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S06.E07: Pretty Mess

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I think Lisa and Bravo's relationship is that one hand feeds the other.  This isn't just about RHBH.  It's about Vanderpump Rules as well.  They're going to portray Lisa as the queen bee.  It's all about money.  No one is really going to go up against the the queen bee because the veterans know that Lisa is going to get the 'victim' edit.  She's got the other show.  And that's not only Bravo, that's the production company.  I think we all know why Andy is so far up Lisa's ass.  It's about money and ratings.


Beth 'was' a cash cow for Bravo in the past and Andy is still holding on to the idea that Beth can be a cash cow again.  He may profess about how Beth increased the ratings for RHNY but the truth is that isn't exactly so.  But I think he sold Bravo on bringing her back at a high cost and he's doing everything to shove her down our throats.  The problem is that Beth isn't the same person she was originally on RHNY.  I really liked Beth then but she's changed in too many obnoxious ways.  Or maybe he's smarter than we think and is banking on Beth being the person we love to hate.  Bottom line, it's all about ratings.


I forget who posted it, but Lisa is stealth.  But I think she would collapse against a formidable opponent.  She really hasn't had one.

  • Love 10
Also? I think Erika's hair is actually all hers.  Perhaps she wears some clip in extensions for her performances and whatnot.  But in those scenes at the Hamptons it looked all real.



It would be hard to believe considering how much processing/damage happens to keep it that blonde, but I had the same thought last night.  From the back, nary a track mark was seen. Even when she was moving her head around.



I think Erika's hair is real.  In the scene where she and Yolanda met Kyle in the park, Kyle complimented Erika's ponytail and Erika said something like, "Like you don't have your own beautiful hair too.", or something like that.  Her ponytail didn't look fake like a lot of the one's I've seen.

  • Love 6

I'm guessing Vince's former wife was a "tad bit" bothered by the affair too, as were their sons. This is not saying Vince wdoesnt hold culpability. Eileen get off your holier than thou pedestal. You mcreated the situation, own it.



Did I dream it or didn't Eileen say last season that she and Vince's ex are good friends now and was pissed off at Brandi for causing the media to go after her again by mentioning Eileen and Vince being married to other people when they got together?  Or am I thinking of another cheating couple?

  • Love 4

Eileen needs to realize that the issue she doesn't want to talk about will come up TWICE if she then requests a sit down about it. Better to move on.

I like LVP. I hope this season doesn't turn into another pile-on. FWIW, I thought her conversation with Erika in the limo about her older husband was a try at common ground because Ken is also older.

  • Love 6

Did I dream it or didn't Eileen say last season that she and Vince's ex are good friends now and was pissed off at Brandi for causing the media to go after her again by mentioning Eileen and Vince being married to other people when they got together?  Or am I thinking of another cheating couple?

Eileen said it at the Reunion and added that it was time to hang up on the conversation about the affair.  She also told Brandi she might want to give it try-getting along with her e and his wife. 


I counted 15 stories about the affair today because of last night's episode. 

  • Love 5

I don't see a similarity between Erika and Brandi-- at least not any more than a I see a similarity between Brandi and Lisa or Brandi and Kyle or Brandi and LisaR... you get my point. There are commonalities between any 2 people. But to me, Brandi was very emotional, cried all the time, was extremely sensitive, drank a lot, admitted to using benzos to calm down many times... she was just a mean vicious mess and I see Erika the opposite in many ways. She is calm, doesn't raise her voice, has a lot of self control, doesn't drink very much or even at all (I don't think she drinks), and I can't imagine her crying because of how she thinks the ladies are treating her. 


I'm not sure I believe that fights are producer driven, just because it seems like a professional would be able to come up with something better to cause friction with. As far as having Bethanny on the show, who knows why that happened. But I'm SURE Bethenny will be bragging about how ratings are up (as a way to deny or make her behavior seem acceptable).


Also, Jill Zarin attended the BELLA 2013 Hampton party, so I call bs that bethanny doesn't know what it is.



Edited by bravofan27
  • Love 4

So if it's the case, as many of you suggest and I believe, that LVPs interrogations are production motivated shit stirring, why don't the other HWs see that? They know they are on a show, they know they need to have conflicts, why don't they play it up? I'm so confused. Shouldn't they see this is a "drama" opportunity and participate? Or is that what Eileen's pearl clutching was about?

In my first comment on this episode I said I think it comes down to a more experienced player (Vanderpump) and a newer one who hasn't quite caught on yet.  It sort of reminds me of OC a few seasons back when Tamara/Gretchen became friends for a minute and that one...Alexis was super confused because nobody clued her in that they had to switch up the teams to keep their jobs.  Lisa's throwing lifelines to Erika and Eileen.  Erika might get it, Eileen isn't quite there yet.  Someone needs to have an off-camera chat with her.  


And this all-stars housewives idea...I'd play it like Shark Tank/Road Rules.  Put 'em on an RV schilling their products across the USA.

  • Love 7

From Wikipedia



"Having landed six number one slots on the Billboard Dance Chart, Erika Jayne ranks with the Pussycat Dolls and Rihanna for the most number ones on a debut release.[5] Her latest single "Get it Tonight" is also the most successful garnering over three million views on YouTube before it was removed for content violation. "Get it Tonight" is also her first single not to chart to number one on the US Dance charts or to even make the top thirty. In September, 2014, Jayne had her seventh number one dance chart in the US, with "PAINKILLR".[6]"


And she's got another #1 "Crazy" in 2015 making it 8 #1 Billboard Dance Chart Hits. Guess she knows a bit about how to brand.


Suck eggs Beth.

  • Love 12

Leave it to the chuckleheads at Bravo to go back to the "Blondes vs. Brunettes" well once more. 


Well, if that's the way the lines are drawn, I will stand firmly with Team Brunette!


Of course, Bethany had to get in the dig at LVP's magazine cover, "Bella?  What's that?  That's a magazine?  I've never heard of it.  Is it in the Hamptons?  Never heard of it."



We've had a home in the Hamptons for the past 30 years, and I've never heard of Bella either.  (Other than Yo's daughter, who we now have reason to confuse with a magazine, since I guess it wasn't bad enough that we have to sort out Gigi/Giggy!)

  • Love 7

I'm rewatching, and during LisaV's grilling of Eileen, LisaR has a talking head where she says how insensitive LisaV is being and when they go back to the episode, as LisaV is still grilling Eileen, LisaR says "Hit her"  to Eileen, talking about Lisa Vanderpump.  I just noticed that.  LOL!


David really needs to stop with the tired jokes trying to cheer Yolanda up.  When he first commented on her breasts to Lisa he said, "Ken has better tits than her"  then he corrected himself and said "bigger".  It clearly sends the message that he considers bigger as better.  And notably, Yolanda did not laugh at his little joke.  I think it probably hurt her immensely.  smdh

Edited by swankie
  • Love 4



Your post got me to thinking about society.

Just pondering...

A lot of mothers back in the day went to college looking for good prospects to get their Mrs. degree... a more genteel way of gold digging I guess. Why didn't they just marry their  high school sweetheart jock back at home now pumping gas?

Would Erica still be called a "gold digger" if she married an older Mr. Gerardi (sp?) who ran a small modest business who then grew it into something much, much bigger or came into a windfall after they were married? Don't think so.

What is the cut off point for age or and money before one reaches gold digger territory?

Is Kate a gold digger for marrying Prince William?

Should we call women "gutter lickers" when they settle for and marry problem men or unsuccessful men?

Why is it looked down upon for a woman to marry for money and security if her intended is  marrying for companionship in old age, or has a thing for sweet young sexy things, or has a fondness for a person who treats him with kindness? If both are aware going into the marriage aware of what the other brings and what the other wants why do we have to put the labels of gold digger/dirty old man on the relationship?

Just pondering

This is the best post ever to be posted anywhere ever. Standing O Giselle!



FWIW, I thought her conversation with Erika in the limo about her older husband was a try at common ground because Ken is also older.

I think maybe she was too but most people don't like to be attacked before friendship is offered. Lisa has spent too much time with dogs...people don't operate that way except when they need something from you like the Cedric's and Brandi's of the world.

  • Love 3



There doesn't seem to be anything to her besides her gays and her costumes. Being Erika whoever and being Erika Jayne only makes her twice as boring to me.


I went online to watch her video after the show, and I didn't think sexy, I thought sad. No matter how dewy the skin, she's clearly (well) past the pop diva starting gate. The singing was weak, and that video for the song featuring Flo-rida (Crazy) gave me second-hand embarrassment and watching her try to keep up with the young'uns gave me Kris Jenner teas.


IMO she's anything BUT real. She's as fake as the rest, just in a different way. But she IS married-rich, and that allows her to give no fucks now.  She's not grasping as much as the others because she doesn't have to. I have no doubt cocktail waitress Erika was a game-playing, grasping mofo.




I agree.  I don't think there's very much that's real about her.  For all of her carrying-on about being genuine, I think she is out to impress at every turn.  She seems incapable of talking about anything other than herself.  Or how successful her husband is.  But mostly about herself.   She married a rich, successful attorney and she has this alter-ego act she does.  Okay, I get it.  I don't need to be hit over the head with the same stuff over and over.  She's way too one-note for me, and I don't find that one note all that interesting.  I didn't the first time, and I'm beyond over it now.


What she does as Erika Jayne has been done a million times before.  I don't find it shocking, just nothing new.  IMO she's not innovative, unique, or special in any way.  Both of her personalities are kind of boring, IMO.  There just doesn't seem to be all that much there. 



I've learned watching RH's, if someone is asked personal questions and refuses to answer, they are soon replaced. Lisa V is aware. I think her smirks while telling Eileen to' just say you don't want to talk about it' (as if that is acceptable on HW's), while adding in 'I've nothing to hide ask me anything' with both Eileen and Erika are telling. Lisa V knows in order to stay relevant you can't not talk about everything your asked. Grooming the new gals. Kyle gets the 'f my life with this contract' look when asked about Kim. She CAN'T refuse to talk about it or she'll be gone. She's found clever ways to imply she's not wanting to talk about it but gives just enough info to keep Andy salivating. Same with Yolanda. We are tired of seeing her tired, but she CAN'T refuse to talk about it. I believe Yolanda worked hard at keeping her struggles as private as possible until production gave her an ultimatum. jmo


I don't think I've ever disagreed with anything here as much as I disagree with this. Yolanda has done nothing to keep her struggles private, and has proved that again and again, going far beyond this show.  She has been putting in vast amounts of time for years posting details and photos on Twitter, Instagram, and every bit of social media she can get her hands on.  She has given interview after interview, and provided photos of herself in the hospital, at home in bed, at various medical clinics, including - as was posted here - a photo of herself posing with her medications.   Bravo had nothing to do with any of that.  It was all Yolanda.  She also chose to discuss with her family her upcoming surgery and the location of her will at a time when she was very well aware that she was being filmed for the show.   And then she allowed Bravo's cameras not only into the OR for the surgery, but also clearly wanted to be filmed right before she went in and right after she came out..  And this wasn't the first time.  She had a port removed a few seasons ago, and we got to see that too.  And her dental visit, and IV treatments, and on and on and on.  There is no way that Bravo insisted on any of that, and there is no way that they issued an ultimatum.  There was no need to.  She has made the details of her life, inappropriately IMO, a completely open book, and saw to it that every detail was blasted all over the internet.   Whatever we've seen, and it's been way too much, is all because SHE chose to put it out there.  She's not letting up either, and likely never will, whether she continues on this show or not.  And the very fact that she came back for another season speaks volumes  As sick as she claimed to be, unable to read or get out of bed or drive or function, and as "brain dead" as she told us she was, she somehow managed to put her signature on the piece of paper that gave her another season as a HW.   If she was being forced to reveal her personal life against her will, then she never would have signed on for another season, sick or not.   There were no ultimatums.  There was just Yolanda and her desperate need to be front and center at all times.


If I was so discomfited over a coworker asking me questions in a crowded restaurant about a subject on which I had already shared the most salacious details that my face contorted into all manners of weird and unattractive expressions, I know the first thing that I'd to would be to perpetuate the conflict/belabor my disgruntlement to ensure that the issue made it to air. The point about Lisa discussing the issue in front of cameras is just as applicable to Eileen; if she didn't want to talk about it or increase the odds that the discourse would make it onto national television, the easiest way of ensuring those ends would have been to politely and undramatically respond to Lisa. Eileen is demonstrably canny enough to realize that; by reviving the matter in not one but two subsequent scenes, she did way more than Lisa to guarantee the dispute and her supposedly sacrosanct personal business made it onto national tv even before she filmed her talking heads.




And she had the option of speaking to Lisa off-camera, at a time when they weren't being filmed.  "Hey, Lisa, you probably didn't realize it, but I was super-uncomfortable with that conversation.  Can we not talk about that when we're filming?  I kind of feel it's been done to death already, and my son's at a bad age for that kind of thing.".   Or something like that.  In their real lives, the cameras are not there more than they are there, so it shouldn't have been difficult to find a moment to call Lisa without being filmed.  Because the last thing someone on a reality show should want is a topic they're not happy with being brought up again and again on camera.  Attempting to nip it in the bud off-camera might end the whole problem.  Or might not.  But then at least she would know if Lisa was really trying to stir things up or not.  And at least Eileen herself would not have contributed to yet more airtime for the dreaded subject.


I like Eileen, but this whole, "Poor me. Lisa was being mean bringing up my affair." Business is ridiculous. If she is so bothered, maybe she shouldn't have had an affair with a married man. I'm guessing Vince's former wife was a "tad bit" bothered by the affair too, as were their sons. This is not saying Vince wdoesnt hold culpability. Eileen get off your holier than thou pedestal. You mcreated the situation, own it.


Yes, maybe she shouldn't have had the affair.  But she did, and that's now part of her history.  So maybe she shouldn't have signed on for this show.  It's a reality show, and she's being paid to be filmed living her real life and talking about her real life.   She's an intelligent woman, so she had to realize that the subject might come up.  Anyone who goes on a reality show has to be completely prepared for skeletons to be dragged out of their closets.  Things they know, that no one else knows, that they never in a million years would expect to see the light of day very well might surface on a reality show.  And if that's true, then certainly something that's easily found by googling and has likely been known by her fans for years is fair game, and questions about it are to be expected.


I agree with you - She created the situation by having the affair.  But none of this would have played out the way it did if she hadn't then opted to feature her personal life on national television.  That was her own choice, and I'm surprised she didn't make that choice with both eyes wide open.  I thought she was smarter than that.

Edited by DebbieM4
  • Love 14

If Eileen valued her private life so much she would never have agreed to do this show.  Then again, she agreed before Dick Van Patten died*, and may have had no choice but to bring in some extra money, if this is true.  http://www.allaboutthetea.com/2016/01/11/blind-item-his-costly-addiction-is-out-of-control/


ETA *( IF Vince does inherit dad's money, either way, she may have felt she needed that cash)

When Vince and Eileen have been bickering, it always looks as if Vince is into his gambling obsession. It makes it hard for me to watch, and yet I'm really fascinated. It's no wonder Eileen is a little more uptight this year. What will happen with Dick's money once Vince gets his hands on it. Dick was one of my big tv stars when I was a child, so I'm generally interested in the whole family. Nosy of me, I admit. 

  • Love 4

Why is it looked down upon for a woman to marry for money and security if her intended is  marrying for companionship in old age, or has a thing for sweet young sexy things, or has a fondness for a person who treats him with kindness? If both are aware going into the marriage aware of what the other brings and what the other wants why do we have to put the labels of gold digger/dirty old man on the relationship?


Erika may or may not have been a gold digger.  Bottom line for me is, she forged a happy life for herself and seems to make her husband happy.  Using Bethenny as an example, Beth worked her ass off, clawed her way to the top, had 2 crappy marriages and will continue to be bitter and miserable until she takes a good hard look at how much of her life she's wasted by being this way. You only have one life, yet she's choosing this path.  She's got bags of money but she seems really miserable.


Erika's also got bags of money - which she married into and earned herself - and seems to be happy and well-adjusted.  She chose her path, too.


If we're keeping score, Erika for the win.

  • Love 17

What will happen with Dick's money once Vince gets his hands on it. Dick was one of my big tv stars when I was a child, so I'm generally interested in the whole family. Nosy of me, I admit. 


Dick was teaching them all to gamble since they were little boys.  He must've been aware if Vinny was any good at it at the time of his death.  Or if Vinny had a problem.  If Dick thought Vince had an addiction, I wonder how much money he felt comfortable leaving Vince. Maybe he left it all to Patricia, with whatever is left after her death, to be divvied up amongst kids and grandkids.  We'll never know.  But I'm nosy like that, too. 

  • Love 7
Beth has a lot going for her, but she doesn't have it all. I mean, the woman has loads of money and success, the daughter she always wanted, and a slim physique that many covet. And she's intelligent and witty (although that wit is often used in an unkind way). But she wasn't gifted in the whole... {picture me gesturing awkwardly with my hands in front of my face} facial area! 


In the second season of RHONY, I thought she and Luann were the most attractive of the bunch.  But the more successful she got, the more pinched in the face she started looking. Now when I see her, I want to tell her to relax.  Relax your face.  It feels good.


ETA:  Taking the Eileen and Vinny stuff to her thread.

Edited by ryebread
  • Love 5

Did I miss the part where ANYONE asked for Bethenny's advice regarding Erika's career?  This woman is seriously delusional if she thinks that her criticism would be useful or welcome.  I agree that someone like Sonja could use her help but Erika seems to be doing just fine, thank you very much.  It was nice that a couple of the ladies spoke up and defended/complimented her.  Bethenny is one miserable person and it's so clear that she needs to find a way to feel superior to every person she meets.  She's simply toxic and I hated seeing her and that godawful short outfit. 

  • Love 13

Your post got me to thinking about society.


Just pondering...


A lot of mothers back in the day went to college looking for good prospects to get their Mrs. degree... a more genteel way of gold digging I guess. Why didn't they just marry their  high school sweetheart jock back at home now pumping gas?


Would Erica still be called a "gold digger" if she married an older Mr. Gerardi (sp?) who ran a small modest business who then grew it into something much, much bigger or came into a windfall after they were married? Don't think so.


What is the cut off point for age or and money before one reaches gold digger territory?


Is Kate a gold digger for marrying Prince William?


Should we call women "gutter lickers" when they settle for and marry problem men or unsuccessful men?


Why is it looked down upon for a woman to marry for money and security if her intended is  marrying for companionship in old age, or has a thing for sweet young sexy things, or has a fondness for a person who treats him with kindness? If both are aware going into the marriage aware of what the other brings and what the other wants why do we have to put the labels of gold digger/dirty old man on the relationship?


Just pondering

The issue, to me, is whether 29 year old Erika would have married 61 year old Tom Girardi if he wasn't filthy rich. I'm guessing no, as I don't see any kind of chemistry or affection between them. The few times they have interacted, they seem stiff and unfamiliar with each other. For all her talk about how spry and vital her geriatric husband is, I'm not buying it.

I don't dislike Erika, but I do find her constant Erika Jayne references to be boring, and I agree with Bethenny about the "production value" of that awful video, I laughed that Bethenny called out that cheap bed on which Erika was writhing. Erika has beautiful skin and a pretty face, but I can't stand the cheesy bleached extensions and giant fake jugs. IMO, she's more OC housewives.

  • Love 13

The issue, to me, is whether 29 year old Erika would have married 61 year old Tom Girardi if he wasn't filthy rich. I'm guessing no, as I don't see any kind of chemistry or affection between them. The few times they have interacted, they seem stiff and unfamiliar with each other. For all her talk about how spry and vital her geriatric husband is, I'm not buying it.

I don't dislike Erika, but I do find her constant Erika Jayne references to be boring, and I agree with Bethenny about the "production value" of that awful video, I laughed that Bethenny called out that cheap bed on which Erika was writhing. Erika has beautiful skin and a pretty face, but I can't stand the cheesy bleached extensions and giant fake jugs. IMO, she's more OC housewives.

Well, it is a no-brainer that she did not marry him for his good looks.

There were both adults and they both knew what they were looking in each other, IMO.

I believe Erika when she said that he has a youthful energy and I can see why she would be attracted to him even at 76..

Now, does he rock her world?

That, I don't buy.

As far as Bethany, if she is such an expert in videography, she might want to tell bravo to fix the lighting.

She simply looked dreadful.

  • Love 13

I haven't heard a thing I've read for the past three pages because my mind and heart are all wrapped up in the dress Eileen was wearing in the outdoor lunch video featuring Andy's visit.  If Eileen could be my dresser, I'd be the happiest woman on earth.  Actually, if she'd just buy two of everything and give one to me, I'd really be in Seventh Heaven!


LisaV, my original favorite, is -- I suspect -- a pawn of production.  She has been so open about leaving the show at the end of this season that I wonder whether production is going to make her into one of the most disliked HWs on the planet.  Maybe she finds this turn to be fun, but somehow, it just isn't Lisa.


LisaR is taking giant leaps into my "don't like" pool.  Her comments, her behavior, her attitude all smell like last week's vegetables.  There's something rotten about her, but then again, I didn't care for her in the beginning.


Long before LisaV's grilling was over, I thought that Eileen would interrupt her with a sweet smile and a dagger of a "mind your own business" comment, and I felt disappointed that she didn't.  Taken by surprise she may have been, but I thought that Eileen was quicker than that.  A little more aggression wouldn't have hurt her, IMO.


I'm generally not enamored by videos of the kind that Erika made, but it didn't shock or repel me.  What repelled me far more was Self Important Bethenny and her know-it-all lecture on the art of business.  B. would be nothing without a tongue and an attitude, and she knows nil about entertaining.  Dress code, indeed!  It also doesn't surprise me that she's one of Kyle's friends, given the nature of Kyle's best buddies (Faye, etc.).  I fully expect to see a Kyle-Bethenny spin-off some season in the future.  Disgusting!

Lura, where has LisaV been open about leaving after this season?

  • Love 1

The issue, to me, is whether 29 year old Erika would have married 61 year old Tom Girardi if he wasn't filthy rich. I'm guessing no, as I don't see any kind of chemistry or affection between them. The few times they have interacted, they seem stiff and unfamiliar with each other. For all her talk about how spry and vital her geriatric husband is, I'm not buying it.

I don't dislike Erika, but I do find her constant Erika Jayne references to be boring, and I agree with Bethenny about the "production value" of that awful video, I laughed that Bethenny called out that cheap bed on which Erika was writhing. Erika has beautiful skin and a pretty face, but I can't stand the cheesy bleached extensions and giant fake jugs. IMO, she's more OC housewives.


One never knows. Love will spring up and grow in the oddest of places and with people you wouldn't think could come together.


It's been 3 episodes and we haven't seen enough interaction between them. What I believe I have seen so far is a show of respect, a fondness and admiration for each other. Something a lot of other housewives and their husbands lack. We are seeing a new dynamic between Vince and Eileen this season that we haven't seen before.


 Cameras or an audience do strange things to people. People tell me I am one of the most outgoing people they know. But put me in a public forum, making a speech, going out on stage and I'm a stiff, I'm a "I wanna get out of here!" type. I hate it. It may be that Mr. Girardi might be more comfortable and demonstrative in a courtroom than having a camera follow him and his wife around their home. 

  • Love 11

Eileen looked hurt when Lisa V wouldn't budge on the apology business. Like genuinely hurt.  I think Eileen right then and there had the wake up call that Lisa V is out for Lisa V and only Lisa V.  She isn't her friend, and she isn't nice. Welcome to BH Eileen.


I agree with this.  Eileen has seen LisaV be stealthly cunning, bitchy and unapologetic to others. And I think that look on her face was genuine hurt but also surprise that Lisa was now pulling the same crap on her that she's seen her do to others. 


I'm not a huge fan of Eileen's (yet) but if there is one in this crew who doesn't feel the need to be one of the 'cool kids', I think it's her.  And now Erika.  I hope Eileen grows more of a backbone - without becoming unnecessarily confrontational - and starts calling out the poor treatment of others.  And not be afraid to go against the popular opinion which those brown haired girls seem to have the lock on.

  • Love 7

One never knows. Love will spring up and grow in the oddest of places and with people you wouldn't think could come together.

It's been 3 episodes and we haven't seen enough interaction between them. What I believe I have seen so far is a show of respect, a fondness and admiration for each other. ...

Hmm, I don't know, Erika seemed pretty comfortable telling Lisa she was in her marriage for the long haul "or I'll get half". I think that's where her fondness and admiration lies. I think she's in it for the long haul, then she gets it all! Edited by shoegal
  • Love 6

My take on Erika and her husband was he was a long time regular where she worked. He is known to be respectful and I would bet he treated her very well. I can see that charming her, leading to her make a move on him. I have always been taught to gauge a man by how he treats those waiting on him -that's why when I was dating I preferred to go to places early on that would test that theory. 

Edited by LVmom
  • Love 11

Mmmm,   most married people might say the same thing.

Not in my world. Sounds like she's waiting for the old guy to croak.

Not so fast, shoegal. He has three grown kids.

So did Aaron Spelling (2) and his wife got it all. Erika certainly knows she's would do better to be widowed then divorce a high powered attorney. She's cheesy, but not dumb.

  • Love 5

It's been 3 episodes and we haven't seen enough interaction between them. What I believe I have seen so far is a show of respect, a fondness and admiration for each other.  


I've seen a couple pics when they first got together - looked like they were in Italy.  They seemed totally comfortable and in love.  So she's, let's say 30 in the pic and he's a healthy 60.  Then something happens.  They age. Gasp!  She's a happy, wealthy woman who is genetically blessed and has a good esthetician, so her facial aging is less noticeable.  He's a very high powered attorney with stress and perhaps not genetically gifted to begin with.  And now, well...he's over 70.  Shit happens.


Doesn't mean she loves him any less because NOW he's so much older and looks it. It appears that they did fall in love when they were younger, got married and have remained so. 


Do I think he's bumping boots with her several times a day?  Nope.  But there are plenty of women in their 40s who don't want it every day, every week or even every month. ;-)  Just because she has a highly sexualized job doesn't mean she comes home and wants to be nailed every which way to Sunday.

  • Love 16

Not in my world. Sounds like she's waiting for the old guy to croak.

So did Aaron Spelling (2) and his wife got it all. Erika certainly knows she's would do better to be widowed then divorce a high powered attorney. She's cheesy, but not dumb.


The only difference is that in this case, those kids are from his previous relationship.

Would he leave everything to Erika?

  • Love 3

Not in my world. Sounds like she's waiting for the old guy to croak.

So did Aaron Spelling (2) and his wife got it all. Erika certainly knows she's would do better to be widowed then divorce a high powered attorney. She's cheesy, but not dumb.


Well with the divorce rate so high. I don't think many are going into court asking for peanuts.


Many help support spouses while they build their careers and believe they will be married till death do they part. Many get married with not a penny to either of their names but with stars in their eyes thinking that nothing will come between them and their beloved. But something does happen and the first words they say to the attorney is " I want half."


Not just gold diggers but gutter lickers too and most everybody.

  • Love 5

I am not gonna say that Erika is all that interesting and I am not enthralled and enamored of her alter ego Erika Jayne. Frankly, I don't see why she would have such an alleged gay following. Her over-sexualized routine/clothing choices, Barbie blondness, lack of dance skills seem a bit basic too me. I thought you had to be little more than that to appeal to that demographic but maybe her dance tunes are just that good, however, Cher, Britney or Gaga she ain't. She is basically blonde Melissa Gorga if you ask me but with actual wealth to back it up so maybe she can afford better 'people.' But I digress, I don't find her all that fascinating but I think she handles her self great in the situations she finds herself in on the show. Most of all, she seems to know and be true to herself. She is a very rich bitch and she ain't afraid to show it but it doesn't come off as braggy per say.


You've brought up something that's been in the back of my mind for a while. Why does Erika Jayne have such a tremendous gay following? I'm not prepared with any answers, just some assumptions as to the reasons. If anyone else can offer their opinions regarding the genuine attraction that some gays have to female performers that dance scantily clad on a stage, I'd like to hear it.


Cher, Beyonce, Madonna, and Liza have been iconic in the gay community for many  years. When I go to Youtube to watch a parody of Beyonce's 'All the Single Ladies' I find that most of them are performed by gay men. I think that the unabashed dancing half naked on a stage like Erika Jayne's act is true stereotypical representation of exaggerated female sexuality. Since male femininity doesn't exist in the cultural imagery except as being gay, perhaps the gays that enjoy watching Erika Jayne perform are actually enjoying her projection of unapologetic freedom and fearlessness to which many gay men aspire. Maybe it's simply the fact that these female performers are representative of freedom to those that are artistically inclined. Youth, beauty, un-apologizing sexuality are things that many people admire, not only lesbians or gays. I think that Erika has found a great niche with her act and if her body and youthful looks hold up, she'll be able to perform for many years, like Cher. One of the greatest appeals about Cher are the messages in her songs and the strengths of them, that and her seemingly unending youthful looks.

  • Love 5

All that I can say is Bethenny♎would still be shilling swill(unoriginal swill, at that) IF not for HER BUSINESS 'PARTNER' and BRAVO's cooperation. She's damn rich, but not any more business savvy or creative. Hoorah for her.

Bethenny♎did her job on RHBH--she put in her "Oh, shit, it's Bitchenny" appearance. She characteristically annoyed. She waved about Andy's dick. Now, she may leave. Please.

Also, my Day1 Dislike of LisaV continues. And, thank you, thank you, production nixed Yolanda's yodeling presence-- REALLY(!), thank goodness.

  • Love 1

The whole LVP Eileen dynamic has taken on some interesting twists.  First off I do not buy that Lisa did not know Eileen had been married twice before-it was part of her introduction.  Say LVP forgot-what does it have to do with her having an affair?  Eileen, albeit meekly did try and derail the LVP interrogation train-she said, "I am being grilled by Lisa."  Lisar looked horribly uncomfortable and Kyle tried to quash it but LVP kept chugging along.  LVP may feel she is transparent but we did not learn of Ken's first marriage, child and grandson until Season 3-so she wasn't all that transparent.  LVP will always be the fan favorite because she embodies so much of what viewers want to see, beauty, conspicuously wealth, even wealthier friends, married with children, animal lover and at the same time snarky and a it catty but mostly a scorekeeper and grudge holder..  In short everything Camille wanted to be Season 1 and face planted instead. 


LVP is now claiming since the issue had been discussed she didn't think it would bother Eileen.  Well that doesn't make sense and she has used unsuccessfully in defending her stance with both Kyle and the Mauricio rumors and exposing Brandi and Scheana to each other on camera. If a person takes a strong stance about the mention of a subject then it what world would it be okay to bring it up?  Had Lisa listened, Eileen made it very clear the topic was hurtful to Vince's ex-wife and their children. Kyle may have forgiven her but Brandi never did and of course was vile and over the top in confronting Lisa.


I think Eileen feels like she is not a person who would have set out to fall in love with a married man.  From her account she left her marriage when she realized she had feelings for someone else and before she consummated the relationship.  Vince however, apparently did not officially separate-we will never know what the status was between he and Betsy because they have elected to keep it private.


Eileen hurt feelings aren't just one dimensional-it wasn't just bringing the topic up again, it was she thought LVP a friend.  Which leaves LVP in the position to deny they were close or have to have a "I totally f'ed up and I hope Eileen can forgive me."  There just can't be any wiggle room but of course there will be because the producers need to stretch it for about ten more episodes.


I don't see this as a blonde vs. brunettes battle as I think Lisar sympathizes with Eileen. 


Sadly BH seems to want to revolve around ancient history-here comes the OJ shit again.  Let's bring in Faye Resnick to make the circle complete.

  • Love 7

And some people see a rich old coot and think Daddy Warbucks!!


Yes some do, I don't believe it's wrong as long as both go into the relationship knowing what the other brings and requires and both are happy with the arrangement.  I do not believe that every or most May-December romances with a lot of money involved are cash for services transactions, some may very well be and it's not wrong, just different. I guess I'm a pragmatic romantic.

  • Love 7

He doesn't seem to mind and that is all that matters, IMO.

If the story is true, they knew each other for a while and she asked him out.

He could have said no thanks, I don't roll this way.

He did not and what we think is moot, IMO.

Make no mistake, I believe he's a willing participant. It's not unheard of that a wealthy older man might want to buy himself a hot young wife. However, that doesn't change my opinion of Erika. I wouldn't care if she didn't sign up for RHOBH, but she did, so I get to say what I think. Thanks, Andy!! Edited by shoegal
  • Love 3

Clearly I missed something, because I thought this episode was hands-down the most boring I have ever sat through.  I don't really know Bethenny (except it bugs me how she spells her name).  The Eileen/LVP apology scene seemed very scripted.  The entire LONG exchange between Erika and Bethenny about the details of her video were snooze-inducing.  I think I get the edit - Erika is a badass and she will stand up to any and all criticism.  The only thing I loved was Bethenny's really cool mini-barn/bar/hideaway.  I want one of those in my backyard STAT.

  • Love 1

The Bethenny/Erika stuff felt like Bethenny and production thought they were going to get another Bethenny/Sonja moment from last season of RHONY, where Bethenny offers sage advice to do a dim blond who yells and screams her delusions and makes Bethenny look like the wise gal. But Erika was calm and didn't give a fuck about Bethenny's opinion so the harder Bethenny tried to offer advice and provoke a reaction, the more it didn't work.

I know! It was sublime!

  • Love 5

Yes some do, I don't believe it's wrong as long as both go into the relationship knowing what the other brings and requires and both are happy with the arrangement.  I do not believe that every or most May-December romances with a lot of money involved are cash for services transactions, some may very well be and it's not wrong, just different. I guess I'm a pragmatic romantic.


I agree.  Unless the party who married for money starts planning their partner's death the minute the ink is dry, then it's all good. 

  • Love 7

From Wikipedia



"Having landed six number one slots on the Billboard Dance Chart, Erika Jayne ranks with the Pussycat Dolls and Rihanna for the most number ones on a debut release.[5] Her latest single "Get it Tonight" is also the most successful garnering over three million views on YouTube before it was removed for content violation. "Get it Tonight" is also her first single not to chart to number one on the US Dance charts or to even make the top thirty. In September, 2014, Jayne had her seventh number one dance chart in the US, with "PAINKILLR".[6]"


Anyone remember Tonetta? That happened to him all the time.

I like Eileen, but this whole, "Poor me. Lisa was being mean bringing up my affair." Business is ridiculous. If she is so bothered, maybe she shouldn't have had an affair with a married man. I'm guessing Vince's former wife was a "tad bit" bothered by the affair too, as were their sons. This is not saying Vince wdoesnt hold culpability. Eileen get off your holier than thou pedestal. You mcreated the situation, own it.

See this is where I agreed with Brandi last season. Look I understand falling in and out of love but I don't respect the need to downplay or justify certain pain that was inflicted when the affair began. I mean it's in the past and all that but when you decide to engage in something that's hurtful don't try to sugar coat it or hide behind that whole "our son" angle. He had children with his wife also and they weren't a concern. Not saying that her son shouldn't be a consideration or anything but acknowledging that her marriage started off on a very negative track doesn't mean people are disrespecting her son. SHE'S the one that chose to start a family with this man under those conditions. People reflecting on her circumstances aren't to blame for any shame she feels is bestowed upon her, her husband or her son. I think it's fucked up when people try to spin things like that in order to side step the side eye. She should forever expect to be received with a certain amount of side eye and she should be prepared to either own it or firmly change the subject whatever but never is it okay for her to try to explain it away as something that didn't create pain in it's conception. I don't fault her for being happy with her resulting life and family I just can't stand it when she tries to defend the initial relationship.


Brad and Angelina never really go into their beginnings and usually steer clear of discussing how it all REALLY began. They don't dance around it but they just make it a point not to have some revisionist account of it or even discuss or elaborate on it for that matter. Just saying.

  • Love 12

THIS. It cracks me up with all the "Erika is so real!" "She's too cool to care!" "She eats cake! She's just like us!" "She plays the Jedi mind trick on haters, if they like her, that's a problem!" Please! She knows what people say and think about her. She just says it before you can. If she were as secure and bad-ass as she likes to put out there, she wouldn't even give people the satisfaction; she'd make THEM say it, not make it easy for them.

There doesn't seem to be anything to her besides her gays and her costumes. Being Erika whoever and being Erika Jayne only makes her twice as boring to me.

I went online to watch her video after the show, and I didn't think sexy, I thought sad. No matter how dewy the skin, she's clearly (well) past the pop diva starting gate. The singing was weak, and that video for the song featuring Flo-rida (Crazy) gave me second-hand embarrassment and watching her try to keep up with the young'uns gave me Kris Jenner teas.

IMO she's anything BUT real. She's as fake as the rest, just in a different way. But she IS married-rich, and that allows her to give no fucks now. She's not grasping as much as the others because she doesn't have to. I have no doubt cocktail waitress Erika was a game-playing, grasping mofo.

Ugh. Those harridans represent rich bitch blunt, not regular NYers. That's a special layer of rude that you can only get away with when you know you're not going to get punched in the face behind it.

Whew, 'chile'!

Your post! Your post! Agree and luvin it!


*( Still, no real problem with EriKa. Continues to be whatever.)

  • Love 1

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