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S06.E06: Hamptons, 90210

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Please, guys, let's keep the confrontation to stuff we bitch about, not to stuff we take part in!  I'm on this thread for the fun,  not the drama.  If I was really into that I'd move to BH and rent a big house and pretend to be rich and wear inappropriate clothes and stuff!  Oh and maybe pretend to be a witch...

Edited by quaintirene
  • Love 24

Because I see the show as a whole and I consider all of the seasons when I make certain observations or share certain opinions within a post. Not interested in explaining each and every word I chose to post and why it was chosen.

Yesterday Kyle gave an interview and discussed the "no make up in Beverly Hills shocking,"comment, what I took it to mean, is as a whole Beverly Hills woman are very conscience of their physical appearance and would not go out without make up, especially to a dinner.  What Yolanda and some others read into was that Kyle was insulting Yolanda.  Kyle reiterated she thought Yolanda pretty without make-up.  However, if one does not like Kyle, is searching for sympathy or controversy (which I truly believe Yolanda has done with her almost au naturel look this year) they found Kyle's comment to be derogatory and even putting down a sick woman.  Her point was people take your words and read into what they want and apply their own meanings.  Enough about Kyle and her translation.


When someone posts an observation or opinion here, it is not about being right or wrong, it has more to do with what action or word they base the observation or opinion.  So if someone believes Kim has been mocked, I am curious is to how Eileen or Lisa or Ken or LVP mocked her.  I see Kim as the one who usually does the mocking.  At the Reunion last year she started mocking Lisar when she began to cry, when Kim realized it wasn't an act she went over to her and apologized.  When Kim was in Eileen's kitchen she did the "blah, blah, blah," in response to their concern and of course the ultimate incident is when Kim imitated LVP fainting on Dancing with the Stars.  The mocking got funnier when Kim fell off her chair in the confessional talking about it.  To me examples speak to how an opinion or observation is formed.  To say Kyle is a horrible parent, means very little to me without a brief reason why the author feels that way.  If author states, "Kyle is a horrible parent because she lets her girls carry on while getting their ears pierced," then I get a sense where they are coming from.  I may not agree but I get the basis for the observation.  (BTW I don't think Kyle is a horrible parent."

Because I see the show as a whole and I consider all of the seasons when I make certain observations or share certain opinions within a post. Not interested in explaining each and every word I chose to post and why it was chosen.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 13

Lisa V is the one who keeps harping on Kim's problems.  She is the one who initiated the phone call to Kyle about the arrest all under the guise of being concerned for Kim.  She doesn't really give a rat's ass for Kim.  It's all to drive the storyline and to either get Kyle's side of the story out or to make Kyle speak about it.  I can't decide if Kyle wants the info out there to make sure everyone knows she was right about Kim, or if she really doesn't want to talk about it.


ETA It makes me wonder if Kim's comments to the press about Lisa V that Lisa V talked about on air had anything to do with Kim learning that Lisa V was talking about Kim to Kyle while filming.  Why else would Kim be talking about Lisa V?  Is that how the producers got Kim to come back?  By telling her the other women were talking about her?

Edited by jinjer
  • Love 5

Lisa V is the one who keeps harping on Kim's problems.  She is the one who initiated the phone call to Kyle about the arrest all under the guise of being concerned for Kim.  She doesn't really give a rat's ass for Kim.  It's all to drive the storyline and to either get Kyle's side of the story out or to make Kyle speak about it.  I can't decide if Kyle wants the info out there to make sure everyone knows she was right about Kim, or if she really doesn't want to talk about it.


ETA It makes me wonder if Kim's comments to the press about Lisa V that Lisa V talked about on air had anything to do with Kim learning that Lisa V was talking about Kim to Kyle while filming.  Why else would Kim be talking about Lisa V?  Is that how the producers got Kim to come back?  By telling her the other women were talking about her?

Unless LisaV/Ken, a producer OR Kyle told Kim that something was said, Kim would have NO idea anything was said let alone by whom and at that point in filming and I don't think anyone in production was talking to Kim or her Agent at that time. Also, when Lisa called Kyle about Kim, she said to Ken that she was worried about KYLE, not Kim as she was making that call. I do believe that she, Lisa, worries about Kim as to how her behavior affects/hurts Kyle, her friend. JMO

  • Love 10

I see the whole thing as BRAVO using Kim as a story line endlessly, and to me, that does feel like a buzzard picking at bones.


As far as who brings it up?  Kyle has a long history, IMO, of using others to bring the stuff up she doesn't want coming out of her mouth, but DOES want out there.  She's clumsy at it, but it does allow for her, and her fans, to point out that "Kyle never said that!"  Just one example that springs to mind is Brandi on some reunion show bringing up Lisa living in some less-desirable area of LA, and her supposed bankruptcy.  Kyle was obviously the source of that information, you could see Brandi look straight at Kyle like "hello, you going to back me up here?" and also Brandi eventually disclosed that it came from Kyle.  You may not like Brandi, but that whole thing played out for all of us to see.  I believe her on that one, because I watched it.  The confusion, the slow dawning of realization she'd been set up to attack Lisa by Kyle, who was then feigning innocence.  Another example is the "attack Lisa" dinner, later in a blog that rich pageant girl talked about how she'd been set up, and was embarrassed about it.  The obvious implication was "by Kyle."


So, now we have staged scenes of Lisa (or whatever cast member) bringing up Kim, and Kyle's "Oh poor victim me" crocodile tears.  Again, some more.  Do I believe for ONE SECOND that Kyle didn't want yet another chance to claim her victimhood?  Yeah, no.  That's not to say that I don't think Kim's situation and illness hasn't been hard on Kyle, because it's always hard of families and friends of addicts.  I'm simply saying here that Kyle, once again, will take any opportunity to showcase herself as "the good sister" and "the victim" because it's always a contest between those three sisters, even more between Kyle and Kim, being closer in age, and having competed for roles/attention from mom while young.


All three sisters have a love/hate relationship, and the competition side of it is palpable.  They are all a mess. 


Another thing that springs to mind is Kim telling Kyle she drinks every single night, and quite a bit.  I believe Kim.  I think it both confuses and infuriates Kim that Kyle can drink and she can't.  I think after a few swigs, or pills, for Kim, that resentment REALLY comes out, because Kim is a nasty drunk, especially around Kyle, so her anger prompts her to drink even more.  What makes one sibling an addictive personality, while the other can drink heavily, but "socially" and not become a danger to herself and others?  I don't think it's about self-control, I think it's simply about body chemistry.  Kyle and Kim may drink the same amounts, but Kim's body doesn't handle it the way Kyle's does.


I also see so much of the way these girls were raised, played out in bits and pieces over the seasons.  One thing in particular stands out to me again and again.  To nutshell it.  Make up scene, Kyle helping Kim.  Discussion about Kyle being able to go to real schools, have real friends, learn make up and clothes stuff.  Kim saying others always did hers, and that she never got to go to real schools, or have a group of friends since she was on set so much.  Kim looked so wistful and forlorn.  Kyle kind of rubbed that in.  To ME, that scene kind of said it all.  It was all about who WINS.  My empathetic self kind of melded into the two of them, and I felt the pain from both. 

Kyle:  Yeah, you won then, everyone's favorite, mom's and Hollywood's, I was the almost-ran, but who is winning now bitch?  At the same time, a part of Kyle seemed to really LOOK at her sister, and think, "maybe it wasn't so great for her after all..."

Kim:  (for that moment anyway)  Wistful, wondering what could have been, if she would have had a normal life with friends at school, would she not be a mess now?  At the same time, still lording it over Kyle that once, a long time ago, Kim had been the perfect little princess.


It was heartbreaking to me.  We've seen other small scenes over the years where that dynamic continues to play out.  The extreme competition these two CHILDREN faced, the jockeying for position, the empty denials that "any success was ALL of our success!" from Kyle.  I don't believe that for one single second.  They still haven't broken that pattern.


Sorry for the book here.  One more thought.  I don't think Kathy, Kyle, or Kim will ever heal, because to really heal, they need to face their childhoods with fresh and open eyes and hearts.  They need to find a way to love their mother in an honest way, not that "she was PERFECT and we must keep her on a pedestal way.  Look at it with clear eyes, embrace the good, but stop ignoring the bad, and learn to truly forgive, instead of sweeping everything under that rug.  There is way too much dirt under that proverbial rug, and they are continually tripping over the piles.  It's not a "blame mom" it's a "forgive mom" but stop the fucking lies, they are killing all of you thing.



I see Kim's story as a tragedy.  I think part of the reason she drinks, and probably started drinking, and using drugs is deep insecurity, and the obnoxious bravado as a way of coping with that.  I can't see her stopping now, it's her coping method, to blur the harsh reality of her life.  Aging.  Children gone.  Can't get work.  Broke.  Embarrassed.  Absolutely no hope or joy.  I'm shocked she isn't dead yet, and BRAVO exploiting that because they don't have enough "good stuff" to air makes me sick to my stomach.  It's not about liking Kim, I never liked her.  But this is like watching a wounded animal who is not going to make it anyway, die slowly by being picked apart by buzzards.  Nothing alive deserves that.  At all.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 16

Alas, ryebread, Kim-so-dim is mentioned in tonight's ep, courtesy of Bony Girl:



Pity.  I was hoping we'd have at least a couple more epis without her name mentioned.  Kyle is clearly proud to be friends with Beth.  Figures.


Lisa V is the one who keeps harping on Kim's problems.  She is the one who initiated the phone call to Kyle about the arrest all under the guise of being concerned for Kim.  She doesn't really give a rat's ass for Kim.  It's all to drive the storyline and to either get Kyle's side of the story out or to make Kyle speak about it.  I can't decide if Kyle wants the info out there to make sure everyone knows she was right about Kim, or if she really doesn't want to talk about it.


Ohhh.  I like the way you think, jinjer.  That's an ugly possibility, too.  I wonder how they're behaving IRL.  Friends?  Because if they remain so, that theory is plausible.  Maybe Kathy knows this is going on and that's what she's got on Kyle.

  • Love 3

Good post, Umbelina.  This is it in a nutshell for me:


I see the whole thing as BRAVO using Kim as a story line endlessly, and to me, that does feel like a buzzard picking at bones


They keep picking. It *is* so 2015.  And 2014.  And 13.  And 12.....  Stick a fork in it.


I'm surprised an addict's behavior is what has driven the Beverly Highfalutin' Hills franchise since 2010.  It was interesting for the first 2 years but seriously.

Edited by ryebread
  • Love 9

Interesting everyone's takes on the Kim and Kyle situation. One thing that always puzzled me-- Kyle would often seem like she didn't realize Kim was drunk/high/stoned (whatever it was) when it was clear to me as the viewer that something was really off. Like when Brandi first had the "Your doing crystal meth!" accusation, Kyle acted like she didn't know why Kim was going to the bathroom constantly and was laughing and having fun with her, almost like she enjoyed having Kim high/drunk. Is Kyle naive? In denial? I never understood that. 

It's also possible that Kyle is de-sensitized to Kim being drunk/high/stoned because it's "normal" in their family.  Kim probably has a baseline of 'drunk/high/stoned' on a "normal" day.  She knows Kim drinks/does drugs (possibly on the latter), but can no longer tell sober Kim from "normal level of drunk" Kim.  Totally Kim?  That she'd probably recognize.

  • Love 2

Good post, Umbelina. This is it in a nutshell for me:

They keep picking. It *is* so 2015. And 2014. And 13. And 12..... Stick a fork in it.

I'm surprised an addict's behavior is what has driven the Beverly Highfalutin' Hills franchise since 2010. It was interesting for the first 2 years but seriously.

Well, there was a brief interruption when Russel committed suicide.

I also agree with Umbelina 's post.

What would happen if Kim died????????

So dark.

It's also possible that Kyle is de-sensitized to Kim being drunk/high/stoned because it's "normal" in their family. Kim probably has a baseline of 'drunk/high/stoned' on a "normal" day. She knows Kim drinks/does drugs (possibly on the latter), but can no longer tell sober Kim from "normal level of drunk" Kim. Totally Kim? That she'd probably recognize.


But doesn't Meth smell?

It is hard to ignore.

Edited by LIMOM
  • Love 2

I see the whole thing as BRAVO using Kim as a story line endlessly, and to me, that does feel like a buzzard picking at bones.


As far as who brings it up?  Kyle has a long history, IMO, of using others to bring the stuff up she doesn't want coming out of her mouth, but DOES want out there.  She's clumsy at it, but it does allow for her, and her fans, to point out that "Kyle never said that!"  Just one example that springs to mind is Brandi on some reunion show bringing up Lisa living in some less-desirable area of LA, and her supposed bankruptcy.  Kyle was obviously the source of that information, you could see Brandi look straight at Kyle like "hello, you going to back me up here?" and also Brandi eventually disclosed that it came from Kyle.  You may not like Brandi, but that whole thing played out for all of us to see.  I believe her on that one, because I watched it.  The confusion, the slow dawning of realization she'd been set up to attack Lisa by Kyle, who was then feigning innocence.  Another example is the "attack Lisa" dinner, later in a blog that rich pageant girl talked about how she'd been set up, and was embarrassed about it.  The obvious implication was "by Kyle."


So, now we have staged scenes of Lisa (or whatever cast member) bringing up Kim, and Kyle's "Oh poor victim me" crocodile tears.  Again, some more.  Do I believe for ONE SECOND that Kyle didn't want yet another chance to claim her victimhood?  Yeah, no.  That's not to say that I don't think Kim's situation and illness hasn't been hard on Kyle, because it's always hard of families and friends of addicts.  I'm simply saying here that Kyle, once again, will take any opportunity to showcase herself as "the good sister" and "the victim" because it's always a contest between those three sisters, even more between Kyle and Kim, being closer in age, and having competed for roles/attention from mom while young.


All three sisters have a love/hate relationship, and the competition side of it is palpable.  They are all a mess. 


Another thing that springs to mind is Kim telling Kyle she drinks every single night, and quite a bit.  I believe Kim.  I think it both confuses and infuriates Kim that Kyle can drink and she can't.  I think after a few swigs, or pills, for Kim, that resentment REALLY comes out, because Kim is a nasty drunk, especially around Kyle, so her anger prompts her to drink even more.  What makes one sibling an addictive personality, while the other can drink heavily, but "socially" and not become a danger to herself and others?  I don't think it's about self-control, I think it's simply about body chemistry.  Kyle and Kim may drink the same amounts, but Kim's body doesn't handle it the way Kyle's does.


I also see so much of the way these girls were raised, played out in bits and pieces over the seasons.  One thing in particular stands out to me again and again.  To nutshell it.  Make up scene, Kyle helping Kim.  Discussion about Kyle being able to go to real schools, have real friends, learn make up and clothes stuff.  Kim saying others always did hers, and that she never got to go to real schools, or have a group of friends since she was on set so much.  Kim looked so wistful and forlorn.  Kyle kind of rubbed that in.  To ME, that scene kind of said it all.  It was all about who WINS.  My empathetic self kind of melded into the two of them, and I felt the pain from both. 

Kyle:  Yeah, you won then, everyone's favorite, mom's and Hollywood's, I was the almost-ran, but who is winning now bitch?  At the same time, a part of Kyle seemed to really LOOK at her sister, and think, "maybe it wasn't so great for her after all..."

Kim:  (for that moment anyway)  Wistful, wondering what could have been, if she would have had a normal life with friends at school, would she not be a mess now?  At the same time, still lording it over Kyle that once, a long time ago, Kim had been the perfect little princess.


It was heartbreaking to me.  We've seen other small scenes over the years where that dynamic continues to play out.  The extreme competition these two CHILDREN faced, the jockeying for position, the empty denials that "any success was ALL of our success!" from Kyle.  I don't believe that for one single second.  They still haven't broken that pattern.


Sorry for the book here.  One more thought.  I don't think Kathy, Kyle, or Kim will ever heal, because to really heal, they need to face their childhoods with fresh and open eyes and hearts.  They need to find a way to love their mother in an honest way, not that "she was PERFECT and we must keep her on a pedestal way.  Look at it with clear eyes, embrace the good, but stop ignoring the bad, and learn to truly forgive, instead of sweeping everything under that rug.  There is way too much dirt under that proverbial rug, and they are continually tripping over the piles.  It's not a "blame mom" it's a "forgive mom" but stop the fucking lies, they are killing all of you thing.



I see Kim's story as a tragedy.  I think part of the reason she drinks, and probably started drinking, and using drugs is deep insecurity, and the obnoxious bravado as a way of coping with that.  I can't see her stopping now, it's her coping method, to blur the harsh reality of her life.  Aging.  Children gone.  Can't get work.  Broke.  Embarrassed.  Absolutely no hope or joy.  I'm shocked she isn't dead yet, and BRAVO exploiting that because they don't have enough "good stuff" to air makes me sick to my stomach.  It's not about liking Kim, I never liked her.  But this is like watching a wounded animal who is not going to make it anyway, die slowly by being picked apart by buzzards.  Nothing alive deserves that.  At all.

Oh My God! My heart did jumps while reading your post! YOU GET IT! Down to the makeup scene that was the real eye opener for me as well! I saw it exactly as you did. The wistfulness and reading between the lines. It's like you've confirmed that to me that my "unicorn" does exist and isn't a figment of my imagination (not that I didn't trust my own reasoning, but I couldn't resist) LOL. I don't think Kyle is an innocent AT ALL. I am sad that she's been through what she's been through but I'm saddened that she's still seems to be playing that game. I mean at what point will she open her eyes and realize it's over. Those acting days, the competition, mom's not longer alive, it's time to stop the nonsense. Kim's dying, put the past in the past and figure out how to tackle things resentment free from here on out. I really believe Kim's over that game because she's got bigger fish to fry. Her life for one but now it's a new ballgame considering the renewed script ala The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. I wouldn't be surprised if Kathy's resentful because everything has just started up all over again with higher stakes instead of dying down as they get older and mature. I honestly believe Kim is battling a whole lifetime of whatever and would honestly like for it to just stop but what I get from Kyle is this need to keep this way of life going for some reason.


One thing is for sure they can never heal because in order to do that they would have to look at their mother in a new way and they are all scared shitless and what sort of devastation that will do to each off their cores if they looked at their mom through the eyes of someone who is unbiased and disconnected from that women. Imagine the anguish they would have to allow themselves to feel before they could heal? I think all three of them decided that they would rather deal with the demons they know than risk unleashing the devil himself. Thanks again for that heartwarming outline of season one.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 5

Speaking of that (first) Brandi and the sister's scene.  Kim was high as a kite, and vicious.  Unspeakably nasty.  What was Kyle's excuse for her own viciousness and cruelty?  I think my opinion that Kyle was a mean girl pack leader probably began right there, and as much of a soft focus edit that she's now getting from BRAVO?  I can't UN-see that, and to me, it continues to echo in Kyle's behavior.  Yes, she got smarter, put the words in other people's mouths, carefully crafted her victim image. 


I think we saw her true self, without the soft-focus BRAVO is giving her now, right then, in all it's glory.

  • Love 8

Speaking of that (first) Brandi and the sister's scene.  Kim was high as a kite, and vicious.  Unspeakably nasty.  What was Kyle's excuse for her own viciousness and cruelty?  I think my opinion that Kyle was a mean girl pack leader probably began right there, and as much of a soft focus edit that she's now getting from BRAVO?  I can't UN-see that, and to me, it continues to echo in Kyle's behavior.  Yes, she got smarter, put the words in other people's mouths, carefully crafted her victim image. 


I think we saw her true self, without the soft-focus BRAVO is giving her now, right then, in all it's glory.

Yeah we saw the real Kyle that first season no doubt and like I said in a previous post Kyle was a real fast learner. Remember how quick she expected Kim to jump in against Camille and Kim hesistated cause she wasn't ready to spew the script Kyle needed at that moment? If Kim was supposed to recount "the truth" then she wouldn't have had to stall she would have just been able to say "nope you're right I was there and Kyle didn't mean it like that". I took that scene as Kim thinking to herself "Yup Kyle totally meant it like that, been on the other end of that shit for years" hence the pause and the inability to blindly back Kyle up cause she was in the mindset where she could relate to Camille in that moment. I found that to be a little LOL up until Kim got crucified for not being able to immediately step in the middle of a conflict and take sides like they were in the high school lunchroom.


I think Kyle is most agitated now when Kim's name is brought up because instead of the dialogue happening with a HW and Kim and Kyle being able to make scared faces in the background this season it seems that these Kim conversations will be dumped in her lap no rhyme or reason.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 7

I can't UN-see that, and to me, it continues to echo in Kyle's behavior.


All that, and, I can't UN-remember who her best friend is.  I think Kyle has totally gotten the soft focus these last few seasons and imo, is way nast-trashier IRL than we see. 


She's smart to re-ignite her friendship with Bethenny because if Beth has any influence at Bravo as we suspent, Kyle will remain golden.

  • Love 10

I have major Kim fatigue, maybe that's what it is for me, but the Kim stuff was barely in this episode and, for me, the discussion has gone beyond the episode. I'm not a mod, people can do what they'd like, of course. Just a request. Like I said, severe Kim fatigue could be clouding my judgment.

But you can't be in your feelings because people are talking about it. Kim has been talked about several times this season and last season. If the show is going to show it the viewers here are allowed to discuss and debate about it.

Really good ratings.

Exactly. You really think Andy gives a fuck about these people dying. He focused a whole season around Russell Armstrong and guess what it was the best rated season in BH history. He'll keep showing controversy and problematic figures until the viewership starts tanking on all the HWs. Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 5

Pity.  I was hoping we'd have at least a couple more epis without her name mentioned.  Kyle is clearly proud to be friends with Beth.  Figures.



Ohhh.  I like the way you think, jinjer.  That's an ugly possibility, too.  I wonder how they're behaving IRL.  Friends?  Because if they remain so, that theory is plausible.  Maybe Kathy knows this is going on and that's what she's got on Kyle.

or LVP is the frenemy that Kyle keeps close because she failed at bringing Lisa down a couple of times. I haven't been able to decide because I really thought Kyle would cut LVP off after the Mario cheating digs. Maybe Kyle doesn't want to talk about these things herself but tptb force it so Kyle figures she can control it if LVP brings it up and she can then squash the conversation. I remember BG saying that Lisa would call her every morning to talk about their scenes. That could be what's happening here. I can't seem to pin this friendship down but I'm pretty sure its turned into a business one with a truce bound by a pinky swear if anything.
  • Love 5

Lisa V is the one who keeps harping on Kim's problems.  She is the one who initiated the phone call to Kyle about the arrest all under the guise of being concerned for Kim.  She doesn't really give a rat's ass for Kim.  It's all to drive the storyline and to either get Kyle's side of the story out or to make Kyle speak about it.  I can't decide if Kyle wants the info out there to make sure everyone knows she was right about Kim, or if she really doesn't want to talk about it.


ETA It makes me wonder if Kim's comments to the press about Lisa V that Lisa V talked about on air had anything to do with Kim learning that Lisa V was talking about Kim to Kyle while filming.  Why else would Kim be talking about Lisa V?  Is that how the producers got Kim to come back?  By telling her the other women were talking about her?

I think came back for the same reason Brandi did-$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

  • Love 5

I see the whole thing as BRAVO using Kim as a story line endlessly, and to me, that does feel like a buzzard picking at bones.


As far as who brings it up?  Kyle has a long history, IMO, of using others to bring the stuff up she doesn't want coming out of her mouth, but DOES want out there.  She's clumsy at it, but it does allow for her, and her fans, to point out that "Kyle never said that!"  Just one example that springs to mind is Brandi on some reunion show bringing up Lisa living in some less-desirable area of LA, and her supposed bankruptcy.  Kyle was obviously the source of that information, you could see Brandi look straight at Kyle like "hello, you going to back me up here?" and also Brandi eventually disclosed that it came from Kyle.  You may not like Brandi, but that whole thing played out for all of us to see.  I believe her on that one, because I watched it.  The confusion, the slow dawning of realization she'd been set up to attack Lisa by Kyle, who was then feigning innocence.  Another example is the "attack Lisa" dinner, later in a blog that rich pageant girl talked about how she'd been set up, and was embarrassed about it.  The obvious implication was "by Kyle."


So, now we have staged scenes of Lisa (or whatever cast member) bringing up Kim, and Kyle's "Oh poor victim me" crocodile tears.  Again, some more.  Do I believe for ONE SECOND that Kyle didn't want yet another chance to claim her victimhood?  Yeah, no.  That's not to say that I don't think Kim's situation and illness hasn't been hard on Kyle, because it's always hard of families and friends of addicts.  I'm simply saying here that Kyle, once again, will take any opportunity to showcase herself as "the good sister" and "the victim" because it's always a contest between those three sisters, even more between Kyle and Kim, being closer in age, and having competed for roles/attention from mom while young.


All three sisters have a love/hate relationship, and the competition side of it is palpable.  They are all a mess. 


Another thing that springs to mind is Kim telling Kyle she drinks every single night, and quite a bit.  I believe Kim.  I think it both confuses and infuriates Kim that Kyle can drink and she can't.  I think after a few swigs, or pills, for Kim, that resentment REALLY comes out, because Kim is a nasty drunk, especially around Kyle, so her anger prompts her to drink even more.  What makes one sibling an addictive personality, while the other can drink heavily, but "socially" and not become a danger to herself and others?  I don't think it's about self-control, I think it's simply about body chemistry.  Kyle and Kim may drink the same amounts, but Kim's body doesn't handle it the way Kyle's does.


I also see so much of the way these girls were raised, played out in bits and pieces over the seasons.  One thing in particular stands out to me again and again.  To nutshell it.  Make up scene, Kyle helping Kim.  Discussion about Kyle being able to go to real schools, have real friends, learn make up and clothes stuff.  Kim saying others always did hers, and that she never got to go to real schools, or have a group of friends since she was on set so much.  Kim looked so wistful and forlorn.  Kyle kind of rubbed that in.  To ME, that scene kind of said it all.  It was all about who WINS.  My empathetic self kind of melded into the two of them, and I felt the pain from both. 

Kyle:  Yeah, you won then, everyone's favorite, mom's and Hollywood's, I was the almost-ran, but who is winning now bitch?  At the same time, a part of Kyle seemed to really LOOK at her sister, and think, "maybe it wasn't so great for her after all..."

Kim:  (for that moment anyway)  Wistful, wondering what could have been, if she would have had a normal life with friends at school, would she not be a mess now?  At the same time, still lording it over Kyle that once, a long time ago, Kim had been the perfect little princess.


It was heartbreaking to me.  We've seen other small scenes over the years where that dynamic continues to play out.  The extreme competition these two CHILDREN faced, the jockeying for position, the empty denials that "any success was ALL of our success!" from Kyle.  I don't believe that for one single second.  They still haven't broken that pattern.


Sorry for the book here.  One more thought.  I don't think Kathy, Kyle, or Kim will ever heal, because to really heal, they need to face their childhoods with fresh and open eyes and hearts.  They need to find a way to love their mother in an honest way, not that "she was PERFECT and we must keep her on a pedestal way.  Look at it with clear eyes, embrace the good, but stop ignoring the bad, and learn to truly forgive, instead of sweeping everything under that rug.  There is way too much dirt under that proverbial rug, and they are continually tripping over the piles.  It's not a "blame mom" it's a "forgive mom" but stop the fucking lies, they are killing all of you thing.



I see Kim's story as a tragedy.  I think part of the reason she drinks, and probably started drinking, and using drugs is deep insecurity, and the obnoxious bravado as a way of coping with that.  I can't see her stopping now, it's her coping method, to blur the harsh reality of her life.  Aging.  Children gone.  Can't get work.  Broke.  Embarrassed.  Absolutely no hope or joy.  I'm shocked she isn't dead yet, and BRAVO exploiting that because they don't have enough "good stuff" to air makes me sick to my stomach.  It's not about liking Kim, I never liked her.  But this is like watching a wounded animal who is not going to make it anyway, die slowly by being picked apart by buzzards.  Nothing alive deserves that.  At all.

The source of Brandi's comment about "living deep in the valley" was Kken at their renewal ceremony-that is what Kyle copped to and she denied the bankruptcy comment.  I would take Kyle's word over Brandi's any day.  Brandi seems to hear things that don't happen-she accused Kyle of the calling her a bad parent in Holland and no one backed Brandi's play on that one either.


As far as Kim accusing Kyle of drinking everyday and a lot.  First off Kim was drunk, second there has been an abundance of evidence these sisters do not have a close relationship-let alone one where Kim would know Kyle drinks.  I remember in Hawaii Kim saying Kyle is always on her cell phone in the car.  Kyle pointed out Kim had not been in her car for 12 years.  Most of the time alcoholics will accuse those around them of drinking the same or more.  I saw this as Kim being defensive.  That and we have not seen or heard others speak of Kyle being drunk.


As far as Kim and real schools-Kim elected after 16 years of age not to attend a real school.  She, Kyle and Kathy were all enrolled in a very nice private school in Bel Air for the most part.  Child actors are required to be enrolled in school, they then bring their studies from real school with them to the set and are given instruction for I believe 5 hours before they work and the total day cannot exceed 8 hours.  They are provided with one on one tutors.  Kim did not shoot all day everyday of the school year-blame her mother for letting her get away with manipulating the system.  Kim regrets are largely of her making.  At 16 years of age she decided not to go to school-she was filming very little.  It is a little like Kyle talking about driving herself to work at 13 years of age-Grandma was in the car because she had to be on the set with Kyle.  It is funny because Kim does the poor, poor, me routine about her life as a child star but when someone out of her past pops up she is so full of life and chatter.  She has done this a couple of times on WWHL.


I am afraid a let's get real about mom will become just another competition between these sisters. Their mom is dead, they knew no other mom and there may be just enough decency in the three of them not to slam her for all eternity.

  • Love 6

But you can't be in your feelings because people are talking about it. Kim has been talked about several times this season and last season. If the show is going to show it the viewers here are allowed to discuss and debate about it.

Exactly. You really think Andy gives a fuck about these people dying. He focused a whole season around Russell Armstrong and guess what it was the best rated season in BH history. He'll keep showing controversy and problematic figures until the viewership starts tanking on all the HWs.

I'm not sure I follow. What do you mean when you say I can't be in my feelings?

I'm getting the feeling that you think I'm against any discussion about Kim, and that's not what I said. I simply asked if the discussion can be moved to her thread. Quite frankly, the same conversation- addiction and Kim, dominated two pages of this episode thread. the same conversation that went on and on last season in multiple episode threads and in her thread. Listen, like I said, I'm not a Mod, carry on, do what you want. But, if you can please clarify what you meant by the feelings statement, I'd appreciate it.

  • Love 3

Pity.  I was hoping we'd have at least a couple more epis without her name mentioned.  Kyle is clearly proud to be friends with Beth.  Figures.




Well, of course Kyle gravitates to Beth whose delightful graciousness and refined manner is such an attraction. 



I see Kim as the one who usually does the mocking.  At the Reunion last year she started mocking Lisar when she began to cry, when Kim realized it wasn't an act she went over to her and apologized.  When Kim was in Eileen's kitchen she did the "blah, blah, blah," in response to their concern and of course the ultimate incident is when Kim imitated LVP fainting on Dancing with the Stars.




Here's the vid from Kim imitating LVP. Obviously, poor Kyle is terribly uncomfortable and doing her best to rein in her kooky sister. Clearly, poor Kyle wants nothing to do with the moment. Without question, only Krazy Kim is mocking LVP:



Edited by steelcitysister
  • Love 3

Well, of course Kyle gravitates to Beth whose delightful graciousness and refined manner is such an attraction. 





Here's the vid from Kim imitating LVP. Obviously, poor Kyle is terribly uncomfortable and doing her best to rein in her kooky sister. Clearly, poor Kyle wants nothing to do with the moment. Without question, only Krazy Kim is mocking LVP:




Oh, for sure Kyle was part of that conversation but only Kim openly mocked Lisa fainting. As I just said this above in another post, when Kim and Kyle are together, Kyle's behavior can be just as bad as Kim's. IMO, they bring out the worst in each other but for Kim, her ugly behavior doesn't need Kyle to come out, it is ever present.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 3

Both Kim and Kyle do share some nasty traits as does Kathy, like threatening to spill someone's secrets that they are mad at. Kim did this to LisaR, Kyle just did this to LisaV and Kathy recently did this to Kyle. I also think Kyle's behavior gets worse when she is with Kim, IMO, Kim brings out the nastiness in her far faster and more often than it does when Kyle is on her own or with other people. And I do believe that Kyle is FOLLOWING Kim's lead, like the good LITTLE/YOUNGER sister Kim wants/demands her to be.




Interesting. You may be right about Kyle emulating Kim (a learned behavior from their youth). If so, Kyle needs some intensive therapy and soon. Of course, Kyle may not be mirroring Kim -- her conduct could be simply be a reflection of who she is.

  • Love 4

Here's the vid from Kim imitating LVP. Obviously, poor Kyle is terribly uncomfortable and doing her best to rein in her kooky sister. Clearly, poor Kyle wants nothing to do with the moment. Without question, only Krazy Kim is mocking LVP:




Did you notice in that video that the chairs in Kyle's theater room are monogrammed with their names? Farrah's is right next to Kyle's. 


And the two who are not named Farrah are in the row behind them.  Kyle clearly has a favorite child. Terrible mother.  Call CPS.


Yeah, I agree with you.  Kyle=angel.  Kim or anyone who goes against Kyle=devil

  • Love 3

Interesting. You may be right about Kyle emulating Kim (a learned behavior from their youth). If so, Kyle needs some intensive therapy and soon. Of course, Kyle may not be mirroring Kim -- her conduct could be simply be a reflection of who she is.

Kyle is far from perfect and she has her own ugly side, as they ALL do, but when she and Kim are together (getting along) that ugly side gets down right hideous but it never gets that way when Kim is absent. I think Kyle's saving grace, why she isn't as bad as Kim/Kathy IMO, is her MIL, Estella. I think Estella has helped her grow as an individual and helped her put some distance between herself and her sisters behavior wise and I wouldn't be surprised to hear that Mauricio was/is supportive of his mother helping to guide Kyle away from the standard Richard's behavior.   JMO

  • Love 6

I'm not sure I follow. What do you mean when you say I can't be in my feelings?

I'm getting the feeling that you think I'm against any discussion about Kim, and that's not what I said. I simply asked if the discussion can be moved to her thread. Quite frankly, the same conversation- addiction and Kim, dominated two pages of this episode thread. the same conversation that went on and on last season in multiple episode threads and in her thread. Listen, like I said, I'm not a Mod, carry on, do what you want. But, if you can please clarify what you meant by the feelings statement, I'd appreciate it.



First, Kyle heard Ken talk about the "Valley", as did Brandi, at the wedding renewal and Brandi admitted that she paid $9.99 to read BK reports that were incorrect all on her own.


Joyce, the "pageant girl" was referring to Yolanda/Brandi setting her up ALL season long, NOT Kyle. In fact, Joyce is still friends with both LisaV AND Kyle.


I admit, I do believe that Kim is still trying to 1 up Kyle like she did as a child but I do not think Kyle is doing it to Kim. Kyle knows she has what Kim wants/demands/expects, a loving husband, 4 great kids, her own successful business and her husband making big, big money.


As for watching Kim on this show, most want here gone yet she keeps coming back, signing a contract on her own and Bravo is NOT holding a gun to her head forcing her to do it either.

Both Kim and Kyle do share some nasty traits as does Kathy, like threatening to spill someone's secrets that they are mad at. Kim did this to LisaR, Kyle just did this to LisaV and Kathy recently did this to Kyle. I also think Kyle's behavior gets worse when she is with Kim, IMO, Kim brings out the nastiness in her far faster and more often than it does when Kyle is on her own or with other people. And I do believe that Kyle is FOLLOWING Kim's lead, like the good LITTLE/YOUNGER sister Kim wants/demands her to be.


Brandi said that she and Lisa talked every morning about what happened during the day before, including during filming, like close friends who work together do after work, not that they talked about their "scenes". They were 2 close friends talking about their lives both on and off the camera every day, even when filming was done for the season.

I like Lisa and Kyle as friends and I think Kyle was angry when she made the comment.  Lisa has to know it hamstrings Kyle when she brings up family business and what I like about Lisa, is she saying what  a good friend does-how is it affecting you.  I think that is where the conversation was going in the Hamptons-Kyle was clearly upset mentioned Kim had upset her and she also knew the shoplifting incident was complicated.  Which leads me to believe, and this is pure speculation, that Kim has been diagnosed with a serious mental health issue.  Originally maybe it was presumed it would be used to mitigate or dismiss the shoplifting charge, but when legal minds conferred there was no reason to expose Kim's psychiatric issues as there would be no serious sentence for the petty theft charge.   Kyle also said something recently to the effect "Kim got the help she thought she needed."  I see some more dirt being swept under the carpet.


I think Brandi initiated those calls -not Lisa.  As Lisa said, Brandi called her every time she had a problem and pretty much every call was about Brandi and her current problem.  My guess is the reason Lisa kept the conversation about herself show related is deep down she sensed Brandi incapable of keeping a confidence or too selfish to listen to anything but her own problems.

  • Love 4

I think Lisa and Kyle are more like "frenemies."  Perhaps before the show began they were actual (casual) friends, but now?  They have each other's number.  I keep waiting for Lisa to get Kyle back for all the bullshit, but perhaps she's simply decided revenge is best served cold, or to mount a careful attack when least expected.


I hope that's soon.

  • Love 3

The source of Brandi's comment about "living deep in the valley" was Kken at their renewal ceremony-that is what Kyle copped to and she denied the bankruptcy comment.  I would take Kyle's word over Brandi's any day.  Brandi seems to hear things that don't happen-she accused Kyle of the calling her a bad parent in Holland and no one backed Brandi's play on that one either.


As far as Kim accusing Kyle of drinking everyday and a lot.  First off Kim was drunk, second there has been an abundance of evidence these sisters do not have a close relationship-let alone one where Kim would know Kyle drinks.  I remember in Hawaii Kim saying Kyle is always on her cell phone in the car.  Kyle pointed out Kim had not been in her car for 12 years.  Most of the time alcoholics will accuse those around them of drinking the same or more.  I saw this as Kim being defensive.  That and we have not seen or heard others speak of Kyle being drunk.


As far as Kim and real schools-Kim elected after 16 years of age not to attend a real school.  She, Kyle and Kathy were all enrolled in a very nice private school in Bel Air for the most part.  Child actors are required to be enrolled in school, they then bring their studies from real school with them to the set and are given instruction for I believe 5 hours before they work and the total day cannot exceed 8 hours.  They are provided with one on one tutors.  Kim did not shoot all day everyday of the school year-blame her mother for letting her get away with manipulating the system.  Kim regrets are largely of her making.  At 16 years of age she decided not to go to school-she was filming very little.  It is a little like Kyle talking about driving herself to work at 13 years of age-Grandma was in the car because she had to be on the set with Kyle.  It is funny because Kim does the poor, poor, me routine about her life as a child star but when someone out of her past pops up she is so full of life and chatter.  She has done this a couple of times on WWHL.


I am afraid a let's get real about mom will become just another competition between these sisters. Their mom is dead, they knew no other mom and there may be just enough decency in the three of them not to slam her for all eternity.

I am not sure that the regulations regarding child actors were in place while Kim and Kyle were acting as kids.

If Kyle said that she could drive her car at 13, I am pretty sure their mother bent the rules quite a bit.

  • Love 3

I am not sure that the regulations regarding child actors were in place while Kim and Kyle were acting as kids.

If Kyle said that she could drive her car at 13, I am pretty sure their mother bent the rules quite a bit.

They were.  They evolved as part of the Coogan law.  The child acting laws are exceptions to the California Labor Code.


I think it is ridiculous that Kyle was allowed to drive the car regardless of who was in it, at age 13.  She is only 5'2" tall as an adult-how did she see out of the windshield.  Sometimes these girls and their stories.

  • Love 3

I agree with all that say it is natual for the others to want to talk about Kim to a certain extent. The thing that is interesting to me is that they talk about Kim a lot, yet hardly at all about Brandi.  She might not have been getting herself arrested, but there was more than enough Brandi stuff to snark about if they wanted to. Certainly if you look at someone like Lisa (who is for whatever reason being the most vocal about Kim, a person she has/had zero relationship with - ever), it is extremely strange. There is zero chance that Lisa V actually cares about Kim, and she certainly has no reason to care about her. In the world of "someone fucked me over", whatever Kim did to Lisa is fairly small.  Brandi on the other hand truly did fuck her over, and talked about her in the press during the entire hiatus; accusing her of all measure of things. Yet she talks about Kim, knowing full well that this bothers Kyle.


See, it makes sense to me for the simple reasons that A.) I don't think Lisa ever really forgave Kyle... I think she's gonna take every opportunity to continue to needle her and B.) Kim's a much easier topic of conversation/target than Brandi. When comparing the crazy, if I had to bring the gossip as a HW, you can bet I'd steer clear of uttering Brandi's name lest the rabid dog go after me next.


I don't think anyone's afraid of what Kim could do to them. Unless of course she's behind the wheel and they're staring down the headlights of her car.

Edited by KFC
  • Love 5



Addiction is a chronic brain disorder and not simply a behavior problem involving alcohol, drugs, gambling or sex, experts contend in a new definition of addiction, one that is not solely related to problematic substance abuse.

The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) just released this new definition of addiction after a four-year process involving more than 80 experts.


Given the previous discussion, thought this news was relevant.

  • Love 2

I realized I should have expressed my debt of gratitude to those of you who saw the ep on first run and gave us a heads up about the BLOODY BREAST IMPLANT.


Even though I tried to avert my eyes, I still ended up seeing it. But knowing it was coming did help prevent some grossed-out shock.


There used to be a show called "The Operation," which was basically a video camera trained on some of the most gruesome (you guessed it!) operations. It would do this awesome sneak attack if you were flipping channels: SURPRISE! Here's some open-heart surgery for you! 

I never expected that, or anything approaching that, on a housewives show!


Anything done to warn me about that was much appreciated, so thanks again. ;)

  • Love 2

I am confused; an addict simply has no control over the addiction? Simply going on my own experiences an alcoholic does have the control to stop drinking.

  • Love 1

Jan 12 2016. 1:31 pm


LIMOM, on 12 Jan 2016:

What would happen if Kim died????????


KOKAPETL, on 12 Jan 2016:
Really good ratings.


When I first read this question by LIMOM, I expected various posters to discuss who might feel sad, who would be happy, who would rejoice, etc., etc. -- in other words, a serious discussion.  But when I read KOKAPETL's response, I doubled over in laughter!  It sounded to me like one of those dry humor asides, meant to be funny but delivered with a straight face, that has people in theaters rolling in the aisles.  It still strikes me that way every time I come to it!  It sounds like Kokapetl was thinking way outside the box (like I was) and turned out to be the goose that laid the golden egg!  I still don't know whether Koko meant to be funny or whether I'm out in orbit somewhere ... But, Kokopetl,

THANK YOU for the great laugh!

  • Love 5

Thanks Umbelina for the link to this article.


The new definition also describes addiction as a primary disease, meaning that it's not the result of other causes, such as emotional or psychiatric problems. And like cardiovascular disease and diabetes, addiction is recognized as a chronic disease; so it must be treated, managed and monitored over a person's lifetime, the researchers say.

Two decades of advancements in neuroscience convinced ASAM officials that addiction should be redefined by what's going on in the brain. For instance, research has shown that addiction affects the brain's reward circuitry, such that memories of previous experiences with food, sex, alcohol and other drugs trigger cravings and more addictive behaviors.

Brain circuitry that governs impulse control and judgment is also altered in the brains of addicts, resulting in the nonsensical pursuit of "rewards," such as alcohol and other drugs.

A long-standing debate has roiled over whether addicts have a choice over their behaviors, said Dr. Raju Hajela, former president of the Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine and chair of the ASAM committee on addiction's new definition.

"The disease creates distortions in thinking, feelings and perceptions, which drive people to behave in ways that are not understandable to others around them," Hajela said in a statement. "Simply put, addiction is not a choice. Addictive behaviors are a manifestation of the disease, not a cause."

Even so, Hajela pointed out, choice does play a role in getting help.

"Because there is no pill which alone can cure addiction, choosing recovery over unhealthy behaviors is necessary," Hajela said.

This "choosing recovery" is akin to people with heart disease who may not choose the underlying genetic causes of their heart problems but do need to choose to eat healthier or begin exercising, in addition to medical or surgical interventions, the researchers said.

"So, we have to stop moralizing, blaming, controlling or smirking at the person with the disease of addiction, and start creating opportunities for individuals and families to get help and providing assistance in choosing proper treatment," Miller said.


  • Love 5

Rene, I can't answer your question, but I have a couple of ideas.  I believe that Kyle said on the show that Mauricio had rented it for them.  It might be helpful to call or write Mauricio at The Agency and ask.  One of his "underlings" would certainly pass your request on to Mauricio.  Or a realtor in Southampton who also deals in rentals might have that info if you knew the approximate date.  I doubt there are too many Mauricio Umanskys renting houses up there.  Just a couple of thoughts....  Good luck!

Edited by Lura
  • Love 2

The source of Brandi's comment about "living deep in the valley" was Kken at their renewal ceremony-that is what Kyle copped to and she denied the bankruptcy comment. I would take Kyle's word over Brandi's any day. Brandi seems to hear things that don't happen-she accused Kyle of the calling her a bad parent in Holland and no one backed Brandi's play on that one either.

As far as Kim accusing Kyle of drinking everyday and a lot. First off Kim was drunk, second there has been an abundance of evidence these sisters do not have a close relationship-let alone one where Kim would know Kyle drinks. I remember in Hawaii Kim saying Kyle is always on her cell phone in the car. Kyle pointed out Kim had not been in her car for 12 years. Most of the time alcoholics will accuse those around them of drinking the same or more. I saw this as Kim being defensive. That and we have not seen or heard others speak of Kyle being drunk.

As far as Kim and real schools-Kim elected after 16 years of age not to attend a real school. She, Kyle and Kathy were all enrolled in a very nice private school in Bel Air for the most part. Child actors are required to be enrolled in school, they then bring their studies from real school with them to the set and are given instruction for I believe 5 hours before they work and the total day cannot exceed 8 hours. They are provided with one on one tutors. Kim did not shoot all day everyday of the school year-blame her mother for letting her get away with manipulating the system. Kim regrets are largely of her making. At 16 years of age she decided not to go to school-she was filming very little. It is a little like Kyle talking about driving herself to work at 13 years of age-Grandma was in the car because she had to be on the set with Kyle. It is funny because Kim does the poor, poor, me routine about her life as a child star but when someone out of her past pops up she is so full of life and chatter. She has done this a couple of times on WWHL.

I am afraid a let's get real about mom will become just another competition between these sisters. Their mom is dead, they knew no other mom and there may be just enough decency in the three of them not to slam her for all eternity.


I never said "slam" their mother, or "blame" their mother.

Here is what I said, and I stand by it.

Sorry for the book here. One more thought. I don't think Kathy, Kyle, or Kim will ever heal, because to really heal, they need to face their childhoods with fresh and open eyes and hearts. They need to find a way to love their mother in an honest way, not that "she was PERFECT and we must keep her on a pedestal way. Look at it with clear eyes, embrace the good, but stop ignoring the bad, and learn to truly forgive, instead of sweeping everything under that rug. There is way too much dirt under that proverbial rug, and they are continually tripping over the piles. It's not a "blame mom" it's a "forgive mom" but stop the fucking lies, they are killing all of you thing.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 3

Lura--thanks for the suggestions! I will try those. I appreciate your response!!

If it's any help, a local news website (Dan's Papers*) guesses that the property is on Flying Point Road. I poked around Zillow and Trulia but didn't see any houses that looked familiar.


(judging from the Dan's Papers episode recap, they do not watch RHOBH on any kind of regular basis)

Edited by harrie
  • Love 1

Thanks Umbelina for the link to this article.

--excerptThe new definition also describes addiction as a primary disease, meaning that it's not the result of other causes, such as emotional or psychiatric problems. And like cardiovascular disease and diabetes, addiction is recognized as a chronic disease; so it must be treated, managed and monitored over a person's lifetime, the researchers say.

Two decades of advancements in neuroscience convinced ASAM officials that addiction should be redefined by what's going on in the brain. For instance, research has shown that addiction affects the brain's reward circuitry, such that memories of previous experiences with food, sex, alcohol and other drugs trigger cravings and more addictive behaviors.

Brain circuitry that governs impulse control and judgment is also altered in the brains of addicts, resulting in the nonsensical pursuit of "rewards," such as alcohol and other drugs.

A long-standing debate has roiled over whether addicts have a choice over their behaviors, said Dr. Raju Hajela, former president of the Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine and chair of the ASAM committee on addiction's new definition.

"The disease creates distortions in thinking, feelings and perceptions, which drive people to behave in ways that are not understandable to others around them," Hajela said in a statement. "Simply put, addiction is not a choice. Addictive behaviors are a manifestation of the disease, not a cause."Even so, Hajela pointed out, choice does play a role in getting help.

"Because there is no pill which alone can cure addiction, choosing recovery over unhealthy behaviors is necessary," Hajela said.

This "choosing recovery" is akin to people with heart disease who may not choose the underlying genetic causes of their heart problems but do need to choose to eat healthier or begin exercising, in addition to medical or surgical interventions, the researchers said.

"So, we have to stop moralizing, blaming, controlling or smirking at the person with the disease of addiction, and start creating opportunities for individuals and families to get help and providing assistance in choosing proper treatment," Miller said.http://www.nbcnews.com/id/44147493/ns/health-addictions/t/addiction-now-defined-brain-disorder-not-behavior-issue/#.VphSq688KrV

I think all these articles are ways to let the addict/alcoholic not feel responsible for his/her behavior...as I have said before, I am a recovering alcoholic, and the only "thing" in control of my drinking is ME. Edited by tulip555
  • Love 4

Just saw when LVP arrived at the hotel.  Not impressed one bit.  She couldn't say oh it's a dump, because she was the guest of honor.  I really don't blame the other ladies for not staying there, if there was no room service, plus if it had non stop partying going on with all sorts of folks - nope.  Of course they had food/drink for their guest of honor (probably from the event planner).  LVP lost me when she said oh this is lovely.  I bet her maid's quarters at her home are nicer.  It looked like a white slipcover had been put on the sofa in her room.  I loved the flashback when she said oh she slept in such a small room in Italy and there on screen was a very nice sized room.  


It was a very low scale event from everything that has been published, but the editing monkeys made it seem better.  LVP was acting like it was such a big deal.  

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