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The Storybrooke Daily Mirror: OUaT in the Media, Cons and Other Real Life Encounters

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Amerilla pretty much just posted what I was already writing, but I'll add: I don't think it helps to dismiss others as "insane" for their opinions or say they should just stop watching and shut up if they believe the show is promoting something they see as harmful. Although I think everyone should just leave the poor actors out of it, I do wonder if the reason at least some people feel the need to raise their problems with the actors or in a forum like Comic Con is because they feel like they're constantly being shut down by the rest of the fandom for their opinions. 




I tried watching the videos from the main con last year, but the questions from the fans were really ... I don't know ... not really that great. You have the whole cast in front of you! Why are you asking dumb questions?


I do agree people ask some pretty insipid questions seemingly just for the sake of asking a question (and don't get me started on the five-minute preface every single question-asker gives on "First I just want to say how much I love the show and..."; you're at a convention, of course you love the show). It has always surprised me that they just let any random person get up and ask any old thing, given there is such little time for questions and it is a pretty rare occasion you have the whole cast and the show-runners in one spot in the first place. Why not let people submit questions beforehand, then have someone sort through for the best ones while the cast is chatting to the emcee?

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I did the same with Revolution, the plot twisted in a way that made me uncomfortable so I ... shockingly turned it off.  As did everyone else apparently.

I turned it off too, but that's because it started to suck. Is it wrong that I'm glad they canceled it? Back to on topic...

I'm so glad these boards don't have a limit to how many posts you can favorite because I favorited all of you and you gave me hope that this is a small faction and not the norm. Like I said earlier, I like the discussion and perhaps it needs to be had but don't be a dick about it, especially not to the actors that are simply playing the storylines they are given. So thanks for making me feel a bit better, all! So glad we have these boards to get it out of our system!

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I know it can be considered censorship and all, and there can be bias, but if the organizers are balanced, maybe they should just pick the best questions beforehand.  I have the same frustrations with media interviews, since how many times can you ask, "'Are you excited about "Frozen" coming to Once Upon a Time" (to the actors) or "Will there be _____ next season?" (to the writers).  I can already recite Adam and Eddy's answer to the latter.  "We would LOVE for there to be some ________ next season.  Stay tuned."   I also think it is pointless to ask the actors questions on plotlines over which they have no control.

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I don't care if fans want to talk about rape culture, it's a serious issue. But if you're gonna talk about it, let's also mention:

-Rumple keeping Belle captive for what seemed to be months or weeks.

-Regina raping Graham for almost 3 decades.

-Rumple killing Milah because she said she never loved him

-Neal/Emma and statutory rape


All the CS kisses have been initiated by Emma (except for the one in 3.11, but there was also one like that for Rumbelle and Snowing). And when they mention Hook saying he'll win Emma's heart, aren't they forgetting that after Snow told Charming that she didn't love him and that they could never happen, Charming decided to go after her anyway because true love "must be fought for" (and this was before Red told him the truth). So, I fail to see the difference between Charming and Hook in those scenarios. Belle also decided to go after Rumple and fight for him even after he told her he didn't want her.

Edited by MaiLuna
  • Love 12

I don't care if fans want to talk about rape culture, it's a serious issue. But if you're gonna talk about it, let's also mention:

-Rumple keeping Belle captive for what seemed to be months or weeks.

-Regina raping Graham for almost 3 decades.

-Rumple killing Milah because she said she never loved him

-Neal/Emma and statutory rape


All the CS kisses have been initiated by Emma (except for the one in 3.11, but there was also one like that for Rumbelle and Snowing). And when they mention Hook saying he'll win Emma's heart, aren't they forgetting that after Snow told Charming that she didn't love him and that they could never happen, Charming decided to go after her anyway because true love "must be fought for" (and this was before Red told him the truth). So, I fail to see the difference between Charming and Hook in those scenarios. Belle also decided to go after Rumple and fight for him even after he told her he didn't want her.

Exactly. I am 100% for a serious discussion about the real world Unfortunate Implications of the show. I think it's PAST time someone called out the writers of the Graham stuff (I mention it because it's the most egregious; there are others). I don't think Comic Con is the place for it, because it's not a discussion-based enviroment (for example, if someone were to get up and ask: "why is no one taking to task Regina for raping Graham?", A&E could simply say "Nope, there totally was free will in Storybrooke! He totally consented!" which Adam's done before, and that would be it. There's no rebuttal from the asker at Comic Con). I mean, I think the particular complains about CS are silly, especially if you compare them to the Regina/Rumple/Neal issues... but if there ever was an occasion to have such a discussion with the writers, with all of those issues being pointed out, I would be only too happy to have it. One possibility would be for one of the people who got press access and can interview A&E after Comic Con to ask the question; I think one of the people running 'Once Upon A Fan' is gonna be there. Unfortunately, I don't think that person is interested in having the discussion. I'm actually quite bummed that the people at OUAF, who've had the occasion to interview A&E more than once, don't ask those kinds of questions.


Coming back to CS in particular, I don't think having the discussion is gonna have the hoped-for effect. CS is gonna stay endgame because the writers have invested too much in it already. Best-case scenario is that the writers will change how they write them. However, that's not what those people want. It's a fundamental dislike of the pairing (which, fair enough; I have those to) which wouldn't change even if Shakespeare come down from above and started writing them. And they're gonna twist whatever answer they get anyway. For example, when Jennifer said Emma was "vulnerable" with Hook because of her feelings for him, some people decided that meant that Emma felt physically vulnerable in Hook's presence because he was a violent psycopath who didn't take no for an answer and she was afraid for her life. What can you do when someone is out to purposefully misunderstand you?

Edited by Serena
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I'm actually quite bummed that the people at OUAF, who've had the occasion to interview A&E more than once, don't ask those kinds of questions.

That's probably because they wouldn't get the opportunity to interview A&E more than once if they asked them any actually hard questions.


It's hard to judge, because at the end of the day I don't know them and I'm basing my opinion off of interviews and twitter comments, so I could be totally wrong--but with that said, imo it's very clear that the moment anyone suggests that Once is anything less than shiny! and perfect! and awesome!, they get really, really, really defensive. They don't take criticism well at all. So I can't imagine that an interviewer who actually dares to call them out on the, not just bad writing, but deeply problematic writing, is going to be high on their "let's do another interview with this person" list. So.

Edited by stealinghome

I don't care if fans want to talk about rape culture, it's a serious issue. But if you're gonna talk about it, let's also mention:

-Rumple keeping Belle captive for what seemed to be months or weeks.

-Regina raping Graham for almost 3 decades.

-Rumple killing Milah because she said she never loved him

-Neal/Emma and statutory rape


All the CS kisses have been initiated by Emma (except for the one in 3.11, but there was also one like that for Rumbelle and Snowing). And when they mention Hook saying he'll win Emma's heart, aren't they forgetting that after Snow told Charming that she didn't love him and that they could never happen, Charming decided to go after her anyway because true love "must be fought for" (and this was before Red told him the truth). So, I fail to see the difference between Charming and Hook in those scenarios. Belle also decided to go after Rumple and fight for him even after he told her he didn't want her.


Completely agree.   This whole rape culture argument is hard for me to take seriously because it seems focused on Hook who has been completely supportive of Emma, sacrificed everything he had for her, and has let Emma set the pace of their relationship.  Emma, not Hook, is the one who has initiate all but one kiss and the one kiss was to help her restore her memory (and not to sexually harass her), while the really sexual crimes or domestic violence are ignored.   If you want to have a rape culture discussion it needs to center around Rumple and Regina.


This argument makes me angry and sad because it seems a calculated attempt to turn something fun and entertaining into an ugly thing.   Hook is good for Emma.  He believes in her and gives her confidence.  That is a beautiful thing. 


I guess the writers  will need to be very explicit when they write the CS scenes to make it clear to everyone that Emma was always into Hook and he was not forcing himself on an uninterested Emma.  Maybe they can have a conversation where Emma admits that she was always attracted to him but was afraid to get burned after Neal's abandonment and Walsh's betrayal.  It was clear to me and others that Emma was not bothered by Hook's presence.  In fact she sought him out more often than not, but apparently the writing was too subtle for some. 


I wonder if the reason Oz con does not allow video recording is because the actors are tired of being bullied  by these anti-fans.

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I guess the writers  will need to be very explicit when they write the CS scenes to make it clear to everyone that Emma was always into Hook and he was not forcing himself on an uninterested Emma.

Unfortunately, this won't work. People will just say they're rewriting canon. It's sad, because I thought the writers did such a good job, for Once (ha! that's a pun) neatly sidestepping the problematic aspects commonly found in relationships with superficial similarities to Hook and Emma. I thought, wow, it's so refreshing to have a villain turn his back on revenge on his own and not because his love interest was telling him she couldn't be with him while he was doing evil things. I thought it was so neat that instead of Emma cheerleading for Hook and how they need him around because of all these plot related reasons, it was Hook constantly and endearingly cheering for Emma. I thought it was so refreshing that Hook was upfront with his feelings, that he couldn't be accused of Nice Guy Syndrome because he straight up told Emma what he wanted and did not shame or place blame on Emma for not immediately falling into his arms. He understood her, always, even if that understanding went against the things he wanted. I liked that he didn't want credit for saving Charming and that he didn't tell Emma he traded his ship until she asked. I liked that he didn't feel like Emma should be with him as a reward for being "nice." That's why I liked the pairing, because it subverted a lot of those tired and cliched tropes. 


What bothers me about the rape culture argument isn't the people who have their own triggers and life experiences that cause them to have issues with the pairing, that's completely valid. It's that they take their interpretation of the relationship and present it as fact, when it is clearly not. It's an opinion. This opinion might be based on valid life experiences, but others, even those with similar life experiences, might have a completely different opinion. There are aspects of Neal's relationship with Emma that, had Emma taken him back, I would have found extremely disturbing in terms of the messages it was sending. But I wouldn't have campaigned against the show because of it. I wouldn't have written to the show's advertisers about it. I wouldn't accuse others of condoning horrible messages just because of the fictional pairing they support. I would have simply stopped watching if it bothered me to the point where I couldn't enjoy the show anymore. I would have understood that not everyone looks at a work of art and sees the same thing.


To focus solely on the CS message, when there are other much more problematic messages everywhere in the media and on this very show, is IMO akin to calling the police on the neighbors for thinking about growing pot when the neighbors on the other side are cooking meth.

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To focus solely on the CS message, when there are other much more problematic messages everywhere in the media and on this very show, is IMO akin to calling the police on the neighbors for thinking about growing pot when the neighbors on the other side are cooking meth.

I almost want there to be people holding up placards about Regina's rape of Graham and the disgusting way Adam and Lana have joked about it in the past. Because I do want the disturbing elements (rape, wife-murder, child-murder and abuse) in the Show addressed. But when the people are only targeting one Ship, and when those fans Ship a pairing that had a legitimate rapist, I call shenanigans. If those fans feel shunned or shut down by the rest of the fandom, perhaps it is because most people are wary of engaging with them. At least I am, from all that I see on Twitter and Tumblr. Let them find a way to peomote healthy discussion rather than embarass actors and ruin the Con experience for other fans.

I've hate-watched shows, at least for a while, so I'm not going to say stop watching if you don't like it, but I would not hold it as a threat over the writers that I would stop wathing unless they changed one storyline. That's bullying.

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I don't think it helps to dismiss others as "insane" for their opinions or say they should just stop watching and shut up if they believe the show is promoting something they see as harmful.


I just want to clarify something before I stop talking and thinking about this.  People are indeed entitled to their opinion and if they want to protest or whatever, they're entitled to do so.  What bothers me personally is that some of these people will kiss the writers' asses on Twitter or whatever social media and then turn on them when the show doesn't satisfy whatever it is they want.


As a victim, they do not nor will they ever represent me.


First day of filming today!  So exciting!!!


 It's a fundamental dislike of the pairing (which, fair enough; I have those to) which wouldn't change even if Shakespeare come down from above and started writing them. And they're gonna twist whatever answer they get anyway. For example, when Jennifer said Emma was "vulnerable" with Hook because of her feelings for him, some people decided that meant that Emma felt physically vulnerable in Hook's presence because he was a violent psycopath who didn't take no for an answer and she was afraid for her life. What can you do when someone is out to purposefully misunderstand you?


What I find ironic is, based on a lot of what I've read online, the vast majority of the fans who hate the Captain Swan pairing are at the same time big fans of the Rumbelle ship.  In my opinion, if any character on this show should be fearful of becoming a victim of violence at the hands of her significant other, it's Belle.  Rumple has proven himself capable of domestic violence.  But let's focus on Hook's sexual innuendo and playful flirting (talk) rather than Rumple tearing Milah's heart out and crushing it in his hand for hurting his manly pride (action).

Edited by Kaw912
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I don't think social changes occur by asking politely, so loudly protesting something is sort of in the DNA of our country in general.  It gets irrational and maddening at times, and this is supposed to be entertainment, a departure from daily realities.  So I see both sides here but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want my fun and exciting convention experience marred by the overzealous.  I am betting, however, that the showrunners pretty much love the controversy.  It means people are watching and paying attention and until lines are crossed and sponsors pull money, not a big problem.

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So I see both sides here but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want my fun and exciting convention experience marred by the overzealous.


This is mainly my issue with it. Due to the cons' locations, they're not something that most people can go to year after year. For example, after years of wanting to go to PaleyFest, I went to the Pretty Little Liars panel at PaleyFest this past March. Because I am in Boston and PaleyFest is in Los Angeles, that one panel is probably the only one I will ever go to, because I can't afford to drop hundreds of dollars on airfare and hotels and tickets and spending money every March. I would have been pissed off if someone had basically picketed that PaleyFest panel because negative energy like that spreads like a virus and it would have cast a pall on the entire event.


I get that the people planning the protest have issues with the story and I get that the protest is a way to get their feelings heard. But to potentially ruin something for thousands of other fans, some of whom may have been planning and scrimping and saving for years to go, is unfathomable to me.

Edited by Dani-Ellie
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I wonder if the reason Oz con does not allow video recording is because the actors are tired of being bullied  by these anti-fans.

I actually can answer this. It's because Oz Con sells DVDs of the panel. If there's fan recordings available, no one is gonna buy them. Comic Con allows recordings, however (except for when they show clips) so we should get those.

This is disturbing stuff to me. I'm really new to this random thing. In fact, I'm French Canadian so a lot of these things are unsuspecting and new.
Never heard of such (fans ) fanatism before. I do believe  some show and mostly musics encourage sexism and rape culture but Hook Emma is not one.

Emma has much more power in this relation than Hook. The was almost suicidal before falling for a princess with really protector parent. Emma chooses when she gives attention to Hook.
The relation who is icky are Regina Graham and a little bit Rumbelle because the power imbalance.

Those people seem to only want the actor talk about their Fanon ship and when the actor or actress refuse to play their song they send them hate on the internet.

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Saturday, July 26is a day filled with magic for “Once Upon A Time,” which could find itself Frozen over as Elsa enters Storybrooke, bringing an icy new twist to the lives of the resident fairytale inhabitants. Join moderator Yvette Nicole Brown (“Community”) and co-creators and executive producers Edward Kitsis (“LOST”) and Adam Horowitz (“LOST”), along with Jennifer Morrison (“House”), Robert Carlyle (“SGU: Stargate Universe”), Lana Parrilla (“24”), Josh Dallas (“Thor”), Emilie de Ravin (“LOST”), Colin O’Donoghue (“The Rite”) and Jared Gilmore (“Mad Men”), as they discuss the upcoming season of new characters, new adventures and new rivalries as this moderated Q&A panel is sure to bring some surprises you won’t want to miss! 11:00-11:45 a.m., Ballroom 20. An autograph session follows from 12:15-1:00 p.m. at the ABC Castle on the Convention Center Floor, booth #4245.


Wow. So Jared makes his first appearance. No Ginny which is understandable.

Comic Con deets! Like we expected, Ginny is not going, everyone else is:

Saturday, July 26is a day filled with magic for “Once Upon A Time,” which could find itself Frozen over as Elsa enters Storybrooke, bringing an icy new twist to the lives of the resident fairytale inhabitants. Join moderator Yvette Nicole Brown (“Community”) and co-creators and executive producers Edward Kitsis (“LOST”) and Adam Horowitz (“LOST”), along with Jennifer Morrison (“House”), Robert Carlyle (“SGU: Stargate Universe”), Lana Parrilla (“24”), Josh Dallas (“Thor”), Emilie de Ravin (“LOST”), Colin O’Donoghue (“The Rite”) and Jared Gilmore (“Mad Men”), as they discuss the upcoming season of new characters, new adventures and new rivalries as this moderated Q&A panel is sure to bring some surprises you won’t want to miss! 11:00-11:45 a.m., Ballroom 20. An autograph session follows from 12:15-1:00 p.m. at the ABC Castle on the Convention Center Floor, booth #4245.
Comic-Con goers will experience the worlds of “Once Upon A Time,” “The Quest,” “Galavant,” “Resurrection” and “Toy Story That Time Forgot” in the magical ABC Castle on the Convention Center Floor, booth #4245. Fans will get to visit Mr. Gold’s Pawn Shop and pick up an exclusive custom pin! Those who collect all five pins will win passes to the “Once Upon a Time,” “Resurrection” or “Toy Story That Time Forgot” autograph session (subject to availability).

My personal speculation, based on the people they're bringing, is that Sean isn't getting promoted to regular and they're re-thinking the Knave's promotion, too. Otherwise it makes no sense not to bring them - they've always brought all the regulars, minus the ones who couldn't for various unavoidable problems (Robert the second year, Ginny this year) or were too young (Jared until now).

Yeah, I'm surprised that there's no Socha. Maybe they figured out that adding 3953065645 people to the cast isn't a good idea? We can always dream....


I hope everyone in the audience keeps in mind that Jared is a) there and b) just a kid, and keeps everything respectful.

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I hope everyone in the audience keeps in mind that Jared is a) there and b) just a kid, and keeps everything respectful.


God, yes. As soon as I saw his name, I got even more concerned about the fan issues.


I love that Yvette Nicole Brown is modding.

Edited by Souris

I'm assuming Socha isn't there because he's not on the show yet. What do you ask him when we don't even know what he's doing? And since Sean's not a regular, that's no surprise.

I do wonder about Jared, especially when it comes to the blogger roundtables backstage. I wonder who they will pair him with. Are all the mains going to go it alone for each interview? Or are they going to maybe pair Lara with Jared and Colin with JMo? That has to happen! Those two are ridiculous when they're interviewed together and Colin doesn't have MRJ as his crutch this year so ......

Edited by sharky

Yvette Nicole Brown is good news. I find a lot of the entertainment reporter types they usually get are too aware of the sub-fandoms and ships. I have hope that a fellow actor is more likely to ask questions about crafting the show and their performances, rather than trying to tease out spoilers and make shippers squeal. 

They only did a trio the very first year. At this point I expect nearly everyone on their own, except Adam and Eddy together and Jared. I do think Jared will be paired with someone but I can't decide who. I think Lana would love to do it but I think the press would prefer Lana was on her own. I think there's not even a 1% chance of Lana and Jmo being at the same table.

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In addition to all that has been said here and in other areas of this forum, I will say that the most concerning part of this protest (I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't come close to actually happening) is that it will be compared to the Jesus Freaks outside the convention center.  Now, I always joke that it doesn't feel like Comic Con until I've been told I'm going to hell for reading Batman, but those protesters are there every year, the Westboro Church nutjobs were there at my first con (haven't read anything about them in subsequent years so they either stopped coming or people stopped giving them press), and protests with more legitimate grievances (like rape culture as depicted in comic books, television, and movies-which is absolutely pervasive and deserves its own day in Hall H to discuss the nuances and ways to change) will be lumped into the same nutjob category.  It's unfair and gross, to be sure, but that's what would happen.  Just look at last year's panel on women in film/television.  It was in Hall H (ie, the con's biggest platform), the panelists were actually asked interesting questions, gave interesting answers, and were still subject to ridicule by audience idiots because one of them (Michelle Rodriguez I think) gave an answer that hit a little too close to home (she basically, though politely, called out the fact that the biggest antagonists for women in the industry are men-which is absolutely true-and the men in the audience got pissy).  The exact kind of panel that should be more common at these types of events ended up dismissed and ridiculed.  That's exactly what I expect to happen if this protest happens and it's such a shame.  I'd much rather coming up with good questions to ask at this and other panels (and praising Regina and Rumpel while dismissing Hook won't do it).  I think it would provide a better success rate for the short term and then these concerned viewers could devote their non-Con time to using social media to continue bringing this issue to light and try to open the eyes of the writers (maybe even try to host panels at the smaller cons) for the long term.

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I actually can answer this. It's because Oz Con sells DVDs of the panel. If there's fan recordings available, no one is gonna buy them. Comic Con allows recordings, however (except for when they show clips) so we should get those.

It also means that if something comes up that the actors don't want to be mentioned on the DVD, it can be edited out before the public release. Probably won't do much against the social media because live tweeting is becoming more prominent, but at least it minimises the video out there if it's something the actors don't want going viral.

So, apparently abc's president said that Adam and Eddy don't get the credit they deserve for OUAT and they're going to be telling stories for a long time to come.



OUAT was the top rated show for the network on its timeslot in its demo. Can't help feeling this means more short-term story arcs like Wicked and Frozen, and more drawing-out of angst and plot. I don't think A and E had more than 5 yrs planned out originally, and I can't help thinking they'll just try to draw the same material out over a longer time-frame.

Normally, a show like this where there's have a plethora of characters to use and fantastic other-worldly places to explore could last a long time... but not with these writers or their current budget. If it were on cable? Yeah, totally. But I have no doubt this show will make it to season 7 or 8, and by then, I fear that our core main characters will just be going through the motions and the exciting stories will be given to the seasonal villains. (Oh, wait... that process has already started, hasn't it?)

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And Wonderland fizzling out doesn’t hurt the odds of Once getting another spin-off, the executive added.

“[showrunners Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis] are endlessly inventive,” Lee said. “They have a glimpse in their eyes of stories they’re going to spin for many years to come on Once, and maybe beyond it. It certainly doesn’t rule out their ability or our ability to build on Once. In many ways, Once itself changes every season by bringing on new characters—think of the world of Hook, of Wicked, and now to have teased Frozen. It’s a very exciting way for us to use ABC to really take advantage of some of that—not just for the centuries of fairy tales, but specifically [stories] that come out of the Walt Disney company.”




I'm kind of excited for a pre-curse Hook spinoff now!




Sunday fantasy drama “Once Upon a Time” will take a break at midseason to make room for the offbeat musical comedy “Galavant,” which also mines fairy-tale themes. Viewers “are now used to watching what you’ve been seeing on cable — complete launch of episodes without a break (for reruns). We’ll give you a fall finale and then a spring premiere,” he said.




We already knew the show would be split up into half seasons.

Edited by pezgirl7
Well, I suppose it's good the ABC President has confidence in the show considering the ratings drop this season.

The ratings didn't really drop though. They held pretty steady. They dropped a lot during Season 2 and the Season 3 ratings held steady from there.  Season 2 ratings look better because they were better in the beginning of the season which buoys up the average while Season 3 trunlded along pretty consistently.


Stabilizing viewers and winning your time slot are appreciated by network programmers. Especially when the viewers are in the covetted demos. Shows like American Idol may get more viewers, but they do worse in the ratings because of the demographics.


With Neilsen folding in the ratings from mobile devices starting this fall, I suspect that younger skewing Once will benefit. I wonder if there will also be a little bit of help from plugging the "one-hour earlier in Canada" streaming hole that no longer exists now that The Amazing Race has moved nights.


Also, add in that ABC produces Once so they get a bit of extra revenue there.

Edited by kili

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