tennisgurl February 7, 2018 Share February 7, 2018 (edited) You know, as much as I will mourn this community, the way this show used to be, and its potential, I kind of think what I did when I found about that Jen was leaving the show... Edited February 7, 2018 by tennisgurl 9 Link to comment
mtlchick February 7, 2018 Share February 7, 2018 On 2/6/2018 at 9:49 PM, cappoe said: You know they screwed up when the majroity of people are celebrating. .That is not supposed to be what happens when a show is cancelled. Expand Pretty much what people felt when Sleepy Hollow was cancelled. I thought someone was pumping some Kool and the Gang on the board, people were that excited. They're trying to spin this any which way they can, but when your protagonist, and thus your entire reason your show exists says she's done, they should have bowed out instead of trying to stretch things out more than they already were. With the move to Friday, they should have known that it was going to be the long good bye and at least make it count. Now they're going to be stumbling towards a finish line and it's going to be painful to watch. Since I do want some answers, I'm willing to DVR it to the end. But it's sad to see a show that was pretty good in the beginning struggle that bad, especially when they had a fairly conclusive ending last year. 7 Link to comment
Kktjones February 7, 2018 Share February 7, 2018 On 2/7/2018 at 1:28 AM, ParadoxLost said: Makes me think that recent tweet about JMo not coming back for another episode wasn't just a rehash of the parting of ways in S6 or early S7. I think they probably called her after the cancellation news and she remained adamant about not returning much to their chagrin. Expand That's a really good point. I was not hopeful about her showing up for the finale before, but I think this tweet and the "no" answer to seeing Emma & Hook's child pretty much sealed the deal. I HIGHLY doubt any of the original cast will be back for the finale... 2 Link to comment
Cindy McLennan February 7, 2018 Share February 7, 2018 (edited) Hey everyone, it only took me three tries to remember my password. I thought of you all as soon as I heard Once Upon a Time had been cancelled. Like most of you, I think it should have ended last season. If I can Monday-morning quarterback it, I would have liked to see Emma get her happy ending at the end of season five. I think if they'd then brought new (or existing, but previously less central) characters to the forefront for season six, while JMo, Ginny, and Josh were on contract it might have worked. Still, I feel bad for the people who worked on the show who are losing their jobs, particularly the below-the-line crew. I'm still irrationally angry about some things about this show, but only because I love the parts I love, so much. Edited February 7, 2018 by Cindy McLennan 19 Link to comment
tri4335 February 7, 2018 Share February 7, 2018 On 2/7/2018 at 1:20 AM, andromeda331 said: I agree. They thought they could finally write all about their favorites and not have to waste seconds on Snow, Charming and Emma. They somehow missed the ratings going down in season six when we got a double dose of Regina. They won't realize focusing on Regina and Rumple was what sunk the show and drove viewers away. Had they started the show with their original vision with Regina not Snow, it never would have lasted this long. It probably wouldn't have last a season. I am happy at the cancelation. I don't feel sorry for A&E for the cast yes but not them. This was a show that easily could have gone on for years. They had plenty of time to redirect the show, to fix it and they chose not to. They chose to waste all the potential and a talent cast. Me too. There was so much they could have done with the show. So many different ways it could have gone. Expand You're right that A & E won't realize that they were the death of the show. They are the worst showrunners I've ever experienced. They had lightening in a bottle with the premise and the cast and they alone wasted it! I've said this many times on these threads - I will NEVER EVER watch a show that they create again because they would continue to make the same mistakes. On 2/7/2018 at 12:46 AM, InsertWordHere said: Mostly I’m sad about what could have been. Such wasted potential with both the concept and the cast. And I’ll miss this community a lot. When this show was worth speculating about, there was no better place to do it. Expand ^^ so true so true! 7 Link to comment
Rumsy4 February 7, 2018 Share February 7, 2018 On 2/7/2018 at 1:20 AM, andromeda331 said: Had they started the show with their original vision with Regina not Snow, it never would have lasted this long. It probably wouldn't have last a season. Expand But deep down, they knew it still wouldn't work. That's why they tried this "requel" nonsense with the Henry-Jacinda-Lucy plot. Except it was obvious they didn't really care. But they haven't done much with Regina/Roni either this season. At the very least, they should have commited to actually making it all about Regina instead of half-assing everything. On 2/7/2018 at 1:37 AM, Cindy McLennan said: Hey everyone, it only took me three tries to remember my password. I thought of you all as soon as I heard Once Upon a Time had been cancelled. Expand Hey, hey! Good to have you back! :-) 3 Link to comment
Camera One February 7, 2018 Share February 7, 2018 On 2/7/2018 at 1:41 AM, Rumsy4 said: But deep down, they knew it still wouldn't work. That's why they tried this "requel" nonsense with the Henry-Jacinda-Lucy plot. Except it was obvious they didn't really care. But they haven't done much with Regina/Roni either this season. Expand To me, they did care. It was more they were blind to their own weaknesses, over-confident about their abilities, desperate to cling on to the show, and made all the wrong assumptions about what the audience wanted. The problems of 7A were there even with the original cast, but they still don't admit to these problems because they don't see them as problems. For sure they thought these new characters were awesome and you can tell from Eddy's bitter words that it's the viewers' fault for not "getting" it. 9 Link to comment
Guest February 7, 2018 Share February 7, 2018 (edited) I find it hilarious that every cancellation article seems to be using this photo. Squint and you can see two current cast members. Edited February 7, 2018 by ParadoxLost Link to comment
tennisgurl February 7, 2018 Share February 7, 2018 "But hey, at least you get that dominatrix looking chick and the moppet kid who is now a boring grown up!" 2 Link to comment
Souris February 7, 2018 Share February 7, 2018 On 2/7/2018 at 1:28 AM, ParadoxLost said: Belle probably. Makes me think that recent tweet about JMo not coming back for another episode wasn't just a rehash of the parting of ways in S6 or early S7. I think they probably called her after the cancellation news and she remained adamant about not returning much to their chagrin. Expand You know, you're probably right. TBH, as much as I'd love another CS moment, I also fear A&E would do something petty and stupid that would be table-flippy with them, so probably just as well JMo is unwilling or too busy to do a finale cameo to hold Regina's train or whatever. 10 Link to comment
Guest February 7, 2018 Share February 7, 2018 (edited) Quote It’s early, but is there anything you can say about the series finale’s tone or what you hope to leave fans with? KITSIS: We are not trying to replicate what we did last year. We feel like that was a perfect ender to that book. We think we are going to wrap up the threads that we have introduced this year, and hopefully give people a big Once finale sendoff in the grand traditions of when we do alternate world endings. Expand This kind of points to an ending that is more like the CS time travel episode or the Author bizarro world episode. Brings me back to my harebrained theory that the timeline wackiness gets resolved by Storybrooke somehow still being in 2017/2018 even though Henry aged enough to have an eight year old kid (and no one else did). Edited February 7, 2018 by ParadoxLost Link to comment
Camera One February 7, 2018 Share February 7, 2018 The love fest continues Adam Horowitz @AdamHorowitzLA 4m4 minutes ago We'll never forget that day either @LanaParrilla -- it was magic the moment we met! Adam Horowitz Retweeted Lana Parrilla Lana Parrilla @LanaParrilla I’ll never forget the day I walked in to audition as Evil Queen Regina for Eddy and Adam. I was… 2 Link to comment
daxx February 7, 2018 Share February 7, 2018 On 2/7/2018 at 1:37 AM, Cindy McLennan said: I'm still irrationally angry about some things about this show, but only because I love the parts I love, so much. Expand So very much this. I hope someday to see a reboot done by competent show runners because the concept is fantastic. 8 Link to comment
Guest February 7, 2018 Share February 7, 2018 On 2/6/2018 at 9:14 PM, Shanna Marie said: I started thinking where he might fit into the Star Wars universe Expand Given how fast Sam Heughan tweeted about the cancellation, I was wondering about Outlander. Link to comment
Rumsy4 February 7, 2018 Share February 7, 2018 On 2/7/2018 at 3:49 AM, ParadoxLost said: Given how fast Sam Heughan tweeted about the cancellation, I was wondering about Outlander. Expand Colin in a kilt....If that's anything like the bit he did for Sam Heughan a few years ago with his shirt completely unbuttoned and chest hair in full display... Don't tempt me, Frodo! 3 Link to comment
sharky February 7, 2018 Share February 7, 2018 Notice that Sam gave Colin a quicker response than Adam on Twitter. I’m not complaining. As much as this fandom made me want to pull my hair out sometimes, the hottie tournament that brought together Sam and Colin was one of the greatest things this fandom unleashed on the world. 8 Link to comment
Souris February 7, 2018 Share February 7, 2018 On 2/7/2018 at 3:49 AM, ParadoxLost said: Given how fast Sam Heughan tweeted about the cancellation, I was wondering about Outlander. Expand If that ever happens, they need to bring in JMo, too, given her feelings about the show and kilts. ? 6 Link to comment
Katherine February 7, 2018 Share February 7, 2018 Once Upon a Time has been one of the only shows in the last few years that I've watched weekly and that I've obsessively followed spoilers for. I really didn't have much reaction when I heard about the cancellation. I think I already mourned it when JMo left. I planned on watching season 7 at the time but figured it wouldn't be the same. As it turns out, I lost interest in season 7 really quickly--more quickly than I would have expected given that I'd been a OUAT addict since season 3. I actually stopped pretty much cold turkey, tuning in for episode 2 and the episode where Hook got Mother Gothel pregnant. I tried watching more but just couldn't get into it. I've still been checking in on these forums from time to time though, so this is definitely what I'll miss most. I've said it before, but Once will always be the show full of unreached potential for me. I fell in love with two storylines: Hook and Emma's and Rumple and Bae's. Hook and Emma got a lot of great moments, but the writers also missed so many opportunities with them. The chemistry was great and so were their backstories and how they ultimately came together, but it seemed like the writers were scared to go full force with them. We didn't even get a true love's kiss, which is mind boggling to me. Still though, the great moments are enough for me to look back on their story fondly, and maybe even enough for me to remember them as one of my all-time favorite tv couples. I know I'll probably be rewaching the Beanstalk episode, the Neverland episode, the season 3 finale, and the musical for years to come. I remember when I first got invested in Once. It was because of Emma and Hook's chemistry. I remember thinking that there's no way the writers would have their lead character end up with Captain Hook. Not only did Emma and Hook end up together, but we even got a scene of them singing to each other on their wedding day. My second favorite relationship didn't get any payoff. Usually I find familial relationships more compelling than romantic ones. Rumple and Bae were a great example of that. The actor who played Young Bae was fantastic, and I found that Rumple was at his most compelling and even sympathetic in his scenes with Young Bae. I didn't like Neal (and I really wish they hadn't made Bae Henry's father), but I also didn't like how they completely wasted the opportunity for scenes between him and Rumple. Bae was the first casualty of the writers' weaknesses. Despite all of the lost potential, this show will always hold a special place in my heart. It's just a silly show about fairy tales, but it's been a weirdly important part of my life. Like tennisgurl said, Once was there for me through college and starting grad school. It gave me something to look forward to every week. Even in its last couple of disappointing seasons, it still provided much appreciated escapism. It's the end of an era! 12 Link to comment
Free February 7, 2018 Share February 7, 2018 On 2/6/2018 at 11:35 PM, Rumsy4 said: I can't really blame A&E for not wanting to lose their jobs, and trying to stretch their paychecks as long as they could. However, they should have known that they couldn't coast on nostalgia alone. They may not care about the timelines and plot holes, but most people do. I get the impression that they miscalculated the fanbase of OUAT. That's what happens when you look at Twitter to get the pulse of the viewership. I bet they assumed they could sustain a decent viewership with just the Regina, Rumple, and Hook fans. They never understood what the true appeal of the Show was. Just having Robert Carlyle on the show is not enough if you give him garbage to work with. And most of Hook fans were also CS and Emma fans. And most of the Evil Regals and SQers on twitter didn't even watch the Show live in the US. It may have been smarter if they ended the Show with Season 6, and negotiated a deal with abc for another Show like Dead of Summer. Now, it's going to be harder for them to land another Show with abc, IMO, becasue they botched this reboot. Maybe they'll land a deal with hulu or amazon. That's what I'm going to miss the most. The tumblr fandom continues, but this forum will always hold a special place in my heart. I just hope this forum won't fade away quickly, even though many have already moved on... Expand That was always foolish, it's beyond obvious to everyone else that OuaT has always been a character oriented ensemble show at its core, once A&E messed with that, they completely killed the show entirely. 6 Link to comment
Camera One February 7, 2018 Share February 7, 2018 From a study in 2016, "Once Upon a Time" supported 5,585 jobs in British Columbia over the first five seasons. 5 Link to comment
Camera One February 7, 2018 Share February 7, 2018 (edited) My favorite quotes from the Variety interview, which was pretty similar to the EW one. Warning: Some of these quotes might have been taken out of context (A&E do "elaborate" after each one). Quote Interviewer: Back in January, Dungey said she hoped the show would be back. What changed? Kitsis: That’s a good question; I don’t know. I mean, perhaps she was answering the question about “SHIELD.” (Laughs.) Expand Every time he "laughs", quotation mark... Quote Horowitz: We’re glass half full guys in the sense that we went to Friday and through all the airings the show has actually been remarkably stable. Yes at a lower level than it’s been, but the audience that’s been there has been there and there’s people on DVR watching it. It’s just not at a level that is sustainable anymore for the network. But the fans that are there have stayed there. And I think that’s been very gratifying. Expand Yeah, half full of it guys. Quote Interviewer: What is social media going to do without “Once”? Kitsis: I know! They’re going to have to find someone new to yell at every day. (Laughs). Expand Oh boy. Quote Any chance any of the original cast members will be back for the finale? Kitsis: There’s a chance that a few familiar faces from the original will be back, but we are very conscious of not wanting to take away the happy endings we gave last year. So there will be some familiar faces but it won’t be another redo of what we did last year. Expand Writing the originals in the finale will not "take away the happy endings" you gave them. Like Charming doing labor on a farm. Or Snow continuing to be a doormat. Quote Horowitz: On our part there is zero bitterness or unhappiness or disappointment even. Expand When they over-state things, it's hard to believe what they say. I mean, unless they're robots, it's unlikely they had "zero" feelings. Edited February 7, 2018 by Camera One 8 Link to comment
thuganomics85 February 7, 2018 Share February 7, 2018 For some reason, I only just around to hearing this news. I'm definitely of two minds here. Part of me is a bit sad, because even though I never felt like this show ever fully reached its potential after season one and the last few seasons in general being a mess, I just always found this show fun in a goofy way. I enjoyed the majority of the characters, all of the actors were great and I especially liked the various actors I didn't know much about beforehand and becoming fans of them going forward (Meghan Ory, Robbie Kay, Karen David, Colin O'Donoghue, and even Adelaide Kane this season), I did get a kick out of the random, wacky ways the inserted random Disney characters into everything, and, well, there was a charm to it. Even when I complained or snarked about it, there was always affection there. And, as mentioned above, I really enjoyed the community and getting to chat about it on the boards with everyone. I will truly miss that. All that being said, I really have fallen out of love with this show thanks to this current season. It really has become a pale shell of itself, and it lacks everything that I enjoyed about the past seasons, even the weaker ones. It really doesn't feel like Once Upon A Time, but some C-level ripoff or remake that was able to dump enough money to get Lana Parilla back willingly, while Robert Carlyle and Colin O'Donoghue are only here because their families have been kidnapped or something (but hilariously, they're still the best things about this season, even if really doesn't feel like their hearts are in it.) But this season has generally turned me off to the point that I'm actually relieved to hear that it's done for, because it's just not the Once Upon A Time I loved, flaws and all. I do feel bad for the cast and crew, and hope they find gigs soon. But as far as I'm concerned, the show died when Emma and the Charmings were taken off the board. And what's frustrating is that I think last season's finale actually would have been a solid series finale. I just wish ABC ended it then. 7 Link to comment
jhlipton February 7, 2018 Share February 7, 2018 On 2/7/2018 at 8:20 AM, Camera One said: My favorite quotes from the Variety interview, which was pretty similar to the EW one. Warning: Some of these quotes might have been taken out of context (A&E do "elaborate" after each one). Quote Horowitz: We’re glass half full guys in the sense that we went to Friday and through all the airings the show has actually been remarkably stable. Yes at a lower level than it’s been, but the audience that’s been there has been there and there’s people on DVR watching it. It’s just not at a level that is sustainable anymore for the network. But the fans that are there have stayed there. And I think that’s been very gratifying. Expand Expand The audience is stable but at a lower level but the audience that's been there has been there but it's not sustainable but the fans have stayed there. Wow. I think I lost a dozen points of IQ typing that out. 7 Link to comment
Free February 7, 2018 Share February 7, 2018 On 2/7/2018 at 10:12 AM, jhlipton said: The audience is stable but at a lower level but the audience that's been there has been there but it's not sustainable but the fans have stayed there. Wow. I think I lost a dozen points of IQ typing that out. Expand He has a very funny definition of 'stable' given the downwards trajectory of the ratings even in DVR numbers. 3 Link to comment
superloislane February 7, 2018 Share February 7, 2018 On 2/7/2018 at 10:12 AM, jhlipton said: Yes at a lower level than it’s been, but the audience that’s been there has been there and there’s people on DVR watching it. It’s just not at a level that is sustainable anymore for the network Expand That sentence did make me laugh. The rating is lower but they're still all there...??? How is that even possible? 3 Link to comment
Shanna Marie February 7, 2018 Share February 7, 2018 It's fitting that they announced the cancellation right after I rewatched the season thus far. That meant that I took the news with a huge sigh of relief. I felt liberated rather than sad. I'll see it out to the end because it's kind of like watching a train wreck and I'm curious how they deal with it, but I'll be a bit glad to be free. There isn't anything else on right now that I see as appointment television because I genuinely look forward to watching it, and I want to watch it live so I can discuss it. Unless something new comes on that really strikes my fancy, it's almost like losing this show frees me from television almost entirely. There's still stuff I watch, but nothing else I care to discuss all that much. It's not like my TWOP days when I was digging deep into everything, all at once. Now I'm going to turn into one of those annoying "I only watch PBS" people, I'm afraid (well, except for "Legends of Tomorrow," "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend" and "Timeless."). 4 Link to comment
jhlipton February 8, 2018 Share February 8, 2018 On 2/7/2018 at 2:34 PM, Free said: He has a very funny definition of 'stable' given the downwards trajectory of the ratings even in DVR numbers. Expand A steady deceleration is "stable" but that's not what they meant. On 2/7/2018 at 4:59 PM, Shanna Marie said: There isn't anything else on right now that I see as appointment television because I genuinely look forward to watching it, and I want to watch it live so I can discuss it. Expand I hardly watch anything live, but there's LoT and The Good Doctor; and Happy (which is definitely appointment TV!) and The Expanse are coming back! 2 Link to comment
Camera One February 8, 2018 Share February 8, 2018 EW compiled some Tweets from (some) former and current cast members responding to the end of the show. 1 Link to comment
KingOfHearts February 8, 2018 Share February 8, 2018 (edited) On 2/8/2018 at 1:59 AM, Camera One said: EW compiled some Tweets from (some) former and current cast members responding to the end of the show. Expand I like Jen's the most. It was the most altruistic, imo. (Partially because it didn't praise the show, but only the people who made and watched it.) Not that any of the others weren't great too! Edited February 8, 2018 by KingOfHearts 5 Link to comment
tennisgurl February 8, 2018 Share February 8, 2018 On 2/8/2018 at 12:35 AM, jhlipton said: I hardly watch anything live, but there's LoT and The Good Doctor; and Happy (which is definitely appointment TV!) and The Expanse are coming back! Expand Maybe we should make some kind of mass TV rec list, to see what else we can watch, and maybe run into each other there? These boards and the people here are over half my enjoyment of the show anyway at this point. Maybe we can find something else to obsess over?!?! 2 Link to comment
Camera One February 8, 2018 Share February 8, 2018 Sadly, sometimes, shows that are too good have little to discuss. I post sometimes on different forums on this website, but it's never very meaty. Hopefully, A&E comes out with their next show soon. Just joking, but even they are not a guarantee for a discussion-worthy series. I wasn't really that interested in discussing "Dead of Summer", or even "Wonderland" even though the quality was more consistent. Link to comment
Rumsy4 February 8, 2018 Share February 8, 2018 I think we should take this discussion to either Meat Market or Other Fairy Tales. I would LOVE it if we could find one or two shows to discuss. 3 Link to comment
jhlipton February 8, 2018 Share February 8, 2018 On 2/8/2018 at 3:00 PM, Rumsy4 said: I think we should take this discussion to either Meat Market or Other Fairy Tales. I would LOVE it if we could find one or two shows to discuss. Expand I'll post in Meat Market. 1 Link to comment
Souris February 8, 2018 Share February 8, 2018 JMo is doing another convention, this one in Calgary. 2 Link to comment
Guest February 9, 2018 Share February 9, 2018 On 2/8/2018 at 11:01 PM, Souris said: JMo is doing another convention, this one in Calgary. Expand Another con a week apart from a OUAT creation con. Different city this time. Link to comment
daxx February 9, 2018 Share February 9, 2018 Obviously JMo has nothing against cons, so this does tend to indicate that she genuinely wasn’t invited back to the creation cons for whatever reason. Likely because she canceled a few last year. 1 Link to comment
Souris February 9, 2018 Share February 9, 2018 On 2/9/2018 at 6:06 PM, daxx said: Obviously JMo has nothing against cons, so this does tend to indicate that she genuinely wasn’t invited back to the creation cons for whatever reason. Likely because she canceled a few last year. Expand Did Creation refund general ticket money to fans after she canceled? If not, then I don't see why it would bother them too much if she canceled -- they'd still have the general admission ticket fees, just not the money from her autographs and photos. Obviously they would sell more tickets with JMo than without. Unless, of course, she would be paid even if she canceled, which I can't imagine would be in a contract. Link to comment
Writing Wrongs February 10, 2018 Share February 10, 2018 I hope they put out a complete series box set similar to the Lost one. Link to comment
KingOfHearts February 10, 2018 Share February 10, 2018 (edited) On 2/10/2018 at 12:15 AM, Writing Wrongs said: I hope they put out a complete series box set similar to the Lost one. Expand Comes with a certificate to send in for your FREE life-sized Evil Queen cardboard cutout. Edited February 10, 2018 by KingOfHearts 1 Link to comment
ihavenoidea February 11, 2018 Share February 11, 2018 (edited) Just now heard this show had been cancelled. I think I've only posted here like twice, but I visited every now and then to see others thoughts. I loved the first three seasons, then around season four I quit watching live and started watching a few days later, before I knew it I had five or six episodes backlogged and had no desire to watch. The last episode I saw was when Emma saw Elizabeth Mitchell on that videotape. I've always felt this show could have been better than it was. The lack of family scenes after Emma found out who she was always bothered me. So much plot over character. Still a great show (through season 3 at least) that could have been a lot better. Edited February 11, 2018 by ihavenoidea 13 Link to comment
Souris February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 Yet another convention for JMo. Up yours, Creation! 3 Link to comment
cappoe February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 (edited) So Ginny and Colin are recieving multiple calls for Pilots. Jennifer just signed with CAA the best agency in Hollywood Josh has been cast in a new Pilot. Hmm an overrated someone is missing off that list, I wonder why? Jen apparently is SO difficult to work with why would CAA want her over the precious client? I wonder. Edited February 14, 2018 by cappoe 8 Link to comment
sharky February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 Lana is a director now! She doesn’t need no stinking pilot offers!!!! 7 Link to comment
Mitch February 15, 2018 Share February 15, 2018 Wow..why all the cattiness to Parrilla? I know people don't like Regina but why is there this weird Parrilla vs. Morrison thing? I don't follow their Twitter maybe things happen there.... 3 Link to comment
orza February 15, 2018 Share February 15, 2018 On 2/15/2018 at 5:05 PM, Mitch said: Wow..why all the cattiness to Parrilla? I know people don't like Regina but why is there this weird Parrilla vs. Morrison thing? I don't follow their Twitter maybe things happen there.... Expand It's just fans projecting their feelings about the fictional characters onto the actors based on nothing at all. It's not a junior high school popularity contest. In reality there is no public rivalry between the two actors, nothing to see on social media or in interviews except just two women not commenting on each other's choices and in general behaving professionally as they pursue their respective careers. Some actors have their PR people put everything out there to raise their profiles. Other actors play it close to the vest in regard to pilot season and future projects. It could be that Lana has signed on for a pilot or will be joining an established show or doing a movie/play or is taking some time off or any number of other things. 2 Link to comment
Mitch February 15, 2018 Share February 15, 2018 (edited) On 2/15/2018 at 6:16 PM, orza said: It's just fans projecting their feelings about the fictional characters onto the actors based on nothing at all. It's not a junior high school popularity contest. In reality there is no public rivalry between the two actors, nothing to see on social media or in interviews except just two women not commenting on each other's choices and in general behaving professionally as they pursue their respective careers. Some actors have their PR people put everything out there to raise their profiles. Other actors play it close to the vest in regard to pilot season and future projects. It could be that Lana has signed on for a pilot or will be joining an established show or doing a movie/play or is taking some time off or any number of other things. Expand I thought so..I like them both as actors...though I do think the Parrilla was the breakout star of the show the first season...but I admit her performance weakened with the writing and them making Regina flip flop between crybaby and snarling villain, but that is all on the showrunners. I like Morrison, she grounded the show in a less flashy role and I think both actresses worked well off of each other...(I am not a SwanQueen I think they call them but I think both actresses had better chemistry together then they did with their male stars..but it was best when there was friction between them and Emma stood up to Regina and Regina knew she met her match.) But sometimes you would think people were reacting more to Regina and Emma then these two being actresses with different personalities. Edited February 15, 2018 by Mitch 2 Link to comment
Kktjones February 15, 2018 Share February 15, 2018 (edited) On 2/15/2018 at 6:16 PM, orza said: It's just fans projecting their feelings about the fictional characters onto the actors based on nothing at all. It's not a junior high school popularity contest. In reality there is no public rivalry between the two actors, nothing to see on social media or in interviews except just two women not commenting on each other's choices and in general behaving professionally as they pursue their respective careers. Expand Personally, I find Lana's real life personality extremely off-putting. It has nothing to do with her character and everything to do with her huge ego and her attention-seeking behavior. She also feeds into the worst parts of her fandom and continually throws her costars and the writers under the bus. I think for anyone that has followed the fandom the last couple of years, it's very clear that Lana and Jen do not get along at all. I won't even get into Lana's fans/stans, but I think their behavior adds to people's dislike of Lana. On 2/15/2018 at 6:16 PM, orza said: Some actors have their PR people put everything out there to raise their profiles. Other actors play it close to the vest in regard to pilot season and future projects. It could be that Lana has signed on for a pilot or will be joining an established show or doing a movie/play or is taking some time off or any number of other things. Expand I agree and think we really won't know anything until people start getting out there and taking part in new opportunities. I think being mentioned in the article is probably a good sign for Ginny & Colin, but I don't think it means anyone not mentioned has no future. (I'll probably delete this soon as I'm sure her crazy fans will screen shot it and work themselves into a frenzy about it like they do everything) Edited February 15, 2018 by Kktjones 10 Link to comment
Rumsy4 February 15, 2018 Share February 15, 2018 (edited) I rather think some of the actors may have more trouble finding a new role, as they were so underused in the Show, and many of them don't seem to have done any short-term projects over the hiatuses. As for Lana, I actually don't think she'd been actively looking. Now that she knows OUAT is cancelled for sure, I expect she'll be spreading feelers around. But she hasn't done anything outside of the Show for the last 7 years either. Sadly, I expect it's still harder for women to get prominent roles as they grow older. If A&E land another show, they'll probably once again cast Lana, or possibly, Bex Mader. They tend to pick actors they've worked with in the past. Lana, de Ravin, Mader, Elizabeth Mitchell, Jorge Garcia, Naveen Andrews, Zuleikha Robinson (Amara in Wonderland), Alan Dale, Eric Lange (young Leopold), Patrick Fischler (Isaac), were all in LOST, and they cast the Anna actress on Dead of Summer. Edited February 15, 2018 by Rumsy4 1 Link to comment
tri4335 February 15, 2018 Share February 15, 2018 On 2/15/2018 at 5:05 PM, Mitch said: Wow..why all the cattiness to Parrilla? I know people don't like Regina but why is there this weird Parrilla vs. Morrison thing? I don't follow their Twitter maybe things happen there.... Expand I think that ensemble shows have this drama built into the nature of the show especially if the leads are not megastars from the start. Actors need to promote themselves and it is a scale on how much that promotion is to the detriment or benefit to their co-workers. So my scale for ensemble casts is a follows: on the far left you have John Ritter whose co-stars didn't speak to him for decades and on the far right you have the cast of friends who held out as a group until everyone was paid equally. In the exact middle is where most actors fall, which is promoting themselves but neither helping nor hurting their cast mates. For some (and I do include myself in those numbers), LP was left of middle but she certainly wasn't to the extreme left. It is clear the LP/Regina/EQ and Rumple were favorites of A & E. But when I think of the promotion done by both actors, I clearly remember RC promoting MJR and ER and I don't remember that from LP - what I do remember are a couple of instances where I think her take on things were detrimental to her coworkers and JMO in particular. I don't think they were feuding and both were professional but I don't think they were "friends" either. But in truth, my opinion has no affect on anything. :-) 7 Link to comment
Guest February 16, 2018 Share February 16, 2018 On 2/15/2018 at 11:53 PM, tri4335 said: I think that ensemble shows have this drama built into the nature of the show especially if the leads are not megastars from the start. Actors need to promote themselves and it is a scale on how much that promotion is to the detriment or benefit to their co-workers. So my scale for ensemble casts is a follows: on the far left you have John Ritter whose co-stars didn't speak to him for decades and on the far right you have the cast of friends who held out as a group until everyone was paid equally. In the exact middle is where most actors fall, which is promoting themselves but neither helping nor hurting their cast mates. For some (and I do include myself in those numbers), LP was left of middle but she certainly wasn't to the extreme left. It is clear the LP/Regina/EQ and Rumple were favorites of A & E. But when I think of the promotion done by both actors, I clearly remember RC promoting MJR and ER and I don't remember that from LP - what I do remember are a couple of instances where I think her take on things were detrimental to her coworkers and JMO in particular. I don't think they were feuding and both were professional but I don't think they were "friends" either. But in truth, my opinion has no affect on anything. :-) Expand I honestly can't remember anything specific about LP vs. JMo. The couple things that stood out to me were LP doing press that came across as trying too hard. Interviews that made me wonder why such an odd topic (and not just a blurb, but a whole article) had come up as promotion for the show and what perception she was trying so hard to combat out of left field. One was an article she did early this year where she seemed really focused on portraying herself as the mother figure of both the old cast and the new cast when I'd never seen much of anything that came across that way. She could have just been getting a lot of flak for staying with the show when half the cast was fired but it seemed kind of desperate and not very truthful because she was pulling out stories from the pilot. I mean its ok not to be best buds with coworkers, but I do get that a lot of fandom probably hates that and can spin it to you are either besties or mortal enemies. The thing that does bug me is the mutual admiration society she has formed with A&E. It really irks me when either party does an interview that is exclusively about how wonderful the other is. But that is mostly about how much A&E irk me and less about LP. Link to comment
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