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S08.E09: Shade For Days

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Like I said last week, shady Bravo. I guess even they have their limits with Phaedra's lies. Right down to claiming she's never even seen the finished DVD, cut to her loving the end result. Seriously, why does she think she's so much better than anyone else? She's a rude, pretentious, fake, pathological liar with no redeeming qualities I can think of, not even those tired-ass practiced "reads" she's inexplicably lauded for that she saves for when the target isn't around. As I also said in another thread, after that scene with Todd I wanted to call her the "B" word, when she was really acting like the "C" word - but in the end, she's really just the "P" word -- Pathetic.


Andy Cohen, you're getting as bad as she is, feigning ignorance about those breasts tonight when you were the FIRST ONE to ask her at the reunion if she had her breasts done. Come on, now. After looking at those struggles trying to fill a cup, she suddenly has cleavage and her breasts sit on opposite sides of her plunging tops, and you don't think she had work done??


Glad Kandi posted to clear up the whole "why didn't he ask sooner." Clearly he did, and clearly she just has no intention of paying.


these moves are straight out of the Phaedra Parks playbook when confronted with a situation where she may be at fault:


1. deny

2. deny some more

3. see if there is someone else that can be blamed

4. deny loudly to friends and on camera

6. try to deflect

7. insult everyone so that the issue gets confused and maybe people don't hold her accountable.

8. insult everyone and allude to the fact that because of your insults they are the ones to blame for whatever she has done.


Cover to cover.


No one should have had to chase Phaedra around for money she owed.  That is ridiculous.  She isn't some country bumpkin, she is a well-educated lawyer, or so she likes to remind us.  Did she really think she could just skip the final payment and no one would say anything?  I'm sure she was hoping that since she and Kandi were friends, that it would just be "forgotten."  Shady, shady, shady and she looks worse and more foolish with every passing week.  Her attitude SUCKS.  What was the point of disparaging Todd like that, calling him little, saying that he must be searching for coins and that his show had been cancelled and that he was kept?  What a fucking bitch.  Pay him the money you owe him and shut up about it, trifling ho.


So glad the editors just EXPOSED her fakery and lying.  I seriously can't stand her.


She's supposed to be excused why again? Her husband went to prison and she had to raise two sons -- with the help of a nanny, assistant, lifeguard AND her mama ... while selling books, slogans, filming for Bravo and buying new breasts during this same time period ... but she didn't have the ability to cut Todd a check ... why? Oh, right, because her husband went BACK to jail. Mmmm... There's a hole in the bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza.


Porsha is letting her jealousy of Lauren get her pissy. She's getting a little extra with her. I'm done with her continual "I'll be the bigger person" stance where she pretends not to hold grudges or ever be in the wrong. I loved watching the stars scuttle past her on the carpet. As far as the confrontation, Carmon really didn't have any business approaching her.


I'm sick of both Phaedra and Porsha referring to Don/Carmon as hired help etc. Those bitches aren't better than anyone else. Porsha knows she would get all in her feelings if someone said that about Lauren. If we want to use titles, instead of "huzzzbin" let's just refer to Apollo as Phaedra's felonious spouse.


Todd had not only the receipts, but the entire cash register tape AND the packing slips were provided by Bravo. Damn. All Phaedra's sorry ass could do was sit there with the lil smirk with nary a word to say. Then she had the nerve to deliver that rehearsed "read" just like the one she did with Kenya at the reunion. She is not at all capable of coming up with something on her feet, especially when she is dead wrong. Funny how she is able to say shit about folks when the truth of her situation is 10x worse. She thinks she's so smart but damn if she doesn't show the reality when she opens her mouth. Remember her sperm donor criminal comment while Pretty 'Pollo the felon was already getting laptops snatched on the low, we just didn't know about it? Now she's got the nerve to talk about Kandi's husband's money when her husband's was coming from Delta retirees and fraudulent auto loans? Maybe she should've put Apollo on an allowance, then she wouldn't have had to worry about the feds going over her finances. I hope Kandi drags her to hell and back at the reunion for that bullshit. We all know Kandi doesn't play about her man or her momma. And oops on Kandi throwing out there that Phaedra couldn't stand Apollo and was ready for him to be gone long before prison came.


Phaedra, girl, bye. 


Girl, you snatched them edges CLEAN. There is nothing left for Ms. Kandi.


Porsha. 'Nuff said.

  • Love 20

I can't believe Porsha is the one adult in the room since the beginning of the season, regarding her relationships with the other women at least. I'm impressed. Or saddened by the others maybe. Anyway, it was fun to watch her have fun and giggling at the Emmy's and even if she came off as a selfcentered entitled donkey dealing with her sister, I could sorta see her point when she said "it's OUR livelihood". I don't know if it's true but if that whole Porsha *cough*Empire*cough* does indeed pays also for her sister's roof, I can get what she would be pissed that her assistant/sister didn't bother to seek a replacement yet especially if her sister takes business decisions for her. 


I had to laugh also at Phaedra. That shit with the meeting "I'll be the mightier person" backfired sooooooo badly! I don't like Todd so I'm kind of sad that Phaedra is in the wrong about the all situation but that was a thing of beauty.

  • Love 12

even if she came off as a selfcentered entitled donkey dealing with her sister, I could sorta see her point when she said "it's OUR livelihood". I don't know if it's true but if that whole Porsha *cough*Empire*cough* does indeed pays also for her sister's roof, I can get what she would be pissed that her assistant/sister didn't bother to seek a replacement yet especially if her sister takes business decisions for her. 

That was the only reason I didn't go ALL in on Porsha for that, because I don't know just how much of Lauren's living comes from her. I remember her referring to Lauren as her assistant/sister way back in her first season, when all she had to do was be Kordell's Barbie, so it's colored my view of what the role may entail. I'd be interested to know what kind of salary Lauren draws as the hired help.

  • Love 3

I know people needle Todd about never dressing up for anything, but would it have hurt him to dress a little more business-like when he met Phaedra, or at least sit up in his chair instead of being slouched in it?


I am not one to talk about people's stature, being a shorter woman myself, but if you come off a little juvenile looking in the first place, coming into a meeting with a backpack is not the best look


Thirded. Kandi sounded extremely petty during that lunch but it seems Porsha finally got through to her by the end. Like get over yourself kandi, people are allowed to befriend your best friend. That's some high school shit right there.


As usual, Kandi is yelling at the wrong person.  Porsha had words with Don Juan, but it was Phaedra who was talking shit (" He got 30,000 coins chile and I still don't have no video).  However, I would like to put out that Kandi was also dealing with a failed play.  I think she was heartbroken about that, because much of the touring casts had quit their jobs and thought they could rely on the income from the play, because of what she had said.  I think that she was in shock that ticket sales were so low.  I am not saying that this is on par with what Phaedra was going through, but it had to suck.


I also hate that Kandi and Todd seem to support Apollo.  That lowlife is not worth this trouble.  Who would of thought that Todd would be so "ride or die" for Apollo?


Wow. I have always liked Phaedra, but now I see why she's been called Fakedra. I would never speak to her again if I were Kandi. Kandi isn't perfect either, but Phaedra's THs were too much. All over $8,000. When she said something about, "Aww poor Todd must be looking in the couch cushions," I wanted to slap her smug face. Phaedra YOU look like the broke-ass one, arguing and seething over $8,000. What is your deal? Any sympathy I had for her is now gone. I started giving her the side-eye the moment she said she doesn't "Fraternize with her friend's workers." Phaedra, your husband is a convicted felon and you met him in jail- you aren't too good to talk to anybody and you never will be. At least Kandi's workers don't steal from other people to make a living.


Phaedra and Porsha, you can miss me acting like you're so above talking to Kandi's team. Porsha you're where you're at because you married Kordell. So miss me thinking you're better than the "hired help". Is that how you see Lauren? Judging by how you treat her- probably. Sorry sister, but you aren't Kim and you never will be. (I don't even like Carmon and Don Juan, so I'm not standing up for them for any reason beyond common decency.) And acting like you can't remember someone's name and implying a gay man is on his period are so funny Porsha! Except that you just copied old tired jokes.


Nobody here is likable anymore.


Kenya was left by her parent's and given to her grandmother. Because Dad got older and decided he wanted all of his kids to live under one roof earns him no pass from me. His dream? What the fuck ever. What about your children's dreams? You abandoned your kids when it was convenient and then when it suited your ego and your dream you wanted them all together? And when Kenya didn't follow your plan your ego was hurt, so you didn't talk to her for 5 years? Pathetic excuse for a father. And I doubt he would have anything to do with Kenya now if she was poor. Kenya's father is all about what she can do for him, fill some spot in his guilty conscience, complete his dream, boost his ego, etc. I wouldn't doubt that she's "loaning" him money.


I loved everything about the post.  I always thought Kenya's dad was an asshole and he confirmed it on yesterday's show.  Your abandoned and scared 12 year old runs away and all you care about is your ego?  You do not talk to that poor child, who has nothing, for years because your idea of a 'family" was ruined?  However, when Kenya talks about her mother's rejections all he can say is "just get over it".


He can also miss me with his men keep scorecards bullshit (not an appropriate conversation to have with your daughter).


I have seen that man do nothing but belittle his daughter every chance he gets and Kenya, to her credit, laughs his insults off pretty graciously.   I also would not be surprised if he takes money from her (that he never intends to payback also known as the Mama Joyce MO) because he earned it being her "Father".  The saddest part is that he is actually the better parent in her life.  I do not always like Kenya, but you do have to admire her hustle when coming from the background she did.

Edited by qtpye
  • Love 19

I am not one to talk about people's stature, being a shorter woman myself, but if you come off a little juvenile looking in the first place, coming into a meeting with a backpack is not the best look.

I chuckled when I saw Todd with that backpack. I mean, no shade to backpacks; they're practical. But he really did look like a kid. He's very professional and has his shit together, but the backpack made him look like a high school freshman.


Carmon just standing there minding Kandi's business bugged me. I watched that "Kandi's Ski Trip" show and Carmon acted like a complete ass on it - an ass who was bad at her job, no less - so I've been side-eyeing her since, and I kept that up during that scene.

  • Love 9

According to Mama Joyce (who I am sure is so reliable) Carmon used to enjoy going through all of Kandi's old weaves to pick out something for herself.  Maybe, she now enjoys sniffing around Kandi's drama?


I do not agree with the way Porsha and Phae dismissed Don Juan and Carmon as help (what right do they have being so high and mighty), but I do wonder what would happen to these two if Kandi ever lost her money or fired either of them?  They have been very spoiled as her employees and I do not think that they could do a regular job where you can not sass your boss or competence is expected.

  • Love 3

My thing is not that Todd should chase after Phaedra for his money, but he should have gotten back with Phaedra on finishing up the DVD and getting it ready for distribution which would probably have lead to him getting his final payment.  He said he was waiting on Phaedra to send a photo for the DVD's cover, so he should have gotten with her way before now to finalize that project.  Like I said, once Dylan was born and Phaedra was spending all kinds of money for his naming party, that would have been the perfect time to make an appointment with her to talk about finishing the DVD.  I think he let Phaedra and Kandi's falling out interfere with him conducting his business with Phaedra which once again emphasizes why you don't do business with friends.  It's a doggone shame that money comes between friends like that, especially since Phaedra played a big part in getting Kandi and Todd together in the first place. 

According to Kandi, Todd did contact Phaedra and Phaedra blew him off with excuses.  Phaedra would rather say nasty things about someone than write a check.  She is mad at the Tuckers for not bailing on Apollo and now has taken to being a martyr and dodging her responsibility. 


I would think Phaedra would be all about trying to preserve and rebuild relationships rather than tear them down with old tired insults.  This rift is on Phaedra and she needs to make it right and not turn around in a confessional and throw out new insults.

  • Love 5

I had trouble really siding with Porsha or Kandi. Really they both should have been irritated with Shamea who was there during the incident with Porsha, Phaedra, and Don Juan, then ran to Kandi. Though not really about anything that was said just that she was running between the two. I believe since the start of the season that Kandi has said she and Shamea are friends. I thought Kandi's real issue with Porsha was that she blindly follows Phaedra's stories and does not get Kandi's side. I think that point got lost in whatever the back and forth was. I do not think Porsha did anything really wrong either.


For me I do not see that Kandi wants Phaedra or Porsha to pick a side and not be friends with people she is not friends with. I think the whole Nene and Phaedra are now friends came out of nowhere for Kandi and she did not want Phaedra to get burned by Nene. I did not think she was mad that Phaedra was friends with Nene, just kind of side eyeing the whole situation. I also think that before the drama at the video release party that she though things were getting back on track with Phaedra, but then the drama happened. I never got the impression that Kandi does not want Porsha to be friends with Phaedra either.


Porsha and Phaedra acting like speaking to Don Juan or Carmen was beneath them because the are they "help" was so ridiculous. Porsha would be livid if someone spoke about Lauren that way. I did not really have opinion on The Lauren/Porsha assistant issue, because I do not think we have seen Lauren too much from when she announced she was pregnant/Duke's party to now. So I do not know if she has been slacking off or how much she works in the first place.


Do I think Todd supports Apollo over Phaedra? Yes. I think Kandi has been pretty neutral since it seemed until now, that she wanted to be friends with Phaedra, but also, not giving much of an opinion because Todd still seems to be friendly with him. 


Cynthia and Peter arguing about the restaurant/apartment in front of Kandi and Todd was uncomfortable. Of course Peter had to leave before Cynthia's second eyewear party.


Kim's small clip of her out to eat with her sons seemed to be weirdly edited in. I think is was sandwiched between Kenya and her dad talking. It felt so out of place.



  • Love 5
My thing is not that Todd should chase after Phaedra for his money, but he should have gotten back with Phaedra on finishing up the DVD and getting it ready for distribution which would probably have lead to him getting his final payment.  He said he was waiting on Phaedra to send a photo for the DVD's cover, so he should have gotten with her way before now to finalize that project.  Like I said, once Dylan was born and Phaedra was spending all kinds of money for his naming party, that would have been the perfect time to make an appointment with her to talk about finishing the DVD.  I think he let Phaedra and Kandi's falling out interfere with him conducting his business with Phaedra which once again emphasizes why you don't do business with friends.  It's a doggone shame that money comes between friends like that, especially since Phaedra played a big part in getting Kandi and Todd together in the first place.


There's a link above that does confirm that Kandi asked Todd to give her time which was his letting Kandi and Phaedra's friendship interfere with the timing. So?


So Todd's wrong for trying to be nice and not come for her back then? He would have been an insensitive prick back then and apparently he's an dumbass prick for coming for it now so either way Todd wouldn't have been able to come out of this unscathed regardless apparently. Alls I know is that in my book there's nothing wrong with trying to get paid money you are owed. It's not his job to gauge the rhythm of someone's ability or mental state of when it would be a good time to come a knocking like he's trying to pick the perfect moment of entry when jumping in a double dutch rope. Homeboy decided enough was enough and came for his money. When all is said and done, it's his money and he wants it. Ain't nothing wrong with that. Point. Blank. Period.

  • Love 14

My take on this episode  “THE BASH PORSHA COMEDY TOUR”


I have to admit that I also check several recaps to get a concensus of what was going on before I do my takes as they give me a fresh view of the situations, such as...


Some folks felt it was a backstab moment with Shamea going over to Kandi’s office and buddying up to her as Don Juont and Carmon trash talked Porsha and making it appear that Porsha said derogatory things about Kandi and Todd, which she didn’t.  She made a very weak and half hearted attempt to correct DJ’s account of the discussion but kept silent when they were bashing her “friend” about everything from the distant underground railroad faux pas to her appearance. 


Kenya and her father have a very strained relationship and it was very unconfortable to watch.  He just don’t appear to like her very much.  However, there was a point there in their conversation that struck me as odd.  She made it seem that she was abandoned by her father and mother and she was taken in by her Aunt.  However, now it appears her father tried to make a home for her and she rejected it and ran away back to Detroit?  Something just don’t quite add up with her “history.”   This feels like a manufactured storyline.  Again.


The bash P&P publicity tour marches on with Kandi and Todd meeting for dinner with Cynthia and Petra where Kandi proceeds to just trash talk her “friend” and Porsha for their alleged bad talking Todd.  It was interesting that Todd never once stated that he and Phaedra came to some agreement regarding the balance. 


Todd finally did what should have been done two years ago and sat down with Phaedra to go over the finances and come to a resolution.  Although the meeting went well, the feelings were still raw especially with Phaedra who in her TH where she bashed Todd as being a kept man.  I feel the bad blood wasn’t because of the unpaid balance but Todd’s support of Apollo who spent the last weeks of his freedom villainizing Phaedra to everyone he could get to.  I could relate because my ex did this to me and his friend was one of my friends husband who believed that I was some drunken harlot drinking up all the child support my ex never supplied.  His wife knew I don’t drink but she pretty much let her husband disrespect me and said nothing.  This is what I feel is what’s really going on with Phaedra and the Tuckers.  That is why after two years Todd is being so bitchy about his money but didn’t actually go through proper procedures of an actual businessman to have payment remitted.


It was also evident that Cynthia and Petra isn’t having that loving reconciliatory feeling as much as they try to put on.  As soon as Kandi announced that she and Todd were thinking about opening a family restaurant, Cynthia cautioned her about the repercussions of that move and Petra was incensed.  Things got a bit tense after that.


I do feel there is a twinge of jealousy that Porsha felt for Lauren because she was the one who was married and wanted children and suddenly her little (single) sister gets to have that privilege.  However, Porsha was right to be concerned that she would not have that trusted support of having an assistant that really does have her back.  In this sea of backstabbers who want to see Porsha as stupid, she doesn’t want to take a chance on a stranger.  So it is like she is losing her only friend and it frightens her.  She did a great job as correspondent for DISH Nation..


The confrontation at Cynthia’s event was all kinds of wrong.  First, Kandi is still on her bash P&P tour telling everyone she could at the event of the horrible (and grossly unfounded) things P&P said and did to her and Todd.  Then when Porsha came in (obviously knowing there was bullsh** to be flung) attempted to pull Kandi aside to have an adult conversation to explain what really happened.  But that was not going to happen with Kandi’s henchmen, DJ and Carmon ready to (get airtime) pounce on her.  The worse was Kandi telling her she would not help or support her ever again (which she really hadn’t except for having her in the failed play).  Porsha rightfully just said F’it and left.


Of course that wasn’t enough for the thirsty Carmon or even Shamea who followed Porsha outside to confront her again.  She rightfully dismissed them both and left.


Porsha did do something that none of the HWives ever seem to do; She called Kandi for lunch to get that one on one to clear the air.  Then it really comes out what is the real thorn in Kandi’s butt.  She doesn’t like that Porsha like Phaedra don’t see her as the best friend anymore.  It seemed like she really didn’t care about the money situation with Todd but she felt Porsha was taking sides and not supporting her and that is what she felt with Phaedra as well.  Porsha tried to explain to her that at that time Phaedra needed her more.  Kandi just wasn’t getting it.  In her mind, Phaedra had been checked out of the marriage and shouldn’t be to broken up that Apollo isn’t there anymore.  Porsha broke it down to Kandi saying that just because the marriage may have imploded doesn’t mean you just throw away your feelings for that person.  It just doesn’t work like that.  The hurt is still there and it may never go away.  It appeared Kandi might have got but I’m not to sure.  Porsha even offered that if there was anything she could do to repair Kandi and Phaedra’s friendship and would support Kandi whenever she needed it.  However, I just don’t see Kandi as ever being a real friend to anyone that don’t just cater to her.

  • Love 15
So Todd's wrong for trying to be nice and not come for her back then? He would have been an insensitive prick back then and apparently he's an dumbass prick for coming for it now so either way Todd wouldn't have been able to come out of this unscathed regardless apparently.

The totally correct way for him as a producer and an alleged business man was to have a contract, send an invoice and request payment in writing, if he got some money from her send receipts, and request the balance in due time.  It is not good business to wait two years to then ask his wife to garner a check from Phaedra and it is not good business to badmouth a customer without due process to request remittance of the balance.  According to him, he needed her picture to complete the product and then she could pay him the balance so both he and Phaedra were wrong.  She was wrong for waiting until this blew up in her face to pay the balance or cancel the product and he was wrong for not keeping in contact and requesting what he needed to close the deal.

  • Love 6

I need Bravo to get on it about making full episode available on its site for this show. RHOBH has full episode available. Why not RHOA? (Which is to say that I missed all but the last ten minutes of last night's episode.)

I thought Kandi's real issue with Porsha was that she blindly follows Phaedra's stories and does not get Kandi's side. I think that point got lost in whatever the back and forth was. I do not think Porsha did anything really wrong either.

I didn't watch the entire episode, so I didn't get to see what transpired between Kandi and Porsha about what happened outside of Kandi's and Demetria's event. I do get where Porsha was coming from regarding wanting to be there for Phaedra, and that even though Phaedra had already checked out of the marriage before Apollo got busted once more, divorce is still a tough thing to go through. On the other hand, I could see Kandi's frustration, probably because she feels that Phaedra is faking even being upset over the end of a her marriage. 
Like, I think the only thing that Phaedra is upset over is the appearance of having a husband at her side. Dassit.

The totally correct way for him as a producer and an alleged business man was to have a contract, send an invoice and request payment in writing, if he got some money from her send receipts, and request the balance in due time.  It is not good business to wait two years to then ask his wife to garner a check from Phaedra and it is not good business to badmouth a customer without due process to request remittance of the balance.  According to him, he needed her picture to complete the product and then she could pay him the balance so both he and Phaedra were wrong.  She was wrong for waiting until this blew up in her face to pay the balance or cancel the product and he was wrong for not keeping in contact and requesting what he needed to close the deal.

But...Todd is not an "alleged businessman" (that would be reserved for Apollo). Todd is an actual businessman with credits to his name. Additionally, someone linked above to a Lipstick Alley thread with the screenshots/receipts that Kandi provided. Like I said above, I haven't watched the full episode, but I did see the two-minute clip in the Previews that was posted in the Spoiler thread last week. Todd came prepared with contracts and receipts of what Phaedra had paid up until that time. Kandi shared (via the IG post) that Todd had, in fact, sent emails and final invoices, which went unanswered by Phaedra. Even with inaction on Phaedra's part, Kandi told Todd to give Phaedra more time. They were being very kind to Phaedra to give her more time, but that doesn't mean that Todd wasn't keeping in contact about the whole deal. 


Edited by Mozelle
  • Love 16

Phaedra looked surprised that Todd came prepared with cancelled checks, the original budget and release forms; I don't think she was expecting that.


Given that Todd can't make the effort to open his mouth when he talks (a trait he seems to have passed on to his daughter) I was pretty amazed at how prepared he came to that meeting too. It just seemed like a lot of work for someone so perpetually sleep.  Good for him for shutting Phaedra down though.

  • Love 2

So Kenya still believing she's going to have a "family" in that new house. OK, then. She's pushing 50. She better start the adoption wheels in motion if she seriously plans on having any kids. 


I'm shocked that Kandi has her millions. She seems to make some very poor business decisions. Kim Z screwed her over, now this deal with Todd and Phaedra. When is she gonna learn not to mix business and friendships! The play was a failure and now she wants to open a restaurant which she knows nothing about. Is that Todds idea? She better start watching her money, indeed.


Cynthia- OMG I wanted to throw up on WWHL, she was on last night defending that asshole Peter saying she might forgive him for one affair but if he was sleeping all over town, that might be a deal breaker. What in the hell?????? I just can't stand her anymore. 

  • Love 5

It was also evident that Cynthia and Petra isn’t having that loving reconciliatory feeling as much as they try to put on.  As soon as Kandi announced that she and Todd were thinking about opening a family restaurant, Cynthia cautioned her about the repercussions of that move and Petra was incensed.  Things got a bit tense after that.

I'm pretty sure Peter & Cynthia's problem is that there is a good chance Todd and Kandi could very well succeed where they failed multiple times.

Edited by Pollock
  • Love 7
But...Todd is not an "alleged businessman" (that would be reserved for Apollo). Todd is an actual businessman with credits to his name.

My point exactly.  He is an actual businessman who did not send an invoice, send receipts as well nor set up the final picture to complete the product.  Hence why I called him and "alleged" businessman.  No businessman would have their wife go get money owed by a customer and certainly not wait 2 years even if his wife asked him to.  That is simply not very good business sense.


And if you as a businessman/owner of a profit making business is only sending email to a non paying customer and not contacting that customer directly or at the last resort, taking legal action to have the customer remit payment, then your business will surely fail.


i also felt that once Phaedra realized Apollo wasn't going to use the video to boost a career in fitness training, she probably just didn't want to waste time on it anymore and thought if she doesn't complete it the deal was done.  Yes it was a bad decision on her part but this whole group makes bad decisions.

Edited by Aging Goth
  • Love 3
I'm beginning to dislike Kim too. It's like she's being given special treatment because she's the biggest name they have. The special treatment being she doesn't even have to appear.
[quote name="Ubiquitous" post="1842451" timestamp="1451882284"


I don't blame her. Wouldn't you want the same?

Actually, no. I wouldn't accept a job I felt was beneath me and I had no interest in doing.


  • Love 2

So I'm thinking the Tuckers and Ms. Parks are just using the money owed as a story line and they've settled in some other way.  Maybe Todd gets to keep Appollo's motorbikes or something.  From what I saw on TV, Phaedra is claiming final payment is due when the video is finished.  The video will be finished when she provides Todd with a photo of her pregnant.  She's never going to provide the photo, so it's never going to be finished.  Why can't Todd just grab a screen shot off of the video and use that?  This situation doesn't pass the smell test. 


I was bored by everyone else.  

  • Love 4

I'm pretty sure Peter & Cynthia's problem is that there is a good chance Todd and Kandi could very well succeed were they failed multiple times.

What was it Peter said while ranting about failing so many times he could only succeed at this point? I did find it laughable when Cynthia rationalized Peter's lovenest^w^wapartment as him spending so much time working. Why the hell did he chose a place in another state in the first place?
  • Love 5

Yeah Kandi, you are a great friend to Phaedra...hiding assets for her criminal husband.

And I agree, why didn't Todd just send a bill?

[quote name="Ubiquitous" post="1842451" timestamp="1451882284"

I don't blame her. Wouldn't you want the same?

Actually, no. I wouldn't accept a job I felt was beneath me and I had no interest in doing.

But Kim is cashing her Bravo checks.

Edited by ButterQueen
  • Love 4

I do not agree with the way Porsha and Phae dismissed Don Juan and Carmon as help (what right do they have being so high and mighty), but I do wonder what would happen to these two if Kandi ever lost her money or fired either of them?  They have been very spoiled as her employees and I do not think that they could do a regular job where you can not sass your boss or competence is expected.

I don't have a problem with it at all because that is their relationship with Carmon and DonJuan. The ladies are not friends with them and I did not appreciate them trying to butt in when Porsha wanted to have a private conversation with her friend Khandi. They are like two pit bulls.


I felt sorry for Kenya because she has two very twisted parents. That is why she is so out of control and desperate for attention. Her father is very mean spirited.

  • Love 2

I'm gonna need ya'll to get caught up on the why didn't he just send a bill conversation.  drivethroo posted the website where we can see screenshots Kandi herself posted evidencing that he did in fact send an invoice, an email, a carrier pigeon and a partridge in a pear tree.  Click here please.  But that it was Todd's fault for not pursuing the money?  Nope. Ya'll gone find another reason to blame him, this ain't it.


I think Kenya's parents (both of them) were 15, 16 when they had her. Their immaturity dealing with her at that young age has really affected her. Wish she could e been taken from all of them and given to a healthy family.

edit: Here's what Kandi has to say about this money situation. http://www.lipstickalley.com/showthread.php/973064-Kandi-Responds-to-Phraudra-Concerning-Jabs-Todd

  • Love 24

I wanted to respond to some of the questioning about Kenya's account of growing up. She was indeed abandoned by both of her parents.  Just because some years later, her miserable (seriously, the man even found something wrong with a glass of water!) father uprooted her to live with him in some quest to soothe his ego doesn't mean she was lying about feeling not taken care of by her parents. 


A kid goes to live with a "father" who is a virtual stranger and runs back to the only little piece of family she knows. Then said man who supposedly brought her down because he loved and cared for her (yeah right, he told the real reason), gets a funky attitude and holds a silent treatment grudge...when she's living with his own mama? He didn't talk to his mom for 5 years? Or did this sorry bastard call and chat with the family and ignore his kid? The fact that he didn't speak to his CHILD, whom he had already left behind at least once, knowing her mother didn't give a damn, for 5 years certainly supports the idea of abandonment on his part, no matter how long she may have been there, a month, a week, a year. I just think this kind of stuff is nitpicky as hell.

  • Love 18

I wanted to respond to some of the questioning about Kenya's account of growing up. She was indeed abandoned by both of her parents.  Just because some years later, her miserable (seriously, the man even found something wrong with a glass of water!) father uprooted her to live with him in some quest to soothe his ego doesn't mean she was lying about feeling not taken care of by her parents. 


A kid goes to live with a "father" who is a virtual stranger and runs back to the only little piece of family she knows. Then said man who supposedly brought her down because he loved and cared for her (yeah right, he told the real reason), gets a funky attitude and holds a silent treatment grudge...when she's living with his own mama? He didn't talk to his mom for 5 years? Or did this sorry bastard call and chat with the family and ignore his kid? The fact that he didn't speak to his CHILD, whom he had already left behind at least once, knowing her mother didn't give a damn, for 5 years certainly supports the idea of abandonment on his part, no matter how long she may have been there, a month, a week, a year. I just think this kind of stuff is nitpicky as hell.


X.  A. Cabrillion.    Now we're gonna have to think up a new word.  Trifling seems woefully inefficient. 


About the water I would just like to add, that several times a week, I make a similar blend at home.  Handful of fresh mint, half a cucumber and the juice of 3 squoze up limes.   The way he reacted to lemon pulp made me think he's one of those people who's never been off his own block before.

  • Love 5

About the water I would just like to add, that several times a week, I make a similar blend at home.  Handful of fresh mint, half a cucumber and the juice of 3 squoze up limes.   The way he reacted to lemon pulp made me think he's one of those people who's never been off his own block before.

Yeah, lemon mint water and cucumber water are really good. (I've never had all three together, but I'm sure it would be good.) Very refreshing. I think you're right that he probably hasn't seen that much.

Edited by Empress1
  • Love 2

I'm gonna need ya'll to get caught up on the why didn't he just send a bill conversation.  drivethroo posted the website where we can see screenshots Kandi herself posted evidencing that he did in fact send an invoice, an email, a carrier pigeon and a partridge in a pear tree.  Click here please.  But that it was Todd's fault for not pursuing the money?  Nope. Ya'll gone find another reason to blame him, this ain't it.


Thank you!  And why should you have to do all of that when the person is perfectly aware they owe you the money?  I'm not sure what else he was supposed to do, send a singing telegram to sing the bill to Phaedra?  And then if that didn't work Todd would be at fault for not hiring a sky writer to write out the bill in front of Phaedra's house.  


All of these things are a way to make a person aware that they owe you money.  But Phaedra has always known she owed that money, she just decided she wasn't going to pay the money she owed because she thought she could get away with that.  And thats just a horrible way to behave.


I wanted to respond to some of the questioning about Kenya's account of growing up. She was indeed abandoned by both of her parents.  Just because some years later, her miserable (seriously, the man even found something wrong with a glass of water!) father uprooted her to live with him in some quest to soothe his ego doesn't mean she was lying about feeling not taken care of by her parents. 


A kid goes to live with a "father" who is a virtual stranger and runs back to the only little piece of family she knows. Then said man who supposedly brought her down because he loved and cared for her (yeah right, he told the real reason), gets a funky attitude and holds a silent treatment grudge...when she's living with his own mama? He didn't talk to his mom for 5 years? Or did this sorry bastard call and chat with the family and ignore his kid? The fact that he didn't speak to his CHILD, whom he had already left behind at least once, knowing her mother didn't give a damn, for 5 years certainly supports the idea of abandonment on his part, no matter how long she may have been there, a month, a week, a year. I just think this kind of stuff is nitpicky as hell.

Exactly, a kid that young with parents who are barely there in any way for her runs away out of deep sadness.  There is nothing to blame the 12 year old for.  And then her father just let the message that he didn't give a care sink in by giving her the "silent treatment" or the "I'm too busy with my life to be bothered and you were just an afterthought anyways" treatment.


I absolutely agree that her father is probably one that is "borrowing" money from Kenya and will act like Phaedra if she ever asks for it back.

  • Love 12

I just can't bring myself to care about Kenya's story. Good luck to her but she's such a messy broad that I'm not interested or invested in what happens to her.

I'm not happy about Joyce being back on my screen. And that upcoming office scene with Phaedra makes me wonder how much of this is manufactured and how much is real. Phaedra's shadiness is definitely real but she wouldn't agree to meet Joyce for a taped scene unless it was part of the "story."

Toddler trying to shade Porsha was funny given his damn near salivating over her a couple of seasons ago. There's some tea floating around about how the tuckers get down and why kandi's so close to shamea...I wonder if Porsha was the first choice...

  • Love 6

The totally correct way for him as a producer and an alleged business man was to have a contract, send an invoice and request payment in writing, if he got some money from her send receipts, and request the balance in due time.  It is not good business to wait two years to then ask his wife to garner a check from Phaedra and it is not good business to badmouth a customer without due process to request remittance of the balance.  According to him, he needed her picture to complete the product and then she could pay him the balance so both he and Phaedra were wrong.  She was wrong for waiting until this blew up in her face to pay the balance or cancel the product and he was wrong for not keeping in contact and requesting what he needed to close the deal.

And Kandi confirms that this was indeed done. Why doesn't this little detail seem to stick? And it doesn't just boil down to a business deal. Friends were involved so these delays and timelines have very clear reasoning behind it. Also if Phaedrah's little detour into unprofessionalism was due in part to having personal feelings about  the Tuckers being sympathetic to Apollo then that unprofessionalism was on HER. Her unprofessional decisions were based on pettiness and negativity whereas Todds unproffessionalism stemmed from him wanting to A) appease his wife and B)give a friend the benefit of the doubt and some time to make good on an contract. How Todd's position still comes across as wrong or shady when it's pretty obvious he was trying to take it in stride to keep it from becoming an issue in the first place is completely bonkers to me. 


But...Todd is not an "alleged businessman" (that would be reserved for Apollo). Todd is an actual businessman with credits to his name. Additionally, someone linked above to a Lipstick Alley thread with the screenshots/receipts that Kandi provided. Like I said above, I haven't watched the full episode, but I did see the two-minute clip in the Previews that was posted in the Spoiler thread last week. Todd came prepared with contracts and receipts of what Phaedra had paid up until that time. Kandi shared (via the IG post) that Todd had, in fact, sent emails and final invoices, which went unanswered by Phaedra. Even with inaction on Phaedra's part, Kandi told Todd to give Phaedra more time. They were being very kind to Phaedra to give her more time, but that doesn't mean that Todd wasn't keeping in contact about the whole deal. 




Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 8


I'm shocked that Kandi has her millions. She seems to make some very poor business decisions. Kim Z screwed her over, now this deal with Todd and Phaedra. When is she gonna learn not to mix business and friendships! The play was a failure and now she wants to open a restaurant which she knows nothing about. Is that Todds idea? She better start watching her money, indeed.


Kim was a one off, in a new situation (the show). Kandi has shown that she won't make that mistake again as evidenced by her work with people like Miss Lawrence and Demetria. Todd and Phaedra's contract has nothing to do with her, her production company, bank account, or decision making process. The play was a success, the national tour was what didn't work out, iirc. She was ready to cut business ties with Todd over it and she was dead ass serious about not getting married without a prenup. While the restaurant business is risky as hell, huge failure rate, I'm pretty comfortable saying she knows how to set up a meeting with advisors/consultants etc. Out of all the housewives on ALL the franchises, Kandi is one of the few I would never worry about losing all her money. 20 years in business and she seems to be doing pretty damn well to me, all without the benefit of formal education or generational wealth and its accompanying knowledge. "I could take care of everybody on this stage if I wanted to!"

Todd showing up with his backpack.....um. No. I just don't like him anymore.


I chuckled when I saw Todd with that backpack. I mean, no shade to backpacks; they're practical. But he really did look like a kid. He's very professional and has his shit together, but the backpack made him look like a high school freshman.


I am not one to talk about people's stature, being a shorter woman myself, but if you come off a little juvenile looking in the first place, coming into a meeting with a backpack is not the best look


I also hate that Kandi and Todd seem to support Apollo.  That lowlife is not worth this trouble.  Who would of thought that Todd would be so "ride or die" for Apollo?


The boardroom backpack look is a product of the Stevie J School of Bidness. 


I don't think Kandi supports him so much as doesn't want to get in the middle of everything, so she says nothing. The only pointed comments she made one way or another were about the kids seeing him, and that was based on her own familial experience with the situation. She didn't condemn Phaedra or anything. She didn't claim he was innocent and she didn't dog him out. What else was she supposed to do? 


Todd is way more of a man's man, I think he would stand by most of his 'bros' in general unless their actions directly impacted his family. Plus, I doubt that he ever liked Phaedra as a person much anyway, at least not enough to choose to stop talking to his friend. New York no nonsense doesn't typically blend well with that fake churchy smarmy Southern Belle mess. 

I'm gonna need ya'll to get caught up on the why didn't he just send a bill conversation.  drivethroo posted the website where we can see screenshots Kandi herself posted evidencing that he did in fact send an invoice, an email, a carrier pigeon and a partridge in a pear tree.  Click here please.  But that it was Todd's fault for not pursuing the money?  Nope. Ya'll gone find another reason to blame him, this ain't it.

Hello! It's been linked and commented on multiple times. Just like Phaedra's never denied that she owes him money, she's never said this was the first she was hearing of it or she never knew she owed it either. Kandi may be a lot of things, but she's not shown herself to be a liar. Besides, if Todd never invoiced, Phaedra would've been singing that from the rooftops, with some raggedy read about him not being able to use a computer or something. As far as him taking more formal steps like legal action, that would've make him look like more of an asshole, in multiple ways, plus it would've deprived us of Bravo's wonderful edit last night.


About the water I would just like to add, that several times a week, I make a similar blend at home.  Handful of fresh mint, half a cucumber and the juice of 3 squoze up limes.   The way he reacted to lemon pulp made me think he's one of those people who's never been off his own block before.

Squoze up. Damn you. 


Yeah, lemon mint water and cucumber water are really good. (I've never had all three together, but I'm sure it would be good.) Very refreshing. I think you're right that he probably hasn't seen that much.


He hasn't ever gotten a lemon wedge at Applebee's?

Edited by sunsheyen
  • Love 13

I feel kind of sorry for Kenya and I frequently find her entertaining. If her father was the better of the two parents I can't imagine what her mother's like. But, to go OT for a minute, I was having my hair cut yesterday and my hairdresser and I were discussing Kenya. My support of Kenya nearly got me snatched bald headed. My hairdresser hates her. On the upside, I won't need another haircut for awhile.

  • Love 11

I'm gonna need ya'll to get caught up on the why didn't he just send a bill conversation.  drivethroo posted the website where we can see screenshots Kandi herself posted evidencing that he did in fact send an invoice, an email, a carrier pigeon and a partridge in a pear tree.  Click here please.  But that it was Todd's fault for not pursuing the money?  Nope. Ya'll gone find another reason to blame him, this ain't it.

Love you! Just thought I'd throw that out there.. LOL ;-)

  • Love 3

I chuckled when I saw Todd with that backpack. I mean, no shade to backpacks; they're practical. But he really did look like a kid. He's very professional and has his shit together, but the backpack made him look like a high school freshman.

Lol. I have to side with Todd here. I recently switched back to a backpack for work instead of a large purse or messenger bag. It's much more convenient for carrying everything I need back and forth, and it's also more comfortable. The purses and messenger bags started to hurt my shoulders and hips the way they were positioned. So go ahead Todd and rock your business backpack!!

I'm gonna need ya'll to get caught up on the why didn't he just send a bill conversation.  drivethroo posted the website where we can see screenshots Kandi herself posted evidencing that he did in fact send an invoice, an email, a carrier pigeon and a partridge in a pear tree.  Click here please.  But that it was Todd's fault for not pursuing the money?  Nope. Ya'll gone find another reason to blame him, this ain't it.

For reals! Thank you for reiterating. Plain and simple, chick lied about everything and would have continued to do so had Todd not provided proof.
  • Love 5

Kim was a one off, in a new situation (the show). Kandi has shown that she won't make that mistake again as evidenced by her work with people like Miss Lawrence and Demetria. Todd and Phaedra's contract has nothing to do with her, her production company, bank account, or decision making process. The play was a success, the national tour was what didn't work out, iirc. She was ready to cut business ties with Todd over it and she was dead ass serious about not getting married without a prenup. While the restaurant business is risky as hell, huge failure rate, I'm pretty comfortable saying she knows how to set up a meeting with advisors/consultants etc. Out of all the housewives on ALL the franchises, Kandi is one of the few I would never worry about losing all her money. 20 years in business and she seems to be doing pretty damn well to me, all without the benefit of formal education or generational wealth and its accompanying knowledge. "I could take care of everybody on this stage if I wanted to!"




The boardroom backpack look is a product of the Stevie J School of Bidness. 


I don't think Kandi supports him so much as doesn't want to get in the middle of everything, so she says nothing. The only pointed comments she made one way or another were about the kids seeing him, and that was based on her own familial experience with the situation. She didn't condemn Phaedra or anything. She didn't claim he was innocent and she didn't dog him out. What else was she supposed to do? 


Todd is way more of a man's man, I think he would stand by most of his 'bros' in general unless their actions directly impacted his family. Plus, I doubt that he ever liked Phaedra as a person much anyway, at least not enough to choose to stop talking to his friend. New York no nonsense doesn't typically blend well with that fake churchy smarmy Southern Belle mess. 

Hello! It's been linked and commented on multiple times. Just like Phaedra's never denied that she owes him money, she's never said this was the first she was hearing of it or she never knew she owed it either. Kandi may be a lot of things, but she's not shown herself to be a liar. Besides, if Todd never invoiced, Phaedra would've been singing that from the rooftops, with some raggedy read about him not being able to use a computer or something. As far as him taking more formal steps like legal action, that would've make him look like more of an asshole, in multiple ways, plus it would've deprived us of Bravo's wonderful edit last night.


Squoze up. Damn you. 



He hasn't ever gotten a lemon wedge at Applebee's?


No.  And you shouldn't either, I've seen the reports on where they keep those things.   'Sides, fruit is an accompaniment of salads and seafood and...well...I'll refrain.



Love you! Just thought I'd throw that out there.. LOL ;-)


Lol!  Oh we go dageva I didn't tell you?

  • Love 1

I feel kind of sorry for Kenya and I frequently find her entertaining. If her father was the better of the two parents I can't imagine what her mother's like. But, to go OT for a minute, I was having my hair cut yesterday and my hairdresser and I were discussing Kenya. My support of Kenya nearly got me snatched bald headed. My hairdresser hates her. On the upside, I won't need another haircut for awhile.

LOL @ your hairdresser.  I like Kenya -- but I see her for the entertainment that she is trying to be 85% of the time, and so much of the time when she is being serious I agree with her.  And I find her villainy entertaining because its so over the top, mustache twirling, and I think done with a wink and a nod to the audience. While I don't believe in the concept of "haters," I do think a beautiful, well spoken, intelligent woman will sometimes bring out the worst feelings in other women.  

  • Love 15

Quoting this to lead to Zaldamo's post below:


My point exactly.  He is an actual businessman who did not send an invoice, send receipts as well nor set up the final picture to complete the product.  Hence why I called him and "alleged" businessman...



I'm gonna need ya'll to get caught up on the why didn't he just send a bill conversation.  drivethroo posted the website where we can see screenshots Kandi herself posted evidencing that he did in fact send an invoice, an email, a carrier pigeon and a partridge in a pear tree.  Click here please.  But that it was Todd's fault for not pursuing the money?  Nope. Ya'll gone find another reason to blame him, this ain't it.



I'm not sure what else he was supposed to do, send a singing telegram to sing the bill to Phaedra?  


Listen. Singing telegram. Carrier pigeon. Somehow find who might still be running a pony express.

  • Love 5


I don't think Kandi supports him so much as doesn't want to get in the middle of everything, so she says nothing. The only pointed comments she made one way or another were about the kids seeing him, and that was based on her own familial experience with the situation. She didn't condemn Phaedra or anything. She didn't claim he was innocent and she didn't dog him out. What else was she supposed to do? 


Todd is way more of a man's man, I think he would stand by most of his 'bros' in general unless their actions directly impacted his family. Plus, I doubt that he ever liked Phaedra as a person much anyway, at least not enough to choose to stop talking to his friend. New York no nonsense doesn't typically blend well with that fake churchy smarmy Southern Belle mess. 


Hello! It's been linked and commented on multiple times. Just like Phaedra's never denied that she owes him money, she's never said this was the first she was hearing of it or she never knew she owed it either. Kandi may be a lot of things, but she's not shown herself to be a liar. Besides, if Todd never invoiced, Phaedra would've been singing that from the rooftops, with some raggedy read about him not being able to use a computer or something. As far as him taking more formal steps like legal action, that would've make him look like more of an asshole, in multiple ways, plus it would've deprived us of Bravo's wonderful edit last night.


See I don't get why the Tuckers are wrong because they didn't find the need to be all AGAINST Apollo. They just didn't have much pearl clutching to do about the whole matter. That's not what they're about and from what I could recall Kandi did stay pretty tight lipped throughout a lot of situations coming up about Phaedrah and Apollo she just wasn't going all Don Juan whenever Phaedra's name came up and she ended up getting flak about that. Hey, the dirt is true so I ain't mad at Kandi for not engaging in certain conversations. Just because she didn't jump in to contradict anything on Phaedra's behalf doesn't make her a bad friend. When Kandi isn't well informed about something she tends to stay Mum but if there is something she can comment on that she feels comfortable defending then she does. Apollo was mixed up in some crazy shit and there was some up in the air details surrounding Phaedra as well. I'm not surprised that Kandi tried to comment as little as possible when it came to conversations surrounding that mess.


Yeah, she's got the mess that is Mama Joyce running around but she doesn't really make excuses for her mom she just acknowledges that she is never going to go in or her cause that's her mother plain and simple not that she thinks what she does is okay. Phaedra seemed to think that Kandi was supposed to do all this ride or die shit for her in the middle of very suspect actions happening over in Phaedra's neck of the woods. I think Phaedra's expectations of the Tuckers during what was some serious shady shit that Phaedra may or may not have been a completely UNAWARE of is a bit much. I get the feeling that Kandi wanted to be supportive of her friend but that she also didn't want to seem like she agreed with the way Phaedra was going about things I mean I like supporting friends but I also like have my own overall position on things as well. There is a time to put you own beliefs on a shelf and be that supportive friend even if you don't completely agree however when something this significant is going on I think it's important to hold true to what you feel is right and then proceed to be AS supportive as you CAN be under those kind of circumstances. I believe that the situation caused Kandi to go about her support of Phaedra a little more cautiously then if they were just dealing with something not as controversial.

  • Love 7

I had to laugh when Kandi got all upset and fell into her usual "Porsha is too stupid to understand" mode of thinking at that lunch only to have to swallow the fact that she got turnt up for no reason and Porsha had an actual point that made sense.


When Porsha looks like the the even tempered one, Kandi...you got problems.


Kandi is too concerned with defending herself per what down with Phaedra.  Look, both of you were assholes.  Stop defending yourselves and just accept it and move on.  I'm tired of hearing both of them lob insults at each other.  

  • Love 11

Quoting this to lead to Zaldamo's post below:







Listen. Singing telegram. Carrier pigeon. Somehow find who might still be running a pony express.

Maybe a pony express run by Mr. Ed, so he can tell her about the bill.  Because if she just actually received a bill, its not nearly enough, she will need to have the invoice read out loud to her or else it doesn't count.  And then she will need to have the invoice read out loud to her in Italian, or else it doesn't really count.  And then she will need to have the invoice sung falsetto or else it doesn't really count......

  • Love 6

Lol. I have to side with Todd here. I recently switched back to a backpack for work instead of a large purse or messenger bag. It's much more convenient for carrying everything I need back and forth, and it's also more comfortable. The purses and messenger bags started to hurt my shoulders and hips the way they were positioned. So go ahead Todd and rock your business backpack!!

I once carried a backpack to a business dinner. I was at a big trade show managing all the goings-on there so I had a ton of materials I needed to have with me, more than I could fit in any purse. It was binders, marketing materials, an iPad, etc. (The backpack had the company's logo on it.) Things went long and I didn't have time to drop off my backpack at the hotel before dinner, so I straight one-shouldered that shit to the restaurant. It was a nice restaurant, too.

  • Love 3

I once carried a backpack to a business dinner. I was at a big trade show managing all the goings-on there so I had a ton of materials I needed to have with me, more than I could fit in any purse. It was binders, marketing materials, an iPad, etc. (The backpack had the company's logo on it.) Things went long and I didn't have time to drop off my backpack at the hotel before dinner, so I straight one-shouldered that shit to the restaurant. It was a nice restaurant, too.

I can forgive a backpack, but a grown man on a Hoverboard?  No thanks

  • Love 3

Listen. Singing telegram. Carrier pigeon. Somehow find who might still be running a pony express.

Don't forget smoke signals, morris code and that psychic they sent to her office in Phadreas's first season ... ;-)

Joking aside, in the real business world, transactions that big would have been dealt with immediately and if the customer did not respond yes, friend or not, legal action is the next step.  Plus as some others have pointed out, after two years this is brought up out of the blue? and only after the falling out of K&P?  smells like a storyline to me.  Especially since they are together most of the holidays and been posting group pics of them both together via intagram and facebook.  So either all was forgiven, or this is a manufactured story line.


(the term is Morse code)

I can forgive a backpack, but a grown man on a Hoverboard?  No thanks

dudes will geek out over gadgets!

Edited by Aging Goth
  • Love 3

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