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S27.E12: We Got A Chance, Baby!

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Never has my hatred of one team-- or one person -- been strong enough to make me consider missing the finale, on the chance that I might have to see that person win. 100 minutes until showtime, and I'm thinking that tonight might be the night. I hate that guffawing green grinning goofball enough to make me change the channel and watch... what else is even on opposite TAR? I've never had cause to wonder...


P.S.-- My wife hates him even more than I do. She already took a week off, just because she needed a break.

Edited by Lakebum
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This is a really dangerous challenge I cant believe they have them going in a burning building. Is this fear factor or the amazing race?

Oh heck no Logan Chris tried to steal Kelsey and Joey's cab. that is not cool. I cannot stand Logan and Chris they better not win. Shut up Logan shut up Im sick of your voice

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Chris dropped the dummy on the ground and missed the gurney completely. Was he even aiming when he threw it down? Say what you will about Justin, but if it's between him and Chris, I'd rather have Justin rescue me from a burning building. He was fearless.

Edited by A Boston Gal
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YAY - definitely the best possible outcome!  But I have to say, I like Kelsey & Joey, but no way in HELL am I watching this season again.


Feel bad for Diana - classy in losing, too.  Justin?  Nope - no sympathy.  And guess what Justin - you didn't break, or even tie, the record for most 1st place wins.  


And y'know - outside the race, Chris and Logan might actually be... tolerable?  Like, they showed a glimmer of self-awareness at the end that certain others *cough*Justin*cough* do not?

Edited by DasFlavorPup
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I have been following this thread to see if it was safe to watch.

Yes, yes, yes! A thousand times yes!

May Justin be fed to the Sarlaac. Such a despicable human being. If he ends up on an Unfinished Business I vow not to watch that season. I truly hope that TPTB follow social media and see how much this man is greatly despised by most viewers.

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I love NYC cab drivers when you treat them like crap and then don't give him a tip.  Did you expect him to wait for you Justin?




The best possible outcome for 99% of the TAR fans.  Joey and Kelsey.. Yay

Edited by NYGirl
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So Justin is really the WORST superfan ever on this show.  


Kelsey and Joey, you fucking saved this season for me.  THANK JEEBUS!  MERRY KWANZAA TO US ALL!  


I did like that there were several memory challenges this time.  

Agree that more memory challenges is better. 


And I absolutely love that Justin's jerky behavior caught up with him.  They're in an isolated part of a place with famously cranky cab drivers and he gives a hard time to the cabby and stiffs him on the tip?  That's karma biting him back.


I have to say that hammering doesn't make the most exciting final task, and this episode's challenges were too linear, but for once I can't complain.

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What a boring and predictable season - that is, until this last episode - the one that ultimately matter.


I can't help but think that the eliminated racers are happy that crybaby Justin got what he deserved in the end - after his showboating all season.

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And the paparazzi are STILL arguing about the damn cab that wasn't theirs in the first place.


Can someone remind me of the rules?  You're not allowed to take someone else's cab, right?  I'm pretty sure I remember that from another season where someone forgot to ask their cabbie to stay.

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Oh my... show you do this to me every time!


But YAY!  Yay!  so glad Joey and Kelsey won!  Justin was still in his rare unlikeable form.  May be a good racer but doesn't mean he's likeable or tolerable.


I missed the very beginning (1st clue and airport/plane.  I definitely saw that Justin stiffed the cabbie  "no tip?"  It sounded like the cabbie didn't even want to stay around. THEN Justin trying to convince the 2 other cabbies (who I am guessing?? were J&K and L&C's cabbies).  One even said "I'm going home!".


  Yep Logan that was Joey & Kelsey's cab.  Pretty sure Chris was smart enough to not steal somebody's cab.  But neither of you smart enough to note down the order of countries visited!


Done in by a mistake JUSTIN did...and a crooked chair back.... what an end!


I can't help but think that the eliminated racers are happy that crybaby Justin got what he deserved in the end - after his showboating all season.


I saw a lot of 'polite' clapping when Justin & Diana ran up lol.

Edited by Ducky
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As soon as I realized that Kelsee and Joey had the only 'talking head' segments that were being shown, it was quite obvious they would be the winners. I call shame on the editors for that. Surely they could have danced around that to make it more suspenseful (I realize they couldn't use Justin's because of tears, but...).

That said, I liked the final leg design. Multiple memory challenges, physical tasks, and opportunities to catch up and fall behind. I admittedly was rooting for the green team, but am happy that Kelsee and Joey were able to win as well.

This season was overall good. The South America legs were kind of weak, but the challenge level picked up significantly once teams hit Europe. We really needed a driving let or three though. Guess Ford wasn't happy with any returns the sponsorship was generating.

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The only thing missing from the final mat was seeing the Texans high-fiving each other when Justin didn't win. HAHAHAHA!!

LMAO!  I bet they did but we didn't see it... they were the ones TAR showed as 'polite clapping' lol

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That was such sweet, sweet poetic justice! So happy that Kelsey and Joey finally won a leg when it counted most. And even happier that Justin lost because he was such an ass to the cab driver.


Also, I have never wanted anyone to shut up more than I wanted Logan to shut up when she was yelling at Chris about not stealing Kelsey and Joey's cab. I actually give Chris a huge amount of credit for now screaming at her to STFU.

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I haven't been this satisfied with a winning team since Uchenna and Joyce.


I was pleased when Amy and Maya won, because they seemed to me to be the most down-to-earth of the final four.  But I wouldn't have been upset if a couple of other teams had won that race -- they were still OK teams.  This season, if Justin had won I would have been massively upset, though not quite as much when Connor and Dave won getting an unfair break on the roadblocks and the Dad's unceasing whining about being old and hurting his Achilles Tendon the last time around.  Justin still didn't bug me as much as that guy.

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And once again, we see that the only leg that truly matters is the last one. Five second place finishes and it didn't matter because Kelsey and Joey won when it mattered the most. More importantly they prevented Justin from winning. I'm sorry, I don't mind confidence and I appreciate good racing but Justin was plain obnoxious. I liked Joey staying calm and saying to ignore Justin when Justin was yelling and being a tool at the final challenge.


Also, for someone who is such an expert at the show, I would think Justin would know that the final city being one the racer is comfortable with is usually bad luck. And Logan and Chris were dysfunctional right up to the end, including on the mat. The other teams' reactions to them were hilarious. And I laughed at one of the Texan guys' reaction to Justin basically saying the speech Phil gives at the end. It was a sort of, "he even knows the final speech too."

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