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Season One Talk: FFwSB

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On 6/7/2016 at 9:45 AM, iMonrey said:

The thing with the Senate bill for reforming the way sex assaults are reported in the military - I can't imagine why anyone would have voted against that. The only example she had was Lindsay Graham who was either woefully mistaken and ill-informed or flat out lying. I wish she could get him for an interview and find out which.

Considering he was a JAG lawyer, I'm going with lying. I'm actually surprised Sam didn't point that out.


I'll be interested in seeing how Samantha deals with the tragic shootings in Orlando in tonight's show. She has such a manic and slightly insane delivery that serves her well on FF. Can she do somber and reflective?

EDIT: Hmmm. I guess the answer is no. And good for her, that was an epic tirade against the gun lobby and the people who love guns!

Edited by Victor the Crab
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The second half of the Libertarian story did nothing to disabuse me of my belief that that party is just a collection of whiny white boys, screaming like six year-olds: You're not the boss of me! OMfreakingG.

As long as we keep prioritizing gun sales --not gun ownership, since the majority of owners favor gun control -- gun sales over everything else, well, this just goes to show you that everything works like it's supposed to. The NRA sells more Ar-15s by inventing sport shooting competitions, which means you can't have just one! And the more you have, and the easier it is to get 'em, well, here we are. Again and again.  It seems to me that the 2nd amendment doesn't guarantee the right to sales, but what do I know?

  • Love 4

You can tell her voice was shaking during that whole opening monologue. Don't know if she was scared, furious, upset or a combination of all of those things. But what an excellent rant. And I like how she dove into mental health care as the follow-up. Screw Rick Scott.

Weirdly, it wasn't even Sam who summed up the issue so brilliantly - it was the local newscaster they showed at the end of the program. We can control so little in this world - who's going to hate who, what Isis is going to do, etc. But one thing we can absolutely control is the ability of people to walk into a store and buy an AR15. We can absolutely stop that.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, attica said:

It seems to me that the 2nd amendment doesn't guarantee the right to sales, but what do I know?

The point of the 2nd amendment is being able to defend yourself against all comers, including the government. Back during the Clinton administration, the feds demonstrated that even a big pile of guns like you describe in not enough, with their siege in Waco. Of course, most owners favor gun control; guns and ammo are expensive, so the more you can limit everyone else, the better (especially baddies like drug gangs, who can easily afford them).

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2 hours ago, attica said:

The second half of the Libertarian story did nothing to disabuse me of my belief that that party is just a collection of whiny white boys, screaming like six year-olds: You're not the boss of me! OMfreakingG.

I said to my husband, "I'll bet there's no line for the ladies' room at that convention!" Loved the booing when Gary Johnson came out in favor of drivers' licenses.

That said, I do kind of hope Johnson gets over the 15% threshold in polling because I think it could be positive to have him in the presidential debate.

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Nope, they're big on free market solutions.  So the government can't require a drivers license, but I suppose an insurance company could require a driving test before insuring you.  Not that insurance would be mandatory, and of course you'd be free to take your business to another insurance company without that requirement, and all the roads would be toll roads, and I'm not at all sure how stop signs would even work any more.  Utopia!

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Like Unusual Suspect said upthread, that was the Orlando-related rant I needed to hear. Sam's white-hot fury somehow comforted me. I have become a massive fan of hers after seeing her host this show - I mean, I liked her on The Daily Show, but she has really come into her own here. Nothing against Trevor Noah, but I really, really wish she was hosting TDS.

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On 6/14/2016 at 4:48 PM, iMonrey said:

It's hard to say whether Gary Johnson is any more stable than some of the wackos at the convention, really. I can't believe the ones who didn't even think we should have driver's licenses. Sheesh. Hey, let's just get rid of all the laws! Is anarchy their platform?

What was up with that . . . voice he affected at the end of the piece when he was saying he was relieved the convention was over or something? That seemed very odd. Was it some kind of impersonation or a reference I don't get?

Just caught up on the last two episodes. Samantha Bee is definitely the only person in media who can get away with mentioning Hillary's tits (though it did make me kind of uncomfortable).

Sam portrayed Gary Johnson as a goofy, likable guy and the only adult in the room at the libertarian convention. She's not taking him seriously, but if this election is close, he could be a spoiler who hands Trump the presidency. I could see a lot of so-called progressives voting for him if he starts to catch on and get traction because he's "cool." Like when I lived in Austin, this zany character named "Kinky" Friedman ran for governor, and all my hipster friends were shocked that I wasn't voting for him and was instead choosing the Democrat, aka someone who actually knew what he was doing. Even though their economic policies are polar opposites, I could see a lot of Sanders supporters voting for Johnson because he'd be fun to smoke a bowl with.

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47 minutes ago, SomeTameGazelle said:

What was up with that . . . voice he affected at the end of the piece when he was saying he was relieved the convention was over or something? That seemed very odd. Was it some kind of impersonation or a reference I don't get?

I took it as an impersonation (a very bad one) of the movie Rocky after his victory over Apollo Creed.  The implication that he was relieved to see his wife(?) after a bloody battle with the other libertarian presidential hopefuls.

Edited by grawlix
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32 minutes ago, Sesquipedalia said:

Like when I lived in Austin, this zany character named "Kinky" Friedman ran for governor, and all my hipster friends were shocked that I wasn't voting for him and was instead choosing the Democrat, aka someone who actually knew what he was doing.

Is that when Will Winn won? I had just moved and I remember a lot of Kinky talk.

5 minutes ago, BoogieBurns said:

Is that when Will Winn won? I had just moved and I remember a lot of Kinky talk.

Oh Kinky. I met him once a long time ago when he was performing with the Texas Jew Boys. My maiden name is Friedman (no relation - is it even his real name?) anyway ended up talking to him and he was so stoned!  This was late 1970s. Fun times. 

44 minutes ago, grawlix said:

I took it as an impersonation (a very bad one) of the movie Rocky after his victory over Apollo Creed.  The implication that he was relieved to see his wife(?) after a bloody battle with the other libertarian presidential hopefuls.

I did think I heard the name "Adrian" in there so your theory is extremely plausible.

On 6/14/2016 at 4:48 PM, iMonrey said:

I can't believe the ones who didn't even think we should have driver's licenses. Sheesh. Hey, let's just get rid of all the laws! Is anarchy their platform?

That's only what their opponents are trying to make you believe, although you can find candidates in any political party who say things to appeal to extremists. That's how Obama supporters in the media explained away some of the things he was saying eight years ago, only to find out later that he meant some of it (so you never know).. In most of the country, a basic driver's license is so easy to get, it's practically worthless as a measure of whether someone is fit to be on the road, so what's the point?

If some places have meaningless drivers license requirements, then I think the requirements should be made more meaningful, not abandoned.

Bernie just gave a speech urging his supporters to get involved in local government, and to run for school boards and other local and statewide offices, as well as for Congress. He said what Sam has been saying: it's not enough to only focus on the presidency; if you want something to happen, you have to do something at all levels. In my head, Sam was standing in the background, leaning towards the camera and pleading with people to do something, and not only vote for a president every 4 years. She probably wouldn't want to be on a split screen with Bernie, as I get the feeling she thinks he's a buffoon. But he was basically singing her song.

Either way, I like passionate people. Sam is so much more interesting to me now that she's got her own show and is making a much more passionate ruckus than she she used to.

  • Love 9

By highlighting the craziness of the Libertarian convention and the awkwardness of Gary Johnson, I think Sam Bee is doing the same thing she did by being the only one (that I saw) to highlight Kasich's extreme right-wing stance on abortion. She is showing us the dangers of giving up and thinking "Ehh, I don't like the front-runner, so I'll just vote for, oh, say, THIS guy! I don't know much about him, but he doesn't make me want to curl up in the fetal position, so he gets my vote!" Sam Bee is challenging our current system by showing us what that philosophy could lead to. 

  • Love 6
6 minutes ago, maraleia said:

OMG Sam's tirade about Brexit was a thing of beauty and the fact that she got David Tennant (my favorite new Doctor Who) to read the angry tweets done by Scottish people in response to Donald's idiotic statement was so damn cool. I love that she is a Doctor Who fan and yes "Don't Blink".

Brexit just proves the English can be as stupid as our nation--who may elect an Orange version of Hitler.

If you read actual online forums where the pro-Brexit post, it's horrifying and scary. It's like living in an alternate world where the Imperialistic attitudes the British had for centuries but largely not in the past hundred years, simmered under the surface through all the generations since then and just decided to explode all at once. Oh wait. It's not an alternate world. It's THIS one. Shit. 

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, Kromm said:

Brexit just proves the English can be as stupid as our nation--who may elect an Orange version of Hitler.

If you read actual online forums where the pro-Brexit post, it's horrifying and scary. It's like living in an alternate world where the Imperialistic attitudes the British had for centuries but largely not in the past hundred years, simmered under the surface through all the generations since then and just decided to explode all at once. Oh wait. It's not an alternate world. It's THIS one. Shit. 

This proves that having a British accent doesn't mean you're smart. Also, maybe the Brits should've listened to the likes of J.K. Rowling and Ian McKellan, staunch Remain voters. I hate this so damn much.

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Sam getting to tell that forced-birther asshole "Told you so!" was extremely satisfying to me. "You are legally the wrongiest."

In the Dearborn field piece, I wanted to admonish Sam not to give herself shit over wearing her seatbelt underarm. This is why we need more women automotive engineers, people! So we can have shoulder belts that don't decapitate us just because we have breasts. (And in Sam's case, her mic was pinned just there too.)

  • Love 1
14 hours ago, maraleia said:

she got David Tennant (my favorite new Doctor Who) to read the angry tweets done by Scottish people

Those tweets provided some great new nicknames.  I hope there are many more. 

13 hours ago, maraleia said:

This proves that having a British accent doesn't mean you're smart.

Well, having watched TOWIE and The Geordie Shore for many years, "It's like if the Country Music Awards were a country". 

Politics makes strange bedfellows.  I've never cared for Samantha Bee before, but this year, she's great in my book. 

I thought Sam knocked it out of the park this week, and did a better job post-Brexit than John Oliver (although he did a great pre-Brexit).  Even if I didn't know who David Tennant is. 

And while I thought, like Sam, that the guy ranting about how British xenophobia could eventually lead to a Drumpf victory was a bit wild, I also thought he's possibly right.  The polls haven't been too reliable the past few election cycles and there's never a shortage of morons. 

  • Love 2

Actually I thought Sam's Brexit coverage rehashed a lot of what John Oliver covered on Sunday, which is unusual for her show. And {small voice} I didn't know who David Tenet was either {/smallvoice}. Her delivery never misses, though, and the field piece in Dearborn was excellent. I wasn't sure if she was wearing a head covering because she was in a Mosque where that's required or if she was being facetious. 

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I, too, thought it was a great show. I love her delivery of all those stinging putdowns. The only one that comes to mind right now is saying that Boris Johnson is wearing Trumps toupee backwards. 

I don't know how many times I've seen the clip of the British woman saying she was hoping they could vote again. I wonder if that is getting as much play in Britain as here.

I assume there's a large Polish population in England. I didn't realize that. I mean, after WWII my Polish father ended up in England and married my mother, but I didn't know there was a lot of ongoing immigration from Poland to England.

The Dearborn/Muslim segment was great, too. 

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I think Sam's post-Brexit stuff was better than John Oliver's post-Brexit piece (and remember she did it in two parts--Part 1 and Part 2), but Oliver's pre-Brexit piece was the best of all of them. Although some of Oliver's best stuff was also in a little Trump-centric post-Brexit rider than wasn't part of his main rant either.

Trevor Noah and Stephen Colbert both had Brexit pieces too, but neither was very clever.

Edited by Kromm
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1 hour ago, peeayebee said:

I assume there's a large Polish population in England. I didn't realize that. I mean, after WWII my Polish father ended up in England and married my mother, but I didn't know there was a lot of ongoing immigration from Poland to England.

There was a Jeremy Irons movie called Moonlighting from back in the Thatcher era, wherein he played a Pole illegally working construction in England, (It won awards at Cannes) So this particular immigrant population has been a thing for a long time.

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