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Season 9 Discussion

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Well, it would be nice to now if Kendall did get her GED and have it put on wikipedia.


About finding the girls in Thialand.  For being off on their own, in a foreign land with high rate of human sex traffic-ing, I was "surprised" to see Kendall "walking" aruond in just a very small string bikini top and shorts.

Doesn't some guy grab her ass next episode and Brody goes after him. (with their body guard right nearby)?  Kris has been trafficking in the sex trade with Kim for years. She's taught her girls "what you don't show, you don't sell"

  • Love 3

Doesn't some guy grab her ass next episode and Brody goes after him. (with their body guard right nearby)?  Kris has been trafficking in the sex trade with Kim for years. She's taught her girls "what you don't show, you don't sell"

I'm watching the ass grab clip and it has to be staged. What guy in his right mind would grab someone's ass while a TV show is being filmed? Yeah his face is blurred, but it might be because he was an actor and not because he refused to okay his appearance. And again, it looks like the big bodyguard that was at the fun run is right there. I say just like the "racist lady on plane" " ass grabber " is faked bullshit. Brody... I'm disappointed in you!!! thought you had cred!

  • Love 2

They are never consistent in their comments about Rob. They insinuate he never sees them or talks to them, but he was there getting his shots and being social. Kim say he talks to Kris for hours everyday on the phone? But not when she's in Thailand? According to Kim he wants everyone else to do things for him. Like what? What did he ask Kim to do for him?

And Khloe is on my last nerve with her hints about what went on in "that house" and how Rob got dragged into it.

I'll go on record saying I never liked Lamar. I thought he was weird from the beginning. The 180 from single baby daddy of three kids to husband in a month? The goofy overgrown oddball way he acted/interacted with Rob and Khloe. I will never think its not strange for a newlywed husband to be more attached to his brother in law, spend more time with, to the point of excluding his wife. The signs were there from the beginning. His refusal to get rid of the separate apartment, the one that his good buddy Jamie had free access to. The "business" Jamie ran on the internet. Who knows what they were actually selling. His being MIA from almost every family function. Khloe's efforts to get him attracted her physically. All warning signs.

I do not feel sorry for Khloe, and she needs to take part of the blame for her marriage falling apart. Imo, she was desperate for love and attention so she married Lamar a month after meeting him. She wanted a baby for the same reason. There were probably signs of problems before she got married, but she probably ignored them or thought she could change him through her so-called love for him. She also went into the relationship with her own baggage. Two desperate people getting married for desperate reasons.

According to Kim he wants everyone else to do things for him. Like what? What did he ask Kim to do for him?


I interpret that to mean Rob has a sense of entitlement to him.  He doesn't come off as somehow who is highly motivated or takes initiative or who works hard.  But he expects big rewards (other people to do things for him).  Kim did have the idea of the men's wear, then Rob shows up hung over, in sweats for a business meeting.  Kourtney got him an internship, but he flakes out.  He whined about how his friends were in law school, but he didn't seem to do anything to change his situation.   There's been talk about other failed business ventures and I am willing to bet that was due him just dropping the ball and not putting in the work.

  • Love 2

Didn't Kendall and Kylie take flights to Vegas a couple of years ago without telling anyone? And Kendall was recently touring around Europe on her own. Nothing wrong with that - she is 18 and many kids that age are on their own in college. I believe that neither got their HS diplomas. Shame on their parents.


That was entirely scripted, since they had a camera crew with them.  Just because they do not attend a regular high school, does not mean they are drop outs.   Kendall is 18 and probably done by now.  But employers for Kylie still have labor labors for minors they need to adhere too. 

I'm pretty sure that trip to the temple marks the first time in history all the Kardashian women were out in public together and not one of them had their tits out. Well played, Thailand. A Buddhist miracle.


As for Kim's faux concern for the orphans: Fuck you, bitch! If you really want to help them, why don't you throw some cold hard cash at them instead of Kardashian Kids Kollection Krappy Klothes that their little friends probably sewed for 5 cents a week and no bathroom breaks. During that whole publicity tour, I was secretly hoping that one of those sweet kids would lift one of their gaudy, ostentatious rings and finance the orphanage until the end of time. I really, really hate these people.


Is North the Mr. Snuffleupagus of the show now? Can only Big Bird and her fleet of nannies see her?

  • Love 8

I didn't think it was possible, but Khloe wears more makeup than Kim. When she was talking to Brody & Brandon about Lamar, I couldn't stop staring at the 10 pounds of makeup she had on her face. It must be industrial strength too, how did it not melt in that heat? It was interesting to hear that she pulled the divorce trigger thinking that Lamar would straighten up, & instead he just said OK. That must have been a shock.


I would have lost my mind if Kim & Kanye had adopted that girl, I'm glad that Thailand is so tough with adoptions, but it does make me wonder how they became infamous for all the child prostitution there if they're so protective of their kids.


Why does Kim wear nothing but skintight long dresses? She hasn't dressed appropriately once this whole trip.


Anybody else think that thing with the guy touching Kendall's ass was a setup for the show?

  • Love 1

God these people completely suck.. Jesus H Christ.   That kid woulda lasted as long as her white kitten did. Fuck...and carrying around the Vogue issue in every scene?? seriously?? And Kim has Executive Ass on the computer looking for adoption info...and then they ask the hotel owner?? Allllrighty then...weirdos.


Another awesome thing...Kim wants to be married in an old French Chateau....but no wait...she wants to put crap all over it...you know...so it looks new...


Honestly, I dont have kids but i just think about the parents that let their pre teens watch...thinking that its just a fun kinda show... Hey mom...can you smell my and sister's vagina???  Its fun game!


I hate all of you...more than you can imagine :(

P.S.  Is Rob dead yet?

  • Love 2

Of course Kim and Kris traveled halfway around the world to stare at themselves in Vogue. So ridiculous, even by these people's standards.

I also had to laugh at Khloe's big freakout about jumping out of the boat - what were they, like, 5 feet offshore?

Finally, Khloe needs to lose, if not outright burn, that hideous plaid shirt that she wears everywhere. The 90s called, they want their ugly grunge attire back.

Edited by Stella MD
  • Love 2

It's possible she wears it on purpose. If read that paparazzi photos don't sell if the celeb is wearing something they've been photographed in before, you can't prove they aren't old pics. I read it's why Jennifer Anniston always those hideous cargo pants she likes. Sure Khloe goes out in other outfits, but if she wants to just go out and not have to be totally dressed up, a shirt she's been seen in 100 times would do it. 

  • Love 1

Okay, Khloe's ass growth is 100% fake. I'm not even one to call fake ass on everything but when she was running on the beach away from the waves, and ran slightly alongside the camera that thing was moving independently of the rest of her, and it was SUPER OBVIOUS it stuck out in a weird, hard plastic way when you watch in slo-mo.


These chicks are fucking idiots putting all that crap into themselves, and for what?? Your sister already did the big ass thing, can't you find your own thing? Just, dumb. It would serve one of them right to wind up with concrete ass, or worse. Did they learn nothing from Kanye's mother?

  • Love 1

That was their bodyguard in the ass grab scene. He jumped in fast and came out of nowhere when Brody slapped that guy.

The bodyguard was right there but didn't see Kendall get her ass grabbed? BS. And big tough Khloe? I thought she would have jumped in.

And Kendall better get used to having her ass grabbed in the business she's in and learn to handle it on her own. It was all a setup anyway. They need to fake stuff much better.

And they are so leading up to the Brody/Kim blow up, by having her harp on the no plus ones for the wedding.

And no Rob's not dead yet, but Kim has already written him off as if he were.

  • Love 2

On the fascinating subject of their patoots. I believe that have had Brazil an Butt lifts...Google it...they look just like what they have. That's why their thighs look slimmer than they were.

Also Kim did that awesome Butt extra that showed no implants...duh Kim.

No implants. ..they just hike up your leg, back and hip fat into one squishy giant blob.

Here ya go...In their words..

"Tots Obvi"


I'll take the bullet and get one so I can report accurately...I'll be setting up a donation in my name. Mine shall be of human proportions of course.

Kendall at 18 drinking in Thailand. Now she'll have to go home to the USA and never pick up a drink until she's 21. Yeah, sure.

Uhh....that would imply that she hasn't been already...not sure how much they have been drinking of course..but ill bet my new butt that they enjoy their medical marajuana quite a bit...I would too, dealing with those loons

  • Love 1

So this was the episode that's supposed to show us how sensitive, kind and caring little Kimmie is.  Problem is she would have choked if the guy had said "sure, you can adopt, no paperwork necessary - you can leave with the child tomorrow." 


I was surprised she didn't give the kids copies of Vogue, since it was in every other scene.  Bet she puts it under her pillow every night, too.

  • Love 2

On the fascinating subject of their patoots. I believe that have had Brazil an Butt lifts...Google it...they look just like what they have. That's why their thighs look slimmer than they were.

Also Kim did that awesome Butt extra that showed no implants...duh Kim.

No implants. ..they just hike up your leg, back and hip fat into one squishy giant blob.

Here ya go...In their words..

"Tots Obvi"


I'll take the bullet and get one so I can report accurately...I'll be setting up a donation in my name. Mine shall be of human proportions of course.

Uhh....that would imply that she hasn't been already...not sure how much they have been drinking of course..but ill bet my new butt that they enjoy their medical marajuana quite a bit...I would too, dealing with those loons

Just when you think Kris can't whore out any more members of her family, she drags out her elderly, frail mother. For a fucking stupid story line about medical marijuana. Now she's a doctor? Does the woman have any issues that would even require MM? Has her own physician recommended it?  And Kris for someone so tortured about her son's issues, you certainly managed to have a grand old time in Thailand.  

So this was the episode that's supposed to show us how sensitive, kind and caring little Kimmie is.  Problem is she would have choked if the guy had said "sure, you can adopt, no paperwork necessary - you can leave with the child tomorrow." 


I was surprised she didn't give the kids copies of Vogue, since it was in every other scene.  Bet she puts it under her pillow every night, too.

Brody so has her number as a self centered, narcissistic empty headed twit. 

  • Love 1

So this was the episode that's supposed to show us how sensitive, kind and caring little Kimmie is.  Problem is she would have choked if the guy had said "sure, you can adopt, no paperwork necessary - you can leave with the child tomorrow." 


I was surprised she didn't give the kids copies of Vogue, since it was in every other scene.  Bet she puts it under her pillow every night, too.


I imagine a copy of Vogue was in each of the "goody" bags for the kids. SMH


What could they possibly put in the goody bags when they went back the second time and she pulled PINK aside and gave her an extra special gift.  The bag seemed really light.


A pool, the last thing this orphanage, the kids, and the director needs is a pool.

  • Love 1

Oh, Kim...Actually, Americans CAN adopt Thai children. 




But I think her brain would have hurt after reading the process.

Kim was never going to adopt any kid from anywhere. There's not a maternal bone in her body. I also think, in my cynical mind that the orphanage is a regular stop for visitors to the resort. The rich make themselves feel better by handing out gift bags (very convenient that Kris thought ahead to bring Kardashian Kids Kollections Klothing!!)  and maybe make a nice donation to the orphanage. I hate to say it but those kids are used to rich Americans coming thru and they learn how to play them.

When Kim and Kris asked if they could go in and see the hand print wall, I was thinking it would be funny if it were all painted over, waiting for the next busload of monied tourists to arrive and bond with the poor orphans.

The whole scenario reminded me of the Real Housewives of Atlanta going to the orphanage. right down to the gift bags. 


The adoption regs stipulate married couples must have been married for at least 2 years, I don't think Kim and Kanye will last that long. I doubt she could adopt as a single, since she was planning a wedding . 

Edited by iwasish
  • Love 3

On the fascinating subject of their patoots. I believe that have had Brazil an Butt lifts...Google it...they look just like what they have. That's why their thighs look slimmer than they were.

Also Kim did that awesome Butt extra that showed no implants...duh Kim.

No implants. ..they just hike up your leg, back and hip fat into one squishy giant blob.

Here ya go...In their words..

"Tots Obvi"


I'll take the bullet and get one so I can report accurately...I'll be setting up a donation in my name. Mine shall be of human proportions of course.

Uhh....that would imply that she hasn't been already...not sure how much they have been drinking of course..but ill bet my new butt that they enjoy their medical marajuana quite a bit...I would too, dealing with those loons

Thank you for that link, now I don't feel bad about how I look naked anymore. :-)

They have all been born into and bred in a hedonistic family. They are a family that engages full-time in the pursuit of pleasure, and sensual self-indulgence. Why does anyone wonder why Rob, being the only male in the family (we can hardly count Bruce), is having issues with self-indulgence? Drugs, food, booze, broads, that's what it takes to satisfy a lifestyle that he was raised in that teaches that pleasure is the only intrinsic good.

Right at the time Rob should have been out starting to make his way in the world, Kris drags her family into a reality TV show. What kind if job will he be able to get that will allow him to take months off for filming and lavish vacations? What piddling paycheck is going to compare to collecting 5 figure fees for appearing at a club for a few hours? And you know Kris pressured him to be a part of the show. Who among us at that age would have passed on that opportunity? Maybe they had no clue it would last so long or get so big, but by the time it mushroomed into what it is, fame whoredom and its  vise like grip had a hold of him.  He isn't Scott Disick who'll make an appearance and get the  crowd engaged, he's too low key. He wasn't and isn't good looking enough to be a model or any kind of host or spokesman. His best shot at things was sadly his sock line and for whatever reason he didn't put enough  effort into it. I wonder if it may been because Kris didn't take as much an interest in it as she does in the girls ventures?  I think Rob thought it was going to be like doing press for some of the Kardashian makeup/clothing/accessories. You show up shake hands, have a few pics taken, eat at a fancy restaurant. I wonder if he realized that most of what the girls do to  make their money off of is stuff that other people have created and are allowing the K's to have "some input" , put their name on it  and split the proceeds with them.    I don't think he expected to have to actually work at things.. because no one else has.

  • Love 3

Rob was never an integral part of the show.  He went to Business School.  He should have pursue law school - if that's what he really wanted to do.  Can't just blame everything on his upbringing and environment as the excuse.  There are others in that situation who have gone on to create their identities, their own successes.  The problem is that Rob is neither driven or is that intelligent. 

Edited by twilightzone
My favorite Kardashion vacation moment from any of the seasons was when they went to Bora Bora and Kim was pushed into the water by Kris H and lost her earring and Kourtney deadpanned: "You know Kim, there's people dying all over the world"

Bora Bora was the best family vacation they have taken. Even though 94% of the show is scripted that vacation was the most entertaining and funny to watch. It was downhill afterwards. KUWTK is just stale these days. The plots are dull. And we have seen it all before.

Rob was never an integral part of the show. He went to Business School. He should have pursue law school - if that's what he really wanted to do. Can't just blame everything on his upbringing and environment as the excuse. There are others in that situation who have gone on to create their identities, their own successes. The problem is that Rob is neither driven or is that intelligent.

I agree that Rob is somewhat lazy( I'm being charitable) and unmotivated. But I doubt that happened overnight. Actually I don't see any of the family as particularly motivated other than Kris and Kim. Khloe is just along for the ride, she has nothing other than the show and her collaborative stuff with Kim and Kourtney. And Kim has branched out in a big way, apart from them. But other than being famous and rich, she has no other goals. Kourtney has the stores and any extra from the show, but her kids seem to be top priority. I don't think Rob wanted to be a lawyer, it was just assumed that he would "honor" his dad by becoming one. In some way Sr. dying freed Kim and the girls from his old school values and control, but for Rob the pressure to respect daddy's legacy and carry on was all on him. The only son. With 3 sisters and his mother prodding and reminding him about his promise to daddy. I don't think he ever knew what he really wanted to do, just that what he was doing wasn't it.

I also don't think he has any health reason for gaining weight. If I recall Khloes house was like Willy Wonka's candy factory. Lamar ate tons of junk food and fattening foods. He burned some of it off at practice and games, and probably the rest could have been metabolism ( his dad is very thin and I don't know that it's all drug related) Rob just tried to keep up with Lamar. The junk food and the weird hours they kept probably added to his weight gain. Then he became depressed and ate more/gained more. I also think that his underlying resentment of Kim and Kris and their obsession with being perfect, caused a kind of passive/aggressive refusal to lose the weight. Now he finds himself 75 pounds overweight and facing a daunting task of losing it. If he can and if he can keep it off and stop worrying or caring what Kim and Kris think, it's a big start. He needs to put his big boy socks on and grow up. He's lucky he does not have a 9 to 5 job that he has to go to everyday. He can go to the gym, work out, bike ride. Hire a chef to cook healthy tasty food. For fucks sake get himself a executive ass like Kim that hangs with him and keeps him motivated.

Edited by iwasish
  • Love 1

I'm watching the ass grab clip and it has to be staged. What guy in his right mind would grab someone's ass while a TV show is being filmed? Yeah his face is blurred, but it might be because he was an actor and not because he refused to okay his appearance. And again, it looks like the big bodyguard that was at the fun run is right there. I say just like the "racist lady on plane" " ass grabber " is faked bullshit. Brody... I'm disappointed in you!!! thought you had cred!

That's what I thought as well.

  • Love 1

Okay, Khloe's ass growth is 100% fake. I'm not even one to call fake ass on everything but when she was running on the beach away from the waves, and ran slightly alongside the camera that thing was moving independently of the rest of her, and it was SUPER OBVIOUS it stuck out in a weird, hard plastic way when you watch in slo-mo.


These chicks are fucking idiots putting all that crap into themselves, and for what?? Your sister already did the big ass thing, can't you find your own thing? Just, dumb. It would serve one of them right to wind up with concrete ass, or worse. Did they learn nothing from Kanye's mother?


Kanye's  mother was warned by reputable surgeons to not have any procedures, because she had heart problems.  She found someone who was happy to take her money in spite of all that.


Kim, Khloe and Kris are all healthy, with the best doctors. I'm sure they will be fine. Khloe, however, is trying to emulate Kim, with the lips, boobs and rear end, and she looks ridiculous and very unoriginal.

  • Love 1

They made a point of showing that the kids were swimming in the rank looking creek down below. So the pool wasn't such a bad thing for them to have fun without the risk of catching something waterborne.

Not sure what kind of pool Kris was talking about, my assumption was it was one of those little round kiddie pools. If it was a big above ground pool with a filter and room for 10/15 kids that's different. But then Kris thinks Kardashian Kollection Klothing (that they probably couldn't sell to a retailer) was appropriate, so I'm guess it was a kiddie pool.


What about the ocean? The one the Kardashian/Jenners were oohing and ahhhing over. The beach Kimmy was using for her selfie shots?  Those kids aren't allowed there I guess. Probably only the rich can use it, not the people who actually live in that country.

  • Love 2

They made a point of showing that the kids were swimming in the rank looking creek down below. So the pool wasn't such a bad thing for them to have fun without the risk of catching something waterborne.


A pool is such a liability and difficult to maintain.  I was thinking the kids would probably enjoy a slip-n-slide or sprinkler instead ... or perhaps a vehicle and then they can do dray trips to the beach ... I mean, Bali is surrounded by water.

A pool is such a liability and difficult to maintain.  I was thinking the kids would probably enjoy a slip-n-slide or sprinkler instead ... or perhaps a vehicle and then they can do dray trips to the beach ... I mean, Bali is surrounded by water.

Too bad Kimmy and Kris didn't invite them all back to the resort for a nice afternoon in their in room pool and have a nice catered dinner and a ride on a yacht.  No, why tease them with stuff they can never have, just hand out some legos and Krappy Kardashian Klothes, and then go back to their posh digs and talk about how happy those kids are with so little.

  • Love 1

I never understand it when people bash celebrities or anyone adopting children from orphanages.  As long as the children aren't being abused in any way, they will have much better lives than aging out of an orphanage and never having a family.  Being adopted by someone well off means they will have a family, opportunities and a support system for the rest of their lives.  I can't imagine a child would choose being poor and struggling over a life of luxury and opportunity.

  • Love 3


That butt pinching segment was so scripted....first, a camera crew was right there...it was not like the guy was flirting with her...it just all looked way too fake.

Or maybe since Brody was filmed at that event, trying to get someone - *anyone* to 'hook up' with Khloe -- word got out that he was a pimp -- and any woman around him was a 'ho. Just sayin'.

  • Love 2

I never understand it when people bash celebrities or anyone adopting children from orphanages.  As long as the children aren't being abused in any way, they will have much better lives than aging out of an orphanage and never having a family.  Being adopted by someone well off means they will have a family, opportunities and a support system for the rest of their lives.  I can't imagine a child would choose being poor and struggling over a life of luxury and opportunity.

Celebs and the rich are welcome to adopt. It's Kim  that IMO has no place adopting a 12 yr old or any other child. There isn't enough room on this forum to list the reasons why she shouldn't.


That butt pinching segment was so scripted....first, a camera crew was right there...it was not like the guy was flirting with her...it just all looked way too fake.


The legal drinking age in Thailand is 20, isn't Kendall younger than that?



You would think if someone grabbed your ass you would at least jump a bit or shriek. It was convenient also that the way they shot it, you couldn't really see if he touched her or not, and the frigging body guard was right there, pushing Brody aside and chasing the guy, Why did Kendall need a body guard if she was with Brody?.  The body guard usually is with Kim and Kris and the women when they are out alone. Total BS. Kendall and Kylie have both been drinking for years. The laws don't apply to them. only what Kris says  

  • Love 3


I never understand it when people bash celebrities or anyone adopting children from orphanages.  As long as the children aren't being abused in any way, they will have much better lives than aging out of an orphanage and never having a family.  Being adopted by someone well off means they will have a family, opportunities and a support system for the rest of their lives.  I can't imagine a child would choose being poor and struggling over a life of luxury and opportunity.

Agreed. Not to mention the very real possibility of being sold into sex slavery.


Bruce Jenner's face actually scared my son. Are he and Kris still together? If not, why was he on the vacation?


And as much as I don't understand their celebrity status, the Kardashians are one good-looking family. Even if each individual isn't drop-dead gorgeous, together they are a stunning group of people. But is "literally" the only descriptive word that Kim knows?

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