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S06.E06: Hamptons, 90210

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David Foster is an ass. He should have put down his phone and acted like a human being to his wife.

I love Erika, smart, savvy, and eats chocolate cake on tv. She might be my new favorite.

Another scene of Vinny behaving badly. Eileen pulled down $750K last year for this show, she gets to buy what she wants. Besides, Giggy probably has more expensive outfits.

Let's see, cheap, noisy, no room service Hamptons motel or a gorgeous house? I'd be fleeing the rat hole too. Hope they sent the driver for groceries or found food. Or don't they eat?

I giggled at Lisa putting on the hat and then mentioning Kim's arrest. It looked so close to the Target shoplifter hat Kim had on. Well done Lisa. I now to you.

  • Love 15

Is it just me or is Lisa honestly trying to be Brandi-esque in some of her interactions? Like asking how Erica's husband is in the sack? I don't think Lisa P of even 2 seasons ago would be acting like that?

Erica will never be interesting to me. She's barely one generation away from trailer trash. No judgement, only those types are so one note and predictable, so I don't find them entertaining.

Erica is Lala in 20 years if Lala gets very, VERY lucky. Erica is a basic bitch with money and a few extra years of experience.

Edited by Silo
  • Love 11

Loving Erika so far.  To me she has all the makings of a great Housewife: Insanely rich, outspoken, no-nonsense, flashy and smart.  Too bad she's tainted by Yolanda.  Can't wait to see her interact more with the others.  She and LVP could either be bffs or sworn enemies, I'm leaning towards the enemies part.  I don't think Lisa is necessarily jealous of Erika but she seems somewhat threatened.  Lisa has always been about the LGBT community, that was her "thing".  Now comes along a new housewives who's basically a drag queen incarnate, I can see why Lisa would not be too happy about that (but I don't agree with it).

  • Love 13

Eileen and Lisa R are my favorites, it's interesting that the actresses seem to have the most mundane lives. Have we even seen a housekeeper at Eileen's yet? Lisa's daughters are typical teenagers, none of Eileen's boys listen to her, pretty average if they didn't live in mansions.

Erika seems ok so far, but I'm waiting for the penny to drop. I like that she really manages to have 2 personas. The dignified lawyer's wife and the clubber.

Kyle's only storyline seems to be which ever one of her sisters has wronged or embarrassed her that week. Doesn't she have anything else happening?

Did we ever learn why Lisa V was on the cover of the mag? It just seemed weird since they don't normally hang out in the Hamptons. I don't blame the ladies for decamping but there was also no way Lisa could leave either. The house rental would've been prearranged as well since it was summer in the Hamptons.

Leaky implants can lead to illness, perhaps Yo should've had them removed before taking out her teeth? I'm not s David fan but really who knows what he's been through with her. One day she says she can't walk with him, the next 2 times we see her she's out for walks with other people. Her common theme seems to be supplements and no makeup? I do think if David didn't care he wouldn't have gone to Cleveland.

  • Love 4

I'm generally on Kyle's side, who I like, but in this instance, please shut up.  You were the one who brought up Kim while complaining about all the sleep you needed, and NOW you want to bitch about people wanting to talk about her?

Kyle calls Lisa when she KNOWS THEY ARE ON CAMERA to cry about Kim.  Quit feeding on your sister's pain you vulture, find your own damn storyline. 


Lisa called Kyle.

  • Love 18

I'm generally on Kyle's side, who I like, but in this instance, please shut up.  You were the one who brought up Kim while complaining about all the sleep you needed, and NOW you want to bitch about people wanting to talk about her?


Lisa called Kyle.

Those phone calls are prearranged by Bravo, otherwise neither woman would have a camera in her face.


Kyle could have declined, but then she wouldn't have been able to cry on camera again.  Some more. 

  • Love 8

Why in the world didn't 1 of them call Lisa? Tell her what was going on and that they were going to go to a house Mauricio (really production) arranged for them as soon as they made that decision? What they did was RUDE, very rude and I would be hurt/upset as well. JMO


Not to mention that Kim had been ugly to/about Lisa in the tabloids/interviews/press before AND DURING filming.

I don't think production arranged the house for the ladies.  I truly believe they had zero desire to stay at the hotel and Mauricio would be far more likely to find a  suitable home than the production morons. For some reason Evolution Media has quite a track record of shit accommodations (Palm Desert in mid-June) (dreary hotel in Puerto Rico) (Shannon and David being given a 3/4 bed) and off season periods of visiting places-tight wads.   Does this even sound desirable?  http://caprisouthampton.com/room-amenities/#popup1 Iam sure the villa in Italy was not up to speed for the Todds-get yourself your own damn villa up the road and just be on time to film.   Lisa is never happy with accommodations others provide her but it seems when she was in charge this time she fell short.  Since the event honoring Lisa was at the Capri she obviously had to accept the accommodations-or simply choose to come to the party and give her room to a production person.  Lisa should not have felt offended and it is appropriate to leave a note.  I don't care how snobby it sounds I do not want to lose a night's sleep to spare someone's feelings and I hope if my accommodations were lacking my guests would be honest and let me know and get their own.

  • Love 15

Loving Erika so far. To me she has all the makings of a great Housewife: Insanely rich, outspoken, no-nonsense, flashy and smart. Too bad she's tainted by Yolanda. Can't wait to see her interact more with the others. She and LVP could either be bffs or sworn enemies, I'm leaning towards the enemies part. I don't think Lisa is necessarily jealous of Erika but she seems somewhat threatened. Lisa has always been about the LGBT community, that was her "thing". Now comes along a new housewives who's basically a drag queen incarnate, I can see why Lisa would not be too happy about that (but I don't agree with it).

Erika gave us the scoop on WWHL tonight. LisaR sent her a Twitter message that she looked great. As of now Erika gets along with everyone, including Bethenny. She also reported to Andy that everyone of the HW now realize Yolanda was truly ill and not faking anything. They all believe she has LD. So It appears those nearest to her have no problems with Yolanda regarding her health issues and support her.

Edited by talula
  • Love 11

Lisa and her wipes -- the one thing she needed to do (check the bed for bedbugs) was not done.  It is an epidemic and no joke and even the fancy hotels have had them.  I always check.


So Erica finds it unfathomable that Yolanda would be faking/exaggerating?  She's new to the planet, eh?  People do all kinds of craziness for the attention.  Ironic that Erica doesn't understand that.


LVP, plenty of people shoplift for the thrill of it.  I highly doubt that it was the first time she shoplifted, but probably the first time she got caught and couldn't talk/buy her way out of it.  Kim should just steal from Kyle's closet, she probably would never notice things missing in that mess.


Yikes at Eileen and Vince's fight.  That marriage is in trouble.  That fight reminded me of the ones Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson used to have.


So bored with Yolanda and her drama.  I forwarded through her surgery footage. Gross.


Erica and her husband greeting each other was so awkward and strange.  She was more excited to see the cop.  I get that at this point, she's not going anywhere and he wants someone who'll spoon feed him when he's bedridden in a few years.  Whatever works for them, I don't care.  


That Hamptons house was awesome.  What was Kyle wearing, though?  A smock?  LVP was irritated that she had to stay in that shitbox instead of the fab house.  "High maintenance"? LOL, coming from her.  It was a noise issue, sis.  Kyle should've used to the Kim card way earlier, LVP would've shut up about the house a lot sooner.

  • Love 12

I don't think production arranged the house for the ladies.  I truly believe they had zero desire to stay at the hotel and Mauricio would be far more likely to find a  suitable home than the production morons. For some reason Evolution Media has quite a track record of shit accommodations (Palm Desert in mid-June) (dreary hotel in Puerto Rico) (Shannon and David being given a 3/4 bed) and off season periods of visiting places-tight wads.   Does this even sound desirable?  http://caprisouthampton.com/room-amenities/#popup1 Iam sure the villa in Italy was not up to speed for the Todds-get yourself your own damn villa up the road and just be on time to film.   Lisa is never happy with accommodations others provide her but it seems when she was in charge this time she fell short.  Since the event honoring Lisa was at the Capri she obviously had to accept the accommodations-or simply choose to come to the party and give her room to a production person.  Lisa should not have felt offended and it is appropriate to leave a note.  I don't care how snobby it sounds I do not want to lose a night's sleep to spare someone's feelings and I hope if my accommodations were lacking my guests would be honest and let me know and get their own.


No, Mauricio would NOT have been able to rent an entire house at the top of the season in the Hampton's, that would have been arranged months before filming, so it was production, remember they have to get releases to be able to film there. Also, Lisa was NOT in charge of anything connected to the Hamptons trip, it was all prearranged by Bella Magazine and/or production. How hard would it have been for Kyle, as she is closest to Lisa, to call her? Really? Just 1 quick phone call to explain how bad it was in THEIR rooms was all it would have taken BUT NO, neither Kyle or Eileen could take the time to make that call. AND It was Eileen that left the note for Lisa, Kyle couldn't have been bothered to let her friend know they bailed on her before she arrived.  Rude, it was rude of both women but Eileen gets at least 1 point in her favor because she at least left a note for her.

  • Love 12

As I said in my first post, I'm sick and tired of Kyle's "story" being Kim.  It's obscene.


Wow, Gigi looked about 12 on that phone call, with no make up.


I wouldn't watch Lipsa on the damn QVC show, why do I want to watch her sell her crap on RHBH? 


This show is so damn boring now.  At least we've had some travel porn to enjoy.

  • Love 4

As I said in my first post, I'm sick and tired of Kyle's "story" being Kim.  It's obscene.


Wow, Gigi looked about 12 on that phone call, with no make up.


I wouldn't watch Lipsa on the damn QVC show, why do I want to watch her sell her crap on RHBH? 


This show is so damn boring now.  At least we've had some travel porn to enjoy.

I don't think Kyle or the other HWs could ignore what was going on with Kim during filming as it made the news, not just the tabloids but the news. YMMV


LisaR is actually funny on QVC.

  • Love 14


Eileen and Lisa R are my favorites, it's interesting that the actresses seem to have the most mundane lives. Have we even seen a housekeeper at Eileen's yet? Lisa's daughters are typical teenagers, none of Eileen's boys listen to her, pretty average if they didn't live in mansions.

LisaR and Eileen are my favorites too. I like seeing Eileen work at Y&R since I used to watch it. I do not find LisaR annoying like a lot of people do either. I can see why they do, but I do not.


I was fine with Kyle, Eileen, and LisaR staying elsewhere. It sounded like the hotel turned into a nightclub at night, so I would probably not love it either. I do think they should have notified LisaV prior to her arriving though. 


I find Erica a bit boring. Sometimes I like her, but most of the time so far, I find her boring. I have the unpopular opinion of liking Bethenny so it will be interesting to see whatever drama play out. I am liking the low drama season so far, but I am sure that will not last.


Kyle brought up Kim at the party by saying she has been dealing with Kim stuff. I cannot really fault the other ladies for bringing her up, especially after last season with Kim lying repeatedly that she only took one pill because she was in 100% pain. From what I saw LisaV was the only one really prying, but even then it seemed to me that they all could have said or asked a hell of a lot more. I did agree with LisaV when she said Kyle should focus on herself and not Kim at the beginning of the episode.


Was Kim's trip to Target before or after the Dr. Phil interview? 

  • Love 8

Well, I did enjoy the episode except for the Yo scenes.  I get the impression, and maybe I'm wrong, that the Foster marriage was already over when Yo's surgery journey was filmed.  David was going through 'motions' and wasn't happy about it.  It all seemed passive/aggressive to me and he was there because of some ultimatum given by Yo.  It just wasn't real to me.  And why did only Gigi get the phone call.  Hm.  I wonder how the other two children feel about this but that's a whole other discussion.


Saw Erika on WWHL.  She's coming off very vanilla on her opinions.  Kinda disappointed after seeing the coming attractions of her interaction with Beth.  I had hopes she was going to go up against her.  It made me like her for fifteen minutes until she said Beth was cool.


That Hamptons House was gorgeous.  Sorry Lisa.  Get over it....but I have a feeling she won't.  I would have been right behind Kyle and Eileen with my suitcases.  Was it a set up in advance?  I'm not totally sure.  It may have been a listing and Mauricio worked out a last minute deal with an agent.  Hey, that's great publicity for a house for sale.


I really liked having some well known people appear with Lisar.  Also, with Erika and her husband.  This is the kind of stuff I like to see...and house porn.  I can do without Beth..... 

  • Love 8

Erica got a great body.

Her costumes look a bit dated but she knows her audience.

She might look trashy but she is no dummy and is quite likable so far.

I think they are now pushing the Yolanda has Lyme and maybe some other things going on angle.

She just appears so needy and starved for attention.

I feel sorry for her.

That milk container scene was so stupid.

Yolanda is completely out of touch with reality,IMO.

I think that she is depressed/menaupausal and is regressing to her adolescence stage.( I am being generous)

Those white jeans bore me.

Boy, her children are simply gorgeous.

  • Love 3

AND It was Eileen that left the note for Lisa, Kyle couldn't have been bothered to let her friend know they bailed on her before she arrived.  Rude, it was rude of both women but Eileen gets at least 1 point in her favor because she at least left a note for her.



Kyle and Eileen were together so I don't think it's strange that they agreed that they should leave a note before they left and Eileen agreed to do it.  I don't see anything rude about it. YMMV

  • Love 9

Interesting episode for me.  I didn't find it boring but I was never into Brandi's braying.  And I guess she wasn't all they could talk about because I don't remember her name even being mentioned today but it could have slipped by.


I thought there was zero chemistry between Erika and her husband but maybe it was because they were on film and he doesn't do PDA.  I don't hate her or love her but I find her interesting.  She clearly knows that she has 2 different personas. 


Kyle's closet cracked me up with all the clothes falling and the dog walking all over everything.  Too bad her sister has the need to stay in the news and that is all people want to talk about.  I would love to see more of Kyle at home with her family but I will settle for that house in the Hamptons - nice!


Lisa Rinna didn't bug me this episode - maybe she just shouldn't have her children on or give a lot of interviews with that crazy non-laughing laugh.  I thought it was interesting to see her in a day and I do like how frank she is about the money aspect.


Lisa V. is fluff to me. She and her husband just remind me of old 80's disco stars who haven't realized that the 80s are over.  Ken Todd's shirts are so tight and she nearly falls over when she walks on those heels.  I was fine with them although, I think Lisa V. will stir the pot a lot with next week''s episode.


I thought Eileen and Vinnie were actually funny.  My husband will do the same thing with clothes and I say the same type of things back.  I felt it was harmless but am really curious about the whole affair thing and how it is going to be handled.


I am sorry I had to see David Foster being an ass, once again, on my screen.  Enough of them.

  • Love 17

What's with edit?  Sorry if this is a double. 


Kyle calls Lisa when she KNOWS THEY ARE ON CAMERA to cry about Kim.  Quit feeding on your sister's pain you vulture, find your own damn storyline.

Yeah, it is ok for her to out Kim, exploits her problems but when Vanderpump does it, it is wrong .I hope Kim still gets a check, she earned it.

I liked when Vanderpump said that she should have just been stopped and told lady pay your stuff.

Kim needs permanent rehab, IMO.

  • Love 8

Lipsa travels SO much that she carries sanitizer, but she somehow just can't fit in a brief hop of a flight up to Medford to see her sick and dying parents.


I can't stand her.

She is totally focused on making money at the expense of her personal life.

Not a big fan but at least, she is honest about it.

She might want to lay off the fillers a bit.

  • Love 2

I was entertained.  It looked like everyone at QVC was friendly and enthusiastic and enjoying their jobs, and wisely, no jabs at their customers, who I've always imagined are shut-ins who buy stuff hoping to have their voice on TV.  Not that I have anything against shut-ins -- my mom was one and she adored QVC. 


Erika's husband looked uncomfortable being filmed -- out of his element on reality TV -- but he looks at Erika like he can't believe his good luck.  Yeah, I know, blondes are a dime a dozen, but the one he got seems brighter than most.  He's okay with her other persona, and is probably confident that while Erika Jane is over the top, Erika the wife won't do anything to embarrass him. 


Did not like David grabbing Yo's boob -- so disrespectful.  Yo looked hurt by that.

  • Love 16

Did not like David grabbing Yo's boob -- so disrespectful.  Yo looked hurt by that.



That was especially hard to watch for me knowing that they are about to break up.  He just doesn't seem to have the compassion gene.  He's self centered and it shows.  I mean, no matter what the reason for them breaking up, he has to know he's going to look like Douche of the Century for leaving her while she's sick.  I don't care if she is the one wanting the divorce, there is no way to get around him looking like a dick.  Really bad timing on their parts when it comes to his image.  It was also a very poor choice of words that he used once Yolanda was in recovery.  "You're done!  Finished!  All that stuff is out!"  And mentally I added, "So I'm leaving you!"  smdh


Yeah, no chemistry between Erika and her husband. I think their relationship is platonic.



They seemed normal to me as a couple that has been married for 15 years.  I admire them for not playing up for the cameras like Yolanda and David and the "My love"s.

Edited by swankie
  • Love 24


That Hamptons House was gorgeous.  Sorry Lisa.  Get over it....but I have a feeling she won't.  I would have been right behind Kyle and Eileen with my suitcases.  Was it a set up in advance?  I'm not totally sure.  It may have been a listing and Mauricio worked out a last minute deal with an agent.  Hey, that's great publicity for a house for sale.


I'm not sure it was as spur of the moment as we saw.  But I also think people might be shocked at how empty the Hamptons can be during the height of the season.  I'm not talking about the weekend crowd or the house for the summer crowd.  But the people who have the second, or more likely third or fourth home still costing in the thirty forty and fifty million range.  I was there summer before last with a friend who was visiting a friend.  And every other huge honking place was empty for the entire season but maybe one weekend.  The really rich have found more exclusive grounds it seems.  the Isle of Capri is really high on lists. But mega yachts are the current trend.  After all, anyone can party in East Hampton hook or by crook.  Partying on some over 100 foot yacht with that boat's owner (not renter) is a bit more of a get.   


So Mauricio might have made sure there was a fall back house for Kyle knowing the motel was what it was ahead of time.  But if you know the right people you can get a nice little 10,000 sq foot cottage by the sea a lot easier than you think.  A lot easier in terms of being available.  To people who also are rich and have ties and live in that small world that most of us simply do not.  I actually had a school mate I ran into bemoan how his parents were keeping the Hamptons place solely for sentimental reasons and have only had "people we like but not enough to let them visit us stay there.  Yes nothing like keeping that beach house that must cost millions like a dog you can't quite put down but is old smelly and just fond of enough to let live in the area above the garage. 

  • Love 12

That Hamptons house was gorgeous.

I liked that Erika wasn't afraid to eat that chocolate cake.

Why was Yo's health advisor in the operating room?

Kyle can't fault the women for talking about Kim at the party, since she is the one who brought her up.


To make sure that the doctor didn't remove ALL of the loose silcone, so she could keep her job?  That woman comes across as creepy to me, latching onto a sick woman , [Yolanda] and convincing her that she is sicker than she is.  Kind of like Doris Duke's "butler", Bernard.

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 13

I don't buy that hotel vs house storyline at all. It just didn't make sense. Why would they leave a note for Lisa? Was the hotel located in a time warp before cell phones were invented? I have friends who have a home in the Hamptons and they rent it out when they are not there. I suppose there are different parts of the Hamptons but I know my friend's place is always rented out months in advance. At least where they live I know you can't just rent a place like that without advanced notice. (I really need to try to get myself invited there.)


Why was Yolanda's health advocate in the OR? I'm surprised they allowed that. How long before the pictures she took show up on instagram?


I like Erika so far. I would like her more if she wasn't there to play the role of Yolanda's defender.


I wish Kyle would spill whatever secrets she has about Lisa. She shouldn't throw that out there if she's not willing to go through with it.


What the hell was Kyle wearing in the Hamptons? That was unfortunate.

  • Love 5

Why Kathryn is going to be added at an unprecedentedly late juncture: a) Angie, Yo's other friend who accompanied her to Rinna's birthday, was supposed to be a full-timer but is an Australian national and couldn't secure a work visa long enough to continue filming and b) the footage so far has been either extraordinarily dull or reliant upon players who aren't on screen (at least imo)- and the latter is why we'll get treated to Kim and Brandi as well (I'm going to bet that the footage they're filming will include one or both privately disparaging Kyle and/or Lisa; insert it into the broadcast after the fact and you've got conflict for the reunion). I'm not seeing this outspoken tell-it-like-it-is version of Erika that others are observing. She's actually quite milquetoast, practically mute in her real-time filming, and is not notably witty in her talking heads. The preview didn't show her aggressively confronting Bethenny, just pouting in her confessional. So, what's production to do? Why, dust off the cobwebs from a bit player in the OJ Simpson saga and pit her against the MCFR, right in time for the premiere of American Crime Story.

  • Love 4

I just think LVP has had it up to here with Kim. That ET interview must really rubbed her the wrong way. LVP, while she does have a right to be angry at Kim, something tells me she going to have more "No more ms nice girl" moments ahead. Usually LVP isn't this snappy and so direct on RHOBH that is. In the past, her ex-lapdogs Brandi and Yo would do it for her now she's being more vocal, which I like, but it will take some getting use too.

  • Love 14

Fuck you, Yolanda, for making me look at your bloody implant.  Makes me long for the innocence of LisaR getting waxed.  


I thought that the, er, conversation between Vince and Eileen was interesting, to say the least.  And that was some RHOA-worthy shade that Eileen was throwing at Vince.  I mean, damn. 


As far as the Kimzilla stuff, lol.  I have a feeling that Kyle's talking head wasn't even about that particular situation, and that her comment wasn't aimed at LisaV.  Admittedly, that's based on the fact that I've already seen that top several times this season, and there's still drama with Yolanda to come.


Overall, a rather uneventful episode, except of course for the BLOODY BOOB IMPLANT!

Edited by Rina99
  • Love 1

I think the 'note' was producer driven.  I don't think that Kyle and Eileen necessarily owed Lisa a phone call but their first thought was to text her but production wanted Lisa's 'reaction' when she got to the hotel.  Maybe the move happened when there wasn't a film crew with Lisa which seemed to be the case before she got on the helicopter.  

  • Love 8

No, Mauricio would NOT have been able to rent an entire house at the top of the season in the Hampton's, that would have been arranged months before filming, so it was production, remember they have to get releases to be able to film there. Also, Lisa was NOT in charge of anything connected to the Hamptons trip, it was all prearranged by Bella Magazine and/or production. How hard would it have been for Kyle, as she is closest to Lisa, to call her? Really? Just 1 quick phone call to explain how bad it was in THEIR rooms was all it would have taken BUT NO, neither Kyle or Eileen could take the time to make that call. AND It was Eileen that left the note for Lisa, Kyle couldn't have been bothered to let her friend know they bailed on her before she arrived.  Rude, it was rude of both women but Eileen gets at least 1 point in her favor because she at least left a note for her.

Mauricio would have been able to rent far before production would have-production uses a real estate agency to find such a place.  Mauricio gets to skip to the head of the line-he has an agency and the connections.  Don't forget the Richards hail from Long Island and Hilton had an office in New York. 


It was Lisa's party and the travelled to see her and support her.  So getting rooms at the dump, may be on production and  it is Lisa's publicist that booked the event, but Lisa carrying on about them leaving is on her.  It was impolite but not enough to upset the apple cart-this group gets along and you can't convince me Lisa and Ken want to hear music outside their door until 4:00 am or would expect any of the rest of them to.  Lisa had to be making a joke the "high maintenance" comment.  Sorry Lisa, but Ken feeding the dog on the white furniture is a no-no.  Ken set the food down on the couch-just wrong.

  • Love 5
I could warm up to Erika if she continues to be pitted against LVP.  I like her as "herself", but I don't care for her alternate personality, and I really can't stand how she refers to herself in the third person, and each persona as if she's two different people.  She looks much better dressed down, but in her THs, her hair is reminiscent of a Maltese.


Normally I'm right there with you, but I'm liking Erika so much I don't mind.  It doesn't seem like an affectation, to me it's more...like she's consciously building a stage persona, with some thought behind it.  I appreciate that. 


I like that this show isn't totally insular yet, meaning the women have other stuff going on besides their forced interactions on camera.  Vanderpump is slipping a bit, though, and losing subtlety in her efforts to make sure things get filmed.  Maybe she should pull back and only film one reality show at a time.


I don't think Kyle is exploiting Kim, or using her for story.  I think Kim's actions made it necessary for them to bring her up, and for me the story is more seeing Kyle's limit, because I get the sense she'd rather not discuss it.  I'm biased because I like Kyle, though.  Plus...isn't her reaction legitimately her life?  I guess I'm not sure what she should be expected to do, short of leave the show, and I don't think she should have to do that because of her sister's issues.


Next week looks like fun.  I'm hoping we can get a Yolanda-free week.  She's adding nothing I'm interested in seeing.

  • Love 11

That was especially hard to watch for me knowing that they are about to break up. He just doesn't seem to have the compassion gene. He's self centered and it shows. I mean, no matter what the reason for them breaking up, he has to know he's going to look like Douche of the Century for leaving her while she's sick. I don't care if she is the one wanting the divorce, there is no way to get around him looking like a dick. Really bad timing on their parts when it comes to his image. It was also a very poor choice of words that he used once Yolanda was in recovery. "You're done! Finished! All that stuff is out!" And mentally I added, "So I'm leaving you!" smdh

They seemed normal to me as a couple that has been married for 15 years. I admire them for not playing up for the cameras like Yolanda and David and the "My love"s.

The way he shook her elbow when he was saying goodbye to her, along with other reasons, makes me think they haven't been sexually initimate in a long time. I think they are both happy with their arrangement, but I don't think they have a sexual or romantic relationship. It appears to work for both of them though so good for them.
  • Love 2

Yolanda said she ruptured her last set of implants and had them replaced ten years ago.  She must have had them replaced out of the country as silicone implants were still banned 10 years ago in the US .  http://www.sfgate.com/health/article/FDA-lifts-ban-on-silicone-implants-No-studies-2466573.php  It just made me feel as if Yolanda should have had her finger on the implant issue having ruptured a set before.

  • Love 5

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