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S32: Debbie Wanner

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 If Debbie doesn't want people to criticize her for living, then she shouldn't live on TV for 13 weeks. And if posters don't want to be criticized for talking shit about people, then they shouldn't talk shit about people. 

I would replace that second one with "if people don't want to read shit people write about other people, this is probably not the site you should be reading."  It's a lovely, bright group here but if someone looks strikingly like the Wicked Witch of the West actress, we're not the type to not say so.  


Oops, and judy just posted kind of the same thing.

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Isn't that what this sort of message board is, at least partly,  about?  I can understand getting dog-piled if I went to Gweneth Paltrow's fan site and said I thought she looked like a boy in a wig, but I thought this was my safe place to snark.


With respect, but I don't see anyone getting dogpiled. A few people made comments about Debbie's looks (including some posts about old she looks in the episode threads) and a couple of other people said it didn't sit right with them.


I would replace that second one with "if people don't want to read shit people write about other people, this is probably not the site you should be reading."


I agree with that too. I guess I'd add it, but not replace it because even places like this that sanction moderate rudeness don't make a person immune from criticism. I've seen people here claim that Parvati was giving off-screen blowjobs to people and that's how she got as far as she did in Micronesia; to me that's way over the line and I said something about it to the OP. But different people draw the line in different places, and I don't think it's for me to say that someone is being too sensitive about something that might not bother me personally.

Edited by fishcakes
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Agree a hundred times. I always feel blindsided by it, too, because there is no way to guess who the next delicate flower, in need of immunity from criticism, will be.

Has anyone besides Fauxbama criticized Debbie for being/looking old? I haven't seen it.

Fauxbama and I Scream were going on about both Debbie's and Joe's ages on Episode 1, IIRC.

And please don't anybody think my "bad luck" comments were in any way intended to excuse Debbie's actions, or mitigate their severity. Debbie is hauling around a a 20-lb. sack of shit in terms of her past, but she filled every ounce of that sack herself. I was merely commenting on the curious synchronicity of the universe that she should be exposed as guilty of a crime on a national stage exactly when THAT particular crime would be construed in its worse possible light. It's like her Lucky Bucket just said, "Fuck it".

These sorts of things amuse me to no small degree. :>

Edited by Nashville
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I would replace that second one with "if people don't want to read shit people write about other people, this is probably not the site you should be reading."  It's a lovely, bright group here but if someone looks strikingly like the Wicked Witch of the West actress, we're not the type to not say so.  


Oops, and judy just posted kind of the same thing.

Man, you guys are right, she does look like that actress. 

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I thought maybe we were going to lose Debbie over that body fat issue we'd been debating.  I'm glad she wasn't seriously ill.  Only Debbie would pop up bragging --

"I knew it was heat stroke because of my training!"   Heh.  She got to me talking about her daughters though.  We all want out kids to not see our mistakes.

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Debbie reminds me a bit of Lilth from Cheers/Fraiser. I'm glad she's okay. She's nutty, but I'm learning to like her. I do hope that her medical issue doesn't cost her down the road. I think she's actually got more strategy than it appears, and is just hiding her time.

Edited by LadyChatts
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So, I get that Debbie has a long, storied life with many different careers. But why are we getting this constantly changing mélange of them in her on-screen bios? I don't remember Survivor ever doing this with any other contestant, who must surely also have (at least in many cases) wide-ranging backgrounds. Many people do. So why is Debbie getting the edit? Is it just some strange preferential treatment, or is it going to come up as a plot point down the road?


The only other time I can (vaguely) recall something similar was possibly a contestant who had told their castmates their job was something else, and then when the real occupation was revealed, every bio afterwards listed the real job? (I might be misremembering.)

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I think it's just a joke on her know-it-all persona. Any time a job or skill is mentioned, she's either done it or has it, so the editors are changing her caption every time to poke a little harmless fun at her.

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Didn't they do something similar with Philip Shephard?

Not really. They did put something like "special agent", followed by a question mark. Which might be deemed meaner than the Debbie treatment :)

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Someone on the episode thread said "What Ranger School?" and I heard her give its name, and remembered because Hawk Mountain is in Pennsylvania where I am:  http://www.capranger.org/  Hawk Mountain Ranger School.


Interesting, there seems to be a civil air patrol basis to this school and some of their training.  Wasn't one of her interests flying?  Variety of courses, some longer and more "rangerish" than others but the longest was only 9 days. 


i still think she's going to flame and burn soon but I like her and hope not. 

Edited by marys1000
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Someone on the episode thread said "What Ranger School?" and I heard her give its name, and remembered because Hawk Mountain is in Pennsylvania where I am:  http://www.capranger.org/  Hawk Mountain Ranger School.


Oh, it was the Hawk Mountain in PA? That's right near me too and I thought of it, but I didn't think she lived anywhere near here. 

So, I get that Debbie has a long, storied life with many different careers. But why are we getting this constantly changing mélange of them in her on-screen bios? I don't remember Survivor ever doing this with any other contestant, who must surely also have (at least in many cases) wide-ranging backgrounds. Many people do. So why is Debbie getting the edit? Is it just some strange preferential treatment, or is it going to come up as a plot point down the road?



I think it's just a joke on her know-it-all persona. Any time a job or skill is mentioned, she's either done it or has it, so the editors are changing her caption every time to poke a little harmless fun at her.

Agreed. I can't really blame them for doing it either, it's pretty low-hanging fruit given all the ammunition she's giving them.


I thought maybe we were going to lose Debbie over that body fat issue we'd been debating.  I'm glad she wasn't seriously ill.  Only Debbie would pop up bragging --"I knew it was heat stroke because of my training!"   Heh.  She got to me talking about her daughters though.  We all want out kids to not see our mistakes.


The bolded part is what makes her utterly exhausting, but as I've said about her before, if you can manage to hide your annoyance and/or learn to find it endearing in a sense of its predicability that OF COURSE Debbie would do that, she would be a good ally. I could see Aubry possibly having the social IQ to do that and Joe is sort of aligned with her by default.


Neal appears to be just tolerating her thus far and will probably snap eventually. Dr. Peter had impressed me in one episode by seeming to figure out how to deal with Debbie, but he's since proven himself to be too far up his own ass to do much at all. 

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I thought maybe we were going to lose Debbie over that body fat issue we'd been debating.  I'm glad she wasn't seriously ill.  Only Debbie would pop up bragging --

"I knew it was heat stroke because of my training!"   Heh.  She got to me talking about her daughters though.  We all want out kids to not see our mistakes.


I mentioned this in the episode thread, but one of her tribemates said was weighs 98lbs and that would have been before she started on the show. Considering the weight loss normal contestants go through, I am genuinely worried that she'll pass out again before this is all over. Looking at Courtney Yates, who is probably the best comparison in terms of weight was 93lbs when she started China and 86lbs at the end. And Courtney was 20 years younger and not playing in the same extreme heat. I really dislike Debbie, but I do think unless the weather turns cool and rainy very soon or she gets voted off soon (please let it be that!) she's going to wind up in very rough physical shape.

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In case you missed the captions for Debbie-


civil air patrol captain




I only saw the waitress on ep 1, then just the 2 on the following episodes


What does an civil air patrol captain do?

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In case you missed the captions for Debbie-


civil air patrol captain




I only saw the waitress on ep 1, then just the 2 on the following episodes


What does an civil air patrol captain do?

She was a caretaker to Nuns in Ep. 1

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In the Air Force Capt is..a senior lower officer if that makes sense.  2nd Lt, 1st Lt, Capt, then Major, Lt Col, Col, General.  Apparently there are 3 levels of "Flight Officer" before 2Lt in CAP. 

Sounds like members have to climb the ranks, pass PT tests and academic tests along the way.  Not sure how long Capt would

take.  But it sounds like she is/was involved for awhile at least and probably has a flight license of some kind.

I googled CAP.  

The Civil Air Patrol (CAP) is a congressionally chartered, federally supported non-profit corporation that serves as the official civilian auxiliary of the United States Air Force (USAF).[4] CAP is a volunteer organization with an aviation-minded membership that includes people from all backgrounds, lifestyles, and occupations. It performs three congressionally assigned key missions: emergency services, which includes search and rescue (by air and ground) and disaster relief operations; aerospace education for youth and the general public; and cadet programs for teenage youth. In addition, CAP has recently been tasked with homeland security and courier service missions. CAP also performs non-auxiliary missions for various governmental and private agencies, such as local law enforcement and the American Red Cross. The program is established as an organization by Title 10 of the United States Code[5] and its purposes defined by Title 36.[6]

Membership in the organization consists of cadets ranging from 12 to just under 21 years of age, and senior members 18 years of age and up. These two groups each have the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of pursuits; the cadet program contributes to the development of the former group with a structured syllabus and an organization based upon United States Air Force ranks and pay grades, while the older members serve as instructors, supervisors, and operators. All members wear uniforms while performing their duties.

Officer grades up to lieutenant colonel reflect progression in training and organizational seniority, rather than command authority. Because of this, it is not uncommon for senior members commanding groups and squadrons to have members of superior grades serving under them

Edited by marys1000
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I might be an army of one here, but Debbie makes me tired all over. Knowing she's trying to be a role model for her kids makes some of her previous behavior more baffling.

I've been one of her biggest detractors, but I did gain a smidgen of a start to respecting her (a start, not actual respect yet) because we heard an on-camera admission about her having "made mistakes in my life". That could be a prelude to a future talking head interview about her shady past and the show perhaps even airing it.

Edited by Kromm
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Are there any old school Real World fans on this board? I finally figured out who Debbie reminds me: Cara (aka CJP) from Real World Chicago. Granted, it would be Cara with 30 or so extra years of HARD living, but something about her face and her mannerisms gives me major CJP flashbacks. 



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Are there any old school Real World fans on this board? I finally figured out who Debbie reminds me: Cara (aka CJP) from Real World Chicago. Granted, it would be Cara with 30 or so extra years of HARD living, but something about her face and her mannerisms gives me major CJP flashbacks.


I never thought about it but wow I see it.

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I envy those of you who are enjoying Debbie.  She makes me tired all over.  Couldn't bear watching Coach, couldn't bear watching Phillip, and I am exhausted by Debbie for all the same reasons.

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I never thought about it but wow I see it.

I think it's that Joe Camel face structure they both have. Glad someone else sees it! :) 


I envy those of you who are enjoying Debbie.  She makes me tired all over.  Couldn't bear watching Coach, couldn't bear watching Phillip, and I am exhausted by Debbie for all the same reasons.


I could never bear Phillip either and Coach in his first season drove me absolutely insane (he bothered me less in his subsequent seasons, but Tocantins? Murder!!!) 


Debbie drove me nuts in the first episode or so and I can't stress enough that she's the kind of person I would never want to deal with IRL (and given the fact that she apparently lives only about a half hour away from me and has so many jobs that I could very well run into her somewhere, most likely Red Lobster* ;), this could happen), she's entertaining me on TV. 


*Can you imagine having Debbie as a server? I guarantee she's the kind of server who will damn near stand on her head to do what she thinks will make you happy, BUT will drive you insane by butting into your dining experience in every way, from commenting on your food choices to trying to join in on your private conversation. 


I've had servers actually refuse to serve me what I ordered (told me that "only old people order that, you'll like this soup better instead") and I can totally picture Debbie being that type.

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Dammit.  Every single episode I forget to pay attention to the captions/descriptors under her name.  I don't even think I've seen ONE yet.

Has "Model" come up yet on her list of professions?


Yeah, I clicked the NSFW link of her on the car.......sure wish I'd have listened to my gut on that one.

Edited by laurakaye
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Didn't she have one that said "Water Quality Expert" or something like that?  Or did I just wish it...


It's too bad this wasn't a "collar" season (I know, perish the thought!) because Debbie is pretty no-collar.  Or maybe she's a new category All Collars.

Edited by Special K
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Did it really say "Caretaker to Nuns" as her job at one point?  Because I thought what she said was "caretaker to none."  Which is weird, considering she has kids.  Actually, neither makes sense.  Right?


I don't know what I believe anymore with this one.  I'm waiting for Survivor to have some fun and write "Tooth Fairy" or "Psychic to the President" or "Was Ripped Two Weeks Ago." 

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I don't know what I believe anymore with this one.  I'm waiting for Survivor to have some fun and write "Tooth Fairy" or "Psychic to the President" or "Was Ripped Two Weeks Ago."


The Best.


I think it was Caretaker to None, and she meant her kids are grown so she doesn't have to look after anyone (also reference, I guess, to a husband/spouse). 


Though maybe she is like the Cinderella live-in help scrubbing the hearths in a convent?

Edited by Special K
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In case you missed the captions for Debbie-


civil air patrol captain




I only saw the waitress on ep 1, then just the 2 on the following episodes


What does an civil air patrol captain do?

Didn't she also tell them in the first episode that she has had extensive Survival training?  I seem to recall someone commenting in a TH about her bragging about it but not actually being able to follow through on any of her claims.

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She also said she was a photonics manufacturing supervisor and bartender on ep 1 plus that caretaker to none or nuns lol why would the nuns need a caretaker?


I only saw the 4 as captions under her name maybe more are coming lol

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I wonder if the photonics manufacturing supervisor refers to her job running some sort of industrial laser machine.  (got that on LinkedIn)


Anyway, I don't think she stands a chance at final tribal but I hope she makes the jury.  I like her. 

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In case you missed the captions for Debbie:


civil air patrol captain
electronics expert

part-time model


Not shown as a caption but she said: caretaker of nuns, bartender, photonics manufacturing supervisor, photographer...

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In case you missed the captions for Debbie:


civil air patrol captain



electronics expert

part-time model


Not shown as a caption but she said: caretaker of nuns, bartender, photonics manufacturing supervisor, photographer...


Thanks, piequinn35!  This is a very important service you are providing.  (No irony!)

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I love her many specialties and the way the editors are playfully highlighting them all one after the other - also means she gets a lot of confessionals, because how else can they show a new qualifier on screen?


That aside, she deserves many confessionals because so far that woman is playing an amazing game and doing it in a way we (or at least I) haven't seen before. She's both right there in everyone's face and under the radar. She talks to everyone, and most people wants to play with her and suspect she's a joke. She's a joker all right, in the meaning of card games, in that while her fellow players might see her as a female version of Coach 1.0 or Phil Secret Agent 1.0, she's actually playing the game with much more awareness and skill that either of these two did, and even better than about anyone else so far this season. 


At this stage, she's the one I want to win, or are least go very far :)

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She's the surprise of the season for sure. She had bossy, annoying, middle aged lady first boot written all over her in the premiere and she's turned out to be much better at the game than I would have ever guessed. 


Still on the fence about whether she can actually win, but I'm rooting for her at this point, which I was not expecting. 

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I'm not rooting for her because she's basically Coach Wade. Crazy, deluded, claims to have done and seen everything, and completely full of herself. But at the same time, I do enjoy watching her in a way that I never enjoyed Coach, maybe because on top of everything else, Coach was a hypocrite and kind of mean. Debbie seems like a nice enough person, albeit probably insanely annoying to be around for more than five minutes.

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I'm not rooting for her because she's basically Coach Wade. Crazy, deluded, claims to have done and seen everything, and completely full of herself. But at the same time, I do enjoy watching her in a way that I never enjoyed Coach, maybe because on top of everything else, Coach was a hypocrite and kind of mean. Debbie seems like a nice enough person, albeit probably insanely annoying to be around for more than five minutes.


Coach's treatment of Sierra in particular was what made him unbearable to me, the condescending "you've made your choices, now you must live with the consequences" and how genuine he seemed to be about rubbing salt in the wounds of being low man on the totem pole. 


Debbie's enjoying herself in confessionals and making a grand spectacle of herself in certain ways, but she doesn't appear to be mean to anyone's face. 

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My enjoyment of watching Debbie is equal to my certainty that she would make me want to slit my wrists if I encountered her in real life.  I feel like I'm watching a cartoon character or something.

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In case you missed the captions for Debbie:


civil air patrol captain



electronics expert

part-time model


Not shown as a caption but she said: caretaker of nuns, bartender, photonics manufacturing supervisor, photographer...


Didn't she also say something about animal rescue?  It is so hard to keep track of all her "accomplishments".




My enjoyment of watching Debbie is equal to my certainty that she would make me want to slit my wrists if I encountered her in real life.  I feel like I'm watching a cartoon character or something.


You are watching a cartoon character.  Jiminy Cricket.

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