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Mothers, Mentors, and Mates: Relationships


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I understand that Kara being Kal's cousin is part of her comic book origin but this is a TV show trying to do it's own thing, or rather a version of the original story. I was just saying there is no reason they couldn't have Kara be the lone survivor from Krypton and not deal with Kal at all.


It may be that they wanted to maintain the notion that Kal exists for the following reasons:


1. The Powers that Be at DC/CBS or wherever want Kal to exist, either because they see the notion of Supergirl necessarily depends on Superman existing, or they think the viewing public requires there to be a Superman. 

2. The series creators want to have some of the sub-themes that require Kal (i.e. the difficulty of growing up in someone's shadow, the differences in how men and women are treated, etc.)

3. They want to leave open the possibility of a full-throated Kal/Kara teamup event. (Hey, nothing inherently is stopping that from happening).


These aren't necessarily compelling reasons, or even good reasons, but they are possibilities.

  • Love 1

Thats fair enough:),  but she still needs a romantic life, there is room for all kinds of chemistry and relationships. 

I blame the writing.  As evidence, I offer how much Kara and Winn have improved since they stopped using him as part of a triangle. 


Kara/Cat and Kara/Alex are the best relationships of the show, followed by Alex/Hank provided they don't try to make them into a romantic relationship.  (I ship them but I think the show would spoil it.)  I liked Kara/James till the heavy hand of the of the writers interfered.


I know that romantic relationships are a big draw on a show like this but ouch, none of them on Supergirl are working for me right now.

  • Love 3

Kara/Cat and Kara/Alex are the best relationships of the show, followed by Alex/Hank provided they don't try to make them into a romantic relationship. (I ship them but I think the show would spoil it.) I liked Kara/James till the heavy hand of the of the writers interfered.

What's kind of funny is that the beats they've been hitting for Alex/J'onn are the ones they should have hit for Kara/James. When James told Kara that her cousin sent him to watch out for her they should have had her be like "oh great he's here to babysit me I guess anything romantic is off the table." They didn't even need Lucy for the relationship stall if they had played it that way. As they worked together in and out of Catco they could have grown closer and their dynamic could have slowly shifted until they realized they'd developed romantic feelings for each other.

I ship Alex/J'onn hard but I don't think they have any intention of hooking those two up romantically. However if they wanted to all the right character beats have been hit. They started out working together and had a mutual respect thing going on but at first it was all "Director Henshaw" and "Agent Danvers" until their friendship began to grow and it became all "Alex!" and "J'onn!" And now they're like" I'll kill for you", " I'll kill for you."  "I'll stay locked up forever to keep you safe."  " I'll never abandon you."  "I was suppose to protect you!" " Plans change, I like getting to protect you."  "Let's run off together as fugitives." ( I promise they're an iceberg and a piece of driftwood away from saying "I'll never let go").

Anyway my point once again is that they manufactured unnecessary drama to keep James and Kara apart when they could have just naturally had them become closer and closer until they realized they had feelings for each other. Also They're two grown people, they don't need everyone and their momma telling the characters that they have feelings for each other.

Edited by miracole
  • Love 7

I ship Alex/J'onn hard but I don't think they have any intention of hooking those two up romantically. However if they wanted to all the right character beats have been hit. They started out working together and had a mutual respect thing going on but at first it was all "Director Henshaw" and "Agent Danvers" until their friendship began to grow and it became all "Alex!" and "J'onn!" And now they're like" I'll kill for you", " I'll kill for you." "I'll stay locked up forever to keep you safe." " I'll never abandon you." "I was suppose to protect you!" " Plans change, I like getting to protect you." "Let's run off together as fugitives." ( I promise they're an iceberg and a piece of driftwood away from saying "I'll never let go").

LOL You just nailed for me why I shipped them so hard after a binge-watch...it's the devotion. I'm a sucker for devotion preceding love for some reason; probably why I'm into Ichabod/Abbie on Sleepy Hollow as well.

But I agree I'd be shocked if the writers ever went there. Because if they'd meant to do that, Hank Henshaw would probably look a hell of a lot more like James Olsen. Sad but true.

Speaking of which: I could go for James and Kara if that's what the show wants to sell me... I'm pretty accepting when it comes to romantic plots; I just want it to be interesting... but dudes, slow your roll. I know the world complains about the attention span of the millenial, but I doubt even they really need a series worth of romance condensed into 18 episodes so they don't run off bored.

Edited by Miss Dee
  • Love 2

Yes, I loved that scene too. Not only was she acting like a scientist would and should in that situation, J'onn didn't appear to be bothered by the questioning. Though I suppose it's a relief to have someone not freaked out by the fact he's from Mars. I also like the "So, are you really a little green man?" "No, I'm a large green man." 

  • Love 4

But I agree I'd be shocked if the writers ever went there. Because if they'd meant to do that, Hank Henshaw would probably look a hell of a lot more like James Olsen.


I respectfully disagree.  I find "Hank"/David attractive, myself.  J'onn and Alex don't present as horribly different ages, in fact he can stay at his current look until he wants to change. (Barring the wrongly-brought charges of treason or whatever.)


Our Hank is a very steady, usually level-headed guy you can depend on in a crisis. Also, apparently, when things are calm and the paperwork needs to be done. He also seems to have inspired loyalty in his staff. (Remember the Jemm episode? Folks were lining up behind Alex to go bring the boss back.)  Everything good in a TV boyfriend; he just happens to be a long-lived "large green man" when he's made to be his true self. 


I usually don't ship, but David and Chyler have such great chemistry, plus they are secondary characters, plus " Keeping Up With The J'onzzez" would be fun to peek into now and again- like on Team Kara game nights. Or spin-off, as others have noted. It could be fun that the battle couple was also the steady relationship.


added: Now, I think they will tease Hank/Alex as" friends or more?" until the cows come home , because that's what shows do now.

Edited by Actionmage
  • Love 2
Kara/Cat and Kara/Alex are the best relationships of the show, followed by Alex/Hank provided they don't try to make them into a romantic relationship.  (I ship them but I think the show would spoil it.)  I liked Kara/James till the heavy hand of the of the writers interfered.

I know that romantic relationships are a big draw on a show like this but ouch, none of them on Supergirl are working for me right now.


Not necessarily.  Seems to me that the show has aimed for a larger focus on the sibling relationship and female relationships. I think that was a deliberate choice to make this show a female led and driven one. 


There is no shortage of shows out there, that have romance as a main focus or males in main roles. So Im very OK with romance, or Kara/James not being the central relationship of Supergirl. Good for Supergirl to be different and romance plots can actually benefit from being in the background in shows like these. 

  • Love 1



Not necessarily.  Seems to me that the show has aimed for a larger focus on the sibling relationship and female relationships. I think that was a deliberate choice to make this show a female led and driven one.

 Good point....I enjoy the show for what it is...a female empowering one, yeah it can be hit you over the head with "a super woman!" ..as for the romance I might be alone with this but....I like James and Kara, they are sweet and cute, but I agree that James needs more to do...and I see chemistry not hot white chem but chemistry never the less.

  • Love 1

I've just started fast-forwarding James/Kara scenes, it worked pretty well in the finale actually. But then I hate all of the predestined comic book romances (Iris/Barry, Laurel/Oliver), so it's nothing new. At least James doesn't take up as much screentime.


I don't think that James/Kara is a big comic couple like Barry/Iris or Clark/Lois though. The closest thing I recall either having to a big iconic relationship in the comics is Jimmy with Lucy Lane.


- anti-shipping James/Kara because they would prefer the white person in the pairing with someone else (whiter)... anyone else but the PoC in the ship. (With a side dish, of wanting the PoC character off the show, too). I'd give Kara/Winn shippers the benefit of the doubt - Winn's been around since the start of season 1, and the fans apparently see something in this ship. But anti-shipping Kara/James because you're already shipping Kara/UnknownCharacterPlayedByWhiteActor before season 2 has even started...? 

True, I have seen it Kara being thrown with any white person possible, anyone except James. Already know that Mon El with Kara will be considered better than James/Kara.

  • Love 1

I don't discount that there are probably people that don't like Kara and James together because of race - I won't even discount that that number might be a lot higher than I'm comfortable with being possible, but I'm positive that it's not the only reason.  

I say this because I know that as much as I backed them at first, I grew to have real problems with the pairing that had everything to do with how they were writing the relationship and nothing to do with them being an interracial couple. I think the introduction of Lucy and that love triangle was a huge misstep or at least it was a huge misstep to have both Kara and James so far along in their feelings for one another so quickly.  SOOO many people kept telling James he loved Kara and he seemed to know it too but instead of acting in a manner that fits the heroic figure Jimmy was suppose to cut, he seemed weakened by not stepping up and ending things with Lucy.  Almost worse was when he wanted to fix his relationship with Lucy by outing Kara's secret identity.

I also was disappointed in Kara not keeping her feelings more in check when James was clearly in a relationship.  Then once James was broken up with Lucy, I hated how when Kara was poisoned and acting irrationally that he wasn't willing to forgive her right away compared to Cat and Alex who had been wronged so much worse ready to cut her a break immediately.  It made me feel that Supergirl and Cat had a warmer and closer relationship than Kara and James.  I was disappointed in him.

And that disappointment needs to be addressed IMO before I can really enjoy them in a romantic relationship.  I feel that the kiss Kara laid on him was too soon after the emotional disconnect they had.  Yes, we had in the Flash crossover James getting a bit jealous, but they sooo needed to deal with their issues before rushing into a romance.  I need emotional intimacy with my ships before any big couple things happen and that's why I think backing off them as a pairing right now could be good for the ship in the long run.  

Get that trust built back up and then let them make their transition from friends to dating. 

I confess, I can't remember how they left them in the last two episodes of season one.  (My rewatch should take care of that at least, lol) So perhaps I'm forgetting some step already taken to address some of this, but it not being memorable enough for me to remember says to me there is more work needed to be done.  

  • Love 2

I thought the way they handled the Kara/James relationship last season had problems, but by the finale they had made the decision to move forward, so the sudden deceleration in the premiere (when they've barely even started) just seems so odd. I've seen this happen on other shows before, but the majority of those times, I was sure that it was just a stall, and the couple would eventually get back together. Here, I'm not so sure.

Also, there were usually better reasons presented. Here, Kara just changed her mind after two days?

Edited by Trini
4 minutes ago, Trini said:

I thought the way they handled the Kara/James relationship last season had problems, but by the finale they had made the decision to move forward, so the sudden deceleration in the premiere (when they've barely even started) just seems so odd. I've seen this happen on other shows before, but the majority of those times, I was was that it was just a stall and the couple would eventually get back together. Here, I'm not so sure.

Also, there were usually better reasons presented. Here, Kara just changed here mind after two days?

It wasn't even two days.  It was less than 12 hours before she was backtracking.  I think the CW did something to end James/Kara.  For good.  It just seems like something this network would do.  Pretty sure Mon-El or whoever is in the ship is Kara's new love interest.  Whatever.

  • Love 2

I doubt Kara/James is permanently over. Imo they're just stalling them so Kara/Pod-Man can gain traction without Kara looking bad. I'm definitely foreseeing a Kara/James/Pod-Man triangle. They way James looked after Kara "ended" things pretty much screamed that his feelings are going to be important later in the season I thought.

  • Love 1
32 minutes ago, quarks said:

So, I'm the only one who ended this episode sorta shipping Kara/Lena?


Yes. We took a secret poll! You are the only one!  


1 hour ago, phoenics said:

It wasn't even two days.  It was less than 12 hours before she was backtracking.  I think the CW did something to end James/Kara.  For good.  It just seems like something this network would do.  Pretty sure Mon-El or whoever is in the ship is Kara's new love interest.  Whatever.

You mean that maybe CW did it mid-shooting of the episode? Maybe. Clearly stuff was missing from the episode and what we got was pieced together in regards to this. The missing stuff might have supported the breakup (by showing a clearer cause) or did the opposite (and the "breakup" scene been a last minute pickup shot done at some later time, perhaps even during the filming of a subsequent episode.

On 3/30/2016 at 4:20 PM, statsgirl said:

Kara/Cat and Kara/Alex are the best relationships of the show

They made it clear Cat isn't just going to be just off-screen out of range in 2x01 (they clearly teased some kind of sabbatical), but Calista was SO on in the episode it almost made it even more painful. As for Kara/Alex, they changed the opening narrative to emphasize the relationship even more, so if you like that relationship we're clearly going to be getting an even heavier dose going forward (maybe to try and compensate for far less Cat).  And of course we have the mystery new boss, Snapper Carr, coming. I'm hoping we won't be disappointed there. 

13 minutes ago, Kromm said:

You mean that maybe CW did it mid-shooting of the episode? Maybe. Clearly stuff was missing from the episode and what we got was pieced together in regards to this. The missing stuff might have supported the breakup (by showing a clearer cause) or did the opposite (and the "breakup" scene been a last minute pickup shot done at some later time, perhaps even during the filming of a subsequent episode.

It's possible. The writers clearly didn't have time to come up with a proper excuse for ending Kara/James. They even could have used a theme from the episode itself (Kara figuring out who she is/wants to be), but nope. And I can believe that the network would want its show leads to be as single as possible for maximum relationship melodrama. I just can't believe they couldn't wait a few - or even one - episodes to do this.

Semi-related: I definitely think Iris' Season 2 love interest on The Flash was supposed to have more screentime, but I think fan reaction to that storyline squashed it. There was an episode where I'm sure scenes were cut. So major story changes during the editing phase wouldn't surprise me.

Statement from the producers (other *spoilers* at that link):


As for why Kara ended things with James at the end of Monday’s season premiere, Kreisberg explained that the writers wanted to tell a relatable story, one in which a friendship becomes something more — even if it shouldn’t.

“We sort of felt like we were pursuing that relationship more because we felt like we had to than any of us was really truly feeling it,” he told reporters. “We realized the best scenes between them were the nice, sweet scenes where they were being friends.”

Way to realize this after a whole season of build up with no payoff. But I wonder why they felt they "had to"? Was there a directive from higher up? Or were they trying to replicate the success of the other Berlanti/DC shows?

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Trini said:

Way to realize this after a whole season of build up with no payoff. But I wonder why they felt they "had to"? Was there a directive from higher up? Or were they trying to replicate the success of the other Berlanti/DC shows?

I feel like it's a bit of both. They probably promoted the romance between James and Kara early on to CBS and they could have encouraged them to follow through until the end of the season, even when it was clear they were better friends. Add that to the typical "endgame" couple in almost all of the shows (Legends being the exception), at least they learned from their Oliver/Laurel mistake that time and the fresh move to The CW allowed them to shut the couple down. But of course, with all that build up at the end of last season, it's hard to go from them being giddy with each other to suddenly deciding that they're better off friends, especially in a premiere episode with Superman and so many other characters being introduced. 

  • Love 1

“We sort of felt like we were pursuing that relationship more because we felt like we had to than any of us was really truly feeling it,”

Haha, just come out with what you really mean, Andrew. #Antiblackness

Yeah blame your black male lead and interracial relationship for the show not succeeding on CBS. Im sure you have a white boy waiting in the wings, who you are really truly  gonna "feel".

Edited by DCLeague
  • Love 1
6 hours ago, DCLeague said:

Haha, just come out with what you really mean, Andrew. #Antiblackness

Yeah blame your black male lead and interracial relationship for the show not succeeding on CBS. Im sure you have a white boy waiting in the wings, who you are really truly  gonna "feel".

That is not at all what he said. Not even close.


That is not at all what he said. Not even close.

Thats my deduction and interpretation on this whole situation. Just one of the major reasons that could have contributed to this IMO.  


The first thing everyone in my twitter follow group said when we heard that the show was moving to TheCW was that the first thingthe new network would do would be to cancel the Jimmy x Kara story. And we were right. Barely 24 hours in show chronological time... the white lead's feelings for her black love interest evaporated. Now they've got rid of that ugly little facet of the show, I can't wait to see how Kara and Mon El became the epic romance of the series. #sarcasm

I dont know if I can place all the blame on the network, I blame the showrunners too, they probably would have done the same on CBS. AK's words are simply bullshit. The network move might simply have made this retconing easier. Your twitter group was right to be pessimistic though. LOL yeah feelings insta-evaporated, just conciding with Kara meeting a white boy. I bet they thought no one would even notice or care how dirty they played Kara/James, its just an IR couple right?.  

Edited by DCLeague

Yes, they are definitely working from the premise that no one would be invested in their relationship/ people would be glad to see it end.

Well its a wrong premise, go to twitter/tumbrl etc and people are certainly frowning on what they have done. Its a bit of bad PR the show didnt need so early but its all on them. They have set a precedent now that this is the way they are going to treat POC characters and that they prefer whiteness. What a way to kill a lot of goodwill,  they spend  all of last  season building. I hope this discrimination is worth the reputation  tainting and  losing viewers over. 

Edited by DCLeague

As someone who found Kara/James dull af together, I'm glad but surprised that they ended their relationship just like that. I was thinking I would have to fast forward through their romantic scenes in the future. I blame the writing for their relationship being so badly done although Mehcad Brooks has a dull presence on the show in general. I'm a POC and I'm all for more interracial relationships but this one was just a dud. If Kara works better with Chris Woods's character than I'm all for it. I'm not too optimistic about this show's ability to write a good romance though. 

Edited by JustaPerson
  • Love 7

This is the  kind of media coverage that Supergirl TPTB are pandering to. SMH







"I thought James was less of an admirer of Kara's and more of a fetishist of Kryptonians."

. "It didn't really matter. Lucy Lane's (Jenna Dewan-Tatum) later confessions of being jealous and a historical revisionist encouraged me to step back my James-as-a-pervert rhetoric."

Edited by DCLeague

I really wouldn't mind if they explored Kara being an alien more - including how that may relate to dating preferences - but ffs they need to SHOW that and not just talk about it in interviews, otherwise it's not something that is actually happening in the story. Also, her suddenly not being interested in humans is a total retcon from what we have seen of her in season one.

  • Love 4

I think it'd be fun if Kara got with an alien, even just as a fling. I remember in the JLU cartoon Kara meets and falls for Brainiac 5 from the 31st century and leaves Earth to stay there with him. Of course that's not going to happen here, and I doubt it'll really happen with any alien unless they decide to pair her with Mon-El.

Edited by JustaPerson
  • Love 1
2 hours ago, JustaPerson said:

I remember in the JLU cartoon Kara meets and falls for Brainiac 5 from the 31st century and leaves Earth to stay there with him.

That was also the case in the Silver Age.  Unlike Superman, who had two steady human loves in his life (Lana Lang when he was in high school and Lois Lane as an adult), Kara never really was able to make relationships work with human men -- she never really had the male equivalent of Lois Lane, in other words -- partly because no human male could really keep up with her, and also partly because the chemistry was never there.  Her strongest romantic relationships were with non-humans such as Brainiac 5 from 30th Century Colu, Prince Rainor from a subterranean world, and her FIRST crush as a 15-year-old girl, Jerro the Merboy (who, incidentally, was a good friend of one of SUPERMAN'S few non-human girlfriends, the mermaid Lori Lemaris).

Come to think of it, while Superman's relationships with Lana and later with Lois were definitely his most enduring loves (Lois eventually being firmly established as his true soulmate), he, like Kara, always fell the hardest for non-humans.  

Once, when an accident sent him back in time to Krypton before it exploded, he met and fell in love with one of Krypton's most famous movie stars, Lyla Lerrol, and was all set to marry her until a second accident sent him away from Krypton, and because he only regained his powers once he had left Krypton's solar system, he couldn't go back and save Lyla, so he returned to the present and to Earth broken-hearted.  

His college-age romance with Lori Lemaris also ended tragically, when after she accepted his marriage proposal and had received permission from the Atlantean elders to marry him, she was paralyzed by a human fisherman who shot her in revenge for saving her pet dolphin from one of his fishing nets.  Superman scoured the universe to find a surgeon who could save Lori's life and heal her paralysis, but after Lori recovered from the surgery, she fell in love with the surgeon who operated on her, and she helped Superman realize that he really only thought he loved her, so he gave her up.  They did, however, remain friends and allies.

Edited by legaleagle53
2 hours ago, secnarf said:

I really wouldn't mind if they explored Kara being an alien more - including how that may relate to dating preferences - but ffs they need to SHOW that and not just talk about it in interviews, otherwise it's not something that is actually happening in the story. Also, her suddenly not being interested in humans is a total retcon from what we have seen of her in season one.

Well, that article was simply some person’s opinion of the show and a review of the s2 premiere episode. They didn’t interview anyone for that article, there are no quotes from producers/writers, and no one actually attached to the show has ever said anything about Kara not being interested in humans or disparaging of James. That article is literally one reviewer opining and spinning theory, so getting worked up over some of their more outlandish theories seems like a waste of time to me. It’s like getting yourself worked up over your neighbor’s opinion of kale - who the hell cares. As the saying goes: Opinions are like arseholes, everybody has one [and everyone thinks everyone else's stinks].

I think it'd be fun with Kara got with an alien, even just as a fling. I remember in the JLU cartoon Kara meets and falls for Brainiac 5 from the 31st century and leaves Earth to stay there with him. 


I remember that episode! Ya, I wouldn't be averse to Kara having a fling with an alien, or hell even ending up with one. Don't care as long as it's not a dud in the chemistry department.

Edited by regularlyleaded
one more thing...
  • Love 1

I'm going to miss the Kara/James ship.  It was good for a brief second and then they pulled back because they figured it was far too soon.  Mechad Brooks and Melissa Benoist (I just realized it's MB and MB) tried their best but the writing was so godawful that they didn't have a chance.

And then the worst writing was this episode where they killed it.

This show should avoid Kara in any love relationship because they can't do it. Their best writing has been for Kara/Cat and Kara/Alex.  (IMO AK should avoid writing any romantic relationship because this is the third Flarrowverse he's sucked at it on.)

  • Love 2

I do think these writers generally suck at romances, but really, avoiding a romance for Kara would look really weird if we take other superhero shows into account. I mean, both Oliver (a playboy gradually moving on to something different) and Barry (having a long-standing crush on his pseudo-sister) have been repeatedly shown to participate in relationships. Showing Kara as an independent woman who's fine without that, on paper, would be OK - but not when you consider other shows. It would certainly imply that male superheroes are okay with romancing other people, while the female one isn't. (Yeah, Kara's not the only female superhero in the 'verse, but it's not like others have much luck in that department, and she's the only female protagonist).

Edited by FurryFury

My reactions to Kara's potential love interests continue to be the nearly direct opposite of what Supergirl seems to want me to think.

I started out anti Kara/Winn. Now that the show has completely dropped that pairing and isn't even bothering to hint/ship tease it in the slightest - based solely on last night's episode, it seems more likely that Winn will hook up with Clark - I'm like, ok, if Supergirl goes there again, I can sorta see it.

With Kara/James, I was initially for this (well, more anti-Winn, which made me pro James, but still), but the more I saw of it, the more bored I got.  But I liked their brief interaction last night, plus -

Mon-El.  Long looks from the camera of the guy lying shirtless, without the usual hospital gown. Kara going on and on about wanting to hang out with someone with similar powers (hey, Martian Manhunter is kinda RIGHT THERE, KARA) and needing to be with someone who gets what it's like to be her. I got it, show, I got it. And yet, all they've done is look at each other and strangle each other and I'm already thinking that maybe she should head back to James.

Not to mention that I continue to find the non-romantic relationships - Kara/Cat, Kara/Alex, Superman/Martian Manhunter - more interesting. 

  • Love 3

Hmm, I did think Kara/James had potential at the start, they were sort of cute in an awkward "getting to know you way" But IMO it became clear that as Clark's "stand in" mentor they weren't really on the same level despite Kara's powers. Once Lucy arrived on the scene, even though Jimmy was ambivalent about her  you could see it was more a relationship of equals. And then there was the "Super Fetish" thing. The break up was definitely weird though. Jimmy had been so into Kara that he'd talked to Clark about it (and that's weird from Clark and Lois's perspective "I was dating your nearly sister in Law but I hope you're ok that I'm into your cousin!" And then it just ended. I don't think it was a racial thing or not *just* a racial thing but it seems that as soon as they got to the CW (where they have 3 shows already and presumably a lot more leeway) they dropped it like a hot potato even though it was clear it wasn't really working long before then. Was CBS really pushing it?

Winn was too much of a puppy in the beginning to be Serious Love Interest material but by the end of the season I could have bought it with a few tweaks I guess though I'm not particularly attached to the idea. There's always the possibility of Winn going all Toyman Jr in the future I guess but for now I guess he's in techie mode and not of interest to Kara.

I enjoyed her a lot with Barry but never gonna happen and I think they worked really well as "Superfriends". And Barry's already had Felicity pop by every so often, he doesn't need another awesome blonde popping by to "maybe" every crossover.

James was fine, probably the best, MB and husband being a rare couple who's chemistry actually translates naturally on to the screen but I doubt we'll see him again.

All Kara's most natural relationships have been with women, especially Alex, which is really nice to see. It's also not a surprise that the vast majority of SG fic is Kara/Cat. I don't think what they had was in the slightest bit romantic but the actresses definitely brought out a lot more complexity in their scenes together than any other.

I think the same thing is happening with Lena Luther. Katie McGrath can have chemistry with an orange (See: Morgana/Gwen in Merlin). I don't think the writers will go there but they might do the annoying "deliberately writing and then acknowledging the subtext hee hee", that's if the actors don't just run with the flat script and create it. There's a high chance of Lena going the way of her brother so I'm not sure the current dynamic as it stands will last for long but that doesn't mean it won't reform into something else.

On another note. I am definitely all for bisexual representation on TV but the (hot young female) alien who's species just happens to be pansexual so there can be one episode or a tiny arc of a F/F couple on a genre show is an annoying sub cliché of the "Lesbian for Sweeps/Kudos" storylines.

I can see why CL might enjoy getting her teeth stuck into being more than Kara's babysitter and a coming out storyline is often juicy and attention getting but I would prefer if Alex had comfortably known she liked women (as well?) all along and it had just never come up before.

Mon-El I actually found interesting despite his stupid name. His distain for Kara was hilarious and her furious "OMG! DAXAN!!" was like if a person from Earth was a refugee on another planet and found out a Nazi soldier was as well. But surprise, they have their own version of events as well. I wouldn't mind a potential romance at this stage as it would be interesting to see how two super powered beings handled it. It would solve any "Woman of Steel, Man of Kleenex" issues for sure, although Lois and Clark presumably manage. And two women might actually work out ok with that as well.

  • Love 3
34 minutes ago, stealinghome said:

I hear what you're saying, but (sadly, it shouldn't be this way) it's very different to have a bisexual character on your 9pm adult prestige drama than it is to have one on your 8pm "family friendly, aimed at preteen girls" fluff show. Just look at all the nasty comments on Chyler Leigh's recent Instagram pics with Floriana Lima.

Moving this here from the 2x03 thread - not sure if there is a more appropriate place for it?

Anyways, I actually went to check the instagram comments after seeing this post and I don't know why I was surprised, but I was. An example that I think illustrates the point being made above: "Just please don't cross the gf line. I think the #LBGT has plenty of rep in the adult shows. NO need to expose 11 yo girls and boys before their parents get a chance. It's not about what you all think is right,it's about what the parents want them to know and not know." That is actually one of the more rational negative comments (although I couldn't disagree more).

I feel like there are some people who are just annoyed that Alex wasn't made explicitly LGBTQ in season 1, and then there are people who are annoyed she might be LGBTQ at all. I think Alex asking Maggie to go out for drinks and then Alex's expression/reaction when Maggie said she had a date, both suggest that Alex at least knew she is not heterosexual, whether or not the viewers or other people in her life knew it. They could play it both ways. I would really like for them to have Alex having known all along, but I won't be crushed if they don't.

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I hope that she has known all along. She certainly must have a swift head rush as soon as they met if she hadn't figured it out because those were flat out looks of disappointment when Maggie revealed she had a date and then a girlfriend.

As for parents having the right to monitor what their kids are exposed to sure, but Winn having a quickie at work with his girlfriend was okay? Shirtless boys are ok but clothed girls who held hands in a not yet romantic way are causing panic? I'm willing to bet 11 year olds hear (and find on the internet despite any parental controls) a lot more graphic stuff at school from friends etc than a potential Alex/Maggie relationship, which will probably be fairly chaste because this show wasn't exactly steamy when it was on CBS either.

You know what was also on at 8pm in the 90's? Lois and Clark (also repeated several years later on Saturday mornings in the UK) and that show had some *really* steamy scenes with Lois and Clark (also Lois as a concubine of Kal's at one point), but that's ok for like 6 year old me to watch because they were straight.

I think Alex has probably always put relationships on a backburner because Kara was her priority and didn't have a romantic arc at all last season, any Maxwell Lord potential stopped as soon as it was clear he was gunning for Kara, so they do have a blanker slate than most characters to write it without the "big coming out moment" but those tend to be considered juicy scenes so I am expecting her to have to come out to someone (non Maggie who surely knows) even if it isn't news to Alex herself.

Edited by Featherhat
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