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Season One Talk: FFwSB

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I'd just assume Full Frontal mean "full frontal assault" which is how Samantha is presenting herself as the show's host.

That's what I thought too. The fact that it can be taken in a different way is a bonus (to a comedian). After all, the bread and butter of night show political comedy - sound bites of people unknowingly using phrases that have a different, more salacious, meaning.  Now excuse me while I Netflix and chill.

Edited by clanstarling

Perfect timing.  I got into a workplace dispute today about how Kasich is so not a moderate.  Seriously, it was to the point that I started daydreaming violence as a response to people calling Kasich a moderate.  It's one of the most dishonest things the media has been spouting this year.  


That Trump is now the most moderate of the crop of GOP candidates is absolutely astounding. 


I don't think this week's Syrian refugee segment was as strong as last week's, but it has left me researching about what I can do to help refugees resettling in my area, so there's that.  

  • Love 4

My reaction to her desire to go to Florida was "What?  Because Syria wasn't dangerous enough for you?"

My reaction was to start singing "Two by Two" from "The Book of Mormon" ("I pray I'm sent/To my favorite place.../ORLANDO!").


Just three weeks in and this is already tied with "Last Week Tonight" for my favorite show. It's so sharp and funny. The segment about jobs for women was great.

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I guess I have watched too much Rachel Maddow to ever buy the whole 'moderate' label for Kasich.  However I am so calling him Tepid Gruel from now on. 


I love that even when this takes a look at the curtailment of women's health just as Last Week Tonight did the night before, it gives it, its own slant and focus that is just as needed. 


The second part of the Syrian piece was just as strong and just as sharp and sad. 


I'm already looking ahead to next week.  Between this, Last Week Tonight and the return of The Daily Show, I feel angrier but also a bit happier hearing so many smart people airing my concerns.  And of course adding to them. 

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Three in a row. I'm so happy to have this infusion of high energy, powerfully humorous, hard-hitting commentary. It's not just funny, it's a relief.


I think Kasich just knows how to not come off looking batshit certifiably insane, and that's why people think "he's different." Jeb had that same, mild-mannered non-insanity aura about him, too, but I think Jeb's larger problem is that no one wanted a third Bush admin, since the first two were such duds. But no, not being raving and maniacal doesn't traditionally disqualify people from being very conservative. In fact, the more confidently entrenched are more likely to speak softly, since they are more confident of getting their way. Speak softly and carry your big privilege, and you attract less opposition and do less damage to your arteries in the process.


I wonder if Florida just seems like a warm climate, with lots of recreational/vacation reputation. I'm sure the tourism industry is the most publicized element of the state, outside of people who follow domestic politics. Beaches! Parks! Oranges! Paradise for travelers, and not as expensive as other such destinations! It's not an unreasonable perception. And after Syria, I imagine Florida-style politics doesn't sound so scary anyway.

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Hillary is robotic and constantly looks foolish trying to emote, look "hip" or spontaneous. Tons of comedy shows have used this angle with her, and it's a fount of almost as much comedy as Trump being Orange and Loud.

Bernie isn't just old with funny hair, he's a SOCIALIST. The very nature of people's understanding (or misunderstanding) about that is also a fount of comedy.


You can make fun of anyone's persona, but neither Democratic candidate is out there saying the kinds of batshit crazy things the Republican candidates are. In that regard, neither Hillary nor Bernie are anywhere near as mockable as Trump, Cruz, Rubio et. al.


Another strong episode and I liked the piece on Kasich. Sam's work with the refugees was also great ("I cannot have gluten"). Every week I watch this show and realize what I've been missing ever since Jon Stewart retired. Biting, smart pieces delivered expertly with the right amount of mockery, and a perfect delivery by Sam Bee. I think I've read she took some of The Daily Show's writers with her? It shows. 

  • Love 8

Another strong episode and I liked the piece on Kasich. Sam's work with the refugees was also great ("I cannot have gluten"). Every week I watch this show and realize what I've been missing ever since Jon Stewart retired. Biting, smart pieces delivered expertly with the right amount of mockery, and a perfect delivery by Sam Bee. I think I've read she took some of The Daily Show's writers with her? It shows. 

From Wikipedia: "Bee hired Jo Miller and Miles Kahn, formerly producers of The Daily Show, as executive producers for her new show. They set up a blinded process for hiring writers that hid the gender and experience level of the applicants, resulting in a writing staff that is approximately half female and 30% non-white." LOVE.

  • Love 14

For me it is more likely she went out and found all the writers that left TDS after the apex of the 2012 primary election season.  Because, as much as I loved and still love him, shortly after Obama's re-election I felt for the most part TDS was simply existing.  Little in the way of sharpness. Then to see so many good people who worked both in front and behind the camera as writers/performers and I was downright worried what 2016 and an open election would look like.  Oliver on a pay network and Colbert off to the big corporate leagues.  It was almost ironic that when Stewart left, it was my least concern.   Don't even get me started on how much I dislike Larry Wilmore's show (still like him, just not as a host or directing force of that show).  Now I feel my world is a little smoother.


I remember when the Vanity Fair pic came out.  And though there are a few on there I don't like at all, most I like very much.  Even James who I think was maybe not the best suited for his hosting role.  But it surprised me how ornery I was felling seeing nothing but men last night. 

 but I did enjoy Samantha shredding John Kasich's moderate credentials to itty bitty pieces.

Not really, She focused on one aspect (anti-abortion or pro-choice) and convinced us that in that particular aspect, Kasich is ultra conservative. And the fact that she focused only on that, suggested to me that he may not be as conservative on other issues. I need to go and find out how he has acted in other important issues to decide if he is somewhat moderate in other issues. 





This one was not as full of laughs as the first two, still very good.

Edited by FartyPants
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I don't think Kasich picked up his "moderate" credentials until he signed to expand Medicaid in Ohio.  The GOP has such an irrational dislike of the ACA and instead of working to improve it, they either keep it in the courts for years or penalize Republican governors who do implement the Medicaid expansion by labeling them moderates.  I think it's reasonable to assume that Kasich probably needed to accept Medicaid expansion if he wanted to win re-election in Ohio.  He didn't win by much in 2010, but in 2014, after he signed to expand, he picked up A LOT of districts and won handsomely.  I think it's also relevant to point out that Kasich cites the bible as a reason for being a decent human about health care as Jesus said to care for the poor blah blah.  Using religious doctrine to determine policy is quite a conservative thing in my book.  


Though, to be honest, if these bible loving GOP candidates insisted on policy based entirely on a modern perspective of Jesus' teachings, I'd be cool with that.  J-Homey was more left than even Elizabeth Warren.  

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You can make fun of anyone's persona, but neither Democratic candidate is out there saying the kinds of batshit crazy things the Republican candidates are. In that regard, neither Hillary nor Bernie are anywhere near as mockable as Trump, Cruz, Rubio et. al.

If by "batshit crazy" you mean things that can be twisted or taken out of context to comic effect, ITA. Hillary and Bernie have enough political seasoning to know how not to say something.

Perfect timing. I got into a workplace dispute today about how Kasich is so not a moderate. Seriously, it was to the point that I started daydreaming violence as a response to people calling Kasich a moderate. It's one of the most dishonest things the media has been spouting this year.

That Trump is now the most moderate of the crop of GOP candidates is absolutely astounding.

I don't think this week's Syrian refugee segment was as strong as last week's, but it has left me researching about what I can do to help refugees resettling in my area, so there's that.

A good episode, but it also left me kind of depressed. About being a woman. About being an American. People are the absolute worst.
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Another terrific episode. I love the way she focused on the 2010 election to show why midterms are so important.  It's so disheartening when people don't vote during these elections and only vote every four years.  There is a lot of talk of "revolution" on both sides but only one side tends to put people in position to foster that revolution. 

  • Love 6

Another terrific episode. I love the way she focused on the 2010 election to show why midterms are so important.  It's so disheartening when people don't vote during these elections and only vote every four years.  There is a lot of talk of "revolution" on both sides but only one side tends to put people in position to foster that revolution. 


I loved that segment, and think it's so important. Too many people don't understand the importance of "minor" elections, and how much the results can seriously affect our lives. What we're seeing now is the inevitable result of the GOP party clash that was set in motion after Obama was first elected, and if more people can come to understand how it happened, they'll feel motivated to get involved and keep it from reaching its worst possible conclusion.

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NARAL lady was mind-blowingly clueless. How does one get a high-profile position with such an organization and remain seemingly oblivious to the challenges it faces? Loved the coach. Next time I'm feeling unmotivated about something I want her to come and scream at me. That'll get me off my ass. 


I have a love/hate relationship with this show. I love its attitude and Samantha Bee, but am always too angry to go to sleep afterward.

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I was waiting for Samantha to respond to the dickhead's assertion of teaching her about men's parts with a question to when he would write a bill forcing all men to have vasectomies before engaging in any types of sex outside of marriage.  Just because I wanted to see something prick his bubble of dumbass.  And yes see if it could trigger a minor cardiac event.  Not death but I wanted to see him fall to the floor.


I was so delighted with the 2010 piece.  Because it highlighted how angry I was when I knew so many who sported Obama stickers and then abandoned him in the midterms and they could not understand why I was so ornery, well, since then. 


And the Archbishop makes me just as ragey as the Texas congressman. 

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Like John Oliver, Sam Bee has the luxury of an entire week to prepare her shows.  But even if they were a fraction less well written I'd still enjoy watching her four days a week. I so wish Comedy Central would dump Trevor and put her show on in that spot. Since it's a TBS I show, we'll probably get - what? - maybe 13 weeks and then nothing for the next 13 weeks at least. This show needs to be mandatory viewing for every American, alongside Last Week Tonight.


I just love her delivery, like when she was talking about Michael Grimm: "Fun story - he's in jail now." And her interview with Dan Flynn. "Where are you getting your numbers from?" "Reality." Her comebacks are a thing a beauty. 



have a love/hate relationship with this show. I love its attitude and Samantha Bee, but am always too angry to go to sleep afterward.


I know what you mean. The way conservative controlled courts are incrementally undoing Roe v Wade all over the country makes me stabby.

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There's a fine article at Salon today, saying that Comedy Central erred big time in not hiring Sam to replace Jon Stewart--in fact didn't even offer her the job!--and that Noah has made TDS irrelevant.  

Yes I too have trouble getting to sleep after FF (same Sunday nights after John Oliver), but after being so angered by the wall-to-wall blather that passes for coverage of this election season (apologies to Rachel), it's welcome.

Sam's delivery is so fast, I do have trouble catching all the quips/references first time through 

At the risk of being overly! controversial!!, a couple of points:


I'm glad both Sam and John Oliver are only on once a week. It gives them a chance to really hone the material to a razor sharp edge, and in Sam's case how would she ever have a chance to go out and do field pieces if she was doing shows 4x/week. That said, I wish Sam HAD at least been asked if she was interested in hosting TDS; it seems rude not to acknowledge her. But she's making "Full Frontal" her own, just as JO did something new and exciting with "LWT," and she doesn't have to worry about sticking to the "Daily Show" format. Do we really want to see Sam having to interview Chrissy Teigen?


Also, I doubt it was intentional, but the 2010 election piece made me think of the futility of Bernie Sanders' "we need a political revolution" mantra. The people who would be most inclined to want a revolution can't even be bothered to vote in off years.

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But even if they were a fraction less well written I'd still enjoy watching her four days a week. I so wish Comedy Central would dump Trevor and put her show on in that spot. Since it's a TBS I show, we'll probably get - what? - maybe 13 weeks and then nothing for the next 13 weeks at least. This show needs to be mandatory viewing for every American, alongside Last Week Tonight.

Or, maybe CC could have spared 13 weeks of Tosh.O to run Sam's show.  Or, I could live without 13 weeks of Workaholics.  Or, much as I loved them the first 16 times I watched them, I could get by without 13 weeks of South Park reruns.  The list of CC shows I would dump before I got to Trevor is pretty long, the more I think about it. 


And I think that the quality of the show would decline by a pretty big fraction if it was a matter of grinding it out four times a week rather than once a week.  Some of my all time favorite pieces from TDS were done by Sam.  I could have watched  her unsuccessfully try to get Republican conventioneers to utter the word "choice" for hours.  But, on the other hand, I really didn't care for probably well over half her pieces.   I almost didn't bother to tune into FF at all but I felt like I should at least give the sole woman late night tv host a chance.  And to quote a great comedian "Holy shit balls you guys!"  There hasn't been a single second of FF that I haven't loved.  On the one hand it does seem sort of crappy that she wasn't even offered TDS gig.  But I'm glad she wasn't.  This format suits her far better.

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I agree this format suits her delivery style to a T. I'm not saying she should host The Daily Show, I'm saying I wish Full Frontal had taken the place of TDS instead of Trevor Noah just taking over the hosting gig. That said, John Oliver was the perfect replacement for Jon Stewart and got his own show before becoming permanent anchor of TDS was a possibility - which shows that, despite the success of Last Week Tonight, he would have been every bit as good as the host of TDS. Sam Bee should have been given the same opportunity, whether subbing in using the same format or simply re-inventing the show to suit her style.


I'm confused.  I thought she and Jason had already come up with the idea for this and wanted to do a weekly show.  Got it formatted and found a taker in TBS and had already given closure to any continuance of their contracts....months before Jon Stewart decided to retire.  Don't get me wrong.  First as stated brilliantly above, the crime for me is that CC was at fault for not giving this show a slot.  Especially as I am pretty sure they had rumblings Colbert was being considered as replacement for Letterman.  Of course I still consider TDS incredibly relevant as it evolves under Trevor.  And loved Larry Wilmore on TDS, but loathe his new show, the question then becomes why wasn't she offered the gig to replace Colbert considering the timing.  Not why didn't she crap all over her own project and deal and maybe induce crippling legal action by going back to TDS.  


And all that aside if no one at CC and TDS took a minute to review all that ink that was already dry and maybe even gave her a call along the lines of "hey TBS have you tight enough girl?" then yes, i think it would be an insult.  But I have to know more than what the author of the article uses as an argument why it seems Sam got the short end of the stick here.  Being upset a woman did not get the job I can understand.  Not liking Trevor I can understand.  Thinking that the sole reason Samantha Bee should be host of TDS while using her brilliance we have seen here?  Stuff that has a nice touch of homage to TDS but shows what a week's worth of focus can produce for an entire half hour of show.  I don't want Tepid for Daily Consumption Bee.  I want Full Fucking Frontal Bee.  We would not get this if she were over there.  The tone of the article is so avoiding that simple common sense it almost as the same tone as the defenders of Drumpf over at Last Week Tonight's bit on him over on their YouTube Channel.

Edited by tenativelyyours
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I wish people would get over this notion that Samantha would be a superior TDS host over Trevor or that her show should replace TDS's timeslot. There's no way she could continue her style of manic energy four nights a week. And besides, it seems the TDS hosting duties requires the person to engage in an interview every show. Samantha maybe able to handle someone who's not used to the public spotlight, as the two individuals she talked to last night showed. But what would she do if she had to confront with someone like Bill O'Reilly, who was the scheduled TDS guest when Jon suddenly bailed because of a very bad case of the bubbons. Samantha and hubby Jason interviewed, at the last minute, their old TDS correspondent Wyatt Cenac. Samantha is doing quite well with her new show as is Trevor  at TDS.


I loved Samantha's opening piece about the 2010 mid terms being a crucial election in America's recent history, and how the people who were important in getting Obama elected in 2008 decided to stay home that year because, WAAAAAH! (although I wished she spent time explaining how the Republicans used their victory during a census year to redraw and gerrymander the districts in their favor so as they'll always win the seats despite being outvoted in the overall elections). This should be forced viewing for anyone who decides to stay home on election night in November because the Democrats didn't choose the nominee of their choice. Especially those Bernie Sanders supporters who loudly claim it's Bernie or bust. The country - fuck, the planet - can't afford to see any of these Republican clown car participants take the White House.

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I actually had a girl scout come knock on my door a couple of Saturdays ago! (First time in more than 10 years!) Naturally I bought, because yum, and girls who go door to door instead of having their moms bring in the order form to work for them should be rewarded, and because GSA are awesome for all the reasons Sam laid out.


I want to give a little acknowledgement to the woman playing the staffer in charge of 'internet comments'. It was a little throwaway gag, to have her mascara running and her meek 'thank you for your input' reply to a dog-rape threat, but I'm certain that's exactly the kind of comment they get, and it makes me depressed. I'm glad Sam et al can mock it.

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I am really enjoying this show.  Sam was always hit and miss with me when she was on The Daily Show.  I think her election pieces were among my favorites, but when she would do these other pieces where she was monologue-ing, I was bored.


But here? She's sharp. And Funny! She's making me laugh and making me all ragey when I'm seeing how regressive we've become and are continuing to become, as a society, and especially when it comes to women's bodies and our health issues.

I've been sorely missing Jon's rage, so I'm glad that Sam is filling that hole for me.  As funny as Trevor is, he's not giving me the outrage that I need to see.

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I thought she and Jason had already come up with the idea for this and wanted to do a weekly show.


Sam and Jason had a development deal with TBS to do a sitcom, which is debuting later this season. I don't think TBS started talking to Sam about doing her own Daily Show-type show until after Jon Stewart announced he was leaving. 



I wish people would get over this notion that Samantha would be a superior TDS host over Trevor or that her show should replace TDS's timeslot.



I suppose it's a matter of taste as much as anything else. I just prefer Bee's style and delivery to Noah's. I thought the Slate article really articulated the difference between them very well. Beneath the veneer of satire is a real and tangible outrage at injustice. It was always there with Stewart (which I notice a lot of people perceive as "sanctimonious," somehow), and it's there with Sam Bee. Trevor just sits there and grins and giggles and quips. I get that some people may prefer that, but again, it's a matter of preference.



There's no way she could continue her style of manic energy four nights a week.


Well we'll never know will we?

Edited by iMonrey
  • Love 3

I wish people would get over this notion that Samantha would be a superior TDS host over Trevor or that her show should replace TDS's timeslot. There's no way she could continue her style of manic energy four nights a week.


I'm glad to have another show I like instead of a replacement for anything. I enjoy Trevor's version of TDS -- probably more than Jon's -- and like watching how he's gradually shaping it to suit his talents and personality.


It may be that any show that airs 4 days a week needs an interview portion as a bit of relief from having to write the comedy segments. Coming up with twenty or so minutes of fresh, topical, well-researched, and funny content every day is tough. See Fallon, Kimmel, Colbert, Corden, and Meyers, whose monologues and comedy bits hit for me maybe a third of the time. They also resort to games and Internet video clips as fodder, plus they have far bigger budgets and staff than TDS.

Edited by lordonia
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I've been sorely missing Jon's rage, so I'm glad that Sam is filling that hole for me.  As funny as Trevor is, he's not giving me the outrage that I need to see.

Trevor Noah is a long way from earning people's confidence as our representative. He can be funny, but he's STILL an outsider.

Samantha is pulling off, quite well, the role of the outraged-at-ourselves American. We needed one (one less slimy and unapproachable than Bill Mahr, I mean).

I also think she's killed any notion a woman can't do this. Heck, she AND Nikki Glaser (doing a slightly different kind of show--a kind of ehem... sex/relationship panel show rather than "fake news") are BOTH doing them well (go watch Nikki's show if you haven't seen it yet--it's not perfect but it's pretty good when it hits, and it's hitting more than it's missing).

Edited by Kromm
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I agree with the article. I find TDS with Trevor Noah to be pretty weak tea and wish Bee would have been given the spot. I would love to see her do guest interviews and get more than 13(?) episodes per season. TDS also came with a built-in audience. Who knows if Full Frontal will catch on on TBS (though a quick Google search revealed ratings started out well, so hopefully it will).


Her interview with the anti-abortion guy was so painful, but I feel like she could have gotten him to say even more stupid things if she had pretended to be more on his side. 


I also get too fired up to sleep after watching. No more before-bedtime viewing.

Thinking about it, maybe the show should air on Fridays. I thought it would be nice to have a 90-minute block of politically-aware comedy on Mondays, but everything is so freaking depressing. It's great that another TDS correspondent is making a sizable impact, but I'm getting numb seeing the GOP coverage.


Speaking of the Republicans . . . I don't think they're dead. Freddy Krueger didn't come back as often as those guys.


ETA: I liked the "Technical Difficulties" screen, with the candidates checking their respective junk.

Sam herself has frequently said she wouldn't want to do a daily show, I think she's pretty delighted to be right where she is right now.


Trevor Noah is a long way from earning people's confidence as our representative. He can be funny, but he's STILL an outsider.

Samantha is pulling off, quite well, the role of the outraged-at-ourselves American. 

But she's Canadian! (I'm just kidding.) (Not that she's Canadian, but that it makes that big a difference.)

I had forgotten about this show until a friend reminded me, so I'm catching up on TBS.com.  On Episode 3 right now and I just want to thank Samantha for explaining that even the "moderate" GOP candidate, who is trying to present himself as the only palatable choice for Republicans, is just as much as an extremist as the others, especially on abortion/women's right to control their own bodies, he's just better at hiding it than the others.

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The conservative site Newsbusters covered last night's "Full Frontal." Pretty sure this is NOT a joke, since people who write for Newsbusters have no sense of humor:

The cheap shots at the GOP began immediately when she joked that the Grand Old Party died last week by having suffered the same fate as “Republican President Chester A. Arthur did, violently tearing itself in half.” Bee’s pathetic comparison falls flat when considering the fact that Arthur died of a cerebral hemorrhage in 1886.
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