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Season One Talk: FFwSB

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I liked in the interview segment when the black woman asked the other black congresswoman: Aren't you tired of taking care of white people? Yeah, yeah. 

Since the topic was brought up on the show, how much of the dumb white guy vote does Clinton really need? They didn't say. They just talked about white people in general, but iirc, educated white men currently favor Clinton. It's the ones without any college that favor Trump. 

I liked the Bernie or Bust piece. The kid in the Nirvana shirt summed up how just ignorant they are of how everything works. It doesn't matter if Sanders and Clinton put together a platform that calls for $15 minimum wage and much of the other stuff Sanders campaigned on? Really? I'm assuming they also fail to realize that if they flip the Senate, Sanders is in line for quite a prominent position. 

Edited by ganesh
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29 minutes ago, ganesh said:

Since the topic was brought up on the show, how much of the dumb white guy vote does Clinton really need? They didn't say. They just talked about white people in general, but iirc, educated white men currently favor Clinton. It's the ones without any college that favor Trump. 

There's some interesting number-crunching in this piece:


The math suggests Trump would need a whopping 70 percent of white male voters to cast their ballots for him. That’s a larger percentage than Republicans have ever won before — more than the GOP won in the landslide victories of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, and far more than they won during the racially polarized elections of Barack Obama.

I was also bummed to see that Sam is going to be off for the rest of the month, but political news may be taking a backseat for a while due to the Olympics. I'm sure she'll be fired up and have a huge backlog of fresh Trump gaffes to report on when she returns in Sept. TBS exec Kevin Reilly even teased hour-long "Full Frontal" specials in the run-up to the election at a press conference a few days ago.

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I'm pretty much ready to take a break from Full Frontal, Real Time and Last Week Tonight because they are scaring the shit out of me. There's not much left to say about these "never Hillary" voters that already hasn't been said. I honestly believe they do not have the slightest grasp on what kind of damage four years of Trump could do to this country and don't really understand what a president can and cannot do.

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Then they're exactly like Drumpf:


At this point, it would be irresponsible to ignore the fact that Trump’s grasp on reality appears to be tenuous at best.”

Robinson was not the only newspaper writer to recently ask such a blunt question about Trump’s fitness for office.

“One wonders if Republican leaders have begun to realize that they may have hitched their fate and the fate of their party to a man with a disordered personality


Edited by atomationage
13 minutes ago, possibilities said:

I believe Wyoming was the first state to ratify the 19th Amendment (giving women the right to vote)-- so I was disappointed to see Sam be so shocked by their current attitude. Their motto is "The Equality State"-- someone should do a report on state mottos and whether/why they live up to them.

I think today, most people think of Wyoming politically as "the state where Dick Cheney's from," but the DNC delegation seems like a great group. The pro-Sanders Wyoming folks are now fully on board with Hillary.

My former state, Maryland, has the most sexist motto of all: "Fatti maschii, parole femine" ("manly deeds, womanly words").

7 hours ago, cattykit said:

Ok, as someone who's seriously going to have to hold her nose and vote for HRC (even though I know it won't matter since I live in a red state), I have to ask what was more depressing:  FF's previous interviews with the die-hard Trumpette Hillary haters or FF's current interviews with the die-hard Bernista Hillary haters.

I think definitely the Bernie or Bust people. Seems like one mass temper tantrum. And speaking of what a Bernie-or-Bust vote for Trump would mean for blacks and other minorities, there's this article: This black Bernie Sanders delegate doesn't have the luxury of going "Bernie or Bust"

BTW, the one woman with the sunglasses and megaphone looked like Janeane Garofalo. It probably was since she's a big Bernie supporter.

I came across this today -- if anyone needed more evidence of Trump's stupidity and racism.

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If there was a theme to last night's episode, it was this: DON'T GET HAPPY!

Samantha already stated Drumph can still win it all, despite being the most dangerously unqualified candidate for president, ever! And the two later segments show just how the left can still be its very own worst enemy. (btw, those Bernie or Busters they showed last night are candidates in need of a severe attitude adjustment by way of a vicious leather belt bare ass whipping!)

Samantha and crew had better be careful. All these gaps between shows is a good way to make the audience grow impatient with them and turn away.

Edited by saoirse
Removed non-show talk
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14 hours ago, LoneHaranguer said:

States that are allowed to split their votes don't actually do it. Otherwise, Ross Perot wouldn't have chalked up a zero. I think the theory is that if a state splits its vote, you're going to have a solid voter base on each side, leaving fewer electoral votes in contention and less important politically.

Maine and Nebraska can split but only Nebraska so far has done so.  Obama won the Omaha congressional district's one delegate.  And given that's where Hillary brought out Buffet to attack Trump, I think she's going for it this year too.  Splitting allocation seems like a democratic thing to do if it were done all across the country and done by vote percentage in each state.  But that's not how the current two states have it set it up.  It's done mostly by congressional district.  With redistricting, that sets up a scary (at least to me) scenario in which the winner of the popular vote isn't elected president because of how the congressional districts fall. As we saw in 2000, the popular vote winner losing still is a possibility as it stands now but basing it on congressional districts would make it more likely.

Sam is off until September?  September?!?!  That's just wrong.  Trump threw out a baby at one of his events and I don't get to see Sam's take on it? 


I liked the Bernie or Bust piece. The kid in the Nirvana shirt summed up how just ignorant they are of how everything works. It doesn't matter if Sanders and Clinton put together a platform that calls for $15 minimum wage and much of the other stuff Sanders campaigned on? Really? I'm assuming they also fail to realize that if they flip the Senate, Sanders is in line for quite a prominent position. 

I think it suggests that it's not as much about the issues as they claim.  Hell, the minute Bernie endorsed Hillary, many of the busters turned on him so his position in the senate doesn't matter to them.  But to be fair to most Bernie supporters, they do get the import of this election and are prepared to vote for the nominee. 

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On 8/3/2016 at 2:26 AM, Irlandesa said:

I liked the Bernie or Bust piece. The kid in the Nirvana shirt summed up how just ignorant they are of how everything works.

I have a theory about the most ardent/crazy Sanders and Trump supporters, the ones who are blind to everything but their chosen candidate winning.

Many of the crazed Trump supporters feel that they have never gotten anything they really wanted in life, and they "are not giving up their shot;" the most crazed Sanders supporters actually have gotten pretty much everything they've wanted up to now and can't believe that on this, they will not get their hearts' desire.

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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A lot of shows are taking a similar break. The conventions are usually after Labor Day, so these shows didn't get any decent time off. Bill Maher is off for 5 weeks, Seth Meyers is off for 3, Nightly Show actually is being cancelled during this "slow" time. 

It sucks, but I feel like there will be no shortage of topics when she returns.

Yay, Sam's back!!! I can't tell you how much I needed that second segment in my life. I literally stood up and cheered as she described Trump for EXACTLY what he is and what the media is unwilling to accept and treat him as. God, it's SOOO true, every single word!!!

How can this be happening in this election??? I never though they would normalize him to the point where the public considers him a viable candidate for president! It's just appalling and tragic. One of the most tragic failures of the media in history. I really believe that. They'd rather normalize fascism and a genuine maniac/madman than pronounce and tell people what the truth is about the person one of our two major parties actually nominated.

It's incredible, really.

Actually, I'd go further than that. This a true American tragedy, what's happened with the media over the last year.

Edited by ruby24
  • Love 21

Yeah, she did seem to talk especially fast at times, so I couldn't catch it all, but man was this ep good. First off, starting with that Cruz clip, "Why am I PERsecuted?!" was hilarious. That always makes me laugh.

The MSM's coverage of Trump is, well, deplorable. Things have got to change. There are so many people who are uninformed about the lies Trump tells over and over and OVER again. These people don't even know he's lying. After all, the narrative is that Hillary lies. Occasionally something will leak out, but it's not given the coverage that Hillary's supposed crimes are given. It's so damn frustrating.

I am stunned that Marco Guiterrez is a real guy, that he isn't some put-on. Of course the same could be said for Trump.

Thank you, Sam, for coming back to help us deal with this election season.

  • Love 11
4 hours ago, peeayebee said:

The MSM's coverage of Trump is, well, deplorable. Things have got to change. There are so many people who are uninformed about the lies Trump tells over and over and OVER again. These people don't even know he's lying.

OTOH, you've also got the lies coming from the MSM on the other side, so it's a battle for which side can convince more voters. It's pretty clear which side Sam is on. She's not doing herself any favors for being so hypocritical (e.g. complaining about Trump calling people names, only to do the same to Trump).

Can somebody please explain to Sam and her writers the value of semicolons and periods. It's like they were all sleeping in class when the subject of run-on sentences came up, and it's really annoying.

4 hours ago, LoneHaranguer said:

OTOH, you've also got the lies coming from the MSM on the other side, so it's a battle for which side can convince more voters. It's pretty clear which side Sam is on. She's not doing herself any favors for being so hypocritical (e.g. complaining about Trump calling people names, only to do the same to Trump).

Hypocritical? I don't know if I agree since Sam is an entertainment figure and Donald is running for president.  There are different standards which is part of the problem.  The MSM  seems to be covering Trump as if he were still in the former category instead of the latter. 

Edited by Irlandesa
  • Love 13

I would, but I'm still knee-deep in my homework on the Geneva Convention!

When you get done can I look at your notes?  I'm having a hard time with Protocol III (2005) relating to the Adoption of an Additional Distinctive Emblem. 



Second of all,  I've seen that Taco Truck clip a bunch,  and I never get tired of watching Joy Ann's face reacting to that guy.  Hilarious. 

Me too. She's like "is my earpiece working? Have I had an aneurysm?  Is he saying what I think he's saying? "

  • Love 6

It was great to see the show back. Samantha's total destruction of Matt Lauer's imitation of a talking butt as a moderator last Wednesday, and the MSM's beating up of Hillary's pneumonia while looking the other way over Drumph's many real misdeeds, was probably her best segment yet. This should be forced viewing of every MSM talking thingy - in the same way Malcolm McDowell was forced to watch those movies in A Clockwork Orange - until they get it through their fucking stupid heads that Hillary and Drumph are NOT the same.

Given his legal and financial troubles, I'd say Marco Guiterrez not only loves Drumph, he wants to be Drumph.

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The evisceration of Lauer was sweet and I watched it like I was my three year old nephew and a Disney movie -- can I watch it again?

I also loved that she went after the media and the 'fact' that they suddenly are not responsible for actual facts anymore but false fairness.  She really was in fine form and hopefully she can stay on her tear until the election.

I also appreciated her giving no passes to the Clinton campaign.  I will be interested to see how John Oliver handles it if they are still doing stupid things like this when he returns in a couple of weeks,

I loved the pause when Guiterrez was trying to figure out not just what the best answer was but also, it seemed, what the real answer was (knowing the real was definitely not the best) when he was asked about how the whole thing might be a scam by the Creepy Murmuring Moldy Yam.  It was like he had a "oh crap" moment in between his own realization to the parallels he seems to make every effort to draw between the Yam and himself.  Followed by a "wow, that is so true" one before finally kicking back into proper delusional gear. 

I did love the piece with him, but I wish Sam had done it herself.  I could so see her kindly talking him into the ground after he claimed his culture was of a no good people who couldn't be trusted and she led him to the point of 'then we shouldn't trust you in any way should we?'.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, LoneHaranguer said:

OTOH, you've also got the lies coming from the MSM on the other side, so it's a battle for which side can convince more voters. It's pretty clear which side Sam is on. She's not doing herself any favors for being so hypocritical (e.g. complaining about Trump calling people names, only to do the same to Trump).

Can somebody please explain to Sam and her writers the value of semicolons and periods. It's like they were all sleeping in class when the subject of run-on sentences came up, and it's really annoying.

I would hope it's clear what side Sam is on since the whole point of the show it to express her views, And why wait for somebody else to tell her? She just gave you an address to send your complaints!

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Just in case anyone wants to relive it, since I just typed this out for my Facebook feed: "On the one hand, you have the most breathtakingly unqualified ignoramus to ever heave his spray-tanned bulk within striking distance of elected office, a race-baiting bully who, according to two meticulously researched biographies, is a tax-cheating, investor-swindling, worker-shafting, dictator-loving, pathologically-lying, attorneys general bribing, philandering, mobbed up, narcissistic serial con artist who hasn't got the attention span to read a fortune cookie much less a fucking intelligence briefing. But, on the other hand, Hillary Clinton used a private email server. See, perfectly even!" -Samantha Bee

I hope I got it all. I had to play back the "mobbed up" part a few times and I think that's what it was. Whew!

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20 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

because the fact that it's so close (and some polls even show Trump ahead) scare the living crap out of me.

It's all because of the false equivalencies. Like Seth Meyers said, if both Hillary and Drumpf were diseases, she'd be eczema, and he'd be stage 4 cancer... so the media needs to stop saying "They are both diseases," when most people would choose eczema if they were given more information.  

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17 minutes ago, BoogieBurns said:

it's so close (and some polls even show Trump ahead) scare the living crap out of me.

It isn't really close.  Hillary has all the electoral votes she needs if you go state by state.  The problem is if she gets elected without Congress changing parties.  Then it'll be a free for all for four years.   If you want to get ahead of the news cycle, listen to Rachel Maddow on MSNBC or David Pakman on YT.   This video might allay your fears:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JolDWp4_xXs

I watched an old episode of FFwSB on YT, looking for the Presidential Portraits Suicide.  Instead I got to a video with a picture of one of Drumpf's sons holding a severed elephant's trunk.  I wish I hadn't seen that. 

On 9/13/2016 at 8:35 PM, peeayebee said:

If? IF?!?? Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

The whole illness thing might have legs.  Pardon the pun.  But I'm tragically confident in ten days, when Oliver comes back it the she's dying will have been shoved to the side for some new idiocy.  The illness oddly to me seems the same but a less impacting 'birther' spin.  Its' preaching to the choir.  It affirms her evil and conversely, the Angry Yam's opponents really could not give a shit I think because in the end, I'd vote for a dead Hillary over a spoiled artificially flavored Cajun Canned Ham. 


I'm thinking in ten days time it is about that time of the election year to roll out that offspring of unicorns and bigfoot.  The desperately needed to win but elusive 'Undecided Voters".  Which Nate Silver pretty much debunked as a happening in 2008 and 2012 in the voting booths but had so much focus in the media.  And a crew from this show was rumored as filming the beginning of this week down on 7th a block or so below the Park about whether people can actually be undecided at this point.   Which considering I took my office to Trattoria Dell'Arte for lunch for a birthday celebration, I'm going to really be pissed if that was true and I might have missed it by moments.

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Sam was on fire again tonight. I loved her tearing Jimmy Fallon and NBC a new asshole for what they've done. And she's so right, it's because they don't CARE. Everyone at the network is totally fine with electing a racist dictator for president because hey, they're not the ones being targeted by him!

I love Sam so much, but watching her show leaves my blood boiling and I feel the need to go outside and scream afterwards. 

Not so sure Roger Ailes is the brilliant debate coach he once was, since his big victories in that area were decades ago, and with candidates who had a modicum of skill. With a candidate like Trump I just feel like he's probably too incompetent and frankly stupid to use him correctly. I think Trump is probably going to be very uncomfortable in a one on one debate facing only Hillary (a woman! gasp!), a silent audience and a moderator he's unsure of. This is something he's never done before, so I really don't know which Trump will turn up that night, but I have a feeling it will be the cowardly, meek one (this happens whenever he has to face anything real), who will hopefully end up revealing just how in over his head and ignorant he is on every issue. I don't know if he'll lash out- probably only if he gets his buttons pushed.

His tantrum is likely to come after the debate, if he thinks he lost. 

Sam should really win the Emmy next year. The birther issue just infuriates me, what a horrific human being Trump is.

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I love Samantha for her torching NBC and that fuckface Jimmy Fallon, who has no business hosting a late night show IMO, for his kid glove treatment of Drumph. Of course, she could have taken it further when, the next night, Fuckface Fallon had Clinton on and he put on a surgical mask and gloves, the fucking asshole.

46 minutes ago, ruby24 said:

Not so sure Roger Ailes is the brilliant debate coach he once was, since his big victories in that area were decades ago, and with candidates who had a modicum of skill. With a candidate like Trump I just feel like he's probably too incompetent and frankly stupid to use him correctly. I think Trump is probably going to be very uncomfortable in a one on one debate facing only Hillary (a woman! gasp!), a silent audience and a moderator he's unsure of. This is something he's never done before, so I really don't know which Trump will turn up that night, but I have a feeling it will be the cowardly, meek one (this happens whenever he has to face anything real), who will hopefully end up revealing just how in over his head and ignorant he is on every issue. I don't know if he'll lash out- probably only if he gets his buttons pushed.

His tantrum is likely to come after the debate, if he thinks he lost.

Agree. Especially when the only debate prep work he and his team have done has been to sit around and eat bacon cheeseburgers. He's already whining about Anderson Cooper being one of the moderators. Samantha may be a wee bit paranoid here.

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