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Netflix Revival: Spoilers and Speculation

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If Luke and Lorelai are going to have children at the time of the revival, for a variety of reasons I'd rather they have adopted, fostered a child etc. I doubt it's going to play out that way, but stranger things have happened in the GG-verse, so who knows?! 

And while Eyes High's speculation is always incredibly sound, I'm just going to pretend that Paris is in at least two of the four episodes until we're told otherwise...her interactions with Rory and even Lorelai are high on the not-as-long-as-I-wish-it-were list of things I'm really excited to see in the revival! 

Edited by amensisterfriend

I tend to doubt Lorelai already has another child by the time of the revival, for a few reasons. First of all, there was no mention of a child who could be Lorelai's kid in the casting notes. The casting notes might not have been exhaustive, but they did include calls for Tim, Gabriela, Stevie and Kwan. Second of all, the set pictures of the Gilmore house had Lorelai's (and Luke's, I assume) bedroom and Rory's bedroom, and the latter didn't look as if it had been repurposed for a young child. Moreover, the bedroom had pictures of Rory and Lorelai, but no pictures of a young child.


I'm not ruling it out--we don't have enough information yet--but it seems unlikely.


Given the picture Liza Weil posted on Instagram of her own feet and the feet of a girl dressed in a Chilton uniform, and assuming Paris only appears in 1x02, can we extrapolate that the Chilton visit is in episode 2?


Liza Weil posted a picture of herself with Doyle wearing a fancy white blazer and another picture of her own legs and feet wearing stylish black trousers and black heels. What are we thinking Paris is doing at Chilton? Alumni event is the most obvious one (and it would explain why Rory is presumably there as well). I've also seen speculation that Paris is now a teacher at Chilton, but that seems unlikely to me.


I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that Paris and Doyle are only appearing in one episode--it sounds as if Doyle is only in one episode for sure, I'm less certain about Paris--due to Liza Weil and Danny Strong's work schedules. With that said, I think filming has already wrapped on Season 2 for HTGAWM, so Liza Weil should be free for further filming. I doubt the same is true of Danny Strong, though, given his creative role on Empire.


Liza is in two episodes, she confirmed that already. No idea about Danny. 


And I doubt we can use the casting calls for evidence of characters we won't see for 2 reasons: 1) They were leaked, and probably not complete and 2) they didn't call for any character who would be in all 4 parts. I would bet they cast any bigger roles outside of the traditional postings (shows do this a lot when trying to avoid spoilers leaking). 

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Also from a narrative point of view, I think it's very difficult to add a new main character (a LL child) into the mix of well established lead players without any background or build up. I think it would feel forced.


I think Lorelai having a second child would change the dynamic between she and Rory too much for this particular show.  It limits Lorelai in the sense that she would still be taking care of a young child at home, and it would necessarily mean the relationship with Rory would be secondary (or at least I would think Lorelai's focus would be more on the child living at home versus the needs of her 30-something child).  Now I could easily end up being wrong, but I don't see them adding another kid.   

  • Love 4

I agree 100% txhorns79.

I think it would be too much of a shift to see Lorelai be a mother to another child without looking at how that impacts on her relationship with Rory. Given the premise of the show, it would be very odd not to address that.

So landing back into Stars Hollow after 8yrs to see Lorelai with a young child would be so odd IMO.

Same goes for the LL relationship, though not to the same extent.

Edited by Gooey
  • Love 3

Liza is in two episodes, she confirmed that already. No idea about Danny. 


And I doubt we can use the casting calls for evidence of characters we won't see for 2 reasons: 1) They were leaked, and probably not complete and 2) they didn't call for any character who would be in all 4 parts. I would bet they cast any bigger roles outside of the traditional postings (shows do this a lot when trying to avoid spoilers leaking). 


I checked, and you're right, she is in two episodes. I still think one of them will be 1x02, and I still think Danny Strong's only in one, judging from the way he described the episode he was in in his Vulture interview.


As for the casting calls, yes and no. They aren't exhaustive, but it's one more suggestion that Luke and Lorelai don't have a child or children together in the revival. Nor were there any traces of another child in the Gilmore house set photos, even in the sense of clues. I'll continue to assume there are no Luke/Lorelai kids in the revival until there's some crumb of information to suggest that, rather than assume that there are kids until that's disproven.


I would bet they cast any bigger roles outside of the traditional postings (shows do this a lot when trying to avoid spoilers leaking).

The casting notes were looking for someone who is going to be Rory's boyfriend, so I'm a bit skeptical about the casting notes withholding information so as to avoid spoilers.


In other news, Sutton Foster announced on Twitter that her next stop was Stars Hollow.


In other other news, I missed this bit from a Vulture article about the revival (full of misinformation about episode appearances due to taking the IMDB listings for 1x01 at face value):


Richie Rich went off to California after Rory dumped him and is now a high-powered West Coast lawyer

I haven't seen another source for this information. Is this just a tongue in cheek reference to The Good Wife, where MC plays a lawyer, or is this what Logan is up to?

Edited by Eyes High

Well it looks like we'll be seeing Mitchum Huntzberger again. I know others won't be thrilled but I am honestly so curious about this. I think it has the potential to be really great/interesting. 



The casting notes were looking for someone who is going to be Rory's boyfriend, so I'm a bit skeptical about the casting notes withholding information so as to avoid spoilers.


Through leaked casting notes and for a boyfriend that is out of the picture by the end of episode 1. Not exactly the biggest role.

Edited by brightside


The good news for L/L shippers is that pretty much everything points to them being together. I just hope we see more joy, connection and affection (and fewer conflicts and communication lapses) this time around!

Do you believe this due to the photos of the jeep and truck at Lorelai's house or are you aware of other spoilers? I do hope you are right but I wonder about the vehicles...since this is real time, would they still be driving cars that were already old? I'm wondering if some of these photos are maybe from flashbacks to catch us up with the story. The mailbox still says just "Gilmore".

I don't want to see all Rory's old boyfriends pinning for her all of these years.

I really hope ASP does move Star's Hollow into present day and have characters that have grown.

  • Love 1

Why would Lorelari change her last name when she married Luke? She didn't when she married Christopher. It's not a law - I never changed when I got married. Seeing Gilmore on the mailbox makes sense.

I didn't think her name would be changed, I thought his named would be added if he lived there. Just looking for clues :)

  • Love 1

The Gilmore Girls fan Reddit (r/gilmoregirls) has a really good rundown of returning cast members and other information about the revival, with some information I hadn't seen anywhere else.


First up is Mark Provencher, who's been cast as "Phil." Little Olivia Jellen has been cast as "Phil's Kid #2."


Now, the casting notes didn't mention a "Phil," but they did mention a "Paul." Could they have changed the name from "Paul" to "Phil"? The problem with that theory is that the casting notes for "Paul" were looking for a nerdy Michael Cera type, and this Mark Provencher guy is classically handsome.


The other thing that the Reddit thread picked up on is that 1x02 is being filmed now (or was being filmed recently), which we already sort of knew thanks to what Danny Strong had mentioned about filming his episode. User Dan.Flood on Instagram posted a bunch of set pictures five days ago, including a picture of a hardware store with a sign advertising fans to "beat the heat," so it's a safe bet that 1x02 is being filmed. The Reddit thread also picked up on Instagram user candicecub posting two photos five days ago on her Instagram of selfies with MV and Sally Struthers. So we can conclude that Jess and Babette are in 1x02. (Picture here if you're curious about what Jess looks like for the revival in all his greasy hipster glory.)


Jackie Hoffman is also in the revival. She tweeted on February 16th that "My set is an office with cool midcentury equipment" and that her costume is "very Laura Ashley." She also tweeted a selfie of herself in what she aptly described as "uncool 80s Victoria ugly" (very old-fashioned, pearls and all), with Rose Abdoo in costume (pigtails and all). What are we thinking for Jackie Hoffman's role? Assuming that Rory is looking for a job in 1x02 (Jim is the magazine editor appearing in 1x02 as well), and that JH's character's set is an office with outdated equipment, could this be a hilariously ill-fated job interview for Rory? Just spitballing here.

Edited by Eyes High
  • Love 2

Ha! That's my reddit post! I'm glad you like it! I have the same thing over on tumblr if Reddit isn't your thing. 


The only thing about figuring out which episode they're filming is that I think it's going to be really kind of a day-to-day thing. They obviously were filming 1x01 just on Friday because Jared was filming and that's his only episode. I just think the fact that there filming in block based on actor availability rather than any sort of episode order is gonna make nailing down what they're filming when a challenge. Although I stand by my thoughts that "Summer" (which is actually 1x03) was being filmed a few days ago. 

Edited by brightside
  • Love 1

Ha! That's my reddit post! I'm glad you like it! I have the same thing over on tumblr if Reddit isn't your thing. 


The only thing about figuring out which episode they're filming is that I think it's going to be really kind of a day-to-day thing. They obviously were filming 1x01 just on Friday because Jared was filming and that's his only episode. I just think the fact that there filming in block based on actor availability rather than any sort of episode order is gonna make nailing down what they're filming when a challenge. Although I stand by my thoughts that "Summer" (which is actually 1x03) was being filmed a few days ago. 


Oops, you're right, "Summer" is third. I confused the two because I was fixated on my belief that Danny Strong is only in 1x02.


Great work on the Reddit page. I hadn't seen a lot of that material.


Is JP confirmed for 1x01? That was my assumption, but I didn't know that that was confirmed. It sure sounds as if he's only in the one episode, judging from his comment in a recent video apologizing for his atrocious acting in the first few episodes of GG and promising to "redeem [himself] this week."


I assumed they were filming in blocks because of the episodes being set in different seasons.


If 1x03 or some portion thereof is shooting now, that would explain why Sutton Foster tweeted very recently about heading to Stars Hollow (assuming I'm right about the script photographed by MV was 1x03). I'm wondering whether Sutton Foster will be playing Lorelai's new BFF, since I assume Lorelai will have a Sookie replacement confidant


More on Jackie Hoffman: Gilmorenews.com says she's filming 1x01 (not sure where that information comes from). Looks like she finished work on one episode last week, judging from a February 14th tweet that said that by the end of the week she would have done an episode of Gilmore Girls.

Edited by Eyes High

Oops, you're right, "Summer" is third. I confused the two because I was fixated on my belief that Danny Strong is only in 1x02.


Great work on the Reddit page. I hadn't seen a lot of that material.


Is JP confirmed for 1x01? That was my assumption, but I didn't know that that was confirmed.


I assumed they were filming in blocks because of the episodes being set in different seasons.


If 1x03 or some portion thereof is shooting now, that would explain why Sutton Foster tweeted very recently about heading to Stars Hollow (assuming I'm right about the script photographed by MV was 1x03). I'm wondering whether Sutton Foster will be playing Lorelai's new BFF.


Thanks! A bunch of JP said that he confirmed one episode and "Winter" and I tend to believe them because JP fans hang on his every word, but I'll do some digging on that. 


And since they're filming in actor blocks, I'm not sure. So Milo is filming all his stuff and the leaving, Matt will do the same, etc. The schedule in terms of episodes is all jumbled up. There were a few pictures taken a day or two after the summer ones that looked like they might be winter (no leaves on the trees, but on the other hand no snow). 

Thanks! A bunch of JP said that he confirmed one episode and "Winter" and I tend to believe them because JP fans hang on his every word, but I'll do some digging on that.


JP fans do hang on his every word. I found a gilmorenews.com article stating that JP had confirmed in a public appearance that he was only doing one episode, and I was already inclined to believe it was 1x01 because it made sense, but I have yet to see confirmation of it only being 1x01. Makes sense, though.


So the Rory Man Parade in the revival might have Paul and Dean in the first episode and Jess and Logan in the back three. I think it's safe to assume Logan is in 1x03 and 1x04, at any rate.


Updated to add: Gilmorenews.com has posted a number of prop photos, some of which we've seen before (the brass sculpture labeled "Paris"), others which we haven't. There's a picture of a whack of musical instruments, including a keyboard, drums, and at least seven electric guitars.


Of greater interest (to me, anyway) is a prop photo of some wrought iron...things, labeled "LADB 2/22." I have no idea what they are. Lamp post? Glorified coatrack?


The Reddit summary spoiler page has been updated to include a link to footage of MV talking at Wizard World Comicon about the GG revival. Transcript:


"I had my first day of filming on Tuesday of this week, back at Warner Brothers, which is a lot of fun, kind of the studio that raised me...and Jess is just up to Jess shit. You know, he's a little salty and ornery and kind of doing his own thing and has zero tolerance for anything or anyone, but he's also there to push the ball forward for some folks in Stars Hollow, which is something Jess has always done, whether intentionally, maliciously, or positively. He's always sent people in a direction."


It almost sounds like Jess' presence in SH is a catalyst for other events. Either Jess is facing some sort of crisis of his own in the revival--it seems strange he'd be spending any length of time in SH if he's successful in Philadelphia--or he's acting as a catalyst by pointing out issues that the other characters are refusing to address. I think we can assume that "some folks" includes Rory, Luke, Lorelai (by extension), and maybe April if she's around for any length of time.



Edited by Eyes High

Could Tim and Gabriela be Luke and Lorelai's kids? I mean several women have children in their 40's, or they could be adopted.

I also really hope that she either ends up with Tristan or Logan. 


I don't think they can be Luke and Lorelai's kids based on the fact that the casting notice said they only appear in part 2. I think we'd see LL kids more than that.

I agree that all indications tend toward Luke and Lorelai not having kids, but I do see one plausible way for it to happen.

A boy, born within the first two years would be old enough to be independent of Mom, thereby freeing Lorelai up for all the hijinks needed to give us the hilarity and craziness we desire.

Additionally, Luke would have a son, to coach and fish with and balance the gender numbers a little.

It would have been nice for both Luke and Lorelai to have had the opportunity to enjoy a baby without stress from external factors like running away or not being told.

  • Love 1

Quick question: How long will filming be going on at Warner? Thinking of taking the tour and wondering what the time frame was for hopefully getting a glimpse of all the GG glory. Thanks in advance!

I read elsewhere that they are going to be done with all Exterior Shots around March and then will move indoors, since Pretty Little Liars needs Stars Hollow back!! Haha. 

There was another casting notice leaked this morning! 


  • Sam Duncan, 60s-70s, a hapless old diner owner. Day player. Will appear in part 2.
  • Korean singers, Male and female, 20s, fresh face vocalists in a choir. Need singing experience. No lines but will be singing. Day players, will be appearing in part 2.
  • Phan, male, 40s. Running the Vietnamese food booth at the Stars Hollow Spring International Food Festival. Day player, will appear in part 2.


I've also updated my masterpost because there have been some new castings and prop sightings!

Here's something that's never ever going to happen, but I love it as a new plotline: We all wonder what they could be doing with Sutton Foster in the cast.  I know I am because her character in Bunheads was as close to Lorelei Gilmore as it's possible to get.  So how about if Rory comes back to Stars Hollow with Sutton Foster as her new lover.  Her own personal Lorelei.  Take that, Dean and Jess and Logan.


Since that will never happen, I wonder if Sutton Foster could be a new wife for Christopher?  

Here's something that's never ever going to happen, but I love it as a new plotline: We all wonder what they could be doing with Sutton Foster in the cast.  I know I am because her character in Bunheads was as close to Lorelei Gilmore as it's possible to get.  So how about if Rory comes back to Stars Hollow with Sutton Foster as her new lover.  Her own personal Lorelei.  Take that, Dean and Jess and Logan.


Since that will never happen, I wonder if Sutton Foster could be a new wife for Christopher?  

I was wondering if she would be running Miss Patty's dance studio since she is getting up there in age.

  • Love 1

I didn't get that from the interview. I think she was referring to the round table script read, since she said that some people were calling in over the phone from New York.

I didn't get that from the interview. I think she was referring to the round table script read, since she said that some people were calling in over the phone from New York.


I think we can assume that "some folks" includes Rory, Luke, Lorelai (by extension), and maybe April if she's around for any length of time.

It sounds to me like Jess will have an influence on Rory in a similar way that he did before. He got her to return to Yale and if she is in a career or personal crisis, he will be the one to steer her in a positive direction. Maybe he, through his publishing job, gets her to return to her roots as a writer. It is also possible that he helps Luke with a Lorelai dilemma. I have a feeling that they aren't yet married, but have settled into a comfortable "common-law type" arrangement. No kids. 


Do we know for a fact that 10 years have passed, or could it be 5-7 years? 



But I can't really think of what else she would have just found out about April.



Pregnancy or drugs?

Edited by Aloeonatable

I went back to confirm because I remember ASP saying this.


So, the episodes — titled “Winter,” “Spring,” “Summer” and “Fall” — are an obvious nod to Carole King. But did that order also work out for you story-wise?
Yes, it’s how the song goes, so everyone will be familiar with it. But, narratively, it really worked. It worked to open on snow and have a colder, starker environment. And then end on a lusher, warmer, golden-y town, which lends to where the story will end.


  • Love 1

I do wonder how they film these episodes. One a week, three a week and take a full month or something. I don't know, streaming shows that have reduced episodes like this. I really do wonder the filming schedule. I know shows like Fuller House, Daredevil, House of Cards that are 13 episodes usually film in 3 months. 

I do wonder how they film these episodes. One a week, three a week and take a full month or something. I don't know, streaming shows that have reduced episodes like this. I really do wonder the filming schedule. I know shows like Fuller House, Daredevil, House of Cards that are 13 episodes usually film in 3 months. 


They're filming in one huge block until Mid-May or early June.

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