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S04.E10: We've Got Nothing But Love to Prove

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It's a big morning for Markus Keen when "Good Morning America" comes to Nashville to broadcast a live concert in support of his new album launch, but come show time, Markus finds he's anything but ready. Meanwhile, Luke's relationship with Colt continues to be strained while Luke learns of another setback to launching his brand. And living in the same house, but feeling further apart than ever, Rayna and Deacon face a big decision.




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Being a fan of Rayna and Deacon this promo is hard to watch. She seems to lean into the kiss and she definitely closes her eyes, which are not the actions of someone rejecting an advance. For me, everything rests on her reaction with this kiss. However, it's hard to see how she can react accordingly when we can clearly see her leaning in and closing her eyes - after all she can hardly act shocked and outraged if she is participating in the kiss. I don't want to imagine the worse, and I know I should wait until next week to see how it plays out before getting worked up, but if she just mildly rebukes him, then that's very bad on her part. How are we to believe that she truly loves Deacon (she told him how much this episode when she said, "I love you, I've loved you my whole life ... and there's nobody that's gonna come between us") if she is doing this? I just hope I am wrong, but I have a bad feeling about this, despite knowing they get married.

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Boy that was all tied neatly into a bow...no?


March 16?????  Holy crap that's so long away.  What the hell with these mid season finales???  Who came up with this.


I remember the days that there were 24 episodes of a show with reruns only in summer.  Now get off my lawn.


Poor Caleb..he had to know he was toast..  I loved all the "exes" getting together like that.  


I feel sorry for Luke :(  I don't like the way Colt treats him.  But..but..but..how many celebrities have had people close to them embezzle money from them?  We've heard of this many times.  It did nothing to their reputations.  Goodbye Gabriella!


The only thing we don't know about is Markus.  Should we worry over these 3 months???  That's longer than summer...this sucks.  I don't think he will cross my mind.


I'm mad..can you tell?

Edited by NYGirl
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Dang, with that arguing, I was really thinking Avery and Emily were going to hook up there for a minute.

I really loved the part where Will said he was getting drunk and needed one of them to drive him home and Scarlett, already halfway crawled into her cocktail glass, points at Gunnar.

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They're getting married on my birthday! Yay! I don't mind the hiatus too much, I like having the eps air consecutively.

Wonder what will happen with Markus? Surely Rayna has a contract of some kind that she can sue him over, and wouldn't she own the album? I don't want her to lose her label, but it doesn't look good.

In other news my local station cut off the bulk of the bridge conversation. Any idea where I can find it without having to download the whole show? I live in the boonies, out in low bandwidth nation, and that'd take all night.

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I really do not enjoy Deacon acting like a baby, and the show has him acting like that every 4 episodes, throwing a tantrum at someone.  So now Rayna's engaged to the baby.  Yay?


A genuine Yay for the four friends at the bar at the end.  Bring back Layla so she can join them for some fun and singing.  She's had enough agony lately.


Speaking of which, I miss slimy Jeff.


I foresee that Luke will have to make some public confession that he covered up the real cause of Jeff's death in order to win back Colt.

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Wonder what will happen with Markus? Surely Rayna has a contract of some kind that she can sue him over, and wouldn't she own the album? I don't want her to lose her label, but it doesn't look good.


I was wondering about that? How can he just decide to cancel the tour like that?  At least when Juliette left they made a point of saying she paid a penalty for it. And I know the guy is kind of crazy and self-absorbed, but Rayna really sucks at managing artists. Maybe she should step back from running the label and just do her own music again.


Luke's girlfriend is annoying. "I know I told you to force your son to lie, but it's your job to protect him so you shouldn't have listened?" WTF kind of logic is that?

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I think the writers recognize the show's imminent doom and decided to start tying bows. As romantic as I guess it was, that ending was so corny that I cringed a little bit.

I just find it crazy how the show sifted through so many things so fast in this episode. The writing just feels sloppy to me, and some of the scenes were not at the same caliber as in episodes past. I feel that even Connie is starting to slip.

It would be one thing if this show failed because people just didn't connect with the material, but in this case, it fails because it's trying too hard to do too much soap. People loved the premise of the show from the first season, and when they messed with that, they ruined it.

Hopefully we find out its cancelation status before May so the show can at least tie itself up.

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The logic of a bottom feeder? Even I felt bad for Luke tonight.

I think Rayna did a good job managing Markus, there wouldn't have been an album if she hadn't. But I think he was more into her than into changing his sound. Plus managing him is kind of like trying to nail jello to a tree ;)

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Tonight's episode of Nashville is brought to you by "Quit Being A Dick."


Luke's girlfriend is annoying. "I know I told you to force your son to lie, but it's your job to protect him so you shouldn't have listened?" WTF kind of logic is that?


Yeah, I lost whatever respect I had for Gabriella at that one.


I liked that Deacon finally copped to being a dick, and that Avery stopped being a dick in time to have some Wavery time with the Exes! Being hit on by creepy hypocritical bozos seems to do wonders, oddly, for Will's self-confidence. Though it's probably not doing his liver any favours. 


And since he never stopped being a self-adoring dick, I hope Dorkus is gone for good! I'm so thoroughly sick of his prima donna crap.


Deacon's not really going to have actual pews in the Church of Saint Beverly, is he? Lord.


And Doctor Latte needs a prescription for "Quit Being A Dick," stat!


The makers of "Quit Being A Dick" are proud to sponsor Luke Wheeler's upcoming "Broke-Ass & Guilty: The Apology Tour" (not affiliated with The Luke Wheeler Experience brand.) Coming soon to a grandparent's house, skate park, or other inexpensive venue near you!

Edited by Sandman
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If this "winter finale" rids us of Caleb, Marcus and Gabrielle, then I can live with a 3 month hiatus.

I'm kind of with Avery on the whole 'keeping the baby away from Juliette' thing. She left her crying in the crib, threw a snowglobe at him while he was holding her and walked out on them. She's either wasted, high, hiding, or watching her manager sail off balconies most of the time. And people are lecturing HIM about not being on board with this? A few weeks in detox and rehab aren't enough for him. And the cutest baby ever is really happy with her 3 dads and Emily.

Rayna and Deacon, finally! Now, as long as the wedding isn't a soapy Dynasty shoot out, I'm good. And can we say goodbye to the vanity label? And maybe burn down The Beverly? Please?

Who called it about big name country star being in the closet?

Colt was awesome telling Luke to go away.

ETA - the foursome of Avery, Will, Gunner, and Scarlett at the end? Perfection. I'd watch them in a spin-off.


ETAA - because "Snowglobe" is much different than "Snowthrower".  Don't type on a Kindle if you want to make sense... 

Edited by dbell1
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At last, some scraps for my Javery loving heart!  

Baby Kady knows her Mama's voice--Aww . . . .

Avery almost wept looking at the pictures of Juliette and the baby.  He still loves her!!!!!!!

When Juliette and Avery reunite, can Will and Gunnar move in with them?  Pretty please?  Scarlett, Emily, and Glenn are also more than welcome.  

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Man, the introduction of Cash/Jessy Schram, had to be one of the clunkiest introductions on this show.  She was just hanging around in the audience and Deacon was all "Oh, hi person we've never seen before, but is obviously going to be sticking around!  Why don't you hang with us?!" about it.  All that was missing was a big neon sign saying "Future Important Character!" in all of her scenes.  It's too bad since I like Jessy, but since it sounds like she's probably going to be focused on Maddie's "breakout", I'm not sure I'm going to be wild about her character.


So, Markus does try to make a move, and then when Rayna tells him no, he basically quits like a punk.  Jackass.  Now, Highway 65 is in trouble... again.  It's sad, because Rayna really isn't at fault for most of this stuff, but I just can't see why any artist would ever want to go near this label, because from an outside perspective, it has to look like that label is in chaos.


Yay, Caleb/Scarlett are finally dead!  That ship sailed a long time ago; they just didn't know it.  Loved her scene with the guys at the end.  It is fun with those four are actually getting along and not being all dramatic.


Props to everyone who called Wade being in the closet and trying to put the moves on Will.


Avery was being a jerk to poor Emily, but at least it led to the awesome moment of Will and Gunnar calling him out (not to mention Emily herself, later on.)  I especially loved Gunnar saying something along the lines like "You can't fire Emily!  She's Emily!"  It's like he doesn't want to be in a world where Emily isn't part of their life.  I'm with him on that.  That said, I might not like his attitude, but I can still see why he is concerned over Juliette and if he still trusts her.  I mean, I don't think she's as manipulative has he claims, but when he started explaining how she's pretty much been the past seasons, it's not like I can say he was inaccurate.  But I guess letting  her see their daughter under supervision is a decent step.


Luke really is rock bottom now, huh?  Lost a lot of money, lost his "brand", lost his girlfriend, and Colt still wants nothing to do with him.


Deacon continues to act like a jealous jerk, but finally realizes it and apologizes, before he finally proposes to Rayna.  I just hope their marriage will not be a trainwreck like Avery/Juliette was.


Jeff's death has apparently made me wary of any scenes involving roofs, because there was about three of them in this episode, and I kept waiting for someone to fall off of them.

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I love the Avery, Will and Gunnar friendship.



They're my favorite part of a show.  I really enjoyed the scene in the living room, trying to talk Avery down from the ledge, and then turning on him for sending Emily away. 

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In fairness, he's trying to lend it legitimacy as a listening room ala the Bluebird and the Ryman, both of which have pews.


That I did not know.


She's either wasted, high, hiding, or watching her manager sail off balconies most of the time.


"One time! That last one happened happened one time!" Hee.


Gunnar in parental mode with Cadence is adorable, especially in comparison with the mopey mess he made of it with Micah.

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So wait a minute...the whole point of Markus's character was to show Rayna and Deacon that they missed making music together and were drifting apart? When they lived in the same house, had (or almost had) hot sex every other episode, and spent more time together than they did in all of season two. And when they never once acted like they missed each other except for Deacon's throwaway line last week about when he'd get to see her. It couldn't have been about Rayna actually getting to be good at her job as label head for once in her damn life? And now she's back to her label being in the crapper?

The end was lovely because it was well-written and Connie and Chip are wonderful together, and of course not making music together should be an issue. That's one entire premise of the show, so way to remember your roots, Nashville. But seriously? There was no other way to tell that story except Rayna fails at her job AGAIN?? And she's not really even actively failing. It all just happens to her. What the hell?!

The Bluebird has pews? No kidding! I don't remember that, though it's been over a decade since I've been there. The Ryman totally does, though. I just figured that's what he was going for.

I loved Gunnar, Scarlett, Will, and Avery. Why can't we just focus on the original cast from here on out? They're all great! And yeah...do not even think about getting rid of Emily, Avery...or show.

Edited by madam magpie
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Markus is in breech of contract and she does own the album, which has already been released and gone platinum.

I'm not worried about her label. I think she's just panicking.

I am a little thrown that we actually got a happy ending for once, but I'm going to bask in it all I can.

I still can't believe the perfection of that entire bridge scene. THIS is why I still tune in. For all of the garbage, those quality moments that mimic (literally, apparently) season 1 and how great it was are still in there somewhere. Buried way down deep, but they're still there nonetheless.

Edited by airwair
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If this "winter finale" rids us of Caleb, Marcus and Gabrielle, then I can live with a 3 month hiatus.

Don't worry, I'm sure they'll quickly introduce 3 new random characters to cause trouble as soon as the show is back. I can't think of another show that introduces new characters and new problems, and then discards them, so quickly. Just this episode, Luke has a major tax problem, Caleb gets a job offer out-of-state, and Marcus quits his tour. This show makes my head hurt.


Who called it about big name country star being in the closet?

I think pretty much everyone.

ETA - the foursome of Avery, Will, Gunner, and Scarlett at the end? Perfection. I'd watch them in a spin-off.

I know, those few minutes were the highlight of the show! I was sorry it ended so quickly. I was hoping they'd get on stage and do an impromptu number. Why doesn't the show understand that we'd like to see these people having a little fun sometimes? It doesn't need to be one soapy crises after another all the time.

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Markus is in breech of contract and she does own the album, which has already been released and gone platinum.

I'm not worried about her label. I think she's just panicking.

I am a little thrown that we actually got a happy ending for once, but I'm going to bask in it all I can.

I still can't believe the perfection of that entire bridge scene. THIS is why I still tune in. For all of the garbage, those quality moments that mimic (literally, apparently) season 1 and how great it was are still in there somewhere. Buried way down deep, but they're still there nonetheless.

It's just so...I don't even know what to call it. It's not sexist because the show is doing it to both of them. It's not exactly a cliche because I don't know that I see this particular plot everywhere. But damn, it's kind of crap storytelling. Deacon NEVER gets to grow up and make good decisions on the first try, and Rayna NEVER gets to be good at her job. We've been watching this for 3+ whole seasons! At least they make out now, I guess, and we don't have to see Luke and Rayna in bed together. But still!

Don't get me wrong: Taken on its own, the bridge scene was great. It was a beautiful moment. I didn't even mind the cheesy "get down on one knee" thing that I normally hate. I was a little bummed that Deacon had to propose again, I really wanted Rayna to ask him, but whatever. It was really nice. But I mean, they couldn't have just gotten caught up in their jobs and missed each other over the last few episodes? Rayna had to fail, Deacon had to be a man-baby, and we had to sit through the ick that was Markus? Like...really?? Why do the writers hate us so much?

Edited by madam magpie
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She didn't fail. Markus failed. No one has said her label is dead except her.

I just can't be mad right now. About anything. This is probably the first happy ending of an episode in the history of the series. I'm going to ride that for a while.

Edited by airwair
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I just can't with Deacon and the anointing of St. Beverly. The woman was a horrible, horrible person. Sure, she finally did something decent and wound up dying. She was still a horrible person for all of those years. Has everyone forgotten that? She died. They all feel guilty. It sucks. Move the hell on, please. I do want to visit that bar, though. 


Why did we even have this mess with Markus? He's a whiny, creepy prima donna. Sue his ass off and good riddance, Rayna.


Speaking of a waste of time. So glad Caleb is gone. He could have been a good character if he hadn't turned into such a douchebag. We all knew he was just a place-holder for Gunnar anyway.


Are we supposed to feel sorry for Luke? Because... I don't. 


Who knew therapists made house calls to break patient confidentiality? HIPAA? What's that? And that crap she was spouting? Aww hell nah. Don't get me wrong, I am glad that Avery agreed to let Juliette see the baby for supervised visits. Mostly just because I want Avery and Juliette to figure their stuff out and be happy again.


Gunnar and the baby were adorable. Will is adorable. Avery is adorable. Even if he does cry more than the baby.


If Rayna and Deacon do finally get married it will either be because they know the show is going to get cancelled, or their limo from the reception is rigged with a bomb. It won't be because we are actually going to see them happily married for any length of time.


Can we please just have a show with the three men and Cady and Emily? Maybe Scarlett can visit once in awhile. I'm pretty much done with everyone else. 

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She didn't fail. Markus failed. No one has said her label is dead except her.

I just can't be mad right now. About anything. This is probably the first happy ending of an episode in the history of the series. I'm going to ride that for a while.

Bask in the glow of joy. For sure. I get that. Stop reading here...

Because she really does always fail. They're not personal failures like she's doing something wrong and all these people bail on her. But damn: Scarlett went crazy, Sadie shot her ex, Juliette became whatever drunk/addicted/PPD she became, Markus was an asshole who bailed because Rayna wouldn't sleep with him, and Layla's boyfriend/manager/weirdo relationship fell off a roof. And she was practically in tears begging Markus not to leave?? Fail! Not to mention that the whole series began with Rayna on the defensive because she was lagging in record sales. She's never once been allowed to be good at her job. Even when she won some CMAs, Luke ruined it by being a drunk jackass whom she kept dating. It's maddening, and that doesn't even take into account what they've done to Deacon.

Edited by madam magpie
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I so fondly remember season 1 Deacon who was confident and owned his shit. Miss that version. I'd like for him to have a personal win too. The Beverly is a good start even if the name sucks, but he deserves some success of his own and at least one fully happy day. It's like he's Pauline in "The Perils of..."

And Rayna deserves a big win too. All this stuff just keeps happening to her. I fully expect they'll be run over on the way to their honeymoon.

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I so fondly remember season 1 Deacon who was confident and owned his shit. Miss that version. I'd like for him to have a personal win too. The Beverly is a good start even if the name sucks, but he deserves some success of his own and at least one fully happy day. It's like he's Pauline in "The Perils of..."

And Rayna deserves a big win too. All this stuff just keeps happening to her. I fully expect they'll be run over on the way to their honeymoon.

Right?! And remember how Deacon was the best advice giver? He didn't bullshit Rayna and was pretty much the only one who didn't, except maybe Bucky. Where the hell did that guy go? Now he cries all the time and acts like Rayna is akin to breathing. I know he loves her; he's always loved her. But there was a time when he loved her with such confidence, and that was when she had another husband/fiance! Remember when he kissed her wrist and told her they were in love with each other? Or when he told her he just loved her, too bad, she'd have to deal? Now he's so scared of every little thing. Pull it together, man!

One thing I did find funny was when Rayna walked off after Markus kissed her on the roof, you could almost hear her thinking, "You frakkin dumbass douchemonkey. Now I have to tell Deacon about this. I was totally going to head home and get naked with my dreamboat. Way to ruin my night, ya buzz kill."

Edited by madam magpie
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Deacon's always throwing tantrums, I can't stand him. He goes from tantrum throwing with Scarlett to throwing tantrums with Rayna and she agrees to marry that? Their relationship isn't a plus to watch on this show.


I did love the ending 4-some scene with Gunner, Scarlette, Will and Avery. 

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They won't introduce another place-holder for Scarlett, I think. Gunnar will ditch Erin and that's it, they're getting back together. The rest of the show will be good to them, probably doing the Xth round of "flirting-their-asses-off-and-angsting-a-little-before-finally-kissing" only without the toxicity. If Juliette's coming back, she'll probably end up with Avery too, unless they give him as the grand prize to Layla. The only negative is that Layla Grant will be back to suck up a crap ton of screentime as in probably more than the other singers combined. Someone surely must love her.


Deacon and Rayna are getting married and that is their last hurrah. The show doesnt know how to write for happy couples so their presence and songs will dwindle into near non-existence. Case in point: Scarlett and Gunnar did not get to sing a single song together during all the episodes they were a couple. Rayna will get some screentime in order to kiss Layla's butt, and they will both get a little to argue with Maddie, but basically, nothing will be about them anymore.


They know they're getting cancelled. Time to at least attempt to save this charade.

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Well I'm certainly glad to see the end of Caleb, Markus, & Gabriella, I just wish they had taken Luke with them. This part of the season had really bad plot lines.


I'm kind of with Avery on the whole 'keeping the baby away from Juliette' thing. She left her crying in the crib, threw a snowblower at him while he was holding her and walked out on them. She's either wasted, high, hiding, or watching her manager sail off balconies most of the time. And people are lecturing HIM about not being on board with this? A few weeks in detox and rehab aren't enough for him. 

I'm completely with Avery on this. Juliette can't be trusted near the baby, even when she's at her best, all she cares about is her career. but it's going to be a long time before she's at her best again. And since when do therapists harass patient's relatives? You know that Juliette's next storyline is going to be her kidnapping the baby because Avery won't let her legally be the mommy again. 

I just can't with Deacon and the anointing of St. Beverly. The woman was a horrible, horrible person. Sure, she finally did something decent and wound up dying. She was still a horrible person for all of those years. Has everyone forgotten that? She died. They all feel guilty. It sucks. Move the hell on, please.

This is still driving me crazy, Beverly was a horrible, abusive mother, how do Scarlett & Deacon forget that? I certainly haven't.

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Can we please just have a show with the three men and Cady and Emily? Maybe Scarlett can visit once in awhile. I'm pretty much done with everyone else. 


IA, 3 men and a baby plus Emily has been the highlight of the season so far. Now if we could get Glenn back since it's been a while since we've seen him. Scarlett friendship with the guys is good so she can stay too.

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threw a snowblower at him while he was holding her

I think you meant "snow globe" but I knew what you meant. The blades on those things are sharp! 


I LOVED the scene in the bar with Will, Avery, Scarlette and Gunnar....They should all get tipsy and sing together sometime. Just seeing them all there having fun made me smile. 


Ugh, the girl with Maddie going to write music with her?  I hated it when Maddie was complaining about her sister...I understand it completely, but I still hated it. 

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A "snow globe" conjures a different image. That snow globe was a heavy object and if it had hit Cadence's head, she would have died.


Not too strange that they're never, ever going to bring that up again. They're just trying to make it out to be Avery-The-Jerk overreacting, and then we're supposed to feel sorry for St. Juliette after her Second Coming.

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Loved The Exes plus Will hanging out together! I like Emily and I like her dynamic with Avery, but there is so much more history between the three guys and Scarlett so it was nice to see the four of them together (and without a crying Cadence). I would totally watch a Three Men, a Little Lady, and a Lady Who Used to Dress Like a Granny spinoff.


I totally cracked up when Gunnar came home and the first thing he did was duck Will's hug so that he could see Cadence. But I also loved that Will more than made up for it later at the bar (and I love that Will is now fine with giving Gunnar a kiss on the face in public).


I know I'm supposed to feel sorry for Luke but I don't. I mean, in theory, I do because it sucks to have your kid refuse to talk to you, then to find out that your employee stole $40 million (!) from you and then to have your girlfriend quit, but I still don't give a crap about him. And I guess we're still pretending that Sage doesn't exist.


I'm so glad that Daphne didn't overhear what Maddie said to Cash about how it suuuuuuuucks to have a 12 year old sister who is bringing down your oh so mature musical sound.


Of course Markus decided to run off to LA like a total punkass after Rayna rejected him. Gawd. That is the kind of male entitlement that drives me crazy. Sorry, dude, Rayna doesn't owe you ANYTHING. The fact that he kissed her the day after she clearly told him that nothing was going to happen between them and Deacon was her guy just makes it that much more of a dick move.


Even without Juliette's drug/alcohol abuse and resulting temper/lack of control, she still has the potential to hurt Cadence without being physically violent. One of the most heartbreaking stories I heard from someone I know was about a kid who was raised by his grandparents. His mom had visitation rights so every Sunday, he would sit on the porch waiting for her to show up and she never came. Obviously Cadence is too young to understand "mommy is going to see you today" and any ensuing disappointment if Juliette doesn't show, but since Avery has been abandoned by Juliette more than once, I can understand him not wanting to put Cadence through that.


I don't deny that Juliette will always be her mother. That's true. And I agree with what Scarlett said about how no matter how bad it gets, you always want your mom. But I think that Avery paranoia came from a realistic place. Juliette abandoned her child (and that's after losing her temper and throwing that snow globe). She changed her phone number so Avery couldn't even contact her and he was reduced to going to Jeff Fordham to find her. She has a drug and alcohol problem. She is emotionally immature. She has shown herself to be unreliable to Avery and their daughter. She has repeatedly lied and manipulated others to get her way. Knowing all of that, it's not unreasonable for Avery to think that keeping Juliette away is what's best for Cadence.

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I'm surprised to see how much I like the "junior class" now. Gunnar coming in and going right for Cadence, even by-passing Will to do it, was adorable. Cadence has those boys wrapped around her finger.


Connie Britton's hair game was fierce in this episode.


As for Deacon's jealousy I just kept thinking, "Coach Taylor handled it a LOT better when someone kissed Tami."

Edited by marceline
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I completely understand why Avery would be extremely hesitant and even resistant to let Juliette see Cadence, but he is being written very inconsistently, just as Juliette was during the whole PPD story. Avery is the one from the very beginning who knew something more was going on than Juliette just being a terrible person. He got the doctor involved and staged the intervention to tell Juliette she was sick. Just a few episodes ago, he was running around Nashville telling anyone who would listen that Juliette needed help after she attacked a fan. Then his first reaction upon hearing that she is finally in treatment is to claim she is just manipulating everyone and then fire Emily for simply talking to her? This was before the therapist even came by and insinuated that Avery should let Juliette be in Cadence's life. His irrational reaction just seemed completely plot-driven. Then his about-face at the end of the episode was very abrupt. That didn't take much!  He changed his mind just in time for the end of the episode, like a classic 1990s sitcom. 

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I don't deny that Juliette will always be her mother. That's true. And I agree with what Scarlett said about how no matter how bad it gets, you always want your mom. But I think that Avery paranoia came from a realistic place. Juliette abandoned her child (and that's after losing her temper and throwing that snow globe). She changed her phone number so Avery couldn't even contact her and he was reduced to going to Jeff Fordham to find her. She has a drug and alcohol problem. She is emotionally immature. She has shown herself to be unreliable to Avery and their daughter. She has repeatedly lied and manipulated others to get her way. Knowing all of that, it's not unreasonable for Avery to think that keeping Juliette away is what's best for Cadence.


All of this!  Except the mom thing- but if I get into that it will get dark, so I am going to skip it! This is only a nighttime soap :)


This might be hitting a little to close to home for me- but we are in the process of adopting from the foster care system and many of things we have discussed with our social worker are legitimate fears Avery has.  I would be extremely weary if I were him...he does not have an obligation to Juliet at this point, his only obligation is to his child.  I don't blame him at all.  

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"Right?! And remember how Deacon was the best advice giver? He didn't bullshit Rayna and was pretty much the only one who didn't, except maybe Bucky. Where the hell did that guy go? Now he cries all the time and acts like Rayna is akin to breathing. I know he loves her; he's always loved her. But there was a time when he loved her with such confidence, and that was when she had another husband/fiance! Remember when he kissed her wrist and told her they were in love with each other? Or when he told her he just loved her, too bad, she'd have to deal? Now he's so scared of every little thing. Pull it together, man!"


Madam Magpie - Couldn't agree more with that. I'm fed up with the way they are writing Deacon as being an immature idiot, made to look pathetic with his petty jealousy.


This episode was crazy. Everyone breaking up, too many storylines, too many characters, too many short scenes unable to deliver meaningful dialogue. There must have been about 40 scenes all consisting of about 2 minutes long - head-spinning. Didn't particularly like the bridge scene - although loved that Rayna has Deacon's ring on her finger - but didn't think Deacon needed to propose (and not on one knee - hate that). Would have been better if he just pulled the ring out of his pocket and said, 'I've got you this.'  Thought it was contrived to repeat the 'what would you change' dialogue from episode 1. 


I can only imagine the wedding will be the same format, rushed scenes, probably a few minutes of Rayna and Deacon's marriage, in order to make room for everyone else's story to be crammed in.


But as a Rayna and Deacon fan, I'm glad the writers finally gave us their engagement, with a ring. (What happened to the first ring - I suppose it will never be mentioned again).


Liked that Maddie was smiling widely at Deacon when he was on stage - think the writers forgot for a minute that she was supposed to be angry/scared of him.

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