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Netflix Revival: Spoilers and Speculation

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22 hours ago, junienmomo said:

Great topic. I suppose if the relationship is "ramped up,"  whatever that means, I've got my fingers crossed that there is a strong supportive relationship between the couple. 

Presuming that's true, then the Christopher/other man or woman goes away, leaving us with the rest of the standard drama points:

  • illness
  • death
  • loss of financial means (or dramatic gains e.g. if Richard leaves Lorelai a pile of money)
  • Emily moves in or does something equally dramatic
  • a daughter gets pregnant or Lorelai does
  • Kirk (somehow Kirk always seems to be involved)
  • godchildren (Lane's or Sookie's kids) need something dramatic
  • April's gayness (a wish floating around the interwebs)

We've seen the diner destroyed once, Lorelai's workplace destroyed, too many Christopher interruptions, love child, "Hole!," annoying leeching family, ...

Ought to be fun when it arrives. 

"Ramped up" ... I wonder what a Netflix rating will be. 

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On 5/21/2016 at 10:01 PM, Kohola3 said:

I think normally Netflix drops them all at once.  That's what they did for Season 4 of Longmire.

Same with House of Cards. I know Amy said she wanted them spread out but I don't know how realistic that is. Gilmoregirls was trending on twitter the night Lauren tweeted the title. People are excited and are used to getting netflix shows all at once. 

Is the actress who plays Liz the only one not coming back?  I liked her "Hey, whatever man" attitude. Such a contrast to Luke. Not going to miss T.J. that's for sure. I know he was supposed to be comic relief but I found him very grating. Maybe they left Stars Hollow and are on the festival circuit.

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12 hours ago, SiobhanJW said:


Just saw this clip on Twitter of Jared at some Convention. He mentioned that the scene he shot is in Dosses Market with a "certain actress". He said he felt the scene gave his character closure. 

Better to hear it that way instead of a few months after Dean's last appearance on the show and Jared said: "I was not happy with how it left Dean just hanging." 

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12 hours ago, SiobhanJW said:
Just saw this clip on Twitter of Jared at some Convention. He mentioned that the scene he shot is in Dosses Market with a "certain actress". He said he felt the scene gave his character closure. 

What? He finally has the nerve to tell Lorelai that his feelings for her are stronger than they ever were for Rory? (evil grin)

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To her credit, Alexis Bledel was cutting her acting teeth on Dean. I'm guessed she was hired for looks first, acting second. It makes sense that Jared and Lauren would play off each other better, simply due to more experience. 

But yeah, it certainly spice up the mother-daughter-daughter's boyfriend relationship for the viewers. 

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23 minutes ago, Aloeonatable said:

I think GG was Jared's first role, as well. 

Your info sent me scurrying to IMDB. There was maybe one thing before GG, you're right. He had at least been taking acting lessons for several years. Looks like alexis' experience was similar.  Wonder why her lack of experience was discussed, but not his. 

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18 minutes ago, junienmomo said:

Your info sent me scurrying to IMDB. There was maybe one thing before GG, you're right. He had at least been taking acting lessons for several years. Looks like alexis' experience was similar.  Wonder why her lack of experience was discussed, but not his. 

They spoke about that at the reunion IIRC,  but during the run of the show one of them needed that out there more than the other. Of course looking back, JP wasn't that great early on.

This post goes here, in case I missed some spoilerish information in the article, but the interview with Nick Holmes (Robert) was very entertaining. He talks in depth about Robert's character and his enthusiasm for GG. The funniest part is that he has an Instagram account for his hair. 



Jackson shares that they were so worried about leaks, that they shot ‘red herring’ scenes that won’t be used: “They shot red herring scenes. The shot stuff that isn’t going to make it, as a misdirect in case of leaks. Whole scenes or ending of scenes… there are very select people that know the whole story. I’m not one of those people!” Indeed, the security applied to every stage of the filming, including restricting which pages you could see and the watermarking of each script with each actors’ name. With a project as large as this one (have you see the number of actors returning?), that’s a safe measure. Jackson mentioned that his script listed him at #147 or something, showing the long line of actors, new and returning, who are involved in the show.


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40 minutes ago, Smad said:

David Sutcliff also spoiled that Rory/Dean are out of the pool as to who Rory ends up with. But was there really any doubt about that, considering Jared only had one filming day?

LOL, seeing Lorelai sleep with Christopher at the end of season 6 and the fifteen seconds of LL reconciliation at the end of season 7, I wouldn't put it past anyone. 

But no, because of the character, I don't think it's Dean.

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On 6/20/2016 at 10:36 AM, AnotherCastle said:

Jackson shares that they were so worried about leaks, that they shot ‘red herring’ scenes that won’t be used: “They shot red herring scenes. The shot stuff that isn’t going to make it, as a misdirect in case of leaks. Whole scenes or ending of scenes… there are very select people that know the whole story.

This makes me wonder if even the spoilers we think we know are really spoilers.  It makes me happy--I'd much rather be surprised.  And yes, I know I'm reading the spoiler thread. 

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52 minutes ago, shron17 said:

This makes me wonder if even the spoilers we think we know are really spoilers.  It makes me happy--I'd much rather be surprised.  And yes, I know I'm reading the spoiler thread. 

I get it! You don't really want to know but you at least want to know that you will be happy with where your favorite characters are.  I  wonder if that means the article in Entertainment Weekly was a smoke screen too.

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  Antihero    Lorelai Gilmore, anti-hero? Well, we know she can be immature....

Thanks to moonb for finding this article. The author conjectures among other things on the revival.

How much can Lorelai have grown and changed during the intervening decade, yet still keep the best of the original series? Tricky question. 

Some people think that ASP won't be able to write a happily married to Luke with kids Lorelai. Others think that Lorelai would be boring. 

How much can Emily move away from the villain role? How much can Rory lose of her self-centeredness? Can Luke be both a delighted father and husband without losing the grumpiness? 

Lorelai was immature and self-absorbed in the original series. How much of her unkindness to Emily, Sookie, Kirk, Christopher, Rory and Luke do we really want to see in the revival? How much of that do we need to give us a satisfying GG experience? How much growth do we need to see in order to not find the revival frustratingly repetitive of the original series?

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How much growth do we need to see in order to not find the revival frustratingly repetitive of the original series?

This is what I fear the most, that we will see the characters having not changed much. I want them to have some of the same "flaws' that made them interesting characters, but I expect growth. 

Great article, by the way.

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If she doesn't ignore season 7 there should be some growth.  Luke was friendly and more flexible. Lorelai supported Rory's career opportunity and selflessly abandoned their anticipated vacation together. She let her go without any drama. Lorelai saying she wanted to continue FNDS was a big step with her parents.  Granted, these changes,were at the end of the season but hopefully they stuck ?

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Alex Kingston confirms she will be in the revival. She playing "a sort of very eccentric character", she will be in more than one episode, she shares most scenes with Alexis/Rory and her scenes were not in Stars Hollow, but on location somewhere else.

Rory's mentor/boss?


Good grief, first every freaking character will be returning (even the most boring and minor) from the first go-round and now they're adding a bunch more that were never part of the original recipe.  I bet those sound stages are pretty darned crowded.

My desire to watch drops with each addition.  I expect I will be watching the forums to see if the series is worth watching.

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Seems that the plot engines powering the revival will be a) the family dealing with Richard's loss, b) Rory's career crisis ( where Alex Kingston comes in?) and possibly c) Rory confronts her romantic past. 

So far, so Rory-centric. There must also be a Lorelai/Luke conflict, otherwise no drama. Reluctance to marry? Luke replacing Sookie in the co-ownership of the inn?

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16 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

Good grief, first every freaking character will be returning (even the most boring and minor) from the first go-round and now they're adding a bunch more that were never part of the original recipe.  I bet those sound stages are pretty darned crowded.

My desire to watch drops with each addition.  I expect I will be watching the forums to see if the series is worth watching.

I will be doing the same here as I did with X-Files. I will wait and see what people have to say about the episodes and then decide. Because my excitement for GG is just as low as it was for XF. Once you get past the initial excitement and details come out, things change quickly.

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 TV guide was discussing the TCAs recently. One question that came up about Gilmore girls was a question about the life and death brigade. One of the interviewees said there was a rumor, pure rumor, that Logan was getting married and the whole brigade and brought back and are invited to the wedding. Has anyone else heard that?  Sounds interesting. 

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November 25th, according to a trailer on Facebook. I thought it would be around that time, Thanksgiving. 

I don't know if I'll be watching, though. I had planned to watch it with my mother - we were like Lorelai and Rory (sort of - that close), but she didn't make it. She passed away suddenly. I got into GG with her. Her birthday was November 30th. 

Edited by Anela
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I am so sorry, Anela, that is so hard.  

Maybe we can band together and do something like the fans of Longmire.  We pick an episode and agree to watch it all together at the same time, usually 9pm ET on a Saturday night.  Then we post comments throughout the viewing and afterward on either Facebook or Twitter.   I don't see why we couldn't do the same thing here since a lot of people don't do FB or Twitter.  Won't be like viewing with your mom but we are a pseudo-family within this GG crowd.

Thoughts, anyone?

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Anela, I'm so sorry to hear that. My own mom is very sick with cancer, and I can only imagine what you're going through. Please know that you have our support. 

Kohola, that sounds like a terrific idea. 

There's a quote floating around today about how fans will end up with all questions about Rory's love life answered but NOT all questions about Lorelai's love life answered...? I would have expected the reverse, where Rory's was left a little more open ended. They're not seriously going to have Luke and Lorelai STILL questioning whether they should be together after all this time, right?! 

I got choked up at the first "la la" too.The trailer was definitely a nostalgic callback to classic GG. At first I thought the pop culture references were slightly forced and drawn out, but I think that's because I haven't been used to hearing this uniquely GG-esque type of dialogue for so long that my ears had to adjust :) 

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At first I thought the pop culture references were slightly forced and drawn out

Oh, good! Glad I'm not alone. But there were plenty of bits on the original series I found unfunny or simply didn't get it so I'm also not worried.

On the other hand, Rory looks so weird to me...it'll take me more than a bit to get used to grown up Alexis Bledel.

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1 hour ago, amensisterfriend said:


There's a quote floating around today about how fans will end up with all questions about Rory's love life answered but NOT all questions about Lorelai's love life answered...? I would have expected the reverse, where Rory's was left a little more open ended. They're not seriously going to have Luke and Lorelai STILL questioning whether they should be together after all this time, right?! 

That would be redundant.  Who knows because they filmed fake scenes because of leaks.  These guys have better security than our government!  ☺

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On the other hand, Rory looks so weird to me...it'll take me more than a bit to get used to grown up Alexis Bledel.

Ha, I had the reverse reaction that Lorelai took me out of the scene, though I think it's partly that I didn't watch Parenthood and haven't seen Lauren Graham really since 2007, whereas I saw Alexis' more adult appearance in Mad Men.  So I buy Rory as 30 year-old professional daughter, whereas Lorelai is in what looks like her same kitchen making jokes like it's 10 years ago and nothing's changed. I know that's what the trailer is aiming for, I was just a little jarred by it. :)

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