanka.

Joe likes Priebus. He's not going anywhere.

Joe said he was right. Another Bannon ally McFarland will be sent to Singapore and kicked off the NSC.

Mika called Flynn's people. Flintstones.

Joe says he knows everything that is going on in the Whitehouse.

Joe made fun of the Mercers who supported Cruz.

Joe said that Trump knows how many days Bannon has been around the campaign.

Barnicle aid that 6,000 people showed up in NH for Trump in February.

Joe said Pelosi & Kerry support Trump attack in Syria & that Obama was wrong. Obama was too passive about Syria.

Obama was not a real Democrat & was weak. Joe said everyone was frustrated with Obama for listening to Ben Rhodes. Joe defended Rice who wanted to attack Syria in 2013.

Haas said Obama was too cautious & now Syria is a mess.

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The panel discused the bombings in Egyptian troops. Moyaden said it was bad for Sisi. He is upposed to be a law & order candidate but can't control attacks on churches. Isis is in the cities now . People don't like Sisis. Joe said the protesters are wrong.

Joe said Obama was mean to Egypt & hated Mubarak. Obama liked the Muslim Brotherhood because they were elected.

Trump likes Sisis & will send him weapons. The US had a good relationship for 30 years with Egypt.

They have metal detectors in churches to get in. One guy blew himself up at the metal detector with the bomb.

A new Guest , Gordon Chang aid that China will colapse over debt in a few years. The growth numbers are overstated. The 6% is artificial. Mika said that Joe was saying this 6 years ago & gazed at him with a mile.

Mika is wearing a navy granny sweater cardigan with a flowery shirt. Joe is wearing a blazer with a light blue shirt. Joe looks sharp! Thanks Mika for laying out his clothes.

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China has too many bubbles. Stock, property market is overvalued. They have borrowed billions.

Trump did well with Xi. Xi's plane arrived first which is a breach of diplomatic protocol. Chang likes Trump's policy.

Trump cut down Shi ? Xi? to size. He launched the attack on China's friend.

Chang mentioned the US tried to send an aircraft carrier under Obama into the Yellow Sea after North Korea sunk a South Korea ship. The Chinese got mad at the USA & Obama retreated.

Trump isn't afraid of the Chinese like Obama according to Chang.

More Glamor shots of Mika & Joe smiling.

Joe is mad at Delta for cancellations. Barnicle was furious. Joe said Trump should send Delta personnel to Syria so that the airports will shut down. Delta would screw up the Syrian air force.

Joe left the set & Mika started whining about Delta. They don't tell people that the flights are cancelled.

9 minutes ago, revbfc said:

Has the controversy over Kushner lying on his security clearance paperwork gone away?  I'm surprised that wasn't mentioned in the Bannon v. Kushner discussions.

Kushner is a" friend of the show" & has top protection from Mika & Joe. Joe gets his scoop from jared. He can do nothing wrong.

Joe is back & saying why he was right about Trump's cabinet. Trump is a disrupter but Giuliani & Bannon are disrupters as as well.

Joe likes Mcmaster. He is not a disrupter.

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I can understand Tina Brown's sympathy for Hillary Clinton - as wealthy white women who built careers based on their husband's successes, she may identify with her strongly - but come on. There was no "intellectual jam" or "brilliant mind" from a woman who went to a glorified finishing school best known for finding their students Harvard husbands, and couldn't pass the bar exam. Her State Department emails show a high-maintenance old goat who relied on her staff for such daunting tasks as telling her what channel "Homeland" was.  "Hillary Clinton is smart" is yet another trope that the media trots out, like "John McCain is a maverick", that has no basis in fact.   Had she not you-know what Clinton's you-know-what in law school, l and then chased him to Arkansas, she would now be a dumpy suburban Chicago housewife. And no, Tina, she was not "brilliant" in the debates ("I call it Trumped-up trickle-down.") 

Joe was right to press Brown on how much blame she's accepting in her own loss and if a transcript is ever available I would be interested in testing Brown's insistence that she has. I'm curious how Putin convinced her not to campaign in Michigan and Wisconsin. The Clintons has decades of history of blaming other people for their own problems and I would be surprised if that has changed.

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Brilliant analysis Mumbles!. It's hilarious that Hillary & the media tried to get everyone to believe that Hillary can't lose to Trump. Hillary  was Beaten by the Russians ?

Edited by oakville
Trump not hillary
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Nitpick:  It's the "White House."

Oakville is our roving reporter who dictates her/his extensive and well-appreciated recaps into her cellphone. I don't want to think of all the embarrassing close calls I've had with my voice-to-text feature. (You'd be surprised at how many words auto-correct into "PENIS.")

Edited by WhineandCheez
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The best parts of today's show were the segments with Sebastian Junger on The White Helmets and Brian Klass on his book The Despot's Accomplice.  More time should be devoted to these  segments than the continual Bannon vs Jared or similar stuff which you can read in the paper on see on any of the other MSNBC shows or other channels.

Joe was extremely rude with Heilman when Heilman was trying to talk about Bannon.  Kept interrupting him.  I swear Heilman was only able to get a word or time in at a time.

I'm tired of the Obama bashing.  Hindsight is great but doesn't cover the context at the time.  And at the time I don't think the American public and certainly NOT the Republican congress wanted action in Syria.  At that point we had been in wars in Iraq and Afganistan for how many years???  History will always be a what if --- what if the British hadn't carved up the Middle East the way they did back after WWI, what if we hadn't always supported Israel regardless of what they do, what if we hadn't armed the rebels in Afganistan against Russia, what if we hadn't gone into Iraq, what if.

I was only half listening thru a lot of today's show but was there any discussion that Assad's air force flew planes from the very airfield we "bombed" just 3/4 days ago? 


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3 minutes ago, abbyzenn said:

I'm tired of the Obama bashing.  Hindsight is great but doesn't cover the context at the time.  And at the time I don't think the American public and certainly NOT the Republican congress wanted action in Syria.  At that point we had been in wars in Iraq and Afganistan for how many years???  History will always be a what if --- what if the British hadn't carved up the Middle East the way they did back after WWI, what if we hadn't always supported Israel regardless of what they do, what if we hadn't armed the rebels in Afganistan against Russia, what if we hadn't gone into Iraq, what if.

I've been starting to hear more media outlets bring up the refusal to vote on military action in Syria when Obama was in office.  NPR interviewed a Republican Senator this morning and you could almost hear the tap dancing around why what Trump did was so totally legal. It's nauseating. 

Of course now that Joe is inching back into being the secret WH advisor again, he's not going to criticize anything but Steve Bannon or anyone else standing in his way. 

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More time should be devoted to these  segments than the continual Bannon vs Jared or similar stuff which you can read in the paper on see on any of the other MSNBC shows or other channels.

Agreed. This is just inside baseball for the Georgetown salon set to snicker about. It may have some affect on the rest of  us down the road, but not yet

The extent that Joe was minimizing Bannon this am - blah blah Trump was filling NH halls in freezing February, people were waiting in line in the snow, Bannon wasn't even on the scene by then blah blah - was almost comical. Interestingly he also brought up that the Mercers - Bannon's moneybags and a big patron of the shit he peddles - were supporting Cruz early on. That is a detail not many people bring up (I remembered it via the excellent Jane Mayer New Yorker piece on the Mercers a few weeks ago) which makes me think Jared was feeding him the party line very recently.

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I looked up "Clinton Derangement Syndrome" in the Urban Dictionary and below is exactly what it said --

5 hours ago, Mumbles said:

Had she not you-know what Clinton's you-know-what in law school, l and then chased him to Arkansas, she would now be a dumpy suburban Chicago housewife. 

Yeah, HRC got elected senator from New York, got reelected senator from New York, served honorably as Secretary of State, yet she only got where she is because she sucked some guy's dick* back in college.  I don't think even Joey "Dead Intern" Scar or Twitler could be that misogynistic.  

*We're all adults here, right?  

Edited by navelgazer
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5 hours ago, Ohwell said:

Nitpick:  It's the "White House."

Back on topic:  Joe is stupid.

My bad! I phone autocorrect does strange things:))

3 hours ago, WhineandCheez said:

Oakville is our roving reporter who dictates her/his extensive and well-appreciated recaps into her cellphone. I don't want to think of all the embarrassing close calls I've had with my voice-to-text feature. (You'd be surprised at how many words auto-correct into "PENIS.")

Thanks! I am a man though:))

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Tina Brown showed up at the end of the show. She has been downgraded from first bloc guest to end of the show. She was excitd about her women of the world summit which included Hillary & Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Tina loved Hillary's zingers & that she knew what to do in Syria. She is upset that Hillary Lost. She said Hillary won the debates.She was in couch modes in her interviews about her emails.

She refused to blame Obama or Sanders for her defeat.

She admitted that the campaign made mistakes.

Joe erupted at Tina. He said Hillary refused to appear on Morning Joe whereas Trump was always available.

Joe wants Hillary to admit that she was a horrible candidate who committed the ultimate sin of not appearing on Morning joe.

The show ended with a grizzly bear with a Alabama football baseball cap attacking Joe. Mika ordered cake & threw confetti at Joe. Joe did not like having confetti in his hair. Mika likes cake.

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Tuesday Recap. Mika is wearing her fushia top with a navy blazer over it. Joe is wearing a new checkered blue blazer.

first topic is United Airlines . Mika is mad at overbooking. He paid for his ticket and should stay on the plane. Joe said United would never do that to him. He's King Joe!

An algorithm picked the Chinese Doctor to be removed .

Mik was mad at Delta for delaying her friends family's flight after the funeral.

Barnicle doesn't like commercial airline travel & blamed deregulation.

Joe said the Tillerson-Putin feud is kabuke theatre.

No one wants to be friendly with the Russian.

Joe said Putin is a loser for staying within  Assad.

Joe said the USA can push Russia around Syria.

The Governor of Alabama resigned after having an affair with his aide.

Joe said its common for governors of Louisiana & Alabama to resign under scandal.

Joe cheered up when Mika read an article slamming Bannon. Breitbart was told to stop writing anti Kushner articles

Joe still hates Bannon.

Mika went on a rant against United. She was funny.

Joe blamed Sam Stein for being the ad man for Pepsi & United.

Joe thinks Kendall Jenner is stupid for doing the Pepsi ad

Mika hates the Kardashians.

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The segment on Bannon was too much for me.  The two of them are such smug jackholes.  Their discussion re: Bannon has nothing to do with anything other than Joe's access to the WH.  It's not watchable TV.  His new found enthusiasm in support of Trump is at once obviously self-serving to ingratiate himself with his contacts as it is contradictory to what he was saying a week ago.
Why do I watch this garbage?

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That discussion about United really got bogged down by a refundable/non-refundable ticket debate.  Seriously, the issue is that a paying customer was beaten on an airplane.  

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That discussion about United really got bogged down by a refundable/non-refundable ticket debate.  Seriously, the issue is that a paying customer was beaten on an airplane.

I know!! And no one mentioned the comments by the CEO that they said they would talk about in the segment teaser.  And more importantly, what's with the multiple blergs on Jet Blue?  Do they do product placement too on this show?? I mean, if you can't interview some guy in the crowd w/o blurring out a company name on his Tshirt, how can they both, AND Barnicle blabber on about how good Jet Blue is?

It appears that Steve Bannon is circling the drain. (Yayyy)  Deep inside, I wonder how Trump, who is all about appearances, hired such an unattractive person.  Ivanka and Jared are beautiful people.  That must please the President greatly. I am not joking or being sly either, I mean this.  He's not exactly a deep man.

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1 hour ago, Landsnark said:

The segment on Bannon was too much for me.  The two of them are such smug jackholes.  Their discussion re: Bannon has nothing to do with anything other than Joe's access to the WH.  It's not watchable TV.  His new found enthusiasm in support of Trump is at once obviously self-serving to ingratiate himself with his contacts as it is contradictory to what he was saying a week ago.
Why do I watch this garbage?

Agreed. It's so funny to watch Joe defend Trump's policy in Syria now. Joe said Mattis & Kelly went to Trump to tell him that chemical weapons were bad. Trump agreed and they ordered a measured strike in Syria.

Joe said he spoke to 3 top Trump officials yesterday and they agreed with him. The new talking point is that Putin is afraid of Trump making him look like a wimp in Syria.

Joe trashed KAC for staying in the White House and not having any power. Bannon can stay according to Joe but he has to stop fighting Jared.

The Deputy Director Chen said Trump was incoherent & you can't have daily fights in western Syria. Regime change is difficult.

Amb Burns was upset that Russia & Syria cheated on the chemical weapons deal. The agreement Obama signed was worthless.

4 minutes ago, WhineandCheez said:

I know!! And no one mentioned the comments by the CEO that they said they would talk about in the segment teaser.  And more importantly, what's with the multiple blergs on Jet Blue?  Do they do product placement too on this show?? I mean, if you can't interview some guy in the crowd w/o blurring out a company name on his Tshirt, how can they both, AND Barnicle blabber on about how good Jet Blue is?

It appears that Steve Bannon is circling the drain. (Yayyy)  Deep inside, I wonder how Trump, who is all about appearances, hired such an unattractive person.  Ivanka and Jared are beautiful people.  That must please the President greatly. I am not joking or being sly either, I mean this.  He's not exactly a deep man.

The Trump family is very photogenic with the exception of Eric. Trump was pretty good looking when he was younger. The hair is a mess though.

The WHCD will have Hassan Minaj from the Daily Show. Jeff Mason doesn't want Trump to be roasted in absentia. Some media outlets are boycotting the event because Trump doesn't like journalists.

Mason will welcome Trump & the White House staff.

The panel was excited about the Pulitzer prizes. Joe was happy that Peggy Noonan won a Pulitzer.

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1 hour ago, Landsnark said:

The segment on Bannon was too much for me.  The two of them are such smug jackholes.  Their discussion re: Bannon has nothing to do with anything other than Joe's access to the WH.  It's not watchable TV.  His new found enthusiasm in support of Trump is at once obviously self-serving to ingratiate himself with his contacts as it is contradictory to what he was saying a week ago.
Why do I watch this garbage?

I tuned in shortly after 8:00 and only made it for a few minutes.  Between Joe talking over Meek-a as she's attempting to read today's headlines and his attempt to ask leading questions of the two foreign policy experts in a transparent attempt to elicit the response he wanted to hear, I was through.  I detect that Joe is feeling a wee bit uncomfortable now that folks are reexamining the wisdom of this international dick-measuring contest (with no coherent policy) that he and his fellow pundits were crowing about just last week.

I totally get the hate for Bannon (a/k/a Sir Funk-a-Lot), but who is Joe kidding?  All this talk about getting rid of Bannon is just for optics.  If Drumpf really wanted to get rid of him, he would have.  I suspect that Bannon knows where all the bodies are buried.  Not to mention the possibility that Breitbart will declare all out war on Drumpf if Bannon is pushed out.  Joe is so desperate for access to the man he so shamelessly shilled for that his thirstiness comes through the TV screen.

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Joe I don't need your or anyone you have on your little clusterfuck of a show to explain to me "the significance of the Syrian raid". Fuck you.

The significance of the raid is that Trump needed something to distract from his campaign and Administration's continuing collusion with Russia. Why all of a sudden would Assad need to use chemical weapons? He's been bombing the shit out of civilians for years.  And Trump didn't give one big fat shit. 

But all of a sudden Trump has to attack Syria to show he cares about children that he "would look in their face and tell them they aren't welcome in America". 

For fuck sake there are streets in Indianapolis that have more damage to them than the runways at the air base in Syria. 

And maybe the Administration could at least get their shit together on what damage was done.

20 planes, 20% of the planes on the base, 20% of the planes in that air wing, 20% of the planes in the entire Syrian air force.

It's like Trump's people are playing Sesame Street.  "Last week's attack on a Syrian base was brought to you by the number 20". 


 I suspect that Bannon knows where all the bodies are buried.  

Bannon would drop a dime on Trump so fast his head will spin. 

That's why he's not being fired. 

Edited by teddysmom
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Mika called KAC,Corey & Bannon tools to help get Trump elected. Joe said Trump was saying nationalist things in the 1980's. They showed clips from Trump in 1987 blaming japan & saudi Arabia.

Special Elections. Mika is excited that the Democrats might win in Kansas & Texas. There was Estes in a swamp that needed to be drained.

Joe has been interrupting Mika all day. Mika is making squinty faces at the camera.

Joe mocked the Hillary campaign for saying they could win Utah & Georgia in 2016.

Georgia went for Price by 24 points. Trump won by 1.5. It could go for the Democrats. If gets 50% he wins automatically.

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47 minutes ago, WhineandCheez said:

I know!! And no one mentioned the comments by the CEO that they said they would talk about in the segment teaser.  And more importantly, what's with the multiple blergs on Jet Blue?  Do they do product placement too on this show?? I mean, if you can't interview some guy in the crowd w/o blurring out a company name on his Tshirt, how can they both, AND Barnicle blabber on about how good Jet Blue is?

It appears that Steve Bannon is circling the drain. (Yayyy)  Deep inside, I wonder how Trump, who is all about appearances, hired such an unattractive person.  Ivanka and Jared are beautiful people.  That must please the President greatly. I am not joking or being sly either, I mean this.  He's not exactly a deep man.

Mika was very confused by the concept of overbooking & refundable tickets. Mika wants to have use it or lose it tickets. They exist but businesses don't like it. Isn't Mika an experienced flyer? Why is she so clueless?

Joe interrupted Mika & said that business travelers want flexibility for tickets.

Ratner explained that travelers are more price sensitive now so the airlines will stuff as many people in planes as possible.

No one wants to pay for amenities.

I disagree. We pay a bit extra for direct flights to Florida because we want less stress on the holidays

Very good interview with the "make your bed" general.

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20 planes, 20% of the planes on the base, 20% of the planes in that air wing, 20% of the planes in the entire Syrian air force.

It's like Trump's people are playing Sesame Street.  "Last week's attack on a Syrian base was brought to you by the number 20". 


HEE. Mika played  Mean Girl again this AM.  They were talking about Flynn, Bannon and KAC and she lumped them all together as the 3 that did the low class dirty work to get Trump elected, but now they admin needs to swing a different direction.  She called them "inelegant," or the like. HEE.  I hate them all.  Anyway, all the Sirius news channels were on commercial this AM so I put on FoxNoNews and kinda jumped when I heard KAC.  I had the luxury of forgetting about her, since the Real (ie Fake News in Trumpland)  won't have her on anymore. That chick is a Liar-Pants-on-fire but boy she could think quickly on her feet.

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I like Willie but does he seriously think the solution to our air transportation nightmare is the dude-bros of AirBnB "disrupting" the industry? And pray tell, how are they going to do that, given the high costs of aircraft and just the hassle at getting terminal and gate space? This neoliberal worship of the Silicon Valley assholes and their "disruption" has got to stop. They've talked glowingly of the AirBnB guys before on this show.


Joe mocked the Hillary campaign for saying they could win Utah & Georgia in 2016.

Lol. He forgot Texas! They were going to win in Texas too! Idiots.


  I detect that Joe is feeling a wee bit uncomfortable now that folks are reexamining the wisdom of this international dick-measuring contest (with no coherent policy) that he and his fellow pundits were crowing about just last week.

Yeah he basically called it a PR stunt during the first segment of the show.

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It's obvious Joe is on the Trump Train again.  Everything Trump does now is wonderful. 

Why in the fuck are they reliving the 2016 election?   So HRC brought it up. Big deal.  You know what shows some level of maturity, when someone who bugs you does something that bugs you even more, and YOU IGNORE IT.   The sign of a "winner" is being gracious, but I guess that's something Joe & Trump would know nothing about. They're too busy measuring their penises. 

Edited by teddysmom
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2 hours ago, WhineandCheez said:

HEE. Mika played  Mean Girl again this AM.  They were talking about Flynn, Bannon and KAC and she lumped them all together as the 3 that did the low class dirty work to get Trump elected, but now they admin needs to swing a different direction.  She called them "inelegant," or the like. HEE.  I hate them all.  Anyway, all the Sirius news channels were on commercial this AM so I put on FoxNoNews and kinda jumped when I heard KAC.  I had the luxury of forgetting about her, since the Real (ie Fake News in Trumpland)  won't have her on anymore. That chick is a Liar-Pants-on-fire but boy she could think quickly on her feet.

Agreed. Mika thinks that the campaign managers should quit working for Trump so that elitists like her & Joe can have better access to Trump. Mika & Joe are fairweather friends to Trump. They blasted him after the convention because he refused to pivot. They demanded he withdraw from the campaign. After the election they were friendly with him at Mar a Largo. They were mad at him last week. Now they praise him because he launched missiles at Syria.

joe went on a rant against people who don't want to normalize Trump. Joe said Trump won the election & took the oath of office in January. 

Joe went on a rant against coastal elites on SNL that don't like strump voters

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Joe went on a rant against coastal elites on SNL that don't like strump voters

Joe it's not that SNL doesn't like Trump voters. They're just trying to point out to Trump voters that they're going to get screwed, bigly.  And even when Trump tells them to their face, they seem to be fine with it. 

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9 hours ago, oakville said:

Mika was very confused by the concept of overbooking & refundable tickets. Mika wants to have use it or lose it tickets. They exist but businesses don't like it. Isn't Mika an experienced flyer? Why is she so clueless?

During some crosstalk, when she kept saying "I don't understand," Barnicle zinged her with "If you flew commercial you'd understand."

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Someone asked for the transcript of Tina Brown defending Hillary Clinton yesterday. Here it is:

MSNBC - Morning Joe
8:53:36 - 8:58:50

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Joining us now is (inaudible) founder of Tina Brown live media and the women in the world summit, Tina Brown. Great to have you today.

TINA BROWN: Hi! Good to be here.

MIKA BRZEZINSKI:  Wow. You really had quite a summit. Hillary Clinton-



TINA BROWN: Justin Trudeau.


TINA BROWN: Yeah, Justin Trudeau was great and Hillary was great.

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: She talked a little bit about her loss and why it happened and she was very forthcoming with a number of different reasons. Alex, do we have that bite? All right, we'll have that. We'll show that in just a second.

JOE SCARBOROUGH: But she also– the timeliness of what she said she would have done with Assad just hours before Donald Trump did the same thing.


TINA BROWN: Yeah, that was really remarkable.


BROWN: I mean she was so strong about bombing those airfields in Syria. I mean she -- I felt she was like sending that message out loud and clear and it was remarkable how within, you know, an hour of us saying it really, or in a couple of hours, you know, it happened. Whether she knew ahead of time it might happen or whether it just simply was a boiling reaction all over the foreign policy establishment who knows. But she certainly said it loud and proud.

BRZEZINSKI: And here she is talking about her defeat.

HILARY CLINTON: I am deeply concerned about what went on with Russia and I think it's important that we all work together, regardless of party or partisanship or anything else, we start acting like patriotic Americans, because a foreign power meddled with our election... The outside intervention, the combination of the Comey letter on October 28th, Wikileaks which played a much bigger role than I think many people understand yet, had the determinative effect... Certainly misogyny played a role. I mean that just has to be admitted. And why and what the underlying reasons were, is what I'm trying to parse out myself.

SCARBOROUGH: So in all that parsing out she gets Comey, Russia and misogyny, does she ever talk about herself not going to Wisconsin? Running a campaign that everybody close to her just eviscerated?

BROWN: She said at the top there were multiple reasons and clearly there were. But, you know, she also talked about something very interesting. I loved the phrase, she – she said she mentioned the weaponization of information. And it was a very startling phrase.

SCARBOROUGH:  Did she ever blame herself?

BROWN:  She did. She said the campaign we had made many mistakes, you know, she did say, you know, there were things they did that were wrong, But she also was being asked to itemize some of the things that she felt from the outside had really affected things. And I think that she was right about the misogyny piece. I mean she did talk about how when she left the state department she had a 64% approval rating but as soon as she began to run for office she was–  turned into typhoid Mary and she actually said, kind of funnily, and it wasn't even fair for typhoid Mary– She actually had so many great zingers and a lot of people said afterwards, you know, why didn't we see that Hillary on the campaign trail. To which I would say, that she was really very rarely given the opportunity to speak like that. I mean at the end of the day --

SCARBOROUGH:  Well, she never would.

BROWN: Well it's not only that though--

SCARBOROUGH: But it is that!!

BROWN: It is that you know–

SCARBOROUGH: I mean listen, people always complain about Donald Trump being on this show. Hillary Clinton literally we could’ve gotten -- we seriously could have gotten John Lennon and Jesus on this show easier than we got Hilary Clinton.

BROWN: I think that was a mistake.

SCARBOROUGH: She was the most buttoned up candidate we've come across--

BRZEZINSKI: Now wait a minute–

SCARBOROUGH: The most fiercely protected. It was impossible to get her to be herself.

BROWN: Well I think you know, here's the thing, in the debates she was phenomenal but in interviews she was always in a crouch position over the darn e-mails. You know?

BRZEZINSKI: Oh yeah I know.

BROWN: And the think is in the end --

BRZEZINSKI: So frustrating.

BROWN: I think it buttoned her up. I think it- I think they made a mistake not putting her on those shows. I think it was a huge mistake of the campaign not to unbutton her in that sense but I also do think she was in a crouch position because she was constantly under attack for the e-mails which was really, really, in the end when you look back on it, insane. And you know, when she's freed she was on an amazing intellectual jam on women in the world. She was able to kind of  rock and roll with her great mind, which we very rarely see.

BRZEZINSKI: What did she say about Bernie Sanders?

BROWN: She didn't get into Bernie Sanders. No, she didn’t get into Bernie Sanders. She didn't get into Obama. I don't think that Hillary will ever go there with regard to any of those kind of criticisms. I think she was much more focused on what she called the hurt that Donald Trump was doing particularly to women. The onslaught against women– which she feels very keenly about.

MARK HALPERIN: Where do you think she is in the process of accepting that she lost?

BROWN:  Oh, I think she's over it. I really do–

MIKE BARNICLE: You never get over it. Ever.

BROWN: Well, look, you never get over it, of course. And she said, it doesn't matter how tough of skin you have, every time it happens to you it really hurts. Clearly every day she gets up she wants to throw things at the TV screen and you know, but at the same time I think that she's not collapsed. I mean we've seen candidates, you know, who grow beards and disappear.

HALPERIN: Not yet, yes.

BROWN: She’s not going to do that. Yes. But you know she has kind of personally healed.


BROWN:  Is she a happy camper about it? I am sure she’s not—

SCARBOROUGH:  So is she going to run for mayor of New York?

BROWN:  I don't – I don’t think that Hillary will run for office again. I think– but I do think she's not out of the picture. I think she's definitely going to still be a power and a voice.

6 hours ago, teddysmom said:

Joe it's not that SNL doesn't like Trump voters. They're just trying to point out to Trump voters that they're going to get screwed, bigly.  And even when Trump tells them to their face, they seem to be fine with it. 

The Healthcare plan proposed by Ryan to cut medicaid benefits & use the money for tax cuts for the wealthy was a good example of what SNL was trying to do.

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Wednesday recap. Joe is wearing a navy sweater. Mika is wearing a navy top with a turqouise cardigan sweater. Meacham , Mr Boring French & Indian War showed up. Joe interrupted Mika several times in the first 2 minutes to talk about Spicer,Passover, the Holocaust.

Mika said she was right that Spicer is over his head.

Joe is happy that Trump is being nicer to China & meaner to Russia.

Joe said key players from the Obama administration support the missile strikes in Syria.

Trump will attend meetings with Nato.

Putin said the gas attacks came from somewhere else. Putin doesn't like Trump.

Spicer said Hitler didn't use poison gas on Germans. It wasn't used on the battlefield.

It was used on Jews & everyone else in the "gas chambers" not Holocaust Centers.

Willie said stop using Hitler as a comparison. tool.

Joe was happy that Trump  said that I like Steve But!.

Joe was in exctasy. Bannon only showed up in August.

Joe bragged that he was right about Bannon. Joe said that Bannon did not create Trump.

Joe said he spoke to key people in the White House. He defended Jared about leaks.

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I kind of feel sorry for Katy Tur even though it's not like she doesn't know how pretty she is and how people react to her and they think she uses that as a weapon to keep her on panels and helps her as a default substitute host for Chuck Todd or Andrea Mitchell or any of the other MSNBC talent during the day. It doesn't help at all that she's Keith Olbermann's ex-girlfriend.  

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This show, as many posters have stated in the past, is bad for the blood pressure. I watched the first hour this a.m. I might as well have been watching one of the Fox News shows. Trump is great! Everything bad that's happened is Bannon's fault. Obama ruined the world with his inaction in Syria. Even his own people are saying it! And, let's not forget, JOE WAS RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING!

Give it a rest, Joe. Give it a rest.

Oh, and why should I or anyone else care if Trump is a nice guy in person? It's what he does in public that affects us all.

The only part of the show that I liked was the clip from Jimmy Kimmel about the thoughts running through Spicey's head during the press conference.

This show should be renamed Morning Sycophants.

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What I've learned from bearing/tolerating/slumming with MJ today at around 7:15 am to 8 am.

1.  Joe has bigly changed his tune re Stephen Miller.  According to Joe's "three or four WH sources," Miller is set to take over Steve Bannon's role as chief strategist.  Joe seemed OK with that change.  What has changed his mind toward Miller?  Joe has been downright vindictive toward "that kid" from the beginning.  I guess Miller has learned to leak to Joe.  That's all Joe REALLY asks for.

2.  Joe has convinced me that poor, poor Trump is being sabotaged.  If only Bannon, Spicer, other losers on the staff (including the confused Haley, Tillerson, Mattis) would straighten up, Trump could be the fantabulous prez Joe knows he can be.  Not once has Joe mentioned that Trump HIRED all those losers, AND that all these people speak on his behalf  BASED on what HE, dear leader, expresses in private.  Poor Trump, served so badly![/sarcasm].

3. The pundits on MJ, almost without exception, have hard-ons for Trump's military strike in Syria.  Why is that exactly? I don't believe for a minute they or the Trumps genuinely care about suffering babies.  And at the same time they praise Trumps "muscular" reaction resulting in big boom booms on Syrian soil (from which the Syrians recovered within 24 hours) they have a pathological need to diss and deride and mock President Obama's handling of Syria.  Read your fricking history people!  Your selective memory of how President O WANTED to deal with Syrian (thwarted by the Republican Senate) is ignorant.  And why is no one on MJ debating the thought of going to war? This gung-ho  stance makes trump a leader?  What hath God wrought?

Why is everyone suddenly deaf dumb blind?  Trump now hates Putin?  LOL. I thought these MJ people were supposed to be astute and sophisticated?

4. When will President Obama and Secy Clinton be spared by all these losers, including their darling president? Obama and Clinton blamed for everything bad, never acknowledged for what they did in service to their country.   Trump and Joe and guests just look like the hateful, vindictive Losers they are.  Sore winners.

5.  I am SO RELIEVED that Trump never had any doings with Carter Page, and that Manafort and Flynn were volunteers in the campaign who hung around for only a couple days![/sarcasm]  Joe and friends are SO bright and intelligent, they never even debate it the truth of those ridiculous assertions.

Ps. David Fahrenthold of the WP won the Pulitzer for his reporting on Trumps phony charitable foundation.

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51 minutes ago, navelgazer said:

I kind of feel sorry for Katy Tur even though it's not like she doesn't know how pretty she is and how people react to her and they think she uses that as a weapon to keep her on panels and helps her as a default substitute host for Chuck Todd or Andrea Mitchell or any of the other MSNBC talent during the day. It doesn't help at all that she's Keith Olbermann's ex-girlfriend.  

Katy is fortunate that she got to cover Trump last year. It raised her profile. I think she enjoyed being the piñata for Trump & being made fun of. 

She has apologized publicly for her ignorance of foreign affairs prior to 2016. She had no clue about Obamas policy on Russia in 2012.

She was very upset on Twitter when people told her that the only reason she got a chance at on NBC was because of Keith. 

She also faced criticism for not being 100% comfortable with her dad's transgender status.

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5 minutes ago, sleekandchic said:

What I've learned from bearing/tolerating/slumming with MJ today at around 7:15 am to 8 am.

1.  Joe has bigly changed his tune re Stephen Miller.  According to Joe's "three or four WH sources," Miller is set to take over Steve Bannon's role as chief strategist.  Joe seemed OK with that change.  What has changed his mind toward Miller?  Joe has been downright vindictive toward "that kid" from the beginning.  I guess Miller has learned to leak to Joe.  That's all Joe REALLY asks for.

2.  Joe has convinced me that poor, poor Trump is being sabotaged.  If only Bannon, Spicer, other losers on the staff (including the confused Haley, Tillerson, Mattis) would straighten up, Trump could be the fantabulous prez Joe knows he can be.  Not once has Joe mentioned that Trump HIRED all those losers, AND that all these people speak on his behalf  BASED on what HE, dear leader, expresses in private.  Poor Trump, served so badly![/sarcasm].

3. The pundits on MJ, almost without exception, have hard-ons for Trump's military strike in Syria.  Why is that exactly? I don't believe for a minute they or the Trumps genuinely care about suffering babies.  And at the same time they praise Trumps "muscular" reaction resulting in big boom booms on Syrian soil (from which the Syrians recovered within 24 hours) they have a pathological need to diss and deride and mock President Obama's handling of Syria.  Read your fricking history people!  Your selective memory of how President O WANTED to deal with Syrian (thwarted by the Republican Senate) is ignorant.  And why is no one on MJ debating the thought of going to war? This gung-ho  stance makes trump a leader?  What hath God wrought?

Why is everyone suddenly deaf dumb blind?  Trump now hates Putin?  LOL. I thought these MJ people were supposed to be astute and sophisticated?

4. When will President Obama and Secy Clinton be spared by all these losers, including their darling president? Obama and Clinton blamed for everything bad, never acknowledged for what they did in service to their country.   Trump and Joe and guests just look like the hateful, vindictive Losers they are.  Sore winners.

5.  I am SO RELIEVED that Trump never had any doings with Carter Page, and that Manafort and Flynn were volunteers in the campaign who hung around for only a couple days![/sarcasm]  Joe and friends are SO bright and intelligent, they never even debate it the truth of those ridiculous assertions.

Ps. David Fahrenthold of the WP won the Pulitzer for his reporting on Trumps phony charitable foundation.

Agreed. Joe used to trash Obama in 2010 for not getting out of Iraq & Afghanistan quickly enough. Then after more violence, he trashed Obama for not leaving enough troops behind. 

In order to enjoy the show you have to pretend that Joe & Mika are like Mommy & Daddy & they know best. 

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This show should be renamed Morning Sycophants.

CUTE.  I kept waiting for Joe to refer to "Little Stephen Miller" but now apparently he's grown several inches in Joe's estimation.  Also they keep speaking as if Bannon has his suitcase of rumpled, ill-fitting suits in the hallway as he is waiting to be kicked out. Bannon knows where the skeletons are buried, I don't see him going.

Edited by WhineandCheez
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I kind of feel sorry for Katy Tur even though it's not like she doesn't know how pretty she is and how people react to her and they think she uses that as a weapon to keep her on panels and helps her as a default substitute host for Chuck Todd or Andrea Mitchell or any of the other MSNBC talent during the day. It doesn't help at all that she's Keith Olbermann's ex-girlfriend.  

I don't understand what Katy's looks or who she used to date have to do with anything. She's very good at her job.  She doesn't take shit from anyone and seems to always be prepared.  I have seen her interview members of Congress and they walk away, as my dear old dad used to say "very sorry they walked into that buzz saw".  

And the fact that she covered Trump's campaign and didn't end up on a six month sabbatical to regain her sanity says a lot.  

She's getting her footing as a host so if she stumbles a little, I don't mind it. Rachel used to guest host for Olbermann and she wasn't as polished as she is now either.  Rachel got her job at MSNBC because of Keith Olbermann, too.  So what? 

People on twitter might want to try out the job of cable news reporter and find out how difficult it is before they run their mouths. 

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3 hours ago, Rickster said:

I can't believe no one on the show knew enough to correct Joe on the date of the invasion of Hungary, which was 1956, not 1968. Or maybe they were too scared to correct him.

I think the panel didn't know to call him on it. I figured they knew one of the Eastern block countries was invaded in 1956 and another in 1968, but weren't sure enough to call him on it. Dr Z would have smacked it down.

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1 hour ago, teddysmom said:

I don't understand what Katy's looks or who she used to date have to do with anything. She's very good at her job.  She doesn't take shit from anyone and seems to always be prepared.  I have seen her interview members of Congress and they walk away, as my dear old dad used to say "very sorry they walked into that buzz saw".  

And the fact that she covered Trump's campaign and didn't end up on a six month sabbatical to regain her sanity says a lot.  

She's getting her footing as a host so if she stumbles a little, I don't mind it. Rachel used to guest host for Olbermann and she wasn't as polished as she is now either.  Rachel got her job at MSNBC because of Keith Olbermann, too.  So what? 

People on twitter might want to try out the job of cable news reporter and find out how difficult it is before they run their mouths. 

I love Katy.  I love hearing how she was in London with her then boyfriend and got a call from MSNBC to come back to NY to cover Trump.  They told her it would be a two week gig and she can then go on to her field assignment.  She agreed and came back for "two weeks".  Two weeks turned into two years. During that time she had to endure one town hall after another.  She had to endure Trump calling her out.  She had to endure people at these town halls who would snark at her (at best) and yell at her (at worst).  There was one time she was afraid for her safety and had to be escorted out by guards b/c Trump (at that one town hall) called her out and the whole place turned to look at her.  I liked her then.  I started really admiring her when she was on a panel (from the road) and a senator/Congressman (I forget which) was saying how Trump supporters were not Birthers. She cut him off (something she doesn't usually do) and said " With all due respect but that's wrong. I've been on the road with his supporters for a year and a half and I can tell you many believe President Obama was not born in this country."  She went on to say a little more about the Trump supporters she's met with.  If I had to even endure ONE town hall I would go out of my mind. She did it for almost two years. Of course, that's her job but she did it with grace. She never disparaged Trump but simply laid out what she was witnessing time and again.  I'm glad she has her own spot at 2pm each day. I try to watch her whenever I'm home.  She's earned it. Yes, she trips up a little but I think many know the knowledge of Trump she brings to the table.  She knows his rhetoric. She knows how he played to the crowd. She knows all the lies he's told them over and over.    Frankly, I like that she trips up sometimes. It makes her human. 

Edited by scoobie1
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I am listening to clips because right now there is a conference outside my office and if I'm going to be subjected to inane, self-important talk, I'd rather get a nibble of news. So:

Mika has eyelashes like Louis CK's character in the SNL sketch. 

It's giving me a headache to look at Tur's HELLO SUNSHINE shirt.  Between that and Mika's sky blue sweater, I'm really longing for winter all of a sudden.

Katy spotted with Jamba Juice cup. She must have rank now. Others relegated to plain old mugs. Large Starbucks tumbler and glass of water to Mika's side. Somebody's going to need a potty break pretty soon.

Oh...wait...D.C. insider scoop on politics....forgot that's the point here...OK, then...

Panel figuring out who's eating lunch in the bathroom and who's at the popular table. Jared and Ivanka are homecoming king and queen and are now the reigning plastics. Bannon has been sent to the school counselor to write "I feel" statements about why he hates Jared. Miller is slinking around Bannon's seat at the lunch table, hunched over a HoneyBun, wondering if he dares sit. Mika and Joe are thrilled to be lackeys for Jared and Ivanka and I bet Mika can't wait to have a girl talk/spa day with Ivanka to gush about sad little babies dying in Syria and how thrilling that daddy sent over those beautiful missiles to take out 20 airplanes. Or 20% of the Iraqi airforce. Or gotten a 20% discount on a new plane. Whatev. 

I seriously want to tell all of these people to get to class and do some real work instead of continually being armchair Apprentice viewers. We've got trouble with NORTH KOREA, folks. 

However, hearing Jeremy Peters say "well...I don't think Bannon's going anywhere...not that this administration is necessarily going to be all happy clappy...." made my day. Happy Clappy. Now I can't stop seeing the administration playing pattycake every morning because the manchild 45 likes to clap his hands and can feel "happy clappy." I think he's right, though. Bannon doesn't have the cajones to leave. He'll hang around for scraps, like KAC. For someone who's "brilliant," he really doesn't have the foggiest idea about humanity. 

Oh thank goddess. Conference over. I can stop now.

Edited by potatoradio
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