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Season 9 Discussion

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Kris' lecture on blackface was almost as ridiculous as her little tirade about how "offended" she was. As a woman, she's never been more offended! Never mind that her gender has nothing to do with anything. I'm betting that the vast majority of her pissiness about the trip was related to the stuff that was stolen from her suitcase. Speaking of which, I wonder how many takes they had to do of Kim saying "it doesn't matter, those were just material things" before it came across as even slightly believable?


Was the actual episode title misspelled, or just this thread? The former would be all kinds of hilarious.

I am still confused as to how if Kim was the "host" of the ball as she stated to Khloe, why she wasn't at the ball hosting it. She was up in some production room with Vienna's version of Giuliana Rancic, getting set up for a pranking.  


As soon as they got in the car to leave the ball, Kim had her phone up to her ear. I wonder if Kanye was on the other line.

Even North knows discussing how highly offended you are as a woman while wearing pink patterned flannel PJs doesn't really get the message across. They have to be black, grey, cream or oatmeal in order to make a statement!. 

  • Love 1

Kim's ass needed it's own ticket.

Who goes to Thailand to just chill on the beach? I agree with Bruce in that respect.

But to invite the Jenner boys just to keep him company not because they want them there. Not cool.

Kylie with her anxiety attack if Khloe doesn't go? I'd have sent her home right then and there.

Loved the non reaction to Kim's Vogue cover. Kendall looked miffed.

Kim with the never ending selfies. How irritating it must be.

"I don't want to do it! I just don't want to do it!" I wonder if she said that to Ray J when he told her to bend over?

Edited by iwasish
  • Love 5

I fully admit to being jealous of the manner in which they get to travel. Flying would be so much more tolerable going first class all the time, staying in amazing resorts, having people take care of niggling details for me. Ah, that would be the life.

Other than that, Kim is gross. I laughed when her sister's teased her about her Vogue excitement. She's a narcisstic pig and they seem just as over her as we are. Kendall seemed like she was hating, "Which Vogue?" Maybe there is something to the competition rumors.

Kim clearly thought she was cute when she joked that selfies are important in life. We know you're serious, Kim. Nothing is as important to you as your own face and body.

Edited by tvallthetime
  • Love 3

The hotel was gorgeous! I think this episode really gave away the train wreck behind the scenes this family is. 


  • Khloe moving in with Rob when Kourtney just bought a 13,000 sq ft home. Why not go there?
  • Kendall's reaction to Kim's Vogue cover, she never cracked a smile or looked interested at all, she was on her phone.
  • Kris wanting Rob to leave his home to go live with Khloe after she buys a house. (Is he not a grown man, live in or buy his own house)
  • Saying they had keep Rob excited so he would go on the trip. (Shows he has depression)
  • Kourtney and Scott bailing on the trip being edited out  all together. (They went to Mexico instead and it was said Mason was sick.)
  • Kylie refusing to go and throwing the tantrum over Khloe not going. Interesting she is so dependent on Khloe, that she'd leave Kendall. 
  • Kim's comments that "Kanye's in Germany and can't come on the trip." Like hell he'd go to begin with.
  • Bruce giving away that they haven't seen Rob in so long, he never went for his birthday or other private events (not filmed) like Christmas.
  • Khloe's comments about how depressed Rob is and the place he's in. Her worrying about what he'd do with 13 hours of no contact.
  • Kim's lack of care about Rob at all, her attitude towards him and her "tough love." (No wonder he left the wedding if that was the treatment from her)
  • Kim's self obsessed picture taking while watching the fire show was mentally disturbing. She needs help.
Edited by Artsda
  • Love 2

I fully admit to being jealous of the manner in which they get to travel. Flying would be so much more tolerable flying first class all the time, staying in amazing resorts, having people take care of niggling details for me. Ah, that would be the life.

Other than that, Kim is gross. I laughed when her sister's teashed her about her Vogue excitement. She's a narcisstic pig and they seem just as over it as we are. She clearly thought she was cute when she joked that selfies are important in life. We know you're serious, Kim. Nothing is as important to you as your own face and body.

She so loved Brody walking in on her.

Her reaction to Kris possibly being injured? Such concern! She almost stopped eating.

I love the Brandon/Brody/Leah dynamic.

WTF with Kris? She organizes every vacation and demands everyone do what she wants, now she doesn't like it when someone else tries to run the show? How many times was she all over Scott's ass for not wanting to hang with them all the time? I'm glad Bruce is stepping up, it's too little too late, but good for him ruining Kris's obsessive control streak.

He's right if you want to relax and get a massage, do it on a girls weekend, you don't go across the world for a massage. She is as shallow as Kim is with her fucking selfies.

Kris and Bruce are doing more damage to Kendall and Kylie by pretending they are still a couple that just happen to live apart. I see big problems for them in the future.

And it's so unfair of them all to put pressure on Khloe to deal with Rob. I'm sure she was terrified that he might have done something to himself. The fact that he still confides in her and speaks to her is nice but it should be between the two of them, leave the others out of it, they just add to the problem. It can't be said enough, Kim is detestable. And Kris? Equally so.

And there's no way to spin what happened at the wedding. I'm betting that Kim came down on him for not looking "attractive" enough for her wedding.

Edited by iwasish
  • Love 3

I laughed my ass off at everyone's (non)reaction to the Vogue cover, nobody cared & Kim looked pissed. 


That resort was gorgeous, I bet the entire vacation was free for the publicity the show gave them. Kim did nothing but take selfies, why bother even going, they look the same as all the other selfies she takes.



Khloe's comments about how depressed Rob is and the place he's in. Her worrying about what he'd do with 13 hours of no contact.

I thought that was really strange, has she never gone 13 hours without talking to him before? What did she think was happening?



Kylie refusing to go and throwing the tantrum over Khloe not going. Interesting she is so dependent on Khloe, that she'd leave Kendall.

Another really strange thing, why would she get an anxiety attack because Khloe isn't there?


Did it ever come out why Kourtney & Scott didn't go for real? Since they went to Mexico instead, it was kind of like a slap in the face to everyone else. Personally, I wouldn't want to go on vacation with my entire family, especially if there was a schedule of things that I had to do. I go on vacation to relax, not have assigned tasks.


Other than that, Kim is gross. I laughed when her sister's teased her about her Vogue excitement. She's a narcisstic pig and they seem just as over her as we are. Kendall seemed like she was hating, "Which Vogue?" Maybe there is something to the competition rumors.

I loved their non-reaction, all while Kris was grinning like an idiot. They seemed to be so over Kim and it made me laugh. I think I would be irritated if I was Kendall too. She is trying to actually be a legitimate model, while Kim gets a cover basically handed to her.


I did like Kendall's enthusiasm over their Thailand trip.



Kim's lack of care about Rob at all, her attitude towards him and her "tough love." (No wonder he left the wedding if that was the treatment from her)

Kim has seemed to care very little about Rob. She claimed that they have all tried to help him, but she probably just made him a selfie book as her version of helping.


Also Kim's "As a mother...." crap needs to stop. I do not hear Kourtney or hell, even Kris throwing it around. Do we really have to watch Kim talk to North when we cannot even see her? It looks so strange.

  • Love 1

I get Khloe's concern about Rob; they were supposed to travel together and he just disappeared, without the decency to just tell her he wasn't going or even indicate that he was still alive. Now, maybe he has such a track record of pissy, passive aggressive behavior that no one else felt there was any need for concern (or they're all just selfish assholes), but I can see where she would have at least some worry that something untoward had happened to him if he wasn't responding to any texts or calls. I found it weird that Kris wasn't more concerned, although by now I should certainly know better than expect her to act like a normal mother.


And I so want to go to that resort.



I thought that was really strange, has she never gone 13 hours without talking to him before? What did she think was happening?

Since she is living with him and kept repeating how he's in a bad place, I had to wonder if she thought he could OD/suicide. She looked freaked out. enough to even want off the plane and stuck to the phone to try and contact him while the others had no care at all. Like they have no idea what's really going on with him or that it's downplayed.


Kim just doesn't care at all and Khloe's caring 200% for everyone else like she's the only one who knows what's really going on. 



Did it ever come out why Kourtney & Scott didn't go for real? Since they went to Mexico instead, it was kind of like a slap in the face to everyone else.


Scott doesn't like going to begin with and since he had just lost both in parents. It had just been like 2 months since his dad.  I like that Kourtney probably put Scott first and they took their own small private not taped family vacation. 

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 1

I don't watch this trainwreck, but I keep up with it by reading recaps and comments like these. I see some of you remarking about Kim's love of self and selfies. I really believe that if there's ever been an honest-to-God narcissist on a reality show, it's Kim. But what's going to become of her when the beauty fades? Or what if she were in a tragic accident and her face became deformed in some way? When your entire existence depends upon the way you look then life must be pretty empty once the looks are gone IMO.

  • Love 4

Oh, I forgot to ask, what was up with Kim having an "executive assistant" with her? First, why is she an executive assistant & not a personal assistant? We only saw her with Kim, so it didn't seem like she was there for the entire family. And lucky girl. she got to take photographs of Kim with her special bits showing. Not enough money in the world for me to take that job.

  • Love 2

I laughed my ass off at everyone's (non)reaction to the Vogue cover, nobody cared & Kim looked pissed. 


That resort was gorgeous, I bet the entire vacation was free for the publicity the show gave them. Kim did nothing but take selfies, why bother even going, they look the same as all the other selfies she takes.


I thought that was really strange, has she never gone 13 hours without talking to him before? What did she think was happening?


Another really strange thing, why would she get an anxiety attack because Khloe isn't there?


Did it ever come out why Kourtney & Scott didn't go for real? Since they went to Mexico instead, it was kind of like a slap in the face to everyone else. Personally, I wouldn't want to go on vacation with my entire family, especially if there was a schedule of things that I had to do. I go on vacation to relax, not have assigned tasks.

Kris micro managed their other vacations.. But it was all shopping trips, massages, getting their nails done and stuffing their faces on gourmet cooking.. Oh and guzzling lots of wine, while sunbathing. Nothing strenuous or memorable.. Except their ritual of jumping fully clothed in a pool. That's a Kris Kardashian vacation. For some reason, probably Kris's idea, they are playing some weird game, I suspect Kris wants to prove Bruce is the bad guy, but it's very destructive to Kylie and Kendall. There are clearly deep seated bad feeling between Bruce and Kris, I think they need to divorce, or at least live separate lives. It's obviously stressful to the girls. But as always Kris decides how things are going to be, and then plays the poor me card.

I think Khloe is a stabilizing figure to Rob and the two younger Jenners. As stupid as she acts at times, she has a very maternal streak.

I thought Scott and Kourtney might have gone to Mexico on a separate vacation, due to his folks passing away. I sense that Kourtney is realizing that if she wants her life with Scott and the kids, she has to set priorities and boundaries.

  • Love 2


I found it weird that Kris wasn't more concerned, although by now I should certainly know better than expect her to act like a normal mother.

Kris would be concerned if it was Kim. I can imagine the tears and dramatics from Kris if Kim was MIA.



Kris decides how things are going to be, and then plays the poor me card.

So true. Why must they do everything together on a family vacation? If she wants to relax then why can't Bruce and some of the others go do other things? Also, good job Kris for basically telling that Brody, Brandon, and Leah are there only to distract Bruce, not because you might have actually wanted them around.

  • Love 1

Kendall was obviously pissed about the Vogue cover, Kylie was so interested she was blowing bubbles with her gum, and Khloe and Kourtney couldn't stop mocking her. Aww, poor Kimmie, no one cares, not even your sisters. 


I'm legitimately worried for Rob. It's either physical or mental, possibly both, but he has something serious going on. He looked horrible. Pasty and bloated. Khloe obviously knows more than the rest and I don't blame her for being worried. It's one thing for them to not be in 24/7 contact, but when the whole rest of the family is that far away and he has obvious demons…. thoughts can take over in times like that, that maybe that would be an okay time to act on said demons. My dearest friends oldest son had some very bad tragedies in his life in a few years and the toll it took was just too much. He stopped contact with his family, said his cell was broken and hadn't got a new one yet, and took his life. He lived far enough away from the rest of the family members that it wasn't like he had to worry someone would show up at his door to visit. 


I'm not sure E! is a Kim fan these days! LOL! How bad must they hate her to give her the edit they did? She's a nasty piece of work and they made sure to include lots of her lovely comments. Hell, if I didn't know better, I'd think one of her siblings edited the show. I kept waiting for Khloe to tell her if she took one more picture, she was going to shove that camera someplace for a very special selfie. And seriously, she's posing half naked in the middle of the living room? 


Kris is just such a raging bitch. You know what, Kris? You don't want to go on excursions, then don't. I'm sure the rest of the family would have enjoyed themselves without you and Kim, but no need to drag the rest of the family down. Brandon looked hurt when Kendall blurted out Kris and Kim's use the Jenners to distract Bruce plan. Nothing like being told you weren't really meant to be included, but you make good distraction. 

  • Love 4

Oh, I forgot to ask, what was up with Kim having an "executive assistant" with her? First, why is she an executive assistant & not a personal assistant? We only saw her with Kim, so it didn't seem like she was there for the entire family. And lucky girl. she got to take photographs of Kim with her special bits showing. Not enough money in the world for me to take that job.

Why does she need an assistant to take a selfie? Isn't the definition of a selfie a picture that one takes of oneself? Otherwise it's a photograph.

Why send Kanye a book of selfie pics, why not just skype him and flash her titties in real time? It could be dangerous sending selfies to him in Germany. Getting him all hot and bothered.. He might have to find a local outlet for release.

  • Love 1

I get a headache just watching the Kardashian/Jenner vacations.  All the arguing and stomping off. Threatening to leave. Why does everything become such a big deal with this group? Bruce could plan ziplining and other adventures for those interested and the others can stay at the hotel and relax. Even for free I wouldn't go on vacation with this group.


Kendall was obviously pissed about the Vogue cover, Kylie was so interested she was blowing bubbles with her gum, and Khloe and Kourtney couldn't stop mocking her. Aww, poor Kimmie, no one cares, not even your sisters.

I'm legitimately worried for Rob. It's either physical or mental, possibly both, but he has something serious going on. He looked horrible. Pasty and bloated. Khloe obviously knows more than the rest and I don't blame her for being worried. It's one thing for them to not be in 24/7 contact, but when the whole rest of the family is that far away and he has obvious demons…. thoughts can take over in times like that, that maybe that would be an okay time to act on said demons. My dearest friends oldest son had some very bad tragedies in his life in a few years and the toll it took was just too much. He stopped contact with his family, said his cell was broken and hadn't got a new one yet, and took his life. He lived far enough away from the rest of the family members that it wasn't like he had to worry someone would show up at his door to visit.

I'm not sure E! is a Kim fan these days! LOL! How bad must they hate her to give her the edit they did? She's a nasty piece of work and they made sure to include lots of her lovely comments. Hell, if I didn't know better, I'd think one of her siblings edited the show. I kept waiting for Khloe to tell her if she took one more picture, she was going to shove that camera someplace for a very special selfie. And seriously, she's posing half naked in the middle of the living room?

Kris is just such a raging bitch. You know what, Kris? You don't want to go on excursions, then don't. I'm sure the rest of the family would have enjoyed themselves without you and Kim, but no need to drag the rest of the family down. Brandon looked hurt when Kendall blurted out Kris and Kim's use the Jenners to distract Bruce plan. Nothing like being told you weren't really meant to be included, but you make good distraction.

Oh I forgot! How stupid did Kim look at the zipline? Wearing pig tails, withh a do-rag on her head under that cockeyed helmet. With her ugly cry and her over inflated lips!!! Vogue cover my ass.

Kim mentioned people asking for "plus ones" for the wedding. I guarantee it's a setup for the Brody no show issue.

Edited by iwasish

Kim not even understanding what a selfie is, makes her look more stupid than she already looked on this show. 


Shouldn't she have instead taken her child and gone to Germany (if that's really where Kanye was) instead of going on this trip just to take pictures of herself? But then again, she wouldn't have gotten paid or got to be filmed on tv and that's what matters. 

  • Love 1

I don't watch this trainwreck, but I keep up with it by reading recaps and comments like these. I see some of you remarking about Kim's love of self and selfies. I really believe that if there's ever been an honest-to-God narcissist on a reality show, it's Kim. But what's going to become of her when the beauty fades? Or what if she were in a tragic accident and her face became deformed in some way? When your entire existence depends upon the way you look then life must be pretty empty once the looks are gone IMO.

She already looks completely different than she did when she made her sex tape, so I think she'd find a way.  I'm not even sure her celebrity is even based on her "beauty" anymore.  She's just a name nowadays.


Based on what we see on the show, I can't help but feel sorry for Khloe.  It seems like most of her family only cares about her so far as she can be a surrogate mother to them.  Rob, Lamar, Kendall, Kylie all love her for what she does for them, but they never really do anything for her.  Kim and Kris don't seem to give a shit about her.  The only ones who seem to really care about her without expecting support in return are Bruce and Kourtney.  Scott seems to really appreciate her, but I don't know if that's just because she's finally nice to him.  God help the lot of them if Khloe ever has her own child.

Edited by Starscream
  • Love 2


Why must they do everything together on a family vacation? If she wants to relax then why can't Bruce and some of the others go do other things?

Exactly. That's what we do on family vacations.  The adventure people do their thing and the rest hangout at the hotel or shop.  Everyone's happy.  Bruce and Kris act as if they still have little kids.  Bruce said "as everyone gets older." Except for Kylie everyone is an adult with their own lives.  The vacation is for the show.  


Kris always has to get her digs in at Brandon and Brody. Yelling shut the f.. up during the vacation vote.  Real klassy Kris. No wonder everyone in that family has a foul mouth. 


Kim looks slimmer in a bathing suit.  Those poorly fitting designer clothes she stuffs herself into add 25 pounds.  Will we ever see North?  I always wonder if she is really there or if baby sounds are dubbed in.


Best part was Khloe and Kourtney teasing Kim for being in Vogue.  Although they do need to remember Kim and Kris started the whole Kardashian empire.

Exactly. That's what we do on family vacations.  The adventure people do their thing and the rest hangout at the hotel or shop.  Everyone's happy.  Bruce and Kris act as if they still have little kids.  Bruce said "as everyone gets older." Except for Kylie everyone is an adult with their own lives.  The vacation is for the show.  


Kris always has to get her digs in at Brandon and Brody. Yelling shut the f.. up during the vacation vote.  Real klassy Kris. No wonder everyone in that family has a foul mouth. 


Kim looks slimmer in a bathing suit.  Those poorly fitting designer clothes she stuffs herself into add 25 pounds.  Will we ever see North?  I always wonder if she is really there or if baby sounds are dubbed in.


Best part was Khloe and Kourtney teasing Kim for being in Vogue.  Although they do need to remember Kim and Kris started the whole Kardashian empire.

Loved Kourtney saying she was asked to be on the cover of "Natural Health"

  • Love 3

I don't think Khloe ever lived with Rob in his little condo. She just does that for the show. Khloe lives in mansions.


I also wonder if the reason the Jenner boys arrived the next day was because E wouldn't pay for first class plane tickets for part-time cast members.  We all know that E pays for these trips and they weren't going to film them flying in coach. No, they arrived the next day, after flying coach.

Bruce was driving me crazy this episode. Where does he get off telling people what a vacation "should" be? As gross as these people are, I do believe their lives are busy and a vacation to them might mean a day of relaxation.

Also, this is mean, but what's up with his lip? Did he have skin cancer there or something?

IMHO, it seems more like they are busy TAKING constant vacations.


Where to even start on this mess.  Kris, even as executive producer can't edit this so her favorite daughter comes across as anything more than a self absorbed, arrogant b*tch.  And no amount of editing can fix the fact that this family is disintergrating right in front of America.  I get back to the fact that they have hours and hours of footage they can use to showcase themselves in a positive light, and this is the best that comes out of that?  What a joke.


I bet Kim would have done that zip line without any problem if there was a selfie in it for her.  And again - "I'm a mother now, I was to spend time with my daughter."  How convenient - whenever she doesn't want to do something, she pulls out the North card.


And the Vogue cover?  Like it was all Anna Wintour's idea and not that Kanye begged her for forever to feature his precious Kim on the cover.  Bet she wallpapers her dressing room with that picture of Anna Wintour having lunch with her. 


And Kris - honestly - Rob is now Khloe's problem?  He's not Khloe's son, and Khloe has enough of her own crap right now. 


I bet Mason was fine. Kourtney didn't want to go, and I don't blame her in the least.

Edited by mwell345

I don't think Khloe ever lived with Rob in his little condo. She just does that for the show. Khloe lives in mansions.


I also wonder if the reason the Jenner boys arrived the next day was because E wouldn't pay for first class plane tickets for part-time cast members.  We all know that E pays for these trips and they weren't going to film them flying in coach. No, they arrived the next day, after flying coach.

What is wrong with these three to even subject themselves to this trip? They are either desperate for a free trip to Thailand, or desperate for airtime.

What is wrong with these three to even subject themselves to this trip? They are either desperate for a free trip to Thailand, or desperate for airtime.


I could be wrong, but I thought Kris Jenner's music management company reps Brandon and Leah's band. These two need all the free publicity they can get because they're not going to sell records based on talent. And, yeah. It's a free luxury vacation.

I'm wondering if Kim's "executive assistant" was actually North's nanny.  No way did Kim take care of her on her own.  Besides that, we never saw her.


If it was anyone other than Kim, I'd have sympathy for the ziplining thing.  I have developed a slight fear of heights over the last 2 or so years so I can relate.  I've always wanted to try ziplining but I worry that I would have the same reaction and fear once I got there.  But don't say you're not going to zipline because you'd rather be home with your unseen daughter.  Just admit you're scared and you don't want to do it.


I can see both sides of Vacation Gate.  I like to have some time to relax, so I'd be okay lounging on the beach, getting a massage, etc.  But I also like to sightsee.  So I guess I'm a happy medium between Bruce and Kris.  Regardless, if it's their vacation, why can't everyone do what they want to do?  Oh, that's right.  Because a camera crew isn't going to follow someone lounging on the beach or by the pool all day.


Why on earth did Kim act so freaked out over Brody walking in on her half naked posing?  Like the entire world hasn't seen Kim's bits and pieces for years. 


I hope Rob is okay.  Very strange that no one but Khloe was concerned over his no-show.


Kendall and Kylie are brats.


I'm wondering if Kim's "executive assistant" was actually North's nanny.  No way did Kim take care of her on her own.  Besides that, we never saw her.


I think she was Kim's stylist/hair/makeup person. I'm sure North and a nanny were firmly ensconced in a room far on the other side of the house. No way was North sleeping in the little crib right next to Kim's bed. 

She needed her executive assistant on the zipline platform with her? You can clearly see the big divide growing between Kim and the other sisters. I think even Kendall and Kylie are sick of her.


And she wasn't freaked  by Brody seeing her, she loved every minute of it.


Seeing Kris and Bruce go at it at the dinner. WOW, the look on Brandon and Leah's faces, mega uncomfortable. I think all children of divorced parents have had that kind of scene play out. It brought back old memories for me.


So next episode it looks like things really fall apart. And Kim continues taking selfies.

  • Love 1


She needed her executive assistant on the zipline platform with her? You can clearly see the big divide growing between Kim and the other sisters. I think even Kendall and Kylie are sick of her.


I wonder if Kim thinks that now that she's married to Kanye, she is "royalty" and too good for the show.   He probably tells her that all the time.

  • Love 1

I don't watch this trainwreck, but I keep up with it by reading recaps and comments like these. 


Same here! I tuned into their show once and was only able to tolerate it for a whole 5 seconds. Their vapidness is mind-bogling.


Judging from the posts here and all over the internet, the people who do watch it (which is a declining number according to recent ratings) are just hate-watching.


Why on earth did Kim act so freaked out over Brody walking in on her half naked posing?  Like the entire world hasn't seen Kim's bits and pieces for years. 


I hope Rob is okay.  Very strange that no one but Khloe was concerned over his no-show.



Re: Brody walking in on Kim and her bits...Yes, thank you.  We've all seen (and some of snoozed during) her sex tape, and she's posed for Playboy.  I don't remember if she was completely naked for that, though.  Anyway, it isn't anything she hasn't showed off on Instagram.


Kim is just SO fucking vapid.  Selfie, selfie, selfie.  Selfie book for Kanye.  Bullshit.  I bet that "selfie book" is for herself so she can look back at how "skinny" she "was".  Girl is curvy (fake tits and ass) so I will never look at her as skinny.  If she really does give it to Kanye, I'm sure she'll ask for it back in the inevitable divorce. I feel bad for North and any future children Kim may have.  She is not motherly at all.  She is cold and was not even joking when she "teased" North about spitting up on her and now she was going to smell like sour milk like North does. I also cannot imagine she is a very good lover (I hate that word, sorry), and not just because I've seen errr..snoozed during her sex tape.  I imagine she is too worried about her hair and makeup to even participate.  I imagine she just lays there on her back and waits for it to be over. Ugh.  I loved her sisters not even caring about her Vogue cover. She was pissed.  Bah hahahaha bitch.


I also found it odd that nobody else cared about what was going on with Rob.  It's obvious something very serious is going on with him.  I'm sure Khloe has went through not being able to get in touch with Lamar hours on end and we all know now that Lamar was into some serious drugs at that time.  I have seen TMZ report that Rob loves the sizzurp and mary jane but who knows.  I feel bad for him and hope he is ok. 


I hate how Kris treats the Jenner boys like they're red headed step children.  


Kim's cry face on the zipline.  Lmao.  


Remember the episode where Kim had psoriasis? This was seasons ago.  Anyway, we have never heard about it again, have we?

Edited by helloagain
  • Love 2

Bruce was driving me crazy this episode. Where does he get off telling people what a vacation "should" be? As gross as these people are, I do believe their lives are busy and a vacation to them might mean a day of relaxation.

Also, this is mean, but what's up with his lip? Did he have skin cancer there or something?

I was getting stressed listening to his barking out his itinerary in that high pitched voice.   It's not as if they are in Thailand as a once in a life time trip, they can likely go back anytime they like.   Hanging around that resort would have done me just fine with a couple of excursions.  


The world was a far better place before digital cameras.   I was wishing that camera Kim bought had a pepper spray dispenser that activated every time you turned the display screen to take a fucking selfie.  

  • Love 4

Re: Brody walking in on Kim and her bits...Yes, thank you.  We've all seen (and some of snoozed during) her sex tape, and she's posed for Playboy.  I don't remember if she was completely naked for that, though.  Anyway, it isn't anything she hasn't showed off on Instagram.


Kim is just SO fucking vapid.  Selfie, selfie, selfie.  Selfie book for Kanye.  Bullshit.  I bet that "selfie book" is for herself so she can look back at how "skinny" she "was".  Girl is curvy (fake tits and ass) so I will never look at her as skinny.  If she really does give it to Kanye, I'm sure she'll ask for it back in the inevitable divorce. I feel bad for North and any future children Kim may have.  She is not motherly at all.  She is cold and was not even joking when she "teased" North about spitting up on her and now she was going to smell like sour milk like North does. I also cannot imagine she is a very good lover (I hate that word, sorry), and not just because I've seen errr..snoozed during her sex tape.  I imagine she is too worried about her hair and makeup to even participate.  I imagine she just lays there on her back and waits for it to be over. Ugh.  I loved her sisters not even caring about her Vogue cover. She was pissed.  Bah hahahaha bitch.


I also found it odd that nobody else cared about what was going on with Rob.  It's obvious something very serious is going on with him.  I'm sure Khloe has went through not being able to get in touch with Lamar hours on end and we all know now that Lamar was into some serious drugs at that time.  I have seen TMZ report that Rob loves the sizzurp and mary jane but who knows.  I feel bad for him and hope he is ok. 


I hate how Kris treats the Jenner boys like they're red headed step children.  


Kim's cry face on the zipline.  Lmao.  


Remember the episode where Kim had psoriasis? This was seasons ago.  Anyway, we have never heard about it again, have we?

I bet the whole smelly vomit on mommy but she doesn't care bit was just a set up. She reads on the blogs that people think that would freak her out, so she's trying to make it look like it doesn't bother her.


"Remember the day when I was MIA and no one was able to reach me by cell and you were all wondering where I was?"  "Ummm, no we don't remember that day"


Her selfie idea is sooo original. She made a special calendar for Reggie, and now a special selfie book for Kanye. Very special now that  everyone watching and her step brother have gotten to see the goodies in it.  But no special pics of North in Thailand book for daddy? Ppor North, just toss a blanket over her and send a pic of that.

I was getting stressed listening to his barking out his itinerary in that high pitched voice.   It's not as if they are in Thailand as a once in a life time trip, they can likely go back anytime they like.   Hanging around that resort would have done me just fine with a couple of excursions.  


The world was a far better place before digital cameras.   I was wishing that camera Kim bought had a pepper spray dispenser that activated every time you turned the display screen to take a fucking selfie.  


I see Bruce's point though. He isn't one to sit around the pool or lay on the beach, even in Malibu he is out paddle boarding or something. They came back from the zip lining and it was still early afternoon. plenty of time for lounging by the pool or swimming. I think Khloe likes to be active and Kendall also, especially if the Jenner boys were there. I don't think Bruce expected everyone to participate in everything, but he wanted to spend time with his children "doing something". Kris could have said, I'm in for the zip lining and the canoeing but I want a day to shop and lounge by the pool with anyone else who wants to relax. Give and take Kris. Now you see what it was like for Bruce to be told what he was doing and when he was doing it for all those years.

Cracks me up when Brody and Brandon imitate Bruce.  I never really realized just how dysfunctional this family is, they are falling apart before our very eyes.  Scott has mentioned in previous seasons that he did not enjoy going on vacation with them and that is probably why he and Kourt went to Mexico. Good for them! 

Khloe is a very sad young woman. 

Rob is a mess. And his mother doesn't care. 

The two younger ones have alot of anger issues building up in them. 

Kim is sick. She needs help.

Kris and Bruce need to stop pretending they spend any time together. They hate each other.  

  • Love 2

I thought the episode was boring, predictable, and contrived. But I guess that is to be expected after 9 seasons of the same stuff happening. The show should totally end after its 10th season. Bruce and Kris need to divorce as soon as possible. Their acrimonious relationship is one of the very few things that is not scripted for the show. But I guess they won't divorce anytime soon since there is a lot of money involved. I think Bruce would have to split everything 50/50 with Kris and might even have to pay her alimony.


I think it's scripted but only Kim and Kris are now following along with it. I do believe the family all love each other, but there is a lot of deepseated anger building up. I think if Kris and Bruce divorce, he'll get plenty, Kris will never risk him spilling the beans.

Kim is... Just nothing... There's no there there. She's a soulless lump of Botox and silicone, held together by a veneer of self tanner. Even her interaction with her kid is fake. The constant selfie taking is ridiculous. I wish someone would steal that memory disc and plaster those UNRETOUCHED pics all over the net.

Edited by iwasish
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Kim is... Just nothing... There's no there there. She's a soulless lump of Botox and silicone, held together by a veneer of self tanner.


... which explains why she has no depth of understanding anything like addiction or depression. Her brother could OD tomorrow and she'd say, "Well, I tried to help him and he didn't want it. It's ridic. Now that I'm a mom, I can't have sympathy for, like, anybody who, like, doesn't appreciate life. Like."

  • Love 6


Bruce was driving me crazy this episode. Where does he get off telling people what a vacation "should" be? As gross as these people are, I do believe their lives are busy and a vacation to them might mean a day of relaxation.


I found the whole Bruce and Kris fighting over what to do on this trip so beyond fake. These people have been on a billion trips together, they all know how to compromise their days. Some doing shopping, some doing scuba tours, some sleeping all day. We've seen them all do it season and after season before.

Now suddenly this is like they've never been on a trip together before?


Kendall, Khloe, Kylie, usually with Rob/Kourt/Scott are always with Bruce doing excursions. Sometimes Kim went with Bruce alone or a couple with go with Bruce while the rest did something else. 


The whole storyline came off contrived since they've vacationed together so much previously.


I wonder if Kim thinks that now that she's married to Kanye, she is "royalty" and too good for the show. He probably tells her that all the time.

No doubt. And I remember seeing pictures of Kimmy zip lining on a different vacation with just her and Princess Kanye. She seemed to have no fear of it in those pictures.

Edited by DangerousMinds
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